7SJ66 Manual A7 Us PDF
7SJ66 Manual A7 Us PDF
7SJ66 Manual A7 Us PDF
Table of Contents
SIPROTEC 4 Introduction 1
Multi-Functional Protec- Functions 2
tive Relay with Local
Control 7SJ66 Mounting and Commissioning 3
Technical Data 4
Ordering Information and Accessories A
Terminal Assignments B
Connection Examples C
Current Transformer Requirements D
Default Settings and Protocol-dependent
Functions E
Functions, Settings, Information F
i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.
• As well as a compilation of the most significant data for advanced users → Appendix A.
General information with regard to design, configuration, and operation of SIPROTEC 4 devices are set out in
the SIPROTEC 4 System Description /1/ SIPROTEC 4 System Description.
Target Audience
Protection-system engineers, commissioning engineers, persons entrusted with the setting, testing and main-
tenance of selective protection, automation and control equipment, and operating personnel in electrical
installations and power plants.
Indication of Conformity
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC Council Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within
specified voltage limits (Low-voltage Directive 2006/95 EC).
This conformity is proved by tests conducted by Siemens AG in accordance with the Council
Directive in agreement with the generic standards EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4 for EMC
directive, and with the standard EN 60255-27 for the low-voltage directive.
The device has been designed and produced for industrial use.
The product conforms with the international standards of the series IEC 60255 and the
German standard VDE 0435.
Additional Support
Should further information on the System SIPROTEC 4 be desired or should particular problems arise which are
not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens repre-
Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service.
Phone: +49 (180) 524-7000
Fax: +49 (180) 524-2471
E-Mail: support.energy@siemens.com
Training Courses
Inquiries regarding individual training courses should be addressed to our Training Center:
Siemens AG
Siemens Power Academy TD
Humboldtstraße 59
90459 Nürnberg
Safety Information
This manual does not constitute a complete index of all required safety measures for operation of the equip-
ment (module, device), as special operational conditions may require additional measures. However, it
comprises important information that should be noted for purposes of personal safety as well as avoiding
material damage. Information that is highlighted by means of a warning triangle and according to the degree
of danger, is illustrated as follows.
Danger indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial material damage will result if proper
precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage may result if proper precautions
are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage may result if proper precautions are not taken. This
particularly applies to damage to or within the device itself and consequential damage thereof.
i indicates information on the device, handling of the device, or the respective part of the instruction manual
which is important to be noted.
Qualified Personnel
Only qualified electrical engineering personnel may commission and operate the equipment (module, device)
described in this document. Qualified electrical engineering personnel in the sense of this manual are people
who can demonstrate technical qualifications as electrical technicians. These persons may commission,
isolate, ground and label devices, systems and circuits according to the standards of safety engineering.
Proper Use
The equipment (device, module) may be used only for such applications as set out in the catalogs and the
technical description, and only in combination with third-party equipment recommended and approved by
Problem-free and safe operation of the product depends on the following:
• Proper transport
• Proper storage, setup, and installation
• Hazardous voltages may be present in equipment even after the supply voltage has been disconnected
(capacitors can still be charged).
• Operation of equipment with exposed current-transformer circuits is prohibited. Before disconnecting the
equipment, ensure that the current-transformer circuits are short-circuited.
• The limiting values stated in the document must not be exceeded. This must also be considered during
testing and commissioning.
Besides these, graphical symbols are used in accordance with IEC 60617-12 and IEC 60617-13 or similar.
Some of the most frequently used are listed below:
Static memory (SR flipflop) with setting input (S), resetting input (R),
output (Q) and inverted output (Q), setting input dominant
Static memory (RS-flipflop) with setting input (S), resetting input (R),
output (Q) and inverted output (Q), resetting input dominant
The product contains, among other things, Open Source Software developed by third parties. The Open
Source Software used in the product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found in the
Readme_OSS. These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright. Your compliance with those
license conditions will entitle you to use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license. In the
event of conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source Software license conditions, the
Open Source Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the soft-
ware. The Open Source Software is licensed royalty-free. Insofar as the applicable Open Source Software
License Conditions provide for it you can order the source code of the Open Source Software from your
Siemens sales contact - against payment of the shipping and handling charges - for a period of at least 3 years
since purchase of the Product. We are liable for the Product including the Open Source Software contained in
it pursuant to the license conditions applicable to the Product. Any liability for the Open Source Software
beyond the program flow intended for the Product is explicitly excluded. Furthermore any liability for defects
resulting from modifications to the Open Source Software by you or third parties is excluded. We do not
provide any technical support for the Product if it has been modified.
Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................19
1.1 Overall Operation..............................................................................................................20
1.2 Application Scope............................................................................................................. 23
1.3 Characteristics.................................................................................................................. 26
2 Functions.................................................................................................................................................... 31
2.1 General.............................................................................................................................32
2.1.1 Functional Scope......................................................................................................... 32 Description............................................................................................................ 32 Setting Notes......................................................................................................... 32 Settings................................................................................................................. 34
2.1.2 Device, General Settings.............................................................................................. 36 Command-dependent Messages.............................................................................36 Setting Notes......................................................................................................... 37 Settings................................................................................................................. 37 Information List..................................................................................................... 38
2.1.3 Power System Data 1................................................................................................... 40 Functional Description........................................................................................... 40 Setting Notes......................................................................................................... 40 Settings................................................................................................................. 46 Information List..................................................................................................... 48
2.1.4 Oscillographic Fault Records........................................................................................ 48 Functional Description........................................................................................... 48 Setting Notes......................................................................................................... 48 Settings................................................................................................................. 49 Information List..................................................................................................... 49
2.1.5 Settings Groups........................................................................................................... 49 Functional Description........................................................................................... 50 Setting Notes......................................................................................................... 50 Settings................................................................................................................. 50 Information List..................................................................................................... 50
2.1.6 Power System Data 2................................................................................................... 51 Functional Description........................................................................................... 51 Setting Notes......................................................................................................... 51 Settings................................................................................................................. 54 Information List..................................................................................................... 55
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N.......................................................................... 56
2.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 56
2.2.2 Definite Time, High-set Elements 50-3, 50-2, 50N-3, 50N-2..........................................57
2.2.3 Definite Time Overcurrent Elements 50-1, 50N-1......................................................... 59
2.2.4 Inverse Time Overcurrent Elements 51, 51N ................................................................62
Literature.................................................................................................................................................. 643
Glossary.................................................................................................................................................... 645
The device family SIPROTEC 7SJ66 devices is introduced in this section. An overview of the devices is
presented in their application, characteristics, and scope of functions.
1.1 Overall Operation 20
1.2 Application Scope 23
1.3 Characteristics 26
Analog Inputs
The measuring inputs (MI) convert the currents and voltages coming from the instrument transformers and
adapt them to the level appropriate for the internal processing of the device. The device provides four current
inputs. The device is also equipped with four voltage inputs. Three current inputs serve for input of the phase
currents. Depending on the model, the fourth current input (ΙN) may be used for measuring the ground fault
current ΙN (current transformer neutral point) or for a separate ground current transformer (for sensitive
ground fault detection ΙNs and directional determination of ground faults).
[Hw_Structure_7SJ66, 1, en_US]
Voltage inputs can either be used to measure the three phase-to-ground voltages, or two phase-to-phase
voltages and the displacement voltage (VN voltage). It is also possible to connect two phase-to-phase voltages
in open-delta connection.
The 4 voltage transformers of the 7SJ66 can either be applied for the input of 3 phase-to-ground voltages, one
displacement voltage V0 or a further voltage for the synchronization function.
The analog input quantities are passed on to the input amplifiers (IA). The input amplifier IA element provides
a high-resistance termination for the input quantities. It consists of filters that are optimized for measured-
value processing with regard to bandwidth and processing speed.
The analog-to-digital (AD) element consists of a multiplexor, an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter and of
memory components for the transmission of digital signals to the microcomputer system.
Microcomputer System
Apart from processing the measured values, the microcomputer system (μC) also executes the actual protec-
tion and control functions. They especially include:
• Filtering and preparation of the measured quantities
• Continuous monitoring of the measured quantities
• Management of the operating system and the associated functions such as data recording, real-time
clock, communication, interfaces, etc.
Front Panel
Information such as messages related to events, states, measured values and the functional status of the
device are visualized by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a display screen (LCD) on the front panel.
Integrated control and numeric keys in conjunction with the LCD enable interaction with the remote device.
These elements can be used to access the device for information such as configuration and setting parame-
ters. Similarly, setting parameters can be accessed and changed if needed.
In addition, control of circuit breakers and other equipment is possible from the front panel of the device.
Serial Interfaces
The Front USB Interface is provided for local communications with a personal computer using the DIGSI soft-
ware. This facilitates a comfortable handling of all device functions.
The Rear Service Interface can also be used to communicate with the relay from a PC running the DIGSI soft-
ware. This interface is especially well suited for a permanent connection of the devices to the PC or for opera-
tion via a modem. The service interface can also be used to connect an RTD box (= resistance temperature
detector) for obtaining external temperatures (e.g. for overload protection).
All data can be transferred to a central control center or monitoring system via the serial System Interface.
This interface supports various protocols and physical transmission schemes to suit the particular application.
A further interface is provided for the time synchronization of the internal clock via external synchronization
A range of communication protocols are available according to the MLFB structure.
Power Supply
A power supply unit (Vaux or PS) delivers power to the functional units using the different voltage levels.
Voltage dips may occur if the voltage supply system (substation battery) becomes short-circuited. Usually,
they are bridged by a capacitor (see also Technical Data).
Protective Functions
Non-directional overcurrent protection (50, 50N, 51, 51N) is the basis of the device. There are 3 definite time
overcurrent protective elements and one inverse time element for the phase currents and the ground current.
For inverse time overcurrent protective elements, several curves of different standards are provided. Alterna-
tively, user-defined characteristic can be programmed.
Depending on the version of the device that is ordered, the non-directional overcurrent protection can be
supplemented with directional overcurrent protection (67, 67N), breaker failure protection (50BF), and sensi-
tive ground-fault detection for high-resistance ground faults. The highly sensitive ground fault detection can
be directional or non-directional.
In addition to the fault protection functions already mentioned, other protective functions are available. Some
of them depend on the version of the device that is ordered. These additional functions include frequency
protection (81O/U), overvoltage protection (59), and undervoltage protection (27), negative sequence protec-
tion (46), and overload protection (49) with start inhibit for motors (66/68), motor starting protection (48),
and load jam protection as well as automatic reclosing (79) which allows different reclosing cycles on over-
head lines. An automatic reclosing system may also be connected externally. To ensure quick detection of the
fault, the device is equipped with a fault locator.
A protection feature can be ordered for the detection of intermittent ground faults which detects and accumu-
lates transient ground faults.
External detectors account for ambient temperatures or coolant temperatures (by means of an external
Before reclosing after 3-pole tripping the 7SJ66 can verify the validity of the reclosure by means of voltage
check and/or synchrocheck. The synchronization function can also be controlled externally.
Control Functions
The device features a control function for activating and deactivating switchgears via the integrated operator
panel, the system interface, binary inputs, and the serial port using a personal computer with DIGSI.
The status of the primary equipment can be transmitted to the device via auxiliary contacts connected to
binary inputs. The present status (or position) of the primary equipment can be displayed on the device, and
used for interlocking or alarm condition monitoring. The number of operating equipments to be switched is
limited by the binary inputs and outputs available in the device or the binary inputs and outputs allocated for
the switch position indications. Depending on the primary equipment being controlled, one binary input
(single point indication) or two binary inputs (double point indication) may be used for this process.
The capability of switching primary equipment can be restricted by a setting associated with switching
authority (Remote or Local), and by the operating mode (interlocked/non-interlocked, with or without pass-
word request).
Processing of interlocking conditions for switching (e.g. switchgear interlocking) can be established with the
aid of integrated, user-configurable logic functions.
Device messages can be assigned to a number of LEDs on the front cover (allocatable), can be externally
processed via output contacts (allocatable), linked with user-definable logic functions and/or issued via serial
During a fault (system fault) important events and changes in conditions are saved in fault protocols (Event
Log or Trip Log). Instantaneous fault values are also saved in the device and may be analyzed subsequently.
The following interfaces are available for the communication with external operating, control, and memory
A standard USB type A interface on the front panel serves the purpose of local communication with a PC. By
means of the SIPROTEC 4 operating software DIGSI, all operational and evaluation tasks can be executed via
this operator interface, such as specifying and modifying configuration parameters and settings, configuring
user-specific logic functions, retrieving operational messages and measured values, inquiring device condi-
tions and measured values, issuing control commands.
Depending on the individual ordering variant, additional interfaces are located at the rear side of the device.
They serve to establish extensive communication with other digital operating, control, and memory compo-
The service interface can be operated via electrical data lines and also allows communication via modem. For
this reason, remote operation is possible via personal computer and the DIGSI operating software, for
example, to operate several devices via a central PC.
The system interface (serial module) ensures the central communication between the device and the substa-
tion controller. It can also be operated via data lines. Standard protocols are available to transmit data
according to IEC 60870-5-103/Modbus/DNP via system port. The integration of the devices into the automa-
tion systems SINAUT LSA and SICAM can also take place with this profile.
The system interface (Ethernet module) allows integrating the devices into 100-Mbit Ethernet communica-
tion networks of the process control and automation system using IEC 61850/DNP protocol. Besides the link
with the process control and automation system, this interface also processes DIGSI communication,
inter‑relay communication via GOOSE and connection of a SICAM I/O unit.
Compared to 7SJ62 communication manuals SIPROTEC Communication Module DNP 3.0 (C53000-L1840-
A001-03) and SIPROTEC Communication Module DNP3 IP (C53000-L2040-C354-1), one new parameter
UnsolConTimeout is added to the communication profile of the 7SJ66 device. The parameter is used for
setting the confirmation delay time for unsolicited response, the default value is 5 second.
7SJ66 device supports 2 types of redundant operating modes: Line and Switch. RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree
Protocol) and PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) can be configured under Switch mode. For more information
about RSTP and PRP, refer to EN100 manual (C53000-G1140-C167-12).
1.3 Characteristics
General Characteristics
• Complete digital processing and control of measured values, from the sampling of the analog input quan-
tities to the initiation of outputs, for example, tripping or closing circuit breakers or other switchgear
• Total electrical separation between the internal processing stages of the device and the external trans-
former, control, and DC supply circuits of the system because of the design of the binary inputs, outputs,
and the DC or AC converters
• Complete set of functions necessary for the proper protection of lines, feeders, motors, and busbars
• Easy device operation through an integrated operator panel or by means of a connected personal
computer running DIGSI
• Continuous calculation and display of measured and metered values on the front of the device
• Storage of min./max. measured values (slave pointer function) and storage of long-term mean values
• Recording of event and fault data for the last 8 system faults (fault in a network) with real-time informa-
tion as well as instantaneous values for fault recording for a maximum time range of 20 s
• Constant monitoring of the measured quantities, as well as continuous self-diagnostics covering the
hardware and software
• Communication with SCADA or substation controller equipment via serial interfaces through the choice
of data cable, or modem
• Battery-buffered clock that can be synchronized with an IRIG-B (via satellite) or DCF77 signal, binary input
signal, or system interface command
• Motor Statistics: Recording of important statistical motor data (operation and startup information)
• Switching statistics: Counting the number of trip commands initiated by the device, logging the currents
of the last switch-off operation initiated by the device, and accumulating the eliminated short-circuit
currents of each breaker pole
• Operating hours counter: Counting the operating hours of the protected object under load
• Commissioning aids such as connection check, direction determination, status indication of all binary
inputs and outputs, easy check of system interface and influencing of information of the system interface
during test operation
• Three definite time overcurrent protective elements and one inverse time overcurrent protective element
for phase current and ground current ΙN or summation current 3Ι0
• Different curves of common standards are available for 51 and 51N, or a user-defined characteristic
• Three definite time overcurrent protective elements and one inverse time overcurrent protective element
applicable for grounded or high-resistance grounded systems
• Different Curves of common standards are available for 51 and 51N, or a user-defined characteristic
• Instantaneous tripping by any overcurrent element upon switch onto fault is possible.
• Four elements for both phase and ground operate in parallel to the non-directional overcurrent protec-
tion elements. Their pickup values and time delays can be set independently
• Direction determination with cross-polarized voltages and voltage memory and dynamically unlimited
direction sensitivity
• Fault direction is calculated phase-selectively and separately for phase faults, ground faults and summa-
tion current faults.
Dynamic Cold Load Pick-up Function 50C, 50NC, 51C, 51NC, 67C, 67NC
• Dynamic changeover of time overcurrent protection settings, e.g. when cold load conditions are recog-
• Detection of cold load condition via circuit breaker position or current threshold
• Evaluation of the measured current via the sensitive or insensitive ground current transformer
• Suitable as differential protection that includes the neutral point current on transformer side, generator
side or motor side or for a grounded reactor set
• As tank leakage protection against abnormal leakage currents between transformer tanks and ground.
• Two element undervoltage detection via the positive-sequence system of the voltages, phase-to-phase or
phase-to-ground voltages
• Two-element overvoltage detection via the positive sequence system voltages, negative sequence system
voltages, phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground voltages
• Settable dropout ratio for all elements of the undervoltage and overvoltage protection.
• Two definite-time elements 46-1 and 46-2 and one inverse-time element 46-TOC; curves of common
standards are available for 46-TOC.
• Inverse time tripping characteristic based on an evaluation of the motor starting current
• Startup is permitted only if the rotor has sufficient thermal reserves for a complete startup
• Monitoring of falling below (f<) and/or exceeding (f>) with 4 frequency limits and time delays that are
independently adjustable
• Thermal profile of energy losses (overload protection has full memory capability)
• Additional time constant setting for motors to accommodate the motor at standstill
• Integration of ambient temperature or coolant temperature is possible via external temperature sensors
and RTD-Box.
Monitoring Functions
• Reliability of the device is greatly increased because of self-monitoring of the internal measurement
circuits, the auxiliary power supply as well as the hardware and software
• Monitoring of the current transformer and voltage transformer secondary circuits using summation and
symmetry check techniques
• For inverse time overcurrent protection, characteristics according to IEC or ANSI standards, one userde-
fined and two logarithmic inverse current/time characteristics are available
• Direction determination with zero sequence quantities(I0, V0), wattmetric ground fault direction determi-
• Any element can be set as directional or non-directional — forward sensing directional, or reverse
sensing directional
• Direction determination
Automatic Reclosing 79
• Single-shot or multi-shot
• With separate dead times for the first and all succeeding shots
• Protective elements that initiate automatic reclosing are selectable. The choices can be different for
phase faults and ground faults
• Interaction to time overcurrent protection element and ground fault elements. They can be blocked in
dependence of the reclosing cycle or released instantaneously
Fault Location
• Calculation of the fault distance and output of the fault location in ohms (primary and secondary) and in
kilometers or miles
• By checking the current and/or evaluating the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts
• Fast measurement of the voltage difference ΔV, the phase angle differenceΔφ and the frequency differ-
ence Δf
• Verification of the synchronous conditions or de-energized state also possible before the manual closing
of the circuit breaker, with separate limit values
• Measurement also possible via transformer without external intermediate matching transformer
RTD box
• Detection of any ambient temperatures or coolant temperatures by means of an external RTD box and
external temperature sensors.
Phase Rotation
Circuit-Breaker Maintenance
• Statistical methods to help adjust maintenance intervals for CB contacts according to their actual wear
• Acquisition and conditioning of measured values for all subfunctions operates phase-selective using one
procedure-specific threshold per subfunction.
• Freely programmable linking of internal and external signals in order to implement user-defined logic
• Processing of measured values, including zero suppression, adding a knee curve for a transducer input,
and live-zero monitoring.
Breaker Control
• Circuit breakers can be opened and closed via specific process control keys (models with graphic displays
only), the programmable function keys on the front panel, via the system interface (e.g. by SICAM or
SCADA), or via the front PC interface using a personal computer with DIGSI)
• Plausibility monitoring of the circuit breaker position and check of interlocking conditions.
This chapter describes the numerous functions available on the SIPROTEC 4 device 7SJ66. It shows the setting
possibilities for each function in maximum configuration. Information with regard to the determination of
setting values as well as formulas, if required, are also provided.
Based on the following information, it can also be determined which of the provided functions should be
2.1 General 32
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N 56
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N 84
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup 110
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection 116
2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59 126
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46 136
2.8 Motor Protection 143
2.9 Frequency Protection 81 O/U 162
2.10 Undervoltage-Controlled Reactive-Power Protection 166
2.11 Thermal Overload Protection 49 171
2.12 Supervision Functions 180
2.13 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s) 200
2.14 Admittance Ground Fault Protection 225
2.15 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection 236
2.16 Dir. Intermittent earth fault protection 242
2.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79 247
2.18 Fault Locator 271
2.19 Breaker Failure Protection 50BF 274
2.20 Flexible Protection Functions 281
2.21 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function 292
2.22 Synchronization Function 301
2.23 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes 314
2.24 Phase Rotation 322
2.25 Function Logic 323
2.26 Auxiliary Functions 325
2.27 Protection for Single-phase Voltage Transformer Connection 356
2.28 Breaker Control 360
2.29 Communication 371
2.1 General
The settings associated with the various device functions can be modified using the operating or service inter-
face in DIGSI on a PC. Some parameters may also be changed using the controls on the front panel of the
device. The detailed procedure is described in the SIPROTEC System Description /1/ SIPROTEC 4 System
The 7SJ66 relay contains protection functions as well as auxiliary functions. The hardware and firmware is
designed for this scope of functions. Additionally, the control functions can be matched to the system require-
ments. Individual functions can be enabled or disabled during the configuration procedure. The interaction of
functions may also be modified. Description
i Available functions and default settings depend on the ordering code of the relay (see A Ordering Informa-
tion and Accessories).
Special Features
Most settings are self-explanatory. The special features are described below.
If you want to use the setting group change function, set address 103 Grp Chge OPTION to Enabled.
Simple and fast changeover between up to four different setting groups is possible in service. Only one setting
group can be selected and used if this option is Disabled.
For the overcurrent elements of the time overcurrent protection (separately for phase currents and ground
current), various tripping characteristics can be selected at address 112 Charac. Phase and 113 Charac.
Ground. If only the definite characteristic is desired, then Definite Time should be selected. Additionally,
depending on the version ordered, various inverse time characteristics, based on either IEC (TOC IEC) stand-
ards or ANSI (TOC ANSI standards), or user-defined characteristics are available for selection. The dropout
behaviour of the IEC and ANSI characteristics will be specified later with settings (addresses 1210 and 1310).
But for the user-defined characteristic, you can choose in address 112 and 113 whether to specify only the
pickup characteristic (User Defined PU) or the pickup and the dropout characteristic (User def.
Additionally, the superimposed high-current elements 50-2 and 50-3 are available in all these cases. Time
overcurrent protection may be set to Disabled during configuration.
For directional time overcurrent protection, the same information that was entered for the non-directional
time overcurrent protection (except the 50-3 element) can be entered under addresses 115 67/67-TOC and
116 67N/67N-TOC.
For the (sensitive) ground fault detection, the methods of measurement cos φ / sin φ or V0/I0 φ mea.
for direction determination can be set via the parameter 130 S.Gnd.F.Dir.Ch The cos φ / sin φ
method (via residual wattmetric current detection) is set by default. If the cos φ / sin φ measurement
method is set, select between a definite time (Definite Time) characteristic, inverse time characteristics
TOC IEC or TOC ANSI, one User Defined PU and two logarithmic inverse characteristics at address 131
Sens. Gnd Fault. The setting V0/I0 φ mea. provides the definite time characteristic Definite Time.
When selecting the setting Disabled, the entire function is disabled.
For the intermittent ground fault protection, you can specify the measured quantity (with Ignd, with 3I0
or with Ignd,sens.) to be used by this protection function at address 133 INTERM.EF.
At address 134 Dir. Interm. EF you can set the directional intermittent ground fault protection to
Enabled or Disabled.
For negative sequence current protection, address 140 46 is used to specify whether the tripping characteris-
tics should be Definite Time, TOC ANSI, or TOC IEC, or whether the function is to be Disabled.
For overload protection, address 142 49 allows you to specify whether the thermal replica of the overload
protection will account for a coolant temperature or ambient temperature (With amb. temp.) or not (No
ambient temp), or whether the entire function is Disabled.
At address 155 27/Q-Protection you can set the QU protection to Enabled or Disabled.
7SJ66 provides one synchronization function group for the function SYNCHROCHECK.
For the circuit-breaker maintenance function, several options are available under address 172 52 B.WEAR
MONIT Irrespective of this, the basic functionality of the summation current formation (ΣΙ procedure) is always
active. It requires no further configurations and adds up the tripping currents of the trips initiated by the
protection functions.
When selecting the ΣIx procedure, the sum of all tripping current powers is formed and issued as a reference
value. The 2P procedure continuously calculates the remaining lifespan of the circuit breaker.
With the Ι2t procedure, the square fault current integrals are formed via arc time and are issued as a reference
For more detailed information about the circuit breaker maintenance procedures, see Section 2.26.2 Statistics.
At address 181 L-sections FL you can set the number of different line sections (max. three) to be taken
into consideration by the fault locator.
When using trip circuit supervision, address 182 74 Trip Ct Supv allows you to select whether this func-
tion should work with two (2 Binary Inputs) or only one binary input (1 Binary Input) or if the func-
tion is Disabled.
If you want to detect an ambient temperature or a coolant temperature and send the information e.g. to the
overload protection, specify the port to which the RTD-box is connected in address 190 RTD-BOX INPUT. In
7SJ66 port C (service port) is used for this purpose. The number and transmission type of the temperature
detectors (RTD = Resistance Temperature Detector) can be specified in address 191 RTD CONNECTION: 12
RTD HDX or 12 RTD ETH. Implementation examples are given in the Appendix (under "Connection Exam-
ples"). The settings in address 191 have to comply with those at the RTD-box (see Section 2.23.2 Setting
Notes, side title “RTD-box Settings”).
The flexible protection functions can be configured via the FLEXIBLE FUNC. parameter. Up to 20 functions
can be created. This is done by setting checkmarks at the functions (see the example in Section 2.21 Reverse-
Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function). If the checkmark of a function is removed, all
settings and configurations made previously will be lost. After re-selecting the function, all settings and
configurations are in default setting. Setting of the flexible function is done in DIGSI under “Parameters”,
“Additional Functions” and “Settings”. The configuration is done as usual under “Parameters” and “Configura-
tion”. Settings
The device requires some general information. This may be, for example, the type of annunciation to be
issued in the event of an occurrence of a power system fault.
[logik-spondanmeld-display-081024, 1, en_US]
i Setting the address 610 FltDisp.LED/LCD to (Target on TRIP) only makes sense if address 625 T
MIN LED HOLD is set to 0.
[logik-ruecksetz-gesp-led-081024, 1, en_US]
Fault Messages
A new pickup of a protection function generally turns off any previously set light displays so that only the
latest fault is displayed at any one time. It can be selected whether the stored LED displays and the sponta-
neous messages on the display appear after the new pickup or only after a new trip signal is issued. In order to
select the desired mode of display, select the Device submenu in the SETTINGS menu. Under address 610
FltDisp.LED/LCD the two options Target on PU and Target on TRIP ("No trip – no flag") can be
For devices with graphic display, use parameter 611 Spont. FltDisp. to specify whether a spontaneous
fault message should appear automatically on the display (YES) or not (NO). For devices with text display such
indications will appear after a system fault in any case. Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
610 FltDisp.LED/LCD Target on PU Target on PU Fault Display on LED / LCD
Target on TRIP
The data for parameters 209 PHASE SEQ., 210 TMin TRIP CMD, 211 TMax CLOSE CMD and 212
BkrClosed I MIN can be entered directly at the devicel: Press the MENU key to open the main menu. Apply
the ▼ key to select SETTINGS and then press the ► key to navigate to the SETTINGS display. To enter the
Power System Data, select the P.System Data 1 in the SETTINGS menu.
Double-click Parameters under DIGSI to display the relevant selection. In doing so, a dialog box with tabs will
open under P.System Data 1 where individual parameters can be configured. The following descriptions
are therefore structured according to these tabs.
The phase currents ΙA and ΙC must be connected to the first current input (terminals Q1, Q2) and to the third
(terminals Q5, Q6). At the fourth input (terminals Q7, Q8) the ground current ΙN or ΙNS is connected as usual,
in this case the ground current of the line. A second ground current, in this case the transformer neutral point
current, is connected to the second current input ΙN2 (terminals Q3, Q4).
The settings A,G2,C,G; G->B or A,G2,C,G; G2->B must be used here. Both define the connection of a
ground current ΙN2 at the second current input (terminals Q3, Q4). The settings only differ in the calculation of
ΙB. In case of A,G2,C,G; G->B, the phase current ΙB is determined by phase currents ΙA and ΙC as well as the
measured ground current ΙN or ΙNS at the fourth current input. In case of A,G2,C,G; G2->B, the phase
current ΙB is determined by phase currents ΙA and ΙC as well as the measured ground current ΙN2 at the second
current input. The setting must be set according to system requirements.
The assignment of the protection functions to the ground current inputs in special connections is set out in
the following table.
The function “Directional time overcurrent protection ground” may only be operated if
the ground current of the protected line is measured via ΙN2. This is not the case for the
example shown in Figure 2-4. Here, the ground current of the protected line is meas-
ured via ΙN. The function must be deactivated. A connection in which the function can
be enabled is illustrated in C Connection Examples Figure C-5.
ΙN or ΙN sens. Ground fault detection (sensitive / not sensitive) (Section 2.13 Ground Fault Protection
64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s))
Single-phase time overcurrent protection (Section 2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protec-
Intermittent ground fault protection (Section 2.15 Intermittent Ground Fault Protec-
The settings for address 251 are only possible with DIGSI under Additional Settings.
i The settings under address 251 CT Connect. affect the time overcurrent protection with regard to the
evaluation of phase currents only if address 250 50/51 2-ph prot has been set to OFF.
For devices with single-phase voltage transformer connection, the voltage applying at voltage input V4 is
generally interpreted as the voltage to be synchronized.
i If the synchronization function is used in a connection of two phase-to-phase voltages in open delta
voltage (see above), the device is unable to determine a zero sequence voltage. The functions “Directional
Time Overcurrent Protection Ground”, “Directional Ground Fault Detection” and “Fuse Failure Monitoring
(FFM)” must be either removed or switched off.
[fo_uebersetzung-spannungswandler, 1, en_US]
the factor Vph/VN (secondary voltage, address 206 Vph / Vdelta) must be set to 3/ √3 = √3 = 1.73 which
must be used if the VN voltage is connected. For other transformation ratios, i.e. the formation of the
displacement voltage via an interconnected transformer set, the factor must be corrected accordingly.
Please take into consideration that also the calculated secondary V0-voltage is divided by the value set in
address 206. Thus, even if the V0-voltage is not connected, address 206 has an impact on the secondary
operational measured value VN. Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
201 CT Starpoint towards Line towards Line CT Starpoint
towards Busbar
202 Vnom PRIMARY 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV Rated Primary Voltage
203 Vnom SECONDARY 100 .. 225 V 100 V Rated Secondary Voltage
204 CT PRIMARY 10 .. 50000 A 100 A CT Rated Primary Current
205 CT SECONDARY 1A 1A CT Rated Secondary
5A Current
206A Vph / Vdelta 0.10 .. 3.00 1.73 Matching ratio Phase-VT To
207 Vnom-PRI VT V4 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV VT Rated Primary Voltage
208 Vnom-SEC VT V4 100 .. 225 V 100 V VT Rated Secondary
Voltage V4
209 PHASE SEQ. ABC ABC Phase Sequence
210A TMin TRIP CMD 0.01 .. 32.00 sec 0.15 sec Minimum TRIP Command
211A TMax CLOSE CMD 0.01 .. 32.00 sec 1.00 sec Maximum Close Command
212 BkrClosed I MIN 1A 0.04 .. 1.00 A 0.04 A Closed Breaker Min.
5A 0.20 .. 5.00 A 0.20 A Current Threshold
213 VT Connect. 3ph Van, Vbn, Vcn Van, Vbn, Vcn VT Connection, three-
Vab, Vbc, VGnd phase
Vab, Vbc, Vx
214 Rated Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz Rated Frequency
60 Hz
215 Distance Unit km km Distance measurement
Miles unit
217 Ignd-CT PRIM 1 .. 50000 A 60 A Ignd-CT rated primary
The Multi-Functional Protective Relay with Local Control 7SJ66 is equipped with a fault record memory. The
instantaneous values of the measured quantities
iA, iB, iC, iN or iNS and vA, vB, vC, vN or 3 · v0 and vSYN
(voltages depending on connection) are sampled in a 1.25 ms grid (for 50 Hz) and stored in a ring buffer (16
sampled values per period). In the event of a fault, the data are recorded for a set period of time, but not
longer than 5 seconds. The total duration of recording amounts to up to 20 seconds. A minimum of 8 faults
can be recorded in this buffer. The fault record memory is automatically updated with every new fault, so no
acknowledgment for previously recorded faults is required. In addition to protection pickup, the fault record
buffer can also be started via a binary input or the serial interface.
The data can be retrieved via the serial interfaces by means of a personal computer and evaluated with the
protection data processing program DIGSI and the graphic analysis software SIGRA 4. The latter graphically
represents the data recorded during the system fault and also calculates additional information from the
measured values. Currents and voltages can be presented as desired as primary or secondary values. Signals
are additionally recorded as binary tracks (marks), e.g. "pickup", "trip".
If the device has a serial system interface, the fault recording data can be passed on to a central device via this
interface. The evaluation of data is done by appropriate programs in the central device. Currents and voltages
are referred to their maximum values, scaled to their rated values and prepared for graphic representation.
Signals are additionally recorded as binary tracks (marks), e.g. "pickup", "trip".
Transfer to a central device can be polled automatically, either after each fault detection by the protection, or
only after a trip.
i If via parameter 251 CT Connect. one of the current transformer connection types A,G2,C,G; G->B or
A,G2,C,G; G2->B has been selected, the measured ground current ΙN2 measured by the second current
transformer is indicated under track “iN”. The ground current detected by the fourth current transformer is
indicated under track “iNs”.
Fault recording (waveform capture) will only take place if address 104 OSC. FAULT REC. is set to Enabled.
Other settings pertaining to fault recording (waveform capture) are found in the Osc. Fault Rec.
submenu of the SETTINGS menu. Waveform capture makes a distinction between the trigger instant for an
oscillographic record and the criterion to save the record (address 401 WAVEFORMTRIGGER). Normally, the
trigger is the pickup of a protection element, i.e. the time 0 is defined as the instant the first protection func-
tion picks up. The criterion for saving may be both the device pickup (Save w. Pickup) or the device trip
(Save w. TRIP). A trip command issued by the device can also be used as trigger instant (Start w.
TRIP), in this case it is also the saving criterion.
A fault event starts with the pickup by any protection function and ends when the last pickup of a protection
function has dropped out. Usually this is also the extent of a fault recording (address 402 WAVEFORM DATA =
Fault event). If automatic reclosing is performed, the entire system fault — with several reclosing attempts
if necessary — can be recorded until the fault has been cleared for good (address 402 WAVEFORM DATA =
Pow.Sys.Flt.). This facilitates the representation of the entire system fault history, but also consumes
storage capacity during the automatic reclosing dead time(s).
The actual storage time begins at the pre-fault time PRE. TRIG. TIME (address 404) ahead of the reference
instant, and ends at the post-fault time POST REC. TIME (address 405) after the storage criterion has reset.
The maximum storage duration of each fault record (MAX. LENGTH) is entered at address 403. Recording per
fault must not exceed 5 seconds. At least 8 records can be saved altogether with a maximum total time of
20 s.
An oscillographic record can be triggered by a status change of a binary input, or from a PC via the operator
interface. Storage is then triggered dynamically. The length of the fault recording is set in address 406 BinIn
CAPT.TIME (but not longer than MAX. LENGTH, address 403). Pre-fault and post-fault times will add to this.
If the binary input time is set to ∞, the length of the record equals the time that the binary input is activated
(static), but not longer than the MAX. LENGTH (address 403). Settings
Up to four different setting groups can be created for establishing the device's function settings.
• Setting groups enable the user to save the corresponding settings for each application so that they can
be quickly called up when required. All setting groups are stored in the device. Only one setting group
may be active at a time.
If setting group change option is not required, Group A is the default selection. Then, the rest of this section is
not applicable.
If the changeover option is desired, group changeover must be set to Grp Chge OPTION = Enabled
(address 103) when the function extent is configured. For the setting of the function parameters, each of the
required setting groups A to D (a maximum of 4) must be configured in sequence. The SIPROTEC 4 System
Description gives further information on how to copy setting groups or reset them to their status at delivery
and also how to change from one setting group to another.
Section 3.1 Mounting and Connections of this manual tells you how to change between several setting groups
externally via binary inputs. Settings
When the primary reference voltage and the primary reference current of the protected object are set, the
device is able to calculate and output the operational measured value percentage.
For purposes of fault location, a maximum of three different line sections can be considered.
For utilization in motors, detection of the motor start represents an important feature. Exceeding a configured
current value serves as a criterion.
[fo_fehlerorter, 1, en_US]
R0 – Zero sequence resistance of the line
X0 – Zero sequence reactance of the line
R1 – Positive sequence resistance of the line
X1 – Positive sequence reactance of the line
This data can be used for the entire line or line section, or as distance-related values, since the quotients are
independent of the distance.
Calculation example:
20 kV free line 120 mm2 with the following data:
R0/s = 0.88 Ω/km (1.42 Ω/mile) Zero sequence resistance
[fo_formfehl, 1, en_US]
[fo_zsekundaer, 1, en_US]
Likewise, the following applies to the reactance per unit length of a line:
[fo_xsekundaer, 1, en_US]
NCTR — Transformation ratio of the current transformer
NVTR — Transformation ratio of the voltage transformer
Calculation example:
In the following, the same line as illustrated in the example for ground impedance ratios (above) and addi-
tional data on the voltage transformers will be used:
Current Transformers 500 A/5 A
Voltage Transformers 20 kV/0.1 kV
[fo_secondary_reactance_per_unit_length, 1, en_US]
[fo_allg-ltgdaten-1-oz, 1, en_US]
with RL being the ohmic resistance and XL being the reactance of the line.
The value under address 1109 applies if only one line section is available and to all faults that occur outside
the defined line sections.
If several line sections are set, the following shall apply:
• for line section 1, address 6005
• for line section 2, address 6015
[fo_line_angle, 1, en_US]
• During motor start-up the thermal replica of the overload protection is "frozen", i.e. kept at a constant
level. This threshold should not be set unnecessarily low since it limits the operating range of the over-
load protection for high currents during operation. Settings
The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secon-
dary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
1101 FullScaleVolt. 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV Measurem:FullScale-
1102 FullScaleCurr. 10 .. 50000 A 100 A Measurem:FullScaleCur-
1103 RE/RL -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 Zero seq. compensating
factor RE/RL
1104 XE/XL -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 Zero seq. compensating
factor XE/XL
1105 x' 1A 0.0050 .. 15.0000 Ω/mi 0.2420 Ω/mi feeder reactance per mile:
5A 0.0010 .. 3.0000 Ω/mi 0.0484 Ω/mi x'
1106 x' 1A 0.0050 .. 9.5000 Ω/km 0.1500 Ω/km feeder reactance per km: x'
5A 0.0010 .. 1.9000 Ω/km 0.0300 Ω/km
1107 I MOTOR START 1A 0.40 .. 10.00 A 2.50 A Motor Start Current (Block
5A 2.00 .. 50.00 A 12.50 A 49, Start 48)
1108 P,Q sign not reversed not reversed P,Q operational measured
reversed values sign
1109 Line angle 10 .. 89 ° 85 ° Line angle
1110 Line length 0.1 .. 1000.0 km 100.0 km Line length in kilometer
1111 Line length 0.1 .. 650.0 Miles 62.1 Miles Line length in miles
6001 S1: RE/RL -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 S1: Zero seq. compen-
sating factor RE/RL
6002 S1: XE/XL -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 S1: Zero seq. compen-
sating factor XE/XL
6003 S1: x' 1A 0.0050 .. 15.0000 Ω/mi 0.2420 Ω/mi S1: feeder reactance per
5A 0.0010 .. 3.0000 Ω/mi 0.0484 Ω/mi mile: x'
6004 S1: x' 1A 0.0050 .. 9.5000 Ω/km 0.1500 Ω/km S1: feeder reactance per
5A 0.0010 .. 1.9000 Ω/km 0.0300 Ω/km km: x'
6005 S1: Line angle 10 .. 89 ° 85 ° S1: Line angle
6006 S1: line length 0.1 .. 650.0 Miles 62.1 Miles S1: Line length in miles
• The non-directional overcurrent protection is suited for radial systems with single-side infeed or open
ring systems, for backup protection of all kinds of comparison protection equipment for lines, trans-
formers, generators, motors, and busbars.
2.2.1 General
Depending on parameter 613 50N/51N/67N w. the overcurrent protection for the ground current can either
operate with measured values ΙN or with the quantities 3Ι0 calculated from the three phase currents. Devices
featuring a sensitive ground current input, however, generally use the calculated quantity 3Ι0.
All overcurrent elements enabled in the device may be blocked via the automatic reclosing function
(depending on the cycle) or via an external signal to the binary inputs of the device. Removal of blocking
during pickup will restart time delays. The Manual Close signal is an exception in this case. If a circuit breaker
is manually closed onto a fault, it can be re-opened immediately. For overcurrent elements or high-set
elements the delay may be bypassed via a Manual Close pulse, thus resulting in high speed tripping. This pulse
is extended up to at least 300 ms.
The automatic reclosure function 79 may also initiate immediate tripping for the overcurrent and high-set
elements depending on the cycle.
Pickup of the definite-time elements can be stabilized by setting the dropout times. This protection is used in
systems where intermittent faults occur. Combined with electromechanical relays, it allows different dropout
responses to be adjusted and a time grading of digital and electromechanical relays to be implemented.
Pickup and delay settings may be quickly adapted to system requirements via dynamic setting changeover
(see Section 2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup).
Tripping by the 50-1 and 51 elements (in phases), 50N-1 and 51N elements (in ground path) may be blocked
for inrush conditions by utilizing the inrush restraint feature.
The following table gives an overview of the interconnections to other functions of the devices 7SJ66.
For each element, an individual pickup value 50-3 PICKUP, 50-2 PICKUP or 50N-3 PICKUP, 50N-2
PICKUP is set. For 50-3 PICKUP and 50N-3 PICKUP, it is possible to measure the Instantaneous in
addition to Fundamental and True RMS. If set to Instantaneous, the element picks up at 2 · √2 · setting
value (rms). Each phase and ground current is compared separately per element with the common pickup
values 50-3 PICKUP, 50-2 PICKUP or 50N-3 PICKUP, 50N-2 PICKUP. If the respective pickup value is
exceeded, this is signaled. After the user-defined time delays 50-3 DELAY, 50-2 DELAY or 50N-3 DELAY,
50N-2 DELAY have elapsed, trip commands are issued which are available for each element. The dropout
value is roughly equal to 95% of the pickup value for currents > 0.3 ΙNom. If the measurement of the instanta-
neous values has been parameterized for the 50-3 or 50N-3 element, the dropout ratio is set to 90 %.
Pickup can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1215 50 T DROP-OUT or 1315 50N T DROP-OUT. This
time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the current falls below the threshold. Therefore, the func-
tion does not drop out at high speed. The trip delay time 50-3 DELAY, 50-2 DELAY or 50N-3 DELAY,
50N-2 DELAY continues running in the meantime. After the dropout delay time has elapsed, the pickup is
reported OFF and the trip delay time is reset unless the threshold 50-3 PICKUP, 50-2 PICKUP or 50N-3
PICKUP, 50N-2 PICKUP has been exceeded again. If the threshold is exceeded again during the dropout
delay time, the time is canceled. The trip delay time 50-3 DELAY, 50-2 DELAY or 50N-3 DELAY, 50N-2
DELAY continues running in the meantime. If the threshold value is exceeded after this time has elapsed, the
trip command is issued immediately. If the threshold value is not exceeded at this time, there is no reaction. If
the threshold value is exceeded again after expiry of the trip command delay time while the dropout delay
time is still running, tripping is initiated immediately.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosing function (79 AR).
The following figures give an example of logic diagrams for the high-set elements 50-2 PICKUP or 50N-2
PICKUP. They also apply analogously to the high-set elements 50-3 PICKUP and 50N-3 PICKUP.
[7sj6x-hochstromst-i-fuer-ph-20061212, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-5 Logic diagram for 50-2 high-set element for phases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50-2 instant. or 50-3 instant. and manual close detection is
used, a pickup causes instantaneous tripping, even if the element is blocked via binary input. The same applies
to 79 AR 50-2 inst.
[7sj6x-hochstromst-ie-20061212, 1, en_US]
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50N-2 instant. or 50N-3 instant. and manual close detection is
used, a pickup causes instantaneous tripping, even if the element is blocked via binary input. The same applies
to AR 50N-2 inst.
