Diet and Multiple Sclerosis Bhargava 06-26-15

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Pavan Bhargava, MD


Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic immune-mediated demyelinating disorder that affects the

central nervous system (CNS). In MS, inflammatory cells of the immune system
(including T cells, B cells and others) are believed to target cells and tissues within the
CNS, causing inflammation and damage to myelin, nerve fibers and the cells that make
myelin. Several genetic and environmental factors that influence the risk for developing
MS have now been identified. Perhaps the most significant dietary factor that has been
linked with the occurrence of MS and its disease course is vitamin D.1,2
Another recent dietary factor associated with autoimmunity is high salt intake.3 Ongoing
research is also demonstrating a link between the gut microbiota (bacteria in our gut)
and MS.4 Diet plays an important role in shaping our gut microbiota and is also
implicated in multiple other chronic diseases (type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension).
There is increasing interest in the possible role of diet in autoimmunity and in the role of
dietary interventions in diseases such as MS.

Possible mechanisms by which diet may have an effect on MS -

1. Direct effects on the immune system: Recent immunological research has shown
that metabolism plays an important role in the function of several types of
immune cells. Additionally several immune cells have receptors (surface
structures that allow cells to connect and communicate with other cells) for
various types of dietary metabolites (vitamin D, fatty acids). Thus intake of
certain types of fats has been linked to greater inflammation while intake of
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) has the opposite effect.5,6
2. Indirect effects through modulation of the gut flora: The gut bacteria metabolize
certain components of the diet into short chain fatty acids that, besides helping
in colonic health, can also act on immune cells and make T cells more
regulatory.4 Additionally diet can lead to alterations in the gut bacterial
composition that can shift the immune system towards a pro- or anti-
inflammatory state.7
3. Effects on components of the central nervous system: As mentioned above,
since altered metabolism may play a role in the adaptation of the nervous
system to damage, various experimental foods and diets are being studied for

their effects on the various cellular components of the central nervous system
such as the neurons and other glial cells.8 Diets could have a beneficial role by
providing factors that could be protective of these cell populations.

We will provide a synopsis of each diet, review the current evidence that the diet may
be beneficial in MS or other conditions, and also comment on what possible nutritional
deficiencies may arise from following certain diets (See Table 1, pp. 7-8).

Paleolithic diet

The Paleolithic diet is based on the hypothesis that our bodies are poorly evolved to
handle the modern diet that emerged primarily following the agricultural revolution. It
advocates a switch to foods that would have been consumed by our ancestors in a
hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The paleo diet is also a component of the Wahls protocol that
has been popularized by Dr. Terry Wahls.9

Guidelines for the Paleolithic diet

The Paleo diet provides guidelines for the kinds of foods that should be eaten and the
balance in sources of caloric intake. The first step is to eat natural foods while avoiding
highly processed food, especially high glycemicload foods (carbohydrate foods that
significantly raise blood sugar). The Paleo diet also emphasizes the intake of game (non-
domesticated) meats and plant based foods besides cereals (fruits, roots, legumes and
nuts). Animal protein is recommended to be the source of about 30-35% of the daily
caloric intake. Consumption of lean game meats also helps in reaching the
recommended level of PUFA intake. In the Paleo diet the ratio of saturated fats to PUFA
is between 1.4-2:1 – unlike the modern diet in which the ratio is closer to 10:1. The
Paleo diet is also high in fiber (45-100 g/day) that is derived from plant sources that are
not cereal based. While some sources advocate avoiding potatoes and legumes, others
do not. This could be secondary to the fact that potatoes have a high glycemic index.

Modified guidelines for the Paleo diet taken from a study that is quoted below include
the following recommendations:
1. Consume 3 servings each/ day of green leafy vegetables, sulfur rich vegetables
and intensely colored fruits or vegetables.
2. Consume 2 tablespoons of omega-3 oils; 4 oz. or more each of animal protein
and plant protein; only non-lactose containing milks; no more than 2 servings
per week of gluten-free grains/ starchy foods.
3. Do no consume any dairy, eggs or gluten containing grains.

Evidence in MS or other autoimmune disease

A small uncontrolled, single-arm study looked at the effect of a multimodal intervention
that included a modified Paleo diet on people with secondary progressive MS.9 In this
study there was significant improvement in fatigue scores over a period of 12 months.

This study, however, also involved exercise, stretching, massage, meditation and
electrical stimulation, and did not include a control group on a reference (comparison)
diet. There is a need for larger controlled trials of the Paleo diet in people with MS.

