Andro-Socio: Tressa Poulose, Gauri Palshikar, Sneha Chandra & Anushri Patil

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362,

Tressa Poulose1, Gauri Palshikar2, Sneha Chandra3 & Anushri Patil4
Dept. of Information Technology, Pune University
Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Abstract— We are living in the 21st century so Keywords - Android, Encryption, Google API,
called as the modern century, as a member of this Privacy Preserving, Social Issues.
century we all have seen many technological
developments in the field of Information and
Technology. Development in the technology has I. INTRODUCTION
lead to a more comfortable lifestyle but still there
are many general problems which are not yet been
Now-a-days, mobile phones are becoming more
solved. Problems involving accidents, municipal
and more popular. The general term used for
related issues and crimes are increasing at a
today's mobile phones is "Smartphones". The use
higher rate. Everyday accidents occur causing one
of smartphone has become very popular and even
death every four minutes. Garbage, water
necessary in our daily routine. So, they began to
problems, sanitation, power supply etc., municipal
cost less money and more people could afford
issues are a common site every day and crimes
them. The majority of mobile phones made after
exist in various forms everywhere. But people don't
2010 are smartphones. The high usability of
readily come forward for reporting these issues due
smartphones is by consumers as well as the
to the fear of revealing oneself. Therefore, we are
corporate and public sector. Due to the advance
proposing such a system that will help people to
technology today's mobile phones have grown into
present their issues without any fear.
technically and functionally hi-tech smartphones
Registering a complaint about a civic
which have more in common with computers than
issue is now just an App away. The prime objective
with the old conventional phones. Mobile
of the proposed system is to preserve the privacy of
communication is one of the latest and the handiest
people while they are reporting for any of the
way of transmitting the message to the intend
problems which we discussed earlier. With smart
receiver. Ubiquitousness of smartphones and their
phones becoming increasingly popular, citizens
rich features have contributed a lot towards the
can now download any Android applications at
development of smartphones. In smartphones we
any-time since they are cost efficient and easily
have different choices of operating system like
available. Hence, we are developing an Android
some smartphone manufactures provide Windows
Application which is very helpful for the people to
OS, some provide iOS, some provide Android OS
come forward and raise their voice against any
and there are many more new OS which are still
issues(which are discussed above) they might be
evolving. But among all these, majority of World's
facing. Using our proposed Android Application
population uses smartphones with Android OS,
people can lodge complaints and report incidents
since they are easy to use and also affordable.
such as accidents.
Without any doubt the technology has changed
The techniques used in our system are
the way we lead our lives and these changes are
Shamir's Secret Sharing Algorithm for encryption
prominent over the last decade. There are several
purpose to preserve identity of users, Google APIs
improvements in life due to the positive effects of
for Location prediction so that when user reports
technology and there are some negative impacts as
any complaint it can be registered in the data set of
well. Positive impacts would be that the technology
specific location. Also location tracing is required
has made our lives easier and full of luxury but on
for finding near-by hospitals in emergency cases
the other hand negative impacts like the laziness
like accidents.
which is harnessing among us due to luxury and the
Citizens can not only make a complaint on
ignorance of people in crucial situations lead to
several issues using the application but they can
critical outcomes which affect everyone lives. So
also upload photographs of the civic problem. After
keeping these things in mind, by trying to
registering on the application the user can make
implement good effects and avoiding bad effects,
complaints regarding garbage, cattle, potholes and
we are proposing a solution which is in the form of
street lights. User can also report incidents that are
an Android App.
dedicated to social issues like lost items, events,
Android provides a rich application framework
local crime spotting etc.
that allows you to build innovative apps and games

