Modelling and Operational Testing of Pulse-Width Modulation at Injection Time For A Spark-Ignition Engine
Modelling and Operational Testing of Pulse-Width Modulation at Injection Time For A Spark-Ignition Engine
Modelling and Operational Testing of Pulse-Width Modulation at Injection Time For A Spark-Ignition Engine
Modeliranje i operativno testiranje modulacije širine impulsa kod vremena ubrizgavanja za motor paljen pomoću svjećice
Keywords: current measurement, digital signal processing, oscilloscopes, pulse width modulation, voltage control
Modeliranje i operativno testiranje modulacije širine impulsa kod vremena ubrizgavanja za motor paljen pomoću svjećice
Ključne riječi: digitalna obrada signala, modulacija širine impulsa, osciloskopi, regulacija napona, trenutačno mjerenje
involved. The PWM is a signal produced at a precise software, namely DDT2000, for Renault-Dacia-Nissan
moment and for an exact period of time. Nowadays, all [5].
the vehicles are provided with many sensors useful for the Nowadays, due to the development of the direct
engine management. The "head" of all these parameters injection, we are not concerned about the carburettor
controlled by sensors is the ECU of the engine, but also system anymore. The specialists in this field have
other ECUs. developed the multi-point injection, namely a system in
The PWM was applied for the first time to the AC which the gasoline is injected into each intake port. This
motor drive. The PWM application is specific to the high system is used, to a large extent, at the engine and vehicle
power equipment from power DC systems, such as construction. The direct injection is meant to allow a
inverters. The technological evolution leads to the greater control of the injection quality [6, 7]; this control
development of the piezoelectric injectors used in the concerns the fuel amount and the injection time. The
diesel engines. The major advantages of the piezoelectric vehicle tested by our team is provided with a MPI system.
injector are the extremely high-speed and the injection of The increase of the engine performance depends on
an exact amount of fuel. Its efficiency is based on the many parameters. The ECU of the engine must be able to
PWM application; it functions like a solenoid valve, control all the parameters which influence the vehicle/
opening and closing very quickly, according to the engine behaviour [8, 9]. Our purpose is to monitor the
driver/engine requirements. injection time [10, 11] and to present the advantage of the
The vehicles must guarantee the safety and the PWM.
security of both the drivers and the pedestrians, One of the most important aspects to be considered is
irrespective of the regimes to which the vehicles are the amount of fuel, namely mf (kg). [12] The output
subjected during their lifetime. The PWM application can power of the engine varies between Pmin and Pmax.
contribute to giving a high response very rapidly, upon
the driver’s request, such as maximum speed in a very Pmax
short period of time. 100. (1)
The usual operation of an engine implies the normal
functioning of the parameters which can be controlled by
means of sensors. Some of these parameters are: the The relation between the amount of fuel and power is
reference speed of the engine, the oxygen sensor signals represented by the following equation:
(upstream and downstream), the injection time, the
pressure, and the crankshaft position sensor. All these Pe
m f , kg/s (2)
parameters can be monitored through OBD, with the aid e ef
of dedicated software.
The block scheme of the PWM (Fig. 1) presents the where:
route of the pulse, starting from the engine ECU and Pe – effective power, W
passing through the injection ECU, where the pulse is ηe – effective thermodynamic efficiency, –
generated with the help of sensors and of the driver’s ef – specific energy of the fuel released during
command. The most important sensor for generating the combustion, J/kg.
PWM is the crankshaft position sensor, which functions
on the basis of the Hall Effect. As we may know, a certain amount of fuel [13, 14] is
injected during each cycle of the engine. These amounts
of fuel are injected in a few milliseconds, which are
directly proportional to the engine speed, n, and directly
related both to the cycles of the engine and to the cylinder
of the engine; based on these, the following equation
mf m f dt , kg (3)
m f – constant fuel flow during stationary operation, kg/s
Figure 1 ECU injector PWM
CYL – number of cylinders of the engine.
