SHPT+PHASE+1 0+pdf
SHPT+PHASE+1 0+pdf
SHPT+PHASE+1 0+pdf
You simply cannot out train a bad diet, everything you eat over the next
12 weeks needs to be considered to acheive the best results possible.
In phase 1 you will learn the basic info to get you started, read it through
a few times so you have a solid understanding of why I will be telling you
to eat certian food groups.
In phase one you’ll be introduced to the very basics of how I coach fat loss. The start of the plan will
see you going straight into a very low carb phase (but not low calorie).
Phase one is all about re-sensitising your cells, so they can handle carbohydrates more efficiently
by improving your insulin senstivity.
Insulin sensitivity is one of the key ingredients to achieving an optimal body composition. It’s actu-
ally a topic that very few coaches discuss with their clients, especially when they start out on their
fat loss journey. People who are insulin sensitive, develop more lean muscle tissue and drop a lot
more body fat than those who are insulin resistant
By starting the programme with a period of low carb eating we give your cells and pancrease a rest
from the production of insilin. This will allow your body to use up a lot of its stored glucose and will
prime your body to use fat as a primary fuel source. Starchy carbohydrates do have their place in fat
loss but you must use them at the right times of the day like around exercise. A good saying that I
once heard is that you must earn your carbs!!
What is Insulin?
Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas—an organ that sits behind the stomach—pri-
marily after you eat carbohydrates, but also in response to other foods such as whey protein.
When you eat carbs and they are absorbed into the bloodstream, they elevate your blood sugar (also
called blood glucose), which the pancreas detects. The pancreas secretes insulin in order to help
the body process the blood glucose.
In a healthy body, the insulin binds with receptors on your cells. When a cell has insulin attached to
it via the receptor, the cell activates other receptors (that act like messengers) to absorb the glucose
from the blood stream into the cell to be used for energy.
Insulin resistance occurs when your cells are less affected by insulin and the receptors don’t prop-
erly bind with the insulin. Insulin resistance is as if you have locks on the door to your cells. In a
healthy body, the insulin is similar to a “key” that opens the door of the cell so that the glucose (from
carbs you have eaten) can move from your blood into your cells where it is either burned or stored.
If your body is very insulin sensitive and you eat foods that manage insulin secretion, your body will
work like a well-oiled machine and the whole process will be very efficient. But, if your cells become
resistant to insulin, the pancreas will secrete more and more insulin because of the continued pres-
ence of glucose in the blood. The pancreas will think more “keys” are needed to open the door to the
This will lead to high levels of insulin and glucose circulating, but none of either are going where
they are supposed to in the body. You will often have low energy levels because your cells are not
getting the fuel they need and many other processes in the body will be negatively affected.
Insulin resistance will ultimately turn into type 2 diabetes and will affect most, if not all, aspects of
health. The primary areas are body composition including belly fat gain, cardiovascular health, and
hormone health.
Cortisol is a stress hormone secreted by the adrenal gland. In some cases you need cortisol, but in
most you don’t. Understanding this distinction can set you on your way to a leaner, happier life.
When you are under stress, both physical and psychological, the body secretes cortisol, and one of
its primary functions is to convert the amino acids in the muscles into glucose to give the body the
extra energy it needs to overcome the stress.
In past times, before stress became an everyday, all day occurrence, it was usually a result of hun-
ger, starvation, or being attacked by a predator. The elevation in cortisol helped to give you the en-
ergy you needed to survive food shortages or to escape a life-threatening danger.
However, when cortisol is chronically elevated, it makes your body think it needs to store fat around
the waist so that it will have a great source of easily accessible energy in anticipation of more in-
tense stress. This is the reason that if you are chronically stressed, you may not be able to lose fat
even if you are doing everything right training- and diet-wise.
Although cortisol helps you stay alive and survive truly life threatening situations, it can be a real
problem for your overall well-being if you are worrying about the small stuff all time. Aside from
managing stress better, a few dietary strategies to reduce chronically elevated cortisol include the
2) Take vitamin C post-workout or after a stressful experience—it’s been shown to help clear
3) Avoid caffeine and alcohol during stressful times and especially after training.
Without a diet rich in essential amino acids, we would cease to function. Your body needs proteins
and amino acids to produce important molecules in your body like enzymes, hormones, neurotrans-
mitters, and antibodies. If you do not have adequate protein intake, your body can’t function prop-
erly. Protein helps replace worn out cells, transports various substances throughout the body, and
aids in growth and repair. You need adequate muscle to be strong and help develop muscle tissue.
Low protein diets only cause muscle mass to drop, which will negatively affect your body composi-
tion and success on this plan.
The body has the ability to make 12 amino acids called non-essential amino acids but eight amino
acids can only be supplied by diet. These are called essential amino acids. As some of these amino
acids are lost every day, theymust be replaced. This is achieved by making sure you consume protein
at regular intervals throughout the day. Consuming protein also increases levels of the hormone
glucagon, and glucagon can help to control body fat levels. Glucagon is released when blood sugar
levels go down. This causes the liver to break down stored glycogen into glucose for your body to
Fatty protein meals – These are meats/fish where there is fat contained in the protein source. If
you have a fatty meat/fish in a meal, please be aware of the fat content of the meat/fish (listed in
the food charts in your Excel programme). If it is suggested for you to have 30 grams of protein and
20 grams of added fat, just check how much fat is actually in the meat/ fish portion that you have
chosen. Where salmon is listed you can see how high its fat content is, so you wouldn’t need to add
more fat to that meal.