For each element an individual pickup value 50-1 PICKUP or 50N-1 PICKUP is set. Apart from Funda-
mental, the True RMS can also be measured. Each phase and ground current is compared separately with
the setting value 50-1 or 50N-1 for each element. If the respective value is exceeded, this is signaled. If the
inrush restraint feature (see below) is applied, either the normal pickup signals or the corresponding inrush
signals are output as long as inrush current is detected. After user-configured time delays 50-1 DELAY or
50N-1 DELAY have elapsed, a trip signal is issued if no inrush current is detected or inrush restraint is disa-
bled. If the inrush restraint feature is enabled and an inrush condition exists, no tripping takes place but a
message is recorded and displayed indicating when the overcurrent element time delay elapses. Trip signals
and signals on the expiration of time delay are available separately for each element. The dropout value is
approximately 95% of the pickup value for currents > 0.3 INom.
Pickup can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1215 50 T DROP-OUT or1315 50N T DROP-OUT. This
time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the current falls below the threshold. Therefore, the func-
tion does not drop out at high speed. The trip-command delay time 50-1 DELAY or 50N-1 DELAY continues
running in the meantime. After the dropout delay time has elapsed, the pickup is reported OFF and the trip
delay time is reset unless the threshold 50-1 or 50N-1 has been exceeded again. If the threshold is exceeded
again during the dropout delay time, the time is canceled. However, the trip-command delay time 50-1
DELAY or 50N-1 DELAY continues running. If the threshold value is exceeded after its expiry, the trip
command is issued immediately. If the threshold value is not exceeded at this time, there is no reaction. If the
threshold value is exceeded again after expiry of the trip-command delay time, while the dropout delay time is
still running, tripping occurs immediately.
Pickup stabilization of the overcurrent elements 50-1 or 50N-1 by means of settable dropout time is deacti-
vated if an inrush pickup is present since an inrush does not represent an intermittent fault.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosing function (79 AR).
The following figures show the logic diagrams for the current elements 50-1 and 50N-1.
[7sj6x-ueberstromst-i-fuer-ph-20061212, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-7 Logic diagram for the 50-1 overcurrent element for phases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50 -1 instant. and manual close detection is used, a pickup causes
instantaneous tripping, even if blocking of the element via binary input is present.
The same applies to 79 AR 50-1 inst.
The dropout delay only operates if no inrush was detected. An incoming inrush will reset a running dropout
delay time.
[7sj6x_rueckfallverzoegerung_i_gr_ph_260803_he, 1, en_US]
[7sj6x-ueberstromst-ie-20061212, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-9 Logic diagram for the 50N-1 overcurrent current element
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50N-1 instant. and manual close detection applies, the trip is initi-
ated as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element is blocked via a binary input.
The same applies to 79 AR 50N-1 inst.
The pickup values of each 50-1, 50-2 element for the phase currents and 50N-1, 50N-2 element for the
ground current and the valid delay times for each element can be set individually.
The dropout delay only functions if no inrush was detected. An incoming inrush will reset a running dropout
time delay.
[7sj6x_rueckfallverzoegerung_i_gr_erde_260803_he, 1, en_US]
The inverse-time elements depend on the ordered variant. They operate with an inverse-time characteristic
either in accordance with the IEC or the ANSI standard or with a user-defined characteristic. The characteristics
and the equations they are based on are given in the Technical Data.
When configuring one of the inverse-time characteristics, the definite-time elements 50-3, 50-2,and 50-1 are
also active (see Section "Definite-time High-set Current Elements 50-3, 50-2, 50N-3, 50N-2 " and "Definite-
time Overcurrent Elements 50-1, 50N-1 ").
A voltage restraint can optionally be set (see Section “Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection (Voltage-
controlled / Voltage-restraint”).
Pickup Behavior
For each element, an individual pickup value 51 PICKUP or 51N PICKUP is set. Apart from Fundamental,
the True RMS can also be measured. Each phase and ground current is separately compared with the setting
value 51 or 51N per element. If a current exceeds 1.1 times the setting value, the corresponding element picks
up and is signaled individually. If the inrush restraint function is used, either the normal pickup signals or the
corresponding inrush signals are issued as long as inrush current is detected. If the 51 element picks up, the
tripping time is calculated from the actual fault current flowing, using an integrating method of measurement.
The calculated tripping time depends on the selected tripping curve. Once this time has elapsed, a trip signal is
issued provided that no inrush current is detected or inrush restraint is disabled. If the inrush restraint function
is enabled and an inrush condition exists, no tripping takes place but a message is issued indicating when the
overcurrent element time delay elapses.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosing feature (79 AR).
For ground current element 51N, the characteristic may be selected independently of the characteristic used
for phase currents.
Pickup values of elements 51 (phase currents) and 51N (ground current) and the relevant time multiplicators
may be set individually.
The following two figures show the logic diagrams for the inverse time overcurrent protection.
[7sj6x-abhueberstromzeit-phase-20061212, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-11 Logic Diagram of the Inverse-time Overcurrent Protection Element for Phases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 51 instant. and manual close detection applies, the trip is initiated
as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element is blocked via a binary input. The same applies to
79 AR 51N inst.
[7sj6x-abhueberstromzeit-erde-20061212, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-12 Logic diagram of the inverse-time overcurrent protection element for ground
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 51N instant. and manual close detection applies, the trip is initiated
as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element is blocked via binary input. The same applies to 79
AR 51N inst.
Dropout Behavior
For the ANSI or IEC characteristics, you can select whether an element drops out instantaneously after a
threshold has been undershot or whether dropout is performed by means of disk emulation. "Instantaneous"
means that the picked-up element drops out when 95 % of the pickup value is undershot. For a new pickup,
the time delay starts at zero.
The disk emulation evokes a dropout process (timer counter is decrementing) which begins after de-energiza-
tion. This process corresponds to the reset of a Ferraris disk (explaining its denomination "disk emulation"). In
case several faults occur in succession, the "history" is taken into consideration due to the inertia of the
Ferraris disk and the time response is adapted. Reset begins as soon as 90 % of the setting value is undershot,
in accordance to the dropout curve of the selected characteristic. In the range between the dropout value (95
% of the pickup value) and 90 % of the setting value, the incrementing and the decrementing processes are in
idle state.
Disk emulation offers advantages when the overcurrent relay elements must be coordinated with conven-
tional electromechanical overcurrent relays located towards the source.
User-defined Characteristics
When user-defined characteristic are used, the tripping curve may be defined point by point. Up to 20 value
pairs (current, time) may be entered. The device then approximates the characteristic, using linear interpola-
The dropout curve may be user-defined as well. See dropout behavior for ANSI and IEC curves in the function
description. If no user-defined dropout curve is required, the element drops out as soon as the respective
current falls below approx. 95% of the set pickup value. When a new pickup is evoked, the timer starts at zero
Undervoltage Consideration
The inverse time overcurrent protection is provided with an undervoltage detection that can be disabled
(address 1223 VOLT. INFLUENCE). This function can influence overcurrent detection by means of two
different methods:
• Voltage-controlled: If a set voltage threshold is undershot, the overcurrent element is released.
• Voltage-restraint: The pickup threshold of the overcurrent element depends on the voltage magnitude.
A lower voltage decreases the current pickup value (see Figure 2-13). In the range between V/VNom = 1.00
to 0.25 a linear, directly proportional dependence is realized, and therefore the following applies:
The 51 PICKUP value is decreased proportional to the voltage decrease. Consequently, for constant current Ι
the Ι/ 51 PICKUP ratio is increased and the tripping time is reduced. Compared with the standard curves repre-
sented in Section “Technical Data” the tripping curve shifts to the left side as the voltage decreases.
Switching to the lower pickup value or decreasing the pickup threshold is carried out phase-selectively. The
assignment of voltages to current-carrying phases is shown in the following table.
Current Voltage
In order to avoid an unwanted operation in case of a voltage transformer fault, a function blocking is imple-
mented via a binary input controlled by the voltage transformer protection breaker as well as via the device-
internal measuring voltage failure detection ("Fuse Failure Monitor").
The following two figures show the logic diagrams for the inverse time overcurrent protection with under-
voltage consideration.
[7sjx_logic_51-phase-schleife-aktiv, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-14 Logic Diagram of the Voltage-controlled Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection
[7sjx_logic_51-phase, 1, en_US]
It may be necessary to dynamically increase the pickup thresholds of the overcurrent protection if certain
system components exhibit an increased power consumption when they are switched on after a long period
of zero voltage (e.g. air-conditioning systems, heating installations, motors). Thus, a general increase of
pickup thresholds can be avoided taking into consideration such starting conditions.
This dynamic pickup value changeover fuction is common to all overcurrent elements and is described in
Section 2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup. The alternative pickup values can be set individually for each element
of the time overcurrent protection.
When the multi-functional protective relay with local control 7SJ66 is installed, for instance, to protect a
power transformer, large magnetizing inrush currents will flow when the transformer is energized. These
inrush currents may be several times the nominal transformer current, and, depending on the transformer size
and design, may last from several tens of milliseconds to several seconds.
Although pickup of the relay elements is based only on the fundamental harmonic component of the meas-
ured currents, false device pickup due to inrush is still a potential problem since, depending on the trans-
former size and design, the inrush current also comprises a large component of the fundamental.
The 7SJ66 features an integrated inrush restraint function. It prevents the “normal” pickup of 50-1 or 51 relay
elements (not 50-2 and 50-3) in the phases and the ground path of all directional and non-directional overcur-
rent relay elements. The same is true for the alternative pickup thresholds of the dynamic cold load pickup
function. After detection of inrush currents above a pickup value, special inrush signals are generated. These
signals also initiate fault annunciations and start the associated trip delay time. If inrush conditions are still
present after the tripping time delay has elapsed, a corresponding message („....Timeout.“) is output,
but the overcurrent tripping is blocked (see also logic diagrams of time overcurrent elements, Figure 2-7 to
Figure 2-12).
Inrush current contains a relatively large second harmonic component (twice the nominal frequency) which is
nearly absent during a fault current. The inrush restraint is based on the evaluation of the 2nd harmonic
present in the inrush current. For frequency analysis, digital filters are used to conduct a Fourier analysis of all
three phase currents and the ground current.
Inrush current is recognized if the following conditions are fulfilled at the same time:
• The harmonic content is larger than the setting value 2202 2nd HARMONIC (minimum 0.125 * ΙNom,sec);
• an exceeding of a threshold value via an inrush restraint of the blocked element takes place.
In this case an inrush in the affected phase is recognized (annunciations 1840 to 1842 and 7558 InRush
Gnd Det, see Figure 2-16) and its blocking being carried out.
Since quantitative analysis of the harmonic components cannot be completed until a full line period has been
measured, pickup will generally be blocked by then. Therefore, assuming the inrush restraint feature is
enabled, a pickup message will be delayed by a full line period if no closing process is present. On the other
hand, trip delay times of the time overcurrent protection feature are started immediately even with the inrush
restraint being enabled. Time delays continue running with inrush currents present. If inrush blocking drops
out after the time delay has elapsed, tripping will occur immediately. Therefore, utilization of the inrush
restraint feature will not result in any additional tripping delays. If a relay element drops out during inrush
blocking, the associated time delay will reset.
Cross Blocking
Since inrush restraint operates individually for each phase, protection is ideal where a power transformer is
energized into a single-phase fault and inrush currents are detected on a different healthy phase. However,
the protection feature can be configured to allow that not only this phase element but also the remaining
elements (including ground) are blocked (the so-called CROSS BLOCK function, address 2203) if the permis-
sible harmonic component of the current is exceeded for only one phase.
Please take into consideration that inrush currents flowing in the ground path will not cross-block tripping by
the phase elements.
Cross blocking is reset if there is no more inrush in any phase. Furthermore, the cross blocking function may
also be limited to a particular time interval (address 2204 CROSS BLK TIMER). After expiry of this time
interval, the cross blocking function will be disabled, even if inrush current is still present.
The inrush restraint has an upper limit: Above this (via adjustable parameter 2205 I Max) current blocking is
suppressed since a high-current fault is assumed in this case.
The following figure shows the inrush restraint influence on the time overcurrent elements including cross-
[7sj6x_einschaltstabilisierung-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
The pickup annunciations of the individual phases (or ground) and the individual element are combined with
each other in such a way that the phase information and the element that has picked up are issued.
In the trip signals, the element which initiated the tripping is also indicated.
The 2-phase overcurrent protection functionality is used in isolated or grounded systems where interaction
with existing 2-phase protection equipment is required. As an isolated or grounded system remains opera-
tional with a 1-phase ground fault, this protection serves to detect double ground faults with high ground
fault currents. The respective feeder must be switched off only in this case. A 2-phase measurement is suffi-
cient for this purpose. In order to ensure selectivity of the protection in this section of the system, only phases
A and C are monitored.
If 250 50/51 2-ph prot (settable in P.System Data 1) is set to ON, ΙB is not used for threshold compar-
ison. If the fault is a simple ground fault in B, the element will not pick up. A double ground fault is assumed
only after pickup on A or C, causing the element to pick up and trip after the delay time has elapsed.
i With inrush detection activated and inrush only on B, no cross blocking will take place in the other phases.
On the other hand, if inrush with cross blocking is activated on A or C, B will also be blocked.
Application Example
Each of the current elements can be blocked via binary inputs. A setting parameter determines whether the
binary input operates in the normally open (i.e. actuated when energized) or the normally closed (i.e. actu-
ated when de-energized) mode. This allows fast busbar protection to be applied in star systems or open ring
systems by applying "reverse interlocking". This principle is often used, for example, in distribution systems,
auxiliary systems of power plants and similar systems, where a station supply transformer supplied from the
transmission grid serves internal loads of the generation station via a medium voltage bus with multiple
feeders (Figure 2-17).
The reverse interlocking principle is based on the following: Time overcurrent protection of the busbar feeder
trips with a short time delay T 50-2 independent of the grading times of the feeders, unless the pickup of the
next load-side overcurrent protection element blocks the busbar protection (Figure 2-17). Always the protec-
tion element nearest to the fault will trip with the short time delay since this element cannot be blocked by a
protection element located behind the fault. Time elements T 50-1 or T51 are still effective as backup
element. Pickup signals output by the load-side protective relay are used as input message >BLOCK 50-2 via
a binary input at the feeder-side protective relay.
[rueckwverr-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
When selecting the time overcurrent protection in DIGSI, a dialog box appears with several tabs for setting the
individual parameters. Depending on the functional scope specified during configuration of the protection
functions under addresses 112 Charac. Phase and 113 Charac. Ground, the number of tabs can vary. If
address FCT 50/51 was set to Definite Time, or Charac. Ground was set to Definite Time, then
only the settings for the definite time elements are available. The selection of TOC IEC or TOC ANSI makes
available additional inverse time characteristics. The superimposed high-set elements 50-2, 50-3 or 50N-2,
50N-3 are available in all these cases.
Parameter 250 50/51 2-ph prot can also be set to activate two-phase overcurrent protection.
Under address 1201 FCT 50/51, overcurrent protection for phases and under address 1301 FCT 50N/51N,
the ground overcurrent protection can be switched ON or OFF.
Pickup values, time delays, and characteristics for ground protection are set separately from the pickup values,
time delays and characteristic curves associated with phase protection. Because of this, relay coordination for
ground faults is independent of relay coordination for phase faults, and more sensitive settings can often be
applied to directional ground protection.
Depending on the setting of parameter 251 CT Connect., the device can also be used in specific system
configuration with regard to current connections. Further information can be found under Section Setting Notes, “Current Connections”.
Measurement Methods
The comparison values to be used for the respective element can be set in the setting sheets for the elements.
• Measurement of the fundamental harmonic (standard method):
This measurement method processes the sampled values of the current and filters in numerical order the
fundamental harmonic so that the higher harmonics or transient peak currents remain largely unconsid-
1218. It is usually used for purposes of current grading intended for large impedances that are prevalent in
transformers or generators. It is specified in such manner that it picks up faults up to this impedance.
Example of the high-set current element 50-2 PICKUP: Transformer used for busbar supply with the
following data:
Rated apparent power SNomT = 16 MVA
Transformer impedance ZT = 10 %
Primary nominal voltage VNom1 = 110 kV
Secondary nominal voltage VNom2 = 20 kV
Vector groups Dy 5
Neutral point Grounded
Fault power on 110 kV-side 1 GVA
Based on the data above, the following fault currents are calculated:
Three-Phase High Voltage Side Fault Current at 110 kV = 5250 A
Three-Phase Low Voltage Side Fault Current at 20 kV = 3928 A
On the High Voltage Side Flowing at 110 kV = 714 A
[fo_hochstrom, 1, en_US]
the following setting applies to the protection device: The 50-2 high-set current element must be set higher
than the maximum fault current which is detected during a low side fault on the high side. To reduce fault
probability as much as possible even when fault power varies, the following setting is selected in primary
values: 50-2 /ΙNom = 10, i.e. 50-2 = 1000 A. The same applies analogously when using the high-set element
Increased inrush currents, if their fundamental component exceeds the setting value, are rendered harmless
by delay times (address 1203 50-2 DELAY or 1218 50-3 DELAY).
For motor protection, the 50-2 relay element must be set smaller than the smallest phase-to-phase fault
current and larger than the largest motor starting current. Since the maximum occurring startup current is
usually below 1.6 x the rated startup current (even with unfavourable conditions), the following setting is
adequate for the fault current element 50-2:
1.6 x ΙStartup < 50-2 Pickup < Ιfault,2pol,min
The potential increase in starting current caused by overvoltage conditions is already accounted for by the 1.6
factor. The 50-2 element can be tripped without delay (50-2 DELAY = 0.00 s), since saturation of the shunt
reactance occurs in a motor, unlike in a transformer, for example.
The principle of the "reverse interlocking" utilizes the multi-element function of the time overcurrent protec-
tion: Element 50-2 PICKUP is applied as a fast busbar protection with a shorter safety delay time 50-2
DELAY (e.g. 100 ms). For faults at the outgoing feeders, element 50-2 is blocked. The elements 50-1 or 51
serve as backup protection. The pickup values of both elements (50-1 PICKUP or 51 PICKUP and 50-2 PICKUP)
are set equal. The delay time 50-1 DELAY or 51 TIME DIAL is set in such manner that it overgrades the
delay for the outgoing feeders.
The selected time is an additional delay time and does not include the operating time (measuring time,
dropout time). The delay can also be set to ∞. In this case, the element will not trip after pickup. However,
pickup, will be signaled. If the 50-2 element or the 50-3 element is not required at all, the pickup threshold
50-2 or 50-3 is set to ∞. This setting prevents tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
If the inverse time trip characteristic is selected, it must be noted that a safety factor of about 1.1 has already
been included between the pickup value and the setting value. This means that a pickup will only occur if a
current of about 1.1 times the setting value is present. If Disk Emulation was selected at address 1210 51
Drop-out, reset will occur in accordance with the reset curve as described before.
The current value is set in address 1207 51 PICKUP. The setting is mainly determined by the maximum
anticipated operating current. Pickup due to overload should never occur since in this mode, the device oper-
ates as fault protection with correspondingly short tripping times and not as overload protection.
The corresponding time multiplier for an IEC characteristic is set at address 1208 51 TIME DIAL and in
address 1209 51 TIME DIAL for an ANSI characteristic. It must be coordinated with the time coordination
chart of the system.
The time multiplier can also be set to ∞. In this case, the element will not trip after pickup. However, pickup
will be signaled. If the 51 element is not required at all, address 112 Charac. Phase should be set to Defi-
nite Time during protection function configuration (see Section Setting Notes).
If highly sensitive settings close to the load current are required in weak power systems or transformers, the
element can be stabilized via the undervoltage as an additional criterion for the power system fault. The oper-
ating modes can be set in address 1223 VOLT. INFLUENCE. In a voltage-controlled operation, the voltage
threshold is defined via parameter 1224 51V V< below which the current element is released
• The value pairs should be entered in increasing sequence. If desired, fewer than 20 pairs can be entered.
In most cases, about 10 pairs is sufficient to define the characteristic accurately. A value pair which is not
used has to be made invalid by entering "∞” for the threshold! The user must ensure that the value pairs
produce a clear and constant characteristic .
The current values entered should be those from the following table, along with the matching times.
Deviating values MofPU (multiples of PU-values) are rounded. This, however, will not be indicated.
Currents smaller than the current value of the smallest curve point will not lead to an extension of the
tripping time. The pickup curve (see Figure 2-18, right side) runs parallel to the current axis, up to the
smallest current value point.
Currents larger than the largest current value entered will not lead to a reduction of the tripping time.
The pickup curve (see Figure 2-18, right side) runs parallel to the current axis, beginning with the
greatest current value point.
Table 2-4 Preferential values of standardized currents for user-defined tripping curves
[anwenderkennl-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
The value pairs are entered at address 1231 MofPU Res T/Tp or 1331 MofPU Res T/TEp to recreate the
reset curve. The following must be observed:
• The current values entered should be those from the following Table 2-5, along with the matching times.
Deviating values of MofPU are rounded. This, however, will not be indicated.
Currents larger than the largest current value entered will not lead to an extension of the dropout time.
The dropout curve (see Figure 2-18, left side) runs parallel to the current axis, up to the largest curve
value point.
Currents which are smaller than the smallest current value entered will not lead to a reduction of the
dropout time. The dropout curve (see Figure 2-18, left side) runs parallel to the current axis, beginning
with the smallest curve value point.
Table 2-5 Preferential values of standardized currents for user-defined reset curves
.MofPU = 1 to 0.86 MofPU = 0.84 to 0.67 MofPU = 0.66 to 0.38 MofPU = 0.34 to 0.00
1.00 0.93 0.84 0.75 0.66 0.53 0.34 0.16
0.99 0.92 0.83 0.73 0.64 0.50 0.31 0.13
0.98 0.91 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.47 0.28 0.09
0.97 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.61 0.44 0.25 0.06
0.96 0.89 0.78 0.69 0.59 0.41 0.22 0.03
0.95 0.88 0.77 0.67 0.56 0.38 0.19 0.00
0.94 0.86
When using DIGSI to make settings, a dialog box opens where you can enter up to 20 value pairs (measured
quantity and trip time) (see Figure 2-19).
In order to represent the characteristic graphically, the user should click on "characteristic". The previously
entered characteristic will appear as shown in Figure 2-19.
The characteristic curve shown in the graph can be modified later on. Placing the mouse cursor over a point
on the characteristic, the cursor changes to the shape of a hand. Press and hold the left mouse button and
drag the data item to the desired position. Releasing the mouse button will automatically update the value in
the value table.
The respective upper limits of the ranges of value are indicated by dotted lines in the right-hand and upper
area of the system of coordinates. If the position of a data point lies outside these limits, the associated value
is set to infinity.
[sc_ausloesekennl, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-19 Entry and visualization of a user-defined tripping characteristic in DIGSI — example
Inrush Restraint
When applying the protection device to transformers where high inrush currents are to be expected, the
7SJ66 can make use of an inrush restraint function for the overcurrent elements 50-1, 51, 50N-1 and 51N.
Inrush restraint is only effective and accessible if address 122 InrushRestraint was set to Enabled. If this
function is not required, then Disabled is set. In address 2201 INRUSH REST., the function is switched ON
or OFF jointly for the overcurrent elements 50-1 PICKUP,51 PICKUP, 50N-1 PICKUP and 51N PICKUP
The inrush restraint is based on the evaluation of the 2nd harmonic present in the inrush current. Upon
delivery from the factory, a ratio Ι2f/Ιf of 15 % is set. Under normal circumstances, this setting will not need to
be changed. The setting value is identical for all phases and ground. However, the component required for
restraint may be adjusted to system conditions in address 2202 2nd HARMONIC. To provide more restraint in
exceptional cases, where energizing conditions are particularly unfavorable, a smaller value can be set in the
aforementioned address, e.g. 12 %. Irrespective of parameter 2202 2nd HARMONIC, rush blocking will only
occur if the absolute value of the 2nd harmonic is at least 0.125 * INom,sec.
The effective duration of the cross-blocking 2203 CROSS BLK TIMER can be set to a value between 0 s
(harmonic restraint active for each phase individually) and a maximum of 180 s (harmonic restraint of a phase
blocks also the other phases for the specified duration).
If the current exceeds the value set in address 2205 I Max, no further restraint will take place for the 2nd
[handein-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-20 Example for the generation of a manual close signal using the internal control function
i For an interaction between the automatic reclosing function (79 AR) and the control function, an extended
CFC logic is necessary. See margin heading “Close command: Directly or via Control” in the Setting Notes of
the automatic reclosing function (Section 2.17.6 Setting Notes).
ping times, that is, element 50N-2 or 50N-3 will be blocked. At address 1314 50N-2 active or 1316 50N-3
active active it can be specified whether the 50N-2 or the 50N-3 element should be influenced by the
release signal of an internal or external automatic reclosing system. Address with 79 active determines
that the 50N-2 or the 50N-3 element will only operate if automatic reclosing is not blocked. If not desired,
select the setting Always so that the 50N-2 or the 50N-3 element will always operate, as configured.
The integrated automatic reclosing function of the 7SJ66 also provides the option to individually determine for
each overcurrent element whether tripping or blocking is to be carried out instantaneously or unaffected by
the AR with the set time delay (see Section 2.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79).
2.2.12 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
1201 FCT 50/51 ON ON 50, 51 Phase Time Overcur-
OFF rent
1202 50-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 2.00 A 50-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 10.00 A
1203 50-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec 50-2 Time Delay
1204 50-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 1.00 A 50-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 5.00 A
1205 50-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 50-1 Time Delay
1207 51 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1208 51 TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 51 Time Dial
1209 51 TIME DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; ∞ 5.00 51 Time Dial
1210 51 Drop-out Instantaneous Disk Emulation Drop-out characteristic
Disk Emulation
1211 51 IEC CURVE Normal Inverse Normal Inverse IEC Curve
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
1212 51 ANSI CURVE Very Inverse Very Inverse ANSI Curve
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite Inv.
1213A MANUAL CLOSE 50-3 instant. 50-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
50-2 instant.
50 -1 instant.
51 instant.
1214A 50-2 active Always Always 50-2 active
with 79 active
1215A 50 T DROP-OUT 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50 Drop-Out Time Delay
• The directional overcurrent protection allows the application of multifunctional protection devices 7SJ66
also in systems where protection coordination depends on knowing both the magnitude of the fault
current and the direction of power flow to the fault location.
• The non-directional overcurrent protection described in Section 2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N,
51N may operate as overlapping backup protection or may be disabled. Additionally, individual elements
(e.g. 67-2 and/or 67N-2) may be interconnected with the directional overcurrent protection.
• For parallel lines or transformers supplied from a single source, only directional overcurrent protection
allows selective fault detection.
• For line sections supplied from two sources or in ring-operated lines, the overcurrent protection has to be
supplemented by the element-specific directional criterion.
2.3.1 General
For parallel lines or transformers supplied from a single source (see Figure 2-21), the second feeder (II) is
opened on occurrence of a fault in the first feeder (I) if tripping of the breaker in the parallel feeder is not
prevented by a directional measuring element (at B). Therefore, where indicated with an arrow (Figure 2-21),
directional overcurrent protection is applied. Please ensure that the "forward" direction of the protection
element is in the direction of the line (or object to be protected). This is not necessarily identical with the
direction of the normal load flow, as shown in Figure 2-21.
[dw_ueberstromzeitschutz-bei-paralleltransformatoren, 1, en_US]
For line sections supplied from two sources or in ring-operated lines, the overcurrent protection has to be
supplemented by the directional criterion. Figure 2-22 shows a ring system where both energy sources are
merged to one single source.
[dw_zweiseitig-gespeister-leitungszug, 1, en_US]
Depending on the setting of parameter 613 50N/51N/67N w., the ground current element can operate
either with measured values IN or with the values 3I0 calculated from the three phase currents. Devices
featuring a sensitive ground current input, however, use the calculated quantity 3I0.
The directional orientation Forward, Reverse or Non-Directional can be set individually for each
element (Non-Directional from V4.81 on).
For each element the time can be blocked via binary input or automatic reclosing (cycle-dependent), thus
suppressing the trip command. Removal of blocking during pickup will restart time delays. The Manual Close
signal is an exception. If a circuit breaker is manually closed onto a fault, it can be re-opened immediately. For
overcurrent elements or high-set elements the delay may be bypassed via a Manual Close pulse, thus resulting
in high-speed tripping.
Furthermore, immediate tripping may be initiated in conjunction with the automatic reclosing function (cycle
Pickup stabilization for the 67/67N elements of the directional overcurrent protection can be accomplished by
means of settable dropout times. This protection comes into use in systems where intermittent faults occur.
Combined with electromechanical relays, it allows different dropout responses to be adjusted and a time
grading of digital and electromechanical relays to be implemented.
Pickup and delay settings may be quickly adjusted to system requirements via dynamic setting switching (see
Section 2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup).
Utilizing the inrush restraint feature tripping may be blocked by the 67-1, 67-TOC, 67N-1, and 67N-TOC
elements in phases and ground path when inrush current is detected.
The following table gives an overview of these interconnections to other functions of the 7SJ66 devices.
Directional Time Connection to Auto- Manual CLOSE Dynamic Cold Inrush Restraint
Overcurrent Protec- matic Reclosing Load Pickup
tion Elements
67-1 • • • •
67-2 • • •
67-3 • • •
67-TOC • • • •
67N-1 • • • •
67N-2 • • •
Directional Time Connection to Auto- Manual CLOSE Dynamic Cold Inrush Restraint
Overcurrent Protec- matic Reclosing Load Pickup
tion Elements
67N-3 • • •
67N-TOC • • • •
2.3.2 Definite Time Directional High-set Elements 67-2, 67N-2, 67-3, 67N-3
For each element an individual pickup value 67-2 PICKUP, 67-3 PICKUP or 67N-2 PICKUP, 67N-3
PICKUP is set which can be measured as Fundamental or True RMS. Each phase current and the ground
current is compared with the common pickup value for each element 67-2 PICKUP, 67-3 PICKUP or
67N-2 PICKUP, 67N-3 PICKUP, and it is signaled when the value is exceeded provided that the fault direc-
tion is the same as the parameterized direction. After the associated delay times 67-2 DELAY, 67-3 DELAY
or 67N-2 DELAY, 67N-3 DELAY have expired, the tripping commands are initiated which are equally avail-
able separately for each element. The dropout value is approximately 95% of the pickup value for currents >
0.3 ΙNom.
Pickup can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1518 67 T DROP-OUT or 1618 67N T DROP-OUT. This
time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the current falls below the threshold. Therefore, the func-
tion does not drop out instantaneously. The trip delay times 50-2 DELAY, 67-3 DELAY or 50N-2 DELAY,
67N-3 DELAY continue during that time. After the dropout delay time has elapsed, the pickup is reported
OFF and the trip delay time is reset unless the threshold 50-2 PICKUP, 67-3 PICKUP or 50N-2 PICKUP,
67N-3 PICKUP has been exceeded again. If the threshold is exceeded again during the dropout delay time,
the time is canceled. The trip delay time 50-2 DELAY, 67-3 DELAY or 50N-2 DELAY, 67N-3 DELAY
continues. If the threshold value is exceeded after this time has elapsed, the trip command is issued immedi-
ately. If the threshold value is not exceeded at this time, there is no reaction. If the threshold value is
exceeded again after expiry of the trip command delay time, while the dropout delay time is still running, trip-
ping is initiated immediately.
Each of these elements can be directional or non-directional (non-directional from V4.81 on).
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosing function (79 AR).
The following figure gives an example of the logic diagram for the high-set elements 67-2 of the phase
currents. The high-set element 67-3 is structured identically.
[7sj6x_gerueberstromzeit_hochstromst-030903-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-23 Logic diagram for directional high-set element 67-2 for phases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 67-2 instant. or 67-3 instant. and manual close detection is
present, a pickup causes instantaneous tripping even if the element is blocked via binary input.
The same applies to 79 AR 67-2 or 79 AR 67-3 instantaneous.
For each element, an individual pickup value 67-1 PICKUP or 67N-1 PICKUP is set which can be measured
as Fundamental or True RMS. Phase and ground currents are compared separately with the common
setting value 67-1 PICKUP or 67N-1 PICKUP. Currents above the setting values are recognized separately
when fault direction is equal to the configured direction. If the inrush restraint function is used, either the
normal pickup signals or the corresponding inrush signals are issued as long as inrush current is detected.
When the relevant delay times 67-1 DELAY, 67N-1 DELAY have expired, a tripping command is issued
unless an inrush has been recognized or inrush restraint is active. If the inrush restraint feature is enabled, and
an inrush condition exists, no tripping takes place, but a message is recorded and displayed indicating when
the overcurrent element time delay elapses. Trip signals and other flags for each element are issued when the
element times out. The dropout value is roughly equal to 95% of the pickup value for currents > 0.3 ΙNom.
Pickup can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1518 67 T DROP-OUT or 1618 67N T DROP-OUT. This
time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the current falls below the threshold. Therefore, the func-
tion does not drop out at high speed. The trip-command delay time 50-1 DELAY or 50N-1 DELAY continues
in the meantime. After the dropout delay time has elapsed, the pickup is reported OFF and the trip delay time
is reset unless the threshold 50-1 PICKUP or 50N-1 PICKUP has been exceeded again. If the threshold is
exceeded again during the dropout delay time, the time is canceled. The trip-command delay time 50-1
DELAY or 50N-1 DELAY continues in the meantime. Should the threshold value be exceeded after its expiry,
the trip command is issued immediately. If the threshold value is not exceeded at this time, there will be no
reaction. If the threshold value is exceeded again after expiry of the trip-command delay time, while the
dropout delay time is still running, tripping occurs immediately.
The inrush restraint of the overcurrent elements 50-1 PICKUP or 50N-1 PICKUP is disabled via configu-
rable dropout times if an inrush pickup occurs, because the occurrence of an inrush does not constitute an
intermittent fault.
Each of these elements can be directional or non-directional (non-directional from V4.81 on).
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosure function (AR).
The following figure shows by way of an example the logic diagram for the directional overcurrent element
[7sj6x_gerueberstromzeit_ueberstromst-030903-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-24 Logic Diagram for the Directional Relay Element 67-1 for Phases
The dropout delay does only function if no inrush was detected. An approaching inrush resets an already
running dropout time delay.
[dw_7sj6x_gerrueckfallverzoegerung_i_gr_ph, 1, en_US]
Inverse time elements are dependent on the variant ordered. They operate either according to the IEC- or the
ANSI-standard or to a user-defined characteristic. The characteristics and associated formulas are identical
with those of the non-directional overcurrent protection and are given in the Technical Data. When the inverse
time curves are configured, the definite time relay elements (67-2, 67-1) are also available.
Pickup Behavior
For each element, an individual pickup value 67-TOC PICKUP or 67N-TOC PICKUP is set which can be
measured as Fundamental or True RMS. Each phase and ground current is separately compared with the
common pickup value 67-TOC PICKUP or 67N-TOC PICKUP of each element. When a current value
exceeds the corresponding setting value by a factor of 1.1, the corresponding phase picks up and a message is
generated phase-selectively assuming that the fault direction is equal to the direction configured. If the inrush
restraint feature is used, either the normal pickup signals or the corresponding inrush signals are issued as
long as inrush current is detected. If the 67-TOC element picks up, the tripping time is calculated from the
actual fault current flowing, using an integrating method of measurement. The calculated tripping time
depends on the selected tripping curve. Once this time has elapsed, a trip signal is issued provided that no
inrush current is detected or inrush restraint is disabled. If the inrush restraint feature is enabled and an inrush
condition exists, no tripping takes place, but a message is recorded and displayed indicating when the overcur-
rent element time delay elapses.
For ground current element 67N-TOC, the characteristic may be selected independently of the characteristic
used for phase currents.
Pickup values of the 67-TOC (phases) and 67N-TOC (ground current) and the associated time multipliers may
be set individually.
Each of these elements can be directional or non-directional (non-directional from V4.81 on).
Dropout Behavior
When using an ANSI or IEC curve, it can be selected whether the dropout of an element is to occur instantane-
ously or whether dropout is to be performed by means of the disk emulation mechanism. "Instantaneously"
means that pickup drops out when the pickup value of approx. 95 % of the set pickup value is undershot. For a
new pickup, the time counter starts at zero.
The disk emulation evokes a dropout process (time counter is decrementing) which begins after de-energiza-
tion. This process corresponds to the reset of a Ferraris disk (explaining its denomination "disk emulation"). In
case several faults occur in succession the "history" is taken into consideration due to the inertia of the Ferraris
disk and the time response is adapted. Reset begins as soon as 90 % of the setting value is undershot, in
accordance to the dropout curve of the selected characteristic. In the range between the dropout value (95 %
of the pickup value) and 90 % of the setting value, the incrementing and the decrementing processes are in
idle state.
Disk emulation offers advantages when the overcurrent relay elements must be coordinated with conven-
tional electromechanical overcurrent relays located towards the source.
User-defined Characteristics
When user-defined characteristic are utilized, the tripping curve may be defined point by point. Up to 20 value
pairs (current, time) may be entered. The device then approximates the characteristic, using linear interpola-
The dropout curve may be user-defined as well. This is advantageous when the overcurrent protection must
be coordinated with conventional electromechanical overcurrent relays located towards the source. If no user-
defined dropout curve is required, the element drops out as soon as the measured signal is less than approx.
95% of the pickup setting. When a new pickup is evoked, the timer starts at zero again.
The following figure shows by way of an example the logic diagram for the 67-TOC relay element of the direc-
tional inverse time overcurrent protection of the phase currents.
[7sj6x_gerueberstromzeit_abh_ueberstrom_ip-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-26 Logic diagram for the directional overcurrent protection: 67-TOC relay element
False or undesired tripping can be caused by a measuring voltage that can be caused by either short-circuit or
broken wire in the voltage transformer's secondary system or an operation of the voltage transformer fuse.
Failure of the measuring voltage in one or two phases can be detected, and the directional time overcurrent
elements (Dir Phase and Dir Ground) can be blocked, see logic diagrams.
Undervoltage protection, sensitive ground fault detection and synchronization are also blocked in this case.
It may be necessary to dynamically increase the pickup values of the directional time overcurrent protection if,
at starting, certain elements of the system show an increased power consumption after a long period of zero
voltage (e.g. air-conditioning systems, heating installations, motors). Thus, a general raise of pickup thresh-
olds can be avoided taking into consideration such starting conditions.
This dynamic pickup value changeover is common to all overcurrent elements and is described in Section
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup. The alternative pickup values can be set individually for each element of the
directional and non-directional time overcurrent protection.
7SJ66 features an integrated inrush restraint function. It prevents "normal" pickup of the 67-1 or 67-TOC
elements (not 67-2 and 67-3) in the phases and in the ground path of the non-directional and directional
overcurrent protection functions. The same is true for the alternative pickup thresholds of the dynamic cold
load pickup function. If inrush currents are detected, special inrush pickup signals are generated. These signals
also initiate fault recording and start the associated trip delay time. If inrush conditions are still present after
the tripping time delay has elapsed, a corresponding message ("....TimeOut ") is output, but tripping is
blocked (for further information see "Inrush Restraint" in Section 2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N,
The determination of the fault direction for the phase directional element and the ground directional element
is performed independently.
Basically, the direction determination is performed by determining the phase angle between the fault current
and a reference voltage.
Otherwise the device calculates as reference voltage the zero sequence voltage 3 · V0 from the sum of the
three phase voltages. If the magnitude of V0 or 3 · V0 is not sufficient to determine direction, the direction is
undefined. Then the directional ground element will not initiate a trip signal. If the current Ι0 cannot be deter-
mined, e.g. because only two current transformers are utilized or the current transformers are connected in an
open delta configuration, then the directional ground elements will not be able to function. The latter is only
permitted in ungrounded systems.
[kurzschlussfremde-spannungen-fuer-richtungsbestimmung-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
[7sj6x_drehung-referenzspannung-phase-200904-he, 1, en_US]
The rotated reference voltage defines the forward and reverse area, see Figure 2-29. The forward area is a
range of ±86° around the rotated reference voltage Vref,rot If the vector of the fault current is in this area, the
device detects forward direction. In the mirrored area, the device detects reverse direction. In the intermediate
area, the direction result is undefined.
In a network, the vector of the fault current is usually in the forward or reverse area. If the vector moves out of
one these areas, e.g. the forward area, in direction of the undefined area, it leaves the forward area at Vref,rot
±86° and reaches the undefined area. If the vector leaves the undefined area in direction of the forward area
(or reverse area), a hysteresis of 2° is added. This hysteresis prevents chattering of the directional result. The
current vector reaches the forward area at ±84° (= 86°-2° hysteresis).
[7sj6x_vorwaertscharakteristik-gumz-phase-220904-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-29 Forward characteristic of the directional function, directional phase element
[7sj6x_drehung-referenzspannung-erde-nullsys-220904-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-30 Rotation of the reference voltage, directional ground element with zero sequence values
The forward area is also a range of ±86° around the rotated reference voltage Vref, rot. If the vector of the fault
current -3Ι0 (or ΙN) is in this area, the device detects forward direction.
[7sj6x_drehung-referenzspannung-erde-gegensys-220904-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-31 Rotation of the reference voltage, directional ground element with negative sequence values
The forward area is a range of ±86° around the rotated reference voltage Vref, rot. If the vector of the negative
sequence system current -3Ι2 is in this area, the device detects forward direction.
Application Example
The directionality feature of the directional overcurrent protection enables the user to perform reverse inter-
locking also on double end fed lines using relay element 67-1. It is designed to selectively isolate a faulty line
section (e.g. sections of rings) in high speed, i.e. no long graded times will slow down the process. This
scheme is feasible when the distance between protective relays is not too great and when pilot wires are avail-
able for signal transfer via an auxiliary voltage loop.
For each line, a separate data transfer path is required to facilitate signal transmission in each direction. When
implemented in a closed-circuit connection, disturbances in the communication line are detected and
signalled with time delay. The local system requires a local interlocking bus wire similar to the one described
in Subsection "Reverse Interlocking Bus Protection" for the directional overcurrent protection (Section
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N).
During a line fault, the device that detects faults in forward (line) direction using the directional relay element
67-1 will block one of the non-directional overcurrent elements (50-1, 50-TOC) of devices in the reverse direc-
tion (at the same busbar) since they should not trip (Figure 2-32). In addition, a message is generated
regarding the fault direction. "Forward" messages are issued when the current threshold of the directional
relay element 67-1 is exceeded and directional determination is done. Subsequently, "forward" messages are
transmitted to the device located in reverse direction.
During a busbar fault, the device that detects faults in reverse (busbar) direction using the directional relay
element 67-1 will block one of the non-directional overcurrent elements (50-1, 50-TOC) of devices at the
opposite end of the same feeder. In addition, a "Reverse" message is generated and transmitted via the auxil-
iary voltage loop to the relay located at the opposite end of the line.
[selektivitaetdurchrueckwverr-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
The directional overcurrent element providing normal time grading operates as selective backup protection.
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the generation of fault direction signals.
[7sj6x-meld-gener-fehlerricht-20060118, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-33 Logic diagram for the generation of fault direction signals
When selecting the directional time overcurrent protection in DIGSI, a dialog box appears with several tabs for
setting the associated parameters. Depending on the functional scope specified during configuration of the
protective functions in addresses 115 67/67-TOC and 116 67N/67N-TOC, the number of tabs can vary.
If 67/67-TOC or 67N/67N-TOC is set equal to Definite Time, only the parameters for definite time over-
current protection are accessible here. If you select TOC IEC or TOC ANSI, the inverse time characteristics is
available, too. The superimposed directional elements 67-3, 67-2 and 67-1or 67N-3, 67N-2 and 67N-1apply in
all these cases.
At address 1501 FCT 67/67-TOC, directional phase overcurrent protection may be switched ON or OFF.
Pickup values, time delays, and characteristic are set separately for phase protection and ground protection.
Because of this, relay coordination for ground faults is independent of relay coordination for phase faults, and
more sensitive settings can often be applied to directional ground protection. Thus, at address 1601 FCT
67N/67N-TOC, directional ground time overcurrent protection may be switched ON or OFF independent of
the directional phase time overcurrent protection.
Depending on the parameter 613 50N/51N/67N w., the device can either operate using measured values IN
or the quantities 3I0 calculated from the three phase currents. Devices featuring a sensitive ground current
input generally use the calculated quantity 3Ι0.
The directional orientation of the function is influenced by parameter 201 CT Starpoint (see Section
2.1.3 Power System Data 1).
Measurement Methods
The comparison values to be used for the respective element can be set in the setting sheets for the elements.
• Measurement of the Fundamental Harmonic (standard method):
This measurement method processes the sampled values of the current and filters in numerical order the
fundamental harmonic so that the higher harmonics or transient peak currents are rejected.
Direction Characteristic
The direction characteristic, i.e. the position of the ranges “forward”and “reverse” is set for the phase direc-
tional elements under address 1519 ROTATION ANGLE and for the ground directional element under address
1619 ROTATION ANGLE. The short-circuit angle is generally inductive in a range of 30° to 60°. This means
that usually the default settings of +45° for the phase directional elements and -45° for the ground directional
element can be maintained for the adjustment of the reference voltage, as they guarantee a safe direction
Nevertheless, the following contains some setting examples for special applications (Table 2-8). The following
must be observed: With the phase directional elements, the reference voltage (fault-free voltage) for phase-
ground- faults is vertical on the short-circuit voltage. For this reason, the resulting setting of the angle of rota-
tion is (see also Section 2.3.8 Determination of Direction):
Ref. volt. angle of rotation = 90 - φsc Phase directional element (phase-
to-ground fault)
With the ground directional element, the reference voltage is the short-circuit voltage itself. The resulting
setting of the angle of rotation is then:
Ref. volt. angle of rotation = -φsc Directional ground element (phase-
to-ground fault).
