65 Lee v. Simando - A.C. No. 9537
65 Lee v. Simando - A.C. No. 9537
65 Lee v. Simando - A.C. No. 9537
Before us is a Petition for Disbarment 1 dated July 21, 2009 filed by Dr.
Teresita Lee (Dr. Lee) against respondent Atty. Amador L. Simando (Atty.
Simando) before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Commission on Bar
Discipline (IBP-CBD), docketed as CBD Case No. 09-2489, now A.C. No.
9537, for violation of the Code of Judicial Ethics of Lawyers.
The facts of the case, as culled from the records, are as follows:
Atty. Simando was the retained counsel of complainant Dr. Lee from
November 2004 until January 8, 2008, with a monthly retainer fee of Three
Thousand Pesos (Php3,000.00). 2
Sometime during the above-mentioned period, Atty. Simando went to
see Dr. Lee and asked if the latter could help a certain Felicito M. Mejorado
(Mejorado) for his needed funds. He claimed that Mejorado was then awaiting
the release of his claim for informer's reward from the Bureau of Customs.
Because Dr. Lee did not know Mejorado personally and she claimed to be not
in the business of lending money, the former initially refused to lend money.
But Atty. Simando allegedly persisted and assured her that Mejorado will pay
his obligation and will issue postdated checks and sign promissory notes. He
allegedly even offered to be the co-maker of Mejorado and assured her that
Mejorado's obligation will be paid when due. Atty. Simando was quoted
saying: "Ipapahamak ba kita, kliyente kita"; "Sigurado ito, kung gusto mo,
gagarantiyahan ko pa ito, at pipirma din ako"; "Isang buwan lang, at hindi
hihigit sa dalawang buwan ito, bayad ka na." 3 AIHDcC
Due to Atty. Simando's persistence, his daily calls and frequent visits to
convince Dr. Lee, the latter gave in to her lawyer's demands, and finally
agreed to give Mejorado sizeable amounts of money. Respondent acted as
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When the said obligation became due, despite Dr. Lee's repeated
demands, Mejorado failed and refused to comply with his obligation. Since
Atty. Simando was still her lawyer then, Dr. Lee instructed him to initiate legal
action against Mejorado. Atty. Simando said he would get in touch with
Mejorado and ask him to pay his obligation without having to resort to legal
action. However, even after several months, Mejorado still failed to pay Dr.
Lee, so she again asked Atty. Simando why no payment has been made yet.
Dr. Lee then reminded Atty. Simando that he was supposed to be the co-
maker of the obligation of Mejorado, to which he replied: "Di kasuhan din
ninyo ako!" 5
Despite complainant's repeated requests, respondent ignored her and
failed to bring legal actions against Mejorado. Thus, in January 2008,
complainant was forced to terminate her contract with Atty. Simando.
Subsequently, complainant's new lawyer, Atty. Gilbert Morandarte, sent
a demand letter dated June 13, 2008 to Atty. Simando in his capacity as the
co-maker of some of the loans of Mejorado.
In his Letter dated June 30, 2008, respondent denied his liability as a
co-maker and claimed that novation had occurred because complainant had
allegedly given additional loans to Mejorado without his knowledge. 6
Dr. Lee then accused Atty. Simando of violating the trust and
confidence which she gave upon him as her lawyer, and even took advantage
of their professional relationship in order to get a loan for his client. Worse,
when the said obligation became due, respondent was unwilling to help her to
favor Mejorado. Thus, the instant petition for disbarment against Atty.
Simando. ADECcI
Atty. Simando added that while Dr. Lee and Mejorado agreed that the
issued checks shall be presented to the bank only upon payment of his
informer's reward, Dr. Lee presented the checks to the bank despite being
aware that Mejorado's account had no funds for said checks. Atty. Simando
further denied that he refused to take legal action against Mejorado. He
claimed that complainant never instructed him to file legal action, since the
latter knew that Mejorado is obligated to pay only upon receipt of his
informer's reward.
Finally, Atty. Simando insisted that he did not violate their lawyer-client
relationship, since Dr. Lee voluntarily made the financial investment with
Mejorado and that he merely introduced complainant to Mejorado. He further
claimed that there is no conflict of interest because he is Mejorado's lawyer
relative to the latter's claim for informer's reward, and not Mejorado's lawyer
against Dr. Lee. He reiterated that there is no conflicting interest as there was
no case between Mejorado and Dr. Lee that he is handling for both of them. 15
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In her Reply dated October 30, 2009, Dr. Lee denied that what she
entered into was a mere investment. She insisted that she lent the money to
Mejorado and respondent, in his capacity as co-maker and the transaction
was actually a loan. 16 To prove her claim, Dr. Lee submitted the written loan
agreements/receipts which categorically stated that the money received was a
loan with due dates, signed by Mejorado and respondent as co-maker. 17 She
further claimed that she did not know Mejorado and it was respondent who
brought him to her and requested her to assist Mejorado by lending him
money as, in fact, respondent even vouched for Mejorado and agreed to sign
as co-maker.
Complainant further emphasized that what she was collecting is the
payment only of the loan amounting to One Million Four Hundred Thousand
Pesos (Php1,400,000.00) which respondent had signed as co-maker. Thus,
respondent's claim that his obligation was already extinguished by novation
holds no water, since what was being collected is merely his obligation
pertaining to the loan amounting to Php1,400,000.00 only, and nothing more.
Finally, complainant lamented that respondent, in his comments, even
divulged confidential informations he had acquired while he was still her
lawyer and even used it against her in the present case, thus, committing
another unethical conduct. She, therefore, maintained that respondent is
guilty of violating the lawyer-client confidentiality rule. HaEcAC
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after Mejorado receives the payment for his claim for reward which
complainant violated when she presented the checks for payment
prematurely. These actuations of Atty. Simando do not speak well of his
reputation as a lawyer. 22
Finally, we likewise find respondent guilty of violating Rule 21.01 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility. 23 In his last-ditch effort to impeach the
credibility of complainant, he divulged informations 24 which he acquired in
confidence during the existence of their lawyer-client relationship. HaECDI
1. Rollo, pp. 1-13.
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2. Id. at 2.
3. Id. at 2.
4. Id. at 3.
5. Id.
6. Id.
7. Id. at 14.
8. Id. at 26-40.
9. Id. at 28.
10. Id.
11. Id. at 30.
12. Id.
13. Id.
14. Id. at 29.
15. Id. at 33.
16. Id. at 123.
17. Id. at 135-137.
18. Id. at 184.
19. Josefina M. Aninon v. Atty. Clemencio Sabitsana, Jr., A.C. No. 5098,
April 11, 2012. (Emphasis supplied.)
20. Id.
21. Quiambao v. Atty. Bamba, A.C. No. 6708, August 25, 2005, 465 SCRA
1, 13.
22. Rollo, pp. 135-137.
23. Rule 21.01. — A lawyer shall not, to the disadvantage of his client, use
information acquired in the course of employment, nor shall he use the
same to his own advantage or that of a third person, unless the client with
full knowledge of the circumstances consents thereto.
24. Respondent's Answer dated September 17, 2009, rollo, pp. 30-31.
25. 135 Phil. 5, 9 (1968).
26. Heirs of Falame v. Atty. Baguio, A.C. No. 6876, March 7, 2008, 548
SCRA 1, 15.
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