Chapter - I

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Human Resource Planning

1.1 Meaning and Definition

Another significant pre-recruitment function is human resource planning.
"Human Resource Planning" (HRP) can be defined as a process of balancing the
people's supply, including the present and prospective employees with the potential
job openings in the organisation in a given period of time. It is the system of the
organisation to ensure the availability of right number of people, right kind of
people, at right time and right place to attain the organisational objectives. HRP is
also known as manpower planning, personnel planning or workforce planning. It
comes under the purview of organisational planning and is a future-oriented

According to Bulla and Scott, "Human resource planning is the process for
ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organisation are identified
and plans are made for satisfying those requirements".

According to James Walker, "Human resource planning is the process of

analysing an organisation's human resource needs under changing conditions and
developing activities necessary to satisfy those needs".

1.2 Scope of Human Resource Planning

The scope of human resource planning not only includes identifying the manpower
requirement, but it also includes:

1) ProjectingFuture Human Resource Requirements: Projecting the demand of

manpower in the organisation requires a lot of mathematical calculations,
analysing the environment from different perspectives and formulating specific
plans for future.

2) Maintaining Current Manpower Inventory:This may require maintaining

data about the employees relating to the different variables like skills, potential,
work preferences, etc.

3) Predicting Human Resources Issues: HRP basically tries to maintain a

balance between the existing resources and the expected future positions in the
organisation. It helps in identifying whether the manpower is adequate or not, both
in terms of quantity and quality.

4) Fulfilling Manpower Need: HRP can only satisfy the need of the human
resources in the organisation when it carries-out its functions of planning,
recruiting and selecting, induction and placement, training and development,
transfer and promotion, compensation and motivation effectively.

1.3 HRP Process

HRP was traditionally restricted to respond to only business needs. However, with
the growth in business, upgradation in technology and innovation in the
management system, HRP has become proactive and importani in the current
scenario of business. HRP is the method of forecasting human resource
requirements and availability as well as bridging the gap between their supply and
demand. Human resource planning process is shown in figure .

1) Environmental Scanning: Human resource planning process is based on
analysing various aspects of the business environment in which it is operating. It
provides a clear picture of the expected problems, threats, and opportunities of the
organisation and therefore is the basic step for HRP.

HRP requires scanning of all the factors existing in the internal (technology,
culture, strategy, etc.) as well as external environment (competitors, regulations,
etc.) of the firm. The analysis of the internal factors helps in identifying the
strengths and weaknesses of the firm and on the other hand external factors
highlight the threats and opportunities for the firm.

2) Organisational Objectives and Policies: After analysis of the environment,

plans and policies regarding different aspects (which may include marketing,
production, finance, technology, diversification and expansion) are examined, to
forecast the labour movement in near future. The time bound schedule for the
human resource planning is to be prepared accordingly. Exact manpower
requirements can only be assessed after considering the changes in the
organisational structure and job design. A comprehensive study of the plans of a
business is essential as all the human resource plans originate from business plans
which are associated with the nature, level and organisational activities.

3) Demand Forecasting for Manpower Planning: HR demand forecasting is a

procedure of defining the expected manpower requirements in terms of a specified
quantity and quality within the organisation. It is required to meet the expected
manpower needs of the organisation so that desired level of performance can be
achieved. The expected requirement of human resources is assessed on the basis of
the current human resources and the analysis of the organisational plans and
procedures. It is true to a large extent that in particular time duration, demand
forecasting is dependent on the scale of operations in the company. However,
human resource requirements are not directly proportional to the size of company's
operations. While conducting HR requirements forecast, those components should
be considered that influence the relationship between size of operation and the
number of employees. Human resource planning gives an accurate figure of the
number of personnel needed in future.
Demand Forecasting Techniques
Various demand forecasting techniques are as follows:

i) Managerial Judgement: In this technique, the managers of different

departments sit together to assess the demand for labour in the future. It may
follow the bottom-up or top-down approach. In bottom-up approach, the
departmental heads submit their requirements to the top management and estimates
are prepared by them only. Whereas, in top-down approach, top managers
determine the manpower requirement. After that, forecasts are analysed with
departmental heads for a joint approval. However, none of these approaches are
perfect - only the combination of these two approaches produces effective results.

ii) Ratio Analysis: It is the procedure of computing the ratio between a particular
business factor and the number of required employees. For example, the
requirement of faculty in an educational institute will depend upon the number of
students. Suppose, a university has 20,000 students and 1000 lecturers; the student-
lecturer ratio is20,000:1000 or 20:1. This ratio shows that the university needs 1
lecturer for every 20 students. If it is expected that 500 additional students will be
enrolled in the next year, then the university would require to recruit 25 (500/20)
additional lecturers (assuming that all the 1000 current lecturers will not leave
prior to next year). It gives a clearer picture than trend analysis. In spite of being a
good technique of forecasting demand, it has a demerit of avoiding some crucial
elements such as up-graded technology and improved employee effectiveness.

