2-2 Te-2 GT
2-2 Te-2 GT
2-2 Te-2 GT
Gas turbines are used in various applications in different regions of
the world. Research and Development team always tends to find ways to
improve the overall cycle of the plant. Cooling of air at the intake helps
increase in the density of air flowing into the plant and increases the power
output. Several attempts have been made by the researchers using the new
cooling techniques mostly concerned with evaporative coolers, chillers etc.
There are many types of air cooling techniques like evaporative inlet air
cooling, absorption cooling, by providing fins at the ends and mechanical
Care should be taken that the cooling effect never takes the working
fluid temperature below 280 K which may lead to formation of ice crystals in
the compressor blades and decreases the performance of it since the air
temperature drops by 6K as it enters the compressor.
There are many factors which affect the overall performance of
the gas turbine namely efficiencies of the turbine and compressor, compressor
inlet temperature, pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, combustion
efficiency, etc. It is very much known that if the efficiency of the turbine or
compressor is increased then the power output and the thermal efficiency of
the cycle increases.
0 - total (against static) unit 1, 2, 3 - number of state
c, g - coolant, main flow k - Coolant at tap condition
s, r - stator, rotor
This model considers the expansion in separated turbine stages each divided in
stator and rotor. At each turbine stage, three states are considered: the inlet
state 1, the intermediate state 2 between stator and rotor and the outlet state
3. The coolant flow is first conducted through inner channels before being
injected for film cooling. The model is based on the first and second law of
thermodynamics applied to stator parts: Eqs. (1) and (3), and rotor parts: Eqs.
(2) and (4).
When conditions of inlet air and coolant are known, state 2 after the stator can
be calculated, if the entropy creation between state 1 and 2 (=ΔΣs) is
estimated. In Eqs. (2) and (4) the power output and state 3 are unknown, again
assuming that ΔΣr can be estimated. This rotor system can be solved when the
pressure at state 3 is known, by assuming the stage pressure ratio r= (p1/p2). A
major assumption in the model is that the losses of the uncooled turbine are
independent of the losses due to cooling. The uncooled turbine can be
calculated as a polytropic expansion, with a polytropic efficiency.
Also we have;
Kcool is a cooling flow rate factor which includes geometrical parameters
and a Stanton number.The Stanton number is given by;
Results for simple gas turbine cycle:
The cycle efficiency η was calculated with,
Wt is the specific work output of the turbines, Wc the specific work
input of the compressors and Hu the lower heating value, ηm is the mechanical
efficiency. For calculating and simulating of the results following inlet and
process conditions are assumed;
The simulation results are near to the test results of the LM6000, as shown in
Table 3. The compressor and turbine efficiencies for the LM6000 were set to
ηc= 0.91 and ηt = 0.90. There is a slight underestimation of the efficiency,
although the simulation gives a higher specific power output. Simple-cycle
calculations of the air cooled gas turbine model confirm the conclusions of
Wilcock As shown in Fig. 3, there is a maximum in cycle efficiency for pressure
ratio and TIT. For compressor and turbine efficiencies ηt = ηc = 0.90, maximum
efficiency is obtained for pressure ratios and temperatures used in current
machines. The maximum moves to higher pressure ratios and lower TIT if
higher polytropic efficiencies are used. The simulations give lower efficiencies
than Wilcock but a numerical comparison is difficult to make because some
simplifications of the turbine stage model are made.
1. Performance improvement of a gas turbine cycle by using a
desiccant-based evaporative cooling system
By Amir Abbas Zadpoo and Ali Hamedani Golshan