Preventeen 41 PDF
Preventeen 41 PDF
Preventeen 41 PDF
Editorial team: Tarik Kovač, Jasmila Talić-Kujundžić Editorial staff: Nejra Ahmetović, Irma Ahmetspahić, Azra Berbić,
Halida Duraković, Lejla Džinić, Jovana Đurić, Jasmina Ejubović, Marina Glavinka, Ammar Grabić, Lejla Ibrulj, Amina Jusić,
Dalibor Kraišniković, Matija Krivošić, Elma Opačin, Nedim Puriš, Sara Sejdić, Haris Softić, Nermana Suša, Delina Voloder,
Ela Vrana, Dino Živojević Guest correspondent: Azra Halilović Cover: Autumn Studio on Unsplash
Illustrations: Šeherzada Mujkić, Hanifa Bulić, Merisa Suljić, Amina Velagić, Sumeja Ahmetagić, Lamija Gluhić,
Meho Pandžić, Amar Sinanović, Amra Rabić, Bojan Jokanović, Ajdin Fejzić, Bratislava Terzić, Helem Nejse, bloom -
Educating for Wholeness, JERRYE AND ROY KLOTZ MD, NARKO-NE archive, last-copy internet Translation: Melita Husagić
Proofreading: Maida Krzović Project Coordinator: Andrea Mijatović Project Assistant: Azra Halilović Publisher:
Association for addiction prevention NARKO-NE For the Publisher: Amir Hasanović Design and DTP: Selma Mutapčić
Disclaimer: Preventeen promotes gender sensitive language. For the content where only one gender is used and
context provides clarity, text refers to both genders. The reason for the use of one gender is the easier text legibility.
Preventeen promotes the free expression and development of critical thinking among young people. Authors' texts do
not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial team or publisher.
CONTACT: Association for addiction prevention NARKO-NE, Josipa Vancaša 21/2, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax: +387 (0)33 223-285 e-mail: Facebook: Časopis ˮPreventeenˮ
Sincerely yours,
Who is Sisyphus?
who were thrilled with this illustrated de-
piction. I have more than eighty today.
Since you have created character of Sisyph-
Jovana Đurić, us in the context of grammar, can you say
psychologist, you are doing the Sisyphean task?
Our people are hopeless. For those who are
not interested it is needless to “draw” (liter-
ally) some things… I might be doing Sisyphus
job partly but I have many comrades who
help with my project by sharing illustrations
Sisyphus is one of many characters in Greek on social networks and by promoting my
mythology used as a synonym for point- work in various ways.
less task. For his cunning nature he was
punished to push a huge rock uphill in or- Do you think Cyrillic alphabet will lose its
der to place it on the top. However, as he fight with the technology and education in
would come closer to the top, a rock would 21st century, having in mind technology cre-
roll down the hill and our hero would have ation requires Latin alphabet, so as learn-
to start all over. Anyway, I will not write a ing of other world languages?
lot about this mythological Sisyphus but Cyrillic alphabet mustn’t lose the fight be-
will introduce you to a contemporary one cause it is part of our identity and it’s not
who has thrown himself in dangerous wa- the matter of alphabet only. It is sacred
ters - grammar and punctuation correc- and we should hold it dearly. Anyways, key-
tions, resolving language perplexities using boards with Cyrillic alphabet are at the dis-
his drawings. posal for those who are patient enough
Bojan Jokanović is a multitalented archdea- to type. If we forget this alphabet we can’t
con from Doboj who apart from being a re- count on Aborigines, Eskimos and Indians to
ligion teacher in elementary school, has an nurture it. We are the problem!
unusual hobby which made him recogniz-
What are the reactions to your caricatures
able on all social media. Bojan has used his
and Sisyphus’ troubles?
talent for drawing to resolve language con-
fusions in a creative and interesting way for The reactions are very positive. Many ele-
everyone, and made them easily accessible mentary schools, high schools and universi-
to all generations. ties in our country or region are hosting the
exhibitions of Sisyphean tasks illustrations.
How did everything start and where did the
inspiration come from? As someone who is part of educational sys-
I have started to draw as I felt sick of see- tem can you tell us are the younger genera-
ing someone confused when writing NE tions less literate or the whole society is? Do
ZNAM or NEZNAM (spelling them togeth- you have a solution?
er is wrong, as if someone spelled ‘dunno’ Upcoming generations are less literate be-
instead of ‘I don’t know’). After I published cause they do not read books. Books are at
my first illustration which I drew totally ac- least under lector revision. Internet gives
cidentally I was asked to do more by people a chance for everyone to write, to literate
care, are not interested in helping this proj-
ect. I have never received an offer to col-
laborate and there is no sensibility for the
importance of my work. Most of my projects,
exhibitions and workshops are the result of
strong will of good people who are influen-
tial in their communities and interested to
promote my work.
I rejected many offers to do “Sisyphean
task” for the foreign market and all because
of the love for Cyrillic and for this special
project. I am hoping some things will change
systematically...hmmmmm, but….
How do you intend to fight with this large
problem in the society?
I am planning to proceed with what I am do-
ing now. It is my mission and aspiration. I
am giving my time, of charge for
the higher goals and I am happy for that. If
you help one person to learn something I
Bojan Jokanović
Young people are using abbreviations, An- ers. People here are prone to demagogy and
glicisms: OMG, LOL, BTW...that is why they do judging everything without doing anything
not recognize spelling. I have offered a so- useful.
lution through mine and Sisyphus’ struggle. A mission of a man on the Earth is to do
I have remembered a book written by our useful things and “leave something behind”.
beloved patriarch Pavle with a title God will Bishop Petar II Petrović Njegoš described it
help if there is someone to help. The one in a best way by saying: God bless the one
who is not seeking help and doesn’t want to who lives forever, indeed he had a reason
change his/her condition shall not be able to be born.
to receive help. It is the same with spelling.
You had an exhibition recently and how did
Bojan’s work can be found on his Facebook
it go? What was the attendance and do you
page where you can write to him in case you
plan on doing more similar events? What is
have some suggestions or ideas.
the importance of these events in our city
and this environment in general?
I exhibit quite often. People have accepted
my work eagerly and they call me to show-
case my work. I am a bit worried because
the responsible ones, who are expected to Bojan's Facebok page
Information society
vs. knowledge society
Socrates had said: The only true wisdom is
in knowing you know nothing.
Nermana Suša, Libraries, theatres and all cultural institu-
tions are empty. Earlier, one would socialize
with a cup of coffee or tea but today you
student, can do it on Viber or Instagram. In previous
Visoko times, books were exchanged, professional
literature and today, emojis are exchanged
on social networks. While our parents have
been searching for knowledge in books, we
are today subject to misinformation from
The time has its own laws. In the 21st century
rather biased news portals, according to
media makes the public and public opinion.
Nikolina Mučibabić, a student of commu-
The former time periods offered knowledge
nicology from Mostar.
to generations, and they had been transfer-
ring it, then adopted new ones. Google and
social networks hadn't imposed anything
and they hadn't been destroying a man’s
consciousness. Are we choking in today’s ig-
norance? The books my parents were read-
ing have been promoting the phrase - it is
better to know that you don’t know a thing.
Today everybody is talking to each other but
Damira Ibranović
no one is actually hearing.
media but unfortunately just a few. We live Ajša Luković from Zenica has no different
in a world of instant culture, life and infor- opinion. She says: I think we have become a
mation. We live the Orwell’s ‘84. society of extravagance who is just search-
ing and wants to accept sensationalism as
it has been happening for years. For a next
person it is hard to resist it. Simply, we are
being brainwashed. Anyway, there is a cure
for it - reading, learning, exploring and con-
tinuous education to encourage thinking
out of the box.
What are the experts willing to say about to-
day’s society? Amna Mehmedović (MA) is a
senior assistant in The Communicology De-
partment at the Faculty of Humanities, Uni-
versity Džemal Bijedić and she is going to
tell us a few words.
Lejla Džinić
Bijedić in Mostar has shared his opinion
saying: Ideal of objectivity has never had
deep roots in journalism here. Media orga-
nizations are mostly fighting to survive in
the very poor market additionally divided by
ethnic borders. Journalism has a poor level
of autonomy and it increasingly and openly
serves the specific social interests.
Smartphones are becoming more advanced
Ajša Luković
Time O
The Silver Stone Sleeper
Who is Nevena that stands
behind brand NNeNN?
If I must talk about myself, I
Azra Berbić, will try to describe myself as
graduated lawyer, an eternally smiling optimist
Kakanj and a hard working person
who enjoys her profession of
choice. I graduated from the
Product Design Department
at the Academy of Fine Arts
...And even more sign that they created and in Sarajevo, where I was born
Forgive built, they fought and loved, in 1985. As a little girl, I was
Defiant they longed and celebrat- interested in different cre-
By ed and honourably left us? ative activities. Plasteline and
A dream. There are young, extremely wire were my favourite mate-
talented and hardworking rials, and since I was a child,
(Inscription Of a Land,
people who are still trying by observing what my grand-
Mak Dizdar)
to preserve and revive the ma does, I started to knit and
precious beauty of our an- toss. I’ve always wanted to do
How much mystic, beau- cestors’ art. Among them, everything myself, using my
ty, magic, effort, work, and as very special and inspira- own fingers. While many peo-
skills did lie in the talent- tional to me Nevena Nikolić ple, at the time of our stud-
ed hands of those who had stands out and she creates ies, were searching for crafts-
created stećci1 throughout incredibly beautiful and men, lasers and other tools
Bosnia and Herzegovina? unique pieces of jewellery for scale model design, I had
How much effort had been using motifs of the stećak 1. produced every detail inde-
invested in each stećak, She was kind to share her pendently and implement-
how much sweat has been story with the readers of ed every idea. Sometimes it
shed, how much time did it Preventeen. seemed to be the more dif-
take to create their various
shapes, to engrave all these
wonderful designs and lyr-
ics into a hard stone? How
much do we appreciate the
enormous treasures our
medieval ancestors, inhab-
itants of Franciscan Prov-
ince of Bosna Srebrena have
left behind as a trace, as a
message and a lesson, as a
proof they were here, as a
Nevena Nikolić
ficult path and perhaps not but a more extensive expe- and I never run out of inspi-
so smart, but over time I re- rience I had at the Academy. ration.
alized that it was actually my Their mysteriousness, vari-
How much additional re-
fortune. ety of motifs and messages,
sponsibility does jewellery
but also the scarce research
How did you come up with making with stećak mo-
done about them, have al-
the NNeNN brand? tifs require, having in mind
ways intrigued me. I wanted
Jewellery has always been my stećak is under the world
to contribute to their affirma-
love and my favourite hobby. heritage protection. In ad-
tion in B&H so I have started
I first wanted to make some- dition, B&H is recognized
making jewellery.
thing for myself, then for a for it?
friend and without a lot of How did you get such a Stećak provides innumer-
marketing the hobby sponta- unique and specific idea to able opportunities for com-
neously became a business. use motifs from stećak in bining the ornaments, motifs
Love, effort and work always your design as the primary and symbols while it is giv-
find their way and are appre- motive? ing me the freedom of in-
ciated and noticed, though I have started with a pro- terpretation. That also en-
waiting can be exhausting duction of jewellery inspired ables me to meet my own
sometimes. I have been mak- by stećak motifs in 2013 and needs in achieving the per-
ing jewellery for about ten that was an outcome of co- fect composition. With every
years - from idea to the re- operation with the Histori- new in-depth research, I am
alization. The logo and the cal Museum of Bosnia and becoming more and more
name of the NNeNN, as well Herzegovina. The aim was to fascinated by their unique-
as the unusual packaging, create an interesting souve- ness, simplicity, beauty and
are also part of my design. nir which can become a part form. Awareness about the
Details are important in this of the official offer in the stećak importance is on the
business, so I spend a lot of newly opened department rise as stećak was placed on
time on them. for souvenirs. The complete the UNESCO World Heritage
product is offered in a box List in 2016. Stećci (plural)
When you saw your first shaped as a building of His- are great fortune of ours be-
stećak and its motifs, what torical Museum of Bosnia cause 60 000 of them can be
was the first impression? and Herzegovina and I made found in B&H while around
I first saw stećak through my that exclusively for their 10 000 of them is in the oth-
elementary school education needs. Each piece is unique er countries of the region.
