CT Observation 2 Math - l3

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev.

F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

Part 1: Lesson Content

What Standards (national or
state) relate to this lesson? MAFS.1.NBT.2.3 ​– Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits,
(You should include ALL applicable recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.
Objectives- ​What students will Some examples:
know or be able to do after the --​Students ​will be able to ​accurately​ (measure- how well) ​differentiate​ (action- how) ​between potential
instruction – the learning and kinetic energy ​(content- what).
outcomes --​Based on what they read in the first half of a fiction story, students ​will be able to write ​(action- how) ​a
Content​ (WHAT students are reasonable​ (measure- how well) ​prediction​ (also part of the action) ​for how the main character will
learning- look to the standard) respond to a challenge in the second half​ (content- what).
Action ​(HOW students will show it- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
there might be clues in the
Measure​ (HOW WELL they need to Students ​will be able to​ ​accurately​ ​compare​ ​two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones
do it) digits and record their results with the symbols >, =, and <.
(​Note: Degree of mastery does ​not
need to be a percentage.)

Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called
for in the standard?
Level 2: Basic application of skills and concepts
Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective?
Level 2: Basic application of skills and concepts
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
This level of thinking is called for in both the standard and objective. To meet the objective, students are
only required to identify the greater two-digit number by placing the correct symbol between the two
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

Assessment Plan- ​How will you Describe your assessment plan:

know​ students have mastered
your objectives? My lesson will consist of three​ formative assessments.
● The first formative assessment will be in the form of a whole-class review of place value and the
>, <, and = symbols. I will get a feel for student familiarity with identifying how many 10s and 1s
are in multiple numbers, and while that is being reviewed and assessed, I will ask the class
whether the first number is greater than or less than the other number known.
● The second formative assessment is my observations of having the students use the
manipulatives with their partner correctly, and seeing if they are able to identify the proper
symbol that shows whether the first number is greater than, less than, or equal to the second
● The third formative assessment is the completion of the greater than, less than or equal to

Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?

All of my assessments for the purpose of this lesson are formative. I made this assessment decision
because the content within this lesson will be fairly new to the students, and they will not be ready for a
summative assessment.

How does it align with your objective?

These assessments align with my objective by giving me an idea of student understanding and
comprehension of the content throughout the duration of the lesson. By understanding if my students are
able to identify how many tens and ones go in each place value based on the provided number will give
me an understanding of whether or not they will be able to identify which number is greater. By gaining
an idea of whether my students understand what each symbol means will let me know that they can use
them correctly.

Assessment Scoring/Rubric I will assess student learning through my observations of the way that they engage with the lesson,
manipulatives, and with their partners. Their worksheets will be assessed by correctness, and will give
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

What are the criteria for how you me an understanding of content knowledge that was gained from the lesson. The purpose of this lesson is
will assess student to have students practice identifying place values and identifying the proper symbol to make the number
learning/student work? sentence true.

Understanding the standards Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students already learned or been
over time exposed to related to this standard?

MAFS.K.CC.3.6 - Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the
number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.

Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn next related to this standard?

MAFS.2.NBT.1.4 - Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits,
using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
What misconceptions might
students have about this ● Students may think that the > and < symbols are meant to point to the ​bigger​ number, rather
content? than the smaller number.
● Students may think that the tens and ones place values are the same.

Part 2: Lesson Implementation

Management & Environment Arrangement:​ For this lesson, students will be seated at their desks while I am at the document camera
(integrated throughout your at the front of the room to review content and introduce the lesson. Once the students are instructed to
step-by-step plan): begin the partner activity, they will partner with the person next to them at their desks and complete the
● How will you arrange activity. During this time I will be walking around the room and helping the students in need.
yourself and the students
(location in the classroom, Refocusing technique:​ 3-2-1
● What processes & Processes and Procedures:​ The process that I will use for this lesson is a guided release model. I will
procedures will you use? begin by introducing the content that will be taught during the lesson by reviewing concepts such as
How and when will you place value and the meaning of the greater than, less than, and equal to symbols. We will then practice
communicate those to finding the place values of a couple of numbers and identifying the symbol that makes the inequality true.
students? The students will then complete the planned activity with their shoulder partner. The procedures will
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

● What expectations will you consist of the students actively participating in the review portion of the lesson, and then acting
have for the students? How appropriately during the partner work portion of the lesson.
and when will you
communicate those to Expectations:​ My expectations throughout the entire lesson include the following, and will be
students? communicated at the beginning of the lesson:
● What strategies will you ● Students will actively participate throughout the entire lesson.
use if students do not meet ● Students will apply reviewed content when completing activities with partner.
your expectations? Are ● Clip chart will be enforced to keep student behavior on track.
there specific students who ● Students will do their best and work well with partner to complete activity.
require a more extensive
management plan? What Strategies:​ If the students are not meeting my expectations academically, I will return to the front of the
will that consist of? room to model more inequalities so that the students gain a better understanding. If the students are not
● What will students do it meeting my expectations behaviorally, I will use the counting down method and if needed the clip chart.
they complete the task If a set of partners is not working well together, I will have them complete the activity on their own
quickly? individually.