It should also be noted for phase directional elements that with phase-to-phase faults, the reference voltage is
rotated between 0° (remote fault) and 30° (close-up fault) depending on the collapse of the faulty voltage.
This can be taken into account with a mean value of 15°:
Ref. volt. angle of rotation = 90 - φsc -15° Phase directional element (phase-
to-phase fault)
Directional Orientation
Directional overcurrent protection normally operates in the direction of the protected object (line, trans-
former, etc.). If the protection device is properly connected in accordance with one of the circuit diagrams in
Appendix C Connection Examples, this is the “forward” direction.
The directional orientation Forward or Reverse can be set separately for each element. Moreover, each
element can also be operated Non-Directional.
• Address 1526 67-3 Direction
i If the threshold value of the 67-1 or 67N-1 element is exceeded, the phase-specific directional indications
“forward” or “reverse” are output (indications 2628 to 2636), independent of whether the fault direction is
the same as the configured direction.
These indications are used for directional comparison protection.
Quantity Selection for Direction Determination for the Directional Ground Element
Parameter 1617 67N POLARIZAT.can be set to specify whether direction determination is accomplished
from the zero sequence quantities or ground quantities (with VN and IN) or from the negative sequence
quantities (with V2 and I2) in the ground directional element. The first option is the preferential setting;
the latter is to be selected in case of danger that the zero voltage be too small due to unfavourable zero impe-
dance or that a parallel line influences the zero system.
• The value pairs should be entered in increasing sequence. If desired, fewer than 20 pairs may be entered.
In most cases, about 10 pairs is sufficient to define the characteristic accurately. A value pair which will
not be used has to be made invalid entering ∞ for the threshold! The user must ensure the value pairs
produce a clear and constant characteristic.
The current values entered should be those from following Table, along with the matching times. Devi-
ating values MofPU (multiples of PU value) are rounded. This, however, will not be indicated.
Current flows less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to an extension of the tripping
time. The pickup curve (see Figure 2-18, right side) goes parallel to the current axis, up to the smallest
current point.
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not lead to a reduction of the tripping
time. The pickup characteristic (see Figure 2-18, right side) goes parallel to the current axis, beginning
with the greatest current point.
Table 2-9 Preferential Values of Standardized Currents for User-defined Tripping Curves
The value pairs are entered at address 1531 MofPU Res T/Tp to recreate the reset curve. The following
must be observed:
• The current values entered should be those from Table 2-9, along with the matching times. Deviating
values Ι/Ιp are rounded. This, however, will not be indicated.
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not lead to a prolongation of the reset
time. The reset curve (see Figure 2-18, left side) is parallel to the current axis, beginning with the largest
current point.
Current flows which are less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to a reduction of the
reset time. The reset curve (see Figure 2-18, left side) is parallel to the current axis, beginning with the
smallest current point.
Table 2-10 Preferential Values of Standardized Currents for User-defined Dropout Curves
MofPU = 1 to 0.86 MofPU = 0.84 to 0.67 MofPU = 0.66 to 0.38 MofPU = 0.34 to 0.00
1.00 0.93 0.84 0.75 0.66 0.53 0.34 0.16
0.99 0.92 0.83 0.73 0.64 0.50 0.31 0.13
0.98 0.91 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.47 0.28 0.09
0.97 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.61 0.44 0.25 0.06
0.96 0.89 0.78 0.69 0.59 0.41 0.22 0.03
0.95 0.88 0.77 0.67 0.56 0.38 0.19 0.00
0.94 0.86
[dw_anwenderkennl, 1, en_US]
Inrush Restraint
When applying the protection device to transformers where high inrush currents are to be expected, the
7SJ66 can make use of an inrush restraint function for the directional overcurrent elements 67-1, 67-TOC,
67N-1, and 67N-TOC as well as the non-directional overcurrent elements. The inrush restraint option is
enabled or disabled in 2201 INRUSH REST. (in the settings option non-directional time overcurrent protec-
tion). The characteristic values of the inrush restraint are already listed in the section discussing the non-direc-
tional time overcurrent (Section 2.2.11 Setting Notes).
[handein-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-35 Example for the generation of a manual close signal using the internal control function
i For an interaction between the automatic reclosing function (79 AR) and the control function, an extended
CFC logic is necessary. See margin heading “Close command: Directly or via Control” in the Setting Notes of
the automatic reclosing function (Section 2.17.6 Setting Notes).
2.3.11 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
1501 FCT 67/67-TOC OFF OFF 67, 67-TOC Phase Time
ON Overcurrent
1502 67-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 2.00 A 67-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 10.00 A
1503 67-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.10 sec 67-2 Time Delay
• It may be necessary to dynamically increase the pickup values if, during starting and for a short time
thereafter, certain elements of the system have an increased power consumption after a long period of
zero voltage (e.g. air-conditioning systems, heating installations, motors). Thus a raise of pickup thresh-
olds can be avoided by taking into consideration such starting conditions.
• As a further option, the pickup thresholds may be modified by an automatic reclosure function in accord-
ance with its ready or not ready state.
i Dynamic cold load pickup must not be confused with the changeover option of the 4 setting groups (A to
D). It is an additional feature.
It is possible to change pickup thresholds and delay times.
2.4.1 Description
There are two methods by which the device can determine if the protected equipment is de-energized:
• Via binary inputs, the device is informed of the position of the circuit breaker (address 1702 Start
Condition = Breaker Contact).
• As a criterion a set current threshold is undershot (address 1702 Start Condition = No Current).
If the device determines that the protected equipment is de-energized via one of the above methods, a time,
CB Open Time, is started and after its expiration the increased thresholds take effect.
In addition, switching between parameters can be triggered by two other events:
• By signal "79M Auto Reclosing ready" of the internal automatic reclosure function (address 1702 Start
Condition = 79 ready). Thus the protection thresholds and the tripping times can be changed if auto-
matic reclosure is ready for reclosing (see also Section 2.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79).
• Irrespective of the setting of parameter 1702 Start Condition, the release of cold load pickup may
always be selected via the binary input >ACTIVATE CLP.
Figure 2-37 shows the logic diagram for dynamic cold load pickup function.
If it is detected via the auxiliary contact or the current criterion that the system is de-energized, i.e. the circuit
breaker is open, the CB Open Time is started. As soon as it has elapsed, the greater thresholds are enabled.
When the protected equipment is re-energized (the device receives this information via the binary inputs or
when threshold BkrClosed I MIN is exceeded), a second time delay referred to as the Active Time is
initiated. Once it elapses, the pickup values of the relay elements return to their normal settings. This time
may be reduced when current values fall below all normal pickup values for a set Stop Time after startup,
i.e. after the circuit breaker has been closed. The starting condition of the fast reset time is made up of an OR-
combination of the configured dropout conditions of all directional and non-directional overcurrent elements.
When Stop Time is set to ∞ or when binary input >BLK CLP stpTim is active, no comparison is made with
the "normal" thresholds. The function is inactive and the fast reset time, if applied, is reset.
If overcurrent elements are picked up while time Active Time is running, the fault generally prevails until
pickup drops out, using the dynamic settings. Only then the parameters are set back to "normal".
If the dynamic setting values were activated via the binary input >ACTIVATE CLP or the signal "79M Auto
Reclosing ready" and this cause drops out, the "normal" settings are restored immediately, even if a pickup is
the result.
If the binary input >BLOCK CLP is enabled, all triggered timers are reset and, as a consequence, all "normal"
settings are immediately restored. If blocking occurs during an on-going fault with dynamic cold load pickup
functions enabled, the timers of all overcurrent relay elements are stopped and may then be restarted based
on their "normal" duration.
During power up of the protective relay with an open circuit breaker, the time delay CB Open Time is
started, and is processed using the "normal" settings. Therefore, when the circuit breaker is closed, the
"normal" settings are effective.
Figure 2-36 illustrates the timing sequence. Figure 2-37 shows the logic diagram of the dynamic cold load
pickup feature.
[zeitablaeufe-der-dynamischen-parameterumschaltung-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-36 Timing Charts of the Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function
Figure 2-37 Logic Diagram of the Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function (50c, 50Nc, 51c, 51Nc, 67c, 67Nc)
The dynamic cold load pickup function can only be enabled if address 117 Coldload Pickup was set to
Enabled during configuration of the protection functions. If not required, this function is set to Disabled.
The function can be turned ON or OFF under address 1701 Coldload Pickup.
Depending on the condition that should initiate the cold load pickup function address 1702 Start Condi-
tion is set to either No Current, Breaker Contact or to 79 ready. Naturally, the option Breaker
Contact can only be selected if the device receives information regarding the switching state of the circuit
breaker via at least one binary input. The option 79 ready modifies dynamically the pickup thresholds of the
directional and non-directional time overcurrent protection when the automatic reclosing function is ready. To
initiate the cold load pickup, the automatic reclosing function provides the internal signal "79M Auto
Reclosing ready". It is always active when the automatic reclosing function is available, activated, unblocked,
and ready for a further cycle (see also margin heading "Controlling Directional/Non-Directional Overcurrent
Protection Elements via Cold Load Pickup" in Section 2.17.6 Setting Notes).
Time Delays
There are no specific procedures on how to set the time delays at addresses 1703 CB Open Time, 1704
Active Time and 1705 Stop Time. These time delays must be based on the specific loading characteristics
of the equipment being protected, and should be set to allow for brief overloads associated with dynamic cold
load conditions.
2.4.3 Settings
The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secon-
dary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
1701 COLDLOAD PICKUP OFF OFF Cold-Load-Pickup Function
1702 Start Condition No Current No Current Start Condition
Breaker Contact
79 ready
1703 CB Open Time 0 .. 21600 sec 3600 sec Circuit Breaker OPEN Time
1704 Active Time 1 .. 21600 sec 3600 sec Active Time
1705 Stop Time 1 .. 600 sec; ∞ 600 sec Stop Time
1801 50c-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 10.00 A 50c-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 50.00 A
1802 50c-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec 50c-2 Time Delay
1803 50c-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 2.00 A 50c-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 10.00 A
1804 50c-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.30 sec 50c-1 Time Delay
1805 51c PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.50 A 51c Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 7.50 A
1806 51c TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 51c Time dial
1807 51c TIME DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; ∞ 5.00 51c Time dial
1808 50c-3 PICKUP 1A 1.00 .. 35.00 A; ∞ ∞A 50c-3 Pickup
5A 5.00 .. 175.00 A; ∞ ∞A
1809 50c-3 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec 50c-3 Time Delay
1901 50Nc-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 7.00 A 50Nc-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 35.00 A
1902 50Nc-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec 50Nc-2 Time Delay
1903 50Nc-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 1.50 A 50Nc-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 7.50 A
1904 50Nc-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.30 sec 50Nc-1 Time Delay
1905 51Nc PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51Nc Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1906 51Nc T-DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 51Nc Time Dial
1907 51Nc T-DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; ∞ 5.00 51Nc Time Dial
1908 50Nc-3 PICKUP 0.25 .. 35.00 A; ∞ ∞A 50Nc-3 Pickup
1909 50Nc-3 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec 50Nc-3 Time Delay
2001 67c-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 10.00 A 67c-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 50.00 A
2002 67c-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec 67c-2 Time Delay
2003 67c-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 2.00 A 67c-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 10.00 A
2004 67c-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.30 sec 67c-1 Time Delay
2005 67c-TOC PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.50 A 67c Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 7.50 A
2006 67c-TOC T-DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 67c Time Dial
2007 67c-TOC T-DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; ∞ 5.00 67c Time Dial
The single-phase definite time overcurrent ground protection is illustrated by the tripping characteristic as
shown in Figure 2-38. The current to be measured is filtered by numerical algorithms. Because of the high
sensitivity a particularly narrow band filter is used. The current pickup thresholds and tripping times can be
set. The detected current is compared to the pickup value 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP or 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP and
reported if this is violated. After expiry of the respective delay time 50 1Ph-1 DELAY or 50 1Ph-2 DELAY,
the trip command is issued. The two elements together form a two-stage protection. The dropout value is
approximately 95% of the pickup value for currents greater than I > 0.3 · INom.
The current filter is bypassed if currents are extremely high in order to achieve a short tripping time. This
occurs automatically as soon as the instantaneous value of the current exceeds the set value of the 50 1Ph-2
PICKUP element by at least factor 2 · √2.
The following figure shows the logic diagram of the single-phase overcurrent protection function.
[lo_umz-1ph-strom, 1, en_US]
Application Examples
The high impedance protection concept is based on measuring the voltage across the paralleled CT's to a
common high-resistive resistor.
The CTs must be of the same design and feature at least a separate core for high-impedance protection. In
particular, they must have the same transformer ratios and approximately identical knee-point voltage.
With 7SJ66, the high-impedance principle is particularly well suited for detecting ground faults in grounded
networks at transformers, generators, motors and shunt reactors.
Figure 2-40 shows an application example for a grounded transformer winding or a grounded motor/gener-
ator. The right-hand example depicts an ungrounded transformer winding or an ungrounded motor/generator
where the grounding of the system is assumed somewhere else.
[dw_ueb-einph-hochimpedanz-01, 1, en_US]
[ueb-einph-hochimpedanz2-020926-rei, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-41 Principle of ground fault protection according to the high-impedance principle
When a ground fault occurs in the protected zone Figure 2-41 right), there is always a neutral point current ΙSP.
The grounding conditions in the rest of the network determine how strong a zero sequence current from the
system is. A secondary current which is equal to the total fault current tries to pass through the resistor R.
Since the latter is high-resistive, a high voltage emerges immediately. Therefore, the current transformers get
saturated. The RMS voltage across the resistor approximately corresponds to the knee-point voltage of the
current transformers.
Resistance R is sized such that, even with the very lowest ground fault current to be detected, it generates a
secondary voltage, which is equal to half the saturation voltage of current transformers (see also notes on
"Dimensioning" in Subsection 2.5.4 Setting Notes).
Figure 2-42 Connection Diagram of the Ground Fault Differential Protection according to the High-impe-
dance Principle
For protection against overvoltages it is also important that the device is directly connected to the grounded
side of the current transformers so that the high voltage at the resistor can be kept away from the device.
For generators, motors and shunt reactors, the high-impedance differential protection can be used analo-
gously. All current transformers at the overvoltage side, the undervoltage side and the current transformer at
the neutral point have to be connected in parallel when using auto-transformers.
In principle, this procedure can be applied to every protected object. When applied as busbar protection, for
example, the device is connected to the parallel connection of all feeder current transformers via the resistor.
Application Example
The tank leakage protection has the task to detect ground leakage — even high-ohmic — between a phase
and the frame of a power transformer. The tank must be isolated from ground. A conductor links the tank to
ground, and the current through this conductor is fed to a current input of the relay. When tank leakage
occurs, a fault current (tank leakage current) will flow through the grounding conductor to ground. This tank
leakage current is detected by the single-phase overcurrent protection as an overcurrent; an instantaneous or
delayed trip command is issued in order to disconnect all sides of the transformer.
A high-sensitivity single-phase current input is used for tank leakage protection.
[sj6x-ueb-einph-kesselschut-020926-rei, 1, en_US]
Single-phase time overcurrent protection can be set ON or OFF at address 2701 50 1Ph.
The settings are based on the particular application.
The setting ranges depend on whether the current measuring input is a sensitive or a normal input trans-
former (see also “Ordering Information” in the Appendix).
In case of a normal input transformer, set the pickup value for 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP in address 2702, the
pickup value for 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP in address 2705. If only one element is required, set the one not
required to ∞.
In case of a sensitive input transformer, set the pickup value for 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP in address 2703, the
pickup value for 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP in address 2706. If only one element is required, set the one not
required to ∞.
If you need a tripping time delay for the 50-2 elements, set it in address 2704 50 1Ph-2 DELAY, for the 50-1
element in address 2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY. With setting 0 s no delay takes place.
The selected times are additional time delays and do not include the operating time (measuring time, etc.) of
the elements. The delay can also be set to ∞; the corresponding element will then not trip after pickup, but
the pickup is reported.
Special notes are given in the following for the use as high-impedance unit protection and tank leakage
[fo_ueb-einph-saetigungsspannung, 1, en_US]
The nominal current, nominal power and accuracy limit factor are normally stated on the rating plate of the
current transformer, e.g.
Current transformer 800/5; 5P10; 30 VA
That means
ΙNom = 5 A (from 800/5)
ALF = 10 (from 5P10)
PNom = 30 VA
The internal burden is often stated in the test report of the current transformer. If not, it can be derived from a
DC measurement on the secondary winding.
Calculation Example:
CT 800/5; 5P10; 30 VA with Ri = 0.3 Ω
[fo_ueb-einph-saettigungssp-beisp1, 1, en_US]
CT 800/1; 5P10; 30 VA with Ri = 5 Ω
[fo_ueb-einph-saettigungssp-beisp2, 1, en_US]
Besides the CT data, the resistance of the longest connection lead between the CTs and the 7SJ66 device must
be known.
[dw_ueb-einph-anordnung, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-44 Simplified equivalent circuit of a circulating current system for high-impedance protection
[fo_ueb-einph-stabilitaetslimit, 1, en_US]
Calculation Example:
For the 5 A CT as above with VKPV = 75 V and Ri = 0.3 Ω
longest CT connection lead 22 m (24.06 yd) with 4 mm2 cross-section, this corresponds to Ra = 0.1 Ω
[fo_ueb-einph-stabilitaetslimit-5a, 1, en_US]
[fo_ueb-einph-stabilitaetslimit-1a, 1, en_US]
[fo_ueb-einph-widerstand, 1, en_US]
Calculation Example:
For the 5 A CT as above
desired pickup value Ιpu = 0.1 A (equivalent to 16 A primary)
[fo_ueb-einph-widerstand-5a, 1, en_US]
[fo_ueb-einph-widerstand-1a, 1, en_US]
[fo_hochimppcon_5a, 1, en_US]
[fo_hochimppcon_1a, 1, en_US]
Furthermore, series resistor R must be rated for a fault current applying for approx. 0.5 s. This time is usually
sufficient for the backup protection to clear the fault.
The thermal load of the series resistor depends on the voltage Vrms,stab applying during an internal fault. It is
calculated according to the following formulas:
[fo_hochimpvrmsstab_5a, 1, en_US]
[fo_hochimpvrmsstab_1a, 1, en_US]
where Ik,max,int corresponds to the maximum fault current during an internal fault.
For the 5 A current transformer 800/5 with 40 kA primary, Ιk,max,int equals 250 A secondary.
For the 1 A current transformer 800/1 with 40 kA primary, Ιk,max,int equals 50 A secondary.
This yields a short-time load over 0.5 s for the series resistor of:
[fo_hochimpp_5a, 1, en_US]
[fo_hochimpp_1a, 1, en_US]
Please bear in mind that when choosing a higher pickup value Ιpu, the resistance must be decreased and, in
doing so, power loss will increase significantly.
The varistor B (see following figure) must be dimensioned such that it remains high-resistive until reaching
knee-point voltage, e.g.
approx. 100 V for 5 A CT,
approx. 500 V for 1 A CT.
Figure 2-45 Connection Diagram of the Ground Fault Differential Protection according to the High-impe-
dance Principle
Even with an unfavorable external circuit, the maximum voltage peaks should not exceed 2 kV for safety
If performance makes it necessary to switch several varistors in parallel, preference should by given to types
with a flat characteristic to avoid asymmetrical loading. Therefore the following types from METROSIL is
600A/S1/S256 (k = 450, β = 0.25)
600A/S1/S1088 (k = 900, β = 0.25)
The pickup value (0.1 A or 0.05 A in the example) is set in address 2706 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP in the device.
The 50-2 element is not required (address 2703 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP = ∞ ).
The trip command of the protection can be delayed via address 2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY. Normally, such
delay is set to 0.
If a higher number of CTs is connected in parallel, e.g. as busbar protection with several feeders, the magnet-
izing currents of the transformers connected in parallel cannot be neglected anymore. In this case, the
magnetizing currents at half the knee-point voltage (corresponds to the setting value) have to be summed up.
These magnetizing currents reduce the current through the resistor R. Therefore the actual pickup value will
be correspondingly higher.
i In the following settings, addresses 2703 and 2706 are valid for a highly sensitive current measuring input
independently of the nominal current.
2.5.5 Settings
The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secon-
dary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2701 50 1Ph OFF OFF 50 1Ph
2702 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 0.50 A 50 1Ph-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 2.50 A
2703 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP 0.003 .. 1.500 A; ∞ 0.300 A 50 1Ph-2 Pickup
2704 50 1Ph-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.10 sec 50 1Ph-2 Time Delay
2705 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; ∞ 0.20 A 50 1Ph-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; ∞ 1.00 A
2706 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP 0.003 .. 1.500 A; ∞ 0.100 A 50 1Ph-1 Pickup
2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 50 1Ph-1 Time Delay
• Abnormally high voltages often occur e.g. in low loaded, long distance transmission lines, in islanded
systems when generator voltage regulation fails, or after full load rejection of a generator from the
• The undervoltage protection function detects voltage collapses on transmission lines and electrical
machines and prevents inadmissible operating states and a possible loss of stability.
Connection/Measured Values
The voltages supplied to the device can be the three phase-to-ground voltages VA-N, VB-N, VC-N or two phase-to-
phase voltages (VA-B, VB-C) and the displacement voltage (ground voltage VN) or, in case of a single-phase
connection, any phase-to-ground voltage or phase-to-phase voltage. The device 7SJ66 provides the option to
detect three phase-to-ground voltages and additionally the ground voltage. With a multiple-phase connection,
the connection type was specified during configuration of parameter 213 VT Connect. 3ph.
If there is only one voltage transformer, the device has to be informed of this fact during configuration via
address 240 VT Connect. 1ph (see also Section 2.27 Protection for Single-phase Voltage Transformer
The following table indicates which voltages can be evaluated by the function. The settings for this are carried
out in the P.System Data 1 (see Section Setting Notes). Furthermore, it is indicated to which value
the threshold must be set. All voltages are fundamental frequency values.
Current Criterion
Depending on the system, the primary voltage transformers are arranged either on the supply side or the load
side of the associated circuit breaker. These different arrangements lead to different behaviour of the voltage
protection function when a fault occurs. When a tripping command is issued and a circuit breaker is opened,
full voltage remains on the supply side while the load side voltage becomes zero. When voltage supply is
suppressed, undervoltage protection, for instance, will remain picked up. If pickup is to drop out, the current
can be used as an additional criterion for pickup of undervoltage protection (current supervision CS). Under-
voltage pickup can only be maintained when the undervoltage criterion satisfied and a settable minimum
current level (BkrClosed I MIN) are exceeded. Here, the largest of the three phase currents is used. When
the current decreases below the minimum current setting after the circuit breaker has opened, undervoltage
protection drops out.
i If parameter CURRENT SUPERV. is set to disabled in address 5120, the device picks up immediately
without measurement voltage and the undervoltage protection function in pickup. Apply measuring
voltage or block the voltage protection to continue with configuration. Moreover you have the option of
setting a flag via device operation for blocking the voltage protection. This initiates the reset of the pickup
and device configuration can be resumed.
The overvoltage protection has two elements. In case of a high overvoltage, tripping switch off is performed
with a short-time delay, whereas in case of less severe overvoltages, the tripping is performed with a longer
time delay. When one of the adjustable settings is exceeded, the 59 element picks up and trips after an adjust-
able time delay has elapsed. The time delay is not dependent on the magnitude of the overvoltage.
The dropout ratio for the two overvoltage elements (= Vdropout value/Vpickup value) can be set.
The following figure shows the logic diagram of the overvoltage protection function.
[7sj80-ueberspgs-schutz-20061219, 1, en_US]
Undervoltage protection consists of two definite time elements (27-1 PICKUP and 27-2 PICKUP). There-
fore, tripping can be time-coordinated depending on how severe voltage collapses are. Voltage thresholds and
time delays can be set individually for both elements.
The dropout ratio for the two undervoltage elements (= Vdropout value/Vpickup value) can be set.
Figure 2-47 shows a typical voltage profile during a fault for source side connection of the voltage trans-
formers. Because full voltage is present after the circuit breaker has been opened, current supervision CS
described above is not necessary in this case. After the voltage has dropped below the pickup setting, tripping
is initiated after time delay 27-1 DELAY. As long as the voltage remains below the dropout setting, reclosing
is blocked. Only after the fault has been cleared, i.e. when the voltage increases above the dropout level, the
element drops out and allows reclosing of the circuit breaker.
[stoerfallverlauf-ohne-stromkriterium-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-47 Typical fault profile for source side connection of the voltage transformer (without current
Figure 2-48shows a fault profile for a load side connection of the voltage transformers. When the circuit
breaker is open, the voltage disappears (the voltage remains below the pickup setting), and current supervi-
sion is used to ensure that pickup drops out after the circuit breaker has opened (BkrClosed I MIN).
After the voltage has dropped below the pickup setting, tripping is initiated after time delay 27-1 DELAY.
When the circuit breaker opens, voltage decreases to zero and undervoltage pickup is maintained. The current
value also decreases to zero so that current criterion is reset as soon as the release threshold (BkrClosed I
MIN) is exceeded. Pickup of the protection function is also reset by the action of the AND-combination of
voltage and current. As a consequence, energization is admitted anew when the minimum command time
[stoerfallverlauf-mit-stromkriterium-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-48 Typical fault profile for load side connection of the voltage transformers (with current supervi-
Upon the closing of the circuit breaker, current criterion is delayed for a short period of time. If the voltage
criterion drops out during this time period (about 60 ms), the protection function does not pick up. Therefore
no fault record is created when voltage protection is activated in a healthy system. It is important to under-
stand, however, that if a low voltage condition exists on the load after the circuit breaker is closed (unlike
Figure 2-48), the desired pickup of the element will be delayed by 60 ms.
The following figure shows the logic diagram of the undervoltage protection function.
[lo_UVP, 1, en_US]
Voltage protection is only effective and accessible if address 150 27/59 is set to Enabled during configura-
tion of protection functions. If this function is not required, then Disabled is set.
The voltage to be evaluated is selected in Power System Data 1 (see Chapter 2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59,
Table 2-11).
Overvoltage protection can be turned ON or OFF, or set to Alarm Only at address 5001 FCT 59.
Undervoltage protection can be turned ON or OFF or set to Alarm Only at address 5101 FCT 27.
With the protection function ON, tripping, the clearing of a fault and fault recording are initiated when the
thresholds are exceeded and the set time delays have expired.
With setting Alarm Only no trip command is given, no fault is recorded and no immediate fault annuncia-
tion is shown on the display
The time delays of the overvoltage elements are entered at addresses 5004 59-1 DELAY and 5007 59-2
DELAY, and should be selected in such manner that they make allowance for brief voltage peaks that are
generated during switching operations and also enable clearance of stationary overvoltages in due time.
i If a setting is selected such that the dropout threshold (= pickup threshold · dropout ratio) results in a
greater value than 120 V/210 V, it will be limited automatically. No error message occurs.
i If parameter CURRENT SUPERV.is set to disabled at address 5120, the device picks up immediately if the
measuring-circuit voltage fails and the undervoltage protection is enabled. Furthermore, configuration can
be performed by pickup of measuring-circuit voltage or blocking of the voltage protection. The latter can be
initiated via device operation in DIGSI and via communication from the control center by means of a
tagging command for blocking the voltage protection. This causes the dropout of the pickup and parame-
terization can be resumed.
Please note that pickup threshold BkrClosed I MIN is used in other protective functions as well, including
overload protection, restart inhibit for motors, dynamic cold load pickup and circuit breaker maintenance.
2.6.5 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
5001 FCT 59 OFF OFF 59 Overvoltage Protection
Alarm Only
5002 59-1 PICKUP 40 .. 260 V 110 V 59-1 Pickup
5003 59-1 PICKUP 40 .. 150 V 110 V 59-1 Pickup
5004 59-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 59-1 Time Delay
5005 59-2 PICKUP 40 .. 260 V 120 V 59-2 Pickup
5006 59-2 PICKUP 40 .. 150 V 120 V 59-2 Pickup
5007 59-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec 59-2 Time Delay
5015 59-1-V2 PICKUP 2 .. 150 V 30 V 59-1 Pickup Overvoltage (neg.
• The application of unbalanced load protection to motors has a special significance. Unbalanced loads
create counter-rotating fields in three-phase induction motors, which act on the rotor at double
frequency. Eddy currents are induced at the rotor surface, and local overheating in rotor end zones and
the slot wedge begins to take place. This especially goes for motors which are tripped via vacuum contac-
tors with fuses connected in series. With single-phasing by fuse pickup the motor only generates small
and pulsing moments such that it soon gets strained thermally assuming, however, that the driven
machine requires the same amount of moments. In addition, with unbalanced supply voltage it is endan-
gered by thermal overload. Due to the small negative sequence reactance even small voltage asymme-
tries lead to negative sequence currents.
• In addition, this protection function may be used to detect interruptions, short circuits and polarity prob-
lems with current transformers.
• It is also useful in detecting single-phase and two-phase faults with fault currents lower than the
maximum load currents.
The unbalanced load protection becomes effective when:
at least one phase current is greater than 0.05 x ΙNom and
all phase currents are smaller than 10 x ΙNom.
The definite time characteristic consists of two elements. As soon as the first settable threshold 46-1 PICKUP
is reached, a pickup message is output and time element 46-1 DELAY is started. When the second element
46-2 PICKUP is started, another message is output and time element 46-2 DELAY is initiated. Once either
time delay elapses, a trip signal is initiated.
[unabhaeng-ausl_charakt-des-schieflastschutzes-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
The inverse time element is dependent on the ordered device version. It operates with IEC or ANSI character-
istic tripping curves. The curves and associated formulas are given in the Technical Data. When programming
the inverse time characteristic also definite time elements 46-2 PICKUP and 46-1 PICKUP are available
(see a foregoing paragraph).
[dw_abhaeng-ausl_charakt-des-schieflastschutzes, 1, en_US]
Ferraris-disk, and the time response is adapted. This ensures a proper simulation of the temperature rise of the
protected object even for extremely fluctuating unbalanced load values. Reset begins as soon as 90 % of the
setting value is reached, in accordance with the dropout curve of the selected characteristic. In the range
between the dropout value (95 % of the pickup value) and 90 % of the setting value, the incrementing and
decrementing process is in idle state.
Disk emulation offers advantages when the behavior of the negative sequence protection must be coordi-
nated with other relays in the system based on electromagnetic measuring principles.
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the negative sequence protection function. The protection
may be blocked via a binary input. This resets pickup and time elements and clears measured values.
When the negative sequence protection criteria are no longer satisfied (i.e. all phase currents below 0.05 x
ΙNom or at least one phase current is greater than 10 x ΙNom) all pickups issued by the negative sequence protec-
tion function are reset.
(1) Settings 4006 and 4010 are available only when the parameter 140 is set to TOC IEC; settings
4007, 4009, and 4011 are available only when the parameter 140 is set to TOC ANSI.
(2) Information 5171 is only active when the parameter 140 is set to TOC ANSI.
The pickup of the definite time overcurrent protection can be stabilized by the configured dropout time 4012
46 T DROP-OUT. This time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the current falls below the
threshold. Therefore, the function does not drop out at high speed. The trip command delay time continues
running. After the dropout delay time has elapsed, the pickup is reported OFF and the trip delay time is reset
unless the threshold has been exceeded again. If the threshold is exceeded again during the dropout delay
time, the time is canceled. The trip command delay time continues running. Should the threshold value be
exceeded after its expiry, the trip command is issued immediately. If the threshold value is not exceeded at
this time, there will be no reaction. If the threshold value is exceeded again after expiry of the trip-command
delay time, while the dropout delay time is still running, tripping occurs immediately.
The configured dropout times do not influence the tripping times of the inverse time elements as these
depend dynamically on the measured current value. For purposes of dropout coordination, disc emulation is
used with electro-mechanical relays.
The function type has been specified during configuration of the protection functions (see Section Setting Notes, address 140, 46). If only the definite time elements are desired, the address 46 should
be set to Definite Time. Selecting 46 = TOC IEC or TOC ANSI in address 140 will additionally make all
parameters available that are relevant for the inverse time characteristics. If this function is not required, then
Disabled is set.
The function can be turned ON or OFF in address 4001 FCT 46.
The default pickup settings and delay settings are generally sufficient for most applications. If data is available
from the manufacturer regarding the allowable long-term load imbalance and the allowable load imbalance
per unit of time, this data should be used preferentially. It is important to note that the manufacturer's data
relate to the primary values of the machine, for example, the maximum permissible permanent inverse
current is referred to the nominal machine current. For the setting values at the protection device, this infor-
mation is converted to the secondary inverse current. The following applies
[fo_einstellwert-i2, 1, en_US]
Ι2 perm prim permissible thermal inverse current of the motor
ΙNom Motor Nominal Motor Current
ΙCT sec Secondary Nominal Current of the Current Transformer
ΙCT prim Primary nominal current of the current transformer
[fo_i2-058, 1, en_US]
Motor with the following data:
Nominal current ΙNom Motor = 545 A
Continuously permissible negative Ι2 dd prim /ΙNom Motor = 0.11 continuous
sequence current
Briefly permissible negative Ι2 long-term prim /ΙNom Motor= 0.55 for Tmax = 1 s
sequence current
Current transformer ΙNom prim/ΙNom sec = 600 A/1 A
Setting value 46-1 Pickup = 0.11 · 545 A · (1/600 A) = 0.10 A
Setting value 46-2 Pickup = 0.55 · 545 A · (1/600 A) = 0.50 A
When protecting feeder or cable systems, unbalanced load protection may serve to identify low magnitude
unsymmetrical faults below the pickup values of the directional and non-directional overcurrent elements.
Here, the following must be observed:
[fo_i2-058, 1, en_US]
A phase-to-ground fault with current Ι corresponds to the following negative sequence current:
[fo_i2-033, 1, en_US]
On the other hand, with more than 60% of unbalanced load, a phase-to-phase fault can be assumed. The
delay time 46-2 DELAY must be coordinated with the system grading of phase-to-phase faults.
For a power transformer, unbalanced load protection may be used as sensitive protection for low magnitude
phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase faults. In particular, this application is well suited for delta-wye trans-
formers where low side phase-to-ground faults do not generate high side zero sequence currents (e.g. vector
group Dy).
Since transformers transform symmetrical currents according to the transformation ratio "CTR", the relation-
ship between negative sequence currents and total fault current for phase-to-phase faults and phase-to-
ground faults are valid for the transformer as long as the turns ratio "CTR" is taken into consideration.
Consider a transformer with the following data:
Base Transformer Rating SNomT = 16 MVA
Primary Nominal Voltage VNom = 110 kV
Secondary Nominal Voltage VNom = 20 kV (TRV = 110/20)
Vector Groups Dy5
High Side CT 100 A/1 A (CTΙ = 100)
2.7.4 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
4001 FCT 46 OFF OFF 46 Negative Sequence
ON Protection
4002 46-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 3.00 A 0.10 A 46-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 15.00 A 0.50 A
4003 46-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 1.50 sec 46-1 Time Delay
4004 46-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 3.00 A 0.50 A 46-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 15.00 A 2.50 A
4005 46-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 1.50 sec 46-2 Time Delay
4006 46 IEC CURVE Normal Inverse Extremely Inv. 46 IEC Curve
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
When devices 7SJ66 are used to protect a motor, the starting protection feature supplements the overload
protection and protects the motor against prolonged starting operations (see Section 2.11 Thermal Overload
Protection 49).
In particular, rotor-critical high-voltage motors can quickly be heated above their thermal limits when multiple
starting attempts occur in a short period of time. If the durations of these starting attempts are lengthened
e.g. by excessive voltage surges during motor starting, by excessive load moments, or by blocked rotor condi-
tions, a trip signal will be initiated by the protective relay.
Motor starting is detected when a settable current threshold I MOTOR START is exceeded. Calculation of the
tripping time is then initiated. It should be noted that this timer starts every time the motor is started. This is
therefore a normal operating condition that is neither indicated in the fault log nor causes the creation of a
fault record. Only when the locked rotor time has elapsed is the trip command issued.
The protection function consists of one definite time and one inverse time tripping element.
[fo_taus, 1, en_US]
tTRIP Actual tripping time for flowing current Ι
tmaxSTARTUP Tripping time for nominal startup current ΙSTARTUP (address 4103,
Ι Current actually flowing (measurement value)
ΙSTARTUP Nominal startup current of the motor (address 4102, STARTUP
ΙMOTOR START Pickup value for recognition of motor startup (address 1107, I MOTOR
[7sj6x_ausloesezeit-in-abhaengigkeit-des-anlaufstr-170306-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-53 Inverse time tripping curve for motor starting current
Therefore, if the startup current Ι is smaller (larger) than the nominal current ΙSTARTUP (parameter STARTUP
CURRENT) as configured under address 4102, then the actual tripping time tTrip is prolonged (or shortened)
accordingly (see Figure 2-53).
Motor starting protection may be switched on or off. In addition, motor starting protection may be blocked via
a binary input which will reset timers and pickup annunciations. The following figure illustrates the logic of
motor starting protection. A pickup does not create messages in the trip log buffer. Fault recording is not
started until a trip command has been issued. When the function drops out, all timers are reset. The annuncia-
tions disappear and a trip log is terminated should it have been created.
[7sj6x_anlaufzeitueberwachung-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
[fo_motoranlauftemperatur-warm, 1, en_US]
The setting value should always be lower than the limit value (see Setting Notes Setting Notes).
Motor starting protection is only effective and accessible if address 141 .48 = Enabled is set. If the function is
not required Disabled is set. The function can be turned ON or OFF under address 4101 48.
Startup Parameter
The device is informed of the startup current values under normal conditions at address 4102 STARTUP
CURRENT, the startup time at address 4103 STARTUP TIME. At all times this enables timely tripping if the
value Ι2t calculated in the protection device is exceeded.
If the startup time is longer than the permissible blocked rotor time, an external rpm-counter can initiate the
definite-time tripping characteristic via binary input (>48 Rot. locked). A locked rotor leads to a loss of
ventilation and therefore to a reduced thermal load capacity of the machine. For this reason, the motor
starting time function is to issue a tripping command before reaching the thermal tripping characteristic valid
for normal operation.
A current above the current threshold 1107 I MOTOR START is interpreted as motor startup. Consequently,
this value must be chosen such that it is reliably attained by the actual starting current under any load or
voltage conditions during motor startup, but not during a permissible short-time overload.
Example: Motor with the following data:
Rated Voltage VNom = 6600 V
Nominal current ΙMOTNom = 126 A
Startup current (primary) ΙSTARTUPw = 624 A
Long-term current rating Ιmax = 135 A
Startup time (cold condition) TMax.STARTUPc = 15 s
Startup time (warm condition) TMax.STARTUPc = 8.5 s
Current transformer ΙNomCTWdl prim/ΙN omCTsec = 200 A/1 A
The setting for address STARTUP CURRENT (ΙSTARTUP) as a secondary value is calculated as follows:
[fo_maxanlauf, 1, en_US]
For reduced voltage, the startup current is also reduced almost linearly. At 80 % nominal voltage, the startup
current in this example is reduced to 0.8 · ΙSTARTUP = 2.5 A.
The setting for detection of a motor startup must lie above the maximum load current and below the
minimum start-up current. If no other influencing factors are present (peak loads), the value for motor startup
I MOTOR START set at address 1107 may be an average value:
Based on the Long-Term Current Rating:
[fo_beispiel-anl-zulstrom, 1, en_US]
[fo_motoranlauf, 1, en_US]
For ratios deviating from nominal conditions, the motor tripping time changes:
[fo_taus-tmaxanlauf, 1, en_US]
At 80% of nominal voltage (which corresponds to 80% of nominal starting current), the tripping time is:
[fo_taus-133, 1, en_US]
After the time delay (4104 LOCK ROTOR TIME) has elapsed, the binary input becomes effective and gener-
ates a trip signal. If the locked rotor time is set just long enough that during normal startup the binary input
>48 Rot. locked (FNo. 6805) is reliably reset during the delay time 4104 LOCK ROTOR TIME, faster trip-
ping will be available during motor starting under locked rotor conditions.
[fo_T-motorl-grenzwert-oangaben, 1, en_US]
A recommended setting value with consideration of a safety margin for TEMP.COLD MOTOR = 25%.
Should the technical data of the motor make reference to four cold and two warm startups (ncold = 4; nwarm =
2), the following limit value can be determined:
[fo_T-motorl-grenzwert-mangaben, 1, en_US]
The setting value should fall below the limit value. A value of 40% is recommended for that purpose.
i Overload protection curves are also effective during motor starting conditions. However, the thermal
profile during motor starting is constant. Parameter I MOTOR START at address 1107 limits the working
range of the overload protection to larger current values.
i The motor restart inhibit 4301 FCT 66 must be switched on to enable distinguishing between cold and
warm condition of the motor.
The motor restart inhibit prevents restarting of the motor when this restart may cause the permissible thermal
limits of the rotor to be exceeded.
Additionally, the function can trip directly if the rotor temperature exceeds the maximum admissible tempera-
ture (100%) (rotor overload). Description
The rotor temperature of a motor generally remains well below its maximum admissible temperature during
normal operation and also under increased load conditions. However, high startup currents required during
motor startup increase the risk of the rotor being thermally damaged rather the stator, due to the short
thermal constant of the rotor. To avoid that multiple starting attempts provoke tripping, a restart of the motor
must be inhibited if it is apparent that the thermal limit of the rotor will be exceeded during this startup
attempt. Therefore, the 7SJ66 relays feature the motor restart inhibit which outputs a blocking command until
a new motor startup is permitted for the deactivated motor (restarting limit). The blocking signal must be
configured to a binary output relay of the device whose contact is inserted in the motor starting circuit.
[temperaturverlauf-bei-mehrfachanlaeufen-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-55 Temperature curve at the rotor and in the thermal replica during repeated start-up attempts
Although the heat distribution on the rotor bars may severely differ during motor starting, the different
maximum temperatures in the the rotor are not pertinant for motor restart inhibit (see Figure 2-55). It is much
more important to establish a thermal replica, after a complete motor start, that is appropriate for the protec-
tion of the motor's thermal condition. Figure 2-55 shows, as an example, the heating processes during
repeated motor starts (three starts from cold operating condition), as well as the thermal replica in the protec-
tion relay.
Restart Threshold
If the rotor temperature has exceeded the restart threshold, the motor cannot be restarted. The blocking
signal is not lifted unless the rotor temperature has fallen below the restarting limit, that is, when exactly one
start becomes possible without exceeding the excessive rotor temperature limit. Based on the specified motor
parameters the device calculates the normalized restarting limit ΘRestart:
[fo_wiedereinschaltgrenze, 1, en_US]
ΘRestart = Temperature threshold below which restarting is possible
kR = k-factor for the rotor, calculated internally
ΙSTARTUP = Startup current
ΙMOTNom = Nominal motor current
Tstart max = Maximum startup time
τR = Thermal time constant of the rotor, calculated internally
ncold = Permissible number of startups in cold condition
The restarting limit ΘRestart is displayed as operational measured value in the ”thermal measured values”.
Restart Time
The motor manufacturer allows a maximum number of cold (ncold) and warm (nwarm) startup attempts. There-
after, another startup is not permitted. A certain time must have passed — restarting time TRestart — to ensure
that the rotor has cooled off (operational measured value 661).
Equilibrium Time
This thermal behavior is provided for in the protection as follows: Each time the motor is shut down, the timer
starts (address 4304 T Equal). It takes into account the different thermal conditions of the motor parts at the
moment of shutdown. During the equilibrium time, the thermal replica of the rotor is not updated. It is main-
tained constant to replicate the equilization process in the rotor. Then, the thermal replica with the corre-
sponding time constant (rotor time constant x extension factor) cools down. During the equilibrium time the
motor cannot be restarted. As soon as the temperature sinks below the restarting limit, the next restart
attempt can be made.
The total duration of the inhibit signal depends on which of the times TMin Inhibit or TRestart is longer.
The total waiting time TReclose before the motor can be restarted is therefore composed of the equilibrium time
and the time TRestart calculated from the thermal replica, and the value that is needed to drop below the limit
for restarting. If the calculated temperature rise of the rotor is above the restarting limit when the motor is
shut down, the minimum inhibit time will be started together with the equilibrium time.
Thus the total inhibit time TReclose can become equal to the minimum inhibit time if it is longer than the sum of
the two first mentioned times:
TReclose = TEqual + TRestart for TMin Inhibit < TEqual + TRestart
TReclose = TMin Inhibit for TMin Inhibit ≥ TEqual + TRestart, if the calculated exces-
sive temperature > restarting limit
The operational measured value 809 TReclose (visible in the thermal measured values) is the remaining time
until the next restart is permissible. When the rotor excessive temperature is below the restarting limit and
thus the next restarting attempt is permitted, the operational measured value for the waiting time has
reached zero.
[fo_TWE, 1, en_US]
kτ at STOP Extension factor for the time constant = Kτ at STOP, address 4308
kτ at RUNNING Extension factor for the time constant = Kτ at RUNNING, address
Θpre thermal replica at the moment of motor shutdown (depending on
operational condition)
τR Rotor time constant, calculated internallyτ
further details, see /5/ Additional description for the protection of explosion-protected motors of protection
type increased safety “e”.