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

for mobile devices in a Java language environment. is required for finding immediate medical facility
Android user interface is mainly based on direct [2]. Providing all these features in the proposed app
manipulation, using touch gestures that loosely our main aim is to preserve User's privacy. Reason
corresponds to real-world actions such as swiping, for keeping User's Identity unrecognized is that
tapping and pinching to manipulate on-screen many people are afraid to take a firm stand against
objects along with a virtual keyboard for text input. some social issues because they are afraid of the
Android smartphones also provide very basic but people who are on higher-level, since they can
very necessary functionalities such as GPS, threaten them and cause harm to the people who
Tethering and portable Hotspot, Wi-Fi connectivity are complaining[3].
and much more. Smartphones and tablets are
mobile devices; they have strong computational
power, several sensors which are outfitted with a
highly personalized operating system that enables II. LITERATURE SURVEY
the installation of additional applications to further
enhance the functionalities of these devices. The paper presented by Xiaohui Liang,
Moreover, smartphones have several connectivity Rongxing Lu, Le Chen, Xiaodong Lin, and Xuemin
interfaces such as Wi-Fi and 3G/4G data (Sherman) Shen in year 2011 describes a privacy-
connection that allow the device to be seemingly preserving emergency call scheme, called PEC, to
connected to the Internet. implement a decentralized emergency response
The world problem that preoccupies human system for a rapid response of emergency care in
thought today and touches its core reality is that of the mobile healthcare social network [1]. It uses
the social system. Social issues (also social attribute-based encryption technique to enable fine-
problem, social evil and social conflicts) refer to grained access control of emergency data to
any undesirable condition that is opposed either by patients. The limitations of this system are it does
the whole society or by a section of the society. It not provide messaging facility and also it’s
is an unwanted social condition, often response time is very less.
objectionable, the continuance of which is harmful Also paper presented by Soumyasri S.M. and
for the society. India is facing a large number of Rajkiran Ballal in year 2013 describes preserving
social issues such as caste system, child labour, privacy in wireless sensor networks [2]. In this
illiteracy, gender inequality, superstitions, religious system, two location anonymization algorithms
conflicts and many more. It is high time to get have been proposed, namely, resource and quality
relief of these undesirable social evils. Sanitation aware algorithms. The paper presented by Manoj
and cleanliness is a basic problem and one of the Patil, Prof. Vinay Sahu and Prof. Anurag Jain in
important social issues of our country. People year 2014 describes SMS Text Compression and
should clean their areas and take care of personal Encryption on Android O.S [3]. Here they
hygiene to stay healthy and away from any proposed an efficient technique of sending SMS
diseases. text using combination of compression and
Because of the above mentioned reasons we encryption. The data to be send is first encrypted
propose an Android Application which will help using Elliptic curve Cryptographic technique.
people to report these problems to the local In 2016, Chen Zhang, Ziheng Sun, Gil Heo,
authority. As we discussed earlier the Liping Di*, Li Lin presented the paper A Geo
functionalities of Android which will be very much Package Implementation of Common Map API on
beneficial in developing our Android Application. Google Maps and Open Layers to Manipulate
Android features like Location tracing will be an Agricultural Data on Mobile Devices[4]. In this
important consideration in the proposed app. The paper, we present a Geo Package based mobile
proposed app provides the users to register a application implementing Common Map API on
complaint regarding a specific problem. These both Google Maps TM and Open Layers to assist in
registered problems will be send to the associated the manipulation of agricultural data on mobile
authority in-charge and keeping the identity of user devices.
private. Thus, after receiving the complaints the In [5], Mengyu Qiao, Andrew H. Sung, and
local authority can take some action regarding the Qingzhong Liu proposed Merging Permission and
problem. Also in some emergency cases such as API Features for Android Malware Detection. In
road accidents our app provides the facility for this paper, we propose a novel machine learning
finding nearby hospitals and emergency calling approach to detect malware by mining the patterns
system to call for help. For understanding the of Permissions and API Function Calls acquired
emergency calling facility we have taken reference and used by Android Apps. Based on static analysis
from 'PEC: A Privacy-Preserving Emergency Call of source code and resource files of Android Apps,
Scheme for Mobile Healthcare Social binary and numerical features are extracted for
Networks'[1]. And nearest point of interest service

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Feature

selection methods are applied to reduce the feature
dimension and enhance the efficiency. Different IV. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
machine learning methods, including Support
In our proposed system architecture the Key
Vector Machines, Random Forest and Neural
terms are Android Phones, PHP Servers, Web
Networks, are applied and compared in
Servers and Database servers. Android Phones are
used by the Users for sending signals or messages
and reporting the incidents. These signals/messages
are transmitted through the wireless network to the
III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Web Server. In wireless network, for transmission,
we use HTTP while sending and JSON while
Our Andro-Socio App plays an important role in receiving the signals/messages. The reports and the
reporting any of the social issues like municipality messages send by the users are stored in the
related problems, any criminal activities or Database Server. Also the registration information
accidents. Andro-Socio App preserves the identity of the User is stored on the Database Server in
of the user who is reporting any of the above Encrypted format. The overall management of the
incidents. We use Shamir’s Secret Algorithm for Web Server and Database server is done by PHP
encryption of the user’s information which helps in Server.
preserving the privacy of the user. Our App records
any report submitted by the user systematically.
This well maintained record is further used for
making a rating scheme corresponding to the
politicians based on User’s review. This rating will
be very useful when voting for the Politician at the
time of Elections.