The jewellery made by Nevena Nikolić (NNeNN)
Time O
Is it a challenging job to ture of people who had been Nivea BH Fashion Week. Even
make motifs from stećak living in B&H from 12th to though a fashion week show-
alive in the age of hyperpro- 16th century. cased massive jewellery that
duction and consumerism? strives towards high fashion,
Was NNeNN recognized by
How does that affect promo- some public or national in- some ornaments from the
tion and distribution of the stitutions or experts? Did stećak could be recognized
final product? you present jewellery on as symbols of timeless beau-
As a passionate tourist, I some exhibitions or compe- ty. As I have said at the begin-
know that by learning about titions in the region or the ning, my love for different ar-
new cultures, and by enrich- world and what is the reac- eas of creative modelling and
ing my own views, I often re- tion of people to jewellery design has enabled me to at-
cite a proverb: You can see as with stećak motifs? tend a number of successful
much as you know. I am more As a rewarded member of As- exhibitions and fairs in the
and more assured in the sociation ULUPUBIH (Associ- region and internationally
truthfulness of this sentence. ation of Applied Artists and (Cologne, Skopje, Ljubljana,
People need to be informed Designers of Bosnia and Her- London, Tokyo, Kyoto, Zagreb,
to appreciate the treasures zegovina), in 2016, jewellery Belgrade, Hannover, Ham-
they have in their own envi- inspired by the stećak motifs burg, Istanbul ...) It is always
ronment. Maybe this is the was successfully exhibited at a pleasure to see your work
main problem we have in the Šestoaprilska izložba (6th recognized and appreciated.
B&H. Using modern jewellery April Exhibition) of Collegi- A beautiful word nourishes a
that is available to all; I have um Artisticum Gallery in Sa- soul of every creative person
decided to encourage people rajevo. That same year, I also and if a new job offer comes
to at least read something presented jewellery in the to you along with it, how can
about their past and the cul- National Museum within the you ask for more?
Love for aquaristics
Malawi lake, lakes in Afri-
ca and India. Until recent-
ly his aquarium was keep-
Ela Vrana, ing sharks from Pangasian-
Medical school odon hypophthalmus fam-
student, ily. Today he has a number
Goražde of cichlids, lungfish, eels,
crabs and snails cleansers
(more commonly known as
Amazon snails). I found out
through the conversation
Nature is a gift from God. Ev- themselves psychological- how special and demanding
ery day, again and again we ly before the examination. this hobby is.
are fascinated by its beauty. It is proven that this meth-
With a lack of green surfac- od was effective especially When did you develop an in-
es generally, many people with kids who would forget terest for aquaristics?
are trying to make it up by the fear of the dentist com- My interest for aquaristics
arranging the green corner pletely by watching fish for started in high school when
in our homes. That is the twenty minutes. Such is a I had gotten my first aquar-
reason for the growing in- magical water oasis that can ium as a present. But at the
terest in aquaristics espe- be found in the history pro- time I was not so interest-
cially for all the beauties fessor Sedin Hadžimusić’s ed in aquaristics, because
offered by the aqua world. home. Sedin is an aquar- I was studying in Sarajevo.
The interesting fact is that istics enthusiast and his Only after I went back home
in the 80s fish aquariums aquariums are a confirma- to Goražde I have developed
had been used in dental tion of his love and dedi- a serious interest and In-
clinics and hospital waiting cation to this hobby. He is ternet has been more than
rooms so that the patients a collector of rare species helpful.
could relax and prepare of fish from Amazon river,
How many fishes do you
have today and where do
they originate from?
Currently, around one hun-
dred fishes. That means
around three to four thou-
sands in aquariums. Since
this is freshwater aquaris-
tics, most of the fish comes
from Amazon. That river has
Sedin Hadžimusić
Time O
Africa. Thailand is particular- fish prefer plants because ums there are dozen of them.
ly interesting as a destina- they make them feel natu- They grow to be large so they
tion for aquaristics because ral. Plants produce the oxy- need special aquariums.
there you can find new fish gen, clean the aquarium, fil-
ter the water and also com- How do you get your fish for
species that are suitable for
life in aquariums. plement the looks of aquar- your own collection?
ium; therefore it is recom- Many associations and
When did you enrich your mended that we use them. Facebook pages are plat-
fish collection to include
forms for the information
rare species? How much time do you in-
exchange. I get some of
About ten years ago I had vest in this hobby, having in
mind it is complex and pret- them in Serbia also.
started getting those rare
ty pricey? What is the general opinion
fishes so I became interest-
ed in fish spawning . And for Unfortunately, I am really on aquaristics in Bosnia and
the last three years I have occupied with this. I spend Herzegovina?
been actively searching for most of my time here, it is a I think that Bosnia and Her-
these kinds of fish. huge part of my life. Almost zegovina is, unfortunately
every weekend, because you neglected. We are behind
Does the food for rare fishes have to maintain and clean
have to be special? our neighbouring countries
aquariums especially if you
Serbia and Croatia and I can’t
Bosnia and Herzegovina has have spawning in mind.
even mention the rest of the
a good food selection. You Some fishes are expected to world. One of the reasons all
can find different brands be fed up to five times a day. others are more advanced is
and manufactures but Ger-
Which species of fish are more investments from their
man companies have spe-
your favourites and which side. Apart from that, aquar-
cial focus on it. The market
the most demanding? istics in many Western coun-
today offers a high quality
My favourites are cichlids. tries has started develop-
food and each species has
its own food preference. They come in different co- ing in 19th century so they
lours and sizes, so they are have more enthusiasts. But a
Are there any special plants very interesting and have an number of people interested
you are growing? important spot in aquaris- in aquaristics in Bosnia and
You choose the plants ac- tics. There are a 1000 cichlid Herzegovina is increasing so
cording to fish you keep in species in Malawi Lake in Af- everything is coming back on
your aquarium. Most of the rica. Currently in my aquari- track, slowly but surely.
Do you have some plans for If I would decide to dive into which is the most precious
future regarding aquaris- aquaristics which fishes element for any aquarium
tics? would you recommend me enthusiast. Aquaristics is
For sure. Every aquarium to start with? quite an interesting hobby
enthusiast wants to expand Mainly tooth-carps. All the for sure which demands a
the volume of aquariums beginners including me lot of love and time. If you
and the number of species. have started with these. would like to try doing it, my
If someone doesn’t have a You can find them in mul- recommendation is to study
particular fish he or she is tiple colours. I have thirty the matter and get to know
eager to get it and to ex- of them currently. They do fish species you would like
pand their capacities. My not require special volume to see in your aquariums. It
wish is to start a pet-shop of aquarium so they can be is important for your fish to
in Goražde as there isn’t any kept in 20-litre aquariums. have adequate living condi-
at the moment. They are spawning also, tions.
Atlantis - an unsolved
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
From the ancient times until Jasmina Ejubović,
today, people were inclined Madrasah student,
to believe in various leg- Lukavac
ends, myths and mysteries,
although they are not prov-
en or confirmed. One of the
oldest and most interest-
ing legends is the existence
of the ancient civilization of cording to Plato, it was pla were formed over the years,
Atlantis, which is being dis- ced beyond the Pillars of about the location of Pillars
cussed even today. Whether Hercules. There are many of Hercules, the most pro
it was just the fruit of Plato’s speculations about it and minent ones are pointing to
imagination or more than sources describing it as a the Gibraltar Sea or Ankom-
that, we will never know. An magnificent civilization that ah in the Black Sea near Tra-
ancient Greek philosopher has never been seen on the bzon. Nevertheless, today we
Plato was first to mention Earth. They are believed to do not have the exact loca-
Atlantis in his works Timaeus have had some kind of en- tion of this ancient city, and
and Critias describing it as ergy which enabled them therefore adequate archaeo-
an ancient civilization of un- to create things even nowa- logical remains and evidence
imaginable scientific and so- days technology is not able of its existence. However, re-
cietal achievements that had to overshadow However, cently a group of scientists
been destroyed by a natural no source of energy nor in- have discovered archaeolog-
disaster. Allegedly, that had vention has been found (at ical remains at the bottom
happened 9400 years before least, not yet). Considering of the Caribbean Sea, which
Plato, and it was the size of many speculations of scien- are speculated to belong to
Libya and Asia together. Ac- tists and researchers, which the Atlantis. Another theory
Time O
on Atlantis, which has shak- ed with a dried circular river for quite a long time, even
en up scientists and awoke basin that fully corresponds thousands of years. He titled
the curiosity around the to Plato’s description of the a book Meet me in Atlantis,
world in 2008, is the theory Atlantis, said to be surround- and it is just one more ex-
of Michael Hübner, a German ed with concentric circles. cuse for those who believe
computer expert. Given the circumstances, in this magnificent mystery.
Namely, he identified the 51 Michael concluded that this On the other hand, theo-
Atlantis traces mentioned in was all a coincidence, but reticians who think all this
Plato’s writings and matched before he died in 2013, he is just a huge coincidence
them using a mathematical passed over his findings to based on an old myth and
algorithm. He entered all the Mark Adams and even took legend are denying before-
data and traces into the map him to location. mentioned proofs claiming
he divided into 400 squares Mark Adams, later on, wrote that Plato actually invented
and what followed was that a book on Atlantis in which Atlantis to illustrate his po-
he got the coordinates of the he laid down Hübner’s the- litical theories easier.
plain Souss-Massa in Moroc- ory of a hill near Marrakech Some of them even think At-
co, 100 kilometres south of and collected all possible lantis is a result of Plato’s
Marrakech. Given his strong and potential evidences of imagination and inspired by
desire to solve this mystery, this legendary civilization’s Troy. This opinion is most
he packed his clothes and existence of; one in which often considered to be the
travelled to Morocco. Howev- the harvest was success- most acceptable among
er, after he arrived he found ful twice a year, with springs those who do not believe in
nothing but the deserted of cold and hot water, with Atlantis because of the fact
valley just ten miles from the the city’s walls coated with that Troy had the same des-
shore. Still, scientists might bronze, and villas, temples tiny. Just like Atlantis, it was
find interesting the fact that and castles encased in gold destroyed in a catastrophic
in the middle of the valley he and silver. Some of Plato’s way. According to the popu-
found a small hill surround- tales claimed they have lived lar opinion, legends are not
fiction but stories based on Most people want to believe discoveries, and the direc-
true facts and with the time in its truth, because its dis- tions in which the Earth is
they became distorted, up- covery would mean finding moving. Is it distorted, up-
graded or they just disap- the lost piece of the puzzle graded, or just fictitious?
pear. But the legend of At- about the world we live in, This question, is still waiting
lantis has not disappeared. about all the technological for an answer, and so do I…
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Time O
our homeland. Young people are the ones jevo but at this moment he is not regretting
that need to work to help our country. The spending his days here.
easiest way is to take the passport and leave. My wish was to study at the Faculty of Den-
I believe in young people filled with “mopti- tistry but Sarajevo was just a back up option.
mism” and strength (motivation + optimism, I applied to study in Germany but there was
AN) and who will improve the country by their no place at school so I have decided to come
personal advancement. I want to come back to B&H. I have always had strong ties to this
and proceed working with youth from Stu- country and I have been visiting often. Ger-
dent Councils Network of Bosnia and Her- many was my first homeland, and B&H was
zegovina because the high school time is right next to it. The difference between life in
crucial. I believe in it honestly and I want to Bosnia and Germany is that you always have
make some changes. One should start with time to drink coffee in Bosnia. You have time
oneself - by making the bed in the morning to talk,, socialize and you can feel relaxed.
and discarding our trash in a suitable place, There is just no stress. Young people in Ger-
all the way up to the big changes. If we start many think a lot about the future often ask-
from ourselves, we can change the environ- ing themselves: ”What will happen with me in
ment, then the local community and then the ten years from now?”, they think about family,
system of young people and finally the sys- job, etc.. Advantage of life in Bosnia and Her-
tem in B&H. zegovina for me is that I have become more
After all, it is possible to dream some dreams independent, I got more responsible and I’m
in other countries but to wake up and make learning how to manage time. I am solving
them happen in Bosnia and Herzegovina. problems I never thought I could. On the oth-
Some people are always different than a ma- er hand, the disadvantage is that I am alone
jority and they do not allow any harm done and separated from my family. I have never
to their country and who nourish their (coun- regretted moving to B&H. All the changes are
try) to its core. That is why you are going to good to me. Here I like people the most, their
hear a story of Amar Sofić, born in Germa- kindness and relaxed state. I do not plan to
ny and who did not plan to study in Sara- stay here because country itself is unstable
Amar Sofić
Dino Kulić
and unsafe but I recommend the others to asked: Where are you going to be when you
think well before moving to another coun- grow up?. For start we should look around
try, because it is much harder to survive in and see all the beauty and opportunities
Germany than in B&H. They should first suc- our surroundings has and we should listen
ceed in their own country and if they fail then to our thoughts and not those of the most
there is a chance to seek for the alternative. people. Individuals are those who are chang-
If they decide to do so they need a lot of am- ing the world regardless if it seems they are
bition, discipline and patience. standing alone at the beginning. They are
The state of our environment makes us won- not alone, but many of us choose the easier
der should we stay and fight our way or to way not daring to change something. There
pack a bag or two and use the easy way. In- is a sentence we hear but it is a time to take
stead of asking: What are you going to be some time and think about it in depth: Be the
when you grow up?, soon our kids will be change you want to see in the world.
