Embedded Kalman Filter For Inertial Measurement Unit (Imu) On The Atmega8535
Embedded Kalman Filter For Inertial Measurement Unit (Imu) On The Atmega8535
Embedded Kalman Filter For Inertial Measurement Unit (Imu) On The Atmega8535
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3 authors:
Djoko Purwanto
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hany Ferdinando on 16 October 2014.
Abstract—The Kalman Filter is very useful in prediction and impact on general microcontroller. The general microcontroller
estimation. In this paper, the Kalman Filter is implemented for only takes integer values.
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) on the ATMega8535. The
sensors used in this system are accelerometer MMA7260QT and Actually, the implementation in [3] can be simplified with
gyroscope GS-12. The system chooses the arbitrary sampling average filter. But, the result of average filter is more or less
time and then it is evaluated for possible using smaller value. As similar to that of [3]
the Kalman Filter operation needs matrix calculation, the
In order to give exact tilt position, the system needs a
formula is converted into several ordinary equations. The
collaboration of accelerometer and gyroscope. To integrate
parameter being investigated in this paper is measurement
covariance matrix. This parameter influences the way the these two sensors, a filter is used, i.e. Kalman Filter, developed
Kalman Filter responses to noise. Bigger value makes the by Rudolf Kalman.
Kalman Filter less sensitive to noise and the estimation is too The goal of this paper is to show that Inertial Measurement
smooth, thus it does not give real angle estimation. Using smaller Unit (IMU) can be developed by combining accelerometer and
value makes the Kalman Filter more sensitive to noise. This gyroscope with Kalman Filter. Another goal is to evaluate
makes the estimated angle still suffers from noise and it is likely some drawbacks in the implementation on microcontroller.
that the Kalman Filter is useless. This paper recommends 0.0001
to 0.001 for the measurement covariance noise parameter. This First, this paper discuss other all related things about
paper also recommended a pipeline configuration if the control accelerometer and gyroscope as Inertial Measurement Unit
algorithm needs more space in a sampling time. (IMU) and some ideas to handle noise in accelerometer signal.
Since the fusion of two sensors use the Kalman Filter, brief
Keywords-Kalman Filter; IMU; accelerometer; gyroscope implementations of this filter are elaborated. Next, the
implementation of the Kalman Filter algorithm on
I. INTRODUCTION ATMega8535 is shown. The results of experiments with
In a two-wheeled balancing robot, it is important to detect parameter of the Kalman Filter follow the implementation.
the tilt of the platform in order to correct its position. An Last, some conclusions and further possible works are given to
accelerometer as used in [1] cannot be used to detect tilt close this paper.
correctly. The signal is noisy although the platform is still.
The noisy signal from accelerometer is common to all
accelerometers. So, more sophisticated method to measure tilt Another interesting approach is using Kalman Filter.
position is needed. Kalman Filter is useful to handle noisy signal [4]. The Kalman
Filter also has such a prediction feature [4] that is useful in
For this purpose, the system needs additional sensor, i.e. adjusting the gyroscope drift [5].
gyroscope. This sensor is used in airplane to detect the tilt
position. Gyroscope usually has 3-axis, i.e. x, y and z axes. Actually, there is a single sensor for IMU, e.g. ADIS16334
Analog Devices [6]. Other manufacturers place accelerometer
Unfortunately, there is drift in the gyroscope operation [2]. and gyroscope in one board, e.g. ADXL335 and IDG500 are
This makes the gyroscope alone will not give exact tilt position placed in single board [7]. With a lot of sensor for IMU, user
for a long period. can select which sensor is more applicable for the research.