iii) Trend Analysis: The requirement of the manpower resources is based on the
trends of the organisation in the past. The past relationship between a business
factor and manpower requirement is analysed. The proper business factor that
relates considerably to employment levels varies across industries. For example,
for an educational institution, the suitable factor can be total number of students
enrolled; for a marketing company, it can be sales volume; and for a manufacturing
company, it can be total units produced. Trend analysis method is best for
preliminary assessment of human resource demand. The reason for this is that
human resource forecasting is affected by a number of factors and past trend is one
of them.

iv) Scatter Plot: It is a method which uses graphs to find out the relationship
between the two variables. The human resource planner can make use of this
method to determine the relationship between the two factors, i'e', the degree of
business actions and the requirement of the staff to handle it. If there is a
relationship, then the question arises, whether HR planner can predict the measure
of business activity and forecast human resources requirement.

v) ComputerisedForecast: Computerised forecasting uses computers and

software packages to determine the prospective manpower needed, by estimating
sales of the firm' productionvolumeandthehumanresources required in keeping up
the estimated quantity of outPut.

vi) Work-Study Techniques: This technique analyses the relationship between

the volume of the work and the efficiency of the employees.The data regarding the
volume of the work are derived from the organisational documents and
increase/decrease in operations can be determined. Efficiency level is measured by
time and motion study which ensures standardoutput per unit of time or per hour'
Thus, the number of operatives required to complete a specified volume of
operations is:
Planned OutPut
(Standard Output per Hour x Standard Hours per Person)

Therefore, standard output per hour is not at all times a stable factor, but it
increases with time due to learning, which may be through examination, observing
others and communication.

vii) DelphiTechnique: It is the technique which focuses on the qualitative aspect

and also tries to reduce the subjectivity by involving the people from the group
already chosen for it and defining the judgements for the same' Therefore' a
collective decision-making procedure is necessary which in turn, requires a
commitment towards growth to increase co-operation and coordination for
reasonable forecasts' This technique is best in the situations where the environment
is subjected to various changes on account of the technological up gradations' Here
there is a minimum scope for the subjectivity in the decision-making because
experts do not meet face-to-face. This would be more cost-effective if they are
assigned to diverse locations.Itcan recover the decision-making class by reducing
personality conflicts and restricting the dominating group members from
controlling the decision Process.

viii) Econometric Models: In this model, the statistical data related to the history
of the organisation is analysed. It is expected to figure out the relationship between
the different variables in statistical or mathematical terms. Variables like measures
of profits, investments, complexity quality,and sales of the product are correlated
with the manpower requirements to draw a single equation, which describes the
exact relationship between the manpower requirement and other variables
(measurable by econometric models) within the organisation.

1.4. Barriers to HRP

Barriers to HRP are as follows:

1) Inaccuracy of Forecasts: HRP is dependent on the future prediction of supply

and demand of human resources. Hence, thi efficiency of HR planning is based on
the correctness of forecasts. In case, the forecast is inaccurate, then the HR
planning will also not be completely accurate.

2) Identity Crisis: Sometimes, managers and the human resource experts in the
organisation are unable to clearly un-derstand the entire process of HRP. Due to
ihis, there exists a problem of identitycrisis.HR planning cannot be effective until
the experts have a clear understanding of objectives.

3) Requires Active Involvement of Top Management: Top management should

be an integral part for the manpower planning. If the top management does not
play an active role the essential resources and assistance required for the effective
human resource planning cannot be gained in the organisation.

4) Employee Resistance: Usually trade unions oppose the manpower planning as

they think that it will increase the burden of work on the employees and govern
them by the means of productiuity bargaining Moreover according to unions, it
will increase unemployment of the unskilled labours.

5) Technical Issues: Effective HRP is not an instantaneous task. It takes time to be

gradually accepted. Newer technologies have to be adapted So aS to be in the
competition.occasionally,difficult technologies are vigorously introduced, because
competitors are also using them' This cannot be fruitfulunless HR personnel
identify trainingneeds, and it is the HRP which identifies the employees who are in
need of training.

6) Weak Information System: Development of successful human resource

planning is based on the credibility of information system' In Indian industries, the
information system is still not well developed. Hence, precise and reliable data
cannot be collected for effective human resource planning.

7) Uncertainties: HRP is not wise to depend entirely on the generalised data

collected about the manpower. Seasonal jobs, absent employees technological
issues are the factors which hamper the manpower Planning.

8) Costly and Lengthy Activity: HRP is a costly andtime-taking activity.There

are chances that organisations may not adopt the system as it will increase the cost
burden on the organisation.

