AnnualReport207475 PDF
AnnualReport207475 PDF
AnnualReport207475 PDF
jflif{s k|ltj]bg
s ;ldltsf]
;ldlts cf1fn]
sDkgLL ;lrj
jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷&% 1
;fwf/0f ;ef ;DaGwL ;+lIfKt hfgsf/L
!_ ;fwf/0f ;efsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ldlt @)&% ;fn kf}if )( ut] Ps lbgsf] nflu a}+ssf] z]o/ bflvn vf/]h btf{ aGb ul/g] 5 .
;f] lbg eGbf cl3 z]o/ afF8kmfF8 eO{ jf g]kfn :6s PS;r]~h lnld6]8df ;f] lbg eGbf cl3 sf/f]af/ eO{ a}+ssf]
z]o/wgL btf{ lstfadf sfod z]o/wgLx?n] ;efdf efulng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{ ;Sg' x'g]5 .
@_ z]o/wgLx?n] cfkm} jf k|ltlglw dfkm{t ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . gfafns z]o/wgLx?sf]
tkm{af6 gfafnssf] ;+/Ifs jf lghn] lgo'Qm u/]sf] k|ltlglwn] ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
z]o/wgLx?sf] btf{ lstfadf ;+/Ifssf] ?kdf gfd n]lvPsf] JolQmnfO{ dfq ;+/Ifs dflgg]5 .
#_ ;+o'Qm ?kdf Ps hgf eGbf a9L JolQmsf] gfddf z]o/ lnPsf]df To:tf] ;fem]bf/x?åf/f dgf]lgt ul/Psf] ;fem]bf/n]
jf lghx?n] dgf]lgt u/]sf] k|ltlglwn] / ;f] adf]lhd s'g} ;fem]bf/ dgf]lgt x'g g;s]sf]df z]o/wgLx?sf] btf{ lstfadf
h;sf] gfd klxn] pNn]v ePsf] 5 ;f]lx JolQmn] lbPsf] dt jf k|ltlglwkq dfq ;b/ x'g]5 .
$_ ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ / dtbfg ug{sf] nflu k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug{ rfxg] z]o/wgLn] a}+ssf] csf]{ s'g} z]o/wgLnfO{
dfq k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg'x'g]5 .
%_ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm x'g] z]o/wgLn] ;ef ;'? x'g' eGbf $* 306f cufj} k|ltlglwkq o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ l;4fy{
Soflk6n lnld6]8 gf/fo0frf}/, gS;fn, sf7df08f}+df a'emfO{ ;Sg'kg]{5 .
^_ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/L ;f]sf] nflu k|ltlglwkq o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ l;4fy{ Soflk6n ln=, gf/fo0frf}/, gS;fn,
sf7df8f}+df a'emfO{ ;s]kl5 k|ltlglw ab/ u/L csf]{ k|ltlglw lbg rfx]df ;f]sf] ;"rgf ;ef ;'? x'geGbf $* 306f cufj}
o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ l;4fy{ Soflk6n ln=, gf/fo0frf}/, gS;fn, sf7df8f}+df g} lbg'kg]{5 .
&_ Ps} z]o/wgLn] Ps eGbf a9L k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/]sf] cj:yfdf bkmf ^ adf]lhd ab/ ul/Psf]df afx]s To:tf] ;a}
k|ltlglw ab/ x'g]5 .
*_ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug]{ z]o/wgLn] s'g} sf/0fjz To:tf] k|ltlglw ab/ u/L cfkm} ;efdf pkl:yt eO{ ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn
ug{ / dtbfg ug{ rfx]df ;f]sf] lnlvt ;"rgf ;ef z'? x'g' eGbf $* 306f cufj} o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ l;4fy{
Soflk6n ln=, gf/fo0frf}/, gS;fn, sf7df08f}+df a'emfO{ ;Sg' kg]{5 .
(_ ljljw zLif{s cGtu{t k|Zg ug{ rfxg] z]o/wgLn] cfkm"n] k|Zg ug{ rfx]sf] ljifo af/] ;ef x'g' eGbf & lbg cufj} a}+ssf]
xfQL;f/, sf7df8f+} l:yt k|wfg sfof{nodf hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 . To;/L hfgsf/L glbPsf] ljifo pk/ 5nkmn ug{
;lsg] 5}g .
!)_ z]o/ k|df0f–kq jf z]o/ :6]6d]06 k|fKt u/L g;Sg' ePsf z]o/wgLn] o; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ l;4fy{ Soflk6n ln=,
gf/fo0frf}/, gS;fn, sf7df08f}+af6 z]o/ k|df0f–kq jf cfkm\gf] lxtu|fxL vftf /x]sf] ;+:yfdf uO{ :6]6d]06 lng'
kg]{5 . ;efsf] lbg ;ef sIfdf z]o/ k|df0f–kq ljt/0f ul/g] 5}g .
!!_ cfkm\gf] kl/rokq ;lxt a}+sn] hf/L u/]sf] k|j]z–kq jf z]o/ k|df0f–kq jf a}+ssf] z]o/ cef}ltsLs/0f u/]sf] b]lvg]
cef}ltsLs/0f vftf (DMAT Account) sf] ljj/0f (BOID Statement) k|:t't u/]kl5 dfq ;efsIf leq k|j]z ug{ kfO{g]5 .
!@_ ;efsf] lbg ;ef z'? x'g' eGbf klxn] g} pkl:yt eO{lbg' x'g xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ . ;fy} z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?sf]
;'ljwfsf] nflu ;ef x'g] lbg laxfg (M)) ah] b]lv xflh/ k'l:tsf v'Nnf /xg]5 .
!= ;fwf/0f;ef;Fu ;DalGwt jflif{s k|ltj]bg / 5nkmnsf ljifox? o; a}+ssf] j]a;fO6 df
klg /flvPsf] x'Fbf ToxfFaf6 ;d]t x]g{ ;lsg] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ .
@= cGo hfgsf/Lsf] nflu a}+ssf] /lhi68{ sfof{no, xfQL;f/, sf7df08f}+ l:yt sDkgL ;lrjsf] sfof{no
-6]lnkmf]g g+= )!–$$$@(!(÷$$$@(@)_ df ;Dks{ /fVg ;d]t cg'/f]w ul/G5 .
============================= lhNnf ===================================================== d=g=kf=÷g=kf=÷uf=kf= j8f g+= ================ a:g] d÷xfdL ================================================================= n] To; a}+ssf] z]o/wgLsf]
x}l;otn] ldlt @)&% ;fn kf}if @# ut] ;f]daf/sf lbg x'g] ;qf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf :jo+ pkl:yt eO{ 5nkmn tyf lg0f{odf
;xefuL x'g g;Sg] ePsfn] pQm ;efdf efu lng tyf dtbfg ug{sf nflu ===================================== lhNnf =================================== d=g=kf=÷g=kf=÷uf=kf=
j8f g+ ==================== a:g] To; sDkgLsf z]o/wgL >L=============================================================================================================================================================== -z]o/ k|df0fkq÷z]o/wgL
÷lxtu|fxL g+= =========================================================================================================_ nfO{ d]/f]÷xfd|f] k|ltlglw dgf]lgt u/L k7fPsf] 5'÷5f}+ .
z]o/ k|df0fkq÷z]o/wgL÷lxtu|fxL g+=
lsQf g+=======================================b]lv=================================================;Dd
hDdf z]o/ ;+VofM
b|i6Jo M of] lgj]bg ;fwf/0f;ef x'g'eGbf sDtLdf $* 306f cufj} a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ l;4fy{ Soflk6n lnld6]8 gf/fo0frf}/,
gS;fn, sf7df08f}+df k]z u/L ;Sg'kg]{5 .
k|j]z kq
z]o/wgLsf] gfd M >L ====================================================================================================================================
z]o/ k|df0fkq g+=÷z]o/wgL÷lxtu|fxL g+= =============================================================================================================================== z]o/ ;+VofM ============================
l;4fy{ a}+s lnld6]8sf] ;qf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt x'g hf/L ul/Psf] k|j]z kq
============================================================ ================================================
z]o/wgLsf] x:tfIf/ sDkgL ;lrj ;lr
-3_ nufgL
a}+ssf] Joj;fonfO{ ljljlws/0f ug]{ qmddf a}+sn] z'?b]lv g} @)&#÷&$ @)&$÷&% @)&%÷&^
ljleGg nufgLsf cj;/x?nfO{ ;d]t ;b'kof]u ub}{ cfo cfh{g -k|yd qodf;_
ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf a+}ssf] nufgL !@ ca{ ^) -h_ v'b gfkmf
s/f]8af6 j[l4 eO{ @) ca{ @* s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5, h'g ut cfly{s ;dLIff cjlwdf a+}ssf] v'b gfkmf ?= ! ca{ $) s/f]8af6
jif{sf] t'ngfdf sl/a ^)=(@ k|ltztsf] j[l4 xf] . o; jif{ a+}sn] j[l4 eO{ ?= ! ca{ () s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5, h'g ut cf=j=sf]
cfˆgf] lgIf]k tyf nufgLsf] plrt Joj:yfkgsf nflu ljutdf t"ngfdf #%=&* k|ltztsf] j[l4 xf] . eljiodf vr{x?df clwstd
nufgL u/]sf If]q afx]s yk gfkmfd"ns If]qsf] klxrfg u/L ldtJolotf sfod u/L v'b gfkmf cem j[l4 ub}{ n}hfg] / a}+ssf]
cfˆgf] nufgL a9fpg] /0fgLlt cjnDag u/]sf] 5 . pQm /0fgLlt ;du| ;Da[l4sf] ;fy} cfˆgf cfb/0fLo z]o/wgLx?, sd{rf/Lx?
cg';f/ a+}ssf] nufgLsf] bfo/f km/flsnf] eO{ hf]lvd sd x'g] tyf ;DalGwt ;a} kIfsf] lxt j[l4 ug]{tkm{ a}+s sl6a4 /x]sf]
tyf d'gfkmfdf ;d]t ck]lIft j[l4 x'g] ljZjf; a+}sn] lnPsf] 5 . Joxf]/f z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx? ;dIf cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ .
/0fgLlts ?kdf lb3{sfnLg kmfO{bfsf b[li6n] nufgL ljljlws/0f
cGtu{t a}+sn] cg'dlt k|fKt ljleGg If]qdf ;+:yfks z]o/x?df ?= s/f]8df
;d]t nufgL ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . a}+sn] nufgLsf] ?kdf l;4fy{
OG:of]/]G; sDkgL lnld6]8df ?= & s/f]8 ($ nfv @^ xhf/ ^
;o tyf l/nfoG; nfOkm OG:of]/]G; sDkgL lnld6]8df ?= @^
s/f]8 $) nfv nufgL u/sf] 5 . ;f] nufgL pQm ;+:yfx?sf]
r'Qmf kF"hLsf] s|dzM !% k|ltzt Pj+ !# k|ltzt xf] . To:t}
;xfos sDkgLdf /x]sf] l;4fy{ Soflk6n lnld6]8df a}+ssf] %!
k|ltzt nufgL /x]sf] 5, pQm sDkgLsf] xfnsf] r'Qmf k"FhL ?= @)&#÷&$ @)&$÷&% @)&%÷&^
@) s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . -k|yd qodf;_
@= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt
-s_ a}+ssf] n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltdf lgDg lnlvt ;b:ox? /xg' ePsf] 5 .
!= >L g/]Gb| s'df/ cu|jfn ;+of]hs
@= >L lbg]z z+s/ kflnv] ;b:o
#= >L eut lai6* ;b:o
$= >L ;'lht kf]v/]n ;b:o ;lrj
%= >L lg/fsf/ axfb'/ l;Fx ;b:o ;lrj
-n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] ;b:o ;lrjsf] ?kdf /xg' ePsf >L ;'lht kf]v/]nn] ldlt @)&% c;f/ !& ut] a}+ssf] ;]jfaf6
/flhgfdf lbg' ePsf]n] ldlt @)&% ;fpg #) ut] b]lv nfu' x'g] u/L >L lg/fsf/ axfb'/ l;+x lgo'Qm x'g' ePsf] ._
* n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] ;b:osf] ?kdf /xg' ePsf :jtGq ;+rfns >L eut lai6sf] @)&$ kmfNu'g % ut] c;fdlos lgwg
ePsf] .
-v_ ;dLIff cjlwdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt ;ft j6f a}7sx? ;DkGg ePsf lyP h;df d'ntM lgDg ljifox? pk/ 5nkmn u/L
ljleGg lg0f{ox? ul/Psf] lyof] M
cf=j @)&$÷@)&% sf] nfuL n]vfk/LIf0f of]hgf / sfo{qmdx? .
k|f/lDes n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg, To; pk/ Joj:yfkgsf] hjfkm tyf cf=j= @)&$÷&% sf] ljlQo ljj/0fx? pk/ 5nkmn .
g]kfn /fi6« a}+s, a}+s ;'kl/j]If0f ljefuaf6 ePsf] :ynut lgl/If0f k|ltj]bg, @)&$ pk/ 5nkmn tyf a}+s Joj:yfkgnfO{
lgb]{zg .
s]lGb|o tyf zfvf sfof{nox?sf shf{ tyf ;~rfng ;DaGwL n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgx? .
zfvf sfof{nox?sf k|tLtkq sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgx? .
nufgL tyf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg .
-u_ ;dLIff cjlwdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltdf /xg' ePsf ;+rfnsnfO{ k|lt a}7s ?= !),)))÷– sf b/n] a}7s eQf k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .
-3_ ;dLIff cjlwdf ;~rfnsx? / k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf] /sd ljj/0fM
;~rfnsx?nfO{ a}7s eQf, b}lgs e|d0f eQf tyf cGo eQf tyf vr{ afkt e'QmfgL ePsf] ?= #,^$$,@#$÷–
k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ kfl/>lds, eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwf afkt e'QmfgL ul/Psf] ?= !$,$#!,@)%=^#÷–
-ª_ nfef+zsf] ljj/0f
a}sn] ut cf=j @)&#÷&$ df !$ k|ltztsf] b/n] af]gz z]o/ ljt/0f u/]sf]df o; cf=j= df % k|ltzt af]gz z]o/ tyf
*=!^ k|ltzt gub nfef+z -af]gz z]o/ tyf gub nfef+zsf] s/ k|of]hgsf nfuL ;d]t_ ljt/0f ug]{ k|:tfj a}+ssf] ;+rfns
;ldltn] u/]sf] 5 .
