Nano 12 PDF
Nano 12 PDF
Nano 12 PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Water and ethylene glycol as conventional coolants have been widely used in an automotive car radiator
Received 30 March 2010 for many years. These heat transfer fluids offer low thermal conductivity. With the advancement of
Accepted 21 July 2010 nanotechnology, the new generation of heat transfer fluids called, “nanofluids” have been developed and
Available online 29 July 2010
researchers found that these fluids offer higher thermal conductivity compared to that of conventional
coolants. This study focused on the application of ethylene glycol based copper nanofluids in an auto-
motive cooling system. Relevant input data, nanofluid properties and empirical correlations were
obtained from literatures to investigate the heat transfer enhancement of an automotive car radiator
Automotive radiator
Heat transfer enhancement
operated with nanofluid-based coolants. It was observed that, overall heat transfer coefficient and heat
transfer rate in engine cooling system increased with the usage of nanofluids (with ethylene glycol the
basefluid) compared to ethylene glycol (i.e. basefluid) alone. It is observed that, about 3.8% of heat
transfer enhancement could be achieved with the addition of 2% copper particles in a basefluid at the
Reynolds number of 6000 and 5000 for air and coolant respectively. In addition, the reduction of air
frontal area was estimated.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-4311/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2686 K.Y. Leong et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2685e2692
ethylene glycol basefluid. Hwang et al. [4] found that thermal higher heat transfer coefficient compared to that of other types of
conductivity of the nanofluids depends on the volume fraction of nanofluids.
particles and thermal conductivity of basefluid and particles. Lee Ding et al. [9] found that convective heat transfer coefficient
et al. [5] measured the thermal conductivity of low volume of nanofluids has the highest magnitude at the entrance length of
concentration of aqueous alumina (Al2O3) nanofluids produced by a tube. It starts decreasing with axial distance and eventually
two-step method. Authors inferred that the thermal conductivity of accomplish at a constant value in the fully developed region. At
aqueous nanofluids increases linearly with the addition of alumina a given flow and particle concentration, aqueous carbon nano-
particles. Thermal conductivity of zinc dioxideeethylene glycol particles offer highest improvement. Zeinali et al. [10] experi-
(ZnOeEG) based nanofluids was investigated by Yu et al. [6]. They mentally investigated convective heat transfer to aluminaewater
obtained about 26.5% enhancement of thermal conductivity by (Al2O3/water) nanofluids in laminar flow inside a circular tube
adding 5% volume fraction of zinc dioxide nanoparticles in ethylene with constant wall temperature under different concentrations of
glycol. Present study concluded that size of nanoparticles and nanoparticles. They obtained augmentation of heat transfer
viscosity of the nanofluids played a vital role in thermal conduc- coefficient of nanofluid with increase of nanoparticle concen-
tivity enhancement ratio of them. tration. They also obtained greater heat transfer coefficient of
Mintsa et al. [7] investigated the effect of temperature, particle nanofluid in comparison to that of distilled water basefluid at
size and volume fraction on thermal conductivity of water based a constant Peclet number. Authors have reported that the heat
nanofluids of copper oxide and alumina. Authors suggested that transfer augmentation results are much higher in experimental
thermal characteristics can be enhanced with increase of particles’ observation than that of predicted results. Yu et al. [11] con-
volume fraction, temperature and particle size. Authors found that ducted heat transfer experiments of nanofluids containing
the smaller the particle size, the greater the effective thermal 170-nm silicon carbide particles at 3.7% volume concentration.
conductivity of the nanofluids at the same volume fraction. Contact The results showed that heat transfer coefficients of nanofluids
surface area of particles with fluid and Brownian motion can be are 50e60% greater than those of basefluids at a constant Rey-
increased when smaller particles are used in the same volume nolds number.
fraction. This consequently increased thermal conductivity of Kim et al. [12] investigated effect of nanofluids on the perfor-
nanofluids. mances of convective heat transfer coefficient of a circular straight
tube having laminar and turbulent flow with constant heat flux.
