III. Fourier Series: Isaac Chavel
III. Fourier Series: Isaac Chavel
III. Fourier Series: Isaac Chavel
Fourier Series
Isaac Chavel
1 Fourier series and their coefficients 1
2 Mean-square convergence 7
We are given the L–periodic, piecewise continuous complex-valued function φ(x), for x in
(−∞, +∞), and we wish to represent φ(x) by a series of the form
(1) φ(x) = an e2πinx/L .
x 7→ e2πinx/L
is L–periodic. So any finite linear combination of such functions is also L–periodic. Our interest,
therfore, is in determining to what extent the above collection of functions is the basic building
block — by “infinite linear combinations” — of all L–periodic functions.
§1. Fourier series and their coefficients 2
= ak e−2πi(n−k)x/L dx
k=−∞ 0
= an L;
The basic question is: to what extent is this choice of an , for any given φ, justified? Well, if
φ(x) is actually given by the finite sum
φ(x) = αn e2πinx/L ,
ak = αk
for k = −N, . . . , N , and all other ak vanish. Therefore a more precise version of the question is:
is close to the function φ, for large N ? The answer is: It depends on what one means by “close.”
Here are three possibilities:
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§1. Fourier series and their coefficients 3
Note: For students who had advanced calculus, they already know the definition of the supre-
mum. In our context of periodic finunctions, if a function is continuous, then the supremum
is the same as the maximum value of the function. If the function is allowed to have jump
discontinuities then the supremum refers to the maximum value of right and left hand limits of
the function.
Proof. Certainly uniform convergence implies pointwise convergence. That uniform conver-
gence implies mean-square convergence follows from the estimate
{φ(x) − sN (x; φ)}2 dx ≤ L{sup |φ(x) − sN (x; φ)|}2 . qed
0 x
We, oddly enough, start by studying a different kind of convergence — the uniform convergence
of Caesaro sums of φ to φ itself. By a Caesaro sum we mean
N −1
1 X
δN (x; φ) := sk (x; φ)
— the average of the first N partial sums of the Fourier series. The naive idea is that irreg-
ularities in the original sequence of partial sums, that might prevent its convergence, become
muted when passing to the sequence of averages. It is a standard fact that
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§1. Fourier series and their coefficients 4
The key to study of both sN (x; φ) and δN (x; φ) are the Dirichlet and Fejer kernels of Example
II.1. There, in Example II.1 the Dirichlet and Fejer kernels are defined to be 2π–periodic, so
we shall redefine them here to be L–periodic, namely,
1 X 2πinx/L 1 sin 2π(N + 1/2)ξ/L
(3) DN (ξ) := e = ,
L L sin πξ/L
N −1 ½ ¾
1 X 1 sin πN ξ/L 2
(4) FN (ξ) := DN (ξ) = .
N NL sin πξ/L
Theorem 3. The partial and Caesaro sums of the Fourier series of φ are given by
Z L/2
(5) sN (x; φ) = DN (ξ − x)φ(ξ) dξ
Z L/2
(6) δN (x; φ) = FN (ξ − x)φ(ξ) dξ.
Proof. Well,
L/2 L/2
1 X 2πin(ξ−x)/L
DN (ξ − x)φ(ξ) dξ = e φ(ξ) dξ = · · ·
−L/2 −L/2 N
X Z L/2 N
··· = e−2πinx/L e2πinξ/L φ(ξ) dξ = a−n e−2πinx/L = sN (x; φ),
N −L/2
n=−N n=−N
lim FN (ξ − x) = δx (ξ).
N ↑+∞
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§1. Fourier series and their coefficients 5
Remark 1. The fact that the Dirichlet kernel is not an approximation to the identity, in the
sense of Theorem II.1, is what makes the question of convergence of partial sums more subtle
than convergence of Caesaro sums. One sees, rather strikingly, the improvement in control
achieved by passing from the partial sums to the Caesaro sums.
