Cell Count
Cell Count
Cell Count
Trypan blue is the most common stain used to distinguish viable cells from nonviable cells;
non-viable cells absorb the dye and appear blue and may also appear asymmetrical. Live,
healthy cells appear round and refractive without absorbing the dye. The use of this stain,
however, is time sensitive. Viable cells absorb Trypan blue over time, so make dilutions just
prior to counting to avoid false data.
Determining cell density using a hemacytometer
The following procedure will be performed utilizing aseptic technique, as described in “Aseptic
Techniques Used for Mammalian Cell Culture”
1. For adherent cell lines, aspirate media and wash monolayer with PBS.
2. Aspirate PBS and trypsinize cell monolayer until all cells are detached.
3. For suspension cell lines begin at this step. Pipet all fluid and cell materials into a centrifuge
4. Weigh and balance tube within .5g and centrifuge at 1200rpm for seven minutes.
5. Aspirate the supernatant from the tube.
6. Prepare a cell suspension of the culture by adding media to the cell pellet and gently
o Use 10mL for T75, 5mL for T25, 2mL for 6-well, 1mL for 12-well and 24-well.
7. Using a microcentrifuge tube, make a 1:10 dilution of the cell suspension totaling 100μL in
8. Wet the rails on the hemacytometer using a moist Kimwipe. Slide the cover glass on, ensuring
that the glass is firmly secured on the rails.
9. Vortex cell suspension and fill each chamber with the cell suspension using a pipette set to
10µL. Dispense the solution smoothly in one motion, but not forcefully.
o If the solution spills into the grooves or there are bubbles covering the grid, clean the
hemacytometer with ethanol and water and repeat the application.
10. Place the hemacytometer on the stage of an inverted microscope and adjust the focus.
11. Use a hand-held counter to record cell counts in each of the four corners.
o Count cells touching the middle line of the triple line on the top and the left of the
squares. Do not count cells touching the middle line of the triple lines on the bottom or
right side of the square.
o If cells being counted are too small for the 10x view, then count cells in the central
square on a higher magnification.
12. Determine the number of cells per milliliter using the following calculation:
The following procedure will be performed utilizing aseptic technique, as described in “Aseptic
Techniques Used for Mammalian Cell Culture”