Basic Router Pod: Planning and Installation Guide For Cisco Networking Academy Curriculum

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Basic Router Pod

Planning and Installation Guide

For Cisco Networking Academy® CCNA 3.x Curriculum

Document Version: 2005-09-03

Copyright © 2005, Network Development Group, Inc.

NETLAB Academy Edition and NETLAB+ are registered trademarks of Network

Development Group, Inc.

Cisco, IOS, Cisco IOS, Networking Academy, CCNA, CCNP, and PIX are registered
trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc.
NETLABAE Basic Router Pod

1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Lab Orientation ................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Deviations ........................................................................................................... 4
2 Lab Device Requirements........................................................................................... 4
3 Control Device Requirements..................................................................................... 6
3.1 Control Switch Overview ................................................................................... 6
3.2 Access Server...................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Switched Outlets ................................................................................................. 7
4 Pre-requisites............................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Setup Control Devices ........................................................................................ 7
4.2 Upload IOS Images............................................................................................. 8
4.3 Disable User Logins (optional)........................................................................... 8
5 Adding the Pod ........................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Start the New Pod Wizard................................................................................... 9
5.2 Add a Basic Router Pod...................................................................................... 9
5.3 Select Control Switch and Ports ......................................................................... 9
5.4 Select Access Server(s) and Ports..................................................................... 10
5.5 Select Switched Outlets .................................................................................... 11
5.6 Select Router Types .......................................................................................... 12
5.7 Select Software Images and Recovery Options ................................................ 13
5.8 Select a Pod ID.................................................................................................. 14
5.9 Select a Pod Name ............................................................................................ 14
6 Cable the Pod ............................................................................................................ 16
7 Testing the Pod ......................................................................................................... 17
8 Finishing Up.............................................................................................................. 18
8.1 Bring the Pod(s) Back Online ........................................................................... 18
8.2 Enable Basic Router Pod and CCNA 3.x Exercises ......................................... 19
8.3 Schedule a Lab Reservation for Your New Pod. .............................................. 21

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NETLABAE Basic Router Pod


1 Introduction

NETLAB Academy Edition® features three pods for use with the CCNA 3.x curriculum,
Basic Router Pod, Basic Switch Pod, and Advanced Router Pod. This guide documents
the NETLABAE Basic Router Pod, used with CCNA 3.x Basic Router Configuration Labs.

You may have up to eight Basic Router Pods per NETLABAE system.

The NETLABAE Basic Router Pod features direct access to the console of routers R1, R2,
and R3.

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NETLABAE Basic Router Pod

1.1 Lab Orientation

This document assumes that you are familiar with the CCNA 3.x curriculum and labs.

1.2 Deviations

Users often contact our technical support team for lab-related problems. Users are
typically not aware that there are many NETLABAE servers and may be easily confused by
local deviations from the standard curriculum and labs.

If your NETLABAE pods will be made accessible outside your local Academy, please be
conservative in your deviations and substitutions.

Even if your user community is local or relatively small, we recommend that you (1)
document the specifics of your pods and (2) use the NETLABAE News and
Announcements feature to point users to your documentation.

2 Lab Device Requirements

Lab devices are part of the topology and users can interact with them either directly
through the console or indirectly via Telnet and other protocols.

The Basic Router Pod includes three routers, R1, R2 and R3.

The following table depicts the interface requirements for each router:

Router Ethernet Interfaces Required Serial Interfaces Required

R1 1 2
R2 1 2
R3 1 2

The Ethernet interface must be a built-in interface, which is capable of activation from
the ROM monitor mode. All NETLABAE supported routers have at least one Ethernet
interface that meets this requirement.

The serial interfaces may be built-in, or provided by modular interface cards such as the
WIC-2AS or WIC-2T. Serial connections between routers require the appropriate serial
cables. You can use DTE and DCE cables back-to-back, or special cables that provide
both DTE and DCE in one cable (available from SIGMAnet).

NETLAB Academy Edition® has an interface name translation feature that allows
configuration files to be loaded without errors on different router platforms. As a

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NETLABAE Basic Router Pod

configuration is being loaded, NETLABAE will substitute the correct interface names if
necessary. To do this, NETLABAE maintains a fixed table of interface names that should
present on each router model. This may influence the selection of modular interface
cards and slot placement within the router. The NETLABAE hardware support web pages
depict the expected interface names for each router model.

NETLABAE has been designed to support a broad range of hardware to allow great
flexibility with equipment selection

Keep in mind that the hardware you select must meet both these requirements:

1. Supported by NETLABAE.
2. Meet the specifications for the lab exercises of the curriculums your Academy
wishes to implement.