Remark 2. It is helpful to think of the formulae (1) and (2) as defining a transform and its
inverse. Namely, one direction is to consider a mapping from L–periodic functions on the line
to functions on the integers φ(x) 7→ φ(n), given by
b 1
φ(n) = φ(x)e−2πinx/L dx.
L 0
So φ(n) is the n–th Fourier coefficient. The opposite direction, the “inverse transform” is to
associate to the function a(n) on the integers the L–periodic function
φ(x) = a(n)e2πinx/L .
Our study then is to determine to what extent the “inverse transform” is a genuine inverse.
Exercise 2. Give the formal calculation to show that if the complex-valued 2π–periodic function f (x)
has the Fourier series expansion
f (x) = a0 + {an cos nx + bn sin nx},
2 n=1
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§1. Fourier series and their coefficients 6
then Z π Z π
1 1
an = f (x) cos nx dx, bk = f (x) sin kx dx
π −π π −π
for all integers n = 0, 1, 2, . . . and k = 1, 2, . . . .
Exercise 3. Given the complex-valued 2π–periodic function f (x) with Fourier series expansions
X X∞
f (x) = cn einx = a0 + {an cos nx + bn sin nx},
2 n=1
Exercise 4. Show that an = 0 for all n when the function f (x) is an odd function, that is, f (x) =
−f (−x) for all x. Similarly, show that bk = 0 for all k when the function f (x) is an even function, that
is, f (x) = f (−x) for all x.
Exercise 5. Expand the function f (x) = Ax2 + Bx + C, where −π < x < π, for the constants A, B, C
in a Fourier series. (Note: The function is only given for the interval (−π, π). The idea is to then extend
the function to the full real line by 2π–periodicity.)
Exercise 7.
(a) Let y be a real number, φ a function on (−∞, +∞). Let τy φ denote the translate of φ by y,
given by
(τy φ)(x) = φ(x − y).
y φ(n) = e
−2πiny/L b
(c) Given the L–periodic piecewise continuous functions φ, ψ, consider their convolution
1 L
(φ ∗ ψ)(x) = φ(x − y)ψ(y) dy,
L 0
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§2. Mean-square convergence 7
Here we are still working with our collection of L–periodic functions on the real line. This
collection of functions forms a vector space over the complex numbers.
Definition. For any two such functions φ, ψ, we define (an analog of the “dot product,” com-
monly called, in our context) the inner product of φ and ψ, by
1 L
(φ, ψ) := φ(x)ψ(x) dx.
L 0
We have (φ, φ) = 0 if and only if φ = 0 for all but, at most a finite number of x in any bounded
kαφk = |α|kφk.
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§2. Mean-square convergence 8
with equality if and only if there exist constants α and β such that
αφ + βψ = 0
for all but, at most, a finite number of x in any bounded interval. One then easily derives the
triangle inequality:
kφ + ψk ≤ kφk + kψk.
Definition. Given φ, ψ, we may define their mean-square distance to be equal to kφ − ψk. Note
kφ − ψk = kψ − φk; kφ − ψk ≥ 0,
with equality if and only if φ = ψ at all but, at most, a finite of points in any bounded interval;
kφ − ψk ≤ kφ − σk + kσ − ψk
for functions φ, ψ, σ.
The collection is said to be orthonormal if, in addition to being orthogonal, we also have
X n
(φ, ψ) = ck dk , kφk = |ck |2 .
k=1 k=1
In particular,
(7) ck = ck (φ) = (φ, φk ).
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§2. Mean-square convergence 9
Remark 1. Therefore, if {φ1 , . . . , φn } are orthonormal, then they are linearly independent.