Emergency Start
If, for emergency reasons, motor starting that will exceed the maximum allowable rotor temperature must
take place, the motor restart inhibit signal can be removed via a binary input (>66 emer.start), thus
allowing a new starting attempt. The thermal rotor profile, however, continues to function and the maximum
allowable rotor temperature will be exceeded. No motor shutdown will be initiated by the motor restart
inhibit, but the calculated excessive temperature of the rotor can be observed for risk assessment.
If the motor restart inhibit function is blocked via binary input >BLOCK 66 or switched off, the thermal replica
of the rotor overtemperature, the equilibrium time T Equal and the minimum inhibit time T MIN.
INHIBIT are reset. Thus any blocking signal that is present or upcoming is disregarded.
Via another binary input (>66 RM th.repl.) the thermal replica can be reset independently. This may be
useful for testing and commissioning, and after a power supply voltage failure.
There is no pickup annunciation for the restart inhibit and no trip log is produced. The following figure shows
the logic diagram for the restart inhibit.
Restart inhibit is only effective and accessible if address 143 66 #of Starts is set to Enabled. If not
required, this function is set to Disabled. The function can be turned ON or OFF under address 4301 FCT
i When function settings of the motor restart inhibit are changed, the thermal replica of this function is
The motor restart inhibit acts on the starting process of a motor that is shut down. A motor is considered shut
down when its current consumption falls below the settable threshold 212 BkrClosed I MIN. Therefore,
this threshold must be set lower than the motor idle current.
The motor restart inhibit concludes the condition “warm motor” from the thermal replica of the restart inhibit.
For this function, address 4301FCT 66 has to be enabled.
Additionally, the function can trip directly if the rotor temperature exceeds the maximum admissible tempera-
ture (100%). For this purpose address 4311 ROTOR OVERLOAD is set to ON. If only monitoring is desired, set
to Alarm Only, otherwise to OFF.
Characteristic Values
Many of the variables needed to calculate the rotor temperature are supplied by the motor manufacturer.
Among these variables are the starting current ΙSTARTUP, the nominal motor current ΙMOT. NOM, the maximum
allowable starting time T START MAX (address 4303), the number of allowable starts from cold conditions
(ncold), and the number of allowable starts from warm conditions (nwarm).
The starting current is entered at address 4302 IStart/IMOTnom , expressed as a multiple of nominal motor
current. In contrast, the nominal motor current is entered as a secondary value, directly in amperes, at address
4305 I MOTOR NOMINAL. The number of warm starts allowed is entered at address 4306 (MAX.WARM
STARTS and the difference #COLD-#WARM between the number of allowable cold and warm starts is entered
at address 4307.
For motors without separate ventilation, the reduced cooling at motor stop can be accounted for by entering
the factor Kτ at STOP at address 4308. As soon as the current no longer exceeds the setting value entered
at address 212 BkrClosed I MIN, motor standstill is detected and the time constant is increased by the
extension factor configured.
If no difference between the time constants is to be used (e.g. externally-ventilated motors), then the exten-
sion factor Kτ at STOP should be set to 1.
The cooling with the motor running is influenced by the extension factor 4309 Kτ at RUNNING. This factor
considers that motor running under load and a stopped motor do not cool down at the same speed. It
becomes effective as soon as the current exceeds the value set at address 212 BkrClosed I MIN. With Kτ
at RUNNING = 1 the heating and the cooling time constant are the same at operating conditions (Ι >
BkrClosed I MIN).
Example: Motor with the following data:
Rated Voltage VNom = 6600 V
Nominal current ΙNom = 126 A
Startup current ΙSTARTUP = 624 A
Startup duration TStart max. = 8.5 s
Permitted starts with cold motor ncold = 3
Permitted starts with warm motor nwarm = 2
Current transformer 200 A/1 A
[fo_ianl, 1, en_US]
[fo_imotnenn, 1, en_US]
• A normal startup brings the machine into a temperature range below the thermal restarting limit, the
machine is stopped and is started by an emergency startup without waiting for the equilibrium time to
expire. The equilibrium time is reset, the thermal replica is released and 66 TRIP is reported as going
(see Figure 2-57, to the right).
[anlaufbeispiele-a-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
• A startup brings the machine from load operation into a temperature range just above the thermal
restarting limit and the machine is stopped. The minimum inhibit time and the equilibrium time are
started and 66 TRIP is reported. Although the temperature soon falls below the restarting limit, the
blocking 66 TRIP is preserved until the equilibrium time and the minimum inhibit time have expired
(see Figure 2-58, to the right).
[anlaufbeispiele-b-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
The load jam protection serves to protect the motor during sudden rotor blocking. Damage to drives, bearings
and other mechanic motor components can be avoided or reduced by means of quick motor shutdown.
The blocking results in a current jump in the phases. This is detected by the function as a recognition criteria.
The thermal overload protection would of course also pickup as soon as the configured threshold values of the
thermal replicas are exceeded. The load jam protection, however, is able to detect a locked rotor quicker, thus
reducing possible damage to the motor and powered equipment.
Principle of Operation
Figure 2-59 illustrates a typical characteristic curve of an asynchronous cage motor. Nominal current is flowing
at normal load. If the load is increased, the current flow also increases and the speed decreases. Above a
certain load, however, the motor is no longer able to adjust the speed by increasing the torque. The motor
comes to standstill in spite of an increase in current to a multiple of its nominal value (see Figure 2-60). Other
types of induction motors have similar characteristics. Apart from the thermal heating of the motor, a locked
rotor causes substantial mechanical strain on coils and bearings.
[typ-kennl-asyn-motors, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-60 illustrates an example of a locked rotor caused by mechanical overload. It should be noted that
the current flow increases substantially as soon as the mechanical load reaches the stability limit.
[bsp-t-kennl-mechan-blk, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-60 Example of the time characteristic for mechanical rotor blocking
A continuous comparison of the motor current with the configured threshold values of the protection function
takes place for the purpose of detecting a locked rotor. Figure 2-61 shows the logic diagram. The threshold-
value comparison is blocked during the motor startup phase, as the startup currents usually move in a size
similar to the occurring currents when a rotor is locked.
The algorithm verifies the motor standstill according to currents and (if available) the message >52-a. As
soon as a current increase is applied after detection of the motor standstill, the load jam protection is tempo-
rarily blocked in order to avoid motor shutdown during the motor startup phase.
The motor is detected as being in standstill when none of the three phase currents exceeds the threshold set
via address 212 BkrClosed I MIN and the binary signal >52-a is inactive. The >52-a signal is only taken
into account if the binary input is allocated accordingly.
[logik-lastblk-schutz, 1, en_US]
A warning and a tripping element can be configured. The threshold value of the tripping element 4402 Load
Jam I> is usually configured below motor startup at double motor ampere rating. Warning element 4404 I
Alarm is naturally set below the tripping element, to approx. 75% of the tripping element, with a longer delay
time (parameter 4405 ALARM DELAY). If the warning element is not required, the pickup value can be set to
its maximum value and the respective message from the buffers can be removed.
• Motor starting protection: protects the motor against prolonged startup procedures and the consequent
thermal overload of the rotor
• Overcurrent and high-current elements: for motor shutdown due to electrical faults
[motorbelastungsgrenze, 1, en_US]
Motor with the following data:
Nominal voltage UNom = 6600 V
Nominal current ΙNom = 126 A
Long-term current rating Ιmax = 135 A
Startup duration Tstartmax = 8.5 s
Current transformer ΙNomCTprim / ΙNomCTsec = 200 A / 1 A
The setting for address 4402 Load Jam I> as secondary value is calculated as follows:
The tripping delay time can remain at the default setting of 1 s. The warning threshold is set to 75% of the
tripping element (4404 I Alarm ≡ 0.95 A sec.).
The tripping delay time can remain at the default setting of 2 s.
In order to block the function during motor startup, the parameter 4406 T Start Blk. is set to double
startup time (T Start Blk. = 2 · 8.5 s = 17 s).
2.8.4 Motorprotection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66,
Functions relevant to Motor Protection and Restart Inhibit for Motors and Load Jam Protection are described in
the aforegoing two sections and contain information concerning configuration. Settings
The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secon-
dary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
4101 FCT 48 OFF OFF 48 Startup Time Supervi-
ON sion for Motors
4102 STARTUP CURRENT 1A 0.50 .. 16.00 A 5.00 A Startup Current
5A 2.50 .. 80.00 A 25.00 A
4103 STARTUP TIME 1.0 .. 180.0 sec 10.0 sec Startup Time
4104 LOCK ROTOR TIME 0.5 .. 180.0 sec; ∞ 2.0 sec Permissible Locked Rotor
4105 STARTUP T WARM 0.5 .. 180.0 sec; ∞ 10.0 sec Startup Time for warm
4106 TEMP.COLD MOTOR 0 .. 80 %; ∞ 25 % Temperature limit for cold
4301 FCT 66 OFF OFF 66 Startup Counter for
ON Motors
4302 IStart/IMOTnom 1.10 .. 10.00 4.90 I Start / I Motor nominal
4303 T START MAX 1 .. 320 sec 10 sec Maximum Permissible
Starting Time
4304 T Equal 0.0 .. 320.0 min 1.0 min Temperature Equalizaton
4305 I MOTOR NOMINAL 1A 0.20 .. 1.20 A 1.00 A Rated Motor Current
5A 1.00 .. 6.00 A 5.00 A
4306 MAX.WARM STARTS 1 .. 4 2 Maximum Number of
Warm Starts
4307 #COLD-#WARM 1 .. 2 1 Number of Cold Starts -
Warm Starts
4308 Kτ at STOP 0.2 .. 100.0 5.0 Extension of Time Constant
at Stop
4309 Kτ at RUNNING 0.2 .. 100.0 2.0 Extension of Time Constant
at Running
4310 T MIN. INHIBIT 0.2 .. 120.0 min 6.0 min Minimum Restart Inhibit
• Decrease in system frequency occurs when the system experiences an increase in the real power
demand, or when a malfunction occurs with a generator governor or automatic generation control (AGC)
system. The frequency protection function is also used for generators which (for a certain time) operate
to an island network. This is due to the fact that the reverse power protection cannot operate in case of a
drive power failure. The generator can be disconnected from the power system by means of the
frequency decrease protection.
• Increase in system frequency occurs e.g. when large blocks of load (island network) are removed from
the system, or again when a malfunction occurs with a generator governor. This entails risk of self-excita-
tion for generators feeding long lines under no-load conditions.
Detection of Frequency
The frequency is detected preferably from the positive sequence voltage. If this voltage is too low, the phase-
to-phase voltage VA-B at the device is used. If the amplitude of this voltage is too small, one of the other phase-
to-phase voltages is used instead.
Through the use of filters and repeated measurements, the frequency evaluation is free from harmonic influ-
ences and very accurate.
Frequency protection consists of four frequency elements. To make protection flexible for different power
system conditions, theses elements can be used alternatively for frequency decrease or increase separately,
and can be independently set to perform different control functions.
Operating Range
The frequency can be determined as long as in a three-phase voltage transformer connection the positive-
sequence system of the voltages, or alternatively, in a single-phase voltage transformer connection, the
respective voltage is present and of sufficient magnitude. If the measured voltage drops below a settable
value Vmin, the frequency protection is blocked because no precise frequency values can be calculated from
the signal.
[7sj6x_frequenzschutz-070906-he, 1, en_US]
Frequency protection is only in effect and accessible if address 154 81 O/U is set to Enabled during configu-
ration of protective functions. If the function is not required Disabled is set. The function can be turned ON
or OFF under address 5401 FCT 81 O/U.
By setting the parameters 5421 to 5424, the function of each of the elements 81-1 PICKUP to 81-4
PICKUP is set individually as overfrequency or underfrequency protection or set to OFF, if the element is not
Minimum Voltage
Address 5402 Vmin is used to set the minimum voltage. Frequency protection is blocked as soon as the
minimum voltage is undershot.
On all three-phase connections and single-phase connections of a phase-to-phase voltage, the threshold must
be set as a phase-to-phase value. With a single phase-to-ground connection the threshold must be set as a
phase voltage.
Pickup Values
The setting as overfrequency or underfrequency element does not depend on the parameter threshold values
of the respective element. An element can also function, for example, as an overfrequency element if its
threshold value is set below the nominal frequency and vice versa.
If frequency protection is used for load shedding purposes, the setting values depend on the actual power
system conditions. Normally, a time coordinated load shedding is required that takes into account the impor-
tance of the consumers or consumer groups.
Further application examples exist in the field of power stations. Here too, the frequency values to be set
mainly depend on the specifications of the power system / power station operator. The underfrequency
protection safeguards the power station's own demand by disconnecting it from the power system on time.
The turbo governor regulates the machine set to the nominal speed. Consequently, the station's own
demands can be continuously supplied at nominal frequency.
Under the assumption that the apparent power is reduced by the same degree, turbine-driven generators can,
as a rule, be continuously operated down to 95% of the nominal frequency. However, for inductive
consumers, the frequency reduction not only means an increased current input, but also endangers stable
operation. For this reason, only a short-term frequency reduction down to about 48 Hz (for fN = 50 Hz) or 58
Hz (for fN = 60 Hz) is permissible.
A frequency increase can, for example, occur due to a load shedding or malfunction of the speed regulation
(e.g. in an island network). In this way, the frequency increase protection can, for example, be used as over-
speed protection.
Dropout Thresholds
The dropout threshold is defined via the adjustable dropout-difference address 5415 DO differential. It
can thus be adjusted to the network conditions. The dropout difference is the absolute-value difference
between pickup threshold and dropout threshold. The default value of 0.02 Hz can usually remain. Should,
however, frequent minor frequency fluctuations be expected, this value should be increased.
Time Delays
The delay times 81-1 DELAY to 81-4 DELAY (addresses 5405, 5408, 5411 and 5414) allow the frequency
elements to be time coordinated, e.g. for load shedding equipment. The set times are additional delay times
not including the operating times (measuring time, dropout time) of the protection function.
2.9.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
5401 FCT 81 O/U OFF OFF 81 Over/Under Frequency Protec-
ON tion
5402 Vmin 10 .. 150 V 65 V Minimum required voltage for
5403 81-1 PICKUP 40.00 .. 60.00 Hz 49.50 Hz 81-1 Pickup
5404 81-1 PICKUP 50.00 .. 70.00 Hz 59.50 Hz 81-1 Pickup
5405 81-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; ∞ 60.00 sec 81-1 Time Delay
5406 81-2 PICKUP 40.00 .. 60.00 Hz 49.00 Hz 81-2 Pickup
5407 81-2 PICKUP 50.00 .. 70.00 Hz 59.00 Hz 81-2 Pickup
5408 81-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; ∞ 30.00 sec 81-2 Time Delay
5409 81-3 PICKUP 40.00 .. 60.00 Hz 47.50 Hz 81-3 Pickup
5410 81-3 PICKUP 50.00 .. 70.00 Hz 57.50 Hz 81-3 Pickup
• Regenerative infeed types such as wind power stations, photovoltaics, cogeneration plants or hydro-
2.10.1 Description
To detect critical power system situations, the QU protection uses the phase-to-phase voltage, the positive-
sequence current and the reactive power.
To release the reconnection, the results of voltage protection and frequency protection are additionally
analyzed on the generating side.
If the frequency and voltage values are outside the operating range, the QU protection does not work.
It can also be blocked by the fuse-failure monitor or via a binary input.
Pickup of the QU protection causes the device to pick up. Simultaneously, fault recording is activated. But trip-
ping of the QU protection does not cause the device to trip and should be routed to a separate binary output.
No other fault record is started.
The QU protection can be used for all voltage connection types that enable detection of the displacement
voltage (measured or calculated). The Appendix provides connection examples.
Signal transmission in the high-voltage power system requires the power system connection point and the
generating facility to be connected via telecommunication cables (optical fiber or copper cable). Radio links,
GPRS or satellite transmission with signal transit times <3 s can alternatively be used in medium-voltage
Protection Function
The QU protection trips under the following conditions:
• All 3 phase-to-phase voltages are below the parameterized threshold value.
• The positive-sequence current Ι1 is above the parameterized threshold value.
[prot-lo-qvp-20120319, 1, en_US]
The release for reconnecting the generating facility is given under the following conditions:
• All 3 phase-to-phase voltages are above the parameterized threshold value.
• The power system frequency is within the parameterized range.
• The delay time of the protection function has elapsed. The delay time is started by the first trip signal of
any stage of the voltage or frequency protection.
The release criteria for reconnection can be set. The following parameters are used:
• Threshold for the release voltage at the power system connection point
• Frequency deviation in positive and negative direction
[lo-recl-rel-qvp-20120319, 2, en_US]
Configuration of the protection functions at address 155 27/Q-Protection defines whether the QU protec-
tion is Enabled or Disabled.
At address 5501 27/Q-Protection the QU protection function can be switched ON or OFF.
The release current is entered at address 5502 I-Release. The default setting is at 10 % of the rated current.
The threshold is one of the pickup criteria for tripping.
At address 5503 Inrush blk you can activate the blocking when inrush has been detected.
Pickup Values
You can set the pickup value for the reactive power stage at address 5511 Q> Pickup.
Q > 5 % of the supply system rating
VNomsec = 100 V
INomsec = 1 A
this yields the (default) setting value Q> Pickup for Q> Pickup
100 V · 1 A · √3 · 0.05 = 8.7 VAR
At address 5512 U< Pickup, you can enter the pickup value for the voltage stage.
Address 5513 Delay Gen. CB is used to set the time delay for tripping the circuit breaker of the generation
facility, e.g. at the generator.
Enter the time delay for tripping the circuit breaker at the supply system connection point at address 5514
Delay Grid CB. Always set the delay time longer than delay time Delay Gen. CB.
Close Release
At address 5521 Recl. release the close release is switched ON or OFF.
At address 5522 U> Reclose you can specify the release voltage. Set the value to approx. 95 % of the rated
voltage value (default).
Specify the delay time for releasing the generator reconnection at address 5523 T Reclose.
Furthermore, enter the admitted deviation from the rated frequency. At address 5524 Pos. f-diff enter
the frequency deviation in positive direction and at address 5525 Neg. f-diff in negative direction. If the
measured frequency is within this range, this reconnection condition is satisfied.
Address 5526 Incl. 27/Q Trip determines whether the tripping indication of the QU protection is taken
into account for the reconnection release.
2.10.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
5501 27/Q-Protection OFF OFF 27 / Q dir. con. Protection
5502 I-Release 1A 0.02 .. 0.20 A 0.10 A Current-Rel. for Trip and
5A 0.10 .. 1.00 A 0.50 A Reclose
5503 Inrush blk NO NO blocking with inrush
5511 Q> Pickup 1A 1.70 .. 10000.00 VAR 8.70 VAR Reactive power threshold
5A 8.50 .. 50000.00 VAR 43.50 VAR for pickup
5512 U< Pickup 10.00 .. 210.00 V 85.00 V Undervoltage threshold for
5513 Delay Gen. CB 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.50 sec Trip time delay generator
5514 Delay Grid CB 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 1.50 sec Trip time delay grid CB
5521 Recl. release OFF OFF Reclosure release
• In particular, the thermal overload protection allows the thermal status of motors, generators and trans-
formers to be monitored.
• If an additional thermal input is available, the thermal replica may take the actual ambient or coolant
temperature into account.
Thermal Replica
The device calculates the overtemperature in accordance with a single-body thermal replica, based on the
following differential equation:
[fo_thermdifferentialgleichung, 1, en_US]
Θ Present overtemperature related to the final overtemperature at maximum allowed phase
current k · ΙNom Obj.
τth Thermal time constant of the protected object's heating
Ι Present true r.m.s value of phase current
k k–factor indicating the maximum permissible constant phase current referred to the
nominal current of the protected object
ΙNom Obj. Nominal current of protected object
[fo_umgebungstemperatur, 1, en_US]
Θu Measured ambient temperature or coolant temperature
ΘNom Temperature at object nominal current
If the ambient or coolant temperature is not measured, a constant value of Θu = 40 °C is assumed so that Θu' =
The protection function therefore represents a thermal replica of the equipment to be protected (overload
protection with memory capability). Both the previous history of an overload and the heat loss to the environ-
ment are taken into account.
When the calculated overtemperature reaches the first settable threshold 49 Θ ALARM, an alarm annuncia-
tion is issued, e.g. to allow time for the load reduction measures to take place. When the calculated overtem-
perature reaches the second threshold, the protected equipment may be disconnected from the system. The
highest overtemperature calculated from the three phase currents is used as the criterion.
The maximum thermally permissible continuous current Ιmax is described as a multiple of the object nominal
currentΙNom Obj.:
Ιmax = k · ΙNom Obj.
In addition to the k factor (parameter 49 K-FACTOR) the TIME CONSTANT τth and the alarm temperature 49
Θ ALARM (in percent of the trip temperature ΘTRIP) must be specified.
Overload protection also features a current warning element (I ALARM) in addition to the temperature
warning element. The current warning element may report an overload current prematurely, even if the calcu-
lated operating temperature has not yet attained the warning or tripping levels.
Current Limiting
In order to ensure that overload protection, on occurrence of high fault currents (and with small time
constants), does not result in extremely short tripping times thereby perhaps affecting time grading of the
short circuit protection, the thermal replica is frozen (kept constant) as soon as the current exceeds the
threshold value 1107 I MOTOR START.
The thermal memory may be reset via a binary input (>RES 49 Image) and the current-related overtempera-
ture value is thus reset to zero. The same is accomplished via the binary input (>BLOCK 49 O/L); in this case,
the entire overload protection is blocked completely, including the current warning element.
When motors must be started for emergency reasons, temperatures above the maximum permissible over-
temperatures can be allowed by blocking the trip signal via a binary input (>EmergencyStart). Since the
thermal replica may have exceeded the tripping temperature after initiation and dropout of the binary input,
the protection function features a programmable run-on time interval (T EMERGENCY) which is started when
the binary input drops out and continues suppressing a trip signal. Tripping via the overload protection is
suppressed until this time interval has elapsed. The binary input affects only the trip command. There is no
effect on the trip log nor does the thermal replica reset.
matches it to the operating conditions. The first option is the default setting (see /5/ Additional description for
the protection of explosion-protected motors of protection type increased safety “e”).
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the overload protection function.
[7sj6x_ueberlastschutz-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
The overload protection is only in effect and accessible if address 142 49 = No ambient temp or = With
amb. temp. during configuration. If the function is not required Disabled is set.
Transformers and cable are prone to damage by overloads that last for an extended period of time. Overloads
cannot and should not be detected by fault protection. Time overcurrent protection should be set high
enough to only detect faults since these must be cleared in a short time. Short time delays, however, do
neither allow measures to discharge overloaded equipment nor do they permit to take advantage of its
(limited) overload capacity.
The 7SJ66 devices feature an overload protection function with thermal tripping characteristic adaptable to
the overload capability of the equipment being protected (overload protection with memory function).
Overload protection can be switched ON or OFF or set to Alarm Only at address 4201 FCT 49. If overload
protection is ON, tripping, trip log and fault recording is possible.
When setting Alarm Only no trip command is given, no trip log is initiated and no spontaneous fault annun-
ciation is shown on the display.
i Changing the function parameters resets the thermal replica. The thermal model is frozen (kept constant),
as soon as the current exceeds the setting value 1107 I MOTOR START.
[fo_kfaktor, 1, en_US]
The thermally permissible continuous current for the equipment being protected is known from the manufac-
turers specifications. This function is normally not applicable to overhead lines since the current capability of
overhead lines is generally not specified. For cables, the permissible continuous current is dependent on the
cross-section, insulating material, design, and the cable routing, among other things. It may be taken from
pertinent tables, or is specified by the cable manufacturer. If no specifications are available, a value of 1.1
times the nominal current rating may be assumed.
For the 49 K-FACTOR to be set in the device the following applies (address 4202)
[fo_einstellwert-kfaktor-allg, 2, en_US]
Ιmax prim Permissible thermal primary current of the motor
ΙNom Obj. Nominal current of the protected object
ΙNomCT prim Nominal primary CT current
[fo_einstellwert-k-faktor_01, 1, en_US]
[fo_kfaktor, 1, en_US]
The thermally permissible continuous current for the equipment being protected is known from the manufac-
turers specifications. This function is normally not applicable to overhead lines since the current capability of
overhead lines is generally not specified. For cables, the permissible continuous current is dependent on the
cross-section, insulating material, design, and the cable routing, among other things. It may be taken from
pertinent tables, or is specified by the cable manufacturer. If no specifications are available, a value of 1.1
times the nominal current rating may be assumed.
For the 49 K-FACTOR to be set in the device the following applies (address 4202)
[fo_einstellwert-kfaktor-allg, 2, en_US]
Ιmax prim Permissible thermal primary current of the motor
ΙNom Obj. Nominal current of the protected object
ΙNomCT prim Nominal primary CT current
i The setting for 49 K-FACTOR (address 4202) has always to be made as a secondary value.
[fo_einstellwert-k-faktor_01, 1, en_US]
Time Constant τ
The overload protection tracks overtemperature progression, employing a thermal differential equation whose
steady state solution is an exponential function. The TIME CONSTANT τth (set at address 4203) is used in the
calculation to determine the threshold of overtemperature and thus, the tripping temperature.
For cable protection, the heat-gain time constant τ is determined by cable specifications and by the cable envi-
ronment. If no time-constant specification is available, it may be determined from the short-term load capa-
bility of the cable. The 1-sec current, i.e. the maximum current permissible for a one-second period of time, is
often known or available from tables. Then, the time constant may be calculated with the formula:
[fo_einstellwert-tau, 1, en_US]
If the short-term load capability is given for an interval other than one second, the corresponding short-term
current is used in the above formula instead of the 1-second current, and the result is multiplied by the given
duration. For example, if the 0.5-second current rating is known:
[fo_einstellwert-tau-05s, 1, en_US]
It is important to note, however, that the longer the effective duration, the less accurate the result.
Example: Cable and current transformer with the following data:
Permissible continuous current Ιmax = 500 A at Θu = 40 °C
Maximum current for 1 s Ι1s = 45 · Ιmax = 22.5 kA
Current transformer 600 A/1 A
Thus results:
[fo_k-0833, 1, en_US]
[fo_tau-3375, 1, en_US]
Warning Elements
By setting the thermal warning element 49 Θ ALARM (address 4204), a warning message can be issued
before reaching the tripping temperature. Tripping can thus be avoided by initiating early load reduction
measures. This warning element simultaneously represents the dropout level for the trip signal. Only when
this threshold is undershot, the tripping command will be reset and the protected equipment can be switched
on again.
The thermal element level is given in % of the tripping overtemperature.
A current warning level is also available (parameter 4205 I ALARM). The setting is set as the secondary
current in A (mperes) and should be equal to or slightly less than the permissible current k · ΙNom sec . It can be
used instead of the thermal warning element by setting the thermal warning element to 100 % thus virtually
disabling it.
threshold. The pickup threshold BkrClosed I MIN affects also the following protection functions: voltage
protection and restart inhibit for motors.
If no differentiation of the time constants is necessary (e.g. externally-cooled motors, cables, lines, etc.) the
Kτ-FACTOR is set at 1 (default setting value).
[fo_maschinentemperatur, 1, en_US]
ΘNom sec Machine temperatur at secondary nominal current = setting at the protection
device (address 4209 or 4210)
ΘNom Mach Machine temperature at nominal machine current
ΙNomCT prim Nominal primary CT current
ΙNom Mach Nominal current of the machine
If the temperature input is used, the tripping times change if the coolant temperature deviates from the
internal reference temperature of 104° F or 40° C. The following formula can be used to calculate the tripping
τ TIME CONSTANT (address 4203)
k 49 K-FACTOR (address 4202)
ΙNom Nominal device current in A
Ι Fault current through phase in A
Ιpre Prefault current
ΘNom Temperature at nominal current ΙNom (address 4209 49 TEMP. RISE I)
Θk Coolant temperature input (scaling with address 4209 or 4210)
Maschine: ΙNom Mach = 483 A
Ιmax Mach= 1.15 ΙNom at Θk = 40 °C
ΘNom Mach= 93 °C Temperature at ΙNom Mach
τth = 600 s (thermal time constant of the machine)
Current transformer: 500 A/1 A
[fo_einstellwert-k-111, 1, en_US]
[fo_einstellwert-temperatur-100, 1, en_US]
2.11.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
4201 FCT 49 OFF OFF 49 Thermal overload
ON protection
Alarm Only
4202 49 K-FACTOR 0.10 .. 4.00 1.10 49 K-Factor
4203 TIME CONSTANT 1.0 .. 999.9 min 100.0 min Time Constant
4204 49 Θ ALARM 50 .. 100 % 90 % 49 Thermal Alarm Stage
4205 I ALARM 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A Current Overload Alarm
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A Setpoint
4207A Kτ-FACTOR 1.0 .. 10.0 1.0 Kt-FACTOR when motor
4208A T EMERGENCY 10 .. 15000 sec 100 sec Emergency time
4209 49 TEMP. RISE I 40 .. 200 °C 100 °C 49 Temperature rise at
rated sec. curr.
4210 49 TEMP. RISE I 104 .. 392 °F 212 °F 49 Temperature rise at
rated sec. curr.
4211 TEMPSENSOR RTD 1 .. 6 1 Temperature sensor
connected to RTD
4212 TEMPSENSOR RTD 1 .. 12 1 Temperature sensor
connected to RTD General
The device monitoring extends from the measuring inputs to the binary outputs. Monitoring checks the hard-
ware for malfunctions and abnormal conditions.
Hardware and software monitoring described in the following are enabled continuously. Settings (including
the possibility to activate and deactivate the monitoring function) refer to the monitoring of external trans-
former circuits.
Buffer Battery
The buffer battery, which ensures operation of the internal clock and storage of counters and messages if the
auxiliary voltage fails, is periodically checked for charge status. If it is less than an allowed minimum voltage,
then the Fail Battery message is issued.
Memory Components
All working memories (RAMs) are checked during startup. If a malfunction occurs then, the starting sequence
is interrupted and an LED blinks. During operation the memories are checked with the help of their checksum.
For the program memory, the cross sum is formed cyclically and compared to the stored program cross sum.
For the settings memory, the cross sum is formed cyclically and compared to the cross sum that is freshly
generated each time a setting process takes place.
If a fault occurs the processor system is restarted.
Scanning and the synchronization between the internal buffer components are constantly monitored. If any
deviations cannot be removed by renewed synchronization, then the processor system is restarted.
Σ I THRESHOLD (address 8106) and Σ I FACTOR (address 8107) are setting parameters. The component Σ
I FACTOR · Σ | Ι | takes into account the permissible current proportional ratio errors of the input transducers
which are particularly prevalent during large short-circuit currents (Figure 2-67). The dropout ratio is about 97
[stromsummenueberwachung-020313-kn, 1, en_US]
An error in the current sum results in the message Failure Σ I (No. 162) and blocking of the protection
function. Furthermore, a fault log is initiated for a period of 100 ms.
The monitoring can be switched off.
The monitoring is available subject to the following conditions:
• The three phase currents are connected to the device (address 251 A, B, C, (Gnd))
• The ground current of the current transformer neutral point is connected to the fourth current input (Ι4)
(Holmgreen-connection). This is communicated to the device in the Power System Data 1 via address 280
• The fourth current input is normally designed for a Ι4–transformer. In case of a sensitive transformer
type, this monitoring is not available.
• The settings CT PRIMARY (address 204) and Ignd-CT PRIM (address 217) must be the same.
• The settings CT SECONDARY (address 205) and Ignd-CT SEC (address 218) must be the same.
The following logic diagram illustrates the operational mode of the current sum monitoring.
[7sj6x-stromsummenueberw-20070315, 1, en_US]
AD Transformer Monitoring
The digitized sampled values are being monitored in respect of their plausibility. If the result is not plausible,
message 181 Error A/D-conv. is issued. The protection is blocked, thus preventing unwanted operation.
Furthermore, a fault record is generated for recording of the internal fault.
The device is able to recognize location and malfunctions of hardware modules during operation. In the event
of a fault, messages Error Board 1 (FNo. 183) to Error Board 7 (FNo. 189) are initiated. The module
number corresponds to the address number. For the assignment of addresses to modules as well as slot posi-
tions of the modules in the device, please refer to the following table.
Table 2-12 Assignment of the Addresses to the Slot Positions in the Device (View of the Open Housing)
For continuous monitoring of the program sequences, a time monitor is provided in the hardware (hardware
watchdog) that expires upon failure of the processor or an internal program, and causes a complete restart of
the processor system.
An additional software watchdog ensures that malfunctions during the processing of programs are discov-
ered. This also initiates a restart of the processor system.
If such a malfunction is not cleared by the restart, an additional restart attempt is begun. After three unsuc-
cessful restarts within a 30 second window of time, the device automatically removes itself from service and
the red “Error” LED lights up. The readiness relay drops out and indicates „device malfunction“ with its normally
closed contact.
Offset Monitoring
This monitoring function checks all ring buffer data channels for corrupt offset replication of the analog/digital
transformers and the analog input paths using offset filters. Possible offset errors are detected using DC filters,
and the associated sampled values are corrected up to a specific limit. If this limit is exceeded, an indication is
generated (191 Error Offset) and integrated into the warning group indication (160). As increased offset
values impair the measurements, we recommend sending the device to the OEM plant for corrective action
should this indication persist.
The Offset monitoring can be blocked via the binary input signal >Blk.offset s. (No. 17565).
Current Symmetry
During normal system operation, symmetry among the input currents is expected. The monitoring of the
measured values in the device checks this balance. The smallest phase current is compared to the largest
phase current. Asymmetry is detected if | Ιmin | / | Ιmax | < BAL. FACTOR I as long as Ιmax > BALANCE I
LIMIT is valid.
Thereby Ιmax is the largest of the three phase currents and Imin the smallest. The symmetry factor BAL.
FACTOR I (address 8105) represents the allowable asymmetry of the phase currents while the limit value
BALANCE I LIMIT (address 8104) is the lower limit of the operating range of this monitoring (see
Figure 2-69). Both parameters can be set. The dropout ratio is about 97 %.
This fault is signalled after settable delay time with Fail I balance.
[stromsymmetrieueberwachung-020313-kn, 1, en_US]
Voltage Symmetry
During normal system operation, balance among the voltages is expected. Since the phase-to-phase voltages
are insensitive to ground faults, the phase-to-phase voltages are used for balance monitoring. If the device is
connected to the phase-to-ground voltages, then the phase-to-phase voltages are calculated accordingly,
whereas, if the device is connected to phase-to-phase voltages and the displacement voltage V0, then the third
phase-to-phase voltage is calculated accordingly. From the phase-to-phase voltages, the device generates the
rectified average values and checks the balance of their absolute values. The smallest phase voltage is
compared with the largest phase voltage.
Asymmetry is recognized if
| Vmin | / | Vmax | < BAL. FACTOR V as long as | Vmax | > BALANCE V-LIMIT. Where Vmax is the highest of the
three voltages and Vmin the smallest. The symmetry factor BAL. FACTOR V (address 8103) represents the
allowable asymmetry of the conductor voltages while the limit value BALANCE V-LIMIT (address 8102) is
the lower limit of the operating range of this monitoring (see Figure 2-70). Both parameters can be set. The
dropout ratio is about 97%.
This fault is signalled after settable delay time with Fail V balance.
The measurement voltage failure detection function, referred to as “Fuse Failure Monitor” (FFM), only oper-
ates under the following condition:
• Three phase-to-ground voltages are connected; with phase-to-phase voltages and VN or single-phase
connection, the function is disabled.
i On systems where the ground fault current is very small or absent (e.g. ungrounded supply transformers),
fuse failure monitoring must be disabled or set to Coil.gnd./isol..
The logic diagram on the operating mode in a grounded system is illustrated in Figure 2-71. Depending on the
configuration and MLFB, the FFM operates with measured or calculated values VN or ΙN. If zero sequence
voltage occurs without a ground fault current being registered simultaneously, then there is an asymmetrical
fault in the secondary circuit of the voltage transformer.
The displacement voltage element of the sensitive ground fault detection, the directional overcurrent protec-
tion (phase and ground function), the voltage-controlled inverse time non-directional overcurrent protection,
the undervoltage protection and the synchronization function are blocked if parameter 5310 BLOCK PROT. is
set to YES.
The FFM picks up if the ground voltage VN is higher than the set limit value under address5302 FUSE FAIL
3Vo and if the ground current IN lies below the set limit value under address 5303 FUSE FAIL RESID.
Pickup occurs in accordance with the configured values. A hysteresis of 105% for the dropout is integrated for
ΙN or 95% for VN. In case of low-current asymmetrical faults in systems with week infeed, the ground current
caused by the fault could lie below the pickup threshold of the Fuse Failure Monitor. Overfunctioning of the
Fuse Failure Monitor can, however, cause the feeder protection device to underfunction since all protection
functions that use voltage signals are blocked. In order to prevent overfunctioning of the FFM, the phase
currents are also checked. If at least one phase current lies above the pickup threshold of 5303 FUSE FAIL
RESID, it can be assumed that the zero current created by a fault will equally exceed this threshold.
In order to immediately detect an existing fault after switching in, the following applies: If a ground current ΙN
is detected within 10 seconds after recognition of the Fuse Failure criterion, the protection assumes a fault
and removes the blocking by the Fuse Failure Monitor for the duration of the fault. If, on the other hand, the
voltage failure criterion is present for longer than approx. 10 s, the blocking is permanently activated. After
this time has elapsed, it can be assumed that a fuse failure has actually occurred. Only 10 s after the voltage
criterion has been removed by correction of the secondary circuit failure, will the blocking automatically reset,
thereby releasing the blocked protection functions.
The generation of the internal signal “Alarm FFM” for the operation in isolated systems is shown in
Figure 2-72.
Figure 2-71 Logic Diagram of the Fuse Failure Monitor for Grounded Networks
Figure 2-72 Logic Diagram of the Fuse Failure Monitor for Isolated Systems
[fo_u2-u1-fehlerfreier-fall, 1, en_US]
If a fault occurs in the voltage transformer secondary system, the following rules apply to the Single-phase
[fo_u2-u1-einpoliger-ausfall, 1, en_US]
If a fault occurs in the voltage transformer secondary system, the following rules apply to the Two-phase
[fo_u2-u1-zweipoliger-ausfall, 1, en_US]
In case of a failure of one or two phases of the primary system, the current also shows a negative sequence
system of 0.5 or 1. Consequently, the voltage monitoring does not respond since no voltage transformer fault
can be present. In order to avoid occurrence of an overfunctioning of the measuring voltage failure detection
due to inaccuracy, the function is blocked below a minimum threshold of the positive sequence systems of
voltage (V1 << 0.1 VNom) and current (Ι1 << 0.1 ΙNom).
This function is only available in device version “World” (Ordering Information Pos. 10 = B), as it is only used in
certain regions.
Furthermore, the measurement of all three phase-to-ground voltages is a requirement.
If only two phase-to-phase voltages were measured, it would not be possible to evaluate two of the required
The “Broken Wire” monitoring function monitors the voltage transformer circuits of the secondary system with
regard to failure. One distinguishes between single-phase, two-phase and three-phase failures.
i Current sum monitoring can operate properly only when the residual current of the protected line is fed to
the fourth current input (ΙN) of the relay (see Power System Data 1). Furthermore, the fourth current input
(ΙN) may not be sensitive.
i The connections of the ground paths and their adaption factors were set when configuring the general
Power System Data. These settings must be correct for the measured values monitoring to function prop-
Measured value monitoring can be set to ON or OFF at address 8101 MEASURE. SUPERV.
i The setting under address 5310 BLOCK PROT. has no effect on the flexible protection functions. A sepa-
rate blocking can be selected for that purpose.
The function may be disabled in address 5301 FUSE FAIL MON., e.g. when performing asymmetrical tests. Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
5201 VT BROKEN WIRE ON OFF VT broken wire supervision
5202 Σ V> 1.0 .. 100.0 V 8.0 V Threshold voltage sum
5203 Vph-ph max< 1.0 .. 100.0 V 16.0 V Maximum phase to phase
5204 Vph-ph min< 1.0 .. 100.0 V 16.0 V Minimum phase to phase
5205 Vph-ph max-min> 10.0 .. 200.0 V 16.0 V Symmetry phase to phase
Device 7SJ66 is equipped with an integrated trip circuit supervision. Depending on the number of available
binary inputs (not connected to a common potential), supervision with one or two binary inputs can be
selected. If the allocation of the required binary inputs does not match the selected supervision type, then a
message to this effect is generated (74TC ProgFail).
• When using two binary inputs, malfunctions in the trip circuit can be detected under all circuit breaker
• When only one binary input is used, malfunctions in the circuit breaker itself cannot be detected.
A requirement for the use of trip circuit supervision is that the control voltage for the circuit breaker is at least
twice the voltage drop across the binary input (VCt > 2 · VBImin).
Since at least 69 V are needed for the binary input, the supervision can only be used with a system control
voltage of over 138 V.
[prinzip-ausloesekreisueberwachung-2-binein-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-74 Principle of the trip circuit supervision with two binary inputs
Supervision with two binary inputs not only detects interruptions in the trip circuit and loss of control voltage,
it also supervises the response of the circuit breaker using the position of the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts.
Depending on the conditions of the trip contact and the circuit breaker, the binary inputs are activated (logical
condition "H" in Table 2-13), or not activated (logical condition "L").
In healthy trip circuits the condition that both binary inputs are not actuated (”L") is only possible during a
short transition period (trip contact is closed but the circuit breaker has not yet opened). A continuous state of
this condition is only possible when the trip circuit has been interrupted, a short-circuit exists in the trip circuit,
a loss of battery voltage occurs, or malfunctions occur with the circuit breaker mechanism. Therefore, it is
used as supervision criterion.
Table 2-13 Condition table for binary inputs, depending on RTC and CB position
The conditions of the two binary inputs are checked periodically. A check takes place about every 600 ms. If
three consecutive conditional checks detect an abnormality (after 1.8 s), an annunciation is reported (see
Figure 2-75). The repeated measurements determine the delay of the alarm message and avoid that an alarm
is output during short transition periods. After the malfunction in the trip circuit is cleared, the fault annuncia-
tion is reset automatically after the same time period.
[7sj6x_ausloesekreis_2_binaerein-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-75 Logic diagram of the trip circuit supervision with two binary inputs
[prinzip-ausloesekreisueberwachung-1-binein-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
During normal operation, the binary input is activated (logical condition "H") when the trip contact is open and
the trip circuit is intact, because the monitoring circuit is closed by either the 52a circuit breaker auxiliary
contact (if the circuit breaker is closed) or through the bypass resistor R by the 52b circuit breaker auxiliary
contact. Only as long as the trip contact is closed, the binary input is short circuited and thereby deactivated
(logical condition "L").
If the binary input is continuously deactivated during operation, this leads to the conclusion that there is an
interruption in the trip circuit or loss of control voltage.
As the trip circuit supervision does not operate during system faults, the closed trip contact does not lead to a
fault message. If, however, tripping contacts from other devices operate in parallel with the trip circuit, then
the fault message must be delayed (see also Figure 2-77). The delay time can be set via parameter 8202
Alarm Delay. A message is only released after expiry of this time. After clearance of the fault in the trip
circuit, the fault message is automatically reset.
[7sj6x_ausloesekreis_1_binaerein-050906-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-77 Logic diagram of trip circuit supervision with one binary input
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the message that can be generated by the trip circuit
monitor, depending on the control settings and binary inputs.
[7sj6x_ausloesekreis_meldelogik-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
The function is only effective and accessible if address 182 (Section Setting Notes) was set to either 2
Binary Inputs or 1 Binary Input during configuration, the appropriate number of binary inputs has
been configured accordingly for this purpose and the function FCT 74TC is ON at address 8201. If the alloca-
tion of the required binary inputs does not match the selected supervision type, a message to this effect is
generated (74TC ProgFail). If the trip circuit monitor is not to be used at all, then Disabled is set at
address 182.
In order to ensure that the longest possible duration of a trip command can be reliably bridged, and an indica-
tion is generated in case of an actual fault in the trip circuit, the indication regarding a trip circuit interruption
is delayed. The time delay is set under address 8202 Alarm Delay. Settings Description
Malfunction Responses
Depending on the type of malfunction discovered, an annunciation is sent, a restart of the processor system is
initiated, or the device is taken out of service. After three unsuccessful restart attempts, the device is taken out
of service. The operational readiness NC contact operates to indicate the device is malfunctioning. Also, the
red LED ”ERROR" lights up on the front cover, if the internal auxiliary voltage is present, and the green ”RUN"
LED goes out. If the internal auxiliary voltage fails, all LEDs are dark. Table 2-14 provides a summary of the
monitoring functions and the malfunction responses of the relay.
Group Alarms
Certain messages of the monitoring functions are already combined to group alarms. A listing of the group
alarms and their composition is given in the Appendix F.4 Group Indications. In this case, it must be noted that
message 160 Alarm Sum Event is only issued when the measured value monitoring functions (8101
MEASURE. SUPERV) are activated.
• Sensitive ground fault detection may be used in isolated or compensated systems to detect ground faults,
to determine phases affected by ground faults, and to specify the direction of ground faults.
• In solidly or low-resistance grounded systems, sensitive ground fault detection is used to detect high
impedance ground faults.