Evidence in non-autoimmune disorders

A recent study randomizing people to the Paleo diet or a reference diet showed
improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors; however, the Paleo diet group also
had a reduction in body weight and a portion of the beneficial effect could have been
derived from the weight loss.10

Possible deficiencies that may result from the diet

The Paleo diet can result in deficiencies in folic acid, thiamine and vitamin B6 (due to
reduced intake of cereals), calcium and vitamin D (due to lack of dairy intake) and
insufficient caloric intake without appropriate nutritional advice.

Mediterranean Diet (MD)

The MD is one of the most extensively studied diets in the setting of cardiovascular
health. It has several similarities to the Paleolithic diet but in some ways is more
practical to follow. The MD has many components which are thought to be beneficial,
however most research suggests the MD as a whole has far greater benefit than its
individual components.11

Guidelines for MD
There are various definitions of the MD, however they generally share the following
components: high intake of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil and fish; a
low intake of saturated fats (butter and other animal fats), red meat, poultry, dairy
products; and a regular but moderate intake of ethanol mainly consisting of red wine
during meals.
The MD is part of the Mediterranean lifestyle. Figure 1 (p. 9) shows the important
components of the MD in pictorial fashion.

Evidence for a role in MS or other autoimmune disorders

There are currently no data for a role of the MD in MS. A meta-analysis of 17
randomized controlled trials demonstrated a benefit of the MD on markers of

Evidence for a role in non-autoimmune disorders

There is evidence for a beneficial effect of the MD in type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
disease prevention and perhaps even in cancer prevention.12–14

Nutritional deficiencies that may result from following this diet

No specific nutritional deficiencies would be expected from following the MD.

McDougall Diet

The McDougall diet is a low-fat, high carbohydrate, moderate sodium, vegan diet. It is
based on the premise that the rich Western diet is the cause of several chronic diseases.
It aims at eliminating animal based food and vegetable fats and replacing them with
low-fat plant based foods.

Guidelines for the McDougall diet

The basic components are plant sources of complex carbohydrates and starch (refined
flour or white rice are excluded). The suggested staples of the diet include wheat flour
products, corn, rice, oats, barley, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, peas, and
lentils. Fresh fruits and non-starch green or colored vegetables can be added to the diet
in any quantity. A low sodium intake is encouraged and small amounts of sugar and
spices may be used to flavor foods. No animal-derived foods are allowed; therefore
dairy, eggs, meat, poultry and fish are excluded. In addition, oils are not allowed
(including vegetable oils).

Evidence in MS or autoimmune disease

No evidence exists in MS or other autoimmune diseases.

Evidence in other disorders

A study from the McDougall center showed that 7 days of the diet led to a reduction in
weight, BP and cholesterol levels.15 This study did not comment on the long-term effects
of the diet.

Nutritional deficiencies that may result from this diet

The McDougall diet could result in deficiencies in iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium
and ω3-fatty acids.

Gluten Free Diet (GFD)

A GFD is a diet completely devoid of products derived from gluten containing cereals –
wheat, barley, rye and triticales (a cross between wheat and rye). Gluten is a protein
that is composed of gliadin and glutenin that are found conjoined with starch in wheat,
rye and barley. It is a major component of the proteins found in wheat.
Gluten sensitivity is a feature of celiac disease and GFD is a common treatment for this
disorder. Besides celiac disease, gluten sensitivity has also been noted in a condition
called non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), which can also lead to gastrointestinal

Guidelines for a GFD

It is important to remember that “wheat-free” is not the same as “gluten free”. For a
GFD it is necessary to avoid all food containing any derivatives of wheat, barley or

triticales. Additionally it is also important to consider cross-contamination if the food is
prepared in an area where these products are utilized. It is also important to find
substitutes since this helps in ensuring that the avoidance of gluten containing foods
does not result in significant restrictions in caloric intake and ultimately in nutritional

Evidence for a role in MS

There is no evidence for a role of GFD in patients with MS. Multiple studies suggest that
people with MS have the same prevalence of anti-gliadin and anti-TTG antibodies
(antibodies elevated in Celiac disease) as healthy controls.16,17
GFD is a treatment for celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis (a chronic, itchy,
bumpy and red rash). It has also been evaluated in other autoimmune conditions such
as rheumatoid arthritis with no definite role for GFD noted in these disorders.18

Evidence for a role in non-autoimmune disorders

There is no evidence for a role for GFD in non-autoimmune disorders.

Nutritional Deficiencies that may result from this diet

No definite nutritional deficiencies expected if gluten-free beads and cereals are

Swank diet

The Swank diet was described by Dr. Roy Swank and was used by him to treat patients
with MS for several years.19 The diet is essentially a low fat diet that focuses on reducing
both saturated and unsaturated fats.

