Causal Reasoning From Meta-Reinforcement Learning

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Causal Reasoning from Meta-reinforcement Learning

Ishita Dasgupta∗ 1,4 , Jane Wang1,

Silvia Chiappa1, Jovana Mitrovic1, Pedro Ortega1,
David Raposo1, Edward Hughes1, Peter Battaglia1,
Matthew Botvinick1,3, Zeb Kurth-Nelson1,2

DeepMind, UK

MPS-UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry, UCL, UK

arXiv:1901.08162v1 [cs.LG] 23 Jan 2019

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL, UK
Department of Physics and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, USA

Abstract intelligence and is present in human babies, rats, and even birds
(Leslie, 1982; Gopnik et al., 2001; 2004; Blaisdell et al., 2006;
Discovering and exploiting the causal structure in
Lagnado et al., 2013).
the environment is a crucial challenge for intelligent
agents. Here we explore whether causal reasoning There is a rich literature on formal approaches for defining and
can emerge via meta-reinforcement learning. performing causal reasoning (Pearl, 2000; Spirtes et al., 2000;
We train a recurrent network with model-free Dawid, 2007; Pearl et al., 2016). We investigate whether such
reinforcement learning to solve a range of problems reasoning can be achieved by meta-learning. The approach of
that each contain causal structure. We find that meta-learning is to learn the learning (or inference/estimation)
the trained agent can perform causal reasoning in procedure itself, directly from data. Analogous (Grant et al.,
novel situations in order to obtain rewards. The 2018) models that learn causal structure directly from the
agent can select informative interventions, draw environment, rather than having a pre-conceived formal theory,
causal inferences from observational data, and make have also been implicated in human intelligence (Goodman
counterfactual predictions. Although established et al., 2011).
formal causal reasoning algorithms also exist, in this
We specifically adopt the “meta-reinforcement learning”
paper we show that such reasoning can arise from
method introduced previously (Duan et al., 2016; Wang et al.,
model-free reinforcement learning, and suggest that
2016), in which a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based
causal reasoning in complex settings may benefit
agent is trained with model-free reinforcement learning (RL).
from the more end-to-end learning-based approaches
Through training on a large family of structured tasks, the
presented here. This work also offers new strategies
RNN becomes a learning algorithm which generalizes to new
for structured exploration in reinforcement learning,
tasks drawn from a similar distribution. In our case, we train on
by providing agents with the ability to perform—and
a distribution of tasks that are each underpinned by a different
causal structure. We focus on abstract tasks that best isolate
the question of interest: whether meta-learning can produce an
agent capable of causal reasoning, when no notion of causality
1. Introduction is explicitly given to the agent.
Many machine learning algorithms are rooted in discovering Meta-learning offers advantages of scalability by amortizing
patterns of correlation in data. While this has been sufficient to computations and, by learning end-to-end, the algorithm has
excel in several areas (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Cho et al., 2014), the potential to find the internal representations of causal struc-
sometimes the problems we are interested in are intrinsically ture best suited for the types of causal inference required
causal. Answering questions such as “Does smoking cause (Andrychowicz et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016; Finn et al., 2017).
cancer?” or “Was this person denied a job due to racial We chose to focus on the RL approach because we are interested
discrimination?” or “Did this marketing campaign cause sales in agents that can learn about causes and effects not only from
to go up?” require an ability to reason about causes and effects. passive observations but also from active interactions with the
Causal reasoning may be an essential component of natural environment (Hyttinen et al., 2013; Shanmugam et al., 2015).

