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Abruptio Placenta: A retrospective analysis in a tertiary

hospital, Sagamu, Nigeria
Adebayo A Akadri, Kehinde M Ogunsowo1, Oluseyi I Odelola1
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria

Context: Abruptio placenta is an important contributor to perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. Although
the primary etiology remains unknown, there are many associated risk factors, some of which are preventable or treatable.
Aim: To determine the prevalence, sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors, and feto‑maternal outcome of abruptio
placenta in Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital Sagamu.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study involving all pregnant women who had abruptio placenta from
January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2016. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors, and fetal and maternal
morbidity and mortality were extracted from patients’ case notes for analysis.
Results: The mean age of the subjects was 33.4 ± 6.3 years. The prevalence of abruptio placenta was 1.03%. Hypertensive
disorder was the most important risk factor, seen in 53.1% of the subjects. Birth asphyxia was the major perinatal morbidity
and was found in 42.9% of the babies, whereas 46.9% were still births. The caesarean section rate was 63.3%. Forty
subjects (81.6%) had blood transfusion, 17 subjects (34.7%) had postpartum hemorrhage, and 40.8% had postpartum
anemia. There were two maternal deaths giving a case‑specific fatality rate of 4.1%.
Conclusion: Abruptio placenta is an important pregnancy complication in Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital
Sagamu, Nigeria. Good antenatal care services will enable caregivers to identify women at risk who may benefit from targeted
management aimed at reducing the adverse outcomes associated with the condition.

Key words: Abruptio placenta; feto‑maternal outcome; prevalence; risk factors.

Introduction degree of blood loss does not correlate with maternal vital
signs and also has been noted to have higher fetal death
Abruptio placenta is the partial or total separation of a
compared to the revealed type.[4] Some of the predisposing
normally situated placenta after the age of viability and
factors to abruptio placenta include hypertensive disorders
before the delivery of the fetus.[1] It occurs in about 0.6%–1%
of pregnancy, multiparity, young women (<20 years),
of pregnancies.[2,3] Abruptio placenta is one of the major
advanced maternal age (>35 years), previous episode
causes of antepartum hemorrhage and is associated with
of abruptio placenta, uterine overdistension (multiple
serious obstetrics complications with attendant increased
risks of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality.[4] Address for correspondence: Dr. Adebayo A Akadri,
The hemorrhage may be concealed, revealed, or mixed type. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Babcock University,
Ilishan‑Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
The concealed type is particularly dangerous because the E‑mail: bayoakadri@yahoo.com

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Quick Response Code Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix,
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How to cite this article: Akadri AA, Ogunsowo KM, Odelola OI. Abruptio
10.4103/TJOG.TJOG_14_18 Placenta: A retrospective analysis in a tertiary hospital, Sagamu, Nigeria.
Trop J Obstet Gynaecol 2018;35:142-6.

142 © 2018 Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Akadri, et al.: Abruptio placenta in Sagamu

