In 738 Alloy Strain Characteristics
In 738 Alloy Strain Characteristics
In 738 Alloy Strain Characteristics
Department of Non-ferrous Metals, Refining and Recycling, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering,
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Department of Material Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering,
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Center of Advanced Innovation Technologies (CAIT), VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Received 2 December 2014, received in revised form 14 January 2015, accepted 20 January 2015
The comparative analysis of mechanical properties using a digital image correlation by Vic
2D software was performed for two types of high-strength materials. The strain analysis during
tensile tests was carried out on the cylinder tensile specimens of 34CrMo4 steel and IN 738LC
superalloy. Both materials showed similar strength but different ductility. While the 34CrMo4
steel showed typical necking of tensile specimens with ductile fracture surfaces, cracking of the
IN 738LC became without necking, and the fracture morphology displayed mixed feature with
ductile dimples or quasi-cleavage areas and cracked carbides. Microhardness measurements
completed metallographic and fractographic studies of tensile samples.
T a b l e 1. Chemical composition according to standards: 34CrMo4 steel ČSN EN 10083-1/DIN 17200/ (wt.%)
C Mn Si P S Cr Mo
0.30–0.37 0.60–0.90 max 0.40 max 0.035 max 0.035 0.90–1.20 0.15–0.30
Ni Cr Co Al Ti W Mo Ta Nb
Zr B Fe Si Mn Cu P C S
0.03–0.08 0.007–0.012 max 0.5 max 0.3 max 0.2 max 0.1 max 0.015 0.09–0.13 max 0.015
T a b l e 3. The values of mechanical properties for 34CrMo4 steel measured by standard uniaxial tensile test
Fig. 1. SEM SEI micrographs of 34CrMo4 steel: (a) gen- Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of IN 738LC superalloy: (a)
eral view of fine-grained microstructure, b) detail of trans- BEC image of solid solution strengthened by γ -phase and
formed martensite and carbides. carbides, (b) SEI detail of γ precipitates in γ solid solu-
ical composition shown in Table 1. Heat treatment of 3.1. Microstructure and mechanical properties
the steel consisted of austenitization at 850 ◦C and wa- of 34CrMo4 steel
ter cooling followed by tempering at 640 ◦C and water
cooling. The metallographic observation confirmed that the
microstructure in quenched and tempered state was
2.2.2. IN 738LC superalloy formed of transformed martensite and carbide pre-
cipitates (Fig. 1). The prior austenite grain size was
The second experiment was performed on tensile estimated by the standard ČSN EN ISO 643 and
308 M. Štamborská et al. / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 305–311
T a b l e 4. The values of the measured mechanical properties for IN 738LC superalloy obtained by standard uniaxial
tensile test