-$_ cfly{s jif{ @)&$÷&% df a}+sn] s'g} z]o/ hkmt u/]sf] 5}g .
-%_ s'g} klg ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v, a}+ssf ;+:yfks z]o/wgL jf lghsf gft]bf/ jf lgh ;+nUg /x]sf] kmd{, sDkgL jf
;+ul7t ;+:yfn] a}+snfO{ s'g} klg /sd a'emfpg afFsL 5}g .
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&# cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&#
a}+s tyf ljlQo ;+:yfx?nfO{{ ltg{ afFsL 4.17 7,448,514,711 5,901,743,130 8,011,651,778 7,448,514,711 5,901,743,130 8,011,651,778
g]kfn /fi6« a}s
+ nfO{ ltg{ afFsL 4.18 692,426,920 505,714,039 60,000,000 692,426,920 505,714,039 60,000,000
8]l/e]l6e ljQLo pks/0f 4.19 73,754,800 ‡ ‡ 73,754,800 ‡ ‡
u|fxssf] lgIf]k 4.20 94,245,389,984 70,437,746,169 57,740,756,773 94,579,591,123 71,415,816,169 57,772,706,773
ltg{ afFsL shf{ ;fk6L 4.21 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
rfn' s/ bfloTj 4.9 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Joj:yf 4.22 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
:yug s/ bfloTj 4.15 260,973,262 403,471,997 433,421,550 261,913,156 393,804,733 422,621,868
cGo bfloTj 4.23 2,288,115,239 1,734,442,735 1,522,741,400 1,906,669,561 1,046,320,007 1,156,169,566
hf/L ul/Psf] C0fkq 4.24 1,203,520,000 1,203,520,000 1,203,520,000 1,203,520,000 1,203,520,000 1,203,520,000
;'/If0f g/flvPsf] ;xfos cfjlBs bfloTj 4.25 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
s"n bfloTj 106,212,694,916 80,186,638,070 68,972,091,502 106,166,390,271 80,466,918,078 68,626,669,985
z]o/ k"FhL 4.26 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942 3,022,880,563 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942 3,022,880,563
z]o/ lk|ldod 122,091,505 120,230,167 ‡ 122,091,505 120,230,167 ‡
;+lrt d'gfkmf 1,266,335,751 1,432,177,349 1,959,648,620 1,184,426,033 1,317,891,789 1,924,589,247
hu]8f tyf sf]ifx? 4.27 3,999,355,730 3,065,108,138 2,553,545,639 3,931,925,480 3,052,183,915 2,550,808,123
z]o/ wgLx?nfO{ jfF8kmfF8 of]Uo s'n OlSj6L 13,852,168,262 11,246,394,596 7,536,074,822 13,702,828,293 11,119,184,813 7,498,277,934
u}/ lgolGqt :jfy{ (Non-Controlling Interest) 192,483,499 171,221,164 85,314,658 ‡ ‡ ‡
s"n OlSj6L 14,044,651,761 11,417,615,760 7,621,389,480 13,702,828,293 11,119,184,813 7,498,277,934
s"n bfloTj / OlSj6L 120,257,346,677 91,604,253,831 76,593,480,982 119,869,218,564 91,586,102,891 76,124,947,919
;+efljt bfloTj tyf k|ltj4tf 4.28 23,990,759,623 15,182,990,307 13,098,657,510 22,868,642,623 15,182,990,307 13,098,657,510
k|lt z]o/ v'b ;DklQ 163.65 169.66 249.30 161.89 167.74 248.05
b= g/]Gb| s'df/ cu|jfn b= dgf]h s'df/ s]l8of cfhsf] ldltsf] ;+nUg k|ltj]bg cg';f/
b= lj/]Gb| s'df/ zfx cWoIf ;'lg/ s'df/ 9'°]n
b= lbg]z z+s/ kflnv] ;fem]bf/
P;= P= cf/= P;f]l;P6\;
b= /fh]z s'df/ s]l8of rf6{8{ Psfp06]06;\
b= g/]Gb| s'df/ cu|jfn b= dgf]h s'df/ s]l8of cfhsf] ldltsf] ;+nUg k|ltj]bg cg';f/
b= lj/]Gb| s'df/ zfx cWoIf ;'lg/ s'df/ 9'°]n
b= lbg]z z+s/ kflnv] ;fem]bf/
P;= P= cf/= P;f]l;P6\;
b= /fh]z s'df/ s]l8of rf6{8{ Psfp06]06;\
! >fj0f @)&$ ;fnsf] df}Hbft 6,628,878,942 120,230,167 1,372,534,815 31,125,658 ‡ 934,104,221 ‡ 1,432,177,349 72,7343,444 11,246,394,596 171,221,164 11,417,615,760
;dfof]hg÷k'gM:yfkgf (Restatement) ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ -180,087_ ‡ -180,087_ -173,025_ -353,112_
! >fj0f @)&$ ;dfof]hLt÷k'gM:yflkt df}Hbft 6,628,878,942 120,230,167 1,372,534,815 31,125,658 ‡ 934,104,221 ‡ 1,431,997,262 727,343,444 11,246,214,509 171,048,139 11,417,262,648
o; jif{sf]] lj:t[t cfDbfgL
o; jif{sf] d'gfkmf 1,952,475,317 1,952,475,317 46,515,232 1,998,990,550
s/ kl5sf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL
km]o/ d"Nodf d'NofÍg ul/Psf OlSj6L pks/0fsf nufgLaf6 -320,404,059_ -13,397,712_ -333,801,771_ -12,872,312_ -346,674,082_
ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_
k'gM d'NofÍgaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ ‡ ‡
kl/eflift (Defined) nfe of]hgfsf] ladflÍs -actuarial_ 44,171 -1,955,402_ -1,911,231_ 42,438 -1,868,793_
gub k|jfxsf] x]lhªaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ ‡ ‡
Foreign Operations sf] sf/0f ljQLo ;DklQsf] ljlgdo ‡ ‡
kl/jt{g ubf{ x'g] ;6xL gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ -320,404,059_ ‡ 1,939,121,776 -1,955,402_ 1,616,762,315 33,685,359 1,650,447,675
hu]8f sf]ifdf ;fl/Psf] /sd ‡ ‡ 384,318,328 ‡ 637,822,724 ‡ ‡ -1,214,390,507_ 192,249,455 ‡ ‡ ‡
hu]8f sf]ifaf6 :yfgfGt/0f ePsf] /sd ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 8,783,454 -8,783,454_ ‡ ‡ ‡
OlSj6Ldf l;w} b]vfOPsf] z]o/wgL;Fusf] sf/f]jf/
z]o/ lgisfzg 879,849,932 122,091,505 1,001,941,437 1,001,941,437
z]o/df cfwfl/t e'QmfgL ‡ ‡
z]o/wgLnfO{ nfef+z ljt/0f ‡ ‡
jf]g; z]o/ lgisfzg 955,656,402 -120,230,167_ -886,426,235_ 51,000,000 ‡ ‡ ‡
gub nfef+z e'QmfgL -12,750,000_ -12,750,000_ -12,250,000_ -25,000,000_
hDdf of]ubfg 1,835,506,334 1,861,339 384,318,328 ‡ 637,822,724 -320,404,059_ ‡ -165,661,512_ 232,510,600 2,605,953,753 21,435,359 2,627,389,112
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft 8,464,385,276 122,091,505 1,756,853,143 31,125,658 637,822,724 613,700,162 ‡ 1,266,335,749 959,854,044 13,852,168,262 192,483,499 14,044,651,761
Plss[t OlSj6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{gsf] ljj/0f -a}+s_
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% -!^ h'nfO{ @)!*_ /sd ?= df
a}+ssf ;fwf/0f z]o/wgLsf lgldQ
k'gM u}/ lgol-
;fwf/0f hu]8f ;6xL lgodgsf/L hDdf OlSj6L
z]o/ k"FhL z]o/ lk|ldod km]o/ d"No sf]if
d'Nof°g ;+lrt d'gfkmf cGo sf]if hDdf Gqt :jfy{
sf]if 36a9 sf]if sf]if
! >fj0f @)&# ;fnsf] df}Hbft 4,496,143,266 ‡ 1,082,375,491 24,819,195 ‡ ‡ ‡ 72,677,689 565,951,061 6,241,966,703 ‡ 6,241,966,703
;dfof]hg÷k'gM:yfkgf (Restatement) -1,473,262,702_ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 937,671,305 ‡ 1,851,911,558 -60,008,929_ 1,256,311,231 ‡ 1,256,311,231
! >fj0f @)&# sf] ;dfof]hLt÷k'gM:yflkt df}Hbft 3,022,880,563 ‡ 1,082,375,491 24,819,195 ‡ 937,671,305 ‡ 1,924,589,247 505,942,132 7,498,277,934 ‡ 7,498,277,934
o; jif{sf]] lj:t[t cfDbfgL
o; jif{sf] d'gfkmf 1,402,294,306 1,402,294,306 ‡ 1,402,294,306
s/ kl5sf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
km]o/ d"Nodf d'NofÍg ul/Psf OlSj6L pks/0fsf nufgLaf6 ePsf] -3,567,084_ -3,567,084_ ‡ -3,567,084_
k'gM d'NofÍgaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ ‡ ‡ ‡
kl/eflift (Defined) nfe of]hgfsf] ladflÍs -actuarial_ gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ -30,786,186_ -30,786,186_ ‡ -30,786,186_
gub k|jfxsf] x]lhªaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ ‡ ‡ ‡
Foreign Operations sf] sf/0f ljQLo ;DklQsf] ljlgdo kl/jt{g ubf{ x'g] ‡ ‡ ‡
;6xL gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ -3,567,084_ ‡ 1,402,294,306 -30,786,186_ 1,367,941,036 ‡ 1,367,941,036
hu]8f sf]ifdf ;fl/Psf] /sd ‡ ‡ 277,235,100 6,306,463 ‡ ‡ ‡ -535,729,061_ 252,187,498 ‡ ‡ ‡
hu]8f sf]ifaf6 :yfgfGt/0f ePsf] /sd ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
OlSj6Ldf l;w} b]vfOPsf] z]o/wgL;Fusf] sf/f]jf/ ‡ ‡ ‡
z]o/ lgisfzg 2,132,735,676 120,230,167 2,252,965,843 ‡ 2,252,965,843
z]o/df cfwfl/t e'QmfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
z]o/wgLnfO{ nfef+z ljt/0f ‡ ‡ ‡
jf]g; z]o/ lgisfzg 1,473,262,702 -1,473,262,702_ ‡ ‡ ‡
gub nfef+z e'QmfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf of]ubfg 3,605,998,378 120,230,167 277,235,100 6,306,463 ‡ -3,567,084_ ‡ -606,697,458_ 221,401,312 3,620,906,879 ‡ 3,620,906,879
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$ sf] df}Hbft 6,628,878,942 120,230,167 1,359,610,592 31,125,658 ‡ 934,104,221 ‡ 1,317,891,789 727,343,444 11,119,184,813 ‡ 11,119,184,813
! >fj0f @)&$ ;fnsf] df}Hbft 6,628,878,942 120,230,167 1,359,610,592 31,125,658 ‡ 934,104,221 ‡ 1,317,891,789 727,343,444 11,119,184,813 ‡ 11,119,184,813
;dfof]hg÷k'gM:yfkgf (Restatement) ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
! >fj0f @)&$ ;dfof]hLt÷k'gM:yflkt df}Hbft 6,628,878,942 120,230,167 1,359,610,592 31,125,658 ‡ 934,104,221 ‡ 1,317,891,789 727,343,444 11,119,184,813 ‡ 11,119,184,813
o; jif{sf]] lj:t[t cfDbfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
o; jif{sf] d'gfkmf 1,904,061,504 1,904,061,504 ‡ 1,904,061,504
s/ kl5sf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
km]o/ d"Nodf d'NofÍg ul/Psf OlSj6L pks/0fsf nufgLaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf] -320,404,059_ -320,404,059_ ‡ -320,404,059_
k'gM d'NofÍgaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ ‡ ‡ ‡
kl/eflift (Defined) nfe of]hgfsf] ladflÍs -actuarial_ gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ -1,955,402_ -1,955,402_ ‡ -1,955,402_
gub k|jfxsf] x]lhªaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ ‡ ‡ ‡
Foreign Operations sf] sf/0f ljQLo ;DklQsf] ljlgdo kl/jt{g ubf{ x'g] ‡ ‡ ‡
;6xL gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ -320,404,059_ ‡ 1,904,061,504 -1,955,402_ 1,581,702,043 ‡ 1,581,702,043
hu]8f sf]ifdf ;fl/Psf] /sd ‡ 380,812,301 ‡ 637,822,724 ‡ -1,210,884,480_ 192,249,455 ‡ ‡ ‡
hu]8f sf]ifaf6 :yfgfGt/0f ePsf] /sd 8,783,454 -8,783,454_ ‡ ‡ ‡
OlSj6Ldf l;w} b]vfOPsf] z]o/wgL;Fusf] sf/f]jf/ ‡ ‡ ‡
z]o/ lgisfzg 879,849,932 122,091,505 1,001,941,437 ‡ 1,001,941,437
z]o/df cfwfl/t e'QmfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
z]o/wgLnfO{ nfef+z ljt/0f ‡ ‡ ‡
jf]g; z]o/ lgisfzg 955,656,402 -120,230,167_ -835,426,235_ ‡ ‡ ‡
gub nfef+z e'QmfgL ‡ ‡ ‡
The principal activities of the Subsidiary are to provide merchant/investment banking services that include management of
public offerings, portfolio management, underwriting of securities, and fund management of mutual fund schemes, depository
participant's service under Central Depository Service (CDS) and administration and record keeping of securities of its
2.1. Statement of Compliance
The Financial Statement of the Bank which comprises components mentioned above have been prepared in accordance
with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards comprising of Nepal Financial Reporting Standards and Nepal Accounting
Standards (hereafter referred as NFRS), laid down by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal and in compliance
with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2006. These financial statements are the first NFRS complied financial
statements of the Bank.
2.4.5 Taxation
The Bank is subject to income tax and judgement is required to determine the total provision for current, deferred
and other taxes due to the uncertainties that exist with respect to the interpretation of the applicable tax laws, at
the time of preparation of these Financial Statements.
