VCT 3d Brain
VCT 3d Brain
VCT 3d Brain
Scan Delay
2D/3D Technique Used DMPR 5mm x 5mm axial brain reformats in the glabello-meatal plane
(auto-batch off), average mode, auto transferred to PACS
DMPR 5mm x 5mm coronal brain reformats perpendicular to the glabello-
meatal plane (auto-batch off), average mode, auto transferred to PACS
DMPR 5mm x 5mm axial skull reformats in the glabello-meatal plane (auto-
batch off), average mode, auto transferred to PACS
Volume rendering of the skull and cranial sutures
Comments: Recon 1 is a thin helical set of the brain for reformats in the desired plane. Recon 2 is a thin helical set
of the skull for reformats in the desired plane.
Images required in PACS Scouts, 5mm x 5mm axial brain, 5mm x 5mm coronal brain, 5mm x 5mm
axial skull, volume rendering of the skull and cranial sutures, Dose Report