The Future of Democracy in Pakistan Hopes and Hurdles CSS Essays

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The Future of Democracy in Pakistan Hopes and

Hurdles CSS Essays

Essay on democracy in Pakistan css forum essay writing service

 Introduction
 Factors Responsible for the Failure of Democratic System to take Stronghold in Pakistan
 Lack of professional integrity in the military
 Inseparable inter-mingling of religion and politics
 Prevalence of dynastic system in politics
 Anti-democratic behaviour of the ruling politicians
 Lack of character among the political leaders
 Absence of strong and vibrant accountability mechanism
 Erosion of rule of law
 Prevalence of feudalism
 Large-scale prevalence of social ills like poverty and illiteracy
 Foreign interference in the domestic matters of the country
 Prevalence of degenerated political values Appearance of some Developments indicating some
Semblance of Hope
 Hard-won freedom of media
 The emergence of judicial independence
 Awakening of civil society
 Rise of democracy – conscious intelligentsia
 Rapid growth of urbanization
 Appearance of professional approach on behalf of the military
 Further Measures to ensure Democratic Consolidation in the Country
 Massive investment in the education sector
 Initiation of development projects in poverty-stricken areas
 Political commitment on the part of politicians to promote true spirit of democracy
 Reforms in election commission to ensure free and fair election
 Strengthening security apparatus to give death blow to extremism and radicalization
 Promoting ruthless and indiscriminate accountability culture to ensure rule of law
 Eliminating irritants hindering gender parity
 Improving areas of basic service delivery to restore public faith in democratic system
 Conclusion

The future of democracy has been perhaps the most widely discussed topics in the intellectual circles of
Pakistan over the last couple of years. Despite the country entering 70th year of its independence, the
democratic system is still unable to take strong roots in the country. The country is still unable to enjoy
the dividends of democracy being enjoyed by the masses in the Western countries. Needless to say, this
inability is due to the fact that the socio-economic and political environment of the country is miserably
replete with many factors which have played overwhelming role in the failure of democracy to grow in
its true spirit, hence making the future of democracy in Pakistan bleak. The presence of irritants like
troubled civil-military relations, complex inter-mingling of religion and politics coupled with deep-
rooted religious extremism has contributed significantly to the weakening of the roots of democratic
system in the country. Prevalence of corrupt leadership, dynastic politics, rampant poverty, and
entrenched illiteracy has further added fuel to the fire as far as the evolution of democracy in the
country is concerned.

Undoubtedly, these factors have resulted in dismal deficit of democratic norms and values in the
society, which have, on one hand, nurtured the scourge of extremism to alarming extent; while on the
other, they have given rise to the erosion of pluralism and coexistence in the society, adding to the
miseries of ethnic and religious minorities. Besides, due to the weakening of democratic system, not
only have the internal divisions and splits in the society been accentuated, but the major 53 areas of
service delivery like education, health care, eradication of poverty and underdevelopment, employment
opportunities, personal security against the threats from state agencies and extremist groups, and civic
amenities are also in severe disrepair.

To be sure, the constant weakening of democratic system in the country is not an overnight
phenomenon. Instead, it is the upshot of a great deal of time. And, obviously, there are many factors
which have played significant role in destabilizing the democratic system in the country, hence making
its future bleak.

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The presence of strong military with the history of destabilizing the civilian governments in the past is
one of the dominant factors behind failure of democracy in the country. There is no denying the fact
that democracy cannot take roots in the country as far as military is obsessed with the desire to step
into the corridors of power to rule the country. Even a bird’s eye view of the history of Pakistan simply
reveals the fact that whenever some general is about to retire from his military job, he manipulates to
assume the ruling authority of the country by removing the democratically elected government from
the seat of power on the charges of corruption. The fact that four military coups have taken place gives
a great deal of strength to this view that military coup has become a routine rather than an anomaly in
Pakistan. This tradition of military coups gives courage to the military to destabilize the democratic set-
up in the country. There is no denying the fact that the conflict between strong military and weak
democratic set-up hangs like sword of Damocles’ on the political sphere. Hence, the possibility of
occurrence of military takeover any time in Pakistan poses a grave threat to the development of
Coupled with the threat of strong military, the inseparable mingling of religion and politics is one of the
dominant factors behind the weak growth of democracy in the country. The Pakistani state has mixed
religious beliefs and politics to such an extent that it has become impossible to separate the two.
Historically speaking, such mingling is the result of entrance of religious parties in the political arena
right after the inception of Pakistan. Now, the religious political parties have acquired such an
extraordinary clout and power in the political sphere that they have become a formidable challenge to
the non-religious political parties. These parties not only use sensitive religious issues for their own
political gains, but also patronize the religious and militant outfits. Because of these parties stronghold
in the political arena, radical clerics have become so strong that the government and the state
machinery seem helpless before them. The Faizabad sit-in is an obvious example in this regard.
Additionally, due to disastrous mingling of religion and politics, religious forces have got so powerful
that they have got superiority over parliament, resulting in the continued acceptance of their
interpretation of religion and the laws on religious and social issues. In fact, they have reduced the
space for any debate on these issues within and outside parliament. In this way, parliament has been
rendered so ineffective by the religious political parties and extremist groups that there is a dire need of
logical and rational debates on the major political and social issues facing the country. Briefly speaking,
weak and ineffective parliament coupled with mingling of religion and politics is a great hurdle to the
growth of democratic system in this country.