Please Note: Due to the dynamic nature of curriculum requirements, NDG makes
no guarantee that every NETLABAE supported device will meet all curriculum or lab

We strongly recommend that a knowledgeable person carefully study the curriculum and
labs taught by your Academy before deploying a NETLABAE lab bundle (pod) or specific
Cisco equipment model. NDG makes no guarantee that every NETLABAE supported
device will meet all curriculum or lab requirements.

To aid in this study we recommend using the following resources:

ƒ Review the information provided on the NETLABAE website for information on

NETLABAE supported equipment and IOS images. Not all NETLABAE supported
equipment is an ideal choice for some of the Cisco Networking Academy
curriculum modules or labs.

ƒ Consult your Cisco Networking Academy Program contact.

ƒ Consult your Cisco sales representative.

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NETLABAE Basic Router Pod

3 Control Device Requirements

NETLABAE control devices provide internal connectivity, console access, and managed
power. Control devices are dynamically managed by NETLABAE and are not accessible
or configurable by end users.

⇒ Management of control devices is covered in the NETLAB+ Administrator Guide.

The Basic Router Pod requires the following control device resources:

Control Device Resource Quantity Required

Control Switch 3 Consecutive ports
Access Server 3 lines
Switched Outlet Devices 3 outlets

3.1 Control Switch Overview

NETLABAE uses a control switch to provide connectivity between devices in the

Basic Router Pod.

+0 +1 +2

E0 E0 E0

R1 R2 R3

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NETLABAE Basic Router Pod

The Basic Router Pod requires 3 consecutive ports on a control switch.

Ports are labeled +0 to +2 in the diagram and are relative to the base port of your choice.
As with all pods, you choose a base port for the Basic Router Pod. To determine the
actual port numbers, simply add the base port number chosen for this pod to the depicted
relative port numbers. For example, if the base port is 5, the actual port numbers will be
5 to 7.

Using SNMP, NETLABAE will automatically assign and program VLANs on ports +0 to
+2. These VLANs are depicted as letters A, B, and C. Each NETLABAE pod has a unique
VLAN pool and the actual VLAN numbers will be unique for each NETLABAE pod. This
is to avoid conflict between pods.

3.2 Access Server

Access servers provide console connections to lab routers, lab switches, and lab
firewall devices so that users can access these devices from NETLABAE. The
Basic Router Pod requires three access server ports. These ports provide
console access to R1, R2 and R3.

3.3 Switched Outlets

Switched outlets provide managed electrical power, allowing NETLABAE and

users to turn lab equipment on and off. The Basic Router Pod requires a
switched outlet for R1, R2, and R3.


4 Pre-requisites

This section covers tasks that should be executed prior to adding a Basic Router Pod.

4.1 Setup Control Devices

Using the guidelines in section 3, decide which control switch ports, access
server ports, and switched outlets you will use for your Basic Router Pod.
Add control devices if necessary. Control device configuration is
documented in the NETLAB+ Administrator Guide.

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4.2 Upload IOS Images

Upload the IOS images for R1, R2 and R3. NETLABAE will recover these
images on the appliance if they are erased from flash.

4.3 Disable User Logins (optional)

You must take all equipment pods offline to add pods or configure control
devices. You may wish to disable user logins during this time.

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5 Adding the Pod

This section walks you through the process of adding a Basic Router Pod using the
NETLABAE New Pod Wizard.

5.1 Start the New Pod Wizard

Login to the administrator account.

Select Equipment Pods.

Select Take All OFFLINE if any of the pods are online. Caution: this will cancel any
reservations in progress.

Select Add a Pod.

The New Pod Wizard will now help you add an equipment pod to your system.

5.2 Add a Basic Router Pod

When prompted, select Basic Router Pod.

5.3 Select Control Switch and Ports

A Basic Router Pod requires 3 consecutive control switch ports. NETLABAE will present
a list of the control switches on your system. Switches that meet the port requirement can
be selected. Choose one control switch for your new pod.

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Next, select the ports you want to use.

5.4 Select Access Server(s) and Ports

A Basic Router Pod requires 3 access server ports.

It is a good idea to use consecutive ports on one access server if possible. This practice
will make it easier to cable and troubleshoot. If consecutive ports are not available, you
can use non-consecutive ports, on different access servers if necessary.

When specifying ports, use the port numbers shown on the access server itself. Some
models start at port 1 (Cisco 2509 and 2511) and others start at port 0 (Cisco NM-16A
and NM-32A modules).

NETLABAE allows you to choose consecutive ports on one access server, or you can
choose “Let me pick” to select an access server and port for each device.

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“Let me pick”, allows you to make granular selections.