Deferred tax assets are recognized in respect of tax losses to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit
will be available against which the losses can be utilized. Judgement is required to determine the amount of
deferred tax assets that can be recognized, based upon the likely timing and level of future taxable profits,
together with future tax planning strategies.
2.8. Discounting
When the realization of assets and settlement of obligation is for more than one year, the Bank considers the
discounting of such assets and liabilities where the impact is material. Various internal and external factors have been
considered for determining the discount rate to be applied to the cash flows of company.
The Bank has a policy to treat share/debenture issue expenses up to 1% of share/debentures issue price as immaterial
thus the same has not been considered in computation of fair value of share/debenture.
Employee benefits has been determined by considering discount rate as the average yield on government bonds
issued during the period having maturity of five years or more.
The group also attributes total comprehensive income to the owners of the Bank and to the non-controlling
interests even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance.
c. Subsidiaries
Subsidiaries are entities that are controlled by the Bank. The Bank is presumed to control an investee when it is
exposed or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those
returns through its power over the investee. At each reporting date the Bank reassesses whether it controls an
investee if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more elements of control mentioned
The Financial Statements of Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred
to the Bank and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases. The Financial Statements
of the Bank’s Subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting year as per the Bank, using consistent accounting
The acquired identifiable assets, liabilities are measured at their cost at the date of acquisition. After the initial
measurement, the Bank continues to recognize the investments in subsidiaries at cost.
d. Loss of Control
When the Bank loses control over a Subsidiary, it derecognizes the assets and liabilities of the former subsidiary
from the consolidated statement of financial position. The Bank recognizes any investment retained in the former
subsidiary at its fair value when control is lost and subsequently accounts for it and for any amounts owed by or
to the former subsidiary in accordance with relevant NFRSs. That fair value shall be regarded as the fair value
on initial recognition of a financial asset in accordance with relevant NFRS or, when appropriate, the cost on initial
recognition of an investment in an associate or joint venture. The Bank recognizes the gain or loss associated
with the loss of control attributable to the former controlling interest.
Details of the Cash and Cash Equivalents are given in Note 4.1 to the Financial Statements.
Financial assets held for trading are recorded in the Statement of Financial Position at fair value. Changes
in fair value are recognized in ‘Net trading income’. Dividend income is recorded in ‘Net trading income’
when the right to receive the payment has been established.
Bank evaluates its held for trading asset portfolio, other than derivatives, to determine whether the
intention to sell them in the near future is still appropriate. When Bank is unable to trade these financial
assets due to inactive markets and management’s intention to sell them in the foreseeable future
significantly changes, the Bank may elect to reclassify these financial assets. Financial assets held
for trading include instruments such as government securities and equity instruments that have been
acquired principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term.
If a financial asset is reclassified, and if Bank subsequently increases its estimates of the future cash receipts as a
result of increased recoverability of those cash receipts, the effect of that increase is recognized as an adjustment
to the effective interest rate from the date of the change in estimate rather than an adjustment to the carrying
amount of the asset at the date of change in estimate.
A financial asset classified as available for sale that would have met the definition of loans and receivables at the
initial recognition may be reclassified out of available for sale category to the loans and receivables category if
Bank has the intention and ability to hold such asset for the foreseeable future or until maturity.
The fair value of financial instruments at the date of reclassification is treated as the new cost or amortized cost of
the financial instrument after reclassification. Difference between the new amortized cost and the maturity value
is amortized over the remaining life of the asset using the effective interest rate. Any gain or loss already
recognized in Other Comprehensive Income in respect of the reclassified financial instrument is accounted as
If a financial asset is reclassified, and if Bank subsequently increases its estimates of future cash receipts as a
result of increased recoverability of those cash receipts, the effect of that increase is recognized as an adjustment
to the effective interest rate from the date of the change in estimate rather than an adjustment to the carrying
amount of the asset at the date of change in estimate.
However, if Bank were to sell or reclassify more than an insignificant amount of held to maturity investments before
maturity [other than in certain specific circumstances permitted in Nepal Accounting Standard - NAS 39 (Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement)], the entire category would be tainted and would have to be
reclassified as ‘Available for sale’. Furthermore, Bank would be prohibited from classifying any financial assets as
‘Held to Maturity’ during the following two years. These reclassifications are at the election of management and
determined on an instrument by instrument basis.
On de-recognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount of the asset (or the carrying
amount allocated to the portion of the asset derecognized) and the sum of the consideration received (including
any new asset obtained less any new liability assumed) and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized
in other comprehensive income is recognized in profit or loss.
When Bank has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from an asset or has entered into a pass-through
arrangement and has neither transferred nor retained substantially all of the risks and rewards of the asset nor
transferred control of the asset, the asset is recognized to the extent of the Bank’s continuing involvement in the
asset. In that case, Bank also recognizes an associated liability. The transferred asset and the associated liability
are measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that Bank has retained.
When Bank’s continuing involvement that takes the form of guaranteeing the transferred asset, the extent of
the continuing involvement is measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the maximum
amount of consideration received by the Bank that the Bank could be required to repay.
When securities classified as available for sale are sold, the accumulated fair value adjustments recognized in
other comprehensive income are reclassified to income statement as gains and losses from investment securities.
If there is no quoted price in an active market, then the Bank uses valuation techniques that maximize the use
of relevant observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs. The chosen valuation technique
incorporates all of the factors that market participants would take into account in pricing a transaction.Valuation
techniques include using recent arm’s length transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties (if available),
reference to the current fair value of other instruments that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow
analysis and option pricing models. Inputs to valuation techniques reasonably represent market expectations and
measures of the risk-return factors inherent in the financial instrument. The Bank calibrates valuation techniques
and tests them for validity using prices from observable current market transactions in the same instrument
or based on other available observable market data. Assets and long positions are measured at a bid price;
liabilities and short positions are measured at an ask price. Where the Bank has positions with offsetting risks,
mid-market prices are used to measure the offsetting risk positions and a bid or asking price adjustment is applied
only to net open position as appropriate.
The best evidence of the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition is normally the transaction price
i.e. the fair value of the consideration given or received. If the Bank determines that the fair value at initial
recognition differs from the transaction price and the fair value is evidenced neither by a quoted price in an active
market for an identical asset or liability (Level 01 valuation) nor based on a valuation technique that uses only data
from observable markets (Level 02 valuation), then the financial instrument is initially measured at fair value,
adjusted to defer the difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the transaction price. Subsequently,
that difference is recognized in profit or loss on an appropriate basis over the life of the instrument but not later
than when the valuation is wholly supported by observable market data or the transaction is closed out.
Fair values reflect the credit risk of the instrument and include adjustments to take account of the credit risk of the
Bank entity and the counterparty where appropriate. Fair value estimates obtained from models are adjusted for
any other factors, such as liquidity risk or model uncertainties; to the extent that the Bank believes a third-party
market participant would take them into account in pricing a transaction.
The fair value of a demand deposit is not less than the amount payable on demand, discounted from the first date
on which the amount could be required to be paid.
A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s ability to generate
economic benefits by using the asset in its highest best use or by selling it to another market participant that would
use the asset in its highest and best use.
The Bank recognizes transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy as of the end of the reporting period
during which the change has occurred.
Evidence of impairment may include: indications that the borrower or a group of borrowers is experiencing
significant financial difficulty; the probability that they will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
default or delinquency in interest or principal payments; and where observable data indicates that there is
a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows, such as changes in arrears or economic conditions that
correlate with defaults.
If there is an objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as
the difference between the assets’ carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding
future expected credit losses that have not yet been incurred). The carrying amount of the asset is reduced
through the use of an allowance account and the amount of the loss is recognized in the income statement.
Interest income continues to be accrued on the reduced carrying amount and is accrued using the rate of interest
used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.
If a loan has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current rate
that closely approximates effective interest rate. If the Bank has reclassified trading assets to loans and advances,
the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the new rate that closely approximates effective interest rate
determined at the reclassification date. The calculation of the present value of the estimated future cash flows of a
collateralized financial asset reflects the cash flows that may result from foreclosure less costs for obtaining and
selling the collateral, whether or not foreclosure is probable.
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on financial assets measured at amortized cost has been
incurred, the amount of the loss is measured by discounting the expected future cash flows of a financial asset at
its original effective interest rate and comparing the resultant present value with the financial asset’s current
carrying amount. The impairment allowances on individually significant accounts are reviewed more regularly when
circumstances require. This normally encompasses re-assessment of the enforceability of any collateral held
and the timing and amount of actual and anticipated receipts. Individually assessed impairment allowances are
only released when there is reasonable and objective evidence of reduction in the established loss estimate.
Interest on impaired assets continues to be recognized through the unwinding of the discount.
Loans together with the associated allowance are written off when there is no realistic prospect of future recovery
and all collateral has been realized or has been transferred to the Bank. If, in a subsequent year, the amount
of the estimated impairment loss increases or decreases because of an event occurring after the impairment was
recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is increased or reduced by adjusting the allowance
account. If a future write off is later recovered, the recovery is credited to the impairment charges for loans and
other losses.
When impairment losses are determined for those financial assets where objective evidence of impairment exists,
the following common factors are considered:
Bank’s aggregate exposure to the customer;
The viability of the customer’s business model and their capacity to trade successfully out of financial
difficulties and generate sufficient cash flows to service debt obligations;
The amount and timing of expected receipts and recoveries;
The extent of other creditors‘ commitments ranking ahead of, or pari-pasu with the Bank and the likelihood
of other creditors continuing to support the company;
The realizable value of security and likelihood of successful repossession;
These losses will only be individually identified in the future. As soon as information becomes available which
identifies losses on individual financial assets within the group, those financial assets are removed from the group
and assessed on an individual basis for impairment.
Bank uses the following method to calculate historical loss experience on collective basis:
After grouping of loans on the basis of homogeneous risks, the Bank uses net flow rate method. Under this
methodology, the movement in the outstanding balance of customers into default categories over the periods is used to
estimate the amount of financial assets that will eventually be irrecoverable, as a result of the events occurring before
the reporting date which the Bank is not able to identify on an individual loan basis.
Under this methodology, loans are grouped into ranges according to the number of days in arrears and statistical
analysis is used to estimate the likelihood that loans in each range will progress through the various stages of
delinquency and ultimately prove irrecoverable.
Current economic conditions and portfolio risk factors are also evaluated when calculating the appropriate level of
allowance required to cover inherent loss. These additional macro and portfolio risk factors may include:
Recent loan portfolio growth and product mix
Unemployment rates
Gross Domestic Production (GDP)Growth
Interest rates
Changes in government laws and regulations
Property prices
Payment status
But, the amount of provision to be created against Loans and Advances shall be higher of the following two amounts:
i) Impairment calculated as per Impairment Assessment Methodology as described above or,
ii) Loan Loss Provision calculated as per the provisions of Unified Directives issued by Nepal Rastra Bank.
(a) (vii) Collateral Legally Repossessed or Where Properties have devolved to the Bank
Legally Repossessed Collateral represents Non-Financial Assets acquired by the Bank in settlement of the overdue
loans. The assets are initially recognized at fair value when acquired. The Bank’s policy is to determine whether
a repossessed asset is best used for its internal operations or should be sold. The proceeds are used to reduce or
repay the outstanding claim. The immovable property acquired by foreclosure of collateral from defaulting
customers, or which has devolved on the Bank as part settlement of debt, has not been occupied for business use.
Although these assets represent Legally Repossessed Collaterals, these assets are shown under “Investment
In the case of debt instruments, Bank assesses individually whether there is objective evidence of impairment
based on the same criteria as financial assets carried at amortized cost. However, the amount recorded for
impairment is the cumulative loss measured as the difference between the amortized cost and the current fair
value, less any impairment loss on that investment previously recognized in the Income Statement. Future interest
income is based on the reduced carrying amount and is accrued using the rate of interest used to discount the
future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of
a debt instrument increases and the increase can be objectively related to a credit event occurring after the
impairment loss was recognized, the impairment loss is reversed through the Income Statement.
In the case of equity investments classified as available for sale, objective evidence would also include a
‘significant’ or ‘prolonged’ decline in the fair value of the investment below its cost. Where there is evidence
of impairment, the cumulative loss measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair
value, less any impairment loss on that investment previously recognized in profit or loss is removed from equity
and recognized in the Statement of profit or loss. However, any subsequent increase in the fair value of an
impaired available for sale equity security is recognized in other comprehensive income.
Bank writes-off certain available for sale financial investments when they are determined to be uncollectible.
All freestanding contracts that are considered derivatives for accounting purposes are carried at fair value on the
statement of financial position regardless of whether they are held for trading or non-trading purposes. Changes in fair
value of derivatives held for trading are included in net gains/ (losses) from financial instruments in fair value through
profit or loss.
An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies for recognition as an asset is initially measured at its cost. Cost
includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset and cost incurred subsequently to add to,
replace part of an item of property, plant & equipment. The cost of self-constructed assets include the cost of materials
and direct labor, any other costs directly attributable to bringing the assets to a working condition for its intended use
and the costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site on which they are located. Purchased
software that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalized as part of computer equipment. When
parts of an item of property or equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items (major
components) of property, plant and equipment.
Cost Model
Property and equipment is stated at cost excluding the costs of day–to–day servicing, less accumulated depreciation
and accumulated impairment in value. Such cost includes the cost of replacing part of the equipment
if the recognition criterias are met.
Revaluation Model
The Bank has not applied the revaluation model to any class of freehold land and buildings or other assets. Such
properties are carried at a previously recognized GAAP Amount.
On revaluation of an asset, any increase in the carrying amount is recognized in ‘Other comprehensive income’ and
accumulated in equity, under capital reserve or used to reverse a previous revaluation decrease relating to the same
asset, which was charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss. In this circumstance, the increase is recognized as income
to the extent of previous write down. Any decrease in the carrying amount is recognized as an expense in the Statement
of Profit or Loss or debited to the Other Comprehensive income to the extent of any credit balance existing in the
capital reserve in respect of that asset.
The decrease recognized in other comprehensive income reduces the amount accumulated in equity under capital
reserves. Any balance remaining in the revaluation reserve in respect of an asset is transferred directly to retained
earnings on retirement or disposal of the asset.
Subsequent Cost
The subsequent cost of replacing a component of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the
carrying amount of the item, if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied within that part will flow to
the Bank and it can be reliably measured. The cost of day to day servicing of property, plant and equipment are
charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss as incurred.