In addition to the mixing of religion and politics, rise of religious extremism equally poses a serious
threat to the development of democratic system in the country. Extremism is so entrenched in the
society that religious extremists blatantly commit acts of violence in the society. Suicide attacks on
public places, government security agencies, educational institutions and shrines are so common that
people have lost faith in government’s capacity to provide them security. It would not be wrong to say
that extremism has put the government’s credibility at stake, hence, jeopardizing the future of
democracy in the country.

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Another great hindrance to the development of the democracy is the prevalence of dynastic system in
the politics. Since the inception of Pakistan, the political culture has been the personal domain of
certain-well renowned families. They have never allowed any ordinary person to be part of their
political parties. Due to entrenched dynastic politics in the country, political parties have become
personal fiefdoms of the politicians who are obsessed with controlling everything from the top. There is
no denying that such anti-democratic trend is a symptom of monarchy rather than democracy. It has
not only marred the true spirit of democracy, but it is also a huge impediment to the development of
democratic institutions and values in the country Quite hand in hand with the dynastic political system,
the undemocratic behaviour of the politicians is also responsible for weak evolution of democratic
values in the country. It is a sad truth that the political leaders have miserably failed to promote the
values of democracy in true spirit. They rarely manifest the democratic values in management of the
affairs of the political system. In other words, there is an alarming dearth of democratic norms of
restraint, moderation and mutual accommodation through consultation in the prevailing political
system. Democracy only exists in slogans of the politicians who use democracy as a tool to perpetuate
their rule in the country, hence accentuating political status quo. Any challenge to their rule is described
by them as an anti-democratic behaviour. It is a fact that no political and constitutional system becomes
democratic only by labelling it democratic unless it is imbued with the spirit and essence of democratic
norms and values.

Aside from undemocratic behaviour, the politicians who dominate the political scene usually lack moral
character. They are just obsessed with the desire to have power. They never show such an attitude that
could be conducive to the growth of democratic institutions. They always adopt the façade of sincere
politicians before elections. They make sublime promises to the people of their constituency. However,
once they are elected, they come up with their true selfishly corrupt faces. They start to do corruption
on massive scale. Such sort of degenerated character of politicians gives an opportunity to the military
to step into the corridors of power by removing the elected government on the charges of corruption.
Needless to say, the presence of corrupt politicians is a huge threat to the evolution of democracy in the

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The fact that political environment is rife with corrupt politicians is further aggravated by the absence of
a strong and ruthless accountability culture in the country. There are no two opinions on the fact that
ruthless and indiscriminate accountability is a vibrant tool to ensure the supremacy of law. However,
Pakistan has not been fortunate enough to have such accountability mechanism. The accountability
culture is so weak that the accountability of rulers and their immediate families seems a figment of
imagination. Due to weak accountability, the members of the families of ruling politicians are seen
exploiting the official position of their parents or guardians to their financial and business benefit.
Needless to say, such trend has given a severe blow to the rule of law in the country, leading to the
erosion of public faith on the democratic system.

Deep-rooted feudalism is equally responsible for failure of democracy to take strong roots in the
country. Since its very inception, Pakistan has been suffering from the disease of feudalism. These
feudal, on one hand, contribute towards increase in the rate of poverty by keeping the people of their
areas in utterly hopeless conditions; while on the other, they crush the true spirit of democracy in the
pursuit of their unscrupulous desires. Feudalism is so ingrained in the society that it has abysmally
curtailed the likelihood of common man to enter the political arena. Resultantly, parliament is replete
with the feudal. They cannot be called true representatives of common people because considering
them representatives of common masses is synonymous with viewing wolves as representatives of
sheep. They have no concern for the interests of common masses but power. Briefly speaking,
feudalism is a great threat to the growth of democracy. So far as these feudal are present in the county,
democracy cannot grow in its true spirit.

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Social ills like illiteracy and poverty also contribute significantly to weakening democratic norms in the
country. No doubt, these evils have been sucking the blood of Pakistani society since the beginning of
Pakistan. These ills dominate the society to such an extent that majority of masses are trapped in the
net of poverty and illiteracy. There is no escaping the fact that the system of democracy relies heavily
on educated society for its proper evolution, where people perceive the worth of democratic values,
where people are aware of the real importance of elections. Unfortunately, in Pakistani society where
most of the masses are not sure if they would have two meals a day, it would be silly and illogical to
expect them to care for democratic values. Thus, it is really hard for the plant of democracy to grow
properly in presence of social diseases of poverty and illiteracy.
The role of the interference of foreign hands, especially the USA, cannot be denied as far as weakening
of democratic norms in the country is concerned. It has never given rise to such efforts that could prove
conducive for the growth of democracy in Pakistan. It has always been at the forefront to reinforce the
undemocratic elements in Pakistan, causing great damage to the development of democracy in the
country. If Pakistan has seen most of its period under the dictators, the role of the USA is also
undeniable in this regard. Dictators have remained recipients of huge amounts of American aid
throughout the history of the country.