We now consider the least-squares approximation. Given the finite orthonormal collection
{φ1 , . . . , φn }. Suppose we are given φ and we seek the best choice of numbers α1 , . . . , αn to
kφ − αk φk k
as small as possible. Well, for ck (φ) given in (7) we have
X n
X n
kφ − αk φk k = (φ − αk φk , φ − α` φ` )
k=1 k=1 `=1
= kφk + {|αk |2 − 2Re αk ck (φ)}
= kφk2 + {|αk |2 − 2Re αk ck (φ) + |ck (φ)|2 − |ck (φ)|2 }
X n
= kφk2 − |ck (φ)|2 + |αk − ck (φ)|2 .
k=1 k=1
In summary,
X n
X n
2 2 2
(8) kφ − αk φk k = kφk − |ck (φ)| + |αk − ck (φ)|2 .
k=1 k=1 k=1
The ck (φ)’s are fixed, and the αk ’s vary freely. The best way to make the left hand side of (8)
as small as possible is to pick
(9) αk = ck (φ) for all j.
for all possible {α1 , . . . , αn }, with equality if and only if (9) is valid.
An elementary, but very important, consequence of the above calculation is the following.
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§2. Mean-square convergence 10
Therefore, if we are given an infinite orthonormal sequence {φk }, then (11) follows. qed
Example 1. Consider L–periodic functions on the lines, and the orthonormal sequence
So Z L
1 b
(13) cn (φ) = φ(x)e−2πinx/L dx = φ(n).
L 0
In particular,
(15) kφk = |cN (φ)|2 .
Proof. We want to show that kφ − sn ( ; φ)k2 becomes small when n becomes large. We
accomplish this in two stages:
Step 1. Given any N , we have for all n ≥ N ,
kφ − sn ( ; φ)k2 = kφk2 − |ck (φ)|2
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§2. Mean-square convergence 11
≤ kφk − |ck (φ)|2
= kφ − ck (φ)φk k2
≤ kφ − αk φk k2
for all choices of α−N . . . αN . So as soon as we find a choice of N ; α−N . . . αN for which
kφ − N k=−N αk φk k is small, we are automatically guaranteed that kφ − sn ( ; φ)k is at least as
small for all n ≥ N .
Step 2. How to find such a choice of N ; α−N . . . αN . If φ is continuous for all x, then
we use the Caesaro sums δN (x; φ) to approximate φ(x). The Caesaro sum is a certainly linear
combination of φ−N , . . . , φN ; and δN ( ; φ) → φ uniformly. But uniform convergence implies
mean-square convergence, which is what we want.
If φ is only piecewise continuous, then one easily approximates (in the mean-square dis-
tance) φ by everywhere continuous ψ. Then ψ is approximated by its sequence of Caesaro sums.
Exercise 8. Suppose that {φn } is any complete orthonormal system, that is, for any φ, we have the
Parseval theorem:
0 = lim kφ − sN ( ; φ)k.
N →∞
Show that for any given φ, ψ we have
(φ, ψ) = cn (φ)cn (ψ).
(φ − sn ( ; φ), ψ).
Show that, on the other hand, that the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality, and Parseval’s theorem, imply
lim (φ − sN ( ; φ), ψ) = 0.
N →+∞
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 12
Exercise 9. Give the formal Fourier series of δy , the Dirac delta function concentrated at y. Show that
the Fourier series can be only a formal expression, i.e., show
|cn (δy )|2 = +∞.
For h > 0, construct an approximation to the identity, calculate its Fourier coefficients, and see what
happens when h goes to 0.
for all x0 .
(b) Now we replace t by a discrete variable. Namely, let α ∈ (0, 1), and consider
Fn (x0 ) := f (x0 + 2πkα).
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 13
each defined on I, then we say that the series (17) converges uniformly if
lim {sup |F (x) − fn (x)|} = 0.
N →+∞ I
We now consider situations in which one concludes that the Fourier series converges uniformly.
Bessel’s inequality says, that for φ an L–periodic piecewise continuous function, that ck (φ)
converges to 0 quickly enough to guarantee that
|ck (φ)|2 < +∞.
Is there more information? We shall discover the striking fact that the speed with which
ck (φ) → 0 is related to the uniform convergence of sn ( ; φ) to φ, and the smoothness of φ.
Definition. We let C k , for k ≥ 1, denote the set of functions which have k continuous deriva-
tives. When k = 0, then C 0 denotes the collection of continuous functions.