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Time O
that way of thinking is normal but I think makeup, even though it’s a seasonal job, if
it’s quite sad because there should be no you have gained your clients’ trust, you don’t
boundaries. Whether it’s a hobby, profession have anything to worry about.
or something else it doesn’t matter as long as
Do you have some role models?
you are good at it and wish to pursue it, and
whilst striving to do it you are not harming I can’t really say I have a particular role mod-
anyone. I am trying to move those boundar- el whose work I constantly follow, but a big
ies, I hope for the better. inspiration is Tomina Makeup. She is an in-
credibly talented Russian makeup artist. She
How did you come up with the idea of do- is breaking the boundaries every day regard-
ing this job? More precisely, how has it all ing makeup, and she is matching some styles,
started? colours and techniques never matched be-
Neither me nor my folks are aware how has it fore. She is quite an inspiration to me but I
all started. When I had already started doing am trying to move away from an idea of hav-
the job and figured out that it was also my ing a role model because I’d like to create my
passion, we all started perceiving it in a more own techniques and styles.
serious way.
You went beyond local boundaries by partic-
For example, when I was a five year-old I ipating in Balkan Tube Fest in Sarajevo and
would occasionally take my sister’s make-
there you searched for your five minutes of
up palette and do my makeup without me
fame? What was your appearance like?
or anyone around me knowing why I did it.
I have always, somehow, found makeup ap- I have been already aware of BTF for seven or
pealing. Whenever I had seen my mom or sis- eight months. As I have started entering the
ter applying some makeup I enjoyed watch- YouTube game I realized this kind of culture
ing the whole process so now the same joy is actually started to resonate a bit more here.
starting to reflect in my work. I found that fascinating. I was glad because I
have been following American YouTube scene
Is that job widely known, can you make a liv- for my whole life and have truly grown up
ing out of it...since it is still a taboo around with it. I could never imagine something like
here? that will happen to me. Somebody suggested
As any job really, if you do it well and pas- to me to apply for the newly released con-
sionate enough you can earn money. Doing test up and coming young YouTubers. I said
Ajdin Fejzić and Ammar
yes and received an invitation after being ac- YouTube channel has 31 000 followers and is
cepted and I can say that the experience was constantly rising. I have been almost inactive
thrilling for me. I didn’t expect that kind of this previous month because of my job, but
reaction at all. There were around 20 YouTu- the number of followers still keeps rising. It is
bers and everyone has different target audi- quite difficult to maintain consistency. People
ence taking into account different age, char- often think it is very easy to just sit in front of
acters and groups of people. Reactions from the camera and film something, then publish
people were mixed. Many of them were posi- it, but it’s not even close to that. It is a world
tive whilst many of them weren’t. It was im- in which, after you enter it, you have to keep
it up and you’re playing a game where you are
not allowed to be a mere pawn.
Is it difficult to stand out on the YouTube
Balkan scene, since it is apparent that this
job is gaining popularity?
If you become famous and earn well out of
it, then you are a YouTuber. To all the young
people that watch us, it looks like we are
earning easy money but it is not as easy as
it seems to the majority. The popularity you
gain from YouTube is desirable to all, but it
shouldn’t represent the goal itself. It is quite
hard to be distinguished amongst gamers,
Ajdin Fejzić
Time O
kit, placed it on the table and said: Just do it! courageous and to bravely start doing it with-
out fear.
What would be your message to young peo-
ple? If they think they are talented in some What is next for you?
way, what is the best way to express it? In this environment, I am planning to develop
They should just start doing it, without pay- the business and artistic side of me more. I
ing attention to surroundings, people nor have had a dream from a beginning to arrange
friends. Finally, if you like something and feel some place and make it more than a café and
the need to work on it, you should do it fully cosmetic studio, but a cosy and warm place
without fear of rejection. After all, it does not for all the people like me, like those young
even matter. I was not scared that someone people, for us to hang out together. Maybe
will reject me or that someone will say some- otherwise we might have not met each other
thing bad to me but I was focusing on the and the idea is to work and enjoy in this place
bright side. I think it is important to be very without any nasty looks or prejudice.
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
A quick “influence”
Lejla Ibrulj,
student, If my biggest flaw is being
fat then that’s the biggest
compliment I can get
It is already clear to everyone that we are thinking the world is a bad place where they
living in the era of bloggers, vloggers, in- can’t be happy with some 3,5 kg more, ac-
fluencers and people with a new variety of cording to someone’s standards? Or, I can
jobs ending with ‘-er’. That’s right, this is make an example of those plus-size influ-
some kind of their “era”, their time, period in encers according to whom skinny girls are
which many of them achieved their success, funny because they are counting centime-
became popular, liked, etc. However, there is tres and kilograms? Boys are not excluded;
a catch, they aren’t all that great! And this also all of this is referring to ones who don’t
isn’t happening only in B&H but it’s trendy deserve to get an A since they failed the
in the whole world. But what happens when most important subject in school – of how
some influencer from America says it is aw- to be happy and content? Many of influenc-
ful to be “fat” and then that video ends up ers are promoting a positive worldview, they
getting a great number of views by also a big will tell you it is OK to be satisfied with what
number of “fat” girls in Bosnia and Herze- you are and that nobody has a right to tell
govina? Does she make some kind of posi- you what to do or not.
tive influence on them? Will they go happily One of those influencers is Neira Kamerić
to school thinking that is just a thought of a from Sarajevo. She is an example of a posi-
random American girl or they will go crazy tive and brave human being. Neira lives her
life fully and tries to inspire others to do attitude with this is different from that of
so by promoting her stories via her YouTube the others. People often expect the story
and Instagram channel Neira Delirium. about the illness as a life-changing experi-
She says she has many roles in her life and ence which had enabled me to realize life’s
she doesn’t like to identify herself with only worth but actually, I say it because of many
one. Neira is a YouTuber, (soon) a lawyer and amazing experiences it has brought me.
she works in the digital marketing field. She Meeting many people, travels and an oppor-
loves travelling, fashion and home decora- tunity to contribute to the treatment stan-
tion. dard improvement in Europe are the expe-
riences for which many people do not get
Neira, what has helped you the most in cre- an opportunity, but all of this has made me
ating your personality? improve myself and widened my horizons.
I think that each life experience, whether
Does a person have to experience some-
good or bad, contributes to our personal-
thing similar to realize he/she is actually
ity development. I can’t pick only one thing.
You have won the battle with cancer and I don’t think so. I would say it depends
despite the common understanding of it, more on the type of person you are. I was
you claim it is the best thing that has hap- too young when I have lived through it so I
pened to you. Why? don’t know if I would have the same views if
Even though I share this opinion with many I hadn’t lived through this experience. I be-
cancer survivors I think the reason for my lieve I would still be the same because I am
a naturally positive person.
Trends have been changing with each year
and young people have been blindly follow-
ing them. Now, if we take out the clothes,
makeup, etc...there is one thing that influ-
ences youth and that is the beauty trend.
What do you think about it?
I think many brands and celebrities today
are emphasizing exactly that beauty comes
in different shapes. Also, my voice, unfor-
tunately, is not loud enough amongst many
influencers who are promoting beauty in a
single form. Anyway, I will keep up with my
attitude and approach in showing that you
can be beautiful in all sorts of forms.
Your video How to be fat and be OK with it is
one of the rare honest examples of positive
native B&H influencers. Do you know what
kind of influence your videos have on young
people and are those videos made purpose-
Neira Kamerić
ly for them?
I couldn’t count all the messages I have re-
ceived regarding the topic of video being
helpful to girls to realize that the concept
of being either fat or skinny is not wrong,
Time out
but that a societal misconception is the one Neira, how do you deal with haters?
that is wrong. I have given myself a mission It depends on my mood that day- some
to replace classical makeup videos with the days I will just delete a comment and some-
ones of importance which are quite rare - times I will reply argumentatively. Luckily, I
the videos about confidence and self-love. have received only a few ugly comments for
The fact that I am fat (many will snatch to all the five years of blogging and most of the
this word because it is understood as offen- messages I receive daily are very positive
sive) never stopped me from achieving any- and wonderful.
thing in my life - studying, working, being
someone’s girlfriend, blogger, to take pho- ***
tos of myself, create videos, etc. I have never So guys and gals, just be happy, laugh at
given myself permission to see it as an ob- each problem and don’t let it grow on you.
stacle or disadvantage. When you don’t see Remember, your looks is just a part of life
it as a problem it becomes absolutely unim- and much more of it is your charisma, hu-
portant that other people see it as such. In mour, intelligence, etc. Love yourself, be-
my experience, my weight is far more trou- cause no one can do it better than you. You
blesome to others than to me. As I have said know yourself the best therefore do what is
in the video: If my biggest flaw is someone best for you and that is to be happy, loved,
telling me I am fat, then that’s my biggest fearless and of course, just love the life
compliment. For all the other advice I rec- you’re living!
ommend watching that particular video and
also a video about confidence because I see
them as the best ones on my channel.
How can one help people who feel vulner-
able and discriminated against because of
the looks, so they can rise above the philis-
Again, I recommend watching the two vid-
eos mentioned above because I had thor-
oughly explained my stands regarding these
issues. I also think it is the wrong to see be-
ing plus size as a trend which leads to the
abuse of skinny girls. I do not support any
form of body shaming and also instead of a
trend on “how to look“, self-love should be
So, it is impossible to please people. We can
always find good and less good people – not
to say ‘bad ones’. Oops, there I have said
it and “haters” is a nickname for the bad
ones. You can find them everywhere. What-
ever you do you will find at least one to tell
you, you are not doing it right, you are a bad
Neira Kamerić
The time of the theatre
metaphor has still not
by her words and to take our readers through
our thrilling story of intertwined emotions
and thoughts. Sabina Kulenović will make a
smooth transition and start talking about
herself but also about the Bosnian Nation-
al Theatre in Zenica. In its rippling waters of
inspiration and authenticity she must have
Irma been making a story which has marked each
Ahmetspahić, professional actor and actress.