The simplest implementation of integrating these two Most of the implementations of Kalman Filter are in
sensors are found in [3]. Here, the author used simple low pass computer. Only a few of the implementation are in
filter (LPF) to handle the noise from accelerometer and take microcontroller. Some examples of implementation in
advantage of stable signal from gyroscope. Although this microcontroller are found in [8] with PIC32 and [9] with
simple implementation might be helpful to measure tilt of a PIC16F877.
platform, it cannot handle the drift from the gyroscope. Besides
that, when the coefficient is too small, it does not have any The main problem in the Kalman Filter implementation in
microcontroller is the programming language. Since most of
microcontroller compiler support C programming, the In Kalman Filter, (1) will be changed into
implementation becomes easier. So, instead of programming
the Kalman Filter with low level language, the high level
1 dt dt
approach is used. u k
Reference [10] shows implementation of Kalman Filter in b k 1 0 1 b k 0
Arduino board. Although Arduino is based on AVR
microcontroller, the programming style is different from the u is reading from the gyroscope. and b are chosen
ordinary AVR microcontroller. This implementation clarifies arbitrary for the first time. This will bring no problem because
that it is possible to have Kalman Filter run on a it will be corrected later. Parameter is estimated angle and
microcontroller. This is important since Kalman Filter has is gyro bias. Estimated angle has to consider the gyro and its
complex computational relative to a microcontroller. bias in order to get the correct angle.
Reference [11] gives an idea how the Kalman Filter works. The most important parameter within this project is the
This information will be used later in this research. error estimation for measurement covariance noise. This value
Unfortunately, some parameters are still unknown. These are gives such a constraint how much the jitter we expect on our
left for the programmer during implementation. accelerometer data [11]. The experiments will show this
Since the ATMega8535 is general purpose microcontroller,
The system uses ATMega8535 as the microcontroller. This the matrices operation must be converted into several ordinary
microcontroller has 8 channel of 10-bit internal ADC and also mathematics equations. This not only simplifies the operation
serves as data processor for the signals from both bit also reduces the complexity of the calculation.
accelerometer and gyroscope.
Equation (2) will be converted into
The system uses MMA7260QT as the accelerometer. The
MMA7260QT is 3-axis accelerometer with several user’s
settings for various application. One important thing to operate k 1 k b dt uk dt a)
this sensor is that the voltage supply is 3.3 volt. Using voltage
supply higher than 3.3 volt will damage it [12]. It is configured
with 1.5g sensitivity. It gives 800 mV/g for conversion factor.
bk 1 bk b)
The GS-12 is a gyroscope sensor used in Bioloid, a Equations (3a) might be written as
humanoid robot. It is 2-axis gyroscope which can detect
angular speed up to ±300o/s. If there is no angular movement,
the GS-12 gives 1.23 volt. The output is between 0.23 volt and k 1 k (uk bk ) dt c)
2.23 volt. So 1.23 volt is at the center of its response.
Timing is very important in this application. The IV. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS
ATMega8535 reads signals from two sensors every 5 ms. This Before implementing the code in the ATMega8535, it is
value is determined arbitrarily and will be evaluated later. 5 ms simulated within Matlab first. Figure 1 shows the Matlab
is fast enough for two-wheeled balancing robot application as simulation with 0.001 as measurement covariance noise.
Estimated Angle with Kalman Filter 5a with cov noise=0.001
in [1]. 150
Since both sensors have enough voltage level for the ADC,
they do not require signal conditioners. This makes the 100
implementation simple enough. Besides, the reference signal
for ADC is 2.56 volt. This makes the implementation even
much simpler. 50
estimated angle
bias -100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Figure 3 to 6 is the Kalman Filter response from the Figure 4. Estimated angle from the Kalman Filter with 0.0001 as
ATMega8535. The ATMega8535 supplies data for gyro measuremen covariance noise
reading, angle calculation from the accelerometer and Performance of Kalman Filter in AVR with cov noise=0.001
estimated angle from the Kalman Filter operation. The data is
imported to and plotted in Matlab. 100 angle
Performance of Kalman Filter in AVR with cov noise=1e-005
200 estimated angle
gyro 80
150 estimated angle 60
50 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
-100 Figure 5. Estimated angle from the Kalman Filter with 0.001 as measuremen
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
covariance noise
Figure 3. Estimated angle from the Kalman Filter with 0.00001 as
measurement covariance noise
The estimated angle from figure 4 is better than figure 3. From the experiments, this project recommended to use
Here, the solid line (angle from accelerometer) and thick line measurement covariance noise parameter between 0.0001 and
(estimated angle from the Kalman Filter) can be seen although 0.001. Using value in this range makes the system not too
it is little bit difficult. sensitive to noise and the estimated angle is still acceptable.
