Checklist - Factories Act and TN Factories Rules
Checklist - Factories Act and TN Factories Rules
Checklist - Factories Act and TN Factories Rules
Name & R e g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r of t h e Factory.
Address of the Factory.
Details of the Manager (Name, Age, Father's Name and --
Adult Workers :
6 Male – Female – Total –
No. of workers employed on the date of inspection:
Adolescent Workers
Male – Female – Total –
Number -
Particulars of Plan Approval Date -
Authority -
Horse Power -
8 Number of Workers -
Particulars of License
Renewed up to -
Sl. No Questions Yes No Remarks
Are the plans of all the buildings in the factory approved? If
1 so, are the buildings constructed according to the approved
Are the inside walls and ceiling including all wood work lime
7 washed or color washed once in fourteen months or painted or
varnished once in five years?(give dates of such treatments)
How are the trade wastes and effluents disposed of? Is the
approval of the health officer obtained?
Are the water taps or water cisterns with cans provided in the
31 latrines?
Are floors, stairs and passages maintained properly and hand rails
33 provided wherever necessary?
Are exit doors of not less than 6.5 feet x 4 feet Size fitted to
slide or open outwards?
Are cranes and other lifting machinery other than hoists and
lifts suitably constructed and properly maintained?