Theorem 10. If φ is L–periodic continuous, with φ0 piecewise continuous, then the Fourier
series of φ converges absolutely uniformly to φ. Also, the Fourier coefficients of φ0 are given by
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 14
as n ↑ +∞. Furthermore, for every j = 1 . . . k, the Fourier series of φ(j) converges absolutely
uniformly to φ(j) .
So given information on the smoothness of the function φ one deduces information on the speed
with which the Fourier coefficients converge to 0.
What can be said conversely, that is, in the other direction? That is, if one has information on
the speed with which the Fourier coefficients of φ converge to 0, what can one say about the
smoothness of φ?
which satisfies
(21) |an | ≤ ,
for a given positive integer k, and for all integers n, then it converges absolutely uniformly
to a C k function φ. The k derivatives of φ may be obtained through term-by-term differenti-
ation of (20), and in each case, the new Fourier series converges absolutely uniformly to the
corresponding derivative.
This concludes the discussion of the results. Before proceeding with the proofs,it is best to give
a number of exercises emphasizing and illustrating the results themselves.
Exercise 11. Separation of variables for the heat equation. Let x range over the real numbers,
and t over the positive real numbers. Given an L–periodic function φ(x), we wish to solve the initial
value problem for the heat equation on the circle, namely we wish to solve, for u = u(x, t),
∂2u ∂u
= , u(x + L, t) = u(x, t) for all x, t, lim u(x, t) = φ(x) for all x.
∂x2 ∂t t↓0
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 15
The method consists of first finding a selected collection of solutions to the heat equation satisfying the
boundary conditions, and then working in the initial data.
(a) To solve the heat equation first consider solutions u(x, t) of the form
u(x, t) = T (t)X(x).
where each prime refers to differentiation with respect to the indicated variable, whixh implies
X 00 (x) T 0 (t)
= .
X(x) T (t)
But each side depends on different variables; therefore the two sides must be constant, that is, there
exists a constant λ such that
The second equation implies that λ is real. The solutions to the above equations, for X(x), are linear
combinations of solutions of the form
√ √
Ae − λx
+ Be λx
X(x)(= A + Bx λ=0
A cos √−λx + B sin √−λx λ < 0.
To determine which of these yields a possible solution, consider the periodic condition
Show that the only possibility is that X(x) have two zeroes is when λ is nonnegative, in which case we
λ = −4π 2 n2 /L2 , X(x) = A cos (2πn/L)x + B sin (2πn/L)x,
for n = 0, 1, . . . . (Of course, when n = 0 one only has the constant term.) This implies that
n2 /L2 )t
T (t) = e−(4π ;
So the most ambitious solution obtained by this approach is an infinite linear combination, that is, a
series written as
X 2
n2 /L2 )t 2πinx/L
u(x, t) = an e−(4π e .
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 16
The next question is: what values to pick for the coefficients αn ? Use the initial conditions.
For t = 0 we have
φ(x) = an e2πinx/L .
converges uniformly in x, and in t ∈ [α, β] ⊂ (0, ∞). Show that one may differentiate the series term-by-
term to verify that u(x, t) satisfies the heat equation.
Verifying that limt↓0 u(x, t) = φ(x) for all x is not so obvious. Assume, nonetheless, that it is true.
(c) Show that u(x, t) given above can be written as
u(x, t) = p(x, y, t)φ(y) dy,
X 2
n2 /L2 )t 2πinx/L −2πiny/L
p(x, y, t) = e−(4π e e .
So we may write
lim p(x, y, t) = δx (y).
Exercise 12. Poisson’s integral formula. Consider the unit disk D in C, with center located at the
origin. Given a 2π periodic function φ, we think of φ as defined on the unit circle S, the boundary of D.
We want to solve the Dirichlet problem for harmonic functions on D, namely, we seek a harmonic
function u = u(z), z = x + iy, that is a solution to Laplace’s equation
for all w in S.