3. Nanofluids in enhancing forced convective heat transfer Authors have found that the convective heat transfer coefficient of
and relevant pressure drop alumina nanofluids improved in comparison to basefluid by 15%
and 20% in laminar and turbulent flow, respectively. This showed
Namburu et al. [8] numerically analyzed turbulent flow and heat that the thermal boundary layer played a dominant role in laminar
transfer to three types of nanofluids namely copper oxide (CuO), flow while thermal conductivity played a dominant role in turbu-
alumina (Al2O3) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) in ethylene glycol and lent flow. However, no improvement in convection heat transfer
water, flowing through a circular tube under constant heat flux. coefficient was noticed for amorphous particle nanofluids.
Results revealed that nanofluids containing smaller diameter of Ku et al. [13] conducted an experimental study on pressure drop
nanoparticles produce higher viscosity and Nusselt number. Nus- of nanofluids containing carbon nanotubes in a horizontal tube.
selt numbers are also increased at higher volume fraction of Authors had reported that the pressure drops of nanofluids became
particles. It is observed that at a constant heat flux (50 W/cm2) with almost the same as that of distilled water (basefluid). The viscosity
a constant Reynolds number (20,000), heat transfer coefficient of of nanofluids decreases with the shear rate and thus, the difference
6% CuO nanofluid has increased 1.35 times than that of the base- of pressure drop between nanofluids and distilled water at elevated
fluid. At the same particle volume fraction, CuO nanofluid produced flow rate also decreases.
K.Y. Leong et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2685e2692 2687
of TiO2ewater nanofluids, flowing in a turbulent flow regime. They Serial Description Air side Coolant
reported that the pressure drop of nanofluids was slightly higher number side
than that of the basefluid and increased with the increasing volume 1 Tube arrangement Staggered
concentrations. 2 Fin type Ruffled
3 Fin pitch 4.46 fins/cm
4 Fin thickness 0.01 cm
5 Hydraulic diameter, Dh 0.351 cm 0.373 cm
4. Input data and operating characteristics 6 Free flow area frontal area, s 0.78 0.129
7 Heat transfer area/total volume, a 886 m2/m3 138 m2/m3
Necessary input data were taken from literature to perform the 8 Fin area/total area, b 0.845
mnf ¼ mf (13)
ð1 4Þ2:5
Gnf ¼ (14)
Afr snf
vnf ¼ (15)
mnf Cp;nf
Prnf ¼ (16)
1 4 rf Cp;f þ 4rp Cp;p
Cp;nf ¼ (17)
(c) Fin efficiency of plate fin, hf can be expressed as Eq. (7): Cnf ¼ Wnf Cp;nf (19)
tanh mL
h¼ (7) (c) Heat exchanger effectiveness for cross-flow unmixed fluid,
mL 3 can be expressed as Eq. (20):
h h i i
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
2ha 3 ¼ 1 exp *
ðNTUÞ0:22 exp C * ðNTUÞ0:78 1 (20)
m ¼ ; (8) C
k ¼ 3994 W/m K is the thermal conductivity of copper fin.
(d) Total surface temperature effectiveness, can be expressed as C* ¼ (21)
Eq. (9):
Af Ua Afr;a
ho ¼ 1:0 1:0 hf (9) NTU ¼
(d) Overall heat transfer coefficient, based on air side can be
5.2. Nanofluid side calculation expressed as Eq. (23), where wall resistance and fouling factors
are neglected.
The parameters needed for nanofluid side calculation are
nanofluid heat transfer coefficient, nanofluid heat capacity rate, 1 1 1
heat exchanger effectiveness for cross-flow unmixed fluid, heat ¼ þ (23)
Ua ho ha anf
transfer coefficient based on air side, pressure drop, pumping hnf
power and total heat transfer rate. Similar to previous section, the
relevant input data are substituted into the mathematical formu- (e) Pressure drop can be expressed as Eq. (24):
lations as shown below.