It is interesting to see the result for greater measurement Another important result is sampling time for the system.
covariance noise. Figure 5 shows the experiment with 0.001. Since the system is two-wheeled balancing robot, it needs fast
response. For this reason, small sampling time is necessary.
From figure 5, we can see the accelerometer signal more The arbitrary chosen value, i.e. 5 ms, is good enough. When
clearly. The estimated angle has less noise than that of figure 4. this sampling time is change to 2.5 ms, the result is not good.
Figure 6 shows that the value of measurement covariance The Kalman Filter operation does not have enough time to
noise has certain limit. It looks like that the 0.01 is not good finish the calculation.
enough to estimate the angle although the noise is suppressed As the time sampling is also used for the controller
successfully. The estimated angle in figure 6 is not acceptable. calculation, then 5 ms is enough if the controller is PID
It is less sensitive to the noise and the estimation has big error. Controller. When the controller is Fuzzy Logic, then it is
Performance of Kalman Filter in AVR with cov noise=0.01
150 necessary to make the sampling time little bit higher.
angle Another interesting solution is to make such a pipe line for
estimated angle this process. The first ATMega8535 reads signal and then
estimate the angle with the Kalman Filter. The estimation result
is used by the next ATMega8535 in order to determine the
control action. So the second ATMega8535 does the controller
50 calculation with Fuzzy Logic or other control algorithms with
long process.
Although the Kalman Filter operation needs matrix
calculation, the ATMega8535 can handle it by converting the
-50 matrix operation into several ordinary equations. This
interesting result opens for more complex matrix operation to
be implemented on the ATMega8535 as long as the matrix
operation can be converted into several ordinary equations.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
This research recommends using measurement covariance
Figure 6. Estimated angle from the Kalman Filter with 0.01 as measuremen noise between 0.0001 and 0.001. Value in this range makes the
covariance noise Kalman Filter not too sensitive to noise but the estimation
angle is still acceptable.
Implementing the Kalman Filter calculation on the
ATMega8535 needs careful calculation related to the sampling From the experiments, it is recommended using 5 ms as
time. The arbitrary chosen sampling time, i.e. 5 ms, is enough time sampling of the system. Smaller time sampling is not
for the Kalman Filter operation. recommended because the Kalman Filter will not have enough
space to play. Another reason is 5 ms still gives more space for
To see whether the system can use smaller sampling time, controller calculation for PID controller. Using more
the sampling time is reduced to 2.5 ms. There is no problem in sophisticated control algorithm with more complex operation,
reading the values from ADC but the remaining time is not e.g. Fuzzy Logic, seems not fit within 5 ms. In order to
enough for the Kalman Filter operation. So, it is likely 5 ms is implement Fuzzy Logic controller and the Kalman Filter on the
the best sampling time for this application. ATMega8535, the pipeline method can be a solution.
From figure 3 to 6, we can see that the measurement The authors would like to thank to Directorate General of
covariance noise parameter has important role in the Kalman Higher Education, Indonesia for funding this research through
Filter operation for IMU application. Adjusting the value of Research Grant program number 526/E5.2/PL/2011 and
this parameter enables us to gain different result. supporting this presentation through Travel Grant program of
As this parameter is getting higher and higher, the noise on 2012.
the estimated angle is reduced. This parameter enables us to set
how much the jitter we expect on our accelerometer data.
Bigger value makes the system less sensitive to the noise. This
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