(a) Write z in polar coordinates
z = reiθ ,
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 17
(b) Next carry out a separation of variables argument in this context, that is, look for solutions
of (22) of the form
(24) u(r, θ) = R(r)Θ(θ),
and show that such a solution of (22) must satisfy
and the issue is how to pick the coefficients an . Of course, set r = 1; then an is the n–th Fourier
coefficient of φ. Substitute in the formula for an , use the geometric series, and do a little of this and a
little of that.
(e) Prove that if φ is continuous at w = eiθ , then u(r, θ) → φ(eiθ ) as r ↑ 1. hint: It suffices to
show that the family
1 1 − r2
Kr (α) =
2π 1 − 2r cos α + r2
is an approximation to the identity on the circle, as r ↑ 1.
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 18
Exercise 14. Diffusion on integers. Instead of functions on the real line, consider functions on the
integers. So f = f (n). The Laplacian here is given by
f (n + 1) + f (n − 1)
(∆f )(n) = − f (n).
For u = u(n, t), where n ranges over the integers, and t ranges over positive time, consider the heat
∆u = , t > 0,
with initial-values given by
lim u(n, t) = φ(n),
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 19
Exercise 15. Wirtinger’s inequality. Prove that if f is continuous L–periodic, f 0 is piecewise con-
tinuous, and
f (ξ) dξ = 0,
then Z Z
4π 2
0 2
|f | ≥ 2 |f |2 ,
0 L 0
with equality if and only if
f (x) = a−1 e−2πix/L + a1 e2πix/L .
Exercise 16. The isoperimetric inequality. Prove that if C is a continuous, piecewise differentiable,
simple closed curve, of length L, enclosing a domain D, of area A, then
L2 ≥ 4πA,
with equality if and only if C is a circle. sketch: Start with Green’s Theorem to show
2A = x dy − y dx
= r · ν ds,
where r = xi + yj, ν is the outward unit normal vector field along C, and ds is arc length along C.
2A = r · ν ds
≤ |r||ν| ds
= |r| ds
½Z ¾1/2 ½Z ¾1/2
2 2
≤ |r| ds 1 ds
½ Z ¾1/2
≤ |r0 |2 ds L1/2
4π 2 C
½Z ¾1/2
= |r0 |2 ds .
2π C
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 20
which is the desired inequality. Validate the above argument. Note that the last inequality in the above
chain is ostensibly Wirtingers’s inequality. But we require (in order to apply Wirtinger’s inequality)
~r ds = ~0.
The proofs
If each fn is continuous on the interval I, and the series (17) converges uniformly to F on I,
then it is a fact that F is also continuous on I.
If, in the above paragraph, the interval I is closed and bounded, then one also has
fn (x) dx = F (x) dx.
n I I
Proof. Assume
lim sN (x; φ) = ψ(x)
N →+∞
for some function ψ(x), uniformly; we want to show φ = ψ for all but, at most, a finite number
of points in any bounded interval. Well, ψ is L–periodic and continuous. Also,
1 L
cn (ψ) = ψ(x)e−2πinx/L dx
L 0
Z ( +∞ )
1 L X
= ck (φ)e2πikx/L e−2πinx/L dx
L 0
ck (φ)
= e−2πi(n−k)x/L dx
L 0
= cn (φ),
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 21
for all N . The triangle inequality, the Parseval theorem, and (25), imply
kφ − ψk = kφ − sN ( ; φ) + sN ( ; ψ) − ψk ≤ kφ − sN ( ; φ)k + ksN ( ; ψ) − ψk → 0
The Weierstrass M –test states that if there is a sequence Mn of nonnegative real numbers
|fn (x)| ≤ Mn for allx ∈ I, and Mn < +∞,
Our next preliminary is the following elementary remark. For a, b > 0 one has
0 ≤ (a − b)2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab,
ab ≤ {a2 + b2 }/2.
|an |/n ≤ {|an |2 + 1/n2 }/2;
which implies
(27) |an |/n < +∞.