Corresponding author:
p(A) Xj is the conditional distribution of Xj given Xi restricted to
A only causal paths.
An example of CBN G is given in Fig. 1a, where E represents
G G→E=e
hours of exercise in a week, H cardiac health, and A age. The
E H E H causal effect of E on H is the conditional distribution restricted
p(E|A) p(H|A,E) δ(E−e) p(H|A,E) to the path E → H, i.e. excluding the path E ← A → H. The
variable A is called a confounder, as it confounds the causal
(a) (b)
effect with non-causal statistical influence. Simply observing
Figure 1. (a): A CBN G with a confounder for the effect of exercise (E) cardiac health conditioning on exercise level from p(H|E)
on heath (H) given by age (A). (b): Intervened CBN G→E=e resulting (associative reasoning) cannot answer if change in exercise
from modifying G by replacing p(E|A) with a delta distribution δ(E− levels cause changes in cardiac health (cause-effect reasoning),
e) and leaving the remaining conditional distributions p(H|E,A) and since there is always the possibility that correlation between
p(A) unaltered. the two is because of the common confounder of age.
2. Problem Specification and Approach Cause-effect Reasoning. The causal effect of E = e can be
seen as the conditional distribution p→E=e(H|E =e)1 on the
We examine three distinct data settings – observational, intervened CBN G→E=e resulting from replacing p(E|A) with
interventional, and counterfactual – which test different kinds a delta distribution δ(E −e) (thereby removing the link from
of reasoning. A to E) and leaving the remaining conditional distributions
• In the observational setting (Experiment 1), the agent can p(H|E, A) and p(A) unaltered (Fig. 1b). The rules of do-
only obtain passive observations from the environment. calculus (Pearl, 2000; Pearl et al., 2016) tell us how to compute
This type of data allows an agent to infer correlations p→E=e(H|E = e) using P observations from G. In this case
(associative reasoning) and, depending on the structure of p→E=e(H|E = e) = A p(H|E = e,A)p(A)2. Therefore, do-
the environment, causal effects (cause-effect reasoning). calculus enables us to reason in the intervened graph G→E=e
even if our observations are from G. This is the scenario
• In the interventional setting (Experiment 2), the agent can
captured by our observational data setting outlined above.
act in the environment by setting the values of some vari-
ables and observing the consequences on other variables. Such inferences are always possible if the confounders are
This type of data facilitates estimating causal effects. observed, but in the presence of unobserved confounders, for
• In the counterfactual setting (Experiment 3), the agent many CBN structures the only way to compute causal effects
first has an opportunity to learn about the causal structure is by collecting observations directly from the intervened graph,
of the environment through interventions. At the last step e.g. from G→E=e by fixing the value of the variable E = e
of the episode, it must answer a counterfactual question and observing the remaining variables—we call this process
of the form “What would have happened if a different performing an actual intervention in the environment. In our
intervention had been made in the previous timestep?”. interventional data setting, outlined above, the agent has access
to such interventions.
Next we formalize these three settings and the patterns
of reasoning possible in each, using the graphical model Counterfactual Reasoning. Cause-effect reasoning can be
framework (Pearl, 2000; Spirtes et al., 2000; Dawid, 2007). used to correctly answer predictive questions of the type
Random variables will be denoted by capital letters (e.g., E) “Does exercising improve cardiac health?” by accounting for
and their values by small letters (e.g., e). causal structure and confounding. However, it cannot answer
retrospective questions about what would have happened. For
2.1. Causal Reasoning example, given an individual i who has died of a heart attack,
this method would not be able to answer questions of the type
Causal relationships among random variables can be expressed “What would the cardiac health of this individual have been
using causal Bayesian networks (CBNs) (see the Supple- had she done more exercise?”. This type of question requires
mentary Material). A CBN is a directed acyclic graphical reasoning about a counterfactual world (that did not happen).
model that captures both independence and causal relations. To do this, we can first use the observations from the factual
Each node Xi corresponds to a random variable, and the world and knowledge about the CBN to get an estimate of
joint distribution p(X1, ... , XN ) is given by the product of 1
conditional distributions of each nodeQXi given its parent nodes In the causality literature, this distribution would most often be
N indicated with p(H|do(E =e)). We prefer to use p→E=e (H|E =e)
pa(Xi), i.e. p(X1:N ≡X1,...,XN )= i=1p(Xi|pa(Xi)). to highlight that intervening on E results in changing the original
Edges carry causal semantics: if there exists a directed path distribution p, by structurally altering the CBN.
from Xi to Xj , then Xi is a potential cause of Xj . Directed Notice
P that conditioning on E =e would instead give p(H|E =
e)= A p(H|E =e,A)p(A|E =e).
paths are also called causal paths. The causal effect of Xi on
the specific latent randomness in the makeup of individual i in the information phase, to select the node with the highest
(for example information about this specific patient’s blood value under a random external intervention.
pressure and other variables as inferred by her having had
a heart attack). Then, we can use this estimate to compute Causal Graphs, Observations, and Actions
cardiac health under intervention on exercise. This procedure
is explained in more detail in the Supplementary Material. We generated all graphs on N = 5 nodes, with edges only
in the upper triangular of the adjacency matrix (this guaran-
tees that all the graphs obtained are acyclic). Edge weights
2.2. Meta-learning
wji were uniformly sampled from {−1,0,1}. This yielded
Meta-learning refers to a broad range of approaches in which 3N(N−1)/2 =59049 unique graphs. These can be divided into
aspects of the learning algorithm itself are learned from the equivalence classes: sets of graphs that are structurally identical
data. Many individual components of deep learning algorithms but differ in the permutation of the node labels. Our held-out
have been successfully meta-learned, including the optimizer test set consisted of 12 random graphs plus all other graphs in
(Andrychowicz et al., 2016), initial parameter settings (Finn the equivalence classes of these 12. Thus, all graphs in the test
et al., 2017), a metric space (Vinyals et al., 2016), and use of set had never been seen (and no equivalent graphs had been
external memory (Santoro et al., 2016). seen) during training. There were 408 total graphs in the test set.
Following the approach of (Duan et al., 2016; Wang et al., Each node, Xi ∈R, was a Gaussian random variable. Parentless
2016), we parameterize the entire learning algorithm as a nodes had distribution N (µ = 0.0,σ = 0.1). A node Xi with
recurrent neural network (RNN), and we train the weights of parents P
pa(Xi) had conditional distribution p(Xi|pa(Xi)) =
the RNN with model-free reinforcement learning (RL). The N (µ= j wjiXj ,σ =0.1), where Xj ∈pa(Xi)3.
RNN is trained on a broad distribution of problems which each
A root node of G was always hidden (unobservable), to allow
require learning. When trained in this way, the RNN is able to
for the presence of an unobserved confounder and the agent
implement a learning algorithm capable of efficiently solving
could therefore only observe the values of the other 4 nodes.
novel learning problems in or near the training distribution (see
The concatenated values of the nodes, vt, and and a one-hot
the Supplementary Material for further details).
vector indicating the external intervention during the quiz
Learning the weights of the RNN by model-free RL can be phase, mt, (explained below) formed the observation vector
thought of as the “outer loop” of learning. The outer loop shapes provided to the agent at step t, ot =[vt,mt].
the weights of the RNN into an “inner loop” learning algorithm.
In both phases, on each step t, the agent could choose to take 1
This inner loop algorithm plays out in the activation dynamics