In addition to foreign meddling, the fact that the political culture in Pakistan is imbued with
degenerated political norms has also exacerbated the scenario with respect to growth of democracy in
the country. Diseased traditions like horse-trading, floor crossing, nasty opposition, haughty attitudes
and political intolerance dominate the political culture. In truly democratic countries, opposition plays a
healthy role to promote democratic values. It never hesitates to appreciate those policies of the ruling
party which ensure national integrity or promote public welfare. But unfortunately, the opposition in
Pakistan is bent on criticizing the policies of the government, no matter how constructive they are. In
the presence of such diseased political norms, democratic values cannot be propagated on proper lines.

Although the abovementioned factors have made the prospects of democracy highly bleak in the
country, but there have emerged some optimistic trends over the last couple of years, which provide a
ray of hope with respect to the future of democracy in the country. It would be quite appropriate to
take into account these trends in order to have a better view of the scenario.

Most important of such trends is the emergence of free media in the country. Needless to say, the
freedom of media is linked with the growth of democracy. Both depend on each other for their healthy
growth. Not only has media won its freedom, but it also has realized its true rule to promote the true
spirit of democracy in Pakistan. The active participation of media in the political culture of the country is
also favourable for the evolution of democracy in its true spirit.

Not only has media won its freedom, so has done the judiciary. In the past, the judiciary was always led
by dictatorial regimes as a tool to legitimate their rule. They used it as a puppet to serve their
undemocratic designs. But now the situation has changed altogether. After a long period of drowsiness,
judiciary has at last awakened to play its true rule. It has resolved not to allow any steps which could
mar its independent spirit. The Supreme Court is often seen taking suo motu notice of different issues
arising due to the negligence of the government. Above all, the removal of Nawaz Sharif from the office
in the wake of Panama Leaks by the apex court is a sign of independence of judiciary in the country.
Undoubtedly, this sign will go a long way to promote the development of democracy in this country.
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Recently, it has been seen that the civil society has also raised its voice in favour of democracy. Lawyers,
doctors and different social organisations, and human rights, activists are usually seen protesting
against the undemocratic behaviour of the government. Lawyers’ movement for the independence of
judiciary some years ago is, no doubt, an indication of emergence of civil society. Thus, the awakening
of the civil society is a healthy sign which is quite conducive to the development of democracy in this

There has also been seen a massive change in the attitude of intelligentsia. They are no longer willing to
welcome undemocratic regime. The columnists, writers, etc. have come to the forefront in order to
maximize the elements which can contribute greatly to making the prospects of democratic system
bright in this country. To be sure, the role of integentsia in the formulation of the public opinion cannot
be denied. Change in the patience of intelligentsia means change in public opinion. No doubt, such
change will lead to the creation of environment quite productive for the growth of democracy.

The rapid growth of urbanization is equally a healthy change. Urbanization and awareness of democracy
mostly run parallel to each other. Rapid growth in urbanization anses to rapid increase in the awareness
of democratic system. With increase in urbanization, there will be increase in the employment
opportunities, media access and her rights awareness. This all will create an environment quite
conducive to the greit of democracy. Last but not the least, emergence of professional approach on
behalf of the military is an indication of bright change in military’s approach towards politics.
Recognizing its parameters, military has decided to promote the democratic system. Military’s
comitment to eliminate the militant outfits, and appearance of current army chief in the Serate to brief
the senators about the development of ongoing security operations in the coentry are the signs which
point to the bright future of democracy in Pakistan.

All the discussion drives us to the conclusion that despite the lapse of seven decades, the democratic
system has failed to take strong roots in the country. Its evolution has been jeopardized by many
factors. Most prominent among them are strained civilmilitary relations, complex inter-mingling of
religion and politics along with presence of deep-rooted religious extremism, rampant poverty and
illiteracy, lack of integrity among the politicians and the dynastic political system. Needless to say, these
factors have made the country falter on road to viable democracy and sustained political development.
However, the situation is not out of control yet. If measures like massive investment in the education
sector, initiation of development projects in the poverty-stricken areas, elimination of irritants hindering
gender parity in the society, and above all unflinching political commitment on the part of politicians to
promote democratic norms and practices in the country coupled with the promotion of ruthless and
non-selective accountability culture reinforcing rule of law are taken with dedication, undoubtedly they
will go a long way to make Pakistan a successful democratic country in the world.

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