The U.S. Beer Industry 2017 Report
The U.S. Beer Industry 2017 Report
The U.S. Beer Industry 2017 Report
In 2017, the U.S. beer industry shipped (sold) 207.4 million barrels
of beer – equivalent to more than 2.9 billion cases of 24-12 ounce
servings. In addition, the industry shipped approximately 2 million
barrels of cider, equivalent to more than 28.3 million cases.
Source: U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
and U.S. Commerce Department, 2018.
In 2017, 83 percent of all beer was domestically produced, and 17
percent was imported from more than 100 different countries
around the world.
Source: TTB and U.S. Commerce, 2018
Based on beer shipment data and U.S. Census population
statistics, U.S. consumers 21 years and older consumed
26.9 gallons of beer and cider per person during 2017.
Source: NBWA Industry Affairs, 2018
About 239 million people, 73.5 percent of the population, are over
the age of 21 and considered legal drinking age. The share of the
U.S. population over 21 has increased steadily over the past 10
years. In 2006, the share was 71 percent.
Source: U.S. Census and NBWA Industry Affairs, 2018
The U.S. beer industry sells more than $111.1 billion in beer and
malt-based beverages to U.S. consumers each year.
Source: Beer Institute Annual Report, 2016