Theorem 10. If φ is L–periodic continuous, with φ0 piecewise continuous, then the Fourier
series of φ converges absolutely uniformly to φ. Also, the Fourier coefficients of φ0 are given by
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 22
as n ↑ +∞. Furthermore, for every j = 1 . . . k, the Fourier series of φ(j) converges absolutely
uniformly to φ(j) .
Proof. If φ is L–periodic continuous, and φ0 is piecewise continuous, then
0 1 L 0
cn (φ ) = φ (x)e−2πinx/L dx
L 0
½ ¯L 2πin Z L ¾
1 ¯
= φ(x)e−2πinx/L ¯ + φ(x)e−2πinx/L dx
L 0 L 0
2πincn (φ)
= ,
that is, (28).
Now cn (φ0 ) → 0 by the Bessel inequality for φ0 , which implies ncn (φ) → 0, the limit (29)
with k = 0.
It remains to show the uniform absolute convergence of sn ( ; φ) to φ. Apply the implication
of (27) from (26) to
an = cn (φ0 ),
for φ an L–periodic continuous function, with piecewise continuous φ0 . Then (15), (28), and
(27) imply
|cn (φ)| < +∞,
which implies, by the Weierstrass M –test, that the Fourier series of φ converges absolutely
uniformly to a continuous function, which must be φ by Theorem 9. We therefore have the first
statement of Theorem 10.
Repeated application of this argument yields the second general statement of the theorem.
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§3. Uniform convergence of Fourier series 23
for a given positive integer k, and for all integers n, then it converges absolutely uniformly
to a C k function φ. The k derivatives of φ may be obtained through term-by-term differenti-
ation of (20), and in each case, the new Fourier series converges absolutely uniformly to the
corresponding derivative.
|an | ≤ const./|n|1+²
which implies by the Weierstrass M –test that the Fourier series (20) converges absolutely uni-
formly to a continuous function φ(x) with
an = cn (φ).
|an | ≤ const./|n|2+²
for all n, for some ² > 0 ? Then the Fourier series (20) converges to some continuous φ. Consider
the Fourier series
(31) (2πin/L)an e2πinx/L ;
|(2πin/L)an | ≤ const./|n|1+²
for all n, which implies that the Fourier series (31) converges absolutely uniformly to some
continuous ψ. We want to show that
(32) ψ = φ0 .
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§4. Pointwise convergence of sN (x; φ) to φ(x) 24
+∞ Z
X x
= (2πin/L)an e2πinξ/L dξ
n=−∞ 0
= an {e2πinx/L − 1}
X +∞
= an e2πinx/L − an
n=−∞ n=−∞
= φ(x) − φ(0).
So Ψ differs from φ by a constant. This implies (32). One can now repeat the above argument
for general k ≥ 2. qed
Theorem 12. The localization principle. Given x, the convergence of sN (x; φ), as N ↑
+∞, is completely determined by the restriction of φ to any neighborhood of x.
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§4. Pointwise convergence of sN (x; φ) to φ(x) 25
Proof of Theorems 12and 13. In (33) write the integral for sN (x; φ) as
Z π Z Z
sN (x; φ) = (1/2π) = (1/2π) +(1/2π)
−π |ξ|≤δ δ≤|ξ|≤π
where δ is any chosen number in (0, π). The localization principle is then saying that
1 sin(N + 1/2)ξ
(35) lim φ(ξ + x) dξ = 0
N ↑+∞ 2π δ≤|ξ|≤π sin ξ/2
— no matter how we pick δ in (0, π). (This is the condition (2) in Theorem III.1.)
To prove (35), write
that is,
sin(N + 1/2)ξ eiξ/2 e−iξ/2 −iN ξ
= eiN ξ − e .
sin ξ/2 2i sin ξ/2 2i sin ξ/2
We wish to substitute this expression into the integral in (35). Note that the integral is only
over the two intervals δ ≤ |ξ| ≤ π. Replace φ(ξ + x) in the integral by the function ψ(ξ) which
(i) is identically equal to 0 for |ξ| ≤ δ, (ii) is equal to φ(x + ξ) for δ ≤ |ξ| ≤ π, and (iii) is
2π–periodic. Then
Z Z π
1 sin(N + 1/2)ξ 1 sin(N + 1/2)ξ
φ(x + ξ) dξ = ψ(ξ) dξ
2π δ≤|ξ|≤π sin ξ/2 2π
−π sin ξ/2
à ! à !