of 2(N −1) actions, the first N −1 of which were information
of the RNN and can continue learning even when the weights
actions, and the second of which were quiz actions. Both
of the network are frozen. The inner loop algorithm can also
information and quiz actions were associated with selecting
have very different properties from the outer loop algorithm
the N −1 observable nodes, but could only be legally used in
used to train it. For example, in previous work this approach
the appropriate phase of the task. If used in the wrong phase,
was used to negotiate the exploration-exploitation tradeoff in
a penalty was applied and the action produced no effect.
multi-armed bandits (Duan et al., 2016) and learn algorithms
which dynamically adjust their own learning rates (Wang et al., Information Phase. In the information phase, an information
2016; 2018). In the present work we explore the possibility of action at =i caused an intervention on the i-th node, setting the
obtaining a causally-aware inner-loop learning algorithm. value of Xat = Xi = 5 (the value 5 was chosen to be outside
the likely range of sampled observations, to facilitate learning
3. Task Setup and Agent Architecture the causal graph). The node values vt were then obtained
by sampling from p→Xi =5(X1:N\i|Xi = 5) (where X1:N\i
In our experiments, in each episode the agent interacted with indicates the set of all nodes except Xi), namely from the inter-
a different CBN G, defined over a set of N variables. The vened CBN G→Xat =5 resulting from removing the incoming
structure of G was drawn randomly from the space of possible edges to Xat from G, and using the intervened value Xat =5
acyclic graphs under the constraints given in the next subsection. for conditioning its children’s values. If a quiz action was
chosen during the information phase, it was ignored; namely,
Each episode consisted of T steps, which were divided into
the node values were sampled from G as if no intervention had
two phases: an information phase and a quiz phase. The
been made, and the agent was given a penalty of rt = −10 in
information phase, corresponding to the first T − 1 steps,
order to encourage it to take quiz actions during the quiz phase.
allowed the agent to collect information by interacting with
There was no other reward during the information phase.
or passively observing samples from G. The agent could
potentially use this information to infer the connectivity and 3
We also tested graphs with non-linear causal effects, and larger
weights of G. The quiz phase, corresponding to the final step T , graphs of size N = 6 (see the Supplementary Material).
required the agent to exploit the causal knowledge it collected
The default length an episode for fixed to be T = N = 5, The outputs, calculated as linear projections of the LSTM’s
resulting in this phase being fixed to a length of T −1=4. This hidden state, are a set of policy logits (with dimensionality
was because in the noise-free limit, a minimum of N −1 = 4 equal to the number of available actions), plus a scalar baseline.
interventions, one on each observable node, are required in The policy logits are transformed by a softmax function, and
general to resolve the causal structure and score perfectly on then sampled to give a selected action.
the test phase.
Learning was by asynchronous advantage actor-critic (Mnih
Quiz Phase. In the quiz phase, one non-hidden node Xj was et al., 2016). In this framework, the loss function consists
selected at random to be intervened on by the environment. of three terms – the policy gradient, the baseline cost and
Its value was set to −5. We chose −5 to disallow the agent an entropy cost. The baseline cost was weighted by 0.05
from memorizing the results of interventions in the information relative to the policy gradient cost. The weighting of the
phase (which were fixed to +5) in order to perform well on the entropy cost was annealed over the course of training from
quiz phase. The agent was informed which node received this 0.25 to 0. Optimization was done by RMSProp with =10−5,
external intervention via the one-hot vector mt as part of the momentum = 0.9 and decay = 0.95. Learning rate was
observation from the the final pre-quiz phase timestep, T −1. annealed from 9×10−6 to 0, with a discount of 0.93. Unless
For steps t<T −1, mt was the zero vector. The agent’s reward otherwise stated, training was done for 1 × 107 steps using
on this step was the sampled value of the node it selected batched environments with a batch size of 1024.
during the quiz phase. In other words, rT =Xi =XaT −(N−1)
For all experiments, after training, the agent was tested with
if the action selected was a quiz action (otherwise, the agent
the learning rate set to zero, on a held-out test set.
was given a penalty of rT =−10).
Active vs Random Agents. Our agents had to perform two 4. Experiments
distinct tasks during the information phase: a) actively choose
which nodes to set values on, and b) infer the CBN from its Our three experiments (observational, interventional, and
observations. We refer to this setup as the “active” condition. counterfactual data settings) differed in the properties of the
To better understand the role of (a), we include comparisons vt that was observed by the agent during the information
with a baseline agent in the “random” condition, whose policy phase, and thereby limited the extent of causal reasoning
is to choose randomly which observable node it will set values possible within each data setting. Our measure of performance
for, at each step of the information phase. is the reward earned in the quiz phase for held-out CBNs.
Choosing a random node in the quiz phase results in a reward
Two Kinds of Learning. The “inner loop” of learning (see
of −5/4 = −1.25, since one node (the externally intervened
Section 2.2) occurs within each episode where the agent is
node) always has value −5 and the others have on average 0
learning from the evidence it gathers during the information
value. By learning to simply avoid the externally intervened
phase in order to perform well in the quiz phase. The same
node, the agent can earn on average 0 reward. Consistently
agent then enters a new episode, where it has to repeat the task
picking the node with the highest value in the quiz phase
on a different CBN. Test performance is reported on CBNs that
requires the agent to perform causal reasoning. For each agent,
the agent has never previously seen, after all the weights of the
we took the average reward earned across 1632 episodes (408
RNN have been fixed. Hence, the only transfer from training
held-out test CBNs, with 4 possible external interventions). We
to test (or the “outer loop” of learning) is the ability to discover
trained 8 copies of each agent and reported the average reward
causal dependencies based on observations in the information
earned by these, with error bars showing 95% confidence
phase, and to perform causal inference in the quiz phase.
intervals. The p values based on the appropriate t-test are
provided in cases where the compared values are close.
Agent Architecture and Training
We used a long short-term memory (LSTM) network (Hochre- 4.1. Experiment 1: Observational Setting
iter and Schmidhuber, 1997) (with 192 hidden units) that, at
In Experiment 1, the agent could neither intervene to set the
each time-step t, receives a concatenated vector containing
value of variables in the environment, nor observe any external
[ot,at−1,rt−1] as input, where ot is the observation4, at−1 is
interventions. In other words, it only received observations
the previous action (as a one-hot vector) and rt−1 the reward
from G, not G→Xj (where Xj is a node that has been intervened
(as a single real-value)5.
on). This limits the extent of causal inference possible. In this
’Observation’ ot refers to the reinforcement learning term, i.e. the experiment, we tested five agents, four of which were learned:
input from the environment to the agent. This is distinct from observa- “Observational”, “Long Observational”, “Active Conditional”,
tions in the causal sense (referred to as observational data) i.e. samples “Random Conditional”, and the “Optimal Associative
from a causal structure where no interventions have been carried out.
5 Baseline” (not learned). We also ran two other standard RL
These are both set to zero for the first step in an episode.
baselines—see the Supplementary Material for details.
(a) (b) (c)
Obs. Cond. (Orphan)
-3.3 0.0
Long-Obs. Assoc.(Orphan) -5.0 -5.0