Gymnasium At the time when I have arrived, as a ten year
student, old, on the Children scene of Bosnian Nation-
Zenica al Theatre Zenica, it was managed by Slobo-
dan Stojanović. I have to mention that he was
a kind loving man not only toward the the-
atre but to everyone around him and that was
The overall definition of success in life is to what had attracted me to stay in the Bosnian
be happy with yourself, meaning to go to bed National Theatre. There is one privilege in my
happy and knowing you did no harm or in- job; that you are able to create a new world, a
justice to anyone. At least, not deliberately. new magic, new story while preparing a new
Additionally, to try and only give your best to play so that the audience has a vivid picture
everyone around you. In my opinion that is in front of them that is not only visual, but
the duty of every human being despite the stimulates all the senses and creates a mov-
general atmosphere and information we get ie-like atmosphere. Isn’t that a pleasure, to
in our time, these are the words of the wom- see people making live movies in front of you?
an, mother and actress that comes from Ze- Bosnian National Theatre Zenica, I have been
nica and most importantly, of a tolerant per- here since, uh, the last century and have now
son who deserves to embellish these spe- entered the new century in the same theatre.
cial pages of ours based on everything she I became an official employee in January 1991.
has done over the last three years that I have A Theatre is changing together with the times
known her. I would like to go back to the old so the communication amongst the people is
days to the very beginning of my high school quite different and so is the theatre. Of course,
education when we have enjoyed the theatre it wouldn’t be good if everything would stay
play Gluha svadba (A Deaf Wedding) and my like it was in the ‘80s. As everything is chang-
excitement when meeting one and only - Sa- ing it is also becoming a bit more inhumane
bina Kulenović. Our chit chat born out of the than before, as far as I’m concerned.
desire to motivate young talents also relied Can you tell us something about your cur-
on the insightful side of this interview ending rent obligations and your tasks in theatre
up with an impressive confession. That has as a theatre worker, in retrospect to some
left a lasting influence on me (as an eager sweet memories?
young person) and my thoughts about the A life of a theatre employee…is like a life of
level of my own maturity. In this case of hav- any other worker. So, you have responsibil-
ing such an interviewee, I decided to be led ity for your job as any other, whilst working
on a play you are always in its flow despite Never has some cultural event made such
your daily obligations, even the banal ones. a fuss in every park, street, market, school,
You are slightly possessed by your character, shopping centre, bus station with people
whether it is male or female, by your role and buzzing about it. The play My Factory in some
its life - the beginning of life, middle and end. astonishing way reflects Zenica and please
And I speak as a woman because I usually do correct me if I am wrong. It was present-
play female characters, right? Haha. When ed in various locations as well as outside
starting a new play it is very exhausting be- the country and it has received only posi-
cause it requires great focus and handling tive critics since. Directed by Selma Spahić
someone else’s life while handling your own. and done by the script of magnificent Selve-
It is inevitable that you are affected by some- din Avdić, who had unpretentiously written
thing in a certain life period so it is the same a book, it received seven awards on B&H
with a job. And it seems that theatre provides Drama Festival. I will use the words of Nus-
more dramatic and lively experience, in any mir Muharemović, appreciated actor, one of
case more striking than anything ordinary. the actors in the play - this play in some
Sabina, can you tell us is there some partic- way represents a private confession of the
ular play that has left an important impres- team who had been working on it. Why? The
sion on you, something that can positively factory on the city outskirts had grown and
be called revolutionary for your life? ascended together with our ex unified state
Of course, every play is a different story and has been shrinking along with its decay.
but you can always point out those close to No matter what opinion all generations had
your heart - it can be because of some dis- of the overall fragility and transience, the
tinct reasons or the particular moment in factory was an exception. Our factory, our
your life or some life circumstances. Anyway, streets and our city.
when we speak about the professional part What was the reaction of colleagues from
of my theatre work one of them is Omer and National Theatre in Sarajevo where the
Merima. It was second play in my career piece has also been performed?
and I had gotten to play a lead character, It is an iconic play, first and foremost be-
and of course, you feel a bit content. Play- cause it reflects the atmosphere in Zenica.
ing such an important and complex charac- Since its birth and beginning, all the data
ter from the perspective of our B&H theatre is there, factually stated and it is actually a
background and B&H history was quite an private monography of Selvedin Avdić from
achievement for a young person like me. Zenica. The way he felt and saw Zenica and
Can you share with us; what has made you emotional views or private stories of other
to single out this play in particular? actors, the Factory consists of all of that. It
The play was directed by the deceased Sule- would be a shame for other people in B&H,
jman Kupusović, may peace be upon him. especially in Zenica, not to see the play. For
Easy and joyful to work with, he had made some of them it might trigger nice emotions,
my first experience as a lead actress very memories and some of them might be sur-
easygoing. I had also worked with a won- prised. There are some facts there also that
derful actor, unfortunately, the also de- we haven’t heard before like the story about
ceased, Elvedin Avdić. One more important Sabaha Čolaković a brave woman who had
experience from that period was the Lady- worked in Zenica at the time of the Second
bug play where five people are expressing World War, and she was also a member of
their current emotional state using colours the Antifascist movement, which is some-
and drawings. I have at least one hundred thing you seriously have to see in this play.
plays behind me now. These are the ones As for the reactions of all people, not just
that I have, just now in this late hour as we the colleagues from the Sarajevo National
are chatting, singled out which is a sure Theatre - it was fantastic, and also wherever
proof of their significance to me. we went, like in Macedonia, Serbia, etc. . Ev-
erybody has their own steel factory, those left behind and finally they are replaced by
are working class places, they can all rec- some new talents, new boys and girls.
ognize those workers’ stories and it is easy In which way is that shift happening...
to be sympathetic across the globe. This meaning the deserved retirement after the-
means the play doesn’t have to be related atre career?
to our ex homeland (Yugoslavia) . It can go
In the case of Bosnian National Theatre Ze-
to Dublin or South America for the spirit of nica and the other theatres I believe, they are
labourers will be recognized. quite eager to accept work and talent of young
The spirit of still echoes in my actors and actresses, but well, are they able
head. Having in mind a background of the to get a closed contract is a different ques-
expression can you tell me how difficult it is tion. It is not the question of atmosphere in
to have a lasting acting career and be inter- the house because it’s very open for new con-
esting to audience again and again? tent and takes young people into account, but
To have a long-lasting acting career is al- it is the question of the other circumstances;
most like all in life; amplitudes of life go up the overall finances. For example, short term
and down. How much you are interesting de- engagements are very welcome in all theatres
pends also on the audience coming to see but the only way for someone to get a full
you. Sometimes the very young and some- contract is that someone else retires.
times older ones. Sometimes both. Those are Are there any new forces who will lead the
all the advantages and disadvantages of our Theatre in an impressive way in which the
profession. We should always try to look at actors/actresses such as yourself did?
the things around us and try to acknowledge Every work organization as well as the oth-
people and as soon as they get to imagine er aspects of life generally don’t die the mo-
themselves on stage you become more inter- ment someone more experienced leaves.
esting to them. Talent is only a base for suc- Therefore, new people are constantly being
cess. Both; the sumptuous one and the less born, and some new actors and actresses,
apparent one. Mature people are more ex- new aesthetics, new street sweepers, new
perienced, they say. It is true, they are. Their doctors and we do not have to worry about
struggle and artistry is seen in all the years that. Nothing is yet sealed especially with
Sabina Kulenović
the art of theatre which is all breezy. All is What I am often trying to say is that it is
based on the single impression you had at never wrong to listen to the advice of some-
the moment when the play was performed, one with more experience, or accept a use-
and sometimes it is not embedded in your ful advice in general. And in what other way
memory. to find a purpose or usefulness than listen-
Have you ever had a cold feet regard- ing “wise stories” from those who definitely
ing your profession and thought of the so have more meaningful stories and impres-
called ‘2nd profession’? What had stopped sive advice. For us at rise, every new, impor-
you from doing so? tant step should be based on a conversation,
Hm...sometimes it occurs to you that some exchange of experiences, just a casual cof-
other, new career would be interesting. Per- fee filled with a lot of enthusiasm and mo-
sonally, I would have been interested in psy- tivation. Today you have a chance to change
chology, psychiatry but from the perspective something and each “new today” will shape
of a researcher as one part of being an ac- your life. I am convinced that Sabina’s words
tress is to observe and look in the way these bring only positive and useful message.
professions do. I was prevented by life cir-
They say if there is enough will a person can
cumstances in this, love for my actual pro-
achieve anything. Young people, please try to
fession and lastly, lack of free time and per-
awaken that will within yourselves because
haps even laziness.
you are that strength, actually. You have a
What are the key characteristics and maybe fresh mind ready for new things. To figure
type of charisma expected from an actress
out something on my smartphone it takes
in theatre?
me ten days whilst you need few minutes
A quite desirable characteristic for all peo- and you know that very well. So having said
ple, not only actresses, is tolerance. Learn- that, study hard because only that can bring
ing to communicate, listening to each other you better life! And don’t forget that respect,
and not to speak only in monologues and kindness, decency, your upbringing are the
in an apparition of the conversation, and
pillars of a civilization. All of these modern
to realize that the conversation is the only
stuff can only ruin everything created so
tool for overcoming all sorts of difficulties.
take care of the Earth for some new genera-
I would say it is important for every person
and for theatre actors or actresses espe- tions yet to come! Talk to each other and be
cially because they have to be empathetic unselfishly tolerant with each other!
and it is impossible to manufacture the art That truly isn’t reserved only for the world
if they can’t relate to other people. of theatre!
A scene from theatre play Smog, Out!
Three movies of my time
The movie focuses on the
negative consequences of
smoking or precisely about
Halida Duraković, the harm of nicotine. The
Madrasah student, second movie, titled What, is
about my high school, my first
Živinice impressions of the school as
well as my experiences at the
school. The movie is now a
part of a promotion toolkit for
the school. This movie is what
Just how popular movies are demanding job as well as I am mostly recognized for.
socially in B&H, especially other relating questions. The third movie is Enemies of
among the younger crowd, the Nature. It is a story about
What movies did you make a forest, but more important-
we’ve learned from the per-
spective of a young person and which awards did those ly a part of the forest that has
who spends his time making movies win? been cut down for no reason.
movies as well as other ac- I made three movies. First It happened in 2016 and that
tivities related to moviemak- one was made in collabora- part has remained the same
ing. Adi Glavinić, a junior stu- tion with the Association of to this day. Regarding movie
dent at Živinice high school, high school students in B&H awards, the first movie didn’t
has answered our questions alongside our local team for win any awards because I
about this challenging and the World No Tobacco Day. wasn’t aware that I could ap-
ply for one. The second film
won two first places - one on
a national level at The Eighth
Annual Art Festival for Tech-
nical and Professional high
schools in B&H, and one on
a cantonal level at The Tenth
Annual Youth Festival of Mov-
ie and Photography in Tuzla.
My third movie also won two
first places on a national and
federal level in Zenica, as well
as third place at the interna-
tional competition in Kreševo.
Apart from making movies,
which other activities do
you pursue?
Besides moviemaking, I’ve
been dancing for eight years
Adi Glavinić
my clown act for children at competitions. I love making warming are underrated top-
birthday parties, but in the movies because it is a great ics which is exactly what we
last few years I have also way to tell cautionary and need to deal with because
been going to hospitals, day useful stories in interesting pollution, conscious or not is
care centres for children with ways. taking a hold and is becom-
disabilities as well as nursing ing a problem we will need
Whose support did you have
homes, working as a therapy to face in the future.
while making movies?
clown. I volunteer for them in
I had a support from my pro- Have you made any signifi-
my spare time and it is a joy-
fessors, primarily from pro- cant acquaintances?
ful and fulfilling experience.
fessor Alma Šahbegović but Of course, I’ve met a lot of
Can you tell us where your also from professors Ilija people from Sarajevo. Many
passion for movies and Lučić and Sead Noćajević as film directors, producers,
dancing comes from? well as my friends and es- camera operators who gave
I was born into a musical pecially my family who sup- me useful advices and those
family with a lot of musicians ports me financially, making contacts are the most impor-
from both sides of the fam- it possible for me to pursue tant to me. I can always reach
ily going back a couple of my passions. them when in need of help,
generations in the past. My Have you ever received any inspiration or motivation.
parents were looking for ac- financial support from any Do you plan to work profes-
tivities in which I excel and national institution for mak- sionally as a producer or an
showed passion for. That is ing your movies? actor?
how I signed up for dance
I have never received any Yes, I do. I would like to study
lessons and also why I am
support from any public or directing or acting but what-
still into dancing. The rea-
governmental institution. ever it is it will most likely
son I like to dance and I am
None of my movies had a be something related to art
still doing it is because it’s
budget and I personally paid because to me it is fulfilling
quite controversial for our
for everything. For the third and my life goal.
community. We live in a time
movie our professor drove
filled with prejudices and How much would you say
us to the parts of the woods
stereotypes. In the begin- young people are interested
that have been cut down.
ning it was difficult. I would in movie production?
receive a lot of confused How demanding is it to
Not so much, I would say.
looks and get mocked with make a movie?