3 Experimental research
The equation above (3) leads to the following
relation, which helps us to calculate the fuel amount:
The measurements have been made on a Dacia Logan
1.4 MPI, vehicle, manufacture year 2006, technical
specifications: displacement 1390 cm3, 4 cylinders in line, m f 2
mf , kg. (4)
power 54,4 kW (73 HP) at 5500 rpm, torque 112 N·m at n CYL
3000 rpm, 100 km/h speed in 13 s, CO2 emission 164
g/km. The data have been stored with the aid of dedicated The variation of the fuel amount, between the
maximum and the minimum level leads to the following Simulink [17, 18] model (Fig. 2).
the position of the piston (Fig. 4). Based on the data mechanically realised; this has an impact both on the
stored by us (by using a dedicated software, namely DDT precision and on the performance of the engine.
2000), we have managed to find out the piston position Furthermore, a problem is represented by the
within our simulation (Fig. 5). The Hall Effect provides a different regimes to which the vehicle has been subjected.
digital logic bit control at each sensor movement. The ignition angle was realised only for a few regimes
and, on the road, the vehicle has been subjected to some
Digital signal sensor
other regimes.
1 sin
Engine speed
Integrator Trigonometric Relay Edge Detector Engine position detection
Function Pulse width value
Figure 4 Digital Hall sensor scheme from MATLAB/Simulink
requests and also on the ECU calculation of the injection used an oscilloscope for determining the real injection
time. time of the gasoline inside the combustion chamber [27],
The model realised in MATLAB/Simulink, helps us [28]. The pulse width modulation marks the moment
to understand the generation mechanism of the PWM when the injector valve is going to be opened and the
signal (Fig. 8). length of time, in milliseconds, that elapses until the
gasoline injection is stopped. Fig. 12 shows the length of
1 the injection time, namely 3,4 ms, for the idle speed,
Injection Time
Time rep.
1 Injector Pulse while Fig. 13 reveals how the injection time becomes
>= shorter when the speed is increased. The pulse width
Cycle Time
modulation contributes to a more precise injection time;
this leads to a very good engine performance.
Time PWM
Current i
v 2
1 g m Voltage
Pulse C E
Induction Coil
The injector signals also imply two elements, namely Through our experimental research, we have
the current and the tension. The injector block model managed to obtain the evolution of the injection time,
presents an IGBT/Diode module (Insulated Gate Bipolar measured in real time, with the aid of the modulation of
Transistor), which is a three-terminal power the pulse width (Fig. 15). After the application of the
semiconductor device, with a large area of application, for PWM, the engine reaches the maximum speed in the 17th
instance in electric cars or variable speed refrigerators, ÷ 18th second.
due to its high efficiency and very fast switching [29]. We also present a comparison between the calculated
Our IGBT module for the injector simulation on our injection time [30] and the measured injection time. The
tested vehicle has also made the switching between the two curves presented in Fig. 16 are similar; this is the
tension and the current, in real time. result of our study, being based on the data collected by
The evolution of the battery voltage has also been our team in real time and on the mathematical model
monitored (Ub) (Fig. 14). This effect can be offset by a realised in MALTAB/Simulink.
voltage dependence time correction, Δt. As regards our
tested vehicle, Dacia Logan, the evolution of the battery 4 Conclusion
voltage is characterised by a very little variation, namely
only 10 mV, which does not represent a problem for the The engine ECU is able to monitor and control all the
PWM. parameters of the entire vehicle, including the engine. The
different regimes, to which the vehicle is subjected, can
create problems to the ECU if it does not work properly.
The PWM application can ensure a very good
behaviour of the engine, due to its applicability in this
area. As the results of our research may reveal, by
calculating the pulse modulation, in accordance with the
injection time, as well as with many other parameters,
such as pressure, temperature, throttle position, speed,
etc., the engine performance is good.
The evolution of the injection time with the aid of the
PWM application proved its advantage by offering
precision for any engine regime. As the experimental
research may reveal, parameters such as fuel amount or
air amount, lambda, etc., could be controlled and
optimised by means of the MATLAB/Simulink model.
Figure 14 Battery voltage The PWM application helps us to control and to
optimise the injection time, having an impact on the
engine control.
The lambda values obtained by calculation and our
measurements based on our collected data, present very
similar curves which allow us to control the lambda
The connection between lambda, air mass and fuel
mass, which is also presented in our experimental
research, leads us to the following conclusion: the fuel
requirements depend on the lambda values, which are
closely related to the throttle position, as well as to the
engine speed.
All the parameters of the engine present advantages
after the application of the PWM; this means that, in the
future, it may be applied to all the vehicles.
Figure 15 Injection time evolution