Active-Cond. Cond. (Parent)

-0.8 -2.5
Optimal-Assoc. Assoc. (Parent) -1.4 -2.5

0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Optimal-Assoc. Agent Active-Cond. Agent

Avg. Reward Avg. Reward

Figure 2. Experiment 1. Agents do cause-effect reasoning from observational data. a) Average reward earned by the agents tested in this
experiment. See main text for details. b) Performance split by the presence or absence of at least one parent (Parent and Orphan respectively) on
the externally intervened node. c) Quiz phase for a test CBN. Green (red) edges indicate a weight of +1 (−1). Black represents the intervened
node, green (red) nodes indicate a positive (negative) value at that node, white indicates a zero value. The blue circles indicate the agent’s choice.
Left panel: The undirected version of G and the nodes taking the mean values prescribed by p(X1:N\j |Xj =−5), including backward inference
to the intervened node’s parent. We see that the Optimal Associative Baseline’s choice is consistent with maximizing these (incorrect) node values.
Right panel: G→Xj =−5 and the nodes taking the mean values prescribed by p→Xj =−5 (X1:N\j |Xj =−5). We see that the Active-Conditional
Agent’s choice is consistent with maximizing these (correct) node values.
Observational Agents: In the information phase, the actions Results
of the agent were ignored6, and the observational agent always
We focus on two questions in this experiment.
received the values of the observable nodes as sampled from
the joint distribution associated with G. In addition to the (i) Most centrally, do the agents learn to perform cause-effect
default T = 5 episode length, we also trained this agent with reasoning using observational data? The Optimal Associative
4× longer episode length (Long Observational Agent), to Baseline tracks the greatest reward that can be achieved using
measure performance increase with more observational data. only knowledge of correlations – without causal knowledge.
Compared to this baseline, the Active-Conditional Agent
Conditional Agents: The information phase actions corre-
(which is allowed to select highly informative observations)
sponded to observing a world in which the selected node Xj
earns significantly more reward (p = 6×10−5, Fig. 2a). To
is equal to Xj =5, and the remaining nodes are sampled from
better understand why the agent outperforms the associative
the conditional distribution p(X1:N\j |Xj = 5). This differs
baseline, we divided episodes according to whether or not the
from intervening on the variable Xj by setting it to the value
node that was intervened on in the quiz phase has a parent
Xj =5, since here we take a conditional sample from G rather
(Fig. 2b). If the intervened node Xj has no parents, then
than from G→Xj =5 (or from p→Xj =5(X1:N\j |Xj = 5)), and
G =G→Xj , and cause-effect reasoning has no advantage over
inference about the corresponding node’s parents is possible.
associative reasoning. Indeed, the Active-Conditional Agent
Therefore, this agent still has access to only observational
performs better than the Optimal Associative Baseline only
data, as with the observational agents. However, on average
when the intervened node has parents (hatched bars in Fig. 2b).
it receives more diagnostic information about the relation
We also show the quiz phase for an example test CBN in Fig. 2c,
between the random variables in G, since it can observe
where the Optimal Associative Baseline chooses according to
samples where a node takes a value far outside the likely range
the node values predicted by G, whereas the Active-Conditional
of sampled observations. We run active and random versions
Agent chooses according the node values predicted by G→Xj .
of this agent as described in Section 3.
These analyses allow
Optimal Associative Baseline: This baseline receives the true Random us to conclude that
joint distribution p(X1:N ) implied by the CBN in that episode the agent can perform
and therefore has full knowledge of the correlation structure of Active cause-effect reasoning,
the environment7. It can therefore do exact associative reason- using observational
ing of the form p(Xj |Xi =x), but cannot do any cause-effect data alone – analogous
reasoning of the form p→Xi =x(Xj |Xi =x). In the quiz phase, Figure 4. Active and Random Condi- to the formal use of
this baseline chooses the node that has the maximum value tional Agents
do-calculus. (ii) Do
according to the true p(Xj |Xi =x) in that episode, where Xi the agents learn to select useful observations? We find that the
is the node externally intervened upon, and x = −5. This is Active-Conditional Agent’s performance is significantly greater
the best possible performance using only associative reasoning. than the Random-Conditional Agent (Fig. 4). This indicates
6 that the agent has learned to choose useful data to observe.
These agents also did not receive the out-of-phase action penalties
during the information phase since their actions are totally ignored. For completeness we also included agents that received uncon-
Notice that the agent does not know the graphical structure, i.e. it ditional observations from G, i.e. the Observational Agents
does not know which nodes are parents of which other nodes.
(’Obs’ and ’Long-Obs’ in Fig. 2a). As expected, these agents
(a) (b) (c)
Active-Cond. Cond. (Unconf.)
Active-Int. Int. (Unconf.)
Optimal Assoc. Cond. (Conf.)
Optimal C-E Int. (Conf.)
0.0 1.0 0.0 1.1
Avg. Reward Avg. Reward Active-Cond. Agent Active-Int. Agent