Young people in general get
questions like Why does he Movie making is truly a de- lost in current stories about
take dancing classes? Still, it manding job that requires a living abroad in Germany
is nice to do something dif- lot of time, dedication, pa- and how there is a lack of job
ferent. All that influenced tience and creativity while opportunities in Bosnia and
my perspective of the world taking a huge toll on your Herzegovina.
and my behaviour. However, sleep. It is a long process
I quickly realized how those that goes from writing a I think there is work here,
people are very close-mind- script to recording the mov- but only for those who really
ed. As time went by I got to ie and all the way to editing want to work.
meet so many open-minded ending with putting the fin- The moviemaking industry
people who have been won- ishing touches on your work. is not evenly spread across
derful and supportive. That I like to work on topics that Bosnia and Herzegovina.
is why I don’t pay attention tackle social issues, taboos, That fact, along with the lack
to bigoted and mean com- something that our society of resources, may be the
ments anymore. I have won views as weird or funny like reason why making movies
more than 50 medals from dancing or ecology. In our is not as popular here as in
international and national country, ecology and global other countries.
Nonclassical Sarajevo band Helem nejse
Ex Yugoslavia,
get ready!
Ticket for the show is only 650 € enced spiritual upliftment, as
they like to call it themselves.
Lejla Ibrulj, Chemistry student, Sarajevo Upon leaving our bodies,
Lejla Džinić, Communicology student, Odžak our souls went wandering
through the narrow streets of
For all of those confusing the some serious money as a
the old part of Sarajevo, tak-
band Strava Škola and He- bartender in an upscale res-
ing in both the best and the
lem Nejse we are exclusively taurant, while Ćane has re-
worst they had to offer. It was
debunking this mix-up. This cluded himself with no one
that combination of good
is a classic case of misinfor- being aware of his where-
and bad that gave birth to
mation, claim the members abouts. Some are suspecting
the band Helem Nejse. Once
of Helem Nejse. We often that he is the one responsible
we retrieved back to our nor-
get mistaken for that former for the missing 100,000 jobs
mal state it was suddenly
band, may it rest in peace. (promised by the government
clear to us what we needed
People say we remind them of B&H).
to do. The formation and cre-
of Strava Škola. They’ve ad- The Helem Nejse - Rejdio ation of the band began to
mittedly influenced us in our Šou (radio show) was cre- roll on its own.
earlier years back when they ated in Sarajevo, in Gorica
The idea to transition from
were known as Flowmotion. more accurately, where the
radio to stage emerged from
We’ve heard that Gago from editor Gagara along with fu-
their hopes of achieving fame
Strava Škola is now in Fujai- ture band members Stihomir,
on a regional level, according
rah in the U.A.E. and makes Momo and Duško experi-
to Dženo.
While creating songs for the
radio show, we ended up with
10 times the needed material.
At one point we had amassed
hundreds of song lyrics with-
out any plan on how we could
implement them. Our editor
suggested we pick out elev-
en songs, record them and
send them over to Dženo. Af-
ter hearing them Dženo said:
‘I will make regional stars
Helem nejse
makes them stand out from The band has also an- realized how in this day and
other bands, one thing is for nounced similar future col- age both the younger ones
certain - they are undisputed laboration named Kabadahi- and the adults are more into
in this. Their intriguing show ja 2 and Kabadahija 3 which (sc)rolling rather than visiting
is called Cašpija (slang word will be available on their next the theatre. That is why we
that indicates the highest album. For 2019 they plan to wanted to get a better under-
point of a party or concert). record Kabadahija 4, Kabada- standing of what they do to
The etymology of the word is, hija 5, Kabadahija 6 and so on, make their play and the the-
as the band states in their bi- until, as they say themselves: atre in general more appeal-
ography: Caš - which means We make something better. ing to the public.
nothing, and Špija – which It has been a year since the The only way to attract audi-
makes no logical sense. The release of their album Go u ences to see the play is to of-
rest of the story you most Gostima and, according to fer them high-quality content
likely know. The band Helem the band, they are very satis- that interests them. The same
Nejse finally emerged after fied with the reaction of their applies for radio, movies, mu-
three years of working hard fanbase. sic and other media outlets.
on making rhymes and mix- The song Navijači is, of Younger generations are less
ing them with some bom- course, the 12th song on our interested in theatre because
bastic beats. Cooperation album. Without our fans none they don’t find the offered
with Toshi commenced when of this would be possible. We themes interesting enough
he visited them on their ra- are so grateful to our follow- to attend them. If you need to
dio show and said: Guys, I’ve ers who are always support- be well read, well-educated
some material for you. That ing us during each of our 30 and have a vast knowledge of
material turned out to be minutes long ‘matches.’ movies to be able to under-
their future great hits like the stand the content of the play,
Considering they work with
songs Bosnia and Kabadahi- then all of those who don’t
different forms of art it is not
ja. The musical arrangement fall into that group won’t be
so strange that they also per-
was done by Toshi Domaćin, able to enjoy. And the num-
form an original play. Called
while Stihomir and Gagara bers are immense.
Sarajevski dani terorizma
wrote the lyrics. The song
(Sarajevo Days of Terrorism) As for the theme of this play,
Kabadahija was a spot-on sa-
which is part of the repertoire the band recommends you to
tirical reflection on our tragi-
in the theatre Kamerni Teatar watch it and so do we. Visit
comic society. They continue
55. They stated how the play the theatre Kamerni Teatar
by explaining who the rough-
is intended for both adults 55 and find out why this play
neck is as well as revealing to
and the young people. They has been a regular part of the
whom they are dedicating the
The roughneck is referring
to the type of person who
transfers their hate, frustra-
tions and complexes onto
young people. We dedicated
this song to them because
we couldn’t stay silent while
such injustice was occurring
in our society. We feel much
better now. That song earned
Helem nejse
theatres repertoire for more social engagement - which is it will contain mostly love
than two years. There is a good. Scrolling, on the other songs, filled with optimism
good reason why it’s sold out hand, represents social reclu- and hope for a better day af-
most of the time. sion and something that can ter tomorrow.
We promise you 100,000 good harm you physically, like in
the spine, the brain, the eye - The season of music festi-
jokes at a ticket price of ‘ just’
which is bad. vals is upon us and we can
650 EUR.
expect them to be perform-
Their new album will fea- We can be expecting a new
album from them this year. ing at the greater venues
ture the single Kabadahija
According to the band, here held in Bosnia & Herzegovi-
as well as a new one, Bolje
are a few details on what it na, as well as in the region.
bi ti Bilo. We got curious of
the spirit of the song so we will contain: Their message: To the for-
asked the band: Why is roll- Our plan is to have an album mer Republic of Yugoslavia
ing better than scrolling? done by fall, but it is not set and its present region: get
We believe that rolling is a in stone yet. The album will ready because HELEM NEJSE
form of physical activity and be done when it’s done, and IS COMING!
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
is trying to get out of its net.
A fight for life. It’s the same
with people.
Which painter was your fa-
vourite (an idol) and why?
I can’t say that I prefer
someone over someone
else. I love everyone doing
art, because those people
are here with me, people
who know how to observe,
to live, be happy, content,
but also to let others enjoy
too. It is a personal treasure
and that is why I appreciate
all existing painters. There
Muhamed Ćeif
Have you ever thought to the singers and actors that or winding one, will it leave a
switch careers? come from here. We are a city trace, time will tell. When all
abundant in talents, riches, of us leave this world, only
I never had that thought be-
quality, only the culture is then can you see who has
cause I don’t know what I
a bit neglected and this is a left a trace. For now you only
could do that is more beauti-
problem. Culture cannot get have patting on the back and
ful. I work for myself, primar-
its deserved spot, though consolation. Do I have a path?
ily. I don’t tell anything about
there are some good painters. I don’t know at the moment
the outside world and what
But such are the circumstanc- what is my path like, but I feel
they think about painting.
es in which you have to burn I am going some way. Am I on
Someone loves it, and others
out in order for someone to the right track, I do not know.
don’t. but for me, it is a plea-
sure that cannot be bought. notice and perceive your work What is your painting style
as quality. We are a part of and why have you chosen
Do your paintings show your the problem with kitsch and precisely that?
feelings? everything, and therefore the
When I studied on the Acad-
Anyone who is seriously real work is neglected.
emy I was painting for a cer-
painting should show their Can some painting be 100 tain period in surrealism,
feelings, character and who million KM worth? Do you but I started withdrawing
they are as human beings. A think that paintings are and partook expressionism.
painting tells a lot about the worth much more even when Mostly I am going towards ex-
artist and his/her life. That they’re priceless? Why? pressionism because I real-
is why a painting is an open
I think they can’t be worth ized that colours are a very
soul of the artist, of course,
that much. It would be the important factor in painting,
for people who know how to
same if I compared in our especially colour play. Exact-
time footballers in transfer. ly this colour and this style
Can you always paint or do What is this logic and game have changed in my 3rd year
you need some special inspi- that raises some kind of lev- of studies. I am very interest-
ration? els? I think that if a paint- ed in colour range. I can ex-
I can always paint, but there ing means something to the press my inner feelings the
are moments when I’m occu- painter, done in a certain mo- best with colours.
pied by some problems and ment in his life; he will not We have seen that some
I simply do not have inspi- sell it for any sort of money. painters have some favou-
ration. In those moments it He will leave it to himself or rite colours which they sin-
is best to read some news- give it as a gift. The painting’s gle out in painting cycles. Do
papers or go for a walk. You price is dictated by the soci- you have a colour of prefer-
need to paint when you’re ety and critics, where things ence or which one domi-
in high spirit and you’re ea- are not realistic sometimes. nates for you?
ger and have the will to do it. Do not go where the path
For some time, blue has
You cannot always paint but may lead, go instead where dominated, and now it is sup-
I’m trying to paint every mo- there is no path and leave a pressed. Now some bright-
ment from early morning un- trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson. er and more cheerful tones
til late at night, depending on Do you follow already fin- dominate. Those phases just
my inspiration. I don’t waste ished track or are you mak- happen sometimes depend-
time and I use every moment ing your new track in paint- ing on my state. I strive to try
to paint. ing? all tones to get a fine work,
Do you find Sarajevo as an I have, getting in the public so that the painting is strong,
inspirational place and does eye with my exhibitions, al- expressive and truthful.
Sarajevo affect your work? ready went down one path. * Ćeif is a word commonly used
Sarajevo is an inspiration in How will it end, how far will in BHS for expressing satisfac-
all areas. Let’s just remember it go, will it be a good path tion but also can be a surname
You, me and
Ermin Sijamija
How large is theatre attendance these days?
I can proudly say that the interest has re-
Marina turned in the past couple of years, with
Glavinka, younger people. Still, there are young people
Gymnasium who are fed up with internet and technology,
student, and we can say that the theatre is a living
Sarajevo matter. The audience is made out of certainly
more than 50% of youth, and we are gener-
ally very pleased with this in theatre.
Do you think that the theatre has developed
in the last few years?