2.13.1 Ground Fault Detection for cos-φ / sin-φ Measurement (Standard Method)
Voltage Element
The voltage element relies on a pickup initiated by the displacement voltage V0 or 3 · V0. Additionally, the
faulty phase is determined. The displacement voltage V0 can be directly applied to the device, or the summary
voltage 3 · V0 can be calculated by the device based on the three phase–to–ground voltages. In the latter case,
the three voltage inputs must be connected to voltage transformers in a grounded-wye configuration (see also
address 213 VT Connect. 3ph in Subsection 2.1.3 Power System Data 1). If the device is only provided
with phase-to-phase voltages, it is not possible to calculate a displacement voltage from them. In this case the
direction cannot be determined.
If the displacement voltage is calculated, then:
3 · V0 = VA + VB + VC
If the displacement voltage is directly applied to the device, then V0 is the voltage at the device terminals. It is
not affected by parameter Vph / Vdelta (address 206).
The displacement voltage is used both to detect a ground fault and to determine direction. When the voltage
element picks up, a preset time delay must elapse before detection of the displacement voltage is reported to
be able to record stable measurement quantities. The time delay can be configured (T-DELAY Pickup) and
its factory setting is 1 s.
Pickup performed by the displacement voltage can be delayed (64-1 DELAY) for tripping.
It is important to note that the total tripping time then consists of the displacement voltage measurement
time (about 50 ms) plus the pickup time delay T-DELAY Pickup plus the tripping delay 64-1 DELAY.
After the voltage element picks up due to detection of a displacement voltage, the grounded phase is identi-
fied, if possible. To do this, the individual phase-to-ground voltages are measured. Of course, this is only
possible if three phase-to-ground voltages are obtained from voltage transformers connected in a grounded
wye configuration. If the voltage magnitude for any given phase is below the setting value VPh min, that phase
is detected as the grounded phase as long as the remaining phase-to-ground voltages are simultaneously
above the setting value VPh max.
[7sj6x_erdschlussbehaftete_phase-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
Current Elements
The current elements for ground faults operate with the magnitudes of the ground current. It is sensible to
employ them only where the magnitude of the ground current can be used to specify the ground fault. This
may be the case on grounded systems (solid or low-resistance) or on electrical machines which are directly
connected to the busbar of an isolated power system, when in case of a network ground fault the machine
supplies only a negligible ground fault current across the measurement location, which must be situated
between the machine terminals and the network, whereas in case of a machine ground fault the higher
ground fault current produced by the total network is available. Ground current protection is mostly used as
backup protection for high resistance ground faults in solid or low resistance grounded systems when the
main fault protection does not pickup.
For ground fault protection, two-step current/time characteristic can be set. Analog to the overcurrent protec-
tion, the high-set current element is designated as 50Ns-2 PICKUP and 50Ns-2 DELAY and is provided
with a definite time characteristic. The overcurrent element 50Ns-1 PICKUP works with definite time delay
(50Ns-1 PICKUP and 50Ns-1 DELAY). The 51Ns PICKUP element may be operated with either a user-
defined characteristic (51Ns PICKUP and 51NsTIME DIAL) or an inverse-time characteristic according to
IEC or ANSI standards. Additionally, a current element with logarithmic inverse characteristic or logarithmic
inverse characteristic with knee point is implemented. The characteristics of these current elements can be
configured. Each of these elements may be directional or non-directional.
The pickup of the definite time overcurrent protection can be stabilized by the configured dropout delay time
(address 3121 50Ns T DROP-OUT).
The dropout delay only works if the current stage is operated independently of the voltage stage. Parameter
3130 PU CRITERIA is set to Vgnd OR INs.
Determination of Direction
When determining the sensitive ground fault direction it is not the current value that is crucial, but the part of
the current which is perpendicular to a settable directional characteristic (axis of symmetry). As a prerequisite
for determining the direction, the displacement voltage V0 must be exceeded as well as a configurable current
part influencing the direction (active or reactive component).
The following figure illustrates an example using a complex vector diagram in which the displacement voltage
V0 is the reference magnitude of the real axis. The active part 3Ι0real of current 3Ι0 is calculated with reference
to the displacement voltage V0 and compared with setting value RELEASE DIRECT.. The example is there-
fore suitable for ground fault direction in resonant grounded systems where quantity 3Ι0 · cos φ is relevant.
The directional limit lines are perpendicular to axis 3Ι0real.
[7sj6-richtungskennlinie-bei-cos-messung-101210, 1, en_US]
The directional limit lines may be rotated by a correction angle (address PHI CORRECTION) up to ± 45°.
Therefore, in grounded systems it is possible e.g. to increase sensitivity in the resistive-inductive range with a
rotation of –45°, or in case of electric machines connected to the busbar of an ungrounded power system in
the resistive- capacitive range with a rotation of +45° (see the following Figure). Furthermore the directional
limit lines may be rotated by 90° to determine ground faults and their direction in isolated systems.
[richtungskennlinien-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Fault direction is calculated with the zero sequence values from the ground current 3Ι0 and displacement
voltage V0 or 3 · V0. With these quantities ground active power and ground reactive power is calculated.
The calculation algorithm used filters the measured values so that it is highly accurate and insensitive to
higher harmonics (particularly the 3rd and 5th harmonics – which are often present in zero sequence
currents). Direction determination relies on the sign of active and reactive power.
Since active and reactive components of the current - not the power - are relevant for pickup, current compo-
nents are calculated from the power components. When determining the ground fault direction the active or
reactive components of the ground current in reference to the displacement voltage as well as the direction of
the active and reactive power are evaluated.
For measurements of sin φ (for ungrounded systems) the following applies
• Ground fault (forward direction), if Q0 < 0 and 3Ι0reactive > setting value (RELEASE DIRECT.),
• Ground fault (reverse direction), if Q0 >0 and 3Ι0reactive > setting value (RELEASE DIRECT.).
For measurements cos φ(for resonant grounded systems) the following applies
• Ground fault (forward direction), if P0 > 0 and 3Ι0active > setting value (RELEASE DIRECT.),
• Ground fault (reverse direction), if P0 < 0 and 3Ι0active > setting value (RELEASE DIRECT.).
If PHI CORRECTION is unequal 0°, the angle of the directional limit lines is calculated by adding up active and
reactive power components.
The forward and reverse zone can be reduced at its boundaries at address 3160 α1 red.dir.area and
address 3161 α2 red.dir.area (see Figure 2-80).
The following figure illustrates the activation criteria of the sensitive ground fault protection. The operational
mode of the ground fault detection can be set under address 3101.
If set to ON, tripping is possible and a fault log is generated.
If set to Alarm Only, tripping is not possible and only a ground fault log is generated.
The pickup of the displacement voltage element V0 starts the ground fault recording. As the pickup of the V0
element drops out, fault recording is terminated (see logic diagrams Figure 2-83 and Figure 2-84).
The entire function can be blocked under the following conditions:
• A binary input is set,
• the Fuse Failure Monitor or the voltage transformer protection breaker pick up and parameter 3130 PU
CRITERIA is set to Vgnd AND INs,
• the Fuse Failure Monitor or the voltage transformer protection breaker pick up and parameter 3130 PU
CRITERIA is set to Vgnd OR INs, and both current elements are in directional operation mode.
Switching off or blocking means that measurement is deactivated. Therefore, time delays and pickup
messages are reset.
All elements can be blocked individually via binary inputs. In this case pickup and, if possible, direction and
grounded phase will still be reported, however, tripping does not take place since the time elements are
[7sj80-aktiv-cos-sin-empf-ef-070309, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-82 Activation of the sensitive ground-fault detection for cos-ϕ -/sin-ϕ measurement
Generation of a pickup message, for both current elements, is dependent on the direction selection for each
element and the setting of parameters 3130 PU CRITERIA. If the element is set to Non-Directional and
parameter PU CRITERIA = Vgnd OR INs, a pickup message is generated as soon as the current threshold is
exceeded, irrespective of the status of the V0 element. If, however, the setting of parameter PU CRITERIA is
Vgnd AND INs, the V0–element must have picked up also for non-directional mode.
However, if a direction is programmed, the current element must be picked up and the direction determina-
tion results must be present to generate a message. Once again, a condition for valid direction determination
is that the voltage element V0 be picked up.
Parameter PU CRITERIA specifies, whether a fault is generated by means of the AND-function or the ORcom-
bination of displacement voltage and pickup of the ground current. The former may be advantageous if the
pickup setting of displacement voltage element V0 was chosen to be very low.
[7sj80-erdfehler-ue-cos-sin-20061206, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-83 Logic diagram of the V0> element for cos-φ -/sin-φ measurement
[7sj6x-erdfehler-iee-cos-sin-20061206, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-84 Logic diagram of the ΙNs elements for cos-ϕ -/sin-ϕ measurement
Voltage Element
The voltage element relies on a pickup initiated by the displacement voltage V0 or 3 · V0. Additionally, the
faulty phase is determined. The displacement voltage V0 can be directly applied to the device, or the summary
voltage 3 · V0 can be calculated by the device based on the three phase–to–ground voltages. In the latter case,
the three voltage inputs must be connected to voltage transformers in a grounded-wye configuration (see also
address 213 VT Connect. 3ph in Subsection 2.1.3 Power System Data 1). If the device is only provided
with phase-to-phase voltages, it is not possible to calculate a displacement voltage from them. In this case the
direction cannot be determined.
If the displacement voltage is calculated, then:
3 · V0 = VA + VB + VC
If the displacement voltage is directly applied to the device, then V0 is the voltage at the device terminals. It is
not affected by parameter Vph / Vdelta (address 206).
Pickup performed by the displacement voltage can be delayed (64-1 DELAY) for tripping.
It is important to note that the total trip-command time then consists of the displacement voltage measure-
ment time (about 50 ms) plus the pickup delay time 64-1 DELAY.
After the voltage element picks up due to detection of a displacement voltage, the grounded phase is identi-
fied, if possible. To do this, the individual phase-to-ground voltages are measured. Of course, this is only
possible if three phase-to-ground voltages are obtained from voltage transformers connected in a grounded
wye configuration. If the voltage magnitude for any given phase is below the setting value VPh min, that phase
is detected as the grounded phase as long as the remaining phase-to-ground voltages are simultaneously
above the setting value VPh max.
[7sj6x_erdschlussbehaftete_phase-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
Current Elements
There are two current elements. Both elements operate directionally, whereby the tripping zones can be set
individually for each element (see margin heading “Tripping Area”). Both current elements are provided with a
definite time characteristic. Two current/time elements are used for ground fault protection. Analog to the
time overcurrent protection function, the overcurrent element is named 50Ns-1 PICKUP and 50Ns-1
DELAY and the high-set element 50Ns-2 PICKUP and 50Ns-2 DELAY.
The pickup of the definite time overcurrent protection can be stabilized by the configured dropout delay time
(address 3121 50Ns T DROP-OUT).
Tripping Area
The U0/I0-ϕ characteristic is illustrated as a sector in the U0/I0 phasor diagram (see Figure 2-86). This sector
corresponds to the tripping area. If the cursor of the ground current is in this sector, the function picks up.
The tripping area is defined via several parameters: Via the angle ϕ (parameter 3154 50Ns-1 Phi or 3151
50Ns-2 Phi), the center of the zone with reference to the displacement voltage V0 is set. Via the angle Δϕ
(parameter 3155 50Ns-1 DeltaPhi or 3152 50Ns-2 DeltaPhi), the zone is extended to both sides of the
The zone is further limited downwards by minimum values of the displacement voltage and ground current.
These settable threshold values must be exceeded in order to be picked up.
Negative angle settings turn the tripping area in the “inductiv” direction, i.e. ground current inductive
compared to ground voltage.
[enel-character, 1, en_US]
The following figure illustrates the activation criteria of the sensitive ground fault protection. The operational
mode of the ground fault detection can be set under address 3101.
If set to ON, tripping is possible and a fault log is generated.
If set to ON with GF log, tripping is possible, a fault log and a ground fault log are generated.
If set to Alarm Only, tripping is not possible and only a ground fault log is generated.
The pickup of the displacement voltage V0 or pickup of the 50Ns-2 element or pickup of the 50Ns-1 or 51Ns
element start the ground fault recording. As the pickup of the element drops out, fault recording is terminated
(see the following logic diagrams).
The entire function can be blocked under the following conditions:
• A binary input is set,
• the Fuse Failure Monitor or the voltage transformer protection breaker pick up.
Switching off or blocking means that measurement is deactivated. Therefore, time delays and pickup
messages are reset.
All elements can be blocked individually via binary inputs. In this case pickup and, if possible, direction and
grounded phase will still be reported, however, tripping does not take place since the time elements are
To support the commissioning, a message is issued if the current and voltage threshold of an element is
exceeded but the ground fault phasor is not inside of the trip range.
[7sj80-aktiv-empf-erdfehler-20061218, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-87 Activation of the sensitive ground fault detection for V0/I0-ϕ measurement
[7sj62-64-ef-ue-u0-i0-mess-20081112, 1, en_US]
[7sj80-erdfehler-iee-u0-i0-messung-20061206, 1, en_US]
Application Example
Directional determination may often be used to locate ground faults. In radial systems, locating the ground
fault is relatively simple. Since all feeders from a common bus (Figure 2-90) deliver a capacitive charging
current, nearly the total ground fault current of the system is available at the measuring point of the faulty line
in the ungrounded system. In the resonant grounded system it is the residual wattmetric current of the
Petersen coil that flows via the measuring point. Therefore, on the faulty cables a clear "forward" decision is
made whereas in other feeders either "reverse" direction is sent back or no measurement is carried out in case
ground current is too low. Definitely the faulty line can be determined clearly.
[erdschlussortung-im-strahlennetz-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
In meshed or looped systems, the measuring points of the faulty line also receive the maximum ground fault
current (residual current). Only in this line, "forward" direction is signaled at both ends (Figure 2-91). The rest
of the direction indications in the system may also be useful for ground fault detection. However, some indica-
tions may not be given when the ground current is too low.
[ortung-des-erdschlusses-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-91 Determination of the ground fault location basing on directional indicators in the meshed
General Settings
During configuration of the protection functions (Section 2.1.1 Functional Scope, under address 131 Sens.
Gnd Fault it was determined with which parameters the ground fault detection is functioning.
If address Sens. Gnd Fault = Definite Time is selected, then the settings for the definite-time
elements are available here.
If address Sens. Gnd Fault = Log. inverse A is set, a logarithmic inverse time characteristic is avail-
If address Sens. Gnd Fault = Log. Inverse B is set, a logarithmic inverse time characteristic with knee
point is active.
If Sens. Gnd Fault = User Defined PU is selected, a user-specified characteristic can be used for the
overcurrent protection elements 50Ns-1 or 51Ns.
If Sens. Gnd Fault = TOC IEC or Sens. Gnd Fault = TOC ANSI is selected, you can use an inverse
time characteristic either according to the IEC- or the ANSI-standard.
The superimposed high-current element 50Ns-1 is available in all these cases.
If this function is not required, then Disabled is set.
The logarithmic inverse time characteristics, the characteristics according to IEC or ANSI standards and user
characteristics are only available if under address 130 the standard measurement method cos φ / sin φ is
The characteristic for determining the direction is set at address 130 S.Gnd.F.Dir.Ch. It is optional to select
either the standard measurement method cos φ / sin φ or the V0/I0 φ mea. with one sector charac-
At address 3101 Sens. Gnd Fault, the function ON or OFF can be set to either ON with GF log or
Alarm Only. If settings ON and ON with GF log are applied, tripping is also possible, otherwise a fault log
is created. A ground fault log is created for ON with GF log and Alarm Only. Setting ON with GF log
is only available if characteristic V0/I0 φ mea. has been selected at address 130 S.Gnd.F.Dir.Ch.
The parameters 3111 T-DELAY Pickup and 3130 PU CRITERIA are only visible if the standard measure-
ment method cos φ / sin φ has been selected when setting the direction characteristic. The ground fault
is detected and reported when the displacement voltage was sustained a certain time T-DELAY Pickup).
Address 3130 PU CRITERIA specifies whether ground fault detection is enabled only for pickups of VN and
ΙNS (Vgnd AND INs) or as soon as one of the two has picked up (Vgnd OR INs).
The pickup can be stabilized for ground fault protection with definite time curve by a settable dropout time
delay (address 3121 50Ns T DROP-OUT). This facility is used in power systems with intermittent faults. Used
together with electro-mechanical relays, it allows different dropout responses to be adjusted and time grading
of digital and electro-magnetic relays to be implemented. The setting depends on the dropout time delay of
the electro-magnetic relay. If no coordination is required, the preset value (zero = no dropout time delay)
i Address 213 VT Connect. 3ph specifies how the voltage transformers are connected (phase-to-ground
or phase-to-phase). Furthermore, adjustment factor Vph/Vdelta for displacement voltage is properly set
in address 206, primary and secondary nominal transformer current in the ground path are properly set in
addresses 217 and 218.
IEC/ANSI characteristics
For an inverse time element 51Ns, a characteristic according to IEC or ANSI standards may be used. These
characteristics can be employed for the measurement method cos φ / sin φ.
The type of IEC characteristic can be selected under address 3144 51Ns IEC CURVE. Setting options that can
ve selected are Normal Inverse, Very Inverse, Extremely Inv. and Long Inverse.
The type of ANSI characteristic can be selected under address 3145 51Ns ANSI CURVE. Setting options that
can be selected are Very Inverse, Inverse, Short Inverse, Long Inverse, Moderately Inv.,
Extremely Inv. and Definite Inv..
As dropout time, set under address 3146 51Ns Drop-out Instantaneous or Disk Emulation.
[kennlinie-amz-log-invers-050803, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-92 Trip time characteristics of the inverse time ground fault protection with logarithmic-inverse
time characteristic
Logarithmic inverse t = 51Ns MAX. TIME DIAL - 51Ns TIME DIAL·ln (Ι/51Ns PICKUP)
Note: For Ι/51Ns PICKUP > 35 the time applies for Ι/51Ns PICKUP = 35
[7sj6x_portugal_kennlinie-010704-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-93 Trip-time characteristics of the inverse-time ground fault protection with logarithmic inverse
time characteristic with knee point (example for 51Ns= 0.004 A)
• The value pairs should be entered in increasing sequence. If desired, fewer than 20 pairs can be entered.
In most cases, about 10 pairs is sufficient to define the characteristic accurately. A value pair which will
not be used has to be made invalid by entering "∞” for the threshold! The user must ensure that the value
pairs produce a clear and constant characteristic
The current values entered should be those from Table 2-4, along with the matching times. Deviating
values Ι/Ιp are rounded. This, however, will not be indicated.
Current below the current value of the smallest curve point will not lead to an extension of the tripping
time. The pickup curve (see Figure 2-94) continues, from the smallest current point parallel to the current
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not result in a reduced tripping time.
The pickup curve (see Figure 2-94) continues, from the highest current point parallel to the current axis.
Table 2-15 Preferential Values of Standardized Currents for User-specific Tripping Curves
[verwendung-einer-anwenderspezifizierbaren-kennlinie-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
The displacement voltage 64-1 VGND (address 3109) or 64-1 VGND (address 3110) is used to pick up
ground fault detection. At the same time, pickup of the voltage element is a condition for initiation of direc-
tion determination (when setting the direction characteristic to cos φ / sin φ). If the direction character-
istic is set toV0/I0 φ mea., the displacement voltage element is not relying on the current elements at all.
Depending on the configuration at address 213 VT Connect. 3ph, only the applicable limit value at address
3109 64-1 VGND or 3110 64-1 VGND is accessible.
If two phase-to-phase voltages and the displacement voltage V0 are supplied to the device, the measured
displacement voltage is used directly for ground fault recognition. The threshold for V0 is set at address 3109,
where a more sensitive setting can be made than with a calculated displacement voltage.
Please note that when the V0 voltage is connected, the factor (normally = 1.73; see also Section Setting Notes) specified with parameter 206 Vph/Vdelta is used. For display of parameter 3109
64-1 VGND in primary values, the following conversion formula applies:
[fo_uenprim-uensek, 1, en_US]
If three phase-to-ground voltages are connected to the device, the displacement voltage 3 · V0 is calculated
from the momentary values of phase-to-ground voltages, and address 3110 is where the threshold is to be
set. For the display of parameter 3110 in primary values, the following applies:
[fo_3u0prim-3u0sek, 1, en_US]
If the secondary values of (for example) parameters 3110 are set equally, then their primary values differ by
adjustment value Vph/Vdelta.
Parameter 202 Vnom PRIMARY = 12 kV
Parameter 203 Vnom SECONDARY = 100 V
Parameter 206 Vph/Vdelta = 1.73
[fo_beispiel-uen-83kv, 1, en_US]
[fo_beispiel-3u0-48kv, 1, en_US]
With regard to a ground fault in a ungrounded or resonant-grounded system, nearly the entire displacement
voltage appears at the device terminals, therefore the pickup setting is not critical, and typically lies between
30 V and 60 V (for 64-1 VGND with a standard V0-connection) or 50 V and 100 V (for 64-1 VGND). Large
fault resistances may require higher sensitivity (i.e. a lower pickup setting).
With regard to a grounded system, a more sensitive (lower) pickup value may be set, but it must be above the
maximum anticipated displacement voltage during normal (unbalanced) system operation.
Pickup of just the voltage element may initiate time delayed tripping assumed that ground fault detection is
configured to perform tripping (address 3101 Sens. Gnd Fault = ON or ON with GF log) and moreover
address 3130 PU CRITERIA is configured Vgnd OR INs. The tripping delay is then set at address 3112
64-1 DELAY. It is important to note that the total tripping time consists of the displacement voltage meas-
urement time (about 50 ms) plus the pickup time delay (address 3111 T-DELAY Pickup) plus the tripping
time delay (address 3112 64-1 DELAY).
current element 50Ns-1 or or 51Ns can be set to Forward or Reverse or Non-Directional, i.e. to both
directions, at address 3122 67Ns-1 DIRECT..
Current value RELEASE DIRECT. (address 3123) is the release threshold for directional determination. It is
based on the current components which are perpendicular to the directional limit lines. The position of the
directional limit lines themselves are based on the settings entered at addresses 3124 and 3125.
The following applies to the determination of direction during ground faults: The pickup current 3Ι0 DIR.
(=RELEASE DIRECT. address 3123) must be set as high as possible to avoid false pickup of the device
provoked by asymmetrical currents in the system and by current transformers (especially in the Holmgreen-
If direction determination is used in conjunction with one of the current elements discussed above (50Ns-1
PICKUP, addresses 3117 ff, or 51Ns PICKUP, addresses 3119 ff), it is sensible to select a value for address
RELEASE DIRECT. that is lower than or equal to the above pickup value.
A corresponding message (reverse, forward, or undefined) is issued upon direction determination. To avoid
chatter for this message resulting from extremely varying ground connection currents, a dropout delay RESET
DELAY, entered at address 3126, is initiated when directional determination drops out, and the message is
held for this period of time.
When address 3124 PHI CORRECTION is set to 0.0°, in address 3125 the following signifies
the resistive component of the ground current with respect to the displacement voltage is most relevant
for the current value RELEASE DIRECT. (3Ι0 DIR.),
the reactive (capacitive) component of the ground current with respect to the displacement voltage is
most relevant for the current value RELEASE DIRECT. (3Ι0 DIR.) (Figure 2-95).
[7sj6-richtkennl-bei-sin-mess-20110113, 1, en_US]
• In address 3124 PHI CORRECTION the directional line, in this respect, may be rotated within the range
± 45°. Figure 2-80 "Directional characteristic for cos-ϕ-measurement" in the functional description of the
sensitive ground fault detection gives an example regarding this topic.
The forward and reverse zone can be reduced at its boundaries at address 3160 α1 red.dir.area and
address 3161 α2 red.dir.area (see Figure 2-95). Siemens recommends using the default setting of 2°
(this corresponds to the behavior of versions without this setting option). In a grounded system in feeders
with very high capacitive current, it can be reasonable to set a slightly larger angle α1 to prevent erroneous
pickup due to transformer and algorithm tolerances.
Phi, address 3151 and angle 50Ns-2 DeltaPhi, address 3152. The trip delay time is set under address
3114 50Ns-2 DELAY. The actual settings are based on the respective application.
The minimum voltage 50Ns-1 Vmin of the high-current element 50Ns-1 is set under address 3153, the
pickup current 50Ns-1 PICKUP under 3117. The respective phase angle 50Ns-1 Phi is set under address
3154, the angle 50Ns-1 DeltaPhi is entered under address 3155. The angle should be set to 180° so that
the element functions non-directionally. The trip delay time is set under address 3118 50Ns-1 DELAY.
Positive angle settings (address 3151 and 3154) turn the tripping area in the „capacitive“ direction, i.e. ground
current capacitive compared to ground voltage.
Negative angle settings turn the tripping area in the “inductiv” direction, i.e. ground current inductive
compared to ground voltage.
Ungrounded System
In an ungrounded system with a ground fault on a cable, capacitive ground currents of the galvanically
connected system flow via the measuring point, except for the ground current generated in the grounded
cable, since the current last-mentioned will flow directly to the fault location (i.e. not via the measuring point).
A setting equal to about half the ground current is to be selected. The measurement method should be SIN
φ, since capacitive ground current is most relevant here.
Resonant-Grounded System
In resonant-grounded systems, directional determination on the occurrence of a ground fault is more difficult
since the low residual wattmetric current for measurement is usually dwarfed by a reactive current (be it
capacitive or inductive) which is much higher. Therefore, depending on the system configuration and the posi-
tion of the arc-compensating coil, the total ground current supplied to the device may vary considerably in its
values with regard to magnitude and phase angle. The relay, however, must evaluate only the active compo-
nent of the ground fault current, that is, ΙNs cos ϕ. This demands extremely high accuracy, particularly with
regard to phase angle measurement of all instrument transformers. Furthermore, the device must not be set
to operate too sensitive. When applying this function in resonant-grounded systems, a reliable direction deter-
mination can only be achieved when toroidal current transformers are connected. Here the following rule of
thumb applies: Set pickup values to about half of the expected measured current, thereby considering only the
residual wattmetric current. Residual wattmetric current predominantly derives from losses of the Petersen
coil. Here, the COS φ measurement method is used since the resistive residual wattmetric current is most rele-
Grounded System
In grounded systems, a value is set below the minimum anticipated ground fault current. It is important to
note that 3I0 DIR (current value RELEASE DIRECT.) only detects the current components that are perpendic-
ular to the directional limit lines defined at addresses 3124 and 3125. COS φ is the method of measurement
used, and the correction angle is set to –45°, since the ground fault current is typically resistive-inductive
(right section of Figure 2-81 "Directional curve for cos-ϕ-measurement" in the functional description of the
sensitive ground fault detection).
Electrical Machines
One may set the value COS φ for the measurement method and use a correction angle of +45° for electrical
motors supplied from a busbar in an ungrounded system, since the ground current is often composed of an
overlap of the capacitive ground current from the system and the resistive current of the load resistance (left
part of Figure "Directional characteristic for cos-ϕ-measurement" in the functional description of the sensitive
ground fault detection).
2.13.5 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
3101 Sens. Gnd Fault OFF OFF (Sensitive) Ground Fault
ON with GF log
Alarm Only
3102 CT Err. I1 0.001 .. 1.600 A 0.050 A Current I1 for CT Angle
3102 CT Err. I1 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Current I1 for CT Angle
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A Error
3103 CT Err. F1 0.0 .. 5.0 ° 0.0 ° CT Angle Error at I1
3104 CT Err. I2 0.001 .. 1.600 A 1.000 A Current I2 for CT Angle
3104 CT Err. I2 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A Current I2 for CT Angle
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 50.00 A Error
3105 CT Err. F2 0.0 .. 5.0 ° 0.0 ° CT Angle Error at I2
3106 VPH MIN 10 .. 100 V 40 V L-Gnd Voltage of Faulted
Phase Vph Min
3107 VPH MAX 10 .. 100 V 75 V L-Gnd Voltage of Unfaulted
Phase Vph Max
3109 64-1 VGND 1.8 .. 170.0 V; ∞ 40.0 V 64-1 Ground Displacement
3110 64-1 VGND 10.0 .. 225.0 V; ∞ 70.0 V 64-1 Ground Displacement
3111 T-DELAY Pickup 0.00 .. 320.00 sec; ∞ 1.00 sec Time-DELAY Pickup
3112 64-1 DELAY 0.10 .. 40000.00 sec; ∞ 10.00 sec 64-1 Time Delay
3113 50Ns-2 PICKUP 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.300 A 50Ns-2 Pickup
3113 50Ns-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A 50Ns-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 50.00 A
3114 50Ns-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 320.00 sec; ∞ 1.00 sec 50Ns-2 Time Delay
3115 67Ns-2 DIRECT Forward Forward 67Ns-2 Direction
3117 50Ns-1 PICKUP 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.100 A 50Ns-1 Pickup
3117 50Ns-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 2.00 A 50Ns-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 10.00 A
2.14.1 General
• Y0-3
• Y0-4
You can select a non-directional element (Y0) or a directional element (G0/B0) for each stage. Stages without
direction determination have the same logic and stages with direction determination have the same logic. The
function is described using an example with the stage Y0-1.
If you select Non-Directional under address 3541 Y0-1 DIR Mode, the admittance protection works
without direction determination.
[lo_7SJ66_Admittance_2, 1, en_US]
Voltage Elements
The device can measure the residual voltage at the broken-delta winding. The measured voltage VN is
converted to a value with reference to the zero-sequence voltage V0. If the residual voltage is not available,
the device calculates the zero-sequence voltage V0 from the measured phase-to-ground voltages VA, VB, and
VC using the defining equation.
The method of measurement processes the sampled voltage values and filters out the fundamental compo-
nent numerically.
Current Elements
The function usually evaluates the sensitively measured ground current. Since the linearity range of the sensi-
tive measuring input ends at approx. 1.6 A, for larger secondary ground currents, the function switches to the
3I0 current calculated from the phase currents. This results in a very large linearity and settings range.
The method of measurement processes the sampled current values and filters out the fundamental compo-
nent numerically.
The fundamental-component values of V0 and 3I0 are used to calculate the admittance Y0 with the formula
Y0 = 3I0/V0. This stage uses Y0 as a condition to recognize the ground fault.
• An external source via the binary input signal 6509 >FAIL:FEEDER VT or 6510 >FAIL: BUS VT
The parameter 5310 BLOCK PROT. can be set so that the Measuring-voltage failure detection blocks the
stage or does not block it.
If you select Forward or Reverse under address 3541 Y0-1 DIR Mode, the admittance protection works
with direction determination.
[lo_7SJ66_Admittance, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-97 Logic Diagram of the Directional Admittance Protection Y0-1 with G0 or B0 Measurement
Voltage Elements
The device can measure the residual voltage at the broken-delta winding. The measured voltage VN is
converted to a value with reference to the zero-sequence voltage V0. If the residual voltage is not available,
the device calculates the zero-sequence voltage V0 from the measured phase-to-ground voltages VA, VB, and
VC using the defining equation.
The method of measurement processes the sampled voltage values and filters out the fundamental compo-
nent numerically.
Current Elements
The function usually evaluates the sensitively measured ground current. Since the linearity range of the sensi-
tive measuring input ends at approx. 1.6 A, for larger secondary ground currents, the function switches to the
3I0 current calculated from the phase currents. This results in a very large linearity and settings range.
The method of measurement processes the sampled current values and filters out the fundamental compo-
nent numerically.
G0, B0
The fundamental-component values of V0 and 3I0 are used to calculate the admittance Y0 = G0 + jB0. You can
select to use G0 or B0 to determine the direction.
Direction Determination
Exceeding the threshold values by the zero-sequence voltage V0 is a criterion for the ground fault. The direc-
tion determination can be delayed from the occurrence of the zero-sequence voltage with the parameter 3561
Y0-1 DIR Delay to achieve steady-state measurands. The result from the direction determination is only
valid if the absolute value of the ground current has also exceeded its release threshold value.
The following figure shows an example of the direction determination in the complex phasor diagram for the
G0 direction measurement method with a correction value of the direction straight lines from 0 (Parameter
3562 PHI CORRECT). The example is suitable for the determination of the ground-fault direction in an arc-
suppression-coil-ground system where the value G0 is decisive for the direction determination.
The zero-sequence voltage V0 is generally the reference value for the real axis and is identical to the G0 axis.
The axis of symmetry of the direction-characteristic curve coincides with the B0 (reactive) axis for this
example. For the direction determination, the component of the admittance perpendicular to the set direc-
tion-characteristic curve (= axis of symmetry) is G0dir (= Y0 dir.). In this example, this is the active component
G0active of the admittance Y0. The conductance G0dir. (here = G0active) is calculated and compared with the
value set under the address 3543 Thr Y0-1. If the conductance G0dir. exceeds the positive setting value, the
direction is forward. If the conductance G0dir. exceeds the negative setting value, the direction is reverse. In
the range in between, the direction is undetermined.
With the parameters 3563 Alpha1 and 3564 Alpha2, you can limit the forward and reverse ranges as shown
in Figure 2-99. With this, the direction determination is secured in case of high currents in the direction of the
axis of symmetry.
The symmetry axis can be rotated via a correction angle (3562 PHI CORRECT parameter) in a range of ±45°.
Through this, it is possible, for example, to attain the greatest sensitivity in grounded systems in the resistive-
inductive range with a -45° rotation. In the case of electric machines in busbar connection on the isolated
system, the greatest sensitivity in the resistive-capacitive range can be attained with a rotation of +45° (see
following figure).
Figure 2-99 Rotating the Direction-Characteristic Curves with G0 Measurement with Angle Correction
If you set the 3560 Y0-1 MEAS.MTD parameter to B0 and the 3562 PHI CORRECT parameter to 0, the axis
of symmetry of the direction-characteristic curve coincides with the G0 and B0 axes. Since the component of
the admittance Y0 perpendicular to the direction-characteristic curve (= axis of symmetry) is B0dir. (= Y0 dir.),
here, the susceptance B0 (reactive) is used in the direction determination. If the susceptance B0dir. (B0reac-
tive) exceeds the negative setting value 3543 Thr Y0-1, the direction is forward. If the susceptance B0dir.
exceeds the positive setting value, the direction is reverse. In the range in between, the direction is undeter-
This direction measurement thus is appropriate for the determination of ground-fault direction in isolated
• An external source via the binary input signal 6509 >FAIL:FEEDER VT or 6510 >FAIL: BUS VT
The parameter 5310 BLOCK PROT. can be set so that the Measuring-voltage failure detection blocks the
stage or does not block it.
General Settings
The Admittance protection function is only effective and accessible if address 135 Adm.E Fault is set to
Enabled during the configuration of protection functions. If this function is not required, select Disabled
under address 135 Adm.E Fault.
You can set the Admittance protection function to ON, OFF, or Alarm Only under address 3500 Adm.E
Fault. The Admittance protection can be blocked in case of a measuring-voltage failure.
• With the following conditions, the tripping occurs and the recording of a fault is initiated.
– The parameter 3500 Adm.E Fault is set to ON.
– The set threshold is exceeded.
– The set time delay has expired.
• If the parameter 3500 Adm.E Fault is set to Alarm Only, no trip command is given and no fault is
shown on the display.
The Admittance protection function has 4 stages. The same setting rules and method apply to each stage.
With the parameter 3541 Y0-1 DIR Mode, you can select whether the admittance protection function works
with direction determination or not.
Non-Directional Stages Y0
If you select Non-Directional under address 3541 Y0-1 DIR Mode, the admittance protection works
without direction determination. To ensure the accuracy, you must parameterize the following:
• Set a minimum ground voltage under address 3542 Thr V0-1. The threshold value must be smaller
than the minimum amount of the zero-sequence voltage V0 which must be detected.
• Set a minimum calculated value Y0 under address 3543 Thr Y0-1. If the ground admittance for the
setting value is unknown, you can assume the following relation:
[fo_SeGfY0-270614-01, 2, en_US]
• Set a minimum pickup delay under address 3501 Y0 PU T Delay. If you do not intend to evaluate the
transient cycle of the ground fault occurrence, set a delay value out of the range, for example, 100 ms.
• Set a minimum trip delay under address 3544 Y0-1 Trip delay.
• Set a minimum trip delay under address 3544 Y0-1 Trip delay.
• Set a minimum direction determination time delay under address 3561 Y0-1 DIR Delay.
The direction determination is released if the ground current exceeds the threshold set under address 3559
You can select the measurement method for the direction determination under address3560 Y0-1
MEAS.MTD (G0 or B0).
If the parameter is set to G0 and the parameter 3562 PHI CORRECT is set to 0°, the real component of the
ground admittance (G0) is compared with the value set under address 3543 Thr Y0-1. If the real component
exceeds the set threshold, the direction determination is released and the zero-sequence conductance G0 is
calculated. If the calculated zero-sequence conductance G0 supplied to the fault is positive (G0>0), the fault is
considered to be in the direction of the protected equipment (forward direction). If G0 is negative, the fault is
considered to be in the opposite direction (reverse direction). This method is typically used to determine the
direction of high-impedance faults in a resonant-grounded (compensated) system. To improve the reliability,
it is necessary to reduce the forward and reverse areas for arc-suppression-coil-ground system that contain
feeders with high capacitive currents (long cable feeders). You can set the limit of the forward and reverse
area under address 3563 Alpha1 and 3564 Alpha2. The parameter 3563 Alpha1 limits the forward area in
the second quadrant and the reverse area in the third quadrant, while the parameter 3564 Alpha2 limits the
forward area in the first quadrant and the reverse area in the fourth quadrant.
If the parameter 3560 Y0-1 MEAS.MTD is set to B0 and the parameter 3562 PHI CORRECT is set to 0°, the
imaginary component of the ground admittance (B0) is compared with the setting 3543 Thr Y0-1. If the
imaginary component exceeds the set threshold, the direction determination is released and the zero-
sequence susceptance B0 is calculated. If the calculated zero-sequence susceptance B0 supplied to the fault is
negative (B0>0), the fault is considered to be in the direction of the protected equipment (forward direction).
If B0 is positive, the fault is considered to be in the opposite direction (reverse direction). To improve the relia-
bility, it is necessary to reduce the forward and reverse areas for arc-suppression-coil-ground system that
contain feeders with quite high capacitive currents (long cable feeders). You can set the limit of the forward
and reverse area under address 3563 Alpha1 and 3564 Alpha2. The parameter 3563 Alpha1 limits the
forward area in the second quadrant and the reverse area in the third quadrant, while the parameter 3564
Alpha2 limits the forward area in the first quadrant and the reverse area in the fourth quadrant.
The directional limit lines can be rotated up to ±45° via the parameter 3562 PHI CORRECT. Therefore, it is
possible to increase the sensitivity in the resistive-inductive range with a rotation of –45°, or in the resistive-
capacitive range with a rotation of +45°. If 3562 PHI CORRECT is set to a value other than 0°, the angle of the
directional limit line is determined by the sum of the real and reactive components of zero-sequence system
2.14.5 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
3102 CT Err. I1 0.001 .. 1.600 A 0.050 A Current I1 for CT Angle
3102 CT Err. I1 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Current I1 for CT Angle
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A Error
3103 CT Err. F1 0.0 .. 5.0 ° 0.0 ° CT Angle Error at I1
3104 CT Err. I2 0.001 .. 1.600 A 1.000 A Current I2 for CT Angle
3104 CT Err. I2 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A Current I2 for CT Angle
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 50.00 A Error
3105 CT Err. F2 0.0 .. 5.0 ° 0.0 ° CT Angle Error at I2
3500 Adm.E Fault OFF OFF Admittance Earth Fault
ON Protection
Alarm Only
3501 Y0 PU T Delay 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.00 sec Y0 Pickup Time Delay
3511 Y0-4 DIR Mode Forward Non-Directional Y0(G0/B0)-4 Directional
Reverse mode
3512 Thr V0-4 1.8 .. 170.0 V; ∞ 5.0 V Y0(G0/B0)-4 V0 Threshold
3512 Thr V0-4 3.5 .. 170.0 V; ∞ 5.0 V Y0(G0/B0)-4 V0 Threshold
3513 Thr Y0-4 0.10 .. 100.00 mS; ∞ 2.00 mS Y0(G0/B0)-4 Threshold
• Protection from intermittent ground faults which occur, e.g. in cables due to poor insulation or water
ingress in cable joints.
2.15.1 Description
If the pickup value Iie> is exceeded, the pickup indication IIE Fault det (see Figure 2-101) is generated.
The pickups are also counted; when the counter content reaches the value of parameter Nos.det., the indi-
cation Intermitt.EF is output. A stabilized pickup is obtained by prolonging the pickup indication IIE
Fault det by a settable time T-det.ext.. This stabilization is especially important for the coordination
with existing static or electromechanical overcurrent relays.
The duration of the stabilized pickups IIE stab.Flt is summated with an integrator T-sum det.. If the
accumulated pickup time reaches a settable threshold value, a corresponding message is generated (IEF
Tsum exp.). Tripping takes place, however, only while a ground fault is present (message IEF Trip). The
trip command is maintained during the entire minimum tripping time specified for the device, even if the
ground fault is of short duration. After completion of the tripping command all memories are reset and the
protection resumes normal condition.
The (much longer) resetting time T-reset (message IEF Tres run.) is launched simultaneously with T-
sum det. when a ground fault occurs. Unlike T-sum det., each new ground fault resets this time to its
initial value and it expires anew. If T-reset expires and no new ground fault is recorded during that time, all
memories are reset and the protection resumes normal position. T-reset thus determines the time during
which the next ground fault must occur to be processed yet as intermittent ground fault in connection with
the previous fault. A ground fault that occurs later will be considered a new fault event.
The message IIE Fault det will be entered in the fault log and reported to the system interface only until
the message Intermitt.EF is issued. This prevents a burst of messages. If the message is allocated to an
LED or a relay, this limitation does not apply. This is accomplished by doubling the message (message
numbers 6924, 6926).
Logic Diagram
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the intermittent ground fault protection function.
[7sj6x_intermit_erdfehler-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-101 Logic diagram of the intermittent ground fault protection – principle
Fault Logging
A fault event and thus fault logging is initiated when the non-stabilized ΙΙE element picks up for the first time.
A message IIE Fault det is produced. The message IIE Fault det is issued and entered in the fault
log (and reported to the system interface) so often until the number of pickups IIE Fault det has reached
the value set for parameter Nos.det.. When this happens, the message Intermitt.EF is issued and IIE
Fault det is blocked for the fault log and the system interface. This method accounts for the fact that the
ΙΙE element may also pick up for a normal short-circuit. In this case the pickup does not launch the alarm
Intermittent ground faults may cause other overcurrent elements to pick up (e.g. 50-1, 50N-1, 50Ns-1), which
may result in a burst of messages. In order to avoid an overflow of the fault log, its messages are no longer
entered in the fault log after detection of intermittent ground faults (indication Intermitt.EF), unless they
cause a trip command. If an intermittent ground fault has been detected, the following pickup messages of
the time overcurrent protection will still be reported without restraint (see Table 2-16):
Table 2-17 shows all messages subject to a restraint mechanism avoiding a message burst during an intermit-
tent ground fault:
Before they are entered in the fault log (event buffer) and transmitted to the system interface or CFC, the indi-
cations of Table 2-17 are buffered (starting with the incoming indication Intermitt.EF). The buffering does
not apply to signaling to relays and LEDs as it is required by time-graded protection systems for reverse inter-
locking. The buffer can store a maximum of two status changes (the most recent ones) for each indication.
Buffered messages are signaled to the fault log, CFC and to the system interface with the original time flag
only when a TRIP command is initiated by a protection function other than the intermittent ground fault
protection. This ascertains that a pickup, although delayed, is always signaled in association with each TRIP
All pickup messages which usually do not occur during an intermittent ground fault are not affected by this
mechanism. Among others this includes the pickup and TRIP commands of the following protective functions:
• Breaker failure protection
• Overload protection
• Frequency protection
• Voltage protection
• QU protection
The pickup signals of these functions will still be logged immediately. A TRIP command of one of these protec-
tive functions will cause the buffered messages to be cleared since no connection exists between tripping
function and buffered message.
A fault event is cleared when the time T-reset has expired or the TRIP command IEF Trip has been termi-
Terminating a fault event for the intermittent ground fault protection thus is a special case. It is the time T-
reset that keeps the fault event opened and not the pickup.
The protection function for intermittent ground faults can only take effect and is only accessible if the current
to be evaluated was configured in address 133, INTERM.EF (with Ignd or with with 3I0 or with
Ignd,sens.). If not required, this function is set to Disabled.
The function can be turned ON or OFF under address 3301 INTERM.EF.
The pickup threshold (r.m.s. value) is set in address 3302 Iie>. A rather sensitive setting is possible to
respond also to short ground faults since the pickup time shortens as the current in excess of the setting
increases. The setting range depends on the selection of the current to be evaluated at address 133
The pickup time can be prolonged at address 3303 T-det.ext.. This pickup stabilization is especially impor-
tant for the coordination with existing analog or electromechanical overcurrent relays. The time T-det.ext.
can also be disabled (T-det.ext. = 0).
The stabilized pickup starts the counter T-sum det.. This counter is stopped but not reset when the picked
up function drops out. Based on the last counter content the counter resumes counting when the stabilized
function picks up next. This sum of individual pickup times, which are to initiate tripping, is set at address
3304 T-sum det.. It represents one of the four selectivity criteria (pickup value Iie>, detection extension
time T-det.ext., counter T-sum det. and reset time T-reset) for coordinating the relays on adjacent
feeders and is comparable to the time grading of the time overcurrent protection. The relay in the radial
network which is closest to the intermittent fault and picks up, will have the shortest summation time T-sum
The reset time, after which the summation is reset in healthy operation and the protection resumes normal
status, is configured to T-reset at address 3305.