Figure 3. Experiment 2. Agents do cause-effect reasoning from interventional data. a) Average reward earned by the agents tested in this
experiment. See main text for details. b) Performance split by the presence or absence of unobserved confounders (abbreviated as Conf. and
Unconf. respectively) on the externally intervened node. c) Quiz phase for a test CBN. See Fig. 2 for a legend. Here, the left panel shows the
full G and the nodes taking the mean values prescribed by p(X1:N\j |Xj = −5). We see that the Active-Cond Agent’s choice is consistent
with choosing based on these (incorrect) node values. The right panel shows G→Xj =−5 and the nodes taking the mean values prescribed by
p→Xj =−5 (X1:N\j |Xj =−5). We see that the Active-Int. Agent’s choice is consistent with maximizing on these (correct) node value.

performed worse than the Active-Conditional Agent, because the node that was intervened on in the quiz phase of the
they received less diagnostic information during the information episode had unobserved confounders with other variables in
phase. However, they were still able to acquire some informa- the graph (Fig. 3b). In confounded cases, as described in
tion from unconditional samples, and also made use of the Section 2.1, cause-effect reasoning is impossible with only
increased information available from longer episodes. observational data. We see that the performance of the Active-
Interventional Agent is significantly higher (p = 10−5) than
4.2. Experiment 2: Interventional Setting that of the Active-Conditional Agent in the confounded cases.
This indicates that the Active-Interventional Agent (that had
In Experiment 2, the agent receives interventional data in the in- access to interventional data) is able to perform additional
formation phase – it can choose to intervene on any observable cause-effect reasoning in the presence of confounders that
node, Xj , and observe a sample from the resulting graph G→Xj . the Active-Conditional Agent (that had access to only ob-
As discussed in Section 2.1, access to interventional data per- servational data) cannot do. This is highlighted by Fig. 3c,
mits cause-effect reasoning even in the presence of unobserved which shows the quiz phase for an example CBN, where the
confounders, a feat which is in general impossible with access Active-Conditional Agent is unable to resolve the unobserved
only to observational data. In this experiment, we test three new confounder, but the Active-Interventional Agent is able to.
agents, two of which were learned: “Active Interventional”, (ii) Do our agents
“Random Interventional”, and “Optimal Cause-Effect Baseline” learn to make useful
(not learned). interventions? The
Interventional Agents: The information phase actions corre- Active Active-Interventional
spond to performing an intervention on the selected node Xj Agent’s performance
and sampling from G→Xj (see Section 3 for details). We run is significantly greater
active and random versions of this agent as described in Sec- Figure 5. Active and Random Interven- than the Random-
tion 3. tional Agents Interventional Agent’s
(Fig. 5). This indicates that when the agent is allowed to choose
Optimal Cause-Effect Baseline: This baseline receives the its actions, it makes tailored, non-random choices about the
true CBN, G. In the quiz phase, it chooses the node that has interventions it makes and the data it wants to observe.
the maximum value according to G→Xj , where Xj is the node
externally intervened upon. This is the maximum possible
4.3. Experiment 3: Counterfactual Setting
performance on this task.
In Experiment 3, the agent was again allowed to make in-
Results terventions as in Experiment 2, but in this case the quiz
phase task entailed answering a counterfactual question. We
We focus on two questions in this experiment. explain here what a counterfactual question in this domain
(i) Do our agents learn to perform cause-effect reasoning from looks like. Assume Xi = j wjiXj + i where i is dis-
interventional data? The Active-Interventional Agent’s per- tributed as N (0.0, 0.1)
P (giving the conditional distribution
formance is marginally better than the Active-Conditional p(Xi|pa(Xi))=N ( j wjiXj ,0.1) as described in Section 3).
Agent (p = 0.06, Fig. 3a). To better highlight the cru- After observing the nodes X2:N (X1 is hidden) in the CBN in
cial role of interventional data in doing cause-effect reason- one sample, we can infer this latent randomness i for each
ing, we compare the agent performances split by whether observable node Xi (i.e. abduction as described in the Sup-
(a) (b) (c)
Active-Int. CF (Dist.)
Active-CF Int. (Dist.)
Optimal C-E CF (Deg.)
Optimal CF Int. (Deg.)
0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Avg. Reward Avg. Reward Passive-Int. Agent Passive-CF Agent