ψ(ξ)eiξ/2 ψ(ξ)e−iξ/2
= c−N − cN
2i sin ξ/2 2i sin ξ/2
→ 0
as N ↑ +∞ (c−N and cN denote the respective Fourier coefficients of the indicated functions),
since the functions
ψ(ξ)eiξ/2 ψ(ξ)e−iξ/2
(36) , −
2i sin ξ/2 2i sin ξ/2
are piecewise continuous — the only potential trouble spot is at ξ = 0 (because of sin ξ/2 in the
denominator) but ψ = 0 on a full neighborhood of ξ = 0. So the functions (36) are piecewise
continuous, and (35) is proven.
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§4. Pointwise convergence of sN (x; φ) to φ(x) 26
To prove Theorem 13, we first consider the case when φ is actually continuous at x. Of
course Z π
DN (ξ) dξ = 1.
Therefore, as above,
Z π
sin(N + 1/2)ξ
sN (x; φ) − φ(x) = (1/2π) {φ(ξ + x) − φ(x)} dξ
−π sin ξ/2
Z π
{φ(ξ + x) − φ(x)}eiξ/2 iN ξ
= (1/2π) e dξ
−π 2i sin ξ/2
Z π
{φ(ξ + x) − φ(x)}e−iξ/2 −iN ξ
+(1/2π) e dξ.
−π 2i sin ξ/2
Assume {φ(ξ + x) − φ(x)}/ sin ξ/2 is a piecewise continuous 2π–periodic function of ξ. (That
our hypothesis guarantees this fact — we’ll see shortly.) Then, as above,
à ! à !
{φ(ξ + x) − φ(x)}eiξ/2 {φ(ξ + x) − φ(x)}e−iξ/2
sN (x; φ) − φ(x) = c−N − cN
2i sin ξ/2 2i sin ξ/2
→ 0.
What does it take to ensure that {φ(ξ + x} − φ(x)}/ sin ξ/2 is a piecewise continuous
2π–periodic function of ξ? The only place for which any consideration is necessary is at ξ = 0,
where we must consider
φ(ξ + x) − φ(x) φ(ξ + x) − φ(x) ξ
= .
sin ξ/2 ξ sin ξ/2
Of course,
sin ξ/2
as ξ → 0.
Therefore, if φ is continuous at x, and φ0 has both right and left sided derivatives at x,
then, by the mean value theorem of differential calculus,
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§4. Pointwise convergence of sN (x; φ) to φ(x) 27
Exercise 19. Find the sum of each of the following numerical series by evaluating — at a suitable point
— a Fourier series discussed in the problems:
X X ∞
1 1 1
; + (−1)n 2 .
(2n − 1)2 2a n=1 n + a2
Now Theorem 10 states that sN (0) → 0 as N ↑ ∞. The question we ask now is about the approximation
of S(x) by sN (x) near x = 0 for large N . We already know what happens if we fix x. When x 6= 0
°Isaac Chavel 1993.
§4. Pointwise convergence of sN (x; φ) to φ(x) 28
then sN (x) → S(x). But what if we fix N ? Is it true that if we fix N sufficiently large then sN (x) will
reasonably approximate S(x) for all x 6= 0? The answer is “no”. We sketch below the argument.
(a) Show that sN (0) = 0. Give two arguments.
(b) Show that for x > 0,
½Z x Z π ¾
1 sin (N + 1/2)ξ
sN (x) = − dξ.
π 0 π−x sin ξ/2
(c) Use integration-by-parts to show that
¯Z π ¯
¯ sin (N + 1/2)ξ ¯¯
¯ dξ ¯ ≤ const./N,
¯ sin ξ/2
°Isaac Chavel 1993.