Students who complete task quickly:

If students complete the task quickly, they will be told to take out their math notebooks and come up with
their own inequalities and solve them.
Materials ● Youtube video ​The Greater Than Less Than Song
(What materials will you use? Why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka9zbPcqXBI
did you choose these materials? ● Document Camera
Include any resources you used. ● Paper
This can also include people!) ● Pencil
● Rods and units manipulatives
● Tens and Ones workmat
● Greater than, less than, equal to worksheet
Differentiating Instruction
How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? Circle those that apply:

Process Product ​ Content ​ Readiness ​ Interest ​ Learner Profile

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

Describe what/how you will differentiate:

The content in this lesson is differentiated by placing a larger emphasis on place value than typically
necessary. Students may not be as familiar with place value as needed for the inequality portion of the
lesson to go smoothly, so including rods and units with a place value mat for students to visualize each
number for the activity will help them gain a better understanding of place value.

Interest is differentiated in this lesson by including an activity that allows for students to work together
with a partner. All of the students in this class enjoy group work, so having them work with a partner will
be both more engaging as well as helpful for understanding of the material. Partner work is also good for
ELLs being that there are many bilingual students in the class.

Which specific students will benefit, and why?

JP - This student is monolingual, so working with a bilingual student will create a setting where this
student is able to better understand the content.
MP- This student has ASD and needs to have something to manipulate, so rods and units will be beneficial
to her learning.
AA- This student also works well with using manipulatives and having content broken down.
EP- This student has ASD and needs refocusing, which is something that his shoulder partner helps him
with often.
Accommodations (If needed) What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners? (Refer to
(What students need specific your ESOL Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual ● Pre-Production Level:​ Provide instructions and essential question in native language. Partner
students (initials), and then explain student with bilingual student to help them gain a better understanding of content and activity.
the accommodation(s) you will ELL specialist may work with student on activity.
implement for these unique ● Early Production Level:​ Provide essential question in native language. Work with bilingual
learners.) partner. ELL specialist may work with student on activity
● Speech Emergence Level:​ Work with bilingual partner.
● Intermediate Fluency Level:​ Work with partner bilingual/not bilingual to discuss and complete
activity together.
What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

Students with IEP or 504 plan will be working with ESE specialist at the back of the room. They will not
be expected to complete entire worksheet, but show mastery of the few that they are able to complete
during the allotted time frame.
What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education
Students that are gifted with EP will work with students who are in need of additional support (already
seated next to them). Once the activity is complete, these students will come up with their own inequality
equations and identify the symbol that makes those equations true.
Meeting your students’ needs as If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
people and as learners students?

This lesson connects to the interests of my students by giving them hands on manipulatives to work with
as they work through each number sentence with a partner. The students also enjoy partner and group
work, so they will enjoy this activity.

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

This lesson does not connect to or reflect the local community.

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? ​Math
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other words,
Act as if you needed a substitute to what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es; guided/gradual
carry out the lesson for you.) release/etc.)​ ​Guided Release
3. Step-by-step plan:
Where applicable, be sure to
​ ime:​
T ​Action Steps:
address the following:
◻ What Higher Order Thinking 11 a.m. This lesson will begin with me introducing the today I will on the board. It will read:
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? Today I will​ compare two two-digit numbers
◻ How will materials be So I Can identify​ the symbol that makes the inequality true
distributed? I’ll know I’ve got it when​ I can identify the meaning of the tens and one digits and determine
the greater number. I will also quickly review my expectations listed in the lesson
implementation portion of the lesson plan.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

◻ Who will work together in

11:02 I will tell the students that we are going to watch a video to refresh their memories about
groups and how will you
what each of the three symbols (<, >, and =) mean and how to use them in an inequality
determine the grouping?
equation. I will then play the 2 minute and 45 second video.
◻ How will students transition
between activities? 11:06 Here, I will turn off the computer and power up the document camera to begin modeling how
◻ What will you as the teacher to find place values using the math mat and rods and units. Once the students have helped me
do? find a few values of numbers using the manipulatives, I will move on to reviewing the
◻ What will you as the teacher inequality symbols, their meanings, and how to determine which one works in inequalities
say? using numbers we just found the place values for. During this portion of the lesson, students
◻ What will the students do? will participate by answering the following questions:
◻ What student data will be ● How many tens are in this number?
collected during each phase? ● How many ones are in this number?
◻ What are other adults in the ● Which number is greater?
room doing? How are they ● What symbol do we use to make this inequality true?
supporting students’ learning?
11:15 Next, I will ask the students if they understand. Once everyone has a good understanding of
the content, I will introduce the partner activity that the students will be doing. The dialogue
that I will share with the students will include the following:
● “Using the information that we just reviewed, you will now do an activity with your
shoulder partner”
● “I am going to pass out supplies. Each student will receive one set of rods and units,
and a tens and ones mat to sort the manipulatives. I will also pass out one worksheet
per student.”
● “You and your partner will go through each inequality one by one. One partner will
use the rods and units to model one number, and the other partner will use the
manipulatives to model the second number.”
● “Once both numbers are modeled, you will decide together which inequality symbol
fits the equation.”
● “I will be walking around to help if you get stuck, and do not be afraid to raise your
hand if you have a question.”

11:18 Students will begin working with their partners to complete the activity. During this time,
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. F18) ​Name:​ Nichole Piccolo

Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Math Group Size: Date of Lesson: 3/28/19

myself and my CT will be walking around to assist students in need. The ESE Specialist will be
at her table with the IEP students helping them complete the activity.

If students are done, they may create inequalities in their math notebooks and use the
provided manipulatives to solve them.

11:38 I will have students wrap up their activities and ensure that their names are on the tops of
their papers. I will then collect them as a formative assessment and students will transition
into their next lesson.

11:40 *This will conclude my math lesson*

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