Figure 6. Experiment 3. Agents do counterfactual reasoning. a) Average reward earned by the agents tested in this experiment. See main
text for details. b) Performance split by if the maximum node value in the quiz phase is degenerate (Deg.) or distinct (Dist.). c) Quiz phase
for an example test-CBN. See Fig. 2 for a legend. Here, the left panel shows G→Xj =−5 and the nodes taking the mean values prescribed by
p→Xj =−5 (X1:N\j |Xj =−5). We see that the Active-Int. Agent’s choice is consistent with maximizing on these node values, where it makes a
random choice between two nodes with the same value. The right panel panel shows G→Xj =−5 and the nodes taking the exact values prescribed
by the means of p→Xj =−5 (X1:N\j |Xj = −5), combined with the specific randomness inferred from the previous time step. As a result of
accounting for the randomness, the two previously degenerate maximum values are now distinct. We see that the Active-CF. agent’s choice is
consistent with maximizing on these node values.
plementary Material) and answer counterfactual questions like with the maximum value in the quiz phase changes if the noise
“What would the values of the nodes be, had Xi instead taken is resampled. This is most prevalent in cases where the maxi-
on a different value than what we observed?”, for any of the ob- mum expected reward is degenerate, i.e. where several nodes
servable nodes Xi. We test three new agents, two of which are give the same maximum reward (denoted by hatched bars in
learned: “Active Counterfactual”, “Random Counterfactual”, Figure 6b). Here, agents with no access to the randomness have
and “Optimal Counterfactual Baseline” (not learned). no basis for choosing one over the other, but different noise sam-
ples can give rise to significant differences in the actual values
Counterfactual Agents: This agent is exactly analogous to the
that these degenerate nodes have. We see indeed that there is no
Interventional agent, with the addition that the latent random-
difference in the rewards received by the Active-Counterfactual
ness in the last information phase step t = T − 1 (where say
and Active-Interventional Agents in the cases where the max-
some Xp =+5), is stored and the same randomness is used in
imum values are distinct, however the Active-Counterfactual
the quiz phase step t = T (where say some Xf = −5). While
Agent significantly outperforms the Active-Interventional
the question our agents have had to answer correctly so far in
Agent in cases where there are degenerate maximum values.
order to maximize their reward in the quiz phase was “Which
(ii) Do our agents
of the nodes X2:N will have the highest value when Xf is set
Random learn to make useful
to −5?”, in this setting, we ask “Which of the nodes X2:N
interventions in the
would have had the highest value in the last step of the infor-
Active service of a coun-
mation phase, if instead of having the intervention Xp = +5,
terfactual task? The
we had the intervention Xf =−5?”. We run active and random
versions of this agent as described in Section 3.
Figure 7. Active and Random Counter- Agent’s performance
Optimal Counterfactual Baseline: This baseline receives the factual Agents is significantly greater
true CBN and does exact abduction of the latent randomness than the Random-Counterfactual Agent’s (Fig. 5). This
based on observations from the penultimate step of the infor- indicates that when the agent is allowed to choose its actions, it
mation phase, and combines this correctly with the appropriate makes tailored, non-random choices about the interventions it
interventional inference on the true CBN in the quiz phase. makes and the data it wants to observe – even in the service of
a counterfactual objective.
We focus on two key questions in this experiment. 5. Summary of Results
(i) Do our agents learn to do counterfactual inference? The In this paper we used the meta-learning to train a recurrent net-
Active-Counterfactual Agent achieves higher reward than the work – using model-free reinforcement learning – to implement
Active-Interventional Agent (p = 2×10−5). To evaluate an algorithm capable of causal reasoning. Agents trained in
whether this difference results from the agent’s use of abduction this manner performed causal reasoning in three data settings:
(see the Supplementary Material for details), we split the test observational, interventional, and counterfactual. Crucially, our
set into two groups, depending on whether or not the decision approach did not require explicit encoding of formal principles
for which node will have the highest value in the quiz phase is of causal inference. Rather, by optimizing an agent to perform
affected by the latent randomness, i.e. whether or not the node a task that depended on causal structure, the agent learned im-
plicit strategies to generate and use different kinds of available ing model from data) and causal inference (estimating causal
data for causal reasoning, including drawing causal inferences effects based on a known model). Despite advances in both (Or-
from passive observation, actively intervening, and making tega and Stocker, 2015; Lattimore et al., 2016; Bramley et al.,
counterfactual predictions, all on held out causal CBNs that the 2017; Forney et al., 2017; Sen et al., 2017; Parida et al., 2018),
agents had never previously seen. inducing models is expensive and typically requires simplifying
assumptions. When induction and inference are decoupled,
A consistent result in all three data settings was that our agents
the assumptions used at the induction step are not fully opti-
learned to perform good experiment design or active learning.
mized for the inference that will be performed downstream. By
That is, they learned a non-random data collection policy where
contrast, our model learns to perform induction and inference
they actively chose which nodes to intervene (or condition) on
end-to-end, and can potentially find representations of causal
in the information phase, and thus could control the kinds of
structure best tuned for the required causal inferences. Meta-
data they saw, leading to higher performance in the quiz phase
learning can sometimes even leverage structure in the problem
than that from an agent with a random data collection policy.
domain that may be too complex to specify when inducing a
Below, we summarize the other keys results from each of the
model (Duan et al., 2016; Santoro et al., 2016; Wang et al.,
three experiments.
2016), allowing more efficient and accurate causal reasoning
In Section 4.1 and Fig. 2, we showed that agents learned to per- than would be possible without representing and exploiting this
form do-calculus. In Fig. 2a we saw that, the trained agent with structure.
access to only observational data received more reward than the
Second, since both the induction and inference steps are costly,
highest possible reward achievable without causal knowledge.
formal methods can be very slow at run-time when faced with
We further observed in Fig. 2b that this performance increase
a new query. Meta-learning shifts most of the compute burden
occurred selectively in cases where do-calculus made a predic-
from inference time to training time. This is advantageous when
tion distinguishable from the predictions based on correlations –
training time is ample but fast answers are needed at run-time.
i.e. where the externally intervened node had a parent, meaning
that the intervention resulted in a different graph. Finally, by using an RL framework, our agents can learn to take
actions that produce useful information—i.e. perform active
In Section 4.2 and Fig. 3, we showed that agents learned to
learning. Our agents’ active intervention policy performed
resolve unobserved confounders using interventions (which
significantly better than a random intervention policy, which
is impossible with only observational data). In Fig. 3b we
demonstrates the promise of learning an experimentation policy
saw that agents with access to interventional data performed
end-to-end with the causal reasoning built on the resulting
better than agents with access to only observational data only in
cases where the intervened node shared an unobserved parent
(a confounder) with other variables in the graph. Our work focused on a simple domain because our aim was to
test in the most direct way possible whether causal reasoning
In Section 4.3 and Fig. 6, we showed that agents learned to
can emerge from meta-learning. Follow-up work should focus
use counterfactuals. In Fig. 6a we saw that agents with ad-
on scaling up our approach to larger environments, with more
ditional access to the specific randomness in the test phase
complex causal structure and a more diverse range of tasks. This
performed better than agents with access to only interventional
opens up possibilities for agents that perform active experiments
data. In Fig. 6b, we found that the increased performance was
to support structured exploration in RL, and learning optimal
observed only in cases where the maximum mean value in the
experiment design in complex domains where large numbers of
graph was degenerate, and optimal choice was affected by the
random interventions are prohibitive. The results here are a first
latent randomness – i.e. where multiple nodes had the same
step in this direction, obtained using relatively standard deep
value on average and the specific randomness could be used to
RL components – our approach will likely benefit from more
distinguish their actual values in that specific case.
advanced architectures (e.g. Hester et al., 2017; Hessel et al.,
2018; Espeholt et al., 2018) that allow us to train on longer more
6. Discussion and Future Work complex episodes, as well as models which are more explicitly
compositional (e.g. Andreas et al., 2016; Battaglia et al., 2018)
To our knowledge, this is the first direct demonstration
or have richer semantics (e.g. Ganin et al., 2018) that can more
that causal reasoning can arise out of model-free reinforce-
explicitly leverage symmetries in the environment and improve
ment learning. Our paper lays the groundwork for a meta-
generalization and training efficiency.
reinforcement learning approach to causal reasoning that poten-
tially offers several advantages over formal methods for causal
inference in complex real world settings. 7. Acknowledgements
First, traditional formal approaches usually decouple the prob- The authors would like to thank the following people for helpful
lems of causal induction (inferring the structure of the underly- discussions and comments: Neil Rabinowitz, Neil Bramley,
Tobias Gerstenberg, Andrea Tacchetti, Victor Bapst, Samuel Y. Ganin, T. Kulkarni, I. Babuschkin, S. M. Eslami,
Gershman. and O. Vinyals. Synthesizing programs for images
using reinforced adversarial learning. arXiv preprint
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Supplementary to Causal Reasoning from Meta-reinforcement Learning