pregnancy, polyhydramnios), cigarette smoking, cocaine Measures that are useful in managing these complications
use, uterine anomalies, retroplacental uterine leiomyoma, are transfusion with fresh whole blood, fresh frozen plasma,
blunt abdominal trauma, premature rupture of membrane, and cryoprecipitate.[13] Emergency hysterectomy could be
thrombophilic disorder, and short umbilical cord.[2,5] indicated in intractable postpartum hemorrhage. Abruptio
placenta is associated with a high fetal morbidity and
The clinical features at presentation depend on the degree perinatal mortality.[14,15] This is often related to the severity
of placental separation and amount of vaginal bleeding. of the abruption, misdiagnosis, and delay in instituting
The most common presentations are vaginal bleeding and treatment.[16]
abdominal pain. Others include uterine and abdominal
tenderness, preterm labor, evidence of hemodynamic There are no published data on abruptio placenta in Sagamu,
instability, fetal distress, and fetal death.[1,5] The diagnosis Ogun State. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the
of abruptio placenta is largely clinical but ultrasound prevalence, sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors,
can be used to exclude placenta praevia.[6] Ultrasound is and feto‑maternal outcome of abruptio placenta in Olabisi
relatively insensitive for diagnosis.[3,7] This is partly because Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital Sagamu.
a retroplacental hematoma is sometimes isoechoic to
the placenta on ultrasonography.[8] The ultrasonographic Materials and Methods
appearance of abruptio placenta is dependent on the size,
Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital commenced
location of the bleed, and the time interval between the
operation in 1986. It is a 300‑bedded tertiary hospital located
abruption and when ultrasonography was performed. [8]
in Sagamu, a Semi-urban town in Ogun State, South Western
Diagnosis is confirmed at delivery by direct visualization of
Nigeria. This was a retrospective study involving all pregnant
retroplacental clots and indentation of the maternal surface
women who had abruptio placenta from January 1, 2012, to
of the placenta.
December 31, 2016. The source of the data was patients’ case
files retrieved from the central medical records department.
Abruptio placenta can be classified as asymptomatic, mild,
moderate, and severe depending on the degree of placenta
The following information were extracted: age, parity, marital
separation, amount of hemorrhage, evidence of coagulopathy,
status, educational status, booking status, risk factors for
and clinical status of the fetus and mother.
abruptio placenta, management options (vaginal deliveries,
caesarean section, and conservative management), and fetal
The management of abruptio placenta entails assessing
and maternal morbidity and mortality. Data analysis was done
the patient’s clinical status, amount of blood loss, fetal
using IBM‑SPSS Statistics for Windows version 21.0 (IBM Corp,
maturity, whether the patient is in labor or not, presence
Armonk, NY, USA). Categorical variables were summarized
of any complication, and the grade of placenta abruption.
using frequencies and percentages, whereas mean and
Immediate delivery either through the vagina or by caesarean
standard deviation were used for continuous variables.
section is the usual option of management in most cases of
abruptio placenta. The route of delivery is dictated by severity
of abruptio placenta, fetal condition, state of the cervix,
and severity of bleeding.[9] Expectant management is rarely Of a total of 5,124 deliveries during the period of review,
used in abruption placenta unless in carefully selected cases there were 53 cases of abruptio placenta giving a prevalence
where bleeding is slight and has stopped, fetus is alive with of 1.03%. Due to incomplete data in some of the case notes,
reactive cardiotocograph, and remote from term.[10] The goal a total of 49 cases (92.4%) were analyzable.
of the management is to prolong the pregnancy with hope of
improving fetal maturity and survival. Continuous electronic Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of the
fetal monitoring is maintained and the patient should be subjects. The mean age of the subjects was 33.4 ± 6.3 years
observed in labor ward for 24–48 h to ensure no further with a age range of 16–48 years. The majority (28; 57.1%)
placental separation occurred.[10] In this instance, serial were in the 30–39 years age group, whereas 2 (4.1%) were less
hematological profile, coagulation profile, and ultrasound than 20 years of age. Two subjects (4.1%) were nulliparous,
scan will be essential. whereas 36 subjects (73.5%) had parity of three and above.
In all, 31 subjects (63.3%) presented before term, whereas
Some major maternal complications associated with 18 (36.7%) presented at term. The majority of the subjects (43;
abruptio placenta include hemorrhage, shock, disseminated 87.8%) had at least primary level of education. A total of
intravascular coagulopathy, acute kidney injury, and 41 subjects (83.7%) were unbooked whereas only 8 (16.3%)
postpartum hemorrhage.[2,11,12] subjects were booked.
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Volume 35 / Issue 2 / May‑August 2018 143
Akadri, et al.: Abruptio placenta in Sagamu