Depreciation is calculated by using the written down value method on cost or valuation of the Property & Equipment
other than freehold land and leasehold properties. Depreciation on leasehold properties is calculated by using the
straight line method on cost or valuation of the property. The rates of depreciations are given below:
Changes in Estimates
The methods of depreciation are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year end.
Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that necessarily takes a
substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale are capitalized as part of the cost of an asset. All
other borrowing costs are expensed in the period in which they occur. Borrowing costs consist of interest and other
costs that the Bank incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds.
The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment is derecognized on disposal or when no future
economic benefits are expected from its use. The gain or loss arising from de-recognition of an item of property,
plant and equipment is included in the Statement of Profit or Loss when the item is derecognized. When replacement
costs are recognized in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment, the remaining carrying
amount of the replaced part is derecognized. Major inspection costs are capitalized. At each such capitalization, the
remaining carrying amount of the previous cost of inspection is derecognized.
Subsequent Expenditure
Expenditure incurred on software is capitalized only when it is probable that this expenditure will enable the asset
to generate future economic benefits in excess of its originally assessed standard of performance and this expenditure
can be measured and attributed to the asset reliably. All other expenditure is expensed as incurred.
Investment property is accounted for under Cost Model in the Financial Statements. Accordingly, after recognition
as an asset, the property is carried at its cost, less impairment losses. If any property is reclassified to investment
property due to changes in its use, fair value of such property at the date of reclassification becomes its cost for
subsequent accounting.
Investment properties are derecognized when they are disposed of or permanently withdrawn from use since no future
economic benefits are expected. Transfers are made to and from investment property only when there is a change in
use. When the use of a property changes such that it is reclassified as Property, Plant and Equipment, its fair value at
the date of reclassification becomes its cost for subsequent accounting.
Current Tax
Current tax assets and liabilities consist of amounts expected to be recovered from or paid to Inland Revenue
Department in respect of the current year, using the tax rates and tax laws enacted or substantively enacted on the
reporting date and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of prior years.
Deferred Tax
Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences at the reporting date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities
and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable
temporary differences except:
Where the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or of an asset or liability in a transaction
that is not a business combination, and at the time of transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable
profit or loss.
In respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, where the timing of the
reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and is probable that the temporary differences will not
reverse in the foreseeable future.
Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carried forward unused tax credits
and unused tax losses (if any), to the extent that it is probable that the taxable profit will be available against
which the deductible temporary differences, carried forward unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be
utilized except:
Where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible temporary differences arising from the initial recognition
of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination, and at the time of transaction, affects
neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss.
3.12 Provisions
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Bank has a present legal or constructive obligation
that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle
the obligation. The amount recognized is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present
obligation at the reporting date, taking in to account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation at that
date. Where a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying
amount is determined based on the present value of those cash flows. A provision for onerous contracts is
recognized when the expected benefits to be derived by the Bank from a contract are lower than the unavoidable
cost of meeting its obligations under the contract. The provision is measured as the present value of the lower of
the expected cost of terminating the contract and the expected net cost of continuing with the contract.Provision
is not recognized for future operating losses.
Before a provision is established, the Bank recognizes any impairment loss on the assets associated with
that contract. The expense relating to any provision is presented in the Statement of Profit or Loss net of any
Interest Income
For all financial assets measured at amortized cost, interest bearing financial assets classified as available-
for-sale and financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss, interest income is recorded using
the rate that closely approximates the EIR because the bank considers that the cost of exact calculation of
effective interest rate method exceeds the benefit that would be derived from such compliance. EIR is the rate
that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial
instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial
When a receivable is impaired, the Bank reduces the carrying amount to its recoverable amount, being the
estimated future cash flow discounted at the original effective interest rate of the instrument, and continues
unwinding the discount as interest income. Interest income on impaired loans is recognized using the original
rate that closely approximate EIR.
Dividend Income
Dividend income on equity instruments are recognized in the statement of profit and loss within other income
when the Bank’s right to receive payment is established.
Net Income from other financial instrument at fair value through Profit or Loss
Trading assets such as equity shares and mutual fund are recognized at fair value through profit or loss. No
other financial instruments are designated at fair value through profit or loss. The bank has no income under
the heading net income from other financial instrument at fair value through profit or loss.
When Bank is a lessee under finance leases, the leased assets are capitalized and included in ‘Property,
plant and equipment’ and the corresponding liability to the lessor is included in ‘Other liabilities’. A
finance lease and its corresponding liability are recognized initially at the fair value of the asset or if lower,
the present value of the minimum lease payments. Finance charges payable are recognized in ‘Interest
expenses’ over the period of the lease based on the interest rate implicit in the lease so as to give a
constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability.
When Bank is the lessee, leased assets are not recognized on the Statement of Financial Position.
Rentals payable and receivable under operating leases are accounted for on a straight-line basis over
the periods of the leases and are included in ‘Other operating expenses’ and ‘Other operating income’,
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are translated to Nepalese
Rupees using the spot foreign exchange rate ruling at that date and all differences arising on non-trading activities
are taken to ‘Other Operating Income’ in the Statement of Profit or Loss. The foreign currency gain or loss on monetary
items is the difference between amortized cost in the functional currency at the beginning of the period, adjusted for
effective interest and payments during the period, and the amortized cost in foreign currency translated at the rates of
exchange prevailing at the end of the reporting period.
Non-monetary items in a foreign currency that are measured in terms of historical cost are translated using the exchange
rates as at the dates of the initial transactions. Non-monetary items in foreign currency measured at fair value are
translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined.
Foreign exchange differences arising on the settlement or reporting of monetary items at rates different from those
which were initially recorded are dealt with in the Statement of Profit or Loss. However, foreign currency differences
arising on available-for-sale equity instruments are recognized in other comprehensive income. Forward exchange
contracts are valued at the forward market rates ruling on the reporting date.
cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL dfk{mt km]o/ d"Nodf (FVTOCI) d"Nof°g ul/Psf] z]o/ -OlSj6L_ df nufgL
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=*=@
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
OlSj6L pks/0fx?
;"lrs[t z]o/x? 1,490,342,955 1,666,256,659 1,490,342,955 1,604,607,283
;"lrs[t gePsf z]o/x? 341,292,800 288,292,800 341,292,800 288,292,800
hDdf 1,831,635,755 1,954,549,459 1,831,635,755 1,892,900,083
rfn' s/ bfloTj
rfn' jif{sf] cfos/ bfloTj -820,571,744_ -586,233,494_ -819,700,870_ -585,613,482_
ut jif{x?sf] s/ bfloTjx? -2,300,859,704_ -1,715,246,223_ -2,300,859,704_ -1,715,246,223_
a}+sn] s'g} klg ;'lrs[t ePsf ;xfos sDkgLdf nufgL u/]sf] 5}g .
ut jif{
l;4fy{ Soflk6n ln=
NCI ;Fu /x]sf] OlSj6L :jfy{ (%) 49%
o; jif{sf] gfkmf gf]S;fg jfF8kmfF8 98,627,368
cf;f9 d;fGt @)&$ df NCI ;Fu /x]sf] ;+lrt df}Hbft 171,221,164
NCI nfO{ e'QmfgL u/]sf]] nfef+z 9,800,000
o; jif{ yk
yk ‡ ‡ 148,806,583 38,865,709 105,791,048 13,106,853 ‡ 69,247,053 375,817,246
k"FhLs[t ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
o; jif{sf] ljlqm ‡ ‡ -2,278,821_ -2,358,429_ -64,435,715_ -575,471_ ‡ -3,480,556_ -73,128,992_
;dfof]hg÷k'gMd"NofÍg ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 69,059,361 427,301,843 207,494,610 233,832,324 85,396,844 ‡ 307,288,641 1,575,185,281
v'b lstfaL d"No 244,811,658 209,099,212 212,723,973 94,033,179 169,632,134 32,012,399 ‡ 137,873,555 1,100,186,110
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&# sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 59,002,976 58,852,518 75,773,061 74,587,018 26,149,618 ‡ 93,453,903 634,212,603
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$ sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 56,052,827 89,855,687 79,448,938 121,837,113 27,206,600 ‡ 100,690,636 748,794,932
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 209,099,212 212,723,973 94,033,179 169,632,134 32,012,399 ‡ 137,873,555 1,100,186,110
o; jif{ yk
yk ‡ ‡ 148,777,583 36,973,926 103,291,048 13,002,441 ‡ 69,215,053 371,260,051
k"FhLs[t ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
o; jif{sf] ljlqm ‡ ‡ -2,278,821_ -2,358,429_ -64,435,715_ -575,471_ ‡ -3,480,556_ -73,128,992_
;dfof]hg÷k'gMd"NofÍg ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 69,059,361 411,787,192 197,046,852 219,912,728 83,627,325 ‡ 300,084,921 1,526,330,037
v'b lstfaL d"No 244,811,658 209,099,212 201,165,323 89,397,515 161,483,183 31,393,884 ‡ 134,972,033 1,072,322,808
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&# sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 59,002,976 53,229,986 72,406,762 70,187,593 25,620,616 ‡ 91,983,632 618,825,074
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$ sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 56,052,827 77,022,072 74,982,415 114,133,940 26,382,111 ‡ 96,449,928 718,726,424
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft 244,811,658 209,099,212 201,165,323 89,397,515 161,483,183 31,393,884 ‡ 134,972,033 1,072,322,808
o; jif{ yk
yk ‡ 3,622,925 ‡ ‡ 3,622,925
k"FhLs[t ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
o; jif{sf] ljlqm ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
;dfof]hg÷k'gMd"NofÍg ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft ‡ 70,524,391 ‡ ‡ 70,524,391
k"FhLut lgdf{0f ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
o; jif{ yk ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
yk ‡ 2,803,675 ‡ ‡ 2,803,675
k"FhLs[t ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
o; jif{sf] ljlqm ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
;dfof]hg÷k'gMd"NofÍg ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% sf] df}Hbft ‡ 67,789,290 ‡ ‡ 67,789,290
k"FhLut lgdf{0f ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
;d"x a}+s
ut jif{ ut jif{
:yug s/ :yug s/ v'b :yug s/ :yug s/ v'b :yug s/
:yug s/ bfloTj
;DklQ bfloTj ;DklQ÷-bfloTj_ ;DklQ ;DklQ÷-bfloTj_
c:yfO{ leGgtfdf :yug s/
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
nufgL ;DklQ (Investment Property) ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
lwtf]kqdf -securities_ nufgL ‡ -400,330,381_ -400,330,381_ ‡ -400,330,381_ -400,330,381_
;DklQ tyf pks/0f 11,321,114 ‡ 11,321,114 11,321,114 ‡ 11,321,114
kl/eflift (Defined) sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf 64,697,630 ‡ 64,697,630 64,697,630 ‡ 64,697,630
lnh bfloTj ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Joj:yf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cGo c:yfoL leGgtfx? ‡ -79,160,360_ -79,160,360_ ‡ -69,493,096_ -69,493,096_
c:yfO{ leGgtfdf :yug s/ 76,018,744 -479,490,741_ -403,471,997_ 76,018,744 -469,823,477_ -393,804,733_
cl3 ;f/]sf] cg'kf]u s/ 3f6fdf :yug s/ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
s/sf] b/df kl/jt{gn] l;h{gf ePsf] :yug s/ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$ df v'b :yug s/ ;DklQ÷-bfloTj_ -403,471,997_ -393,804,733_
! >fj0f @)&# :yug s/ -;DklQ_÷bfloTj 433,421,550 422,621,868
o; jif{ l;h{gf ePsf]÷-lkmtf{ ePsf]_ -29,949,554_ -28,817,136_
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
;+:yfks u|fxs M
cfjlws -d'2tL_ lgIf]k 26,141,013,432 22,329,726,483 26,141,013,432 22,329,726,483
dfu]sf] avt k|fKt x'g] lgIf]k 16,175,013,884 14,209,827,738 16,509,215,023 15,187,897,738
rNtL lgIf]k 7,958,909,586 3,495,203,512 7,958,909,586 3,495,203,512
cGo 1,971,895,030 1,081,609,576 1,971,895,030 1,081,609,576
JolQmut u|fxs M
cfjlws -d'2tL_ lgIf]k 14,525,830,135 10,713,915,552 14,525,830,135 10,713,915,552
art lgIf]k 26,038,869,764 17,620,456,532 26,038,869,764 17,620,456,532
rNtL lgIf]k 780,776,903 226,705,345 780,776,903 226,705,345
cGo 653,081,250 760,301,431 653,081,250 760,301,431
hDdf u|fxssf] lgIf]k 94,245,389,984 70,437,746,169 94,579,591,123 71,415,816,169
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@@
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
nfk/jfxL -redundancy_ sf] nflu Joj:yf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
k'gM;+/rgfsf] nflu Joj:yf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
yfFtL sfg'gL tyf s/sf] d'4f dfldnf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Onerous ;Demf}tf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cGo ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cGo bfloTj
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@#
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
kl/eflift sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf ;DalGw bfloTj 77,379,401 93,027,044 75,446,421 91,752,004
lb3{sflng ;]jf ljbf jfktsf] bfloTj 134,358,296 124,820,413 132,952,596 123,906,764
cNksflng sd{rf/L nfe 3,476,719 1,350,817 2,505,202 1,240,027
ltg{ afFsL ljN; 34,086,897 26,258,168 34,086,897 26,258,168
qm]l86;{ tyf aSof}tf 431,862,261 229,375,052 428,972,665 216,420,638
lgIf]kdf ltg{ afFsL Jofh 110,874,420 82,539,297 110,874,420 82,539,297
;fk6Ldf ltg{ afFsL Jofh 53,243,079 53,158,718 53,243,079 53,158,718
:yug cg'bfg cfosf] bfloTj ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
ltg{ jfFsL nfef+z 22,027,766 22,067,619 22,027,766 22,067,619
ljlQo lnh cGtu{tsf] bfloTj ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
ltg{ afFsL sd{rf/L jf]g; 317,425,053 223,187,186 303,336,095 196,568,800
cGo 1,103,381,347 878,658,422 743,224,421 232,407,972
hDdf 2,288,115,239 1,734,442,735 1,906,669,561 1,046,320,007
of]hgf ;DklQ
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@#=@
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
;'ljwf of]hgf ;DklQ -plan assets_ cGtu{tM
OlSj6L lwtf]kq -securities_ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
;/sf/L aG8 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
a}+s lgIf]k ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cGo 188,703,431 154,569,807 188,703,431 154,569,807
hDdf 188,703,431 154,569,807 188,703,431 154,569,807
z]o/ k"“hL
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@^
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
;fwf/0f z]o/ 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942
kl/jTo{ cu|flwsf/ z]o/ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
r'Qmf gx'g] cu|flwsf/ z]o/ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Perpetual C0f ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942
;fwf/0f z]o/
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@^=!