[selektivitaetskrit-intermitt-erdfehler-120902-oz, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-102 Example of selectivity criteria of the intermittent ground fault protection
Address 3306 Nos.det. specifies the number of pickups after which a ground fault is considered intermit-
2.15.3 Settings
The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secon-
dary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
3301 INTERM.EF OFF OFF Intermittent earth fault
ON protection
3302 Iie> 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Pick-up value of interm. E/F
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A stage
3302 Iie> 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Pick-up value of interm. E/F
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A stage
3302 Iie> 0.005 .. 1.500 A 1.000 A Pick-up value of interm. E/F
3303 T-det.ext. 0.00 .. 10.00 sec 0.10 sec Detection extension time
3304 T-sum det. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec 20.00 sec Sum of detection times
3305 T-reset 1 .. 600 sec 300 sec Reset time
3306 Nos.det. 2 .. 10 3 No. of det. for start of int.
E/F prot
• They can persist over longer periods (many seconds to minutes) and develop into static faults.
Such intermittent ground faults are frequently caused by weak insulation, e.g. due to decreased water resis-
tance of old cables.
Ground fault functions based on fundamental component measured values are primarily designed to detect
static ground faults and do not always operate correctly in the event of intermittent ground faults. The func-
tion described here evaluates specifically the ground current pulses and puts them into relation with the
displacement voltage to determine the direction.
• Directional protection against intermittent ground faults which occur, e.g. in cables due to poor insula-
tion or water ingress in cable joints.
2.16.1 Description
[7sj62-64-iefger-aktiv-20120611, 1, en_US]
Measurand Acquisition
The intermittent ground fault current 3I0 is measured exclusively via the sensitive ground current input INs
(4th current transformer input) of the device.
Also the displacement voltage Ven or 3 · V0 is required to determine the direction. The displacement voltage V0
can be applied directly to the device, or the summation voltage 3 · V0 can be calculated from the three phase-
to-ground voltages.
If the displacement voltage is calculated, then:
3 · V0 = VA + VB + VC
If the displacement voltage is directly applied to the device, then V0 is the voltage at the device terminals. It is
not affected by parameter Vph / Vdelta (address 206).
Logic Diagram
The following figure shows the logic diagram of the directional intermittent ground fault protection function.
[Lo_7sj62-64-iefger, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-104 Logic diagram of the directional intermittent ground fault protection
Direction Determination
The ground fault is detected by evaluating the fundamental component of the displacement voltage. The
sensitivity is determined using the settable threshold value Vgnd> / 3V0>. Direction determination is started
after the ground fault has been detected. For this purpose, the igniting current pulses are extracted from the
ground current signal. The igniting current pulse and the associated maximum displacement voltage over time
are compared with regard to their phase relationship. The fault direction forward or reverse is derived from
this comparison. Each detected ignition pulse receives a direction information. If no clear direction determina-
tion is possible, the direction information pertaining to the pulse is undefined. The direction results of the
recurring ignition pulses are counted and are available as value indication if their value is different than zero.
The setting of parameter Pickup defines under which conditions pickup is detected and fault recording
started. For with Vgnd/3V0>, pickup is initiated once the threshold Vgnd> / 3V0> has been exceeded. For
with oper. dir., pickup is initiated when a pulse is detected in the direction specified at address 3402.
The pickup disappears when the displacement voltage has fallen below the threshold Vgnd> / 3V0> and the
time Monitoring time has expired.
The setting of parameter Direction defines whether the function operates in forward or in reverse direc-
tion. The pulses in the specified direction are counted. If the pulse counter reaches the threshold value set in
parameter No. of pulses, the function trips or generates an alarm. It is possible that not every ignition
pulse is recognized as such. If two ignition pulses are very close to one another in respect of time, they may
not be detected separately. This is not relevant from the protection perspective, because during an intermit-
tent fault many ignition pulses occur and the counter threshold is certainly reached.
The directional pulse counter is reset under the following conditions:
• A different direction than the set Direction is detected. An undefined direction result does not reset
the counter.
• The monitoring time Monitoring time has elapsed. No other pulse in the set direction was detected
during that time. This time can be understood as a criterion for the disappearing of the intermittent fault.
The function thus also drops out if the intermittent fault develops into a static fault.
• V0 is lower than the set threshold Vgnd> / 3V0> and the time Monitoring time has expired.
Configuration of the protection functions at address 134 Dir. Interm. EF defines whether the directional
intermittent ground fault protection is Enabled Disabled.
At address 3401 Dir. Interm. EF the directional ground fault protection is switched on or off. The
following setting options are available:
• ON enables the function with tripping and fault record log.
• ON with GF log enables the function with tripping, fault record log and ground fault log.
• Alarm Only generates the ground fault log only. Tripping and fault record log are not possible.
intermittent ground fault is present or not. For with oper. dir., recording starts when a direction pulse in
the direction parameterized at 3402 has been detected.
2.16.3 Settings
• The automatic reclosure system integrated in the 7SJ66 can also be controlled by an external protection
device (e.g. backup protection). For this application, a signal exchange must occur between 7SJ66 and
the external protection device via binary inputs and outputs.
• It is also possible to allow the relay 7SJ66 to work in conjunction with an external reclosing device.
• The automatic reclosure system can also operate in interaction with the integrated synchronization func-
tion or with an external synchrocheck.
• Since the automatic reclosing function is not applied when the 7SJ66 is used to protect generators,
motors, transformers, cables and reactors etc., it should be disabled for this application.
The 7SJ66 is equipped with an integrated three-pole, single-shot and multi-shot automatic reclosure (AR).
Figure 2-100 shows an example of a timing diagram for a successful second reclosure.
[ablaufdiagramm-2-malige-wiedereinschaltung-erfolgreich-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-105 Timing diagram showing two reclosing shots, first cycle unsuccessful, second cycle successful
The following figure shows an example of a timing diagram showing for two unsuccessful reclosing shots,
with no additional reclosing of the circuit breaker.
The number of reclose commands initiated by the automatic reclosure function are counted. A statistical
counter is available for this purpose for the first and all subsequent reclosing commands.
[ablaufdiagramm-2-malige-wiedereinschaltung-erfolglos-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Initiation of the automatic reclosing function can be caused by internal protection functions or externally via
binary inputs. The automatic reclosing function can be programmed in such manner that any of the elements
of the following Table can initiate (Starts 79), not initiate (No influence), or block reclosing (Stops
On initiation, the automatic reclosure function is informed that a trip command was issued and the respective
reclosing program is now being executed.
The binary input messages 2715 >Start 79 Gnd and 2716 >Start 79 Ph for starting an automatic reclo-
sure program can also be activated via CFC (fast PLC task processing). Automatic reclosure can thus be initi-
ated via any messages (e.g. protective pickup) if address 7164 BINARY INPUTis set to Starts 79.
Action Time
The action time (address 7117) monitors the time between a device pickup and the trip command of a protec-
tion function configured as starter. The action time is launched when pickup of any function is detected,
which is set as source of the automatic reclosure program. Protection functions which are set to Alarm Only
or which in principle should not start a reclosing program do not trigger the action time.
If a protection function configured as starter initiates a trip command during the action time, the automatic
reclosure program is started. Trip commands of a protection function configured as starter occurring in the
time between expiration of the action time and dropout of the device pickup cause the dynamic blocking of
the automatic reclosing program. Trip commands of protection functions which are not configured as starter
do not affect the action time.
If the automatic reclosure program interacts with an external protection device, the general device pickup for
starting the operating time is communicated to the automatic reclosing program via binary input 2711 >79
Reclosing Programs
Depending on the type of fault, two different reclosing programs can be used. Here the following applies:
• The single phase fault (ground fault) reclosing program applies if all fault protection functions that
initiate automatic reclosure detected a phase-to-ground fault. The following conditions must apply: only
one phase, only one phase and ground or only ground have picked up. This program can also be started
via a binary input.
• The multiple phase fault (phase fault) reclosing program applies to all other cases. That is, when
elements associated with two or more phases pick up, with or without the pickup of ground elements,
such as negative sequence elements. This program can be started via a binary input as well.
The reclosure program evaluates only elements during pickup as elements dropping out may corrupt the result
if they drop out at different times when opening the circuit breaker. Therefore, the ground fault reclosure
program is executed only when the elements associated with one particular phase pick up until the circuit
breaker is opened; all others conditions will initiate the phase fault program.
For each of the programs, up to 9 reclosing attempts can be separately programmed. The first four reclosing
attempts can be set differently for each of the two reclosing programs. The fifth and each of the following
automatic reclosures will correspond to the fourth dead time.
Single-Shot Reclosing
When a trip signal is programmed to initiate the automatic reclosure, the appropriate automatic reclosing
program will be executed. Once the circuit breaker has opened, a dead time interval in accordance with the
type of fault is started (see also margin heading "Reclosing Programs"). Once the dead time interval has
elapsed, a closing signal is issued to reclose the circuit breaker. A blocking time interval TIME RESTRAINT is
started at the same time. Within this restraint time it is checked whether the automatic reclosure was
performed successfully. If a new fault occurs before the restraint time elapses, the automatic reclosing func-
tion is dynamically blocked causing the final tripping of the circuit breaker. The dead time can be set individu-
ally for each of the two reclosing programs.
Criteria for opening the circuit breaker may either be the auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker or the
dropout of the general device pickup if auxiliary contacts are not configured.
If the fault is cleared (successful reclosing attempt), the blocking time expires and automatic reclosing is reset
in anticipation of a future fault. The fault is terminated.
If the fault has not been cleared (unsuccessful reclosing attempt), then a final trip signal is initiated by one or
more protective elements.
Multi-shot Reclosing
7SJ66 permits up to 9 reclosings. The number can be set differently for the phase fault reclosing program and
the ground fault reclosing program.
The first reclose cycle is, in principle, the same as the single-shot auto-reclosing. If the first reclosing attempt is
unsuccessful, this does not result in a final trip, but in a reset of the restraint time interval and start of the next
reclose cycle with the next dead time. This can be repeated until the set number of reclosing attempts for the
corresponding reclose program has been reached.
The dead time intervals preceding the first four reclosing attempts can be set differently for each of the two
reclosing programs. The dead time intervals preceding the fifth reclosing attempts will be equal to the dead
time interval that precedes the fourth reclosing attempt.
If one of the reclosing attempts is successful, i.e. the fault disappeared after reclosure, the restraint time
expires and the automatic reclosing function is reset. The fault is cleared.
If none of the reclosing attempts is successful, then a final circuit breaker trip (according to the grading coordi-
nation chart) will take place after the last allowable reclosing attempt has been performed by the protection
function. All reclosing attempts were unsuccessful.
After the final circuit breaker tripping, the automatic reclosing function is dynamically blocked (see below).
Blocking Time
The function of the blocking time has already been described under section "Single-/Multi-Shot Reclosing". The
blocking time can be prolonged if the following conditions have been fulfilled.
The time 211 TMax CLOSE CMD defines the maximum time during which a close command can apply. If a
new trip command occurs before this time has run out, the close command will be canceled. If the time TMax
CLOSE CMD is set longer than the restraint time TIME RESTRAINT, the restraint time will be extended to the
remaining close command duration after expiry!
A pickup from a protection function that is set to initiate the automatic reclosing function will also lead to an
extension of the blocking time should it occur during this time!
2.17.2 Blocking
Static Blocking
Static blocking means that the automatic reclosing function is not ready to initiate reclosing, and cannot
initiate reclosing as long as the blocking signal is present. A corresponding message 79 is NOT ready
(FNo. 2784) is generated. The static blocking signal is also used internally to block the protection elements
that are only supposed to work when reclosing is enabled (see also side title "Reclosing Before Selectivity"
further above).
The automatic reclosing function is statically blocked if:
• The signal >BLOCK 79 FNo. 2703) is present at a binary input, as long as the automatic reclosing func-
tion is not initiated (associated message: >BLOCK 79),
• The signal >CB Ready (FNo. 2730) indicates that the circuit breaker disappears via the binary input, if
the automatic reclosing function is not initiated (associated message: >CB Ready),
• The number of allowable reclosing attempts set for both reclosing programs is zero (associated message:
79 no cycle),
• No protection functions (parameters 7150 to 7163) or binary inputs are set to initiate the automatic
reclosing function (associated message: 79 no starter),
• The circuit breaker position is reported as being "open" and no trip command applies (associated
message: 79 BLK: CB open). This presumes that 7SJ66 is informed of the circuit breaker position via
the auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker.
Dynamic Blocking
Dynamic blocking of the automatic reclosing function occurs in those cases where the reclosing program is
active and one of the conditions for blocking is fulfilled. The dynamic blocking is signaled by the message 79
DynBlock. The dynamic blocking is associated with the configurable blocking time SAFETY 79 ready. This
blocking time is usually started by a blocking condition that has been fulfilled. After the blocking time has
elapsed, the device checks whether or not the blocking condition can be reset. If the blocking condition is still
present or if a new blocking condition is fulfilled, the blocking time is restarted. If, however, the blocking
condition no longer exists after the blocking time has elapsed, the dynamic blocking will be reset.
Dynamic blocking is initiated if:
• The maximum number of reclosure attempts has been achieved. If a trip command now occurs within
the dynamic blocking time, the automatic reclosure program will be blocked dynamically (indicated by 79
Max. No. Cyc).
• The protection function has detected a three-phase fault and the device is programmed not to reclose
after three-phase faults (indicated by 79 BLK:3ph p.u.).
• if the maximum waiting period T DEAD DELAY for the delay of the dead time initiation by binary inputs
expires without binary input >79 DT St.Delay having been disabled during this time period.
• The action time has elapsed without a TRIP command being issued. Each TRIP command that occurs after
the action time has expired and before the picked-up element drops out, will initiate the dynamic
blocking (indicated by 79 Tact expired).
• A protection function trips which is to block the automatic reclosure function (as configured). This applies
irrespective of the status of the automatic reclosure system (started / not started) if a TRIP command of a
blocking element occurs (indicated by 79 BLK by trip).
• The circuit breaker does not trip within the configured time T-Start MONITOR after a trip command
was issued, thus leading to the assumption that the circuit breaker has failed. (The breaker failure moni-
toring is primarily intended for commissioning purposes. Commissioning safety checks are often
conducted with the circuit breaker disconnected. The breaker failure monitoring prevents unexpected
reclosing after the circuit breaker has been reconnected, indicated by 79 T-Start Exp).
• The circuit breaker is not ready after the breaker monitoring time has elapsed, provided that the circuit
breaker check has been activated (address 7113 CHECK CB? = Chk each cycle, indicated by 79 T-
• The circuit breaker is not ready after maximum extension of the dead time Max. DEAD EXT.. The moni-
toring of the circuit breaker status and the synchrocheck may cause undesired extension of the dead
time. To prevent the automatic reclosure system from assuming an undefined state, the extension of the
dead time is monitored. The extension time is started when the regular dead time has elapsed. When it
has elapsed, the automatic reclosure function is blocked dynamically and the lock-out time launched. The
automatic reclosure system resumes normal state when the lock-out time has elapsed and new blocking
conditions do not apply (indicated by 79 TdeadMax Exp) .
• Manual closing has been detected (externally) and parameter BLOCK MC Dur. (T ≠ 0) was set so that
the automatic reclosing function responds to manual closing,
• Via a correspondingly routed binary input (FNo. 2703 >BLOCK 79). If the blocking takes places while the
automatic recloser is in normal state, the latter will be blocked statically (79 is NOT ready). The
blocking is terminated immediately when the binary input has been cleared and the automatic reclosure
function resumes normal state. If the automatic reclosure function is already running when the blocking
arrives, the dynamic blocking takes effect (79 DynBlock). In this case, the activation of the binary input
starts the dynamic blocking time SAFETY 79 ready. Upon its expiration, the device checks if the binary
input is still activated. If this is the case, the automatic reclosure program changes from dynamic blocking
to static blocking. If the binary input is no longer active when the time has elapsed and if no new
blocking conditions apply, the automatic reclosure system resumes normal state.
• If only the binary input 4601 >52-a is allocated, the circuit breaker is considered open if the binary input
is not active. If the binary input gets inactive while no trip command of (any) function applies, the auto-
matic reclosure function is blocked. The blocking will be of static nature if the automatic reclosure func-
tion is in normal state at this time. If the automatic reclosing function is already running, there will be a
dynamic blocking. The dead time is started if the binary input gets inactive following the trip command of
a starting element (4601 >52-a = inactive). An intermediate position of the circuit breaker cannot be
detected for this type of allocation.
• If binary input 4602 >52-balone is allocated, the circuit breaker is considered open while the binary
input is active. If the binary input gets active while no trip command of (any) function applies, the auto-
matic reclosure function is blocked dynamically provided it is already running. Otherwise, there will be a
static blocking. The dead time is started if the binary input gets active following the trip command of a
starting element. An intermediate position of the circuit breaker cannot be detected for this type of allo-
• If neither binary input 4602 >52-b nor 4601 >52-a are allocated, the automatic reclosure program
cannot detect the position of the circuit breaker. In this case, the automatic reclosure function will be
controlled exclusively via pickups and trip commands. Monitoring for "52-b without TRIP" and starting the
dead time in dependence of the circuit breaker feedback is not possible in this case.
• Especially when multiple reclosing attempts are programmed, it is a good idea to monitor the circuit
breaker condition not only prior to the first but also to each reclosing attempt. A reclosing attempt will be
blocked until the binary input indicates that the circuit breaker is ready to complete another CLOSE-TRIP
• The time needed by the circuit-breaker to regain the ready state can be monitored by the 7SJ66. The
monitoring time CB TIME OUT expires for as long as the circuit breaker does not indicate that it is ready
via binary input >CB Ready (FNo. 2730). That means if the binary input >CB Ready is cleared, the
monitoring time CB TIME OUT is started. If the binary input returns before the monitoring time has
elapsed, the monitoring time will be canceled and the reclosure process is continued. If the monitoring
time runs longer than the dead time, the dead time will be extended accordingly. If the monitoring time
elapses before the circuit breaker signals its readiness, the automatic reclosure function will be blocked
Interaction with the synchronism check may cause the dead time to extend inadmissibly. To prevent the auto-
matic reclosure function from remaining in an undefined state, dead time extension is monitored. The
maximum extension of the dead time can be set at Max. DEAD EXT.. The monitoring time Max. DEAD
EXT. is started when the regular dead time has elapsed. If the synchronism check responds before the time
has elapsed, the monitoring time will be stopped and the close command generated. If the time expires before
the synchronism check reacts, the automatic reclosure function will be blocked dynamically.
Please make sure that the above mentioned time is not shorter than the monitoring time CB TIME OUT.
The time 7114 T-Start MONITOR serves for monitoring the response of the automatic reclosure function to
a breaker failure. It is activated by a trip command arriving before or during a reclosing operation and marks
the time that passes between tripping and opening of the circuit breaker. If the time elapses, the device
assumes a breaker failure and the automatic reclosure function is blocked dynamically. If parameter T-Start
MONITOR is set to ∞, the start monitoring is disabled.
Depending on the reclosing cycle it is possible to control elements of the directional and non-directional over-
current protection by means of the automatic reclosure system (Protective Elements Control). There are three
• Time overcurrent protection and the sensitive ground fault protection elements may trip instantaneously
depending on the automatic reclosure cycle (T = 0), they may remain unaffected by the auto reclosing
function AR (T = T) or may be blocked (T = ∞). For further information see side title "Cyclic Control".
• The automatic reclosing states "Auto Reclosing ready" and "Auto Reclosing not ready" can activate or
deactivate the dynamic cold load pickup function. This function is designed to influence overcurrent
stages (see also Section 2.16.6 and Section 2.17.6 Setting Notes) regarding thresholds and tripping time
• The time overcurrent protection parameter 1X14A 50(N)-2 ACTIVE or 1X16A 50(N)-3 ACTIVE defines
whether the elements 50(N)-2 or 50(N)-3 are to operate always or only with "79M Auto Reclosing
ready"(see Section 2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N).
Cyclic Control
Control of the time overcurrent protection and sensitive ground fault protection elements takes effect by
releasing the cycle marked by the corresponding parameter. The cycle zone release is indicated by the
messages 79 1.CycZoneRel to 79 4.CycZoneRel. If the automatic reclosure function is in normal state,
the settings for the starting cycle apply. These settings always take effect when the automatic reclosure func-
tion assumes normal state.
The settings are released for each following cycle when issuing the close command and starting the blocking
time. Following a successful reclosure (blocking time expired) or after returning from the blocking, the auto-
matic reclosure function goes into normal state. Control of the protection is again assumed by the parameters
for the starting cycle.
The following figure illustrates the control of the protection elements 50-2 and 50N-2.
[dw_schutzstufensteuerung-bei-zweimaliger-erfolgreicher-awe, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-107 Control of protection elements for two-fold, successful automatic reclosure
Before the first reclosing, faults are to be eliminated quickly applying elements 50-2 or 50N-2. Fast fault termi-
nation thus has priority over selectivity aspects as the reclosing action aims at maintaining normal system
operation. If the fault prevails, a second tripping is to take place instantaneously and subsequently, a second
After the second reclosing, however, elements 50-2 or 50N-2 are to be blocked so the fault can be eliminated
by applying elements 50-1 or 50N-1 according to the grading coordination chart of the system giving priority
to selectivity concerns.
Addresses 7202 bef.1.Cy:50-2, 7214 bef.2.Cy:50-2, 7203 bef.1.Cy:50N-2 and 7215
bef.2.Cy:50N-2 are set to instant. T=0 to enable the elements after the first reclosing. Addresses 7226
bef.3.Cy:50-2 and 7227 bef.3.Cy:50N-2, however, are set to blocked T=∞, to ensure that elements
50-2 and 50N-2 are blocked when the second reclosing applies. The back-up elements, e.g. 50-1 and 50N-1,
must obviously not be blocked (addresses 7200, 7201, 7212, 7213, 7224 and 7225).
The blocking applies only after reclosure in accordance with the set address. Hence, it is possible to specify
again other conditions for a third reclosure.
The blocking conditions are also valid for the zone sequence coordination, provided it is available and acti-
vated (address 7140, see also margin heading "Zone Sequencing").
It is the task of the zone sequence coordination to harmonize the automatic reclosure function of this device
with that of another device that forms part of the same power system. It is a complementary function to the
automatic reclosure function and allows, for example, to perform group reclosing operations in radial systems.
In case of multiple reclosures, groups may also be in nested arrangement and further high-voltage fuses can
be overgraded or undergraded.
Zone sequencing works by blocking certain protection functions depending on the reclosing cycle. This is
implemented by the protection elements control (see margin heading "Controlling Protection Elements").
As a special feature, changing from one reclosing cycle to the next is possible without trip command only via
pickup/dropout of 50-1 or 50N-1.
The following figure shows an example of a group reclosure at feeder 3. It is assumed that reclosure is
performed twice.
With fault F1 on feeder 5, protection devices in the infeed and on feeder 3 pick up. The time delay of the 50-2
element at protecting feeder 3 is set in such a way that the feeder 3 circuit breaker will clear the fault before
the fuse at feeder 5 is damaged. If the fault is cleared, all functions are reset after the restraint time has
expired and the fault is terminated. The fuse has therefore also been protected.
If the fault continues to exist, a second reclosing cycle is performed in the same way.
High speed element 50-2 is now blocked at relay protecting Feeder 3. If the fault still remains, only the 50-1
element continues to be active in Feeder 3 which, however, overgrades the fuse with a time delay of 0.4 s.
After the fuse operated to clear the fault, the series-connected devices drop out. If the fuse fails to clear the
fault, then the 50-1 element protecting Feeder 3 will operate as backup protection.
The 50-2 element at the busbar relay is set with a delay of 0.4 seconds, since it supposed to trip the 50-2
elements and the fuses as well. For the second reclosing, the 50-2 element also has to be blocked to give pref-
erence to the feeder relay (50-1 element with 0.4 s). For this purpose, the device has to "know" that two
reclosing attempts have already been performed.
In this device, zone sequence coordination must be switched on: When pickup of 50-1 or 50N-1 drops out,
zone sequence coordination provokes that the reclosing attempts are counted as well. If the fault still persists
after the second reclosure, the 50-1 element, which is set to 0.9 seconds, would serve as backup protection.
For the busbar fault F2, the 50-2 element at the bus would have cleared the fault in 0.4 seconds. Zone
sequencing enables the user to set a relatively short time period for the 50-2 elements. The 50-1 element is
only used as backup protection. If zone sequencing is not applied, the 50-1 element is to be used only with its
relatively long time period (0.9 s).
[dw_ablaufkoordinierung-fehler-am-abgang-5-ss, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-108 Zone sequencing with a fault occurring at Tap Line 5 and at the busbar
General Settings
The internal automatic reclosure function will only be effective and accessible if address 171 79 Auto Recl.
is set Enabled during configuration. If not required, this function is set to Disabled. The function can be
turned ON or OFF under address 7101 FCT 79.
If no automatic reclosures are performed on the feeder for which the 7SJ66 is used (e.g. cables, transformers,
motors, etc.), the automatic reclosure function is disabled by configuration. The automatic reclosure function
is then completely disabled, i.e. the automatic reclosure function is not processed in the 7SJ66. No messages
exist for this purpose and binary inputs for the automatic reclosure function are ignored. All parameters of
block 71 are inaccessible and of no significance.
The monitoring time Max. DEAD EXT. is started after the configured dead time has elapsed.
This time must not be shorter than CB TIME OUT. When using the monitoring time CB TIME OUT, the time
Max. DEAD EXT. should be set to a value ≥ CB TIME OUT.
If the automatic reclosure function is operated with an external synchronism check, Max. DEAD EXT.
assures that the automatic reclosure function does not remain in undefined state when the synchronism
check fails to check back..
If the synchronization is used as synchronism check (for synchronous systems), the monitoring time may be
configured quite short, e.g. to some seconds. In this case the synchronizing function merely checks the
synchronism of the power systems. If synchronism prevails it switches in instantaneously, otherwise it will not.
If the synchronization is used for synchronous/asynchronous networks, the monitoring time must grant suffi-
cient time for determining the time for switching in. This depends on the frequency slip of the two subnet-
works. A monitoring time of 100 s should be sufficient to account for most applications for asynchronous
Generally, the monitoring time should be longer than the maximum duration of the synchronization process
(parameter 6112).
The breaker failure monitoring time 7114 T-Start MONITOR determines the time between tripping (closing
the trip contact) and opening the circuit breaker (checkback of the CB auxiliary contacts or disappearing device
pickup if no auxiliary contacts are allocated). This time is started each time a tripping operation takes place.
When time has elapsed, the device assumes breaker failure and blocks the automatic reclosure function
Action Time
The action time monitors the time between pickup of the device and trip command of a protective function
configured as starter while the automatic reclosure function is ready but not yet running. A trip command
issued by a protective function configured as starter occurring within the action time will start the automatic
reclosing function. If this time differs from the setting value of T-ACTION (address 7117), the automatic
reclosure function will be blocked dynamically. The trip time of inverse tripping characteristics is considerably
determined by the fault location or fault resistance. The action time prevents reclosing in case of far remote or
high-resistance faults with long tripping time. Trip commands of protective functions which are not config-
ured as starter do not affect the action time.
[cfc-logik-handein-awe-steuerung-140503-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-109 CFC logic for Manual Close with automatic reclosing via control
The selection list for parameter 7137 is created dynamically depending on the allocated switchgear compo-
nents. If one of the switchgear components is selected, usually the circuit breaker52Breaker, reclosure is
accomplished via control. In this case, the automatic reclosure function does not create a close command but
issues a close request. It is forwarded to the control which then takes over the switching. Thus, the properties
defined for the switchgear component such as interlocking and command times apply. Hence, it is possible
that the close command will not be carried out due to an applying interlocking condition.
If this behavior is not desired, the auto-reclose function can also generate the close command 79 Close
directly which must be allocated to the associated contact. The CFC chart as in Figure 2-109 is not needed in
this case.
matic reclosing function. Each address designates a protection element or protection function together with
its ANSI synonym, for example 50-2 for the high-set element 50-2 of the non-directional time overcurrent
protection (address 7152).
The setting options have the following meaning:
• Starts 79 the protective element initiates the automatic reclosure via its trip command;
No influence the protective element does not start the automatic reclosure, it may however be initi-
ated by other functions;
Stops 79 the protective element blocks the automatic reclosure, it cannot be started by other func-
tions; a dynamic blocking is initiated.
Address 7133 DEADTIME 4: PH Dead time for the 4th reclosing attempt phase
Address 7134 DEADTIME 4: G Dead time for the 4th reclosing attempt ground
Addresses 7236 to 7247, Cyclic control of the various protection functions by the 4th reclosing
7254, 7255, 7262, 7263 attempt
and 7184 to 7186
[blockierung-der-wiedereinschaltautomatik-26-06-02-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-110 Blocking of the automatic reclose function using the internal control function
Controlling Directional / Non-Directional Overcurrent Protection Elements via Dynamic Cold Load Pickup
The dynamic cold load pickup function provides a further alternative to control the protection via the auto-
matic reclosing function (see also Section 2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup). This function contains the param-
eter 1702 Start Condition. It determines the starting conditions for the increased setting values of
current and time of the dynamic cold load pickup that must apply for directional and non-directional overcur-
rent protection.
If parameter 1702 Start Condition is set to 79 ready, the directional and non-directional overcurrent
protection always use the increased setting values if the automatic reclosing function is ready. The auto-reclo-
sure function provides the signal 79 ready for controlling the dynamic cold load pickup. The signal 79
ready is always active if the automatic reclosure function is available, active, unblocked and ready for another
cycle. Control via the dynamic cold load pickup function is non-cyclic.
Since control via dynamic cold load pickup and cyclic control via automatic reclosure function can run simulta-
neously, the directional and non-directional overcurrent protection must coordinate the input values of the
two interfaces. In this context the cyclic auto-reclosing control has the priority and thus overwrites the release
of the dynamic cold load pickup function.
If the protective elements are controlled via the automatic reclosure function, changing the control variables
(e.g. by blocking) has no effect on elements that are already running. The elements in question are continued.
2.17.7 Settings
2.18.1 Description
The fault locator is a stand-alone and independent function which uses the line and power system parameters
set in other functions. In the event of a fault, it is addressed by the protection functions provided in the 7SJ66
The protected object can e.g. be an inhomogeneous line. For calculation purposes, the line can be divided into
different sections, for example, a short cable followed by an overhead line. In such protected objects, you can
configure each section individually. Without this information, the fault locator uses the general line data (see
Section Setting Notes).
The fault locator also calculates double ground faults with different base points, reverse faults and faults that
are located behind the configured sections. For faults that are not located within the configured sections, the
fault locator uses the general line data.
The fault locator can be triggered by the trip command of the non-directional or directional time overcurrent
protection, or by each fault detection. In the latter case, fault location calculations is even possible if another
protection relay cleared the fault. Additionally, the fault location can be initiated via a binary input. However,
it is a prerequisite that pickup of the time overcurrent protection is performed at the same time (directional or
i If in Power System Data 1 address 213 Vab, Vbc, VGnd was selected for the voltage connection
(connection of two phase-to-phase voltages as well as the displacement voltage), but without connecting a
displacement voltage to the device, the fault locator cannot function properly and must be taken out of
Loop Selection
Using the pickup of the time overcurrent protection (directional or non-directional), the valid measurement
loops for the calculation of fault impedance are selected.
The following table shows the assignment of the evaluated loops to the possible pickup scenarios of the
protection elements.
• the distance to fault d in kilometers or miles of the line proportional to the reactance, converted on the
basis of the set line reactance per unit line length,
• the distance to fault d in % of the line length, calculated on the basis of the set reactance per unit length
and the set line length.
Line Sections
The line type is determined by the line section settings. If, for instance, the line includes a cable and an over-
head line, two different sections must be configured. The system can distinguish between up to three
different line types. When configuring this line data, please note that the different tabs for setting the line
sections will only be displayed if more than one line section has been configured under the functional scope
(address 181). The parameters for a line section are entered in the Setting tab .
The fault location is only enabled if address 180 was set to Enabled during configuration of the function
Under address 181 L-sections FL the number of line section must be selected, which is required for the
accurate description of the line. If the number is set to 2 Sections or 3 Sections, further setting sheets
appear in the Power System Data 2 in DIGSI. Default setting is 1 Section.
Line Data
To calculate the fault distance in kilometers or miles, the device needs the per distance reactance of the line in
Ω/kilometer or Ω/mile. Furthermore, the line length in km or miles, the angle of the line impedance, and resis-
tance and reactance ratios are required. These parameters have already been set in the Power System Data 2
for a maximum of 3 line sections (see Section Setting Notes under “Ground Impedance Ratios” and
“Reactance per Unit Length”).
Initiation of Measurement
Normally the fault location calculation is started when a directional or non-directional time overcurrent protec-
tion initiates a trip signal (address 8001 START = TRIP). However, it may also be initiated when pickup drops
out (address 8001 START = Pickup), e.g. when another protection element clears the fault. Irrespective of
this fact, calculation of the fault location can be triggered externally via a binary input. (FNo. 1106 >Start
Flt. Loc) provided the device has picked up.
2.18.3 Settings
2.19.1 Description
If after a programmable time delay, the circuit breaker has not opened, breaker failure protection issues a trip
signal to isolate the failure breaker by tripping other surrounding backup circuit breaker (see example in the
figure below).
[funktionsprinzip-svs-20061219, 1, en_US]
The breaker failure protection function can be initiated by two different sources:
• Trip signals of internal protective functions of the 7SJ66,
• External trip signals via binary inputs (>50BF ext SRC).
For each of the two sources, a unique pickup message is generated, a unique time delay is initiated, and a
unique trip signal is generated. The setting values of current threshold and delay time apply to both sources.
There are two criteria for breaker failure detection:
• Check whether the current flow has effectively disappeared after a tripping command was issued,
• Evaluate the circuit breaker's auxiliary contacts.
The criteria used to determine if the circuit breaker has operated are selectable and also depend on the protec-
tion function that initiated the breaker failure function. On tripping without fault current, e.g. via voltage
protection, the current below the threshold 50BF PICKUP is not a reliable indication of the proper func-
tioning of the circuit breaker. In such cases, pickup exclusively depends on the auxiliary contact criterion. In
protection functions based on the measurement of currents (including all short-circuit protection functions),
the current flow is a preferential criterion, i.e. it is given priority, as opposed to the auxiliary contacts. If
current flows above the set threshold or thresholds (enabled w/ 3I0>) are detected, the breaker failure
protection trips even if the auxiliary criterion indicates “Breaker Open”.
[7sj80-plausibilitaet-i-sv-20061218, 1, en_US]
• the auxiliary contacts for circuit breaker "open" (4602 >52-b) and "closed" (4601 >52-a) are configured,
• only the auxiliary contact for circuit breaker "open" is configured (4602 >52-b),
• only the auxiliary contact for circuit breaker "closed" is configured (4601 >52-a),
[lo_7sj80-erzeug-svs-int-sign, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-113 Logic diagram for breaker failure protection, monitoring of the circuit-breaker auxiliary
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the breaker failure protection function. The entire breaker
failure protection function may be turned on or off, or it can be blocked dynamically via binary inputs. If
breaker failure protection is initiated, an alarm message is generated. With the initiation, two setable delay
times are started. One delay time can be used to repeat the trip command to the local circuit breaker. The
other is used to trip the higher-level circuit breaker. If criteria for a pickup are still met once the time delays
have elapsed, the trip signals are issued successively
If the criteria that led to the pickup are no longer met, after the time delays have elapsed, then the pickup will
drop out and no trip signal is issued by the breaker failure protection function.
To protect against nuisance tripping due to excessive contact bounce, a stabilization of the binary inputs for
external trip signals takes place. This external signal must be present during the entire period of the delay
times, otherwise the timer is reset and no tripping signal is issued.
[7sj62-64-svs-20081110, 1, en_US]
Breaker failure protection is only effective and accessible if address 170 50BF is set to Enabled or enabled
w/ 3I0>. Setting Enabled considers the three phase currents for total current monitoring. Setting enabled
w/ 3I0> additionally evaluates the ground current or the negative sequence system when only one phase
current occurs.
If this function is not required, then Disabled is set. The function can be set to ON or OFF under address
7001 FCT 50BF.
Address 7004 Chk BRK CONTACT establishes whether or not the breaker auxiliary contacts connected via
binary inputs are to be used as a criterion for pickup. If this address is set to ON, then current criterion and/or
the auxiliary contact criterion apply. This setting must be selected if the breaker failure protection is started by
functions, which do not always have a certain criterion for detection of an open circuit breaker, e.g. voltage
[abl-bei-norm-fehlerkllaer-u-bei-lsvs-20061220, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-115 Time sequence example for normal clearance of a fault, and for circuit breaker failure with
single-element breaker failure protection
[abl-bei-norm-fehlerkllaer-u-bei-lsvs-2stufig-090116, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-116 Time sequence example for normal clearance of a fault, and for circuit breaker failure with
two-element breaker failure protection
Pickup Values
The pickup value of the current flow monitoring is set under address 7006 50BF PICKUP, and the pickup
value of the ground current monitoring under address 7007 50BF PICKUP IE>. The threshold values must
be set at a level below the minimum fault current for which the total current monitoring must operate. A
setting of 10 % below the minimum fault current for which breaker failure protection must operate is recom-
mended. The pickup value should not be set too low since otherwise there is a risk that transients in the
current transformer secondary circuit may lead to extended dropout times if extremely high currents are
switched off.
Via binary input 1404 >50BFactiv.3I0> you can activate the threshold value 50BF PICKUP IE> also for
checking the plausibility of the phase currents.
2.19.3 Settings
The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secon-
dary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
7001 FCT 50BF OFF OFF 50BF Breaker Failure
ON Protection
7004 Chk BRK CONTACT OFF OFF Check Breaker contacts
7005 TRIP-Timer 0.06 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.25 sec TRIP-Timer
7006 50BF PICKUP 1A 0.03 .. 20.00 A 0.10 A 50BF Pickup current
5A 0.15 .. 100.00 A 0.50 A threshold
7007 50BF PICKUP IE> 0.03 .. 20.00 A 0.10 A 50BF Pickup earth current
7008 50BF-2 Delay 0.06 .. 60.00 sec; ∞ 0.50 sec Delay of 2nd stage for
busbar trip
The function is a combination of a standard protection logic and a characteristic (measured quantity or derived
quantity) that is adjustable via parameters. The characteristics listed in table 2-20 and the derived protection
functions are available.
Section 2.21 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function gives an application
example of the function “reverse power protection”.
The maximum 20 configurable protection functions operate independently of each other. The following
description concerns one function; it can be applied accordingly to all other flexible functions. The logic
diagram Figure 2-117 illustrates the description.
Functional Logic
The function can be switched OFF and ON or, it can be set to Alarm Only. In this status, a pickup condition
will neither initiate fault recording nor start the trip time delay. Tripping is thus not possible.
Changing the Power System Data 1 after flexible functions have been configured may cause these functions to
be set incorrectly. Message (FNo.235.2128 $00 inval.set) reports this condition. The function is inactive
in this case and function's setting has to be modified.
Blocking Functions
The function can be blocked via binary input (FNo. 235.2110 >BLOCK $00) or via local operating terminal
(“Control”->“Tagging”->“Set”). Blocking will reset the function's entire measurement logic as well as all running
times and indications. Blocking via the local operating terminal may be useful if the function is in a status of
permanent pickup which does not allow the function to be reset.
In context with voltage-based characteristics, the function can be blocked if one of the measuring voltages
fails. Recognition of this status is either accomplished by the relay's internal „Fuse-Failure-Monitor“ (FNo. 170
VT FuseFail; see section 2.12.1 Measurement Supervision) or via auxiliary contacts of the voltage trans-
former CB (FNo. 6509 >FAIL:FEEDER VT and FNo. 6510 >FAIL: BUS VT). This blocking mechanism can
be enabled or disabled in the according parameters. The associated parameter BLK.by Vol.Loss is only
available if the characteristic is based on a voltage measurement.
When using the flexible function for power protection or power monitoring, it will be blocked if currents fall
below 0.03 · ΙNom.
Parameter BLK f out of r allows you to specify whether the protection function is blocked if the meas-
ured power frequency is outside the operating range of the function (25 Hz to 70 Hz).
Characteristic Curve
The function's characteristic curve is always “definite time”; this means that the time delay is not affected by
the measured quantity.
Function Logic
The following figure shows the logic diagram of a three-phase function. If the function operates on one phase
or without phase reference, phase selectivity and phase-specific indications are not relevant.
[lo_7sj66_flexprot, 1, en_US]
The parameters can be set to monitor either exceeding or dropping below of the threshold. The configurable
pickup time delay will be started once the threshold (>-element) has been exceeded. When the time delay has
elapsed and the threshold is still violated, the pickup of the phase (e.g. no. 235.2122 $00 pickup A)and of
the function (no. 235.2121 $00 picked up) is reported. If the pickup delay is set to zero, the pickup will
occur simultaneously with the detection of the threshold violation. If the function is enabled, the pickup will
start the trip time delay and the fault log. This is not the case if set to "Alarm only". If the threshold violation
persists after the trip time delay has elapsed, the trip will be initiated upon its expiration (no. 235.2126 $00
TRIP). The timeout is reported via (no. 235.2125 $00 Time Out). Expiry of the trip time delay can be
blocked via binary input (no. 235.2113 >$00 BLK.TDly). The time delay will not be started as long as the
binary input is active; a trip can thus be initiated. The time delay is started after the binary input has dropped
out and the pickup is still present. It is also possible to bypass the expiration of the time delay by activating
binary input (no. 235.2111 >$00 instant.). The trip will be launched immediately when the pickup is
present and the binary input has been activated. The trip command can be blocked via binary inputs (no.
235.2115 >$00 BL.TripA) and (no. 235.2114 >$00 BLK.TRIP). The phase-selective blocking of the trip
command is required for interaction with the inrush restraint (see “Interaction with other functions”). The
function's dropout ratio can be set. If the threshold (>-element) is undershot after the pickup, the dropout
time delay will be started. The pickup is maintained during that time, a started trip delay time continues to
count down. If the trip time delay has elapsed while the dropout time delay is still during, the trip command
will only be given if the current threshold is exceeded. The element will only drop out when the dropout time
delay has elapsed. If the time is set to zero, the dropout will be initiated immediately once the threshold is
• Inrush restraint:
Direct interaction with the inrush restraint is not possible. In order to block a flexible function by the
inrush restraint, the blocking must be carried out in CFC. The flexible function provides three binary
inputs for blocking trip commands selectively for each phase (no. 235.2115 to 235.2117). They have to
be linked with the phase-selective indications for detecting the inrush (no. 1840 to 1842). Activating a
crossblock function requires the phase-selective inrush indications to be logically combined with the
binary input for blocking the function trip command (no. 235.2114 >$00 BLK.TRIP). The flexible func-
tion also needs to be delayed by at least 20 ms to make sure that the inrush restraint picks up before the
flexible function.
The setting of the functional scope determines the number of flexible protection functions to be used (see
Section 2.1.1 Functional Scope). If a flexible function in the functional scope is disabled (by removing the
checkmark), this will result in losing all settings and configurations of this function or its settings will be reset
to their default settings.
In the DIGSI setting dialog "General", parameter FLEXIBLE FUNC. can be set to OFF, ON or Alarm Only. If
the function is enabled in operational mode Alarm Only, no faults are recorded, no „Effective“-indication is
generated, no trip command issued and neither will the circuit-breaker protection be affected. Therefore, this
operational mode is preferred when a flexible function is not required to operate as a protection function.
Furthermore, the OPERRAT. MODE can be configured.
Three-phase – functions evaluate the three-phase measuring system, i.e. all three phases are processed
simultaneously. A typical example is the three-phase operating time overcurrent protection.
Single-phase – functions evaluate only the individual measuring value. This can be an individual phase value
(e.g VB) or a ground variable (VN or ΙN).
Setting no reference determines the evaluation of measured variables irrespective of a single or threep-
hase connection of current and voltage. Table 2-20 provides an overview regarding which variables can be
used in which mode of operation.
Parameter BLK f out of r allows you to specify whether the protection function is blocked if the meas-
ured power frequency is outside the operating range of the function (25 Hz to 70 Hz). SIEMENS recommends
using the default setting (YES). A release beyond the normal operating range is only required for special appli-
Measured Variable
In the setting dialog “Measured Variable” the measured variables to be evaluated by the flexible protection
functions can be selected, which may be a calculated or a directly measured variable. The setting options that
can be selected here are dependent on the mode of measured-value processing as predefined in parameter
OPERRAT. MODE (see the following table).
Measurement Procedures
The measurement procedures as set out in the following table can be configured for the measured variables -
current, voltage and power. The dependencies of the available measurement procedures of configurable
modes of operation and the measured variable are also indicated.
Table 2-22 Parameter in the Setting Dialog "Measurement Procedure", Mode of Operation 3-phase
i With regard to the phase-selective pickup messages, a special behavior is observed in the three-phase
voltage protection with phase-to-phase variables, because the phase-selective pickup message "Flx01
Pickup Lx" is allocated to the respective measured-value channel "Lx".