The theatre is not a developing industry,
Haris Softić, it is there. Sometimes it has its shiny mo-
Tourism and ments, and sometimes it simply stagnates,
Hospitality and there are no new ideas. After all, there
student, aren’t any things which can occupy theatre
Sarajevo and make it more interesting.
How long does it take to work on plays for
children, that is, how long do you work on
promotional projects in high schools and
What’s the favourite play you have ever elementary schools to make the theatre
seen? Well, Little Red Riding Hood, the last more appealing to children?
time I was in theatre with our elementary As far as the children plays are concerned,
school teacher. Very often do we have this we are striving to adapt to elementary and
kind of conversation in high school. high schools that have organized visits. We
cannot re-educate parents, so the schools
So, whose fault is it? No one’s but ours. If
try to improve the children’s upbringing. We
going to the theatre, library and cinema was
are trying to make our repertoire richer and
not part of your upbringing, today we have more diverse.
an opportunity to make this habit precisely
How many new plays are performed yearly
at school.
in theatres, having in mind that those are
Especially high schools organize these vis- often plays that are reprised several times a
its more often than ever, and precisely about year due to their success?
this we have talked with Ermin Sijamija, our When you make one play, it is reprised sev-
Bosnian and Herzegovinian film and theatre eral times a year. A play is not a concert that
actor, known by many from the TV show Visa you do only once and maybe next year again.
for the Future, and films such as Summer in Reprised plays give a special image and aes-
the Golden Valley or Remake. thetics to the theatre. Regarding the pre-
miers, we have very few premiers in B&H and Young people need to develop the aware-
a very few new plays are done. ness and to form their own opinions, and not
Last year in Sarajevo, the first Theatre to follow each new rising trend.
Comedy Festival was held during which the What would be your advice to young people
audience could see some of the most famous who decide to act professionally?
faces of the regional acting scene. Do you There are tons of young people who have fin-
have plans to have it again this year? ished the Academy and could not find work,
I was the festival elector, and I think it will and the problem is that there are too many
not be held this year because of the organiz- academies in Bosnia and Herzegovina com-
ers who don’t have enough financial means. pared to the theatres’ number. This hap-
pens because the professors decide to open
As for the attendance, attendance had been academies, as not to stay without a job.
large bearing in mind that the festival was
Young people who can’t enter the Academy
held for the first time, and a festival needs
in Sarajevo go to the other city and finish
to last for five years to gain a certain atten-
one there.
dance and quality.
My advice for everyone who wants to act pro-
Are there the so called poisoners of youth
fessionally is to be ready for sacrifices. The
cultural lives?
academy is impossible to finish if you do not
Of course there are. Looking outside of the dedicate yourself to it fully, meaning that
theatre’s doors, there is all this technology. constant time spending with a boyfriend,
But, that is not the only so called poisoner. girlfriend or family is not possible.
My opinion is that turbofolk music is one of If you’re not ready for this, my advice is not
the strongest culture and morals destroyers. to do this job.
Ermin Sijamija
Who is in control?
and I feel blue more and more with each
passing minute. I can almost imagine hold-
ing Him in my hand. It looks so good on my
Amina Jusić, palm. How else can I know what time is it?
Gymnasium Without Him I can never know. If He was
here, I could take a selfie because the back-
student, Breza
ground and the lighting are perfect. I miss
him. Need him terribly. What if I miss some-
thing important?
Nights are the worst, it is impossible to be
apart. He is the one showing me when to
It’s morning. But I only get up when He an- sleep and when to wake up over the week.
nounces it. And if I do not obey the com- He doesn’t allow me to go to sleep easily
mand, He calls again. It bothers me, but I especially without spending some time to-
have allowed it because I need Him. gether previously.
After I get up, my day is still not kick-start- These moments usually take place late at
ing. First, I have to catch up with the news, night and He has nothing against it. On the
events, photos, and stories of other people. contrary, He enjoys it.
Thanks to Him, I feel connected to the world He’s always there. Even when I’m sleeping.
around me. Always. I like when he is close Always within my reach, so he could know
to me and I can give him my full attention. I when I’m waking up. He is ready to listen to
don’t even go out without Him. my commands or to command me...
And if I get to forget about Him for a minute, I am confused who is in charge.
He knows his way to get my attention. Who
can resist that charming vibration, sound of
a new notification received? You have to be
focused on Him because some information
He provides and that notification could be
And how nice it is to relax with Him. He
knows which songs I love, all the games I
find fun and all that will ensure he won’t be
I will never take my eyes off of Him. He
makes sure my memories, secrets and dear-
est people are safe. Without Him, I can’t be.
I cannot stand us being apart. I’m reach-
ing for my pocket in panic, out of habit,
and I feel empty. The time goes slowly and
I feel bored, I have nothing else to do. I am
nervous and lonely. I have only Him in my
I find it difficult talking to people around me
I am a human being
Sara Sejdić, Gymnasium student, Sarajevo
heart I AM
Beet, yoga
Blooming child
Educating for wholeness - imagine the possibilities
Lejla Ibrulj, the right path, whether they are parents, old-
Chemistry student, Sarajevo er sisters or brothers, guardians, teachers
and so on. However, today you can enrol your
Every child is an unpredictable bud that child in a school that will make sure they be-
needs to be let to blossom and embellish come the best version of themselves. It’s not
the world. We are not aware of children’s a typical school we’re used to. This school
potential and its extent. Just when they do is offering the possibility of a well-rounded
push ups
something for the first time, it looks fascinat- education, meaning all of their efforts are di-
ing and leaves us breathless. We must agree rected to know themselves by helping them
that we need to work with children constantly to develop all the human potentials and be-
and persevere in helping them to adopt the come creative members of the society while
best qualities, to develop their imagination, respecting nature, others and themselves.
be great people who will blossom tomorrow Their goal is to enhance creative and criti-
into the most beautiful flowers and contrib- cal thinking for their students and to encour-
ute in this manner to themselves and to their age their autonomy. Children are taught in a
own society. Children are a great army stron- unique environment where each child learns
ger than anything in the world. They can of- about itself and develops all its potentials.
fer so much, they just have to be given the A flower does not think of competing with the
opportunity to show their best. Growing up flower next to it. It just blooms.. (Zen Shin)
they are always taken care of by someone Bloom is the MEAB (Montessori Evaluation
who is with them and directs them to choose and Accreditation Board) and Cambridge
Beet, yog
Certified Educational Institution offering pre- TM is a unique and scientifically proven
primary, primary and secondary education method that optimizes brain functions, which
with its participants from three to 18 years increases the intelligence quotient, strength-
of age, according to Džejna Hadžić, a school ens short-term and long-lasting memory, and
pedagogue. improves concentration and creativity.
Džejna, what is the primary goal of your ed- How does an hour of transcendental medi-
ucation and work with children? tation look like?
The Bloom’s Mission is presented with the Meditation is practiced during the “silent
slogan Educating for wholeness - imagine time” that we do at Bloom School every day
and pu
the possibilities, which describes the unique before the class begins and at the end of the
experience that students (girls and boys) get day before the students go home. In addition
here because of our commitment to quality to transcendental or mindfulness medita-
education. tion, students have the option to enjoy read-
ing or drawing when in “silent time”.
What does your school offer?
Bloom follows the educational principles of What are its benefits?
Dr Mary Montessori and offers a learning Research has shown that meditation has
context that values the holistic development positive effects on students and teachers.
of students: intellectual, social, emotional, They are more peaceful, relaxed, less ag-
physical and spiritual. gressive, more concentrated and empathetic.
Students are able to successfully deal with
What are the three colours that make Bloom
stress using meditation as a tool.
and why are they important?
The main colours of Bloom is indigo, com- What are your experiences with meditation
plementary to turquoise and silver and this so far and what are the general experiences
choice is based on the colour psychology with students?
that is part of the science of psychology that In Bloom, we encourage creative and critical
studies emotions and reactions. The colours thinking and meditation as one of the meth-
of Bloom refer to the state of beauty, fresh- ods that supports this principle of education.
ness and strength, the time of high develop- Both, students and parents but also teachers
ment and achievements. love our holistic approach to education and
the way we work.
Bloom School offers many options, but what’s
interesting is that you can use many meth- They are welcoming new knowledge and
ods to help children in their complete devel- methods that guide them through the unique
opment. One of them is spiritual upgrading. process of self-recognition, whilst developing
What does it represent, why is it important their full human potential.
and how do you work with children? Džejna, how effective is this kind of educa-
Spiritual development is part of our integrat- tion for a child? Do you feel that regular ed-
ed approach to child development, charac- ucation does not offer such experiences and
terized by Montessori education. Instead of ways of development for a child?
preaching or learning a sequence of serial We are working on preparing students for
dogmas, we expose the children to a wide life, helping them to develop as individuals
range of religious beliefs, always paying at- driven by their inner sense of purpose and
tention to what unites us, not to what is in- integrity.
tended to divide.
We want to spread awareness that the child,
As a relatively “new” method “here” (in when taking responsibility for his or her
B&H) transcendental meditation is excep- learning process, is not only helping in es-
tionally important to you. Why? tablishing academic excellence, but also im-
plants lifelong independence, initiative, and Why should a parent choose Bloom?
love for learning in its life. Parents choose Bloom because they want
How many other schools in B&H education their children to have experienced this unique
can pride themselves with this kind of ap- educational environment. Collaboration with
proach to students? parents and their inclusion are of fundamen-
Uniformity has become an integral part of tal importance for our goal achievement. Co-
education, unfortunately, and that Bloom is herence between school and parent is of vi-
a very useful school with many advantages tal importance, and education must prepare
confirms one of the parents’ statements: children in order to become fulfilled and ac-
ush ups
Bloom is different. Each child gets a treat- tively involved with the world they live in.
ment aligned with its individual needs both People deal too much with the negative, with
for behaviour and for academic achievement. what is wrong. Why not try and see positive
Using that approach, everything comes in its things, to just touch those things and make
place. We just love Bloom. them bloom? (Nhat Hanh)
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
The fourteenth Dalai Lama, spiritual teacher Tenzin Gyatso ( Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang
Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso)
Is Tehran still where
it once was?
Dino Živojević,
Indeed, the crowd was silenced by the author-
ity and the narrator has proceeded with his
Electrical speech. There is one city, eighty kilometres
of air distance towards north east from here.
There is this town; when you join M-17 highway
passing by Potoci, Jablanica, Ostrožac, Konjic,
Sarajevo Bradina, Tarčin, you are already there. I am not
telling all of this with a wish for any of you to,
God forbid, get lost there, but so that you’d
have an idea of its vicinity. It is hard to ex-
plain, but if you saw those sceneries of Middle
Dragan, please tell us a story, a gathered Eastern cities on TV, it is quite similar. Over the
crowd cried out in the late evening in the Cro- centuries, those people have been living there
atian Nobles’ Square. A wise hoarhead raises and have become what they are today due to
an arm with approval and takes a central po- the Turkish heritage. I don’t want to bore you
sition whilst the ones around him have set as with the history, even though I wouldn’t mind,
if they are from the time of Aristotle. The ora- but today these people call themselves Bos-
tor ostentatiously coughed twice to calm the niaks and we are all aware here, my friends,
crowd’s murmur and begins... that the name Bosniaks implies Muslims.
Have you heard the tale of Herceg-Bosna’s All those who were anxiously listening broke
origin? into cold sweat as if it’s their first time hear-
You told us that one a thousand times. Tell us ing the narration.
something else… - the crowd replied. It is easy to recognize them, dark-skinned
Can you tell the one, Dragan said, about Prlić bloodthirsty people with eyes also dark as a
and five haiduks? Have you heard that one? night and if you observe carefully you will no-
What? It’s not that we had only listened but tice a trace of eyeteeth on their lips that dif-
we have watched, survived it... give us some fers from regular people’s eyeteeth. You, my
recent one! friends, know you can find them very near to
us and not only in Sarajevo or Tehran, now
Well, there is one tale about the city in this I’ve have forgotten. A contact with them, not
“so-called” state. Its name is Sarajevo or Teh- to mention coexistence, has always been im-
ran, I can’t remember correctly. possible.