o; jif{ ut jif{
clws[t k"FhL
!)%,))),))), ;fwf/0f z]o/ k|lt ?= !)) 10,500,000,000 10,500,000,000
hf/L k"FhL
*$,^$#,*%@=&%, ;fwf/0f z]o/ k|lt ?= !)) 8,464,385,276 5,250,859,342
r'Qmf k"FhL
*$,^$#,*%@=&%, ;fwf/0f z]o/ k|lt ?= !)) 8,464,385,276 5,250,859,342
sn Og P8efG; ‡ 1,378,019,600
hDdf 8,464,385,276 6,628,878,942
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
a}wflgs hu]8f sf]if 1,756,853,143 1,372,534,815 1,740,422,893 1,359,610,592
;6xL ;lds/0f sf]if 31,125,658 31,125,658 31,125,658 31,125,658
;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj sf]if 31,802,370 13,861,755 31,802,370 13,861,755
k"FhL lkmtf{ hu]8f sf]if ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
lgodgsf/L sf]if 637,822,724 ‡ 637,822,724 ‡
nufgL ;dfof]hg sf]if 71,760,000 79,443,454 71,760,000 79,443,454
k"FhLut hu]8f sf]if 51,000,000 ‡ ‡ ‡
;DklQ k"gd'{Nof°g sf]if ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
km]o/ d"No sf]if 613,700,162 934,104,221 613,700,162 934,104,221
nfef+z ;lds/0f sf]if ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
ljdflÍs (Actuarial) gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ sf]if -45,801,803_ -43,846,401_ -45,801,803_ -43,846,401_
laif]z sf]if ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cGo sf]if
!= k"FhL ;dfof]hg sf]if 19,427,832 19,427,832 19,427,832 19,427,832
@= sd{rf/L tflnd sf]if 3,710,794 2,433,383 3,710,794 2,433,383
#= C0fkq e'QmfgL sf]if 827,954,849 656,023,420 827,954,849 656,023,420
hDdf 3,999,355,730 3,065,108,138 3,931,925,480 3,052,183,915
k"“hL k|ltj4tf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@*=#
a}+ssf] ;DjlGwt clwsf/Låf/f :jLs[t t/ ljQLo ljj/0fdf Joj:yf gul/Psf] k"FhLut vr{
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
;DklQ tyf pks/0f ;DaGwL k"FhL k|ltj4tf
:jLs[t / ;Demf}tf ul/Psf] ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
:jLs[t t/ ;Demf}tf gul/Psf] ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cd't{ ;DklQ ;DaGwL k"FhL k|ltj4tf
l:js[t / ;Demf}tf ul/Psf] ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
l:js[t t/ ;Demf}tf gul/Psf] ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf k"FhL k|ltj4tf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
lnh k|ltj4tf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@*=$
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
;+rflnt lnh k|ltj4tf
a}+s lessee ePsf] v08df /2 ug{ g;lsg] ;+rflnt lnh cGtu{t
eljiodf sDtLdf e'QmfgL ug'{kg]{ /sd
Ps jif{ eGbf sd ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Ps jif{ eGbf a9L t/ % jif{ eGbf sd ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
% jif{eGbf a9L ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
ljQ lnh k|ltj2tf
a}+s lessee ePsf] v08df /2 ug{ g;lsg] ljQLo lnh cGtu{t
eljiodf sDtLdf e'QmfgL ug'{kg]{ /sd
Ps jif{ eGbf sd ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Ps jif{ eGbf a9L t/ % jif{ eGbf sd ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
% jif{eGbf a9L ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf lnh k|ltj4tf ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
l;4fy{ a}+s ln= sf] cfos/ ;DalGw d'2f dfldnf
cf=j= @)^&–^* 3,447,711 3,447,711 3,447,711 3,447,711
cf=j= @)^*–^( 2,720,739 2,720,739 2,720,739 2,720,739
cf=j= @)^(–&) 3,894,823 3,894,823 3,894,823 3,894,823
hDdf 10,063,273 10,063,273 10,063,273 10,063,273
;fljs lahg]; o'lge;{n 8]enkd]G6 a}+s ln= -l;4fy{ a}+s ln= ;Fu
uflePsf]_ sf] cfos/ ;DalGw d'2f dfldnf
cf=j= @)&)–&! 107,300,327 ‡ 107,300,327 ‡
hDdf 107,300,327 ‡ 107,300,327 ‡
hDdf d'2f dfldnf 117,363,600 10,063,273 117,363,600 10,063,273
Jofh cfDbfgL
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=@(
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
gub tyf gub ;dfg 74,230,293 88,434,166 74,230,293 88,434,166
g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf /x]sf] df}Hbft tyf lng' kg]{ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:Yffdf /x]sf] df}Hbft 41,093,559 234,191,190 2,085,250 2,186,917
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:YffnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6 9,473,920,972 6,198,333,612 9,473,920,972 6,198,333,612
lwtf]kqdf (securities) nufgL 467,661,342 303,165,237 467,661,342 303,165,237
sd{rf/L shf{ tyf ;fk6 39,267,006 33,281,149 39,104,737 33,182,791
cGo ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf Jofh cfDbfgL 10,096,173,172 6,857,405,354 10,057,002,594 6,625,302,722
Jofh vr{
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=#)
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:Yffx?nfO{ ltg{ afFsL ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
g]kfn /fi6« a}+snfO{ ltg{ afFsL 30,742,353 1,670,766 30,742,353 1,670,766
u|fxssf] lgIf]k 6,429,916,195 3,861,682,000 6,462,841,123 3,885,892,000
ltg{ afFsL shf{ ;fk6L 21,378,980 4,821,072 21,378,980 4,821,072
hf/L C0fkq 105,781,600 105,781,600 105,781,600 105,781,600
;'/If0f g/flvPsf] ;xfos cfjlBs bfloTj ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
cGo ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf Aofh vr{ 6,587,819,129 3,973,955,438 6,620,744,057 3,998,165,438
cfos/ vr{
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cg';"rL $=$!
;d"x a}+s
o; jif{ ut jif{ o; jif{ ut jif{
rfn' s/ vr{
o; jif{ 853,459,498 651,753,726 819,700,870 585,613,482
cl3Nnf] jif{sf] ;dfof]hg ‡ 7,156,228 ‡ 7,156,228
853,459,498 65,890,9955 819,700,870 592,769,710
:yug s/ vr{
cNksflng leGgtfx?sf] n]vfÍg tyf lkmtf{ 4,375,430 -13,214,153_ 6,262,478 -14,094,306_
s/sf] b/df kl/jt{g ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
klxn] n]vfÍg gul/Psf] s/ 3f6fsf] n]vfÍg ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
hDdf cfos/ vr{ 857,834,928 645,695,801 825,963,348 578,675,404
o; jif{ ut jif{
gfkmf gf]S;fg ljj/0f cg';f/ v'b gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ 1,904,061,504 1,402,294,306
!= hu]8f sf]if 380,812,301 277,235,100
@= ;6xL 36a8 sf]if ‡ 6,306,463
#= k"FhL lkmtf{ sf]if ‡ ‡
$= ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj sf]if 19,040,615 13,861,755
%= sd{rf/L tflnd sf]if 1,277,412 2,433,383
^= k"FhL ;dfof]hg sf]if ‡ 9,579,341
&= nufgL ;dfof]hg sf]if ‡ 54,381,590
*= cGo ‡ ‡
s_ C0fkq e'QmfgL sf]if 171,931,429 171,931,429
lgodgsf/L ;dfof]hg cl3sf] gfkmf÷-gf]S;fg_ 1,330,999,748 866,565,245
lgodgsf/L ;dfof]hgM
!= Jofh jSof}tf -–_÷cl3Nnf] Jofh jSof}tf k|flKt -±_ -308,990,085_
@= sd shf{ gf]S;fgL Joj:yf n]vf+sg -–_÷lkmtf{ -±_ ‡
#= sd nufgLdf ;+efljt gf]S;fgL Joj:yfsf] -–_÷lkmtf{ -±_ -128,393,301_
$= sd u}/ j}+lsË ;DklQsf] gf]S;fgL Joj:yfsf] -–_÷lkmtf{ -±_ -154,637,535_
%= :yug s/ ;DklQ n]vf+sg -–_÷lkmtf{ -±_ ‡
^= VoftL n]vf+sg -–_÷VoftLdf xfgL -±_ ‡
&= df]ntf]n vl/b -Bargain Purchase_ df nfe n]vf+sg -–_÷lkmtf{ -±_ ‡
*= aLdf+lss -Actuarial_ 3f6fsf] n]vf+sg -–_÷lkmtf{ -±_ -45,801,803_
jfF8\g of]Uo gfkmf÷gf]S;fg 693,177,024 866,565,245
5.1.1.b. Risk appetite and tolerance limits for key types of risks
Risk appetite in the context of Siddhartha Bank Limited is defined as the level and nature of risk that the bank
is willing to take for pursuing its mission on behalf of its shareholders, subject to constraints imposed by other
stakeholders, such as debt holders, regulators, and customers. It provides a framework for strategic decision
making for the Bank. The Bank sets out the aggregated level and risk types it accepts in order to achieve its
business objectives in the Risk Management Policy of the Bank. The Bank’s actual performance is reported
against approved risk profile and risk appetite, enabling senior management to monitor the risk profile and
guide business activity to balance risk and return. This reporting allows risks to be promptly identified and
mitigated, and drives a strong risk culture. The risk appetite is proposed by the management and reviewed
by the board level risk management committee. Responsibility for the approval of risk appetite rests with the
board of directors.
In conducting stress tests, the Bank gives special consideration to instruments or markets where concentrations
exist as such positions may be more difficult to liquidate or offset in stressful situations. The Bank considers
both historical market events as well as forward-looking scenarios and also considers worst case scenarios in
addition to more probable events. Adhoc scenarios are also prepared reflecting specific market conditions and
for particular concentrations of risk that arise within the businesses. For example, interest rate sensitivity is
measured in terms of exposure to a one basis point increase in yields, whereas foreign exchange, commodity
and equity sensitivities are measured in terms of the underlying values or amounts involved.
The stress testing methodology assumes that scope for management action would be limited during a stress
event, reflecting the decrease in market liquidity that often occurs. Stress scenarios are regularly updated
to reflect changes in risk profile and economic events. The ALCO has responsibility for reviewing stress
exposures and, where necessary, enforcing reductions in overall market risk exposure. Regular stress test
scenarios are applied to interest rates, credit spreads, exchange rates, commodity prices and equity prices.
This covers all asset classes in the financial markets, banking and trading books. Besides, the design and
results of such stress tests are discussed in ALCO meeting and ensure that appropriate contingency plans
are in place.
The Bank carries out stress testing in two broad areas based on general scenarios and specific scenarios which
are discussed below:
I. General Scenarios:
The Bank subjects its portfolios to a series of simulated stress scenarios. The Bank stresses its portfolios
with the hocks of the magnitude experienced elsewhere, even when the Bank has never been exposed
to those in the past.
The Bank has formulated stress testing framework where various historical scenarios have been
analysed. The Bank arries out stress testing in line with the stress testing framework on a regular basis
as prescribed by ALCO or NRB guidelines issued from time to time.
Stress test scenarios are continually reviewed and updated to respond to changes in positions and economic
events. The Finance Department assess the likely impact of interest rate movement and duration on existing
portfolio as well as on fresh investment and the same is discussed in the ALCO meeting along with each fresh
investment proposal.
Credit risk:
• Is measured as the amount which could be lost if a customer or counterparty fails to make repayments. In the
case of derivatives, the measurement of exposure takes into account the current mark to market value to the
Bank of the contract and the expected potential change in that value over time caused by movements in
market rates;
• Is monitored within limits, approved by individuals within a framework of delegated authorities. These limits
represent the peak exposure or loss to which the Bank could be subjected should the customer or counterparty
fail to perform its contractual obligations;
• Is managed through a robust risk control framework which outlines clear and consistent policies, principles and
guidance for credit risk management.
5.1.2.b. Credit Risk Management
The Bank has its own Credit Policy Guidelines to handle the Credit Risk Management philosophy that involves
a continual measurement of probability of default/loss; identification of possible risks and mitigations. The
provisions of Capital Adequacy Framework - 2015 are complied in line to line basis to overcome the Credit
Risk. In order to manage and eliminate the credit risk, the Bank has a practice of maintaining the best quality
assets in its book. The Bank’s Credit Policy elaborates detailed procedures for proper risk management. The
Bank has delegated credit approval limits to various officials to approve and sanction various amount of credit
request based on their individual expertise and risk judgement capability.
As a check and balance mechanism, each credit case requires dual approval. Regular monitoring of the credit
portfolio ensures that the Bank does not run the risk of concentration of portfolio in a particular business sector
or a single borrower. Similarly the Bank also exercises controlled investment policy with adequately equipped
resource looking after the investment decisions.
In the case of debt instruments, Bank assesses individually whether there is objective evidence of impairment
based on the same criteria as financial assets carried at amortized cost. However, the amount recorded for
impairment is the cumulative loss measured as the difference between the amortized cost and the current fair
value, less any impairment loss on that investment previously recognized in the Income Statement. Future
interest income is based on the reduced carrying amount and is accrued using the rate of interest used to
discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. If, in a subsequent period, the
fair value of a debt instrument increases and the increase can be objectively related to a credit event occurring
after the impairment loss was recognized, the impairment loss is reversed through the Income Statement.
In the case of equity investments classified as available for sale, objective evidence would also include a
‘significant’ or ‘prolonged’ decline in the fair value of the investment below its cost. Where there is evidence
of impairment, the cumulative loss measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current
fair value, less any impairment loss on that investment previously recognized in profit or loss is removed from
equity and recognized in the Statement of profit or loss. However, any subsequent increase in the fair value of
an impaired available for sale equity security is recognized in other comprehensive income.