Single-phase faults:
If, for example, voltage VA drops to such degree that voltages VAB and VCA exceed their threshold values, the
device indicates pickups “Flx01 Pickup A” and “Flx01 Pickup C”, because the undershooting was detected in
the first and third measured-value channel.
Two-phase faults:
If, for example, voltage VAB drops to such degree that its threshold value is reached, the device then indi-
cates pickup "Flx01 Pickup A", because the undershooting was detected in the first measured-value
Table 2-23 Parameter in the Setting Dialog "Measurement Procedure", Mode of Operation 1-phase
i Warning!
If the 3-phase voltage connection is established at a motor or generator feeder and the Ux input is operated
at the busbar or at another voltage measuring point other than the feeder, you must select "True RMS" as
the measurement procedure. Otherwise, there is a risk of overfunction or underfunction in a situation
where the feeder voltage and the Ux voltage exhibit significantly different frequencies.
i With single-phase voltage protection, the configured voltage threshold is always interpreted as voltage at
the terminal. The parameterization in 213 VT Connect. 3ph (see Power System Data 1) is ignored here.
The forward direction of power (P forward, Q reverse) is the direction of the line. Parameter (1108 P,Q sign)
for sign inversion of the power display in the operating measured values is ignored by the flexible functions.
Via parameter PICKUP WITH it is determined whether the function must be triggered on exceeding or under-
shooting of the set threshold value.
The pickup thresholds, time delays and dropout ratios of the flexible protection function are set in the
“Settings” dialog box in DIGSI.
The pickup threshold of the function is configured via parameter P.U. THRESHOLD. The OFF-command time
delay is set via parameter T TRIP DELAY. Both setting values must be selected according to the required
The pickup can be delayed via parameter T PICKUP DELAY. This parameter is usually set to zero (default
setting) in protection applications, because a protection function should pick up as quickly as possible. A
setting deviating from zero may be appropriate if a trip log is not desired to be started upon each short-term
exceeding of the pickup threshold, for example, with power protection or when a function is not used as a
protection, but as a monitoring function.
When setting the power threshold values, it is important to take into consideration that a minimum current of
0.03 ΙN is required for power calculation. The power calculation is blocked for lower currents.
The dropout of pickup can be delayed via parameter T DROPOUT DELAY. This setting is also set to zero by
default (standard setting) A setting deviating from zero may be required if the device is utilized together with
electro-magnetic devices with considerably longer dropout ratios than the digital protection device (see
Section 2.2 for more information). When utilizing the dropout time delay, it is recommended to set it to a
shorter time than the OFF-command time delay in order to avoid both times to "race".
The dropout ratio of the function can be selected in parameter DROPOUT RATIO. The standard dropout ratio
of protection functions is 0.95 (default setting). If the function is used as power protection, a dropout ratio of
at least 0.9 should be set. The same applies to the utilization of the symmetrical components of current and
voltage. If the dropout ratio is decreased, it would be sensible to test the pickup of the function regarding
possible "chatter".
The dropout difference of the frequency elements is set under parameter DO differential. Usually, the
default setting of 0.02 Hz can be retained. A higher dropout difference should be set in weak systems with
larger, short-term frequency fluctuations to avoid chattering of the message.
A fixed dropout difference of 0.1 Hz/s is used for the frequency change (df/dt) measurand. The same applies to
the voltage change (dU/dt) measurand. The permanent dropout difference here is 3 V/s.
Parameter BLK.by Vol.Loss determines whether a function whose measured variable is based on a voltage
measurement (measured quantities voltage, P forward, P reverse, Q forward, Q reverse and power factor),
should be blocked in case of a measured voltage failure (set to YES) or not (set to NO).
• Check configurations on contacts and in operation and fault buffer, or set them according to the require-
Further Information
The following instruction should be noted:
• As the power factor does not differentiate between capacitive and inductive, the sign of the reactive
power may be used with CFC-help as an additional criterion.
2.20.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
0 FLEXIBLE FUNC. OFF OFF Flexible Function
Alarm Only
0 OPERRAT. MODE 3-phase 3-phase Mode of Operation
no reference
0 BLK f out of r YES YES Block while Freq. is out of
NO range
0 MEAS. QUANTITY Please select Please select Selection of Measured
Current Quantity
P forward
P reverse
Q forward
Q reverse
Power factor
dV/dt rising
dV/dt falling
df/dt rising
df/dt falling
Binary Input
0 MEAS. METHOD Fundamental Fundamental Selection of Measurement
True RMS Method
Positive seq.
Negative seq.
Zero sequence
Ratio I2/I1
0 PICKUP WITH Exceeding Exceeding Pickup with
Dropping below
2.21.1 Description
By means of the flexible protection functions a single-element or multi-element reverse power protection can
be realized. Each reverse power element can be operated in single-phase or three-phase. Depending on the
chosen option, the elements can evaluate active power forward, active power reverse, reactive power forward
or reactive power reverse as measured value. The pickup by the protection elements can occur on exceeding
or undershooting of the threshold. Possible applications for reverse power protection are set out in
Table 2-24.
Type of Evaluation
Direction Overshooting Undershooting
P forward Monitoring of the forward power limits of operational equipment Detection of idling
reverse Protection of a local industrial network against reversed feeding into
the energy supply network
Detection of reversed feeding by motors
Q forward Monitoring of the reactive power limits of operational equipment
(transformers, lines)
Connection of a capacitor bank for reactive power compensation
reverse Monitoring of the reactive power limits of operational equipment
(transformers, lines)
Connection of a capacitor bank
The following example depicts a typical application where the flexible function acts as reverse power protec-
Disconnection Facility
The following fugure gives an example of an industrial control system with internal supply by the illustrated
generator. All illustrated lines and the busbar are indicated in three-phase (excluding the ground connections
and the connection to the voltage measurement at the generator). Both feeders 1 and 2 supply the consumers
of the customer. Usually the industrial customer receives his current from the energy supplier. The generator
runs in synchronism, without feeding power. If the power supply company can no longer guarantee the
required supply, the control system is separated from the system of the power supply company and the gener-
ator is taking over the internal supply. In this example the control system is disconnected from the system of
the power supply company as soon as the frequency leaves the nominal range (e.g. 1 - 2% deviation from the
nominal frequency), the voltage exceeds or undershoots a set value, or the generator's active power is fed to
the system of the power supply company. Depending on the user's philosophy, some of these criteria may be
combined. This would be realized via the CFC.
The example illustrates how a reverse power protection is implemented by means of the flexible protection
functions. Frequency protection and voltage protection are described in Sections 2.9 Frequency Protection 81
O/U and 2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59.
[flexfkn-entkupplung-040204-st, 1, en_US]
Substation Layout
The control system is on the high-voltage side linked via a 110 kV line to the power system of the power
supply company. The circuit breaker CB1 is part of the power system of the power supply company. Discon-
nection from the control system of the power supply company's power system is effected by the load-isolator.
The transformer with a transformation ratio of 10:1 transforms the voltage level to 11 kV. The transformer,
the generator and the two feeders are linked via a busbar at the low-voltage side. Circuit breakers CB2 to CB5
separate consumer and operational equipment from the busbar.
Protective Functionality
With protection device 7SJ66, the control system is disconnected from the generator upon the generator's
reversed feeding into the power supply company's power system (protection function P reverse>). This func-
tionality is realized by means of a flexible protection function. Additionally, the disconnection is effected by
fluctuations in frequency or voltage in the power supply company's power system (protection function f<, f>,
27-1 PICKUP, 59-1 PICKUP, 67-1 PICKUP, , 67N-1 PICKUP).
This protection receives measured values via a three-phase current and voltage transformer set as well as a
single-phase connection to the generator's voltage transformer (for synchronization).
In case of disconnection, the circuit breaker CB2 is triggered.
The transformer is protected by a differential protection and inverse or definite time overcurrent protection
functions for the phase-to-phase currents. In the event of a fault, the circuit-breaker CB1 in the power supply
company's system is activated via a remote link. In addition, the circuit breaker CB2 is activated.
Overcurrent protection functions protect the feeders 1 and 2 against short circuits and overload caused by the
connected consumers. The phase-to-phase currents and the zero currents of the feeders can be protected by
inverse and definite time overcurrent protection elements. In the event of a fault, the circuit breakers CB4 and
CB5 are activated.
In addition, the busbar could be equipped with the 7UT635 differential protective relay for multiple ends. The
current transformers required to this end are already included in the example above.
[7sj64-anschluss_instanz_fkt-090204-st, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-119 Wiring diagram for a 7SJ642 as reverse power protection (flush-mounted case)
[7sj64-anschluss_instanz_fkt-090204-st, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-120 Wiring Diagram for a 7SJ66 as Reverse Power Protection (Flush-mounted Case)
The names of messages can be edited in DIGSI and adjusted accordingly for this example. The names of the
parameters are fixed.
Functional Logic
The following logic diagram depicts the functional logic of the reverse power protection.
[flexfkn-p-rueckwaerts-040104-st, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-121 Logic diagram of the reverse power determination with flexible protection function
The reverse power protection picks up once the configured pickup threshold has been exceeded. If the pickup
condition persists during the equally settable pickup delay, the pickup message P.rev.PU is generated and
starts the trip delay time. If the pickup condition does not drop out while the trip delay time is counting down,
the trip indication P. rev. TRIP and the timeout indication P. rev. timeout (not shown) are generated. The
picked up element drops out when the value falls below the dropout threshold. The blocking input >P rev.
block blocks the entire function, i.e. pickup, trip and running times are reset. After the blocking has been
released, the reverse power must exceed the pickup threshold and both times must run out before the protec-
tion function trips.
[fo_flexfkn-ansprechwert, 1, en_US]
On the basis of the indicated data, the pickup values are calculated considering P prim = 3.81 MW (10% of 38.1
MW) on the primary level to
[fo_flexfkn-ansprechwert-numer, 1, en_US]
on the secondary level. The dropout ratio is set to 0.9. This yields a secondary dropout threshold of Psec, dropout
= 15.6 W. If the pickup threshold is reduced to a value near the lower setting limit of 0.5 W, the dropout ratio
should equally be reduced to approximately 0.7.
First create and open a 7SJ66 device in DIGSI Manager. Configure a flexible protection function (flexible func-
tion 01) for the present example in the Device Configuration.
[sc_Configuration_of_a_Flexible_Protection_Function, 1, en_US]
Select “Additional functions” in the „Parameters“ menu to view the flexible function
[flexfkn-weitere-funktionen-030204-he, 1, en_US]
First activate the function at “Settings --> General” and select the operating mode “3-phase”
[flexfkn-einstellungen-allgemein-3phasig-030204-he, 1, en_US]
In menu items “Measured Value” and “Measurement Procedures” “Active Power reverse”“ or “Exceeding” must
be set. If in menu item „Settings“ the box „Additional Parameters display“ is enabled, threshold value, pickup
delay time and trip delay time can be configured. As the power direction cannot be determined in case of
measured voltage failure, protection blocking would be sensible in this case.
[flexfkn-einstellungen-5-watt-030204-he, 1, en_US]
[flexfkn-rangierung-vor-dem-editieren-030204-he, 1, en_US]
Clicking the texts allows for editing short text and long text as required by the application.
[flexfkn-rangierung-nach-dem-editieren-030204-he, 1, en_US]
The indications are allocated in the same way as the indications of other protective functions.
When connecting two sections of a power system, the synchrocheck verifies that the switching does not
endanger the stability of the power system.
• Typical applications are, for example, the synchronism check of a feeder and a busbar (see Figure 2-122)
or the synchronism check of two busbars via bus coupler (see Figure 2-129).
In 7SJ66 only one SYNC function group exists. Furthermore, only the operation mode SYNCHROCHECK is avail-
able. General
For comparing the two voltages the synchronism check uses the reference voltage V1 and an additional
voltage to be connected V2.
If a transformer is connected between the two voltage transformers (Figure 2-128), its vector group can be
adapted in the 7SJ66 relay so that there are no external adjustment required.
[synchronisierfunktion-einspeisung-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
[synchronisierfunktion-querkupplung-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
The synchronizing feature of the 7SJ66 usually coordinates with the integrated automatic reclosing system
and the control functions of the control function. It is also possible to employ an external automatic reclosing
system. In such a case, signal exchange between the devices is accomplished via binary inputs and outputs.
The configuration decides whether the synchronism check is carried out only for automatic reclosing or only
for circuit breaker control or both. It is also possible to specify different release criteria for automatic close or
control close. Synchronous connection is always accomplished via the integrated control.
The release command for closing under satisfied synchronism conditions can be deactivated by parameter
6113 25 Synchron. The disabled closing release can, however, be activated via binary input (>25
synchr.). It is intended for special applications (see De-energized switching).
Connection, Multiple-phase
For comparing the two voltages, the synchronization function uses the reference voltage V1 and an additional
voltage to be connected V2. The reference voltage V1 is derived from the multi-phase system, usually the three
phase-to-ground voltages. The voltage to be synchronized V2 is assigned to the single-phase connection and
may be any phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase voltage.
The device can also be connected in open delta Voltage connection using two phase-phase voltages. In this
case, a phase-to-phase voltage must be connected to the voltage to be synchronized V2. Furthermore, it
should be noted that in case of a open delta voltage connection, zero sequence voltage cannot be detected.
The functions “Directional Overcurrent Protection Ground”, “Directional Ground Fault Detection” and “Fuse
Failure Monitoring (FFM)” must be either removed or switched off.
Connection, Single-phase
If there is only one primary voltage to represent the reference voltage V1, the device can be informed of this
fact via the Power System Data 1. Also in this case the synchronization function can be fully applied.
Operating Modes
Synchronous power systems exhibit small differences regarding phase angle and voltage magnitude. Before
connection it is checked whether conditions are synchronous or not. If synchronism prevails the system is
energized, with asynchronous conditions it is not. The circuit breaker operating time is not taken into consid-
eration. The SYNCHROCHECK mode is used. It corresponds to the classic synchrocheck function.
Functional Sequence
The synchronization function only operates if it receives a measurement request. This request may be issued
by the control, the automatic reclosing function or externally via a binary input e.g., from an external auto-
matic reclosing system.
The measurement request performs certain plausibility checks (for further information see “Plausibilty Check”).
If there is a condition which is not plausible, the message 25 Sync. Error is output. The measurement is
then not performed. If conditions are plausible, measurement is initiated (message „25-1 meas.“).
Each condition met is indicated explicitly (messages 25 Vdiff ok, 25 fdiff ok, 25 αdiff ok). Also
conditions not fulfilled are indicated, for example, when voltage differences (messages 25 V2>V1, 25
V2<V1), frequency differences (messages 25 f2>f1, 25 f2<f1) or angle differences (messages 25 α2>α1,
25 α2<α1) lie outside the threshold values. For these messages to be sent, both voltages must lie within the
operating range of the synchrocheck (see margin heading “Operating Range”).
If these conditions are met, the synchronization function issues a release signal for closing the breaker (25
CloseRelease). This release signal is only available for the configured duration of the CLOSE command and
is always processed by the control, which issues the actual CLOSE command for controlling the circuit breaker
(see also margin heading “Interaction with Control”). The message 25 Synchron is applied as long as the
synchronous are fulfilled.
Measuring the synchronism conditions can be confined to the a maximum monitoring time T-SYN. DURA-
TION. If the conditions are not fulfilled during T-SYN. DURATION, the release is cancelled (message 25
MonTimeExc). A new synchronization can only be performed if a new measurement request is received.
Operating Range
The operating range of the synchronization function is defined by the configured voltage thresholds Vmin and
Vmax, and the fixed frequency band fNom ± 3 Hz.
If measurement is started and one or both voltages are outside the operating range, or one voltage leaves the
permissible range, corresponding messages indicate this behavior (25 f1>>, 25 f1<<, 25 V1>>, 25 V1<<,
Measured Values
The measured values of the synchronization function are displayed in separate windows for primary and
secondary measured values and percentages. The measured values are displayed and updated under the
following conditions:
• when the synchronization function is requested (measurement request)
• as soon as the function group was enabled via the message>25-1 act (170.0001).
Thereby the operation “measurement only” can be realized, since no measurement request is required
and thus no close command is generated.
Table 2-26 Conversion formulae between secondary, primary and percentage values of the
synchronisation function
V2 V2sec
Frequencies f in Hz f in Hz
Δf f2 – f1 f2 – f1
1 Hz corresponds to 100 %
Angle differ- °el. °el. 45 ° entspricht 100 %
Δα α2 – α1 α2 – α1
Parameter Address
Balancing V1/V2 6121
Vnom PRIMARY 202
VT Vn2, primary 6125
Vnom SECONDARY 203 Synchrocheck
Having selected operating mode SYNCHROCHECK the mode verifies the synchronism before connecting the
two system components and cancels the connecting process if parameters for synchronism lie outside the
configured thresholds.
Before a release is granted, the following conditions are checked:
• Is the reference voltage V1 above the setting value Vmin, but below the maximum voltage Vmax?
• Is the voltage V2 to be synchronized above the setting value Vmin but below the maximum voltage
• Are the two frequencies f1 and f2 within the permitted operating range fN ± 3 Hz?
Connecting two components of a power system is also possible if at least one of the components is de-ener-
gized and if the measured voltage is greater than the threshold 6106 V>, with a multiple-phase connection at
side V1 all three voltages must have a higher value than threshold V> so that side V1 is recognized as ener-
gized. With single-phase connection, of course, only one voltage has to exceed the threshold value.
Besides release under synchronous conditions, the following additional release conditions can be selected for
the check:
SYNC V1>V2< = Release on the condition that component V1 is energized and component V2 is de-ener-
SYNC V1<V2> = Release on the condition that component V1 is de-energized and component V2 is ener-
SYNC V1<V2< = Release on the condition that component V1 and component V2 are de-energized.
Each of these conditions can be enabled or disabled individually; combinations are thus also possible (e.g.,
release if SYNC V1>V2< or SYNC V1<V2> are fulfilled).
For that reason synchronization with the use of the additional parameter 6113 25 Synchron (configured to
NO) can also be used for the connection of a ground electrode. In such a case, one may only connect when
there is no voltage on the load side, i.e. under synchronous conditions no connection is permitted.
The release conditions can be configured individually either for automatic reclosing or for manual closing via
control commands. You can, for example, allow manual closing for synchronism or for de-energized feeder
whereas before an automatic reclosing operation, checking only de-energized conditions at one feeder
terminal and afterwards only synchronism at the other.
The threshold below which a power system component is considered as de-energized is defined by parameter
V<. If the measured voltage exceeds the threshold V>, a power system component is energized. Thus, with a
multiple-phase connection at side V1 all three voltages must have a higher value than threshold V> so that
side V1 is recognized as energized. With single-phase connection only one voltage has to exceed the threshold
Before granting a release for connecting the energized component V1 and the de-energized component V2,
the following conditions are checked:
• Is the reference voltage V1 above the setting value Vmin and V>, but below the maximum voltage Vmax?
• Is the voltage to be synchronized V2 below the thresholdV<?
Parameter TSUP VOLTAGE (address 6111) can be set to configure a monitoring time which requires above
stated release conditions for de-energized connection to be fulfilled at least this time before switching is
Parameter Direct CO can be set to grant a release without performing any checks. In this case switching is
released immediately when initiating the synchrocheck. It is obviously not reasonable to combine Direct CO
with other release conditions.
If the synchrocheck fails, depending on the type of failure a direct command bypassing any checks may be
issued or not (also see "Plausibility check / SYNC Error").
Via binary input >25direct CO this release can also be granted externally.
Blocking the entire synchrocheck is possible via binary input >BLK 25-1. The message signaling this condi-
tion is made via 25-1 BLOCK. When blocking the measurement is terminated and the entire function is reset.
A new measurement can only be performed with a new measurement request.
Via binary input >BLK 25 CLOSE it is possible to only block the release signal for closing (25 CloseRe-
lease). When blocking is active, measurement continues. The blocking is indicated by the message 25
CLOSE BLK. When blocking is reset and release conditions are fulfilled, the release signal for closing is issued.
With Control
Basically, the synchrocheck interacts with the device control. The switchgear component to be synchronized is
selected via a parameter. If an ON command is issued, the control takes into account that the switchgear
component requires synchronism. The control sends a measurement request (25 Measu. req.) to the
synchrocheck which is then started. Having completed the check, the synchrocheck issues the release
message (25 CloseRelease) to which the control responds by terminating the switching operation posi-
tively or negatively (see Figure 2-130).
[dw_Interaction_of_Control_and_Synchrocheck, 1, en_US]
With AR
The automatic reclosing (AR) function can also interact with the synchrocheck function. They are linked via the
device control. The selection is made by parameterizing the automatic reclosing and synchrocheck function.
The AR parameters (7138 Internal SYNC) defines the SYNC function group (SYNC FG). The switch to be
used is defined in the selected function group. The switching object specified in the AR parameters (7137
Cmd.via control) and the selected SYNC function group must be identical. If no SYNC function group is
entered in the AR parameters, the close command of the AR function is carried out asynchronously via the
switching object specified in the AR parameters. Equally, the CLOSE command 79 Close (indication 2851)
allows only asynchronous switching. If, for example, circuit breaker Q0 is configured as object to be switched
synchronously, a CLOSE command of the AR function will address this breaker and assign it a CLOSE command
which will be processed by the control. As this breaker requires synchronization, the control launches the
synchrocheck function and awaits release. If the parameterized conditions of the respective SYNC function
group are satisfied, release is granted and the control issues the CLOSE command (see Figure 2-131).
Figure 2-131 Connection of the Automatic Reclosing function to the Synchronization Function
[dw_Interaction_of_Synchronizing_Function_and_External_Control, 1, en_US]
When setting the Power System Data 1 (see Section Setting Notes) the device was already provided
with data relevant for the measured values and the operating principle of the synchronization function. This
concerns the following parameters:
202 Vnom PRIMARY primary nominal voltage of the voltage transformers V1 (phase-to-phase) in kV;
203 Vnom SECONDARY secondary nominal voltage of the voltage transformers V1 (phase-to-phase) in V;
213 VT Connect. 3ph defines the way voltage transformers are connected if there are several voltage
transformers at the primary side..
When using the synchronization function, the setting Van,Vbn,Vcn,VSy must always be selected regardless
of whether there are phase-ground or phase-phase voltages at the primary side. Two phase-to-phase voltages
are connected to the device in open delta voltage connection (see also the connection examples in Appendix
C Connection Examples). In this case, however, a zero sequence voltage cannot be determined. The functions
“Directional Time Overcurrent Protection Ground”, “Directional Ground Fault Detection” and “Fuse Failure
Monitor (FFM)” must be either removed or switched off.
240 VT Connect. 1ph specifies the voltage connected at side V1 if only one voltage transformer is available
at the primary side. If this address is not set to NO, the setting of address 213 is not relevant anymore. With
single-phase connection the device generally assumes the voltage at the fourth voltage transformer (V4) as
the voltage V2 to be synchronized.
214 Rated Frequency the operating range of the synchronizing function refers to the nominal frequency of
the power system (fNOM ± 3 Hz);
The synchronization function can only operate if the address 161 25 Function 1 is set to Enabled during
configuration of the functional scope (see Section Setting Notes). SYNCHROCHECK can be selected as
operating mode. If this function is not required, then Disabled is set.
The corresponding messages of SYNC Function Group 1 are pre-allocated for IEC 60870–5–103 (VDEW).
Selecting the displayed SYNC function group in DIGSI opens a dialog box with different tabs in which the indi-
vidual settings for synchronism can be made. For SYNC function group 1 the following applies:
General Settings
The general thresholds for the synchronizing function are set at addresses 6101 to 6112.
Address 6101 Synchronizing Function can be set to switch the entire SYNC function group x ON or OFF.
If switched off, the synchronous check does not verify the synchronization conditions and release is not
Address 6102 SyncCB is used to select the switchgear component to which the synchronizing settings will be
applied. Select the option none to use the function as external synchronizing feature. It will then be triggered
via binary input messages.
Addresses 6103 Vmin and 6104 Vmax set the upper and lower limits for the operating voltage range for V1 or
V2 and thus determine the operating range for the synchronizing function. If the values leave this band, a
message will be output.
Address 6105 V< indicates the voltage threshold below which the feeder or the busbar can safely be consid-
ered switched off (for checking a de-energized feeder or busbar).
Address 6106 V> indicates the voltage threshold above which the feeder or busbar can safely be considered
energized (for checking an energized feeder or busbar). It must be set below the anticipated operational
The setting for the mentioned voltage values is made in secondary volts. When using the PC and DIGSI for
configuration, these values can also be entered as primary values. Depending on the connection of the
voltages these are phase-to-ground voltages or phase-to-phase voltages.
Addresses 6107 to 6110 are set to specify the release conditions for the closing check. Where:
6107 SYNC V1<V2> = Component V1 must be de-energized, component V2 must be energized (connection to
reference without voltage, dead line);
6108 SYNC V1>V2< = component V1 must be energized, component V2 voltage value must be de-energized
(connection to feeder without voltage, dead bus);
6109 SYNC V1<V2< = Component V1 and Component V2 must be de-energized (connection when reference
and feeder are de-energized, dead bus/dead bus);
6110A Direct CO = Command is released without checks.
The possible release conditions are independent of each other and can be combined. It is obviously not
reasonable to combine Direct CO with other release conditions.
Parameter TSUP VOLTAGE (address 6111A) can be set to configure a monitoring time which requires above
stated release conditions to be at least fulfilled for de-energized connection before switching is allowed. The
preset value of 0.1 s accounts for transient responses and can be applied without modification.
Release via synchronism check can be limited to a configurable synchronous monitoring time T-SYN. DURA-
TION (address 6112). The configured conditions must be fulfilled within this time period. Otherwise, release is
not granted and the synchronization function is terminated. If this time is set to ∞, the conditions will be
checked until they are fulfilled.
For special applications (e.g. connecting a ground switch), the closing release under satisfied synchronism
conditions can be activated or deactivated in parameter 6113A 25 Synchron.
The transformer vector group is defined from the high side to the low side. In the example, the reference
voltage transformers (V1) are the ones of the transformer high side, i.e. the setting angle is 5 x 30° (according
to vector group), that is 150°:
Address 6122A: ANGLE ADJUSTM. = 150°.
The reference voltage transformers supply 100 V secondary for primary operation at nominal value while the
feeder transformer supplies 110 V secondary. Therefore, this difference must be balanced:
Address 6121:Balancing V1/V2 = 100 V/110 V = 0.91.
[sammelschienenspg-ueber-trafo-gemess-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
For connection of voltage V1 there are three voltage inputs and for voltage V2 there is one voltage input avail-
able (see Figure 2-134 and also example in Figure 2-133). According to definition, the three-phase voltage is
the reference voltage V1. To compare the three-phase voltage V1 with voltage V2 correctly, the connection
type of voltage V2 must be signaled to the device. Address CONNECTIONof V2 assumes this task (parameter
If three phase-to-ground voltages are connected to side V1, any phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground voltage
can be used and configured as synchronized voltage V2. If two phase-to-phase voltages are connected in Vcon-
nection to side V1, then the voltage V2 to be synchronized must be a phase-to-phase voltage. It must be
connected and configured.
Single-phase connection is also possible for sideV1. In address 240 VT Connect. 1ph this information must
be communicated to the device (see above). Setting of address 213 is not relevant in that case. Compared to
voltage of side 1 the voltage to be synchronized must be equal in type and phase. Address 6123 CONNEC-
TIONof V2 is hidden for single-phase connection. An example of the single-phase connection to a device can
be found in Figure 2-135.
[anschlussvon-u1-undu2-amgeraet-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
[sync-einphasiger-anschluss-le-120902-kn, 1, en_US]
For the device to perform the internal conversion to primary values, the primary rated transformer voltage of
the measured quantity V2 must be entered via parameter 6125 VT Vn2, primary, if a transformer is
located between the system parts to be synchronized.
If a phase sequence reversal is desired, the voltage A-G should be connected for synchronization. This voltage
does not vary even after a phase sequence reversal. For this purpose, set parameter 6123 CONNECTIONof V2
to A-G.
When using a different synchronizing voltage, the parameter 6123 must be changed in addition to parameter
209 PHASE SEQ. after reversing the phase sequence, and the wiring in case of a connection of a phase-to-
phase voltage must be reversed.
Address 6150 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 and 6151 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 can be used to configure the permitted
voltage difference also asymmetrically. The availability of two parameters enables an asymmetrical release
range to be set.
Parameters 6152 df SYNCHK f2>f1 and 6153 df SYNCHK f2<f1 determine the permissible frequency
differences. The availability of two parameters enables an asymmetrical release to be set.
Parameters 6154 dα SYNCHK α2>α1 and 6155 dα SYNCHK α2<α1 confine the operating range for
synchronous switching. The availability of two parameters enables an asymmetrical release to be set. Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
6101 Synchronizing ON OFF Synchronizing Function
6102 SyncCB (Setting options depend on none Synchronizable circuit breaker
6103 Vmin 20 .. 125 V 90 V Minimum voltage limit: Vmin
6104 Vmax 20 .. 140 V 110 V Maximum voltage limit: Vmax
• In particular, the thermal status of motors, generators and transformers can thus be monitored. Rotating
machines are additionally monitored for a violation of the bearing temperature thresholds. The tempera-
tures are measured by RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors in different locations of the protected
object and forwarded to the device via a 7XV5662 RTD box.
2.23.1 Description
Processing Temperatures
The transmitted raw temperature data is converted to a temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. The
conversion depends on the temperature sensor used.
For each temperature detector two threshold decisions can be performed which are available for further
processing. The user can make the corresponding allocations in the configuration matrix.
Each temperature sensor issues an alarm in case of a short-circuit or interruption of the sensor circuit or if a
sensor is configured but not assigned. Additionally, a group indication is generated across all 12 temperature
sensors of the RTD box (14101 Fail: RTD). In case of communication failures, the fault indication 264
Fail: RTD-Box 1 is generated for RTD1 to RTD12.
The following figure shows the logic diagram for temperature processing.
The manual supplied with the RTD-box contains a connection diagram and dimensional drawing.
[Lo_DiagramTemperatureProcessing, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-136 Logic Diagram of Temperature Processing for the RTD Box
Temperature detection is only effective and accessible if this protection function was allocated to an interface
during configuration (Section 2.1.1 Functional Scope). At address 190 RTD-BOX INPUT the RTD box is allo-
cated to the interface at which it will be operated (e.g. port C). The number of sensor inputs and the commu-
nication mode were set at address 191 RTD CONNECTION. The temperature unit (°C or °F) was set in the
Power System Data 1 at address TEMP. UNIT.
Device Settings
The settings are the same for each input and are here shown at the example of measuring input 1. Set IP
address of RTD box from 9001 to 9004 and the UDP port at address 9000.
Set the type of temperature sensor for RTD 1 (temperature sensor for measuring point 1) at address 9011 RTD
1 TYPE. You can choose Pt 100 for TR 1200 box. If no measuring point is available for RTD 1, set RTD 1
TYPE = Not connected. This setting is only possible in DIGSI at “Display Additional Settings”.
Address 9012 RTD 1 LOCATION informs the device on the mounting location of RTD 1. You can choose
between Oil, Ambient, Winding, Bearing and Other. The selection is not evaluated in the device but
only serves the purpose of providing information about the medium in which the temperature measurement
is carried out. This setting is only possible in DIGSI at “Display Additional Settings”.
You can also set an alarm temperature and a tripping temperature. Depending on the temperature unit
selected in the Power System Data (Section Setting Notes in address 276 TEMP. UNIT), the alarm
temperature can be expressed in degrees Celsius (°C) (address 9013 RTD 1 STAGE 1) or degrees Fahrenheit
(°F) (address 9014 RTD 1 STAGE 1). The tripping temperature is set to degrees Celsius (°C) in address 9015
RTD 1 STAGE 2 or to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) at address 9016 RTD 1 STAGE 2.
Accordingly, you can enter the settings for all connected temperature sensors of the RTD box.
RTD-box Settings
If temperature detectors are used with two-wire connection, the line resistance (for short-circuited tempera-
ture detector) must be measured and adjusted. For this purpose, select "SEn." in the RTD-box and enter the
resistance value for the corresponding temperature detector (range 0 to 50.6 Ω). If a 3-wire connection is
used, no further settings are required to this end.
A baudrate of 9600 bits/s ensures communication. Parity is even. The factory setting of the bus number 0.
Modifications at the RTD-box can be made in "Bus". The following convention applies:
Table 2-28 Setting the bus address at the RTD box 7XV5662
Mode Address
half duplex RTD 1 to RTD 12: 1
2.23.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
9000 UDP Port 0 .. 65535 5000 UDP service port in the RTD box
9001 IP address[0] 0 .. 255 0 IP address[0] of RTD box, connec.
by UDP
9002 IP address[1] 0 .. 255 0 IP address[1] of RTD box, connec.
by UDP
9003 IP address[2] 0 .. 255 0 IP address[2] of RTD box, connec.
by UDP
9004 IP address[3] 0 .. 255 0 IP address[3] of RTD box, connec.
by UDP
9011A RTD 1 TYPE Not connected Pt 100 Ω RTD 1: Type
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
9012A RTD 1 LOCATION Oil Oil RTD 1: Location
9013 RTD 1 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; ∞ 100 °C RTD 1: Temperature Stage 1
9014 RTD 1 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; ∞ 212 °F RTD 1: Temperature Stage 1
• Phase rotation ensures that all protective and monitoring functions operate correctly even with anti-
clockwise rotation, without the need for two phases to be reversed.
Various functions of the 7SJ66 only operate correctly if the phase rotation of the voltages and currents is
known. Among these functions are negative sequence protection, undervoltage protection (based only on
positive sequence voltages), directional overcurrent protection (direction with cross-polarized voltages), and
measured value monitors.
If an "acb" phase rotation is normal, the appropriate setting is made during configuration of the Power System
If the phase rotation can change during operation (e.g. the direction of a motor must be routinely changed),
then a changeover signal at the routed binary input for this purpose is sufficient to inform the protective relay
of the phase rotation reversal.
Phase rotation is permanently established at address 209 PHASE SEQ. (Power System Data). Via the exclu-
sive- OR gate the binary input >Reverse Rot. inverts the sense of the phase rotation applied with setting.
[meldelogikdrehfeldumschaltung-090902-kn, 1, en_US]
• Initialization of Oscillographic Records: The storage and maintenance of oscillographic values can also be
made dependent on the general device pickup.
Exception: Apart from the settings ON or OFF, some protection functions can also be set to Alarm Only. With
setting Alarm Only no trip command is given, no trip log is created, fault recording is not initiated and no
spontaneous fault annunciations are shown on the display.
External functions may be controlled via an output contact. Examples are:
• Automatic reclosing devices,
• Starting of additional devices, or similar.
General Tripping
The trip signals for all protective functions are connected by OR and generate the message 511 Relay TRIP.
This message can be configured to an LED or binary output, just as the individual tripping messages can.
[7sj6x-abst-ausloesekommando-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
After the occurrence of a system fault, data regarding the response of the protective relay and the measured
values are saved for future analysis. For this reason the device is designed to perform message processing.
The SIPROTEC 4 System Description provides a detailed description of the configuration procedure
(see /1/ SIPROTEC 4 System Description).
Events and conditions can be read out on the display at the front cover of the relay. Using the front PC inter-
face or the rear service interface, a personal computer can be connected, to which the information can be
The relay is equipped with several event buffers, for operational messages, circuit breaker statistics, etc.,
which are protected against loss of the auxiliary voltage by a buffer battery. These messages can be displayed
on the LCD at any time by selection via the keypad or transferred to a personal computer via the serial service
or PC interface. Readout of messages during operation is described in detail in the SIPROTEC 4 System Descrip-
Classification of Messages
The messages are categorized as follows:
• Operational messages (event log); messages generated while the device is operating: Information
regarding the status of device functions, measured data, power system data, control command logs etc.
• Fault indications; these are indications of the last 25 network faults that were processed by the device.
• Ground fault messages (when the device has sensitive ground fault detection).
• Messages of "statistics"; they include a counter for the trip commands initiated by the device and possibly
reclose commands as well as values of interrupted currents and accumulated fault currents.
A complete list of all message and output functions that can be generated by the device with the maximum
functional scope can be found in the appendix. All functions are associated with an information number
(FNo). There is also an indication of where each message can be sent to. If functions are not present in a not
fully equipped version of the device, or are configured to Disabled, then the associated indications cannot
[anzeige-spontanmeld-im-display-20070326, 1, en_US]
Retrievable Messages
The messages for the last eight network faults can be retrieved and read out. The definition of a network fault
is such that the time period from fault detection up to final clearing of the disturbance is considered to be one
network fault. If auto-reclosing occurs, then the network fault ends after the last reclosing shot, which means
after a successful reclosing or lockout. Therefore the entire clearing process, including all reclosing shots,
occupies only one trip log buffer. Within a network fault, several fault messages can occur (from the first
pickup of a protective function to the last dropout of a protective function). Without auto-reclosing each fault
event represents a network fault.
In total 600 indications can be recorded. Oldest data are erased for newest data when the buffer is full.
General Interrogation
The general interrogation which can be retrieved via DIGSI enables the current status of the SIPROTEC 4 device
to be read out. All messages requiring general interrogation are displayed with their present value.
Spontaneous Messages
The spontaneous messages displayed using DIGSI reflect the present status of incoming information. Each
new incoming message appears immediately, i.e. the user does not have to wait for an update or initiate one.
2.26.2 Statistics
The number of trips initiated by the 7SJ66, the number of close commands initiated by the AR and the oper-
ating hours under load are counted.
An additional counter allows the number of hours to be determined in which the circuit breaker is positioned
in the “open” condition. Further statistical data can be gained to optimize the intervals for circuit breaker main-
Furthermore, if the device is utilized as motor protection, statistical values regarding the operation of the
motor as well as the last 5 motor startups are available.
The counter and memory levels are secured against loss of auxiliary voltage.
During the first start of the protection device the statistical values are pre-defined to zero.
Number of Trips
In order to count the number of trips of 7SJ66, the 7SJ66 relay has to be informed of the position of the circuit
breaker auxiliary contacts via binary inputs. Hereby, it is necessary that the internal pulse counter #of
TRIPs= is allocated in the matrix to a binary input that is controlled by the circuit breaker OPEN position. The
pulse count value "Number of TRIPs CB" can be found in the "Statistics" group if the option "Measured and
Metered Values Only" was enabled in the configuration matrix.
Operating Hours
The operating hours under load are also stored (= the current value in at least one phase is greater than the
limit value BkrClosed I MIN set under address 212).
The procedures aiding in CB maintenance allow maintenance intervals of the CB poles to be carried out when
their actual degree of wear makes it necessary. Saving on maintenance and servicing costs is one of the main
benefits this functionality offers.
The universal CB maintenance accumulates the tripping currents of the trips initiated by the protective func-
tions and comprises the four following autonomous subfunctions:
• Summation tripping current (ΣΙ-procedure)
[schema-lsw-171103-kn, 1, en_US]
The ΣΙ procedure is always present and active as a basic functionality. However, the other procedures (ΣΙx, 2P
and Ι2t) can be selected via a common configuration parameter.
As the load on the switch depends on the current amplitude and duration of the actual switching action,
including arc deletion, determination of the start and end criteria is of great importance. The procedures ΣΙx,
2P and Ι2t make use of the same criteria for that purpose. The logic of the start and end criterion is illustrated
in Figure 2-141.
The start criterion is fulfilled by an internal protective tripping initiated by the group indication "device TRIP".
Trips initiated via the internal control function are taken into consideration for the circuit breaker maintenance
if the respective command is indicated via the parameter 265 Cmd.via control. An externally initiated trip
command can be taken into consideration if the message >52 Wear start is sent simultaneously via a
binary input. The edge of the sent message >52-a can also be used as a further criterion as this signals that
the mechanism of the circuit breaker is put in motion in order to separate the contacts.
As soon as the start criterion has been fulfilled, the parameterized opening time of the circuit breaker is
started. The time of commencement of separation of the circuit breaker contacts is thus determined. The end
of the trip procedure, including arc deletion is determined via another given parameter (CB tripping time)
supplied by the manufacturer of the circuit breaker.
In order to prevent an incorrect calculation procedure in case of circuit breaker failure, the current criterion
212 BkrClosed I MIN verifies whether the current actually returned to zero after two additional cycles.
When the phase-selective logic release is fulfilled by the current criterion, the calculation and evaluation
methods of the respective procedures are initiated. After these have been completed, the end criterion of the
circuit breaker maintenance is fulfilled and ready for a new initiation.
Please note that CB maintenance will be blocked if parameter settings are made incorrectly. This condition is
indicated by the message 52 WearSet.fail, 52WL.blk n PErr or 52WL.blk I PErr (see Section Setting Notes, “Power System Data 2”). The latter two indications can only take effect if the 2P-proce-
dure was configured.
[logik-lsw-start-endekriterium-170903-kn, 1, en_US]
Being a basic function, the ΣΙ-procedure is unaffected by the configuration and does not require any procedur-
especific settings. All tripping currents occurring 1½ periods after a protective trip, are summed up for each
phase. These tripping currents are r.m.s. values of the fundamental harmonic.
The interrupted current in each pole is determined for each trip signal. The interrupted fault current is indi-
cated in the fault messages and is added up with previously stored fault current values in the statistic-coun-
ters. Measured values are indicated in primary terms.
The ΣΙ method does not feature integrated threshold evaluation. But using CFC it is possible to implement a
threshold, which logically combines and evaluates the three summation currents via an OR operation. Once
the summation current exceeds the threshold, a corresponding message will be triggered.
While the ΣΙ-procedure is always enabled and active, use of the ΣIx-procedure depends on the CB maintenance
configuration. This procedure operates analogously to the ΣΙ-procedure. The differences relate to the involu-
tion of the tripping currents and their reference to the exponentiated rated operating current of the CB. Due to
the reference to Ιr x, the result is an approximation to the number of make-break operations specified by the
CB manufacturer. The displayed values can be interpreted as the number of trips at rated operational current
of the CB. They are displayed in the statistics values without unit and with two decimal places.
The tripping currents used for calculation are a result of the rms values of the fundamental harmonic, which is
recalculated each cycle.
If the start criterion is satisfied (as described in Section „General“), the r.m.s. values, which are relevant after
expiration of the opening time, are checked for each phase as to whether they comply with the current crite-
rion. If one of the values does not satisfy the criterion, its predecessor will be used instead for calculation. If no
r.m.s. value satisfies the criterion up to the predecessor of the starting point, which is marked by the start
criterion, a trip has taken place which only affects the mechanical lifetime of the breaker and is consequently
not detected by this procedure.
If the current criterion grants the logic release after the opening time has elapsed, the recent primary tripping
currents (Ιb) are involuted and related to the exponentiated rated operating current of the CB. These values
are then added to the existing statistic values of the ΣΙx-procedure. Subsequently, threshold comparison is
started using threshold ΣI^x> as well as the output of the new related summation tripping current powers. If
one of the new statistic values lies above the threshold, the message Threshold ΣI^x> is generated.
The application of the two-point procedure for the calculation of the remaining lifespan depends on the CMD
configuration. The data supplied by the CB manufacturer is transformed in such manner that, by means of
measuring the fault currents, a concrete statement can be made with regard to the still possible operating
cycles. The CB manufacturer's double-log operating cycle diagrams form the basis of the measured fault
currents at the time of contact separation. Determination of the fault currents is effected in accordance with
the method as described in the above section of the ΣΙx–procedure.
The three results of the calculated remaining lifetime are represented as statistic value. The results represent
the number of still possible trips, if the tripping takes place when the current reaches the rated operational
current. They are displayed without unit and without decimals.
As with the other procedures, a threshold logically combines the three “remaining lifetime results” via an OR
operation and evaluates them. It forms the “lower threshold”, since the remaining lifetime is decremented
with each trip by the corresponding number of operating cycles. If one of the three phase values drops below
the threshold, a corresponding message will be triggered.
A double-logarithmic diagram provided by the CB manufacturer illustrates the relationship of operating cycles
and tripping current (see example in Figure 2-142). This diagram allows the number of yet possible trips to be
determined (for tripping with equal tripping current). According to the example, approximately 1000 trips can
yet be carried out at a tripping current of 10 kA. The characteristic is determined by two vertices and their
connecting line. Point P1 is determined by the number of permitted operating cycles at rated operating
current Ιr, point P2 by the maximum number of operating cycles at rated fault tripping current Ιsc. The associ-
ated four values can be configured.
[lsw-2p-schaltspiel270404-he, 1, en_US]
As Figure 2-142 illustrates a double-log diagram, the straight line between P1 and P2 can be expressed by the
following exponential function:
n = b·Ιbm
where n is the number of operating cycles, b the operating cycles at Ιb = 1A, Ιb the tripping current, and m the
directional coefficient.
The general line equation for the double-logarithmic representation can be derived from the exponential func-
tion and leads to the coefficients b and m.
i Since a directional coefficient of m < -4 is technically irrelevant, but could theoretically be the result of
incorrect settings, it is limited to -4. If a coefficient is smaller than -4, the exponential function in the oper-
ating cycles diagram is deactivated. The maximum number of operating cycles with Ιsc (263 OP.CYCLES
Isc) is used instead as the calculation result for the current number of operating cycles, see Figure 2-143.