You have already told us that one also, mas- Those are the pests that have been unfairly
ter…, a crowd interrupted him. accusing us over the years for various crimes,
Let me narrate it again, he responded deci- the massacre in Ahmići, the demolition of the
sively. That story needs to be said every now Old Bridge, concentration camps, persecu-
and then until it fades away, at least every tion and all other f***ups. And, somehow they
four years. After all, I tell that story in Brussels, have taken over the trust of the international
as well. If it’s good for them I don’t see why it community and now our heroes rot in pris-
would be a problem for you to listen to it. ons. My friends, can you even anticipate what
of land
ing expelled from Spain and Portugal, a large
number of Jews found a new life in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, mostly in its capital. Velika Av-
Kraišniković, lija Street is located in the northwestern part
Security and of the čaršija; the old part of Sarajevo, not
Peace studies far from the place where Ottoman and Aus-
student, trian Sarajevo crossed paths or where East
Bijeljina and West meet, if you will. In this street, which
has been associated with Jewish heritage and
their life since the ancient times, you can find
Jewish Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The diverse landscape of Sarajevo is inter-
Its imposing building represents a reminder
twined with the legacies of the different cul-
of life, contributions, triumphs, and massive
tures and traditions that lived and still live
suffering - what has unfortunately became
in these areas. Sarajevo is a place in which
synonymous with Jewish people.
everyone wanted to leave a lasting mark, a
lasting mark of a time period on lives of cer- Jewish Museum: a museum of happiness
tain people, their traditions and customs, ar- and sorrow
chitectural heritage, scientific contribution. The Jewish Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
However, not only did the three most numer- na was built as the first Sephardic synagogue
ous of the B&H peoples leave a mark in this in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1581. Because of
country’s history. The arrival of Jews in Bosnia the sudden decline of the Jewish population,
and Herzegovina at the end of the 15th cen- the synagogue has gradually become a mu-
tury made this country more diverse. After be-
seum. Next to the Museum is a much smaller
New Temple Gallery, which occasionally hosts
various exhibitions with different themes,
but are most often associated with the Jew-
ish history. There you can check some exhibi-
tions showcased at three levels. The ground
floor offers various photographs, books, doc-
uments, maps and other legacies that testify
of the Jewish religious life. The first gallery ex-
hibits Jewish contribution to the development
of B&H in all segments: cultural, industrial,
Papo family's Atari shop
important ones which is the opinion of an or- The saddest part of the museum
dinary, curious observer as well as the muse- The heaviest period in the life of the Jews is as-
um workers and museology. The most attrac- sociated with the Second World War and their
tive exhibits refer to the religious life, namely suffering, through the Holocaust. The Jew-
the Torah Shield, the sacred Jewish book and a ish Museum in Sarajevo especially cherishes
copy of the Haggadah, an illuminated Hebrew the memories and exhibits related to events
manuscript codec. Both exhibits are easy from this period, so it has a special gallery for
to find on the ground floor of the Museum. it. Linked to the chain, the large book hovers
When we speak about activities in which Jews keeping the names and testifies of those who
have been particularly successful we can say are no longer here. The book with a symbolic
those are trade and many other crafts. The title Twelve thousand casualties displays the
first gallery presents limestone shop that names and surnames of 6000 killed Jews from
gives an idea of the average Jewish artwork Sarajevo and an equal number of Jews from
from the early period. There is also an Atari all over this country. This part of Museum ex-
shop. According to the data from the Museum, hibits also the dress worn by Mira Papo in the
Sarajevo had had Atari shop for more than concentration camp. Righteous Among the
300 years which was closed in 1943. The Atari Nations is an Israeli project within which the
were herbalists, the predecessors of today’s title of the righteous people was awarded to
modern pharmacy, and their original boxes, the people who risked their own lives to help
the same ones in which the healing grass was the Jews during the Second World War. This
kept, are now kept in the Museum. There is award was also received by 53 people from
also a painting showing these themes. B&H and their names with some stories about
these great ventures have found their place in
the Jewish Museum. Jewish culture and tradi-
tion came to Bosnia and Herzegovina almost
unnoticeably, and have thrived and matured
with the locals, participated in cities’ con-
struction leaving traces in architecture and
cultural heritage. Modestly and quietly, the
of land
leaving a strong mark of one time. Being a wit-
ness of that time, one museum in Baščaršija
will proudly preserve the Jewish history.*
* The author is especially grateful to Žanka
Dodig, the curator of the Jewish Museum.
hostel, and then to the city centre. Boulevard, Luka city. So, Banja Luka through history has
a wonderful tree alley stretches in front of us always been the headquarters of many im-
as far as the eyes can reach. Tall buildings, portant statesmen and officials. Its impor-
some completely in glass, long walking alleys tance has marked its today identity. From
and many people. The rain has stopped, as if Ban’s court we went down to Krajina Square
it knew that it’s time for it to gently stop and and there we will be greeted by our hostess-
let us enjoy the weather. Settling in the hostel es, Mica and Sanja. We are entering the epi-
was quick, and then who’s going to get to the centre of all happenings. The Veselin Masleša
city centre faster? It’s time for the selfie, if we street (The Gospodska Street), and in it there
don’t take it and don’t tag ourselves, it’s as if are boutiques, cafés, pharmacy, restaurants…
we weren’t here. Technology has come so far Anything you can wish for is here. Core of the
that it follows us around, literally. Boulevard city with little buildings, a few fragments on
is long, there are many buses, and I feel as if the buildings in gentle colours. Exactly these
there is some event or that we are stuck in city tiny details of this street can catch your eye
rush. It must be a rush hour in the city. At the as it reminds you of old times, it has an atmo-
end of the boulevard with magnificent trees, sphere of one’s town life and peaceful people
Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Saviour em- minding their own business, but with content
bellished in gold. In front of the temple (ca- faces. Krajina Square and the famous clock
thedral) there is a park, city centre and on the that has stopped. It has stopped on the day
left Ban’s Court, pride of this city. Beautiful (10/27/1969) when Banja Luka was struck by a
building from the Yugoslavia Kingdom, built in very destructive earthquake. Symbolically, not
the period of 1931-1932. Although it is a build- to forget that terrible event on Krajina Square
ing, it gives the impression of luxury, sophisti- there is The Crooked Clock showing 9 hours
cation, grace. Today it is a cultural centre, with and 11 minutes, time when the most destruc-
imposing interior. Once upon a time it was the tive earthquake in the history of these regions
headquarters for the Ban of Vrbas Banovina struck and destroyed Banja Luka. We have
(province). Fewer than hundred meters away met with our friends from Banja Luka, Mica
- a similar building. Decorated with high col- and Sanja. We have decided to go for one little
umns with amazing capitals on the top and conversation and exchange experiences from
narrow arches, graceful and urban. That is our surroundings. In main street, in one of the
the palace of Ban’s administration. Today it local cafes we had conversations about us,
is a building of City administration of Banja about the youth. Really, no matter how funny
Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Ferhadija Mosque
or sad it seemed, most of the young people downstream towards the other part of the
do not know their country well. Some due to city. We are also leaving Kastel to go to our
the financial inability, passivity, or prejudice hostel. The night is slowly descending, the
do not leave their surroundings, do not travel street lamps are starting to throw their light.
to other parts of B&H. Young people don’t visit On the square the shopping mall Boska is
our cultural sights or cities. We always try to adorned with advertisements. As we’re going
go somewhere outside B&H as if everything is through the city the building styles are chang-
perfect there. We should think of our abilities ing. We can notice the older type of building,
and qualities much more, work on our com- lower buildings with longer windows decorat-
munities’ promotion and also visit others. Af- ed with a few motifs, always with some gentle
of land
ter a pleasant talk we went to Kastel, Banja colours, but still, each is unique. The further
Luka’s fortress. Walls buried into ground, firm we go from the centre, there are more and
and dark stone, hides the burden of times more buildings from the socialist period. Firm
long gone. This fortress has most probably buildings, tall, with classical windows, some-
been built by Romans between 3rd and 9th where even buildings in blocks, as if the at-
century. Some sources claim that the fortress tempt was to drive people closer together. The
has been built already in 2nd century. On its industrialization has made a strong impact on
locality traces have been found even from the this, because the goal was to have as much
Roman Empire. The fortress is thought to be work force as possible for each city, for one
one of the oldest historical sites in B&H. We area. Modern buildings were decorated with
know that every armed force that came and glass as the main motif. Tomorrow, before we
went through this area used exactly this heri- left for home, we visited Ferhat Pasha Mosque
tage to defend itself, their people and their (Ferhadija), one of the oldest mosques in B&H
might. Towers, watch towers, crenels testify of built during the Ottoman period, precise-
this fortress’ importance for the olden settle- ly, in 16th century. The time has come to go
ment of first line of defence. Today, Kastel is where we came from. A sunny day has sent us
a touristic attraction with many events or- off. Banja Luka has its soul. People are kind,
ganized inside of its walls on the large green friendly and we were made sure of that by our
surface. In front of Kastel is restless Vrbas, hosts with a heartfelt welcome and honest
one of this city’s symbols, a city they often tale of their city. You need to love your place,
call ‘City upon Vrbas’. The waves are hurried- always carry it with you and wherever we go
ly flowing right beside Kastel’s walls, leaving we need to know where we came from.
Kastel fortress
Slavic Mythical
stage (Part I)
When did you learn of Vareš as a Slavic gods
and goddesses’ cradle?
Matija Krivošić, Part of those gatherings I have publicized
Gymnasium and when they got to top scientists in Croa-
tia in Zagreb University, one team came to
Vareš. After conversing of this topic and with
Vareš their help, we have determined that in those
legends, around two hundred of them, there
are abundant remains of the broken mir-
ror of Slavic mythical understanding about
Have you ever wondered what did our ances- the divine world order. After a few years of
tors believe in? What kind of religion was it re- joint research in Croatia, Slovenia and other
ally? Whom did they pray to and bring sacrific- countries, we found that Vareš had been a
es to? Out of great curiosity, and out of unusual Slavic mythical stage, the only one discov-
necessity, I began my search for the magnif- ered on, so far, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
icent past combined out of gods, goddesses, You have mentioned the unpublished leg-
natural and other elements, various mytholog- ends, how could you access these informa-
ical creatures and their trials. I was intrigued by tion?
them more and more with each sentence. Toni Luckily enough, my great grandfather was
Petković, publicist of legends and the Slavic also interested in Vareš heritage, and he left
mythology expert from Vareš has spontane- me part of it as an inheritance.
ously come to the idea to gather Vareš heritage
and unpublicized legends from Vareš. I have further continued on my own, but
also through my formal education.
What is mythology exactly and what is its
Matija, Toni Petković and Almir Čikmiš
Toni told us about the family tree of Slav-
ic mythology, their way of populating areas
and ancestry, their customs and beliefs and
other interesting facts, and there is more to
follow. The whole picture of Slavic mythol-
ogy is further connected to the city of Vareš,
located in Central Bosnia, and not that much
known and developed, but after these infor-
of land
mation many will see it in a different way:
Before the 7th century and the arrival of Slavs
in these areas, Illyrian tribe Daesitiates have
inhabited it and had their administrative cen-
tre in Breza. In those times, Vareš was a very
secluded area. We did not manage to de-
termine when did Slavs come to the area of
Vareš precisely and why they have chosen it
and when they have established the mythi-
cal belief. Slavs are Indo-European peoples
who lived, around 5000 years ago togeth-
er with the other peoples (Franks, Germanic
tribes, etc.). With the Migration Period, Avars
have taken a large part of the Slavic region
around 7th century, which consisted of east-
century. When Slavs came and brought their
ern, western and southern part. They have
language and established their beliefs, they
probably inhabited Vareš around 7th and 8th
brought their gods and goddesses with them.