Bank writes-off certain available for sale financial investments when they are determined to be uncollectible.
2. The Bank issued SBL Debenture 2076 in FY 2012/13 for Rs. 303 million with face value of Rs. 1000. As per NRB
Directives, 60% of the subordinated term debt has been amortized till this quarter. The salient features of SBL
Debenture 2076 are as follows:
Maturity period: 7 Years
Interest rate: 8% per annum
Interest Payment frequency: Half Yearly
Claim in case of liquidation: After depositors
Debenture Redemption Reserve shall be created to redeem the bond at maturity.
The debenture can be pledged with other banks and financial institution.
Listed with Nepal Stock Exchange.
3. The Bank also issued SBL Debenture 2078 in FY 2014/15 for Rs. 500 million with face value of Rs. 1000. As per NRB
Directives, 20% of the subordinated term debt has been amortized till this quarter. The salient features of SBL
Debenture 2078 are as follows:\
Maturity period: 7 Years
Interest rate: 7.50% per annum
Interest Payment frequency: Half Yearly
Claim in case of liquidation: After depositors
Debenture Redemption Reserve shall be created to redeem the bond at maturity.
The debenture can be pledged with other banks and financial institution.
Listed with Nepal Stock Exchange.
Rs. in ‘000
Particulars Amount
Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 99,205,866
Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 4,029,651
Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 61,346
Adjustments under Pillar II:
Add: 4% of Gross income of last FY due to supervisor is not satisfied with sound practice of 1,372,590
management of operational risk (6.4 a 7)
Add: 4% of the total RWE due to supervisor is not satisfied with the overall risk management 4,131,875
policies and procedures of the bank (6.4 a 9)
Total Risk Weighted Exposure (After Pillar II Adjustment) 108,801,328
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss have two sub-categories:
• Financial asset that is designated on initial recognition as one to be measured at fair value with fair value
changes in profit or loss.
• Held for trading
Financial Liabilities
NAS 39 recognizes two classes of financial liabilities:
• Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
• Other financial liabilities measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method
The category of financial liability at fair value through profit or loss has two sub-categories:
• Financial liability that is designated by the entity as a liability at fair value through profit or loss upon initial
• Held for trading
b. Types of products and services from which each reportable segment derives its revenues
(a) Remittance Services
1 Remittance fees and commission
2 IBT Interest Income
3 Forex Income
4 Other fees and commission
(b) Card Business
1 Interchange Income (VISA/CUP/NEPS)
2 Credit Card
3 Debit Card
4 Prepaid Card
5 ATM Fees
6 Merchant Settlement Fees and commission
In Rs.
Payment Micro-
Particulars Remittance Treasury Banking Total
Solutions banking
(a) Revenues from 161,716,213 48,414,309 677,930,669 - 6,646,245,467 7,534,306,658
external customers
(b) Intersegment - 7,859,656 - - 2,273,998,660 2,281,858,316
(c) Net Revenue 161,716,213 56,273,965 677,930,669 - 8,920,244,127 9,816,164,974
(d) Interest revenue 11,604,627 7,859,656 393,783,604 - 8,493,913,151 8,907,161,038
(e) Interest expense (1,550,361) (1,845,683) (208,111,110) - (6,068,516,601) (6,280,023,754)
(f) Net interest 10,054,266 6,013,973 185,672,494 - 2,425,396,551 2,627,137,284
(g) Depreciation and (2,740,910) (1,131,334) (196,829) - (88,886,839) (92,955,912)
(h) Segment profit / 58,188,381 3,263,278 460,160,410 - 1,459,357,641 1,980,969,710
(i) Entity's interest - - - - - -
in the profit or
loss of associates
accounted for using
equity method
(j) Other material non- - - - - - -
cash items
(k) Impairment of 1,095,768 - - - (121,188,556) (120,092,789)
(l) Segment assets 178,012,150 110,999,872 1,790,235,086 - 89,506,855,783 91,586,102,891
(m) Segment liabilities (119,823,768) (107,736,593) (1,362,663,161) - (89,995,879,368) (91,586,102,891)
4. Reconciliations
(a) Revenue
In Rs.
2074-75 2073-74
Total revenues for reportable segments 15,253,627,065 9,816,164,974
Other revenues - -
Elimination of intersegment revenues (3,849,342,473) (2,281,858,316)
Entity’s revenues 11,404,284,592 7,534,306,658
(c) Assets
In Rs.
2074-75 2073-74
Total assets for reportable segments 119,869,218,564 91,586,102,891
Other assets - -
Unallocated amounts - -
Entity’s assets 119,869,218,564 91,586,102,891
(d) Liabilities
In Rs.
2074-75 2073-74
Total liabilities for reportable segments 119,869,218,564 91,586,102,891
Other liabilities - -
Unallocated liabilities - -
Entity’s liabilities 119,869,218,564 91,586,102,891
Other contingent liabilities primarily include revocable letters of credit, bonds issued on behalf of customers to
customs, for bids or offers and income tax litigations.
Where the Bank has confirmed its intention to provide funds to a customer or on behalf of a customer in the form
of loans, overdrafts, future guarantees, whether cancellable or not, or letters of credit and the Bank has not made
payments at the reporting date, those instruments are included in these financial statement as commitments.
Please refer Note No. 4.28 (including Note No. 4.28.1- 4.28.5) for detail of contingent liabilities and commitments
as at Asadh 32, 2075 and Asadh 31, 2074.
Banking transactions with the related parties are executed substantially on the same terms, including mark-up
rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with unrelated parties and do not
involve more than a normal risk.
a) Subsidiary
Transactions between the Bank and its subsidiary, Siddhartha Capital Limited, meet the definition of related party
as defined under NAS-24 “Related Party Disclosures”.
Transactions during the year 2074-75 (Rs.) 2073-74 (Rs.) 2072-73 (Rs.)
Call Deposits held by Siddhartha Capital Limited at Siddhartha Bank 334,201,139.16 978,070,000.00 31,950,000.00
Interest earned by Siddhartha Capital Ltd. on deposits held at 32,924,927.89 24,210,000.00 11,480,000.00
Siddhartha Bank Ltd.
Share RTS fee earned by Siddhartha Capital Ltd 783,664.00 - -
All of the transactions mentioned above, except for the investments made and sum received from any of the mutual funds
managed by Siddhartha Capital Limited, have been eliminated upon consolidation.
b) Associates
Transactions between the Bank and its associates also meet the definition of related parties. The Bank considers
an investee as its associate if the Bank can exercise significant influence in the financial and operating policy
decisions of the investee but does not have control or joint control of those policies.
The Bank does not exercise significant influence in the financial and operating policy decisions of any of its
investees as at and Asadh 32, 2075 and Asadh 31, 2074.
The Bank has appointed its employee as a director in case of following investees but do not exercise significant
influence in their financial and operating policy decisions:
As per Nepal Financial Reporting Standard (NAS 24) “Related Party Disclosures”, Key Management Personnel
are those having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity. The
Bank considers the members of its Board, Chief Executive Officer and all managerial level executives as Key
Management Personnel (KMP) of the Bank.
Following is a list of Board of Directors and CEO bearing office at Asadh 32, 2075.
Mr. Manoj Kumar Kedia Chairman
Mr. Narendra Kumar Agrawal Director
Mr. Birendra Kumar Shah Director
Mr. Dinesh Shanker Palikhe Director
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Kedia Director
Mr. Shambhu Nath Gautam Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Shambhu Nath Gautam has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer on 9 August 2017.
These allowances and benefits are approved by the Annual General Meeting of the Bank.
Since the merger had been effected before 17 July, 2016 (i.e. the date of transition to NFRSs), the Bank has chosen to
avail exemption for the said business combination as mentioned in Appendix C, NFRS-1 “First Time Adoption of Nepal
Financial Reporting Standards”. The Bank has accordingly not restated:
• previous mergers or goodwill written-off from reserves
• the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities recognized at the date of acquisition or merger
• goodwill, if any, initially determined
Apart from the merger mentioned above, the Bank has not entered into any merger or acquisition activity.
The Bank has already disclosed its interests in subsidiaries and associates in 5.7. Related parties’ disclosures. The Bank
does not have any interest in any form of joint arrangements or unconsolidated structured entities as on Asadh 32, 2075
as well as Asadh 31, 2074.
The Bank follows NAS-10 “Events after the Reporting Period” to account for and report the events that have occurred after
the reporting period.
Adjusting events after reporting period
The Bank has charged additional loan loss provision of Rs. 68,246,588.74 to its Statement of Profit or Loss as the
borrowers viz. Scientific Technology Pvt. Ltd., Skytech Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. and Narayani Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
and were blacklisted on 09th Ashwin 2075, 10th Ashiwn 2075 and 12th Ashwin 2075 respectively which the Bank
has recognised as events occurring after the reporting period.
In accordance with Nepal Accounting Standard - NAS 10 (Events after the Reporting Period), above proposed
cash dividend has not been recognised as a liability as at the year end. The Bank will recognize the same as its
liability once the dividend is approved by shareholders.
Above proposed bonus shares has also not been recognized in the share capital. The Bank will recognize the
same as share capital once the proposed bonus shares is approved by shareholders.
Explanatory Notes
As per the Accounting Policy of the Bank, the Bank is required to revalue its financial assets classified as Held for Trading and
Available for Sale to the fair value prevailing at the year end date. In line with this, the Bank has revalued the financial assets
classifed as Held for Trading and Available for sale and recognised the cumulative difference (net of deferred tax) of acquisition cost
of the financial assets and prevailing fair value in following manner:
1. Financial assets classified as Held for Trading: change in fair value is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss which
impacts equity through Regulatory Reserve of the Bank
2 Financial assets classified as Available for Sale: change in fair value is recognised in Statement of Other Comprehensive
Income which impacts equity through Fair Value Reserve of the Bank
Particulars As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Financial Assets-Held for Trading
Acquisition Cost 24,674,134 40,584,799
Fair Value at year end 29,757,920 40,991,188.00
Difference [Profit/(Loss)] 5,083,786 406,389
Change in Equity [A] 5,083,786 406,389
Financial Assets- Available for Sale
Acquisition Cost 400,885,969 558,465,481
Fair Value at year end 1,740,416,405 1,892,900,083
Difference [Profit/(Loss)] 1,339,530,436 1,334,434,602
Deferred Tax Liability Created @ 30% 401,859,131 400,330,381
Change in Equity [B] 937,671,305 934,104,221
Reversal of Provision created for 925,215 23,674,630
Investments as per NRB Directive No. 4 [C]
Total impact on Equity [A + B +C] 943,680,305 958,185,240
The change is due to de-recognition of provision for Non Banking Assets created as per previous GAAP. The amount is arrived at
as follows:
As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Provision for Investment properties 154,637,535 154,637,535
created as per previous GAAP
Total impact on Equity 154,637,535 154,637,535
The change is due to de-recognition of Deferred Tax Asset as per previous GAAP and recognition of Deferred Tax Liability as per
NFRS. The amount is arrived at as follows:
As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Deferred Tax Asset as per previous GAAP 46,948,715 60,205,929
Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) as per NFRS (Except for Deferred tax (26,359,972) (12,265,667)
on actuarial loss, fair value of AFS and Investment property)
Difference recognised in Equity (73,308,688) (72,471,596)
Total impact on Equity (73,308,688) (72,471,596)
The change is due to recognition of defined benefit obligation as per the acturial valuation carried out at the end of each year. The
amount is arrived at as follows:
As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Total Defined Benefit Obligation recognised as per previous GAAP 117,074,576 162,949,384
Total Defined Benefit Obligation recognised as per Acturial Valuation (160,001,569) (215,658,768)
Less: Deferred tax on acturial loss recognised through OCI 5,597,235 18,791,315
Difference recognised in Equity (37,329,758) (33,918,069)
Total impact on Equity (37,329,758) (33,918,069)
The change is due to recognition of interest income on accrual basis. To give effect to accrual basis of accounting, the balance
remaining in Interest Suspense A/c is transferred to Regulatory Reserve at year end.
As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Interest Suspense recognised as per previous GAAP 268,631,836 231,643,655
Recognised in Equity 268,631,836 231,643,655
Total impact on Equity 268,631,836 231,643,655
Explanatory Notes
Particulars Opening
Effect of NFRSs Amount
Previous Previous Effect of
Transition statement of as per
GAAP " GAAP Transition
to NFRSs Financial NFRSs
to NFRSs
Cash and
cash 3,378,239,325 - 3,378,239,325 3,879,880,443 - 3,879,880,443
Due from
Nepal Rastra 3,847,268,039 - 3,847,268,039 6,672,330,906 - 6,672,330,906
with Bank
and 744,730,397 - 744,730,397 567,325,000 - 567,325,000
financial 24,141,960 - 24,141,960 28,637,239 - 28,637,239
Other trading
a 24,674,134 5,083,786 29,757,920 40,584,799 406,389 40,991,188
Loan and
advances to 1,476,505,000 - 1,476,505,000 2,419,043,662 - 2,419,043,662
Loans and
advances to b 54,490,174,459 258,784,461 54,748,958,920 64,436,428,081 214,731,358 64,651,159,439
c 9,002,202,406 1,340,455,650 10,342,658,056 10,613,187,122 1,358,109,232 11,971,296,354
Current tax
83,527,836 - 83,527,836 58,671,994 - 58,671,994
in 51,000,000 - 51,000,000 51,000,000 - 51,000,000
- - - - - -
in associates
d - 154,637,535 154,637,535 - 154,637,535 154,637,535
Property and
618,825,074 - 618,825,074 718,726,424 - 718,726,424
Goodwill and
Intangible 3,090,526 - 3,090,526 12,661,339 - 12,661,339
Deferred tax
e 46,948,715 (46,948,715) - 60,205,929 (60,205,929) -
Other assets f 611,759,953 9,847,375 621,607,328 342,829,071 16,912,296 359,741,367
Total Assets 74,403,087,827 1,721,860,092 76,124,947,919 89,901,512,009 1,684,590,882 91,586,102,891
Due to Bank
and Financial 8,011,651,778 - 8,011,651,778 5,901,743,130 (0) 5,901,743,130
Explanatory Notes
Note-a: Other trading assets
As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Net Change 5,083,786 406,389
Other trading assets has increased due to fair value recognition of Financial Assets classified as Held for Trading.
Investment property is increased due to de-recognition of Provision for Non Banking Asset created as per previous GAAP.