Sr. No. Incident Action taken by app
Sends an immediate
1 Accidents message to the nearest
medical centers.
Sends an alert message
to the police station in-
2 charge of that specific
location as soon as the
user reports this activity.
Figure 1: Block Diagram
Stores the issues
reported by the user for
Municipal the politicians specific a. Encryption: The registration detail of the
issues to user’s location to take user is stored on the Database Server. As the
action on it as soon as important aspect of our project is to preserve
possible. the Privacy of the User we use encryption
techniques for this purpose. The Shamir’s
Secret Algorithm is one of the efficient
As we discussed in Table I, in all the incidents Encryption Techniques. It is a type of secret
mentioned, location service and maps are a must. sharing, where a secret is divided into parts,
For which we use Google API’s. Out of many giving each participant its own unique part,
services provided in Google API, we integrate where some of the parts or all of them are
some of the main services like Google Maps and needed in order to reconstruct the secret. Goal
Google Maps distance matrix. In case of accidents is to divide some data D (e.g., the safe
and criminal activities, an immediate alert message combination) into n pieces D1, D2….Dn in such
is sent to the nearest medical centres or the police a way that:
station, as per the location respectively. As for the  Knowledge of any k or more D pieces
municipal issues, the report is lodged in the makes D easily computable.
database for the politician of that concerned area  Knowledge of any k -1 or fewer pieces
can take action on it. leaves D completely undetermined (in the

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 35

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

sense that all its possible values are

equally likely).This scheme is called (k, n)
threshold scheme. If k=n then all
participants are required together to
reconstruct the secret.

b. SMS Service: Software is required for

sending and receiving bulk messages and
various software packages are available. These
software packages provide users with the
opportunity to add as many phone numbers as
required and these phone numbers can be
managed in a variety of ways. So we are
providing this facility to the users after we
acquire this software facility.

Figure 2: SMS Service Diagram

Figure 3: System Flow Diagram
c. Location and Google APIs : In our app we The first screen which appears when we open the
are integrating Google API services for Andro-Socio App is the Splash Screen. The
location tracing of nearest required medical Splash Screen contains the User icon and
center or police station. The Google Maps Politician icon for Login and also at the bottom
Distance Matrix API returns information based of the screen there is an option for registration
on the recommended route between start and for new users. Registration of local citizens and
end points, as calculated by the Google. the politicians is distinct which is stored on the
Database Server in encrypted format. Users can
d. System Flow: upload their pictures on their profile and they can
change or update the information anytime. Users
should Login to their respective accounts for
reporting any kind of complaint or accidents. The
Politicians can view these complaints and can
take required actions as soon as possible.

The proposed system facilitates privacy
preserving of the people’s identity while they
lodge complaints, report incidents like accidents,
municipal related issues and crimes with the help
of data encryption techniques. In our app there is
login for two users i.e. Politician and Common
people. In this app, citizens can not only make a
complaint on several issues but also they can
upload photographs of the civic problems. So far
instant messaging facility is provided. It provides
review scheme which can be used for polling

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 36

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

purpose. Emergency calling facility is also

provided for some critical situations.

Sincere thanks to our guide Prof A. G. Khairnar
and HOD Prof V. S. Pawar and other faculty
members of Information Technology for giving
the valuable suggestions and for guiding us.

[1] Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, Le Chen,
Xiaodong Lin and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen-
PEC: A Privacy-Preserving Emergency Call
Scheme for Mobile Healthcare Social
Networks, 2011 JOURNAL OF
VOL.13, NO.2.
[2] Ahsan Mustafa, Atif Jan, Sahibzada Ali
Mahmud, Zeeshan Sha_q, Gul Muhammad
Khan, Muhammad Haseeb Zafar - Point-of-
Interests Based Best Path Selection Using
Cluster-based Routing, 2014 IEEE.
[3] Andrea Saracino, Daniele Sgandurra -
Addressing Privacy Issues in Location-based
Collaborative and Distributed Environments,
2014 IEEE.
[4] Peter Teu, Andreas Fitzek, Daniel Hein,
Alexander Marsalek, Alexander Oprisnik,
Thomas Ze_erer - Android Encryption
[5] Soumyasri S.M., RajkiranBallal - A Review:
Preserving Privacy in Wireless Sensor
Networks, 2013.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 37

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