Letter To Governor With Signatures
Letter To Governor With Signatures
Letter To Governor With Signatures
We, the undersigned, believe that all people are created in the image of God, and therefore moral
agents empowered to make decisions based on their own knowledge, context, and relationship
with the Divine. We oppose HB77 and SB1236, and all attempts to criminalize and restrict
abortion access. Bills like these assume that people who find themselves pregnant are unable to
make complex decisions in line with their own morals and informed by their lived reality.
Instead HB77 and SB1236 make legislators the decision makers, not medical professionals, not
pregnant people. These bills take away the bodily autonomy that many of our religious traditions
celebrate and strip people of their ability to choose what is best for their families.
While there are varied opinions on abortion based on religious beliefs, as persons with deep faith
commitments, we affirm a person’s right to decide when to become a parent or expand their
family. As people of faith and as Tennesseans, we believe in loving our neighbors and treating
one another as we would like to be treated — with compassion, dignity, and respect.
We know that this decision is best made in deep consultation with faith, family, and medical
providers. Because we trust pregnant people, we know that these decisions are informed by
tremendous reflection and not taken lightly. When a person decides that abortion is their best
option, they need community support not obstacles preventing safe access to medical care.
These bills will not eliminate abortion, but will force pregnant people to turn to unregulated and
often dangerous attempts to end their pregnancies, and force pregnant people to become parents,
including survivors of rape and incest.
Over 60% of people accessing abortion services identify as people of faith (Guttmacher), yet
many supporters of HB77/SB1236 reference Christianity as the justification for this legislation.
Our legislators would be more impactful if they took seriously the needs of their constituents and
followed Jesus’ example: taking the material needs of individuals seriously, and seeking to heal
and welcome rather than shame and threaten.
Our religious communities often take the lead advocating for justice, dignity, and compassion for
others. It is time for people of faith to speak to our legislators and let them know that we stand
with people making moral decisions about pregnancy. We trust the people who are pregnant to
make their own moral decisions and urge our elected officials to do the same.