[2p-richtungskoeffizient-300104-he, 1, en_US]
If the current criterion described in the Section “General” grants the phase-selective logic release, the present
number of operating cycles is calculated based on the tripping currents determined when the CB operating
time on tripping has elapsed. They are set off against the remaining lifetime allowing the present statistic
values to be displayed and the evaluation to be started using the specified threshold. If one of the new values
lies above the threshold, the message Thresh.R.Endu.< is generated.
Three additional phase-selective statistic values are provided to determine the portion of purely mechanical
trips among the results of the remaining lifetime (e.g. for phase A: mechan.TRIP A=). They act as counters
which count only the trips whose tripping currents are below the value of the current criterion.
During the Ι2t-procedure the squared fault current integral occurring per trip is added up phase-selectively.
The integral is derived from the squared instantaneous values of the currents occurring during arc time of the
circuit breaker. This results in:
T CB arc = (parameter 266 T 52 BREAKTIME) – (parameter 267 T 52 OPENING).
The three sums of the calculated integrals are represented as statistic values referred to the squared device
nominal current (Ιnom2). As with the other procedures, a threshold logically combines the three sums via an OR
operation and evaluates them.
The calculated squared tripping currrent integrals are added to the existing statistic values. Subsequently,
threshold comparison is started using threshold ΣI^2t>, and the new statistic values are output. If one of the
values lies above the threshold, the message Thresh. ΣI^2t> is generated.
Usually, no measures are required for commissioning. However, should the protection device be exchanged
(e.g. old circuit breaker and a new protection device), the initial values of the respective limit or statistical
values must be determined via the switching statistics of the respective circuit breaker.
There are two different types of statistical motor data:
• Operational information and
• Startup information.
The statistical operational information contains the
• Total number of motor startups
• Total number of the motor operating hours (including startup conditions)
• Percentage of motor operating time and the total megawatt hours (if the device has a voltage trans-
For every motor startup
• The duration
• The startup current
• The startup voltage (if the device has a voltage transformer) are stored in the startup information.
Reading/Setting/Resetting Counters
The SIPROTEC 4 System Description provides a description of how to read out the statistical counters via the
device front panel or DIGSI. Setting or resetting of these statistical counters takes place under the menu item
MESSAGES —> STATISTICS by overwriting the counter values displayed.
The following setting values are important input values the subfunctions require in order to operate correctly:
The CB Tripping Time is a characteristic value provided by the manufacturer. It covers the entire tripping
process from the trip command (applying auxiliary power to the trip element of the circuit breaker) up to arc
extinction in all poles. The time is set at address 266 T 52 BREAKTIME.
The CB Operating Time T 52 OPENING is equally a characteristic value of the circuit breaker. It covers the
time span between the trip command (applying auxiliary power to the trip element of the circuit breaker) and
separation of CB contacts in all poles. It is entered at address 267 T 52 OPENING.
The following diagram illustrates the relationship between these CB times.
[ls-zeiten-120304-he, 1, en_US]
Current flow monitoring 212 BkrClosed I MIN, which some protective functions rely upon to detect a
closed CB, is used as the current zero criterion. It should be set with respect to the actually used device func-
tions (see also margin heading “Current Flow Monitoring (CB)” in Section Setting Notes.
Being the basic function of summation current formation, the ΣΙ-procedure is always active and does not
require any additional settings. This is irrespective of the configuration in address 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT.
This method does not offer integrated threshold evaluation. The latter could, however, be implemented using
Parameter 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT can be set to activate the ΣΙx procedure. In order to facilitate evaluating
the sum of all tripping current powers, the values are referred to the involuted CB rated operational current.
This value is indicated in the CB data at address 260 Ir-52 in the P.System Data 1 and can be set as
primary value. This reference allows the threshold of the ΣΙx procedure to correspond to the maximum
number of make-break operations. For a circuit breaker, whose contacts have not yet been worn, the
maximum number of make-break operations can be entered directly as threshold. The exponent for the invo-
lution of the rated operational current and of the tripping currents is set at address 264 Ix EXPONENT. To
meet different customer requirements, this exponent 264 Ix EXPONENT can be increased from 1.0 (default
setting = 2.0) to 3.0.
For the procedure to operate correctly, the time response of the circuit breaker must be specified in parame-
ters 266 T 52 BREAKTIME and 267 T 52 OPENING.
The summated values can be interpreted as the number of tripping operations at rated operational current of
the CB. They are displayed in the statistical values without unit and with two decimal places.
Parameter 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT can be set to activate the 2P procedure. An operating cycles diagram (see
sample diagram in the functional description of the 2P procedure), provided by the manufacturer, shows the
relationship of make-break operations and tripping current. The two vertices of this characteristic in a double
logarithmic scale are decisive for the setting of addresses 260 to 263:
Point P1 is determined by the number of permitted make-break operations (parameter 261 OP.CYCLES AT
Ir) for rated operational current Ιr (parameter 260 Ir-52)
Point P2 is determined by the maximum number of make-break operations (parameter 263 OP.CYCLES Isc)
for rated fault tripping current Ιsc (parameter 262 Isc-52).
For the procedure to operate correctly, the time response of the circuit breaker must be specified in parame-
ters 266 T 52 BREAKTIME and 267 T 52 OPENING.
The Ι2t-procedure is activated via configuration parameter 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT. The square fault current
integrals are referred to the squared device nominal current. For purposes of determining the arc time, the
device must be informed of the CB tripping time T 52 BREAKTIME as well as the CB opening time T 52
OPENING of the circuit breaker. For recognition of the last zero crossing (arc deletion) of the currents after
tripping, the “Current-zero” Criterion is required.
2.26.3 Measurement
A series of measured values and the values derived from them are constantly available for call up on site, or
for data transfer.
Except for secondary values, the device is able to indicate the primary values and percentages of the measured
A precondition correct display of the primary and percentage values is the complete and correct entry of the
nominal values for the instrument transformers and the protected equipment as well as current and voltage
transformer ratios in the ground paths when configuring the device. The following table shows the formulas
which are the basis for the conversion of secondary values to primary values and percentages.
Table 2-29 Conversion formulae between secondary values and primary/percentage values
VN VN sec.
Depending on the type of device ordered and the device connections, some of the operational measured
values listed below may not be available.
The phase–to–ground voltages are either measured directly, if the voltage inputs are connected phase–to–
ground, or they are calculated from the phase–to–phase voltages VA–B and VB–C and the displacement voltage
The displacement voltage VN is either measured directly or calculated from the phase-to-ground voltages:
[fo_verlagerungsspannungen, 1, en_US]
The ground current ΙN is either measured directly or calculated from the conductor currents.
[fo_erdstrom, 1, en_US]
Upon delivery, the power and operating values are set in such manner that power in line direction is positive.
Active components in line direction and inductive reactive components in line direction are also positive. The
same applies to the power factor cosϕ. It is occasionally desired to define the power drawn from the line (e.g.
as seen from the consumer) positively. Using parameter 1108 P,Q sign the signs for these components can
be inverted.
The calculation of the operational measured values is also performed during a fault. The values are updated in
intervals of > 0.3 s and < 1 s.
Long-Term Averages
The long-term averages of the three phase currents Ιx, the positive sequence components Ι1 for the three
phase currents, and the real power P, reactive power Q, and apparent power S are calculated within a set
period of time and indicated in primary values.
For the long-term averages mentioned above, the length of the time window for averaging and the frequency
with which it is updated can be set.
Average Calculation
The selection of the time period for measured value averaging is set with parameter 8301 DMD Interval in
the corresponding setting group from A to D under MEASUREMENT. The first number specifies the averaging
time window in minutes while the second number gives the frequency of updates within the time window. 15
Min., 3 Subs, for example, means: Time average is generated for all measured values with a window of 15
minutes. The output is updated every 15/3 = 5 minutes.
With address 8302 DMD Sync.Time, the starting time for the averaging window set under address 8301 is
determined. This setting specifies if the window should start on the hour (On The Hour) or 15 minutes later
(15 After Hour) or 30 minutes / 45 minutes after the hour (30 After Hour or 45 After Hour).
If the settings for averaging are changed, then the measured values stored in the buffer are deleted, and new
results for the average calculation are only available after the set time period has passed. Settings
Minimum and maximum values are calculated by the 7SJ66. Time and date of the last update of the values
can also be read out.
to take place (the minute of the day in which reset will take place) is set at address 8312 MiMa RESET TIME.
The reset cycle in days is entered at address 8313 MiMa RESETCYCLE, and the beginning date of the cyclical
process, from the time of the setting procedure (in days), is entered at address 8314 MinMaxRES.START. Settings
SIPROTEC 4 devices facilitate the setting of setpoints for some measured or metered values. Should any of
these setpoints be reached, exceeded or undershot during operation, the device issues a warning which is
indicated in the form of an operational message. This can be configured to LEDs and/or binary outputs, trans-
ferred via the ports and interconnected in DIGSI CFC. Additionally, DIGSI CFC can be used for the configuration
of set points for further measured and metered values and to allocate these via the DIGSI device matrix. In
contrast to the actual protection functions, the setpoints monitoring function operates in the background;
therefore it may not pick up if measured values are changed spontaneously in the event of a fault and if
protection functions are picked up. As a message is only issued upon multiple exceeding of the setpoints, such
setpoint monitoring does not react as fast as the trip signals of protection functions.
• This monitoring program works with multiple measurement repetitions and lower priority than the
protection functions. For that reason, in the event of a fault it may not respond to fast measured value
changes before protection functions are started and tripped. This monitoring program is not suitable for
blocking protection functions. Description
Setpoint Monitoring
Upon delivery, the following individual setpoint levels are configured:
• ΙAdmd>: Exceeding a preset maximum average value in Phase A.
Metered values for active and reactive energy are determined by the device. They can be called up at the front
of the device, read out via the operating interface using a PC with DIGSI, or transferred to a central master
station via the system interface.
capacitive and inductive. The measured-value resolution can be configured. The signs of the measured values
appear as configured in address 1108 P,Q sign (see Section “Display of Measured Values”). Settings
Device data sent to a central or master computer system during test mode or commissioning can be influ-
enced. There are tools for testing the system interface and the binary inputs and outputs of the device.
• Test Mode
• Commissioning
In order to be able to use the commissioning aids described in the following:
• The device needs a port..
• The device must be connected to a control center.
Depending on the type of protocol, all messages and measured values transferred to the central control
system can be identified with an added message "test operation"-bit while the device is being tested on site
(test mode). This identification prevents the messages from being incorrectly interpreted as resulting from an
actual power system disturbance or event. As another option, all messages and measured values normally
transferred via the system interface can be blocked during the testing ("block data transmission").
Data transmission block can be accomplished by controlling binary inputs, by using the operating panel on the
device, or with a PC and DIGSI via the operator interface.
The SIPROTEC 4 System Manual describes in detail how to activate and deactivate test mode and blocked data
The Web Monitor facilitates the display of parameters, data and measuring values for 7SJ66 devices during
installation or during operation. It uses Internet technology for this purpose. The display is effected by means
of a Web browser, e.g. the Internet Explorer.
The SIPROTEC Web Monitor provides a variety of comprehensive device functions, other available functions
are device-specific. For the 7SJ66, a phase diagram and an observation function for the illustration of synchro-
nization data are implemented as a specific functions. Apart from general information regarding installation,
this manual provides a description of specific functions of the SIPROTEC Web Monitor for 7SJ66. The general
functions are described in the Help file of the DIGSI-CD (as from DIGSI V4.87).
The Web Monitor runs on the operator PC and requires only standard software. The following software
programs / operating systems must be installed:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows XP,
Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows ME, and Microsoft Windows 98.
Internet browser: Netscape Communicator Version 4.7, Netscape Communicator as from Version 6.x or Micro-
soft Internet Explorer as from Version 5.0. Java must be installed and activated.
Web Monitor versions < V2.08 work with Java versions up to 6.xx. The Web Monitor version V2.09 supports
the Java version 7.xx and higher. General
During the commissioning phase, the device configuration created in the devices must be verified and their
functions be checked. The Web Monitor provides support during the basic and clear determination and
displaying of important measuring values.
Discrepancies in the wiring or the configuration can be quickly found and solved.
To run the Web Monitor, a link from the operator PC to the protection device via its front and rear operator
interface (service interface) is necessary. An Internet browser must be installed on the operator PC (see para-
graph on system requirements). DIGSI 4 is usually also installed on the operator PC.
Please note that it must be ensured that DIGSI 4 and the Web Monitor do not use the same operator interface
at the same time. A simultaneous access would lead to data collisions. This means that either DIGSI 4 OR the
Web-Monitor can use a device interface. Before the Web Monitor is started, DIGSI 4 must be exited or at least
the settings and allocations in DIGSI 4 must have been finalized. It is possible to simultaneously operate DIGSI
4 at the front operator interface via a port of the operator PC and the Web Monitor at the rear operating inter-
face via another port of the operating PC.
The Web Monitor consists of HTML pages and the Java-Applets contained therein, which are stored in the
7SJ66 SIPROTEC 4 device in EEPROM. It forms an integral part of the SIPROTEC 4 device firmware and there-
fore does not need to be installed separately. All that needs to be created on the operator PC is a longdistance
data transmission network used for selection and communication. After the link has been successfully estab-
lished through the data transmission network, the browser is started and the TCP-IP address of the protection
device is entered. The server address of the device, which is its homepage address, is transmitted to the
browser and displayed as an HTML page. This TCP-IP address is set at the front and service interface using
DIGSI 4, or directly on the device using the integrated operator interface.
i It is only possible to monitor this process. Control of the process through the data transmission link is only
possible after a control feature has been set up and established. A parameter can be modified either
directly on the device or with DIGSI 4 in such manner that the device control feature contained in the Web
Monitor also permits the input of numerical values. Thereafter, the Web Monitor parameters can be modi-
fied which are normally set only directly on the device, because passwords can now be entered from the
keyboard. Functions
Basic Functionality
Basic functionality means the functions that are generally available, i.e. not device-dependent.
These comprise:
• Device Control
• Messages
• Measurement Overview
• Synchronization tools
• Phasor Diagram
The above figure of the device operation view shows a device connected through the data transmission link
with its control (keyboard) and display elements (display, LEDs, inscriptions). The device can be operated with
the keys shown in the display in the same way as with the sealed keypad on the device.
It is recommended to block the control via the Web Monitor. This can be achieved by setting "Read Only"-
access for the interface via which the Web browser accesses the device. This parameter can be accessed in
DIGSI via "Interfaces - Operator Interface on Device" (for access via serial interface) or via "Interfaces - Ethernet
on Device" (for access via the Ethernet interface, see the following figure).
[sc_einstell-bedienberecht-webmon, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-146 Setting the Web Monitor authorization for access via Ethernet interface
As an example for the basic functionality, the figure below shows messages of the event log of the device in
the form of a list. These messages are displayed with their short text stored in the device.
[web-betriebsmeldung-040402-ro, 1, en_US]
Device-specific Functionality
Apart from the general basic functionality, the Web Monitor contains the synchronization function for the
7SJ66. The following information can therefore be displayed via the Web Monitor.
The synchronisation function includes the following views:
• Synchronization range
The synchronisation ranges are displayed in a coordinate system. The X axis shows the frequency and the
Y axis the voltage.
• Synchronoscope
The synchronoscope is dynamically visualized by three diagrams showing respectively the difference
angle, the difference voltages and the difference frequency.
• Synchronous systems
Synchronous networks are visualized by a pie chart and the current measured values.
The figure below shows an example of the synchronoscope with selection list, pie/bar chart and the current
measured values.
[web-synchronoskop-040513-ro, 1, en_US]
All currently parameterized functions are shown in a list. An LED icon shows the current status of the selected
group: bright green (ON) for active, and dark green (OFF) for inactive. For an inactive function group, only the
parameter settings are shown, whereas for an active function group the current measured values are
displayed as well. On startup, the first active function group found is displayed automatically. All measured
values are read out directly in the device – about every 100 ms – and visualized in tables or diagrams.
The Web Monitor works in the following operating modes between the operator PC and the SIPROTEC 4
For more information of the basic functionality, the installation and the operating system-specific configura-
tion, please refer to the Web-Monitor online help provided on the DIGSI DVD.
i No access has no effect yet, i.e. the user also has full access in this case. See Figure 2-146 on that.
With the help of the Web Monitor, a clear represenation of the most important measurement data of the
device can be achieved. The measurement values can be called via the navigation bar. A list with the desired
information appears (see the following figure)
[webmon-primaer-mess-wlk-040427, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-149 Measured values in the Web Monitor - examples for measured values
The currents, voltages and their phase angles derived from the primary and secondary measured values are
graphically displayed as phasor diagrams (see Figure 2-146). In addition to phasor diagrams of the measured
values, the numerical values as well as frequency and device address are indicated.
[webmon-messwertprim-zeig-wlk-040429, 1, en_US]
The following types of messages can be retrieved and displayed with the Web Monitor:
• Operational messages (buffer: event log)
• Spontaneous messages
• Fault Records
You can print these lists with the “Print event buffer” button.
• For some applications there is only one voltage transformer on the primary voltage side. Usually it is a
phase voltage. However, it may also be a phase-to-phase voltage. Via configuration the device may be
adapted for such an application.
2.27.1 Connection
The device may optionally be supplied with a phase-to-ground voltage (e.g. VA–N) or a phase-to-phase voltage
(e.g. VAB). The connection mode has been specified during the configuration (see Subsection Setting
Notes) in address 240 VT Connect. 1ph. The following figure shows a connection example. Further exam-
ples can be found in the Appendix C Connection Examples.
Figure 2-151 Connection example of a single-phase voltage transformer for 7SJ66 with phase-to-ground
voltage VC–N
When a device is operated by only one voltage transformer, this will have an impact on several device func-
tions. The ones affected are described in the following. Furthermore, this type of connection is dealt with in
the functional descriptions. Functions not mentioned in the following are not affected by this type of connec-
The synchronization function can be applied without any restrictions. Connection examples are shown in the
following figure and in the Appendix, C Connection Examples.
Figure 2-152 Connection example of a single-phase voltage transformer for 7SJ66 (phase-to-ground
If the phases of voltages V1 and V2 differ, phase displacement may be adjusted in address 6122 ANGLE
Fault Locator
If the device is connected to only one voltage transformer, this function is disabled and hidden.
Monitoring Functions
Voltage-measuring monitoring functions such as "Voltage symmetry" and "Fuse-Failure-Monitor" cannot be
applied. They are set inactive and are hidden.
Voltage Connection
Address 240 VT Connect. 1ph is set to ensure that only one voltage transformer is connected to the device
and to define the type of voltage transformer connected to it. Thus, the user specifies which primary voltage is
connected to which analog input. If one of the voltages offered is selected, i.e. a setting unequal NO, setting of
address 213 for multiple-phase connection is no more relevant. Only address 240 is to be set.
For 7SJ66 with single-phase voltage transformer connection, the voltage connected to voltage input V4 is
always used for synchronization.
In a system with a primary nominal voltage of 138 kV and a secondary nominal voltage of 115 V, single-phase
voltage VA–N is connected (see Figure 2-153).
Threshold values for voltage protection are set as follows:
Overvoltage 59-1: to 120 % VNom
Undervoltage 27-1: to 60 % VNom
[fo_einstellbeispiel-einphas-anschluss, 1, en_US]
• Remote control via network control center or substation controller (e.g. SICAM)
In devices with integrated or detached operator panel, switchgear can be controlled via the operator panel of
the device. In addition, control can be executed via the operator interface using a personal computer and via
the serial interface with a link to the substation control equipment.
The number of switchgear devices to be controlled is limited by the
binary inputs present
binary outputs present
The navigation keys ▲, ▼, ◀, ▶ are used to select the desired device in the Control Display. The I key or the O
key is then pressed to convey the intended control command.
Consequently, the switch icon in the control display flashes in setpoint direction. At the lower display edge,
the user is requested to confirm the switching operation via the ENTER key. Thereafter a query for security
reasons appears. After the security check is completed, the ENTER key must be pressed again to carry out the
command. If this confirmation is not performed within one minute, the setpoint flashing changes again to the
corresponding actual status. Cancellation via the ESC key is possible at any time before the control command
is issued.
During normal processing, the control display indicates the new actual status after the control command was
executed and the message command end appears at the lower display edge. In case of control commands
with feedback, the message FB reached is displayed for a short time before this.
If the attempted command fails, because an interlocking condition is not met, an error message appears in the
display. The message indicates why the control command was not accepted (see also SIPROTEC 4 System
Description). This message must be acknowledged with ENTER before any further control commands can be
In conjunction with the power system control several command types can be distinguished for the device:
• Set-point commands with configurable time settings, e.g. to control Petersen coils
• Tagging commands (for "setting") of the information value of internal objects, for example switching
authority (remote/local), settings group switching, data transmission block and deleting/presetting
metered values.
• Acknowledgment and resetting commands for setting and resetting internal buffers or data states.
• Information status command to set/reset the additional information "information status" of a process
object, such as:
– Input blocking
– Output blocking
Safety mechanisms in the command sequence ensure that a command can only be released after a thorough
check of preset criteria has been successfully concluded. Standard Interlocking checks are provided for each
individual control command. Additionally, user-defined interlocking conditions can be programmed separately
for each command. The actual execution of the command is also monitored afterwards. The overall command
task procedure is described in brief in the following list:
Check Sequence
Please observe the following:
• Command Entry, e.g. using the keypad on the local user interface of the device
– Check Password → Access Rights
– Check Switching Mode (interlocking activated/deactivated) → Selection of Deactivated interlocking
Recognition. Description
Interlocking checks in a SICAM / SIPROTEC 4 system are normally divided in the following groups:
• System interlocking relies on the system data base in the substation or central control system.
• Bay interlocking relies on the object data base (feedbacks) of the bay unit.
• Cross-bay interlocking via GOOSE messages directly between bay units and protection relays with
The extent of the interlocking checks is determined by the configuration of the relay. To obtain more informa-
tion about GOOSE, please refer to the SIPROTEC 4 System Description.
Switching objects that require system interlocking in a central control system are assigned to a specific param-
eter inside the bay unit (via configuration matrix).
For all commands, operation with interlocking (normal mode) or without interlocking (Interlocking OFF) can
be selected:
• For local commands, by activation of "Normal/Test"-key switch,
• For automatic commands, via command processing. by CFC and deactivated interlocking recognition,
The "plus" appearing in the message is a confirmation of the command execution. The command execution
was as expected, in other words positive. The minus sign means a negative confirmation, the command was
rejected. Possible command feedbacks and their causes are dealt with in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description.
The following figure shows operational indications relating to command execution and operation response
information for successful switching of the circuit breaker.
The check of interlocking can be programmed separately for all switching devices and tags that were set with
a tagging command. Other internal commands such as manual entry or abort are not checked, i.e. carried out
independent of the interlocking.
[dw_display_LS-betriebsmeldung, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-154 Example of an operational annunciation for switching circuit breaker 52 (Q0)
• System Interlocking: To check the power system interlocking, a local command is transmitted to the
central unit with Switching Authority = LOCAL. A switching device that is subject to system interlocking
cannot be switched by DIGSI.
• Zone Controlled / Bay Interlocking: Logic links in the device which were created via CFC are interrogated
and considered during interlocked switching.
• Blocking by Protection: Switch-ON commands are rejected with interlocked switches, as soon as one of
the protection functions of the unit has opened a fault case. The OPEN-command, by contrast, can
always be executed. Please be aware, activation of thermal overload protection elements or sensitive
ground fault detection can create and maintain a fault condition status, and can therefore block CLOSE
If the interlocking is removed, consider that, on the other hand, the restart inhibit for motors will not
automatically reject a CLOSE command to the motor. Therefore, a restart inhibit must be provided by
other means, e.g. by a bay interlocking using CFC.
• Double Operation Block: Parallel switching operations are interlocked against one another; while one
command is processed, a second cannot be carried out.
• Switching Authority LOCAL: A control command from the user interface of the device (command with
command source LOCAL) is only allowed if the Key Switch (for devices without key switch by configura-
tion) is set to LOCAL.
• Switching Authority DIGSI: Switching commands that are issued locally or remotely via DIGSI (command
with command source DIGSI) are only allowed if remote control is admissible for the device (for devices
without key switch by configuration). If a DIGSI-PC communicates with the device, it deposits here its
virtual device number (VD). Only commands with this VD (when Switching Authority = REMOTE) will be
accepted by the device. Remote switching commands will be rejected.
• Switching Authority REMOTE: A remote control command (command with command source REMOTE) is
only allowed if the Key Switch (for devices without key switch via configuration) is set to REMOTE.
[dw_schutz-standardverriegelungen, 1, en_US]
The following figure shows the configuration of the interlocking conditions using DIGSI.
[sc_objekteigenschaft_verriegelungsbeding, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-156 DIGSI dialog box for setting the interlocking conditions
On devices with operator panel, the display shows the configured interlocking reasons. They are marked with
letters explained in the following table.
The following figure shows all interlocking conditions (which usually appear in the display of the device) for
three switchgear items with the relevant abbreviations explained in the previous table. All parameterized
interlocking conditions are indicated.
[verriegelungsbed-020315-wlk, 1, en_US]
The object "Switching Authority" serves to interlock or enable LOCAL control, but not REMOTE or DIGSI
commands. The switching authority can be changed between "REMOTE" and "LOCAL" in the operator panel
after having entered the password or by means of CFC also via binary input and function key.
The "Switching authority DIGSI" is used for interlocking and allows commands to be initiated using DIGSI.
Commands are allowed for both a remote and a local DIGSI connection. When a (local or remote) DIGSI PC
logs on to the device, it enters its Virtual Device Number (VD). The device only accepts commands having that
VD (with switching authority = OFF or REMOTE). When the DIGSI PC logs off, the VD is cancelled.
Commands are checked for their source SC and the device settings, and compared to the information set in
the objects "Switching authority" and "Switching authority DIGSI".
Current Switching Command Issued with Command Issued from Command issued from
Authority Status
LOCAL not Allowed Interlocked 2) - "switching Interlocked "DIGSI not
registered authority LOCAL" registered"
LOCAL Checked Allowed Interlocked 2) - "switching Interlocked 2) - "switching
authority LOCAL" authority LOCAL"
REMOTE Not checked Interlocked 1) - "switching Allowed Interlocked "DIGSI not
authority REMOTE" registered"
REMOTE Checked Interlocked 1) - "switching Interlocked 2) - "switching Allowed
authority DIGSI" authority DIGSI"
1) also "Allowed" for: ”switching authority LOCAL (check for Local status): is not marked
2) also "Allowed" for: ”Switching authority REMOTE (check for LOCAL, REMOTE, or DIGSI status): is not marked"
3) SC= Source of command
SC = Auto SICAM:
Commands that are initiated internally (command processing in the CFC) are not subject to switching
authority and are therefore always "allowed".
System Interlocking
Substation Controller (System interlocking) involves switchgear conditions of other bays evaluated by a central
control system.
Blocking by Protection
The pickup of protective elements blocks switching operations. Protective elements are configured, separately
for each switching component, to block specific switching commands sent in CLOSE and TRIP direction.
When enabled, "Block CLOSE commands" blocks CLOSE commands, whereas "Block TRIP commands" blocks
TRIP signals. Switching operations in progress will immediately be aborted by the pickup of a protective
Bypassing Interlockings
Bypassing configured interlockings at the time of the switching action happens device-internal via interlocking
recognition in the command job or globally via so-called switching modes.
– The switching modes "interlocked (latched)" or "non-interlocked (unlatched)" can be set in devices
with a housing of size 1/2- or 1/1 via the key switch. The position "Interlocking OFF" corresponds to
non-interlocked switching and serves the special purpose of unlocking the standard interlocks. For
devices in a housing of size 1/3, the switching mode can be changed between "interlocked (latched)"
and "non-interlocked (unlatched)" on the operator panel after having entered the password or, by
means of CFC, also via binary input and function key.
During the processing of the commands, independent of the further message routing and processing,
command and process feedback information are sent to the message processing center. These messages
contain information on the cause. With the corresponding allocation (configuration) these messages are
entered in the event list, thus serving as a report.
A listing of possible operating messages and their meaning as well as the command types needed for tripping
and closing of the switchgear or for raising and lowering of transformer taps are described in the SIPROTEC 4
System Description.
2.29 Communication
2.29.1 General
• Modbus
Preparing DIGSI 4
Before setting the parameters, make sure that the device catalog of your DIGSI 4 parameterization software
contains the device of the required version whose parameters need to be set. If the device of the required
version is not contained, you must obtain and install the correct device driver.
[sc_DeviceMLFB, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-158 Settings According to the Order Number (MLFB) of the Device
[sc_SelectSystemInterface, 1, en_US]
i For 7SJ66 devices with other Ethernet protocols or with other order options, the order number can be
[sc_ComParameterSetting, 1, en_US]
Manual Changes
You can change network settings manually with the Manual change button. If the devices are not set with
the station configurator or are not used in such a parameterized station network, the manual change mode is
If an SCD file is created or imported, addresses set for the system interface are reassigned. Then the addresses
are assigned as part of the network parameterization and overwrite the individual settings.
i If you change the edition of a device or station to edition 2, the setting can no longer be changed. Siemens
recommends archiving the DIGSI 4 project before changing the edition.
i You can add the SIPROTEC device to the station only if the device has the same or a lower edition as the
i After you change parameters, close and save the device. Otherwise there will be no ICD file (a mapping of
the device in a standard-compliant file) generated. An ICD file is required for further work with the device
in the IEC 61850 system configurator.
Configure the ICD file in accordance with the edition settings.
[sc_TimeSyncEthernetSNTP, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-161 Time Synchronization Setting via Ethernet and SNTP Server
[sc_SettingOperatingMode, 1, en_US]
You can set the operating mode to Line or Switch. The operating mode Switch corresponds to the function-
ality of a switch with 3 ports. One port is linked directly to the device and the other 2 ports are used to form a
ring structure. You can find more information in 2.29.6 Integration into Networks.
[sc_SettingRedundancyType, 1, en_US]
i The RSTP parameter settings must be changed only if it is necessary. Otherwise, you can use the recom-
mended settings in Figure 2-164. The DIGSI 4 default settings are the same as those of the devices with the
latest device drivers. You can find more information in 2.29.6 Integration into Networks and 2.29.8 Addi-
tional Information.
[sc_RecommendedSettingRSTPParametersDIGSI4, 1, en_US]
[sc_RecommendedSettingCostStyleCooperationSIP5, 1, en_US]
i Even when no parameters have been changed, you must close and save all device parameters. Otherwise,
the parameter set will not be generated for 7SJ66. Overview
The 7SJ66 device supports all the following security requirements related to HTTPS:
• The secured HTTPS protocol is used for accessing the Web UI of the 7SJ66 device by default. The unse-
cured HTTP access is supported only after you modify the configuration.
• The Web server only supports connection requests with the cryptographic protocols TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.
Due to security reasons, older versions of the TLS protocol are not supported.
• Only high-strength cipher suites (key length of 128 bits) are supported. Medium-strength cipher suites
(key length < 128 bits) are not supported.
• A TLS certificate (self-signed certificate) is used. The certificate is generated in the 7SJ66 device itself but
not signed or confirmed by a certificate authority. When the Web server offers an untrusted certificate to
the device, all browsers display a corresponding message. Due to the authentication scheme used by
browsers, Siemens does not provide certificates to be used for HTTPS with browsers (for example, during
manufacturing of the modules). During the installation, you can determine the DNS name or IP address
of the device system port as the part of the signed certificate. Therefore, after you set the IP address, the
device generates a self-signed certificate. The self-signed certificate is trusted by all clients used to access
the device in a secured way.
You can find recommendations for trusting self-signed certificates via Cyber Security General Down-
loads -> Application Notes in http://www.siemens.com/gridsecurity.
• After the certificate is linked to the IP address of the device, it is regenerated with each change of the IP
Starting with DIGSI 4 V4.92 and 7SJ66 firmware version V4.31, the IP-based communication of the devices is
secured with the DTLS protocol. The DTLS protocol runs on the top of UDP. Once the DTLS protocol handshake
between DIGSI 4 and the device is completed, the authentication, integrity, and confidentiality protection are
added to the UDP communication.
After the secure session is confirmed and the DIGSI 4 connection password (see detailed information in Configuration via User Interface) is verified by 7SJ66 device, the further communication is identical
to the previous versions of 7SJ66 and DIGSI 4.
Disable Ports
When the 7SJ66 firmware is delivered, the HTTPS port is activated and the unsecured HTTP port is closed. You
can find detailed information in Secure TCP/UDP Ports Used.
Password Description
DIGSI 4 Connection Password to connect a 7SJ66 device with DIGSI 4 via Ethernet
The password must contain 8 to 24 ASCII-characters and must include at least the following characters:
• 1 uppercase letter (A-Z)
• 1 lowercase letter (a-z)
• 1 digit (0-9)
i The password does not have a default value at the device delivery. Siemens recommends setting passwords
during the commissioning of the device.
The password protects against unauthorized access to the device.
The DIGSI 4 connection password can be set and changed only through device Web UI.
[sc_WebServerSettingsDIGSI4V4.92Higher, 1, en_US]
Figure 2-166 Web Server Settings for DIGSI 4 V4.92 and Higher
For DIGSI 4 before V4.92, the setting Web server (HTTP) or Web server (HTTPS) only enables Web
access via HTTPS for 7SJ66 from V4.31.
The setting Web server (HTTP) enables Web access via HTTP for 7SJ66 before V4.31.
The setting Web server (HTTPS) does not work for 7SJ66 before V4.31.
[sc_WebServerSettingsDIGSI4BeforeV4.92, 1, en_US]
Initialization of Passwords
During the commissioning, you can set the password for DIGSI 4 connection (https://IP-address/setconnection-
password) via Web UI.
[sc_SetDIGSI4ConnectionPassword, 1, en_US]
Changing Passwords
When you have the correct current password, you can change the password for DIGSI 4 connection (https://IP-
address/setconnectionpassword) via Web UI.
[sc_ChangeDIGSI4ConnectionPassword, 1, en_US]
Resetting Passwords
The DIGSI 4 connection password can be reset via the device HMI menu.
[sc_ResetDIGSI4ConnectionPassword, 1, en_US]
i Resetting the DIGSI 4 connection password via Web monitor is not supported.
i If the 7SJ66 firmware V4.31 works together with the parameter set V4.31, the DTLS secure connection is
If the firmware version or the parameter set version is lower than V4.31, the DTLS secure connection is
For further information about the setting on IEC 61850 station in DIGSI, refer to the chapter 3.4 in Ethernet
Module EN100 for IEC 61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface /6/ Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC
61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface, Manual
For further information about the IEC 61850 system configurator, refer to the chapter 3.5 in Ethernet Module
EN100 for IEC 61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface /6/ Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC 61850 with
electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface, Manual
For further information about the integration into networks, refer to the chapter 4 in Ethernet Module EN100
for IEC 61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface /6/ Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC 61850 with elec-
trical/optical 100 MBit Interface, Manual
i 7SJ66 does not have an EN100 module. Therefore, there is no need to consider the EN100 hardware
7SJ66 does not support the HSR protocol.
2.29.7 Parameterization
For further information about the parameterization, refer to the chapter 5 in Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC
61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface /6/ Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC 61850 with electrical/
optical 100 MBit Interface, Manual
For further information about the additional information, refer to the chapter 6 in Ethernet Module EN100 for
IEC 61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface /6/ Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC 61850 with electrical/
optical 100 MBit Interface, Manual
i Compared with the EN100 module, the 7SJ66 device does not support the firmware update via Web UI.
This chapter is intended for experienced commissioning staff. The staff must be familiar with the commis-
sioning of protection and control systems, with the management of power systems and with the relevant
safety rules and guidelines. Hardware modifications that might be needed in certain cases are explained. The
primary tests require the protected object (line, transformer, etc.) to carry load.
3.1 Mounting and Connections 386
3.2 Checking Connections 407
3.3 Commissioning 410
3.4 Final Preparation of the Device 428
Warning of improper transport, storage, installation or assembly of the device.
Failure to observe these precautions can result in death, personal injury, or serious material damage.
² Trouble-free and safe use of this device depends on proper transport, storage, installation, and
assembly of the device according to the warnings in this device manual.
² Of particular importance are the general installation and safety regulations for work in a high-voltage
environment (for example, ANSI, IEC, EN, DIN, or other national and international regulations). These
regulations must be observed.
For installation and connections the following conditions must be met:
The rated device data have been checked as recommended in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description. It has been
verified that these data comply with the power system data.
General Diagrams
General diagrams for the 7SJ66 device range are shown in Appendix B Terminal Assignments. Connection
examples for current and voltage transformer circuits are provided in Appendix C Connection Examples. It
must be checked that the setting configuration of the Power System Data1 (Section Setting Notes)
corresponds with the connections.
If there is only one voltage transformer on the system side, wiring is performed according to examples on
single-phase connection. For this case, address 240 VT Connect. 1ph in the P.System Data 1 specifies
to the device which primary voltage is connected to which analog input.
In case of single-phase voltage transformer connection the voltage connected to voltage input V4 is always
interpreted as the voltage which is to be synchronized.
• The control signals must be permanently active so that the selected setting group is and remains active.
The following table shows the allocation of the binary inputs to the setting groups A to D and a simplified
connection diagram for the two binary inputs is illustrated in the following figure. The figure illustrates an
example in which both Set Group Bits 0 and 1 are configured to be controlled (actuated) when the associated
binary input is energized (high).
no = not energized or not connected
yes = energized
Figure 3-1 Connection Diagram (example) for Setting Group Switching Using Binary Inputs
[prinzip-ausloesekreisueberwachung-1-binein-150502-kn, 1, en_US]
This results in an upper limit for the resistance dimension, Rmax , and a lower limit Rmin, from which the optimal
value of the arithmetic mean R should be selected:
[fo_mittelwert-r, 1, en_US]
In order that the minimum voltage for controlling the binary input is ensured, Rmax is derived as:
[fo_rmax, 1, en_US]
So the circuit breaker trip coil does not remain energized in the above case, Rmin is derived as:
[fo_rmin, 1, en_US]
If the calculation results in Rmax < Rmin, the calculation must be repeated, with the next lowest switching
threshold VBI min, and this threshold must be implemented in the relay using plug-in jumpers (see Section
“Hardware Modifications”).
For the power consumption of the resistance:
[fo_leistungvon-r, 1, en_US]
[fo_Rmax, 1, en_US]
[fo_Rmin, 1, en_US]
[fo_R, 1, en_US]
[fo_PR, 1, en_US] General
Hardware modifications concerning, for instance, rated currents, the control voltage for binary inputs or termi-
nation of serial interfaces might be necessary. The following procedures in this section describe these hard-
ware modifications.
Auxiliary Voltage
There are different power supply voltage ranges for the auxiliary voltage available (refer to the Ordering Infor-
mation in Appendix A Ordering Information and Accessories). The power supplies of the variants for DC
110/220 V and AC 220 V.
Nominal Currents
The input transformers of the devices are set to a nominal current of 1 A or 5 A with jumpers. The assignment
of the plug-in jumpers to the nominal current and the spatial arrangement of the jumpers are described sepa-
rately in the following sections.
Jumpers of current transformers, X1, X2 and X3 must be set for the same rated current, i.e. there must be one
jumper for each input transformer, and the common jumper X 14.
With standard 1A/5 A transformer jumper X4 for the ground path is set to 1 A or 5 A irrespective of other
jumper positions and depending on the ordered variant.
With models equipped with a sensitive ground fault current input of setting range 0.002 to 1.500 A, jumper
X4 is positioned as 1 A.
i If nominal current ratings are changed exceptionally, then the new ratings must be registered via the
parameters 205 CT SECONDARY /218 Ignd-CT SEC in the Power System Data (see Section Setting Notes).
i If binary inputs are used for trip circuit monitoring, please note that two binary inputs (or one binary input
and one replacement resistor) must be connected in series. The switching threshold must lie significantly
below half the nominal voltage.
Exchanging Interfaces
The serial interface can only be replaced in devices designed for panel and cubicle flush mounting and for
surface-mounted devices with detached or without operator panel. The following section under margin
heading “Rreplacing Interface Modules” describes which interfaces can be exchanged, and how this is done.
Spare Parts
Spare parts can be the buffer battery that provides for storage of the data in the battery-buffered RAM when
the supply voltage fails, and the miniature fuse of the internal power supply. Their physical arrangement is
shown in the figures of the processor boards. The ratings of the fuse are printed on the board next to the fuse.
When exchanging the fuse, please observe the hints given in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description under “Main-
tenance” and “Corrective Action / Repairs”.
Disposal of Old Equipment and Batteries (Applicable only for European Union and Countries with a Recycling
The disposal of our products and possible recycling of their components after decommissioning has to be
carried out by an accredited recycling company, or the products/components must be taken to applicable
collection points. Such disposal activities must comply with all local laws, guidelines and environmental speci-
fications of the country in which the disposal is done. For the European Union the sustainable disposal of elec-
tronic scrap is defined in the respective regulation for "waste electrical and electronic equipment" (WEEE).
The crossed-out wheelie bin on the products, packaging and/or accompanying documents means
that used electrical and electronic products and batteries must not be mixed with normal house-
hold waste.
According to national legislation, penalties may be charged for incorrect disposal of such
By disposing of these products correctly you will help to save valuable resources and prevent any potential
negative effects on human health and the environment.
i Our products and batteries must not be disposed of as household waste. For disposing batteries it is neces-
sary to observe the local national/international directives.
Disposal of Mobile Storage Devices (e.g. USB Sticks and Memory Cards)
When disposing of/transferring mobile storage devices, using the format or delete functions only changes the
file management information and does not completely delete the data from your mobile storage device. When
disposing of or transferring a mobile storage device, Siemens strongly recommends physically destroying it or
completely deleting data from the mobile storage device by using a commercially available computer data
erasing software.
REACH/RoHS Declaration
You can find our current REACH/RoHS declarations at:
i You can find more information about activities and programs to protect the climate at the EcoTransparency
https://www.siemens.com/global/en/home/products/energy/ecotransparency.html Disassembly
i Before carrying out the following steps, make sure that the device is not operative.
Caution when changing jumper settings that affect nominal values of the device
As a consequence, the ordering number (MLFB) and the ratings that are stated on the nameplate do
no longer match the actual device properties.
² If such changes are necessary, the changes should be clearly and fully noted on the device. Self adhe-
sive stickers are available that can be used as replacement nameplates.
To perform work on the printed circuit boards, such as checking or moving switching elements or exchanging
modules, proceed as follows:
• Prepare working area. Provide a grounded mat for protecting components subject against damage from
electrostatic discharges (ESD). The following equipment is needed:
– screwdriver with a 5 to 6 mm wide tip,
– a Philips screwdriver size 1,
– 5 mm socket or nut driver.
• Unfasten the screw-posts of the current terminal connectors on the back panel.
• Remove the four caps on the front cover and loosen the screws that become accessible.
Mind electrostatic discharges
Non–observance can result in minor personal injury or material damage.
² When working on plug connectors, electrostatic discharges must be avoided by previously touching a
grounded metal part.
² Do not plug or withdraw interface connections under power!
• Disconnect the ribbon cables between the CPU unit and the input/output printed circuit boards I/O.
• Remove the boards and set them on the grounded mat to protect them from ESD damage.
• Check the jumpers according to the following information. Change or remove the jumpers if necessary.
Figure 3-3 Front View of 7SJ661/2 with Housing Size 1/3 after Removal of the Front Cover (Simplified and
Scaled Down)
Figure 3-4 Front View of 7SJ663 with Housing Size 1/2 after Removal of the Front Cover (Simplified and
Scaled Down)
The layout of the binary input board of the 7SJ661/2 is illustrated in the following figure.
Table 3-2 Jumper Settings for Pickup Voltage of Binary Inputs BI1 to BI16 (7SJ661/2)
Jumper 1A 5A Notes
Protection CT X1-X3, X14 1A 5A Ia,Ib,Ic,X14 are
common jumpers
X4 and X15 1A 5A in, CT
The settings of jumpers X1, X2 and X3 must be same. That is, each jumper of CT must be in the same position.
The common jumper is X14.
The ground CT is not related to the other jumpers. It's set to 1 A or 5 A according to the MLFB and can be
changed via jumper X4.
If the device has a sensitive ground current transformer (INs), the current input range is from 0.001 to 1.600
A. The jumper is fixed at 1 A.
• The settings of the jumpers X11, X12 and X13 must be same.
Table 3-5 Jumper Settings for the Pickup Voltages of the Binary Inputs BI17 to BI22 (7SJ662)
Table 3-6 Jumper Settings for BO (Terminal J11 J12 can Change between NO and NC)
Jumper X7-X8 X8-X9
Table 3-7 Jumper Settings for the Pickup Voltages of the Binary Inputs with the Housing Size 1/2 BIO
8 Default Setting
9 Default Setting (no use of termination resistor)
10 Default Setting
11 Default Setting (no use of termination resistor)
12 Default Setting (no use of termination resistor)
13 Default Setting (no use of termination resistor) Reassembly
To reassemble the device, proceed as follows:
• Carefully insert the boards into the case.
• First plug the plug connectors of the ribbon cable into the input/output boards I/O and then onto the
processor module CPU. Do not bend any connector pins! Do not use force!
• Insert the plug connector of the ribbon cable between the processor module CPU and the front cover into
the socket of the front cover.
• Replace the front cover and secure to the housing with the screws.
3.1.3 Installation
• Insert the device into the panel cut-out and fasten it with 4 screws. For dimensions refer to Section
4.29 Dimensions.
• Tighten the mounting brackets to the rack or cubicle using eight screws.
• Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the panel using at