1. Additional Baselines transferring it to the counterfactual world. Assume, for exam-

ple, the following model for G of Section 2.1: E =wAE A+η,
Q-total We can also com- H =wAH A+wEH E+, where the weights wij represent the
0.5 Optimal pare the performance known causal effects in G and  and η are terms of (e.g.) Gaus-
Percentage of DAGs

of these agents to sian noise that represent the latent randomness in the makeup
arXiv:1901.08162v1 [cs.LG] 23 Jan 2019


two standard model- of each individual1. Suppose that for individual i we observe:
free RL baselines. The A=ai, E =ei, H =hi. We can answer the counterfactual ques-
Q-total Agent learns a tion of “What if individual i had done more exercise, i.e. E =e0,
Q-value for each ac- instead?” by: a) Abduction: estimate the individual’s specific
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 tion across all steps makeup with i = hi −wAH ai −wEH ei, b) Action: set E to
Reward Earned
for all the episodes. more exercise e0, c) Prediction: predict a new value for cardiac
Figure 1: Reward distribution The Q-episode Agent health as h0 =wAH ai +wEH e0 +i.
learns a Q-value for
each action conditioned on the input at each time step
[ot,at−1,rt−1], but with no LSTM memory to store previous 4. Additional Experiments
actions and observations. Since the relationship between action The purview of the previous experiments was to show a proof
and reward is random between episodes, Q-total was equivalent of concept on a simple tractable system, demonstrating that
to selecting actions randomly, resulting in a considerably nega- causal induction and inference can be learned and implemented
tive reward (−1.247±2.940). The Q-episode agent essentially via a meta-learned agent. In the following, we scale up to more
makes sure to not choose the arm that is indicated by mt to be complex systems in two new experiments.
the external intervention (which is assured to be equal to −5),
and essentially chooses randomly otherwise, giving a reward
4.1. Experiment 4: Non-linear Causal Graphs
close to 0 (0.080±2.077).
(a) (b)
2. Formalism for Memory-based Meta-learning Active-Int. Random-Int.
Obs. Active-Int.
Consider a distribution D over Markov Decision Processes
Long-Obs. Optimal C-E
(MDPs). We train an agent with memory (in our case an
0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0
RNN-based agent) on this distribution. In each episode, we Avg. Reward Avg. Reward
sample a task m ∼ D. At each step t within an episode,
the agent sees an observation ot, executes an action at, and Figure 2: Results for non-linear graphs. (a) Comparing agent
receives a reward rt. Both at−1 and rt−1 are given as ad- performances with different data. (b) Comparing information
ditional inputs to the network. Thus, via the recurrence of phase intervention policies.
the network, each action is a function of the entire trajectory
Ht = {o0,a0,r0,...,ot−1,at−1,rt−1,ot} of the episode. Be- In this experiment, we generalize some of our results to non-
cause this function is parameterized by the neural network, its linear, non-Gaussian causal graphs which are more typical of
complexity is limited only by the size of the network. real-world causal graphs and to demonstrate that our results
hold without loss of generality on such systems.