The same used to be deducted from the balance of Investment Property as per previous GAAP.
Deferred tax assets is derecognised as Deferred Tax Liability is created as per NFRS.
Deferred tax assets is derecognised and Deferred Tax Liability is created as per NFRS.
Other liabilities has increased due to recognition of Defined Benefit Obligation as per Acturial Valuation.
Share Capital has decreased due to reclass of proposed bonus shares from share capital to retained earnings.
Share Premium has increased due to reclass of share premium used for issuing bonus shares from retained earnings to Share
Note-l: Reserves
As at 01.04.2073 As at 31.03.2074
Net Change 877,662,375 830,051,892
5.11.4. Effect of NFRSs adoption for statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
For the year ended 31.03.2074
Explanatory Notes
Net trading income is decreased due to Fair Valuation of Financial Assets classified as Held for Trading
Impairment charge for loans and other losses is decreased due to de-recognition of provision created for downward movement in
Financial Assets.
Deferred Tax Income is increased due to recognition of Deferred Tax Asset/Liability as per NFRS and de-recognition of Deferred Tax
Asset/Liability as per previous GAAP.
Statement of Other Comprehensive Income was not required to be prepared under previous GAAP. The same needs to be prepared
under NFRS only. The effect of following items are included in other comprehensive income:
Amount (Rs.)
Losses from investments in equity instruments mea- (5,095,834)
sured at fair value
Actuarial losses on defined benefit plans (43,980,266)
Income tax relating to above items 14,722,830
Total (34,353,270)
Explanatory Notes
The changes are due to re-grouping and reclassification of certain items while preparing Cash Flow Statement under NFRS.
a) Carve-Out: 2 - NAS 17: Lease (Operating lease in the financial statements of Lessees)
b) Carve-Out: 5 - NAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Incurred Loss Model to measure the
Impairment Loss on Loan and Advances)
c) Carve-Out: 6 - NAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Impracticability to determine transaction
cost of all previous years which is the part of effective interest rate)
d) Carve-Out: 7 - NAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Impracticability to determine interest
income on amortized cost)
a) Carve-Out : 2 - NAS 17: Lease (Operating lease in the financial statements of Lessees)
As per NAS-17, lease payments under an operating lease shall be recognised as an expense on a straight line basis over
the lease term unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of the user’s benefit.
The Carve-out allows lessees to recognize lease payments as an expense on a straight line basis over the term unless
i. Another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of the user’s benefit even if the
payments to the lessors are not on that basis; or
ii. The payments to the lessor are structured to increase in line with expected general inflation to compensate
for the lessor’s expected inflationary cost increases. If payments to the lessor vary because of factors
other than general inflation, then this condition is not met.
The Bank has availed Carve-out mentioned in Pt. a(i) mentioned above and has amortised lease payments over the period
of 120 months.
b) Carve-Out : 5 - NAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Incurred Loss Model to
measure the Impairment Loss on Loan and Advances)
As per NAS-39, an entity shall assess at the end of each reporting period whether there is any objective evidence that a
financial asset or group of financial assets measured at amortised cost is impaired. If any such evidence exists, the entity
shall apply paragraph 63 to determine the amount of any impairment loss.
The Carve-out requires Banks to measure impairment loss on loans and advances as the higher amount derived as per
norms prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank for loan loss provision and amount determined as per paragraph 63 of NAS-
39; and shall apply paragraph 63 to measure the impairment loss on financial assets and other assets other than loan
and advances. The Bank shall disclose the impairment loss as per the Carve-out and the amount of impairment loss
determined as per paragraph 63.
The Bank has availed the Carve-out and has accordingly recognised impairment loss on loans and advances as the higher
amount derived as per norms prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank for loan loss provision and amount determined as per
paragraph 63 of NAS-39. The detail of impairment loss on loans and advances are as follows:
Amount (Rs.)
Particulars 2072/73 2073/74 2074/75
Total Loan loss provision as per norms prescribed by Ne- 1,156,823,606 1,276,916,395 1,507,311,584
pal Rastra Bank (NRB Directive No. 2)
Total Impairment as per paragraph 63 of NAS 39 47,148,582 312,077,752 333,570,238
As, Loan loss provision as per norms prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank is higher in all 3 years, impairment loss on loans
and advances is made accordingly.
The Bank has classified total loan loss provision mentioned above into 2 categories viz. Individual Impairment and
Collective Impairment. The Bank has classified general loan loss provision as Collective Impairment and specific loan loss
provision as Individual Impairment.
c) Carve-out : 6- NAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Impracticability to determine
transaction cost of all previous years which is the part of effective interest rate)
As per NAS-39, an entity shall estimate cash flows considering all contractual terms of the financial instrument (for example,
prepayment, call and similar options) but shall not consider future credit losses while calculating the effective interest rate.
The calculation includes all fees and points paid or received between parties to the contract that are an integral part of the
effective interest rate (see NAS 18 – Revenue)
d) Carve-Out : 7 - NAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Impracticability to determine
interest income on amortized cost)
As per NAS-39, once a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has been written down as a result of an
impairment loss, interest income is thereafter recognised using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows
for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.
The Carve-out states that once a financial asset or group of similar financial assets has been written down as a result of an
impairment loss, interest income is thereafter recognised using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows
for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. Interest income shall be calculated by applying effective interest rate to
the gross carrying amount of a financial asset unless the financial asset is written off either partially or fully.
The Bank has availed this Carve-out and has calculated interest income on gross carrying amount of financial assets rather
than calculating the interest income on amortized cost.
b) CSR Fund
As per NRB circular, the Bank has to transfer 1% of current year’s profit to CSR fund. The Bank has transferred Rs
19,040,615 to CSR Fund from net profit of FY 074/75. As of Balance Sheet date, the Bank’s CSR fund stands at Rs
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Opening balance as on 1st Shrawan 2074 (A) 13,861,755
1% of Net profit for FY 2074/75 to be transferred to CSR Fund (B) 19,040,615
CSR expenses incurred out of CSR Fund in FY 2074-75 (C) 1,100,000
Closing balance as on 32nd Asadh 2075 (A+B-C) 31,802,370
5.18. Summary of Loans and Advances Disbursed, Recovered and Principal & Interest Written-off (except for Staff
Loans and advances)
The summary of loan and advances disbursed, recovered and written off during the year is given below:
Particulars Amount (Rs. in million)
Opening Loans and Advances 67,263.28
Loans and Advances disbursed during the year 32,312.43
Loans and Advances recovered during the year 13,399.39
Loans and Advances written off during the year -
Closing Loans and Advances 86,176.32
Interest written off -
During FY 2074-75, the Bank had assumed NBA amounting to Rs. 19,325,996 on Poush 21, 2074 which belonged to Shivani Air
Limited.The Bank subsequently sold the NBA on Falgun 10, 2074 at Rs. 31,111,111 to Bharatpur Garden Resort (Hotel) Pvt. Ltd.
realizing a profit of Rs. 11,785,114.77.
as of FY 2074/2075
Statement of Financial Position As per unaudited As per Audited Variance
Financial Financial Reasons for Variance
Assets In amount In %
Statement Statement
Cash and cash equivalent 3,996,595 4,453,213 456,618 11.43 Variance is due to re-grouping and reclassifi-
Due from NRB and placements with BFIs 6,914,465 6,454,927 (459,538) (6.65) Variance is due to re-grouping and reclassifi-
Loan and advances 86,133,315 86,077,254 (56,061) (0.07) Variance is due to change in impairment provision
Investments Securities 20,251,611 18,592,942 (1,658,669) (8.19) Variance is due to change in fair valuation of
Financial Assets- Held for Trading and Finan-
cial Assets- Available for Sale
Investment in subsidiaris and associates 51,000 51,000 - -
Goodwill and intangible assets 12,089 12,089 - -
Other assets 3,654,467 4,227,793 573,326 15.69 Variance is due to re-grouping and reclassification
Total Assets 121,013,543 119,869,219 (1,144,324) (0.95)
Capital and Liabilities
Paid up Capital 8,464,385 8,464,385 - -
Reserves and surplus 5,850,903 5,238,443 (612,460) (10.47) "Variance is due to cumulative effect of follow-
ing items:
1. change in fair valuation of Financial Assets-
Held for Trading and Financial Assets- Avail-
able for Sale
2. Change in Deferred Tax Liabilities
3. Creation of Defined Benefit Obligation as
per Acturial Valuation
4. Recognition of Interest income on accrual
basis of accounitng
5. Reversal of Deferred Tax Reserve created
for Deferred Tax Asset as per erstwhile NRB
6. Reversal of Investment Adjustment Reserve
created @ 2%
Deposits 101,748,243 101,748,243 - -
Borrowings 972,289 - (972,289) (100.00) Variance is due to re-grouping and reclassifi-
Bond and Debenture 1,256,763 1,203,520 (53,243) (4.24) Variance is due to reclassification of interest
payable on debentures
Other liabilities and provisions 2,720,959 3,214,627 493,668 18.14 "Variance is due to following reasons:
1. Creation of Defined Benefit Obligation as
per Actuarial valuation
2. Change in Deferred Tax Liabilities
3. Change in Provision for Staff bonus
4. Re-grouping and reclassification"
Total Capital and Liabilities 121,013,543 119,869,219 (1,144,324) (0.95)
Distributable Profit
Net profit/(loss) as per profit or loss 2,459,731 1,904,062 (555,670) (22.59)
Add/Less: Regulatory adjustment as per NRB Directive (604,931) (183,614) 421,317 (69.65)
Free profit/(loss) after regulatory adjustments 1,854,800 1,720,447 (134,353) (7.24)
Unaudited Financial Results (Quarterly)
4th Quarter ended of Fiscal Year 2074/2075
In Rs.
Statement of Financial Corrosponding Previous
This Quarter Ending Previous Quarter Ending
Position Quarter Ending
Cash and cash equivalent 3,996,595 3,887,107 3,880,242
Due from NRB and place- 6,914,465 5,807,511 7,592,286
ments with BFIs
Loan and advances 86,133,315 81,512,234 67,137,262
Investments Securities 20,251,611 13,521,829 11,893,113
Investment in subsidiaris and 51,000 51,000 51,000
Goodwill and intangible assets 12,089 21,524 12,661
Other assets 3,654,467 2,689,508 2,003,109
Total Assets 121,013,543 107,490,712 92,569,672
Capital and Liabilities
Paid up Capital 8,464,385.28 8,012,171 6,628,879
Reserves and surplus 5850903.042 4,961,562 4,954,806
Deposits 101,748,243 90,401,940 77,400,099
Borrowings 972,289.42 859,894 505,714
Bond and Debenture 1,256,763.08 1,230,343 1,256,679
Other liabilities and provisions 2,720,958.83 2,024,802 1,823,496
Total Capital and Liabilities 121,013,543 107,490,712 92,569,672
Up to Corrosponding Previ-
Statement of Profit or Loss Up to this Quarter Up to Previous Quarter
ous Year Quarter
Interest income 10,134,590 6,873,823 6,625,303
Interest expense (6,620,744) (4,690,208) (3,998,165)
Net interest income 3,513,846 2,183,614 2,627,137
Fee and commission income 839,230 585,642 502,209
Fee and commission expense (103,924) (71,070) (100,643)
Net fee and commission 735,306 514,572 401,566
Other operating income 403,140 324,959 337,488
Total operaing income 4,652,291 3,023,145 3,366,192
Impairment charge/(reversal) 361,578 229,404 405,018
for loans and other losses
Net operating income 5,013,869 3,252,549 3,771,210
Personnel expenses (1,126,154) (741,021) (853,911)
Other operating expenses (633,070) (436,033) (497,417)
Operating profit 3,254,645 2,075,495 2,419,882
Non operating income/ex- - - -
Profit before tax 3,254,645 2,075,495 2,419,882
Income tax (794,914) (525,338) (369,971)
Profit /(loss) for the period 2,459,731 1,550,157 2,049,911
Other comprehensive income (497,452) (601,255) 159,877
Total comprehensive income 1,962,279 948,901 2,209,789
Capital fund to RWA 12.43% 12.30% 13.16%
Non performing loan (NPL) to toal loan (As per NRB Directive) 1.05% 1.31% 1.15%
Total loan loss provision to Total NPL (As per NRB Directive) 155.53% 130.82% 155.40%
Cost of Funds 7.63% 7.49% 5.40%
Credit to Deposit Ratio ( As per NRB Directive) 74.23% 78.10% 76.71%
Base Rate 11.16% 11.30% 10.38%
Basic Earning Per Share 29.06 25.80 30.92
Diluted Earning Per Share 34.16 30.50 38.88
Segment Reporting:
The Bank has identified the key segments of business on the basis of nature of operations that assist the Executive Committee of
the bank in decision making process and to allocate the resources. It will help the management to assess the performance of the
business segments that has been identified as below. The business segments identified are Banking (including loans, deposits and
trade operations), Payment Solutions(Cards), Remittance, Treasury and Micro Banking. All operations between the segments are
conducted on pre-determined transfer price. Treasury Department acts as the fund manager of the Bank.