Their belief was such that they worshiped:
mountains, rivers, certain sorts of stones, ba-
sically everything that has shone with some
special force in nature. There were doubts that
Slavs had something similar to Olympus in
Greek mythology or Kailash in Hindu mythol-
ogy, as a sacred mountain. Nevertheless, no
one could decipher the scripture which was
not published but coded into the nature, to-
ponymy. Until the cuneiform was deciphered,
we weren’t aware that it existed. Back then the
Croatian hymn writer Antun Mihanović wrote
in German a writing that says that based on
this suspicion what will help the deciphering
will come from the East. After some failed at-
tempts in completely deciphering the Slavic
myth, they agreed to complete all common
findings and pronounce it to be Slavic. Slav-
ic pantheon, that is, the family tree, a lot of
scientists could not make due to many un-
finished and insufficient proven data. What
From our
Preventeen in Sarajevo
Ammar Grabić, Gymnasium student, Gradačac
Youth magazine Preventeen self and the new team were new Preventeen publication,
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, very interesting, as well as as well as the standards and
aimed to refresh the team of the previous Editorial staff writing styles that have been
correspondents so the train- who joined us at the edito- applied. Through the cre-
ing for the improvement and rial meeting on the last day ative workshops and an in-
education of young journal- of the training. The editorial teresting approach to new
ists was organized. The ex- team, Jasmila Talić-Kujundžić members the journalism it-
pert team for a selection has and Tarik Kovač, explained self, photography and cre-
chosen representatives from the process of creating a ative writing were explained
all over Bosnia and Her-
zegovina, from eight cities
precisely. So we have Mati-
ja from Vareš, Amina from
Breza, Jasmina from Lukavac,
Filip from Vitez, Halida from
Živinice, Ela from Goražde,
Marina, Haris, Sara, Nejra
and Delina from Sarajevo,
in the best possible way. and some parts were like a just amazing. I am sharing
Prior to the beginning of real investigative-journalism some of my fellow trainees’
the section on journalism, experience. impressions with you:
trainers Andrea Mijatović We had an opportunity to I am the type of person who
and Azra Halilović held a walk around the city and to always likes to be on the
workshop on addiction pre- interview the citizens. We move. Over the winter holi-
vention. Addiction is every-
were divided into teams and days, I was pretty bored. I
where around us and we are
were competing against each had already run out of in-
not even aware of it. It’s not
other. Rewards are not im- spiration for new activities
only a matter of drugs, al-
portant of course and it was just when I saw the advert
cohol, and tobacco but also
important that we all man- on Facebook about the vol-
social networks, aggressive-
aged to reach the goal suc- unteering program in Pre-
ness, food overindulgence,
cessfully and overcome all venteen. I decided to apply. I
and much more. We learned
how to detect it and how to the challenges. To round up didn’t have much experience
cope with it. On the second a journalist story we had to in journalism prior to that,
day of the training we had a do something culture relat- apart from few short articles
press conference simulation ed and that was an espe- for my elementaryschool
workshop with the guests cially wonderful experience. newspapers. The education-
speakers: Amir Hasanović, We visited Kamerni Teatar 55 al workshop we just had was
Executive Director of the As- together and watched a play beyond my expectations. I
sociation for Prevention of Helver’s night, which was have met some new people
Addiction NARKO-NE, Andrea thrilling. For us, citizens from and some old friends too,
Mijatović program manag- smaller cities without an ac- had a great fun, learned a lot
er and project coordinator, cess to theatrical produc- about addiction, journalism,
and Jasmila Talić-Kujundžić tions, this was something to writing styles in Preventeen
the editor of the Preven- remember and the play was and in general use. I can say
teen magazine. We could
ask questions in all areas,
such as journalism, the cur-
rent situation among young
people, NARKO-NE Associa-
tion, the Preventeen project,
etc. Dalibor Kraišniković and
Slađan Tomić who gained Delina Voloder, a new member of editorial staff
their experience on Federal
TV and B&H Radio shared
their experiences with us.
We have learned a lot from
them and they will certainly
help in our future work. An-
other great workshop that
we tried was the City Ral-
ly. What is that, you must
be thinking? City Rally is a
game in which certain tasks
need to be resolved in giv-
en time. It is similar to a puz-
zle whose parts are related
to Sarajevo historical sights
for sure this experience will teen is a very interesting and that are present around us
be useful in my future work, powerful project that helps without us being fully aware
Nejra Ahmetović, Sarajevo. young volunteers to grow of them. The most important
A new experience was real- and improve themselves in for me is that I have learned
ly useful. Until now I didn’t many ways. NARKO-NE of- about the basics of journal-
have any contact with jour- fers extraordinary opportu- ism. On the other hand, I met
nalism and I am very pleased nities foryoung people with very cool people. We had
that my first one went well. regard to socializing, learn- time to learn, socialize and
ing and growing. My time in to do many different activi-
I would like to continue par-
ticipating in similar work- NARKO-NE is one of the most ties. Ela Vrana, Goražde.
shops because I consider beautiful experiences in my I will use two words to best
them to be very useful and life. It will always have a spe- describe the workshops I had
productive, especially for cial place in my heart. Amina attended and these are in-
people who want to become Jusić, Breza. novation and creativity. The
professional journalists. I heard about this training on “old” part of the team I’ve
What I liked the most is the the Facebook page of “Pre- met was joined by a new am-
fact we had learned a lot for venteen”. Since I did not have bitious and fantastic team
a short time. Filip Križanac, any journalistic experience of correspondents. We had
Vitez. so far, this seemed like an some witty but also more se-
interesting challenge to me. rious discussions. I enjoyed
I have been a volunteer in
the City Rally quite a lot. And
the NARKO-NE Association Indeed, all my expectations
have been met. I learned a one thing I am sure: Preven-
for nearly three years and ev-
lot about the magazine itself, teen family is getting big-
ery experience I have gained
but also about the NARKO- ger. That is the magic really
through their other projects
- meeting new friends while
has so far been useful and NE Association. I’ve learned
learning creatively, and also
interesting. I think Preven- a lot about the addictions
learning to think critical-
ly and not only blunt article
writing, Matija Krivošić, Vareš.
In the end, I would say it’s
correspondents Slađan Tomić and Dalibor Kraišniković
ICW adventure is about to start!
Spring days are bringing a lot of news with them and one of them is
a workshop held in Association NARKO-NE for ICW leaders that took
place on March 24th. The Intercultural Creative Weeks has start-
ed with its preparations for this year´s activities and s. Magdalena
Schildknecht, a Project Coordinator presented a work plan for the
upcoming period for future leaders as well as their role within.
In the previous period, the pedagogical team in this project, precisely:
Tarik Kovač, Bruno Grebenar, Amina Lulić and Ana Gabrić have worked on
the development of the leaders’ handbook.
The handbook will be the basis for leaders’ future work on ICW and was presented to them at the
workshop. Through the workshops, they have analyzed last year’s activities and worked on developing
new ideas to make this year’s ICW more successful and innovative. This year’s project will also be di-
verse having hosted students from Switzerland who will, together with volunteers from Vareš and Novi
Travnik join forces and make summer break more entertaining.
New workshops held for volunteers in the project
Educational Work with Children at Risk
Within the project Educational Work with Children at Risk “Let’s give them our time, instead of money”
new workshops for volunteers were organized in January, focusing on grassroots activism, negotia-
tion and conflict, communication and presentation skills, and leadership. Workshop facilitator was
Samir Mahmić, the coordinator of The Older Brother, Older Sister Network in B&H. The second set of
workshops was held during February and March and volunteers worked on case studies, practical
examples in providing client support with Ismira Hadžić, the Head of the Child Care Service Office
within the Cantonal public institution Educational Centre Sarajevo.
In addition to case studies more workshops were prepared for students called Prejudice and Stereo-
types, with Izanela Mahmutović, an associate from the Centre for Educational Initiatives Step by Step;
Antistigma with Zlatan Jovanović and Mediha Kovačević trainers from the Association for Research,
Education and Psychosocial Support Tavan. During the first week of March, volunteers had the op-
portunity to listen about theories and practical examples in psychotherapy: Rational - behaviour
Therapy with Lejla Gabela, a psychotherapist; Gestalt therapy with psychotherapist Emir Nalo and
Transactional Analysis with Aljoša Lješić, a counsellor under supervision. At the beginning of March,
volunteers also visited the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina with students of the Sec-
ondary School for Environment and Wood Design Sarajevo, to extend knowledge and learn about the
cultural heritage of our country. The excursion for the students was an addition to workshops on
the prevention of addiction that are being held continuously in the school. All these activities and
workshops help volunteers with personal development so they can provide knowledge and appear
as a positive example to children with whom they spend free time - so children could grow into self-
reliant and mature people. Currently, a new educational block for volunteers in Mentoring Program is
being prepared and topics will be tailored according to their expectations and needs.
A snapshot from volunteer workshop in project
Educational Work with Children at Risk
Workshops for volunteers and children in the Older
Brother, Older Sister project
To upgrade their knowledge and develop the needed skills in working with children, volunteers in the
Older Brother, Older Sister project participated in educational workshops during January and February.
Topics chosen for education were created to perfect their work with children. In order to deal more easily
with the challenges in practice, the offered topics were: peer violence, learning and memory techniques,
parenting and societal influence on adolescents and parenting styles.
The workshops were led by project associates from The Office for Social Services in Ilidža, Stari Grad and
Novi Grad Municipalities- pedagogical support Selma Kršlak and Dženeta Moralić, psychological support
Nermin Omerović and Dženana Lepirica.
The knowledge acquired by volunteers through this education will be the basis in their further work. Giv-
en that children are looking up to adults, volunteers try to continually supplement their knowledge and
readily respond to the challenges they face. Older brothers and sisters/volunteers also organized a gath-
ering where they reached to their “younger ones” to play table tennis. They teamed up and spent time
in an interesting and fun way, both for kids and volunteers. In addition to the table tennis club visit they
visited three museums: Despića kuća, Sarajevo Museum 1878 - 1918, and Brusa bezistan. The kids were
very curious about the tour and did not hesitate to ask questions about anything. The drawing workshop
for children was a time for enjoying with their older “sisters”, and other children as well, but also time for
expressing their creativity using paper and paint. All these activities contribute to the better interaction
of children with others because playing is the easiest way of learning as well as having fun.
This kind of theme workshops will be implemented continuously in the upcoming period but also
through the whole process of socializing.
The sixteenth
NARKO-NE regular Assembly
The 16th regular Assembly of the NARKO-NE Association was held on February 20 th in the Centre for
Healthy Ageing, Novo Sarajevo.
The Assembly is the highest body of the Association, formed by all its members with equal voting
rights. The Assembly was attended by members of the Steering Board, associates, employees of the
Association, volunteers, partners and friends who have been supporting work and development of
the organization.
The results from the previous year as well as the program for 2018 were presented. All present voted
unanimously and adopted Decisions on Changes and Amendments of the Association’s Statute. Sym-
bolic gifts were given to members of the Management Board, Ismet Dizdarević Honorary President of
the Association, Magdalena Schildknecht Deputy Executive Director, Tarik Smailbegović President of
the Assembly, volunteers and other guests who attended the Assembly.
A lot of activities, positive results and good companionship marked the previous year and NARKO-NE
will continue to achieve its goals in 2018.
Sixteenth regular Assembly of the Association NARKO-NE
From our neighbourhood
Author: Meho Pandžić
PI ES Hamdija Kreševljaković, Gradačac
Illustration name: Beautiful Woman
Author: Lamija Gluhić
PI ES Hamdija Illustration description: The beauty of the woman is
Kreševljaković, Gradačac an eternal topic of writers, poets and painters, from
the Paleolithic until today.
Illustration name:
A Princess and a Prince
Illustration description:
Princess, that is; a woman,
flutter and beauty.
Author: Amar
PI ES Hamdija
Illustration name:
Road to the Future
description: Doors
and roads to the
future are being
opened for us in
our youth.
We have to be
aware that we
will have balance
on that road Photographer: Merisa Suljić
sometimes, or out Budoželje, Vareš
of it, and we can
fall too. Photography description: The Happiness of
It’s important to
always get up and
thing about the