German For Beginners: Pronunciation and Alphabet: It's Important To Learn How To Pronounce German Letters
German For Beginners: Pronunciation and Alphabet: It's Important To Learn How To Pronounce German Letters
German For Beginners: Pronunciation and Alphabet: It's Important To Learn How To Pronounce German Letters
by Michael Schmitz
Updated June 16, 2017
German is a much more phonetically consistent language than English. This means that
German words almost always sound the way they are spelled—with consistent sounds
for any given spelling. (e.g., the German ei — as in nein — spelling is always sounded
EYE, whereas German ie — as in Sie — always has the ee sound.)
In German, the rare exceptions are usually foreign words from English, French, or other
Any student of German should learn the sounds associated with certain spellings as
soon as possible. Knowing them, you should be able to correctly pronounce even
German words you have never seen before.
Now that you know how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet in German, let's talk
about some terminology. It is helpful to know, for instance, what diphthongs and paired
consonants are.
German Diphthongs
A diphthong (Greek di, two + phthongos, sound, voice) is a combination of two vowels
that blend and are sounded together. Instead of being pronounced separately, the two
letters have one sound or pronunciation.
An example would be the au combination. The diphthong au in German always has the
sound OW, as in English “ouch." The au is also part of the German word autsch, which
is pronounced almost the same as “ouch” in English.
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An example of this would be st, a very common combination of the consonants s and t,
found in many German words.
Grouped Consonants
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sp / st shp / sht At the start of a word, the s in sp/st has a sch sound as in
English "show, she." sprechen(speak), stehen (stand)
In addition, the fact that English and German words are often identical or very similar in
spelling can lead to pronunciation errors.
Letters in Words
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Similar Words
Pronunciation Pitfalls
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H - haben, die Hand, gehen (silent h), (G - das Glas, das Gewicht)
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