Rs. In '000
Payment Micro
Particulars Banking Remittance Treasury Total
Solution(Cards) Banking
Segment Assets 109,043,918 232,965 232,182 11,463,984 40,494 121,013,543
Segment Liabilities 109,043,918 232,965 232,182 11,463,984 40,494 121,013,543
Interest Income 9,511,686 15,995 - 543,977 62,933 10,134,590
Interest Expense 6,583,477 27 4,338 32,902 - 6,620,744
Net Interest Income 2,928,209 15,968 (4,338) 511,075 62,933 3,513,846
Fees and Commission Income 550,450 180,497 29,631 50,694 27,959 839,230
Fees and Commission Expense 3,247 82,400 16,445 1,416 417 103,924
Net Fees and Commission 547,202 98,097 13,186 49,278 27,542 735,306
Net Interest, Fees and 3,475,411 114,065 8,847 560,353 90,475 4,249,152
Commission Income
Other Operating Income 85,286 4,602 11,209 296,265 5,778 403,140
Total Operating Income 3,560,697 118,667 20,057 856,618 96,253 4,652,291
Impairment Charge/(Reversal) (359,349) 2,336 - - (4,565) (361,578)
for Loans and Other Losses
Net Operating Income 3,920,046 116,331 20,057 856,618 100,817 5,013,869
Operating Expenses
Personnel Expenses 1,025,650 23,621 7,898 51,091 17,893 1,126,154
Other Operating Expenses 580,830 23,247 6,427 20,146 2,420 633,070
Operating Profit 2,313,567 69,463 5,731 785,380 80,504 3,254,645
Non Operating Income/ - - - - - -
Profit Before Income Tax 2,313,567 69,463 5,731 785,380 80,504 3,254,645
Income Tax Expense 625,171 19,705 1,729 140,517 7,792 794,914
Profit for the period 1,688,396 49,757 4,002 644,863 72,712 2,459,731
-s_ n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf s'g} s}lkmot pNn]v ePsf] eP ;f] pk/ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|lts[of
o; ;DaGwL ljj/0f n]vf ;DaGwL l6Kk0fLdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
-v_ nfef+z afF8kmfF8 ug{ l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] /sd
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] :jLs[lt kZrft cf=j @)&$÷&% sf] nflu z]o/wgLx?nfO{ a}+ssf] xfnsf] r'Qmf k"FhL ?= *,$^,$#,*%,@&^÷– sf]
% k|ltzt cyf{t ?= $@,#@,!(,@^$÷– -aofnL; s/f]8 alQ; nfv pGgfO; xhf/ b'O{ ;o rf}+;¶L ?k}+of_ a/fa/sf] af]g;
z]o/ tyf *=!^ k|ltzt cyf{t ?= ^(,)^,(#,*#*÷– -pgfG;Q/L s/f]8 5 nfv lt/fGgAa] xhf/ cf7 ;o c7\tL; ?k}+of_
a/fa/sf] gub nfef+z -af]g; z]o/ tyf gub nfef+zsf] s/ k|of]hgsf nflu ;d]t_ k|bfg ug{ l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] 5 .
-u_ z]o/ hkmt ePsf] eP hkmt ePsf] z]o/ ;+Vof, To:tf] z]o/sf] cl°t d"No, To:tf] z]o/ hkmt x'g'eGbf cufj} ;f] afkt
sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] hDdf /sd / To:tf] z]o/ hkmt ePkl5 ;f] z]o/ laqmL u/L sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] /sd tyf hkmt ePsf]
z]o/afkt /sd lkmtf{ u/]sf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f M
a}+sn] xfn;Dd s'g} z]o/ hkmt u/]sf] 5}g .
-3_ ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgL / o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLsf] sf/f]af/sf] k|ult / ;f] cfly{s jif{sf] cGtdf /x]sf] l:yltsf]
k'g/fjnf]sg M
o; ;DaGwdf dfyL k|ltj]bgdf lj:t[t?kdf 5'§} pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
-ª_ sDkgL tyf To;sf] ;xfos sDkgLn] cfly{s jif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] k|d'v sf/f]af/x? / ;f] cjlwdf sDkgLsf] sf/f]af/df
cfPsf] s'g} dxTjk"0f{ kl/jt{g M
;dLIff jif{df a}+sn] lgoldt a}+lsË sf/f]af/x? ul//x]sf] 5 . To:t} a}+ssf] ;xfos sDkgLn] ;d]t cfˆgf] Joj;fosf] k|s[lt
cg'?k g} lgoldt sf/f]af/x? ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf s'g} dxTjk'0f{ kl/jt{g gePsf] .
-r_ ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgLsf] cfwf/e"t z]o/wgLx?n] sDkgLnfO{ pknAw u/fPsf] hfgsf/L
ljut cfly{s jif{df s'g} o:tf] hfgsf/L a}+snfO{ k|fKt ePsf] 5}g .
-5_ ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgLsf ;~rfns tyf kbflwsf/Lx?n] lnPsf] z]o/sf] :jfldTjsf] ljj/0f / sDkgLsf] z]o/
sf/f]af/df lghx? ;+nUg /x]sf] eP ;f] ;DaGwdf lghx?af6 sDkgLn] k|fKt u/]sf] hfgsf/L
ljut cfly{s jif{df o:tf] hfgsf/L a}+snfO{ k|fKt ePsf] 5}g .
-h_ ljut cfly{s jif{df sDkgL;Fu ;DalGwt ;Demf}tfx?df s'g} ;~rfns tyf lghsf] glhssf] gft]bf/sf] JolQmut :jfy{sf]
af/]df pknAw u/fOPsf] hfgsf/Lsf] Joxf]/f
ljut cfly{s jif{df o:tf] s'g}] hfgsf/L a}+snfO{ k|fKt ePsf] 5}g .
-em_ sDkgLn] cfˆgf] z]o/ cfkm}n] vl/b u/]sf] eP To;/L cfˆgf] z]o/ vl/b ug'{sf] sf/0f, To:tf] z]o/sf] ;+Vof / cl°t
d"No tyf To;/L z]o/ vl/b u/]afkt sDkgLn] e'QmfgL u/]sf] /sd
a}+sn] xfn;Dd cfkm\gf] z]o/ cfkm}+ vl/b u/]sf] 5}g .
-`_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL eP jf gePsf] / ePsf] eP ;f]sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f
o; ;DaGwdf dfly k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
-6_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] gfdfjnL, lghx?n] k|fKt u/]sf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwf, ;f] ;ldltn] u/]sf] sfd
sf/afxLsf] ljj/0f / ;f] ;ldltn] s'g} ;'emfj lbPsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f
o; a}+sn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zg / k|rlnt sfg"gsf] k|fjwfg cg'?k ;~rfns ;ldltn] u}/sfo{sf/L ;~rfnssf]
;+of]hsTjdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt -Audit Committee_ sf] u7g u/]sf] 5 . o; ;ldltsf] d'Vo p2]Zo a}+ssf] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f
k|0ffnLsf] d"NofÍg, n]vfk/LIf0f k|s[ofsf] d"NofÍg, cfly{s k|ltj]bgsf] / cfly{s ljj/0f ;Dk|]if0fsf] ;'kl/j]If0f u/L a}+ssf]
cfly{s ljj/0fx? ;xL / kof{Kt /x]sf], a}+ssf ;Dk"0f{ ljefux?n] cfGtl/s k|s[of, gLlt lgodx?sf] kl/kfngf u/]÷gu/]sf]
af/] ;'lglZrt ug]{ /x]sf] 5 . o;sf clt/LQm ;ldltn] afXo n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgsf] klg ;dLIff u/L ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{
;'wf/sf nflu k|:tfj k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . cf=j= @)&$÷)&% df ;ldltsf] hDdf & j6f a}7s a;]sf] lyof] h;sf] ljj/0f lgDg
cg';f/ /x]sf] 5 M
sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf k|aGwsx?nfO{ cf= j= @)&$÷&% df e'Qmfg ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwfsf] ljj/0fM
l;=g+ ljj/0f e'Qmfg ul/Psf] /sd ?=
! k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t (Chief Executive Officer) !$,$#!,@)%.^#
@ gfoj k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) *,@$!,#&^.^#
# ;xfos k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t (Assistant Chief Executive Officer) ^,&@&,!(*.!)
$ jl/i7 pk dxfk|aGws (Senior Deputy General Manager) ^,)!(,(%).%#
% ;xfos dxfk|aGwsx? (Assistant General Managers) !@,$#^,(#%.^&
^ jl/i7 k|aGwsx? (Senior Managers) %,&$^,(!*.(#
& k|aGwsx? (Managers) @@,*(@,$(#.!#
* pk k|aGwsx? (Deputy Managers) !$,&)%,$*$.#!
( ;xfos k|aGwsx? (Assistant Managers) $$,)$*,$(&.&)
-0f_ z]o/wgLx?n] a'lemlng afFsL /x]sf] nfef+zsf] /sd M
o; a}+sn] cf=j= @)^^÷^&, @)^&÷^*, @)^*÷^(, @)^(÷&) / @)&)÷&! df 3f]if0ff u/]sf] gub nfef+z dWo] ;dLIff cjlw;Dd
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?n] ?=!,(!,*&,)($.#! e'QmfgL lng afFsL /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} laut % aif{eGbf a9L cjlwb]lv nfef+z
glng'ePsf z]o/wgLx?sf] ljj/0f a}+ssf] j]e;fO6df /flvPsf] 5 .
-t_ bkmf !$! adf]lhd ;DklQ vl/b jf laqmL u/]sf] s'/fsf] ljj/0f M
ljut cf=j=df a}+sn] sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !$! adf]lhd ;DklQ vl/b jf laqmL u/]sf] 5}g .
!= n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ul/Psf s}lkmotx? ;'wf/ ug{ tyf To:tf s}lkmotx? bf]xf]l/g glbgsf] nflu a}+sn] cfjZos sfo{ ub}{ hfg]5 .
@= g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 hf/L ul/Psf] Plss[t lgb]{zg g+= !) sf] a'Fbf g+= & df pNn]lvt Joj:yf eGbf a9L x'g] u/L o; a}+sdf ;+:yfks z]o/ wf/0f ug]{
;+:yfks z]o/wgLx? gePsf] Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpFb5f}+ .
bkmf %-!_ sf] v08 -u_ M bkmf %-!_ sf] v08 -u_ M a}+sn] % k|ltzt af]gz z]o/ k|bfg ug]{
a}+ssf] r'Qmf k'FhL ?= *,$^,$#,*%,@&@÷– a}+ssf] r'Qmf k'FhL ?= *,**,&^,)$,%#^÷– lg0f{o adf]lhd r'Qmfk'FhL j[l4 ug'{ kg]{
-cf7 cj{ 5ofnL; s/f]8 qLrfnL; nfv -cf7 ca{ c7f;L s/f]8 5}xQ/ nfv rf/ ePsf]n] .
krf;L xhf/ b'O{ ;o axQ/ ?k}+of_ xhf/ kfFr ;o 5QL; ?k}+of_ x'g]5 .
x'g]5 .
@_ a}+sn] cfjf;sf] nfuL kfFrtf/] xf]6nsf] @_ b]xfodf pNn]v u/] adf]lhd xf]6n tyf
vr{ tyf w'nfO{ vr{ -n08«L_ jfkt e|d0f b}lgs e|d0f eQf
ug]{ If]q x]/L oyf;Dej lgDg l;df ;Ddsf]
/sd pknAw u/fpg] . ;fy} a}+sn] vfgsf]
nfuL k|bfg ug]{ /sd jfkt e|d0f If]q
x]/]/ lgDg tflnsfsf pNn]lvt b/n]
b}lgs eQf lbO{g] 5 .
qm= If]q xf]6n b}lgs eQf qm= If]q
7fFp 7fFp xf]6n vr{ e|d0f eQf
;+ x? vr{ tyf vr{ ;+ x?
tyf vr{
!= If]q cd]l/sf, a]nfot, hfkfg USD $ @%) USD $ !%) != If]q g]kfn / ef/t Jff:tljs Vfr{ jf USD $ @))
g+ ! g+ ! afx]s cGo USD $%)) dWo]
@= If]q If]q g+ ! tyf ;fs{sf ;b:o USD $@)) USD $!%) b]zx? Go'gtd /sd
g+ @ b]zx? afx]s cGo ;a}
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#= If]q g]kfn / ef/t jfx]s USD $@)) USD $!@) g+ @ ef= ?= !%,))) dWo]
g+ # ;fs{sf cGo b]zx? Go'gtd /sd
$= If]q ef/t ef=?= ef=? @,)))
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g+ #
%= If]q g]kfn ?= %,))) ?=#,)))
g+ %
k|b]z g+= @
cfbz{sf]6jfn sn}of u?8f
zfvf k|d'v M pdË kfv/Lg zfvf k|d'v M ;Ghg s'df/ l;+x zfvf k|d'v M s}nf; rf}w/L
7]ufgf M cfb{z sf]6jfn–!, hogu/, Ro'tfxf, af/f 7]ufgf M sn}of– *, jf/f 7]ufgf M u?8f– )@, /f}tx6
kmf]g g+= M )%#–^@))#% kmf]g g+= M )%#–%%!(@) kmf]g g+= M )%%–%^%$#%÷%%%$#&
uf}zfnf rGb|k'/ l5/]Zj/
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7]ufgf M hgsk'/ – !, ldN; P/Lof, wg''iff 7]ufgf M b]jtfn – )$, jf/f 7]ufgf M jlb{jf;–)! -u_, dxf]Q/L
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ax'b/dfO{ dfwjgf/fo0f ldr}{of
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7]ufgf M ax'b/dfO{–)$, k;f{ 7]ufgf M dfwjgf/fo0f–^, dfwjk'/, /f}tx6 7]ufgf M ldr}{of–^, ldr}{of ahf/, l;/fxf
kmf]g g+= M )##–%%))*$÷%%)@!^
k|b]z g+= #
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sfjf;f]tL u}+8fsf]6 lrKn]9'+uf
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7]ufgf M sfjf;f]tL–@, sfjf;f]tL ahf/, gjnk'/ 7]ufgf M u}+8fsf]6–$, u}+8fsf]6, gjnk'/ 7]ufgf M kf]v/f–)(, lrKn]9'+uf, sf:sL
kmf]g g+= M )&*–%$!!##÷%$!!#$ kmf]g g+= M )&*–%)!&#(÷%)#!*# kmf]g g+= M )^!–%$)&@%
;'b'/klZrd k|b]z
cQ/Lof af}lgof l6sfk'/
zfvf k|d'v M lblnk k+ufnL zfvf k|d'v M lwdfGt /fh lu/L zfvf k|d'v M lgt]z >]i7
7]ufgf M uf]bfjf/L–)@, cQ/Lof, s}nfnL 7]ufgf M ab{uf]/Lof–)@, jf}gLof, s}nfnL 7]ufgf M l6sfk'/–(, d]g/f]8, s}nfnL
kmf]g g+= M )(!–%%)%!^÷%%))#! kmf]g g+= M )(!–$)$!!*÷!!( kmf]g g+= M )(!–%^!!^#
88]Nw'/f wgu9L a'l9u+uf
zfvf k|d'v M of]u]Gb| e08f/L zfvf k|d'v M cg'k j:g]t zfvf k|d'v M wd{ gGb cj:yL
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kmf]g g+= M )(^–$!))!$ kmf]g g+= M )(!–%@&$^#
dx]Gb|gu/ nDsL
zfvf k|d'v M e'jg k|;fb kGt zfvf k|d'v M k|s[tL zfGt 7s'/f7L
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kmf]g g+= M )((–%@)!^# kmf]g g+= M )(!–%$)%#^÷#&