G2nf fnf H
(a) Heat transfer coefficient can be expressed as Eq. (10): DPnf ¼ (24)
2 rnf h;nf 4
Nunf knf
hnf ¼ (10)
Dh;nf where,
Renf mnf
Gnf ¼ (28)
In this equation mnf was varied and other parameters were kept
constant. This value is then substituted into Eq. (14) to calculate the
coolant mass flow rate, which can be manipulated as shown in
Eq. (29).
Fig. 3. Effect of copper volume fraction to coolant Prandtl and Nusselt number at
Wnf ¼ Gnf Afr snf (29) constant air and coolant Reynolds number.
2690 K.Y. Leong et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2685e2692
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient based
on Air Side (W/m2K)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 6. Effect of air Reynolds number to air heat transfer coefficient.
Volume Fraction of Copper Particles (%)
Fig. 4. Effect of copper volume fraction to overall heat transfer coefficient based on air
air side of the radiator is obtained and shown in Fig. 7. From the
side at constant air and coolant Reynolds number.
study, air heat transfer coefficient is found proportional with air
Reynolds number. It can be explained using Eqs. (3) and (6). Eq. (6)
coefficient if 2% Cu þ EG nanofluid is used. Hence, estimated can be manipulated as shown the Eq. (30):
reduction of air side area up to 15.31% at 2% Cu þ EG particles was
Rea ma
achieved. This study also found that heat transfer rate is increased Ga ¼ (30)
exponentially as the volume fraction of copper particles are
increased as shown in Fig. 5. This improvement is calculated using In Eq. (30), the hydraulic diameter and air viscosity were kept
Eq. (27). It can be deduced that effectiveness of the radiator is constant. Therefore, air mass velocity is increased when air Rey-
increased with the application of nanofluids. However the nolds number increases. The higher value of air mass velocity is
percentage of effectiveness does not increase substantially, although then substituted into Eq. (3) to determine the air heat transfer
the improvement of overall heat transfer coefficient is significant. coefficient. In Eq. (3) the air heat capacity and Prandtl number were
kept constant. Although the Colburn factor is decreased with air
Reynolds number, the increment of air mass velocity is much
6.2. Influence of air Reynolds number on thermal performance of higher and subsequently air heat transfer coefficient is increased.
a radiator Nanofluids with higher copper volume fraction generates higher
overall heat transfer coefficient than that of a basefluid. Same
The effect of air Reynolds number on the thermal performance scenario happened for heat transfer rate where it is proportional to
of a radiator is discussed in this section. A coolant’s volumetric and air Reynolds number as shown in Fig. 8. About 3.8% of heat transfer
mass flow rates, Nusselt and Prandtl numbers did not experience improvement can be achieved with addition of 2% copper particles
any change since the coolant Reynolds number was kept fixed at at 6000 and 5000 Reynolds number for air and coolant respectively.
5000. Only air Reynolds number and fraction of copper nano- Based on the overall heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate
particles were varied in this section. With the increase of air Rey- improvement, percentage reduction of air frontal area can be
nolds numbers, the air heat transfer coefficient was increased as estimated, at these Reynolds numbers. Percentage improvement of
shown in Fig. 6. This will influence the thermal performance of the heat transfer rate is increased with air Reynolds number. Although
radiator system. Substituting higher value of air heat transfer
coefficient into Eq. (23), overall heat transfer coefficient based on
Heat Transfer (kW)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Volume Fraction of Copper Particles (%)
Fig. 5. Effect of copper volume fraction to heat transfer rate at constant air and coolant Fig. 7. Effect of air Reynolds number and copper volume fraction to overall heat
Reynolds number. transfer coefficient based on air side.
K.Y. Leong et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2685e2692 2691
Heat Transfer (KW)
3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
Air Reynolds Number
Fig. 8. Effect of air Reynolds number and copper volume fraction to heat transfer rate Fig. 10. Effect of coolant Reynolds number to heat transfer rate of radiator.
of radiator.
Fig. 9. Effect of coolant Reynolds number to overall heat transfer coefficient based on Fig. 11. Influence of copper volume fraction to coolant pressure drop at fixed coolant
air side. volumetric flow rate.
2692 K.Y. Leong et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2685e2692
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