9)Improper Coordination with Other Executive Functions: Usually manpower

planner does not interact with manager and is confined to his own area of concern.
This hampers the HR planning For its effectiveness, HRP should be incorporated
with other managerial functions.

10) Loss of Balanced Focus: Usually focus is given on the quantifiable facet of
HR planning. ie; number of individuals leaving or joining the organisation.
Qualitative part is neglected which includes development of career, self-esteem,
and planning skill levels, etc.. Such uneven focus impacts the efficiency of HRP.
Frontline Polymers Pvt. Ltd


The history of FRONTLINE POLYMERS PVT.LTD is the history of

rotational moulding facility in Kerala. It is the company which started the
first rotationally moulding facility in Kerala. It was established in 1992 with
its registered office in Zaina Shopping Complex, M.G.Road, Thrissur. It was
incorporated as a small scale industrial unit, headquartered in Thrissur with
the objective to manufacture, purchase, sell, import, export or otherwise deal
in plastics and plastic goods including plastic tanks, plastic containers.
Considering various business environment that affect the running of an
organization, the factory was set up at Vattamkulam, near Edappal in
Malappuram District. The factory was started with an initial capacity of 125
tonnes per annum which is to 360 tonnes per annum now. Tanks up to 5000
litre capacity will be manufactured within this unit.
The vision of Frontline Polymers Pvt. Ltd is to become a leading provider of high
quality storage tanks which have application in storage of water, chemicals, food
items etc. Their main aim is to produce different kinds of storage tanks that have
application not only in the household sector but also in Ayurveda industry,
processing of chemicals, storage of food items etc.

The mission of the company is to become a medium enterprise with a turnover of
Rs.100 crores by 2020.


1. To study about Human Resource Planning (HRP) in the organization.

2. To investigate the Human Resource Planning (HRP) used by HR Manager in an
3. To identify the impact Human Resource Planning (HRP) in the organization.


Research refers to a search for knowledge. It is an art of scientific investigation. It

is a systematized effort to gain new knowledge. According to Clifford Woody,
“Research comprises of defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis
or suggested solutions, making deductions and reaching conclusions, and at last
carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating
hypothesis.” Research methodology is the science of studying how research is
done scientifically, which include the following aspects.


A Research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of

data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure. It constitutes the data collection and data analysis. A good
research design is one which minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of data
collected. The research design used in this study is Descriptive Research Study.
Descriptive research study mainly refers to those which portray exactly the
characteristics of a particular individual, situation or group. Descriptive research
design describes an event or a phenomenon. Here the researcher attempts to
present the existing facts and the real facts through observation.

Both primary and secondary data are used for this project.
 Primary data: These are the data that are observed and collected directly. It
is the first hand experience. Methods used for collecting primary data are
either interview or questionnaire.
 Secondary data: These are the published data or the data used in the past.
Methods used for collecting are referring websites, journals, books,
magazines, etc.
Managing impression appropriately not only aids one in leaving a lasting impression on others,
but it also helps in attaining desired results successfully. Impression management has
considerable implications in all the aspects of life in which we have a need to give others our
overall impression as good. It doesn’t just help to give an impression, but it leads to develop our
personality accordingly.

Regardless of job positions, every person needs to know and understand how he or she can create
a good impression on others by maintaining such behaviour which is considered to be acceptable
by making the efforts or controlling or influencing the perceptions of other people. At this point,
it is appropriate to mention that this could lead a person to create different impression from what
it is in reality. For example, a friend may share only good things about his/her personality with
another friend inorder to impress him. Though the desired results may be attained, but it is not a
long lasting impression, as the truth may become apparent at some later point of time. It is
therefore important to give the correct impression and act accordingly while building the
personality in such a manner that lets others form a good and ever lasting impression.
“we are all actors within the social world”. These are the words taken from the book ‘the
presentation of self in everyday life’ by Goffman, a Canadian sociologist.

He argues that the self is simply nothing more than “self presentations” and “role performances”.
Impression management also called self presentation is the process by which people seek to
manage and control the other people’s perception regarding them. There is often a tendency for
people to try to present them so as to impress others in a socially desirable way. Impression
management can be either positive or deceptive (or we say negative). As one would think,
positive impression management means you are 'talking someone up' to another person or giving
that person only good information so they will think highly of another. When we take the
negative side, we're talking about deceptive impression management. This is the ugly side of the
issue where individuals control or only supply specific data in an effort to paint other individuals
(John talking about Warren) in a poor light.

The main reason for the success and failure about a person in our mind is ASSUMPTION. A
manager should not assume that an employee who does not push himself/herself is not
ambitious. Some employees trust their formal HRM system provide to career opportunities.
Managers could help those employees by clarifying the kind of performance and commitment
which get rewarded, so that they can make better-informed choices.

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