Guidelines for the Swank Diet

Saturated fat intake should not exceed 15 grams/day, while unsaturated fat /oils intake
should be kept below 20-50 grams/day. No processed foods containing saturated fats
should be consumed. Similarly dairy products must contain less than 1% fat.
Whole grain cereals and pastas are recommended. Two cups each of fruits and
vegetables are recommended.
No red meat intake is allowed for the first year after which 3 oz. of red meat are allowed
weekly. White fish and shellfish are permissible in any amount. Skinned trimmed poultry
meat is permissible.
A cod liver oil and multivitamin supplement is also recommended. Additional details on
the diet are available at the Swank MS Foundation website (

Evidence in MS
Dr. Swank in 1970 reported the effects of his diet over a period of 20 years on patients
with MS.19 In this observational report, he suggested that the diet reduced occurrence
of relapses, accumulation of disability and mortality. It is important to note that the

study did not have a control arm to compare the subjects on the diet. Also a
standardized scoring system such as the EDSS was not available at that time, making
comparison with other groups of MS patients challenging.

Evidence in non-autoimmune disorders

No evidence for the Swank diet exists in non-autoimmune disorders.

Nutritional deficiencies that may develop due to this diet

Though no definite deficiencies would be expected to develop from this diet, a recent
study showed that those following this diet were consuming less than the
recommended levels of vitamin A, C, E and folate.20S


While many different dietary strategies are being promoted for people with MS,
currently there is insufficient evidence to recommend any of these strategies.
Interestingly despite the differences between these diets there are several common
themes. Almost all the diets advocate avoiding highly processed food, foods with high
glycemic index and food that is high in saturated fat. Most diets also recommend
reducing consumption of fatty red meat and increasing consumption of fruits and
Other approaches to diet are also being considered and include caloric restriction, which
appears to be effective in animal models of MS. Trials of caloric restriction in people
with MS are now underway.
More systematic evaluation of dietary strategies in MS is required. However, while we
wait for such research to be done, following a diet that incorporates some of the
themes that are common to these various diets and also has beneficial effects for
overall health may be the most pragmatic option at this time.

Table 1: “Diets for MS” – at a glance

Diet Basic guidelines Restrictions Possible Evidence for benefit in MS Evidence for benefit
deficiencies in other diseases
Paleolithic Emphasizes consumption of Processed food, Folic acid, Single observation study Single study showed
Diet9 game meats (30-35% of daily domesticated thiamine, demonstrating possible improvement in
caloric intake) and plant meats, dairy vitamin B6, improvement in fatigue in cardiovascular risk
foods (besides cereals), calcium and progressive MS patients factors10
multiple daily servings of vitamin D, (however diet was bundled
green, sulfur rich and insufficient with other interventions
intensely colored vegetables caloric intake and there was no
and fruits, with a high intake comparison group)9
of PUFA to target a ratio of
saturated to unsaturated
fats of 1.4-2:1
Mediterranean High intake of whole grains, No specific None expected None Extensive evidence
Diet21 vegetables, fruits, legumes, exclusions for a benefit on
olive oil and fish, a low cardiovascular
intake of saturated fats health, diabetes and
(butter and other animal possibly on cancer
fats), red meat, poultry, risk12,13,21,22
dairy products and a regular
but moderate intake of
ethanol (mainly red wine)
McDougall High carbohydrate, low fat, Dairy, eggs, Iron, vitamin None One study showed
Diet15 low sodium vegan diet with meat, poultry, B12, vitamin D, improvement in
cereals, potatoes, and fish and all oils calcium and ω3- cardiovascular risk
legumes as staples. Fruits fatty acids factors with one
and vegetables are allowed week of the diet (did
in any amount. Low sodium not look at long term
intake and small amounts of effects)15
sugar are recommended.

Gluten Free Avoidance of all foods Foods None expected None16,17 Treatment for Celiac
Diet18 containing wheat, barley, containing disease and non-
triticales or their derivatives wheat, barley celiac gluten
or triticales or sensitivity
their derivatives
Swank Diet19 Low fat diet that advocates Processed food None expected Observational data from a None
reduction in the intake of with saturated (possibly single cohort of patients
saturated fats. Whole grain fats, high fat vitamin A, C, E treated with this diet
cereals are recommended, dairy products, and folate) suggested an improvement
daily intake of 2 servings of red meat for 1st in relapses and functional
fruits and vegetables, intake year status. (there was no
of white fish and shellfish control comparison
and trimmed poultry is group)19
allowed. Low fat dairy is
allowed and small quantities
of red meat are permissible
after the 1st year of the diet

Figure 1: Pyramidal representation of the components of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle (adapted from Ostan et
al.21) 9

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