Name - Prasad Rathi Roll No - 18PGP238 Section - C: Current Condition
Name - Prasad Rathi Roll No - 18PGP238 Section - C: Current Condition
Name - Prasad Rathi Roll No - 18PGP238 Section - C: Current Condition
Current Condition
Firm value 1117445.19
Risk-free rate 6.68%
Country risk 1.40%
D/D+E 19.09%
D/E 23.60%
Debt value 213371.2
PBDIT 68980.1
Interest expense 10875.3
Interest coverage
ratio 6.342822727
Likely rating A2/A
Risk Premium 0.99%
Pre-tax cost of
debt 9.07%
Cost of Capital
Iteration 1 Iteration 2
Debt Percent 80% Debt Percent 80%
Firm value 1117445.19 Firm value 1117445.19
Risk-free rate 6.68% Risk-free rate 6.68%
Country risk 1.40% Country risk 1.40%
D/D+E 80.00% D/D+E 80.00%
D/E 400.00% D/E 400.00%
Debt value 893956.152 Debt value 893956.152
PBDIT 48286.07 PBDIT 48286.07
Interest expense 81081.82 Interest expense 196938.54
Likely rating A2/A Likely rating C2/C
Risk Premium 0.99% Risk Premium 13.95%
Pre-tax cost of debt 9.07% Pre-tax cost of debt 22.03%
New Interest 0.596 New Interest coverage 0.245
coverage ratio ratio
New Rating C2/C New Rating C2/C
New Default spread 13.95% New Default spread 13.95%
Name – Prasad Rathi Roll No – 18PGP238 Section - C
Iteration 1 Iteration 2
Debt Percent 90% Debt Percent 90%
Firm value 1117445.19 Firm value 1117445.19
Risk-free rate 6.68% Risk-free rate 6.68%
Country risk 1.40% Country risk 1.40%
D/D+E 90.00% D/D+E 90.00%
D/E 900.00% D/E 900.00%
Debt value 1005700.671 Debt value 1005700.671
PBDIT 48286.07 PBDIT 48286.07
Interest expense 91217.05 Interest expense 221555.86
Likely rating A2/A Likely rating C2/C
Risk Premium 0.99% Risk Premium 13.95%
Pre-tax cost of debt 9.07% Pre-tax cost of debt 22.03%
New Interest 0.529 New Interest coverage 0.218
coverage ratio ratio
New Rating C2/C New Rating C2/C
New Default spread 13.95% New Default spread 13.95%
Debt Debt Interest Tax After tax Unlevered Equity Cost of WACC Growth Firm value
portion to rate Rate cost of beta beta equity rate
equity debt
0 0.00 9.07% 34.00% 5.99% 1.41 1.410 14.88% 14.88% 10.85% 877225.49
0.1 0.11 9.07% 34.00% 5.99% 1.41 1.513 15.37% 14.43% 10.85% 986219.06
0.2 0.25 10.46% 34.00% 6.90% 1.41 1.643 15.99% 14.17% 10.85% 1063911.13
0.3 0.43 16.72% 29.29% 11.82% 1.41 1.837 16.91% 15.39% 10.85% 778474.37
0.4 0.67 22.03% 16.67% 18.36% 1.41 2.193 18.61% 18.51% 10.85% 461097.59
0.5 1.00 22.03% 13.34% 19.09% 1.41 2.632 20.70% 19.90% 10.85% 390373.64
0.6 1.50 22.03% 11.11% 19.58% 1.41 3.290 23.84% 21.29% 10.85% 338460.04
0.7 2.33 22.03% 9.53% 19.93% 1.41 4.387 29.07% 22.67% 10.85% 298733.20
0.8 4.00 22.03% 8.34% 20.19% 1.41 6.580 39.54% 24.06% 10.85% 267352.61
0.9 9.00 22.03% 7.41% 20.40% 1.41 13.160 70.92% 25.45% 10.85% 241938.09
Debt (%) EBIDT Tax rate Implired WACC FCFF Firm value
0% 48286 34.00% 10.85% 14.88% 31869 877225
10% 48286 34.00% 10.85% 14.43% 31869 986219
20% 48286 34.00% 10.85% 14.17% 31869 1063911
30% 48286 29.29% 10.85% 15.39% 34143 834031
40% 48286 16.67% 10.85% 18.51% 40236 582153
50% 48286 13.34% 10.85% 19.90% 41846 512584
60% 48286 11.11% 10.85% 21.29% 42919 455819
70% 48286 9.53% 10.85% 22.67% 43686 409504
80% 48286 8.34% 10.85% 24.06% 44261 371311
90% 48286 7.41% 10.85% 25.45% 44708 339410