3. Abduction-Action-Prediction Method for Here we investigate causal Bayesian networks (CBNs) with
Counterfactual Reasoning a quadratic dependence on the parents by changing P the con-
ditional distribution to p(Xi|pa(Xi)) = N ( N1i j wji(Xj +
Pearl et al. (2016)’s “abduction-action-prediction” method pre- Xj2), σ). Here, although each node is normally distributed
scribes one way to answer counterfactual queries of the type given its parents, the joint distribution is not multivariate Gaus-
“What would the cardiac health of individual i have been had 1
she done more exercise?”, by estimating the specific latent ran- These are zero in expectation, so without access to their value for
an individual we simply use G: E = wAE A, H = wAH A+wEH E
domness in the unobserved makeup of the individual and by to make causal predictions.
sian due to the non-linearity in how the means are determined.
We find that the Long-Observational Agent achieves more re- X1 X3 X2 X1 X3 X2
ward than the Observational Agent indicating that the agent is
in fact learning the statistical dependencies between the nodes, X4 X4
within an episode2. We also find that the Active-Interventional
Agent achieves reward well above the best agent with access (a) (b)
to only observational data (Long-Observational in this case) Figure 4: (a): Directed acyclic graph. The node X3 is a collider
indicating an ability to reason from interventions. We also see on the path X1 → X3 ← X2 and a non-collider on the path
that the Active-Interventional Agent performs better than the X2 →X3 →X4. (b): Cyclic graph obtained from (a) by adding
Random-Interventional Agent indicating an ability to choose a link from X4 to X1.
informative interventions.
A directed acyclic graph is a directed graph with no directed
4.2. Experiment 5: Larger Causal Graphs
paths starting and ending at the same node. For example, the
(a) (b)
directed graph in Fig. 4(a) is acyclic. The addition of a link
Active-Int. Random-Int.
from X4 to X1 gives rise to a cyclic graph (Fig. 4(b)).
A node Xi with a directed link to Xj is called parent of Xj .
Optimal C-E
0.0 1.0
In this case, Xj is called child of Xi.
0.0 1.0 Avg. Reward
Avg. Reward
A node is a collider on a specified path if it has (at least) two
parents on that path. Notice that a node can be a collider on
Figure 3: Results for N = 6 graphs. (a) Comparing agent
a path and a non-collider on another path. For example, in
performances with different data. (b) Comparing information
Fig. 4(a) X3 is a collider on the path X1 → X3 ← X2 and a
phase intervention policies.
non-collider on the path X2 →X3 →X4.
In this experiment we scaled up to larger graphs with N = 6
nodes, which afforded considerably more unique CBNs than A node Xi is an ancestor of a node Xj if there exists a directed
with N = 5 (1.4×107 vs 5.9×104). As shown in Fig. 3a, we path from Xi to Xj . In this case, Xj is a descendant of Xi.
find the same pattern of behavior noted in the main text where A graphical model is a graph in which nodes represent random
the rewards earned are ordered such that Observational agent variables and links express statistical relationships between the
< Active-Conditional agent < Active-Interventional agent < variables.
Active-Counterfactual agent. We see additionally in Fig. 3b that
A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graphical model in
the Active-Interventional agent performs significantly better
which each node Xi is associated with the conditional distri-
than the baseline Random-Interventional agent, indicating an
bution p(Xi|pa(Xi)), where pa(Xi) indicates the parents of
ability to choose non-random, informative interventions.
Xi. The joint distribution of all nodes in the graph, p(X1:N ),
is given byQthe product of all conditional distributions, i.e.
5. Causal Bayesian Networks N
p(X1:N )= i=1p(Xi|pa(Xi)).
By combining graph theory and probability theory, the causal When equipped with causal semantic, namely when describing
Bayesian network framework provides us with a graphical the process underlying the data generation, a Bayesian net-
tool to formalize and test different levels of causal reasoning. work expresses both causal and statistical relationships among
This section introduces the main definitions underlying this random variables—in such a case the network is called causal.
framework and explains how to visually test for statistical in-
dependence (Pearl, 1988; Bishop, 2006; Koller and Friedman,
2009; Barber, 2012; Murphy, 2012). Assessing statistical independence in Bayesian networks.
Given the sets of random variables X , Y and Z, X and Y
A graph is a collection of nodes and links connecting pairs of
are statistically independent given Z if all paths from any ele-
nodes. The links may be directed or undirected, giving rise to
ment of X to any element of Y are closed (or blocked). A path
directed or undirected graphs respectively.
is closed if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:
A path from node Xi to node Xj is a sequence of linked nodes
starting at Xi and ending at Xj . A directed path is a path
whose links are directed and pointing from preceding towards (i) There is a non-collider on the path which belongs to the
following nodes in the sequence. conditioning set Z.
The conditional distribution p(X1:N\j |Xj = 5), and therefore
Conditional Agents, were non-trivial to calculate for the quadratic (ii) There is a collider on the path such that neither the collider
case. nor any of its descendants belong to Z.
D. Barber. Bayesian reasoning and machine learning. Cam-
bridge University Press, 2012.

C. M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.

Springer, 2006.
D. Koller and N. Friedman. Probabilistic Graphical Models:
Principles and Techniques. MIT Press, 2009.
K. P. Murphy. Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective.
MIT Press, 2012.
J. Pearl. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Net-
works of Plausible Inference. Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.
J. Pearl, M. Glymour, and N. P. Jewell. Causal inference in
statistics: a primer. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

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