5.5 Select Switched Outlets

A Basic Router Pod requires 3 switched outlets.

It is a good idea to use consecutive outlets on one switched outlet device (SOD) if
possible. This practice will make it easier to cable and troubleshoot. If consecutive outlets
are not available, you may use non-consecutive outlets, spanning multiple SODs if

“Let me Pick”, will allow you to make granular selections.

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5.6 Select Router Types

Please specify a model for R1, R2 and R3.

⇒ Your selections are used to assign the appropriate NETLABAE device driver.

⇒ Improper selections may cause errors.

⇒ NETLABAE may offer selections that meet the port requirements, but do not support
the curriculum. See section 2.

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5.7 Select Software Images and Recovery Options

NETLABAE scrubs R1, R2 and R3 at the end of lab reservation or upon request. During a
scrub, NETLABAE can recover an IOS image if it has been erased from flash.

You have three choices for flash recovery:

Recovery Using Specified Image During A Scrub Operation…

If specified image not in flash Restores the selected software image if that image is
not in flash.
If no image in flash (erased) Restores the selected software image if there are
no .bin images in flash. No action is taken if flash
contains a .bin image (even if it is not the specified
Never (device may become unusable) NETLABAE will take no action if the flash does not
contain a bootable image. In this case, NETLABAE
automated boot process will fail and manual
restoration of IOS will be required.

⇒ If you select an automatic recovery option, you must also select a software image
supported by the curriculum (see 2).

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5.8 Select a Pod ID

Each pod is assigned a unique numeric ID.

5.9 Select a Pod Name

Each pod can have a unique name. This name will appear in the scheduler, along with
the pod type.

5.10 Verify Your Settings

At this point NETLABAE has added the pod to its database. However, the pod has not
been brought online yet. You will want to cable up the pod and run a pod test before
bringing the pod online. These tasks are discussed in the remaining sections.

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After you click OK, the new pod will appear in the list of equipment pods.

Click on the magnifier button or pod ID to manage you new pod.

NETLABAE will display the status of the pod and the high-level settings for each device,
PC, and control switch.

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NETLABAE Basic Router Pod

6 Cable the Pod

Use the NETLABAE cable chart feature to help you connect the lab devices in your pod.
The chart is generated in real-time and contains port-specific information based on your
current lab device and control device settings.

The cable chart function is accessed from the pod management page.

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7 Testing the Pod

After all routers have been installed, you should run a pod test to verify that your pod is
working. The pod test will detect common configuration and cabling problems.

⇒ Some tests may take a long time. During the BOOTIOS test, NETLABAE may have to
load the specified IOS image if it is not in flash. Some images are very large and can
take up to 30 minutes to program into flash memory.

If you cannot resolve an issue and decide to contact technical support, please cut and
paste the text from the POD TEST LOG and include with your e-mail.

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8 Finishing Up

8.1 Bring the Pod(s) Back Online

Now you can bring the pod online and make it available for lab reservations. You can
bring just this pod online by clicking the Online button under Management Options.

Alternatively, you can click Bring All ONLINE on the Equipment Pods page. Choose
this option when you have no more additions or modifications to pods or control devices
and you wish to put all pods into service.

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8.2 Enable Basic Router Pod and CCNA 3.x Exercises

To make the Basic Router Pod and CCNA 3.x lab exercises available to classes and
students, you must first enable CCNA 3.x in a new or existing class.

To add or edit class information, log into NETLABAE using your instructor account.
See the Instructor Accounts section of the NETLAB+ Administrator Guide for details.

Select Class from the menu bar at the top of the MyNETLAB page, or the link in the
body of the page.

The Class Manager page will be displayed.

Select to add a new class or select an existing class from the class
list by clicking on a class name.

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⇒ You may now enable more than one set of content. Previous NETLABAE versions only
allowed one content selection.

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8.3 Schedule a Lab Reservation for Your New Pod.

To schedule a lab reservation, select Scheduler from the menu bar or the link on the
body of the MyNETLAB page.

The Scheduler Options screen will be displayed. Detailed descriptions of the scheduler
options are available by selecting Help on the menu bar. In this example, we will reserve
an equipment pod for your own use.

Select OK to proceed to the reservation calendar.

Please Note: The selection of pods depicted may be different from the pods available
at your site.

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The reservation time area may be scrolled up and down. Scroll to the bottom to display
the color legend.

Select an available time, and the Reserve Instructor Access Time page will be

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Review the details of the reservation and select Confirm Reservation. You can return to
the reservation calendar to see your lab reservation on the time reservation portion.
Remember, you may need to scroll the page to see your information.

For more information on scheduling reservations, see the Scheduler section of the
NETLAB+ Instructor Guide.

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