Table 2 depicts the risk factors associated with abruptio early neonatal death. Birth asphyxia was the major perinatal
placenta. Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy was seen morbidity and was found in 21 (42.9%) of the babies.
in 26 (53.1%) subjects, 8 (16.3%) subjects had multiple
pregnancies, while smoking was found in only 1 (2%) subject. Maternal complications are shown in Table 4. Forty
subjects (81.6%) had bleeding severe enough to require
A total of 26 subjects (53.1%) were in established labor at blood transfusion. Twenty subjects (40.8%) had postpartum
presentation. Vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain were anemia, 17 subjects (34.7%) had postpartum hemorrhage, 2
the major presenting complaints in almost all the patients. subjects (4.1%) had coagulation disorder, and 4 subjects (8.2%)
Eleven subjects (23%) presented with hemorrhagic shock; had caesarean hysterectomy. Maternal mortality was recorded
31 subjects (63.3%) had emergency caesarean section. Most in two (4.1%) of the subjects. Both deaths were due to severe
of the caesarean sections were done on account of abruptio anemia and irreversible shock.
placenta with live fetus. Sixteen subjects (32.6%) had vaginal
delivery, whereas only 2 subjects (4.1%) were managed Discussion
conservatively. The mean weight of retroplacental clot
measured at delivery was 305.6 ± 15.2 g. Abruptio placenta is an important pregnancy complication
associated with high fetal and maternal morbidity. The
The fetal morbidities associated with abruptio placenta incidence of abruptio placenta in this study was 1.03% and
are depicted in Table 3. There were 26 live births (53.1%) this is similar to estimates from other studies.[2,3,12,13] About
and 23 still births (46.9%). Six of the 26 live births suffered 75% of the subjects with abruptio placenta were above
30 years of age and had parity of three and above. Advanced
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of pregnancies maternal age and high parity are well‑documented risk
complicated with abruptio placenta factors for abruptio placenta.[6,14,17‑19] The majority of patients
Characteristics Frequency Percentage with abruptio placenta were unbooked. A similar result was
Age (years) reported in Kano, Northern Nigeria.[19] The association of
<20 2 4.1 abruptio placenta with hypertension was demonstrated in
20‑30 11 22.5 this study. More than half of patients with abruptio placenta
30‑39 28 57.1 had hypertensive disorder in index pregnancy. Similar findings
>40 8 16.3 were also reported in other studies.[11,12,16] Since most of the
patients in this study were unbooked, they could not have
0 2 4.1
benefitted from management of their hypertensive disorder.
1 5 10.2
2 6 12.2
Some authors have connected low socioeconomic status
3 18 36.7 to lack of antenatal booking.[19] Such women may also be
>4 18 36.7
Level of education Table 3: Fetal complications associated with abruptio placenta
None 6 12.2 Complications Frequency Percentage
Primary 18 36.7 Mild birth asphyxia 9 18.4
Secondary 15 30.6 Moderate birth asphyxia 7 14.3
Tertiary 10 20.4 Severe birth asphyxia 5 10.2
Booking status Anemia 2 4.1
Booked 8 16.3 Neonatal admission 23 46.9
Unbooked 41 83.7 Still births 23 46.9
Gestational age
<37 31 63.3
Table 4: Maternal complications associated with abruptio
≥37 18 36.7
Complications Frequency Percentage
Table 2: Risk factors for abruptio placenta Blood transfusion 40 81.6
Factors Frequency Percentage Postpartum anemia 20 40.8
Hypertensive disorders 26 53.1 Postpartum Haemorrhage 17 34.7
Multiple pregnancy 8 16.3 Acute renal failure 6 12.2
Polyhydraminos 6 12.2 Puerperal pyrexia 6 12.2
Trauma 4 8.2 Caesarean hysterectomy 4 8.2
Previous abruptio placentae 4 8.2 Coagulation disorder 2 4.1
Smoking 1 2.0 Maternal mortality 2 4.1

144 Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Volume 35 / Issue 2 / May‑August 2018
Akadri, et al.: Abruptio placenta in Sagamu

poorly educated and likely seek care from traditional birth Good antenatal care services will enable caregivers to
attendants who will not check their blood pressure. Lack of identify women with this important risk factor for targeted
antenatal care and low socioeconomic status of pregnant management. More importantly, early referral of identified
women are often associated with anemia and other untreated cases to well‑equipped institutions with qualified personnel,
medical conditions such as hypertension in pregnancy.[15] This efficient blood banking system, and good neonatal services
highlights the deleterious effects that poverty, ignorance, is invaluable in reducing the adverse outcomes of abruptio
and low social status of women have on their obstetric placenta.
performance. Multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, trauma,
and cigarette smoking are also recognized risk factors for Financial support and sponsorship
abruptio placenta in this study. This is also in tandem with Nil.
other studies.[2,4,12,13]
Conflicts of interest
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