Salient Features
Salient Features
Salient Features
1. Introduction:
The constitution of 1973 of Pakistan was adopted on April 12, 1973. this constitution fully
represent the ideology and democratic aspiration of the people of Pakistan and constitution is
the supreme law of the land it is considered as an instrument by which a gov't can be run. it
replaces the basic laws of the state. it determines the traits of the federal and provincial gov't is
constitution is frderal cum parliamentary in its characteristics.
(i) Preamble:
Preamble means an introductory part of statue. it is not the part of the constitution. it is
stated in it that sovereignty over entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah.
The constitution of 1973 provide federal from of government consisting of four provinces of
the central government of Pakistan.
The federal legislature is bi-cameral consisting two houses. senate the upper house and national
Assembly the lower house.
Parliamentary from of government has been provided for the government in the constitution.
The constitution guarantess fundamental rights. the fundamental right cannot be suspended
without applying constitonal methods such can be enforced by the courts.
Method of Direct election has been adopted in the constitution of 1973. the election of
natioonal Assembly and provincial Adssemblies shall be held directly.
(viii) Independence of Judiciary:
An independence Judiciary has been provided in the constitution of 1973. Judiciary safeguards
the fundamental rights of the people of Pakistan.
Every citizen shall have the protection of law and shall not treated otherwise than in accordance
with law.
In accordance with article 251 of the present constitution Urdu has been declared as national
language of Pakistan but the official language is English.
The constitution of 1973 provides system of check and balance in the country.
(xv)Written Constitution:
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 is in written from and contained 280 clause and six schedules.
The president of Pakistan is authorized to order for holding a referendum on any issue of
national importance.
The provinces of Pakistan enjoy full freedom under 1973 constitution. a province may initiate
legislation on any common subject.
The abrogation of the constitution through unconstitutional means is a high treason. it can not
be abrogated by the use of force.
3. Conclusion:
To conclude, i can say that the constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan 1973 is democratic,
parliamentary with bicameral legislature. it is the constituotin of Elected people. all major
political parties of Pakistan unanimosly accpted it.