» It provides two essential fatty acids that the body cannot make, these are linoleic acid (an omega
6 fatty acid) and linolenic (an omega 3 fatty acid)
One of the reasons that omega 3 fats (ALA, DHA, EPA) are so important is that they help keep your
cells more fluid. If the cell membranes are more fluid, it increases insulin sensitivity and fat loss. It’s
very important that you appreciate a good balance of essential fats across your diet.
Carbohydrates are all about energy, and supplying your body with a readily available and easily
usable form of it. You will find many advocates of a low-carb diet proposing very high protein and fat
contents, with marginal if any carbohydrates involved. I find these diets very short-term solutions,
which are not overly healthy or sustainable in the long term. Also, it is often seen that those following
a low carbohydrate diet have very low energy levels, and this can impact your training intensity, and
therefore your results.
Like calories, all carbohydrates are not created equal either, with slower releasing, more fibrous
carbohydrates being better suited in your body, than say a fast acting, simple sugar. These fast acting
sugars have a strong impact on your body’s hormonal response, increasing insulin production, and
playing havoc with your energy levels. That is why these are generally best avoided, with a lower
glycaemic carbohydrate (such as rice, sweet potato or oats) preferred.
Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can lead to many symptoms such as acne, dry skin, dry mouth,
puffy skin, tingling hands/feet, brittle/thin nails and many more.
Vitamins are essential for our normal physiological functions such as growth, reproduction and liver
Minerals serve as building blocks for our body structures. They form the foundation of our teeth, bones
and help construct our cells and enzymes.
Phytochemicals have been shown in research to help protect us from disease. Examples of these are
resveratrol found in grapes, lutein in spinach and lycopene in tomatoes
Consuming high levels of vegetables is associated with a lower incidence of diseases such as:
» Cardiovascular disease
» Colon cancer
» High blood cholesterol
» High blood pressure
» Prostate cancer
» Type 2 diabetes
» Obesity
» Stroke
» Eye disease
» Asthma
» Breast cancer
» Lung cancer
» Lymphoma
» Osteoporosis
» Ovarian cancer
» Pancreatic cancer » Thyroid cancer
When preparing your meals, you can use many herbs and spices to flavour your meat and fish. Be
adventurous, learn recipes and don’t cook bland and plain food.
We personally like:
» Dill
» Sea salt
» Black pepper
» Rosemary
» Sweet smoked paprika
» Hot smoked paprika
» Cayenne pepper
» Chilli
» Turmeric
» Cajun spices
» Basil
» Cinnamon
» Oregano
» Garlic
» Lemon
From the food sources listed in you personal nutrtion programme it is now your responsibility to
create your own menu for each day. Please make sure you vary your meat, fish, essential fat and
carbohydrate sources regularly. Take some time to look through the many recipes available on the
internet, and challenge yourself with alternative cooking methods. You don’t have to boil chicken
and steam rice for every meal. Be experimental with roasting, grilling and frying, make this journey
an enjoyable one.
The kidneys struggle to function optimally without enough water. When they aren’t working to
capacity, some of their load is dumped onto the liver. One of the liver’s primary functions is to
metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. If the liver has to do some of the kidney’s
work, it can’t operate at the right pace. As a result it metabolizes less fat, therefore fat remains
stored in the body (for most people weight loss slows down).
Drinking enough water is also the best treatment for fluid retention. When the body gets less water,
it sees it as a threat to survival and begins to hold onto every drop. Water is stored in extracellular
spaces (outside the cells). This shows up as swollen feet, legs and hands.
Taking too much of any one supplement when your levels are already optimal can throw your body
out of balance.
To cover the basics, here is a starting protocol that we would recommend to everyone.
» Multi vitamin – 3 caps per day (pick one which is split into servings throughout the day
Phase 1:
4 meals per day hitting your planned macros following these 5 rules.
3. Keep below 50g of carbohydrate per day and only from the following sources:
- Cherries
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
4. Eat as much of the following vegetables as you can with each meal, (these are not included in
your carbohydrate consumption):
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Spinach
- Kale
- Green beans
- Bok Choi
*On day 14 enjoy a “Cheat meal”. This meal can be whatever you want with one rule that it has to
contain protein. For example, a Burger!!
*Please note you will have to weigh and adjust portion sizes to make sure you hit your Macro
*Vegatbles are not included and do not count towards your macros.
The more the better.
Meal Examples:
Option 2. Full Fat Greek Yoguart (Total), Mixed seeds & Flaxseed.
Option 3: Beef bolognaise with Raw vegtable spaghetti & Spinch. (Can use courgette or squash
for spaghettti.)
Option 6: Ribeye Steak & Any vegatbels. or salad with Olive oil dressing
Option 4: Mexican Spiced Chicken with Mixed Vegetable Wedges and Tomato Salsa
Option 5: Poached Salmon with Fennel, Red Pepper and Puy Lentils
Step 1: Eat every two to three hours.
Having frequent meals is very important to balance your insulin and cortisol levels. It also keeps
you from being hungry and consequently eating something you shouldn’t. There are two schools
of thought on this: Some people say three meals are best, and others say six meals are best. In my
experience, people who truly transform their bodies typically eat at least five to six meals a day.
Step 9: Be prepared.
Prepare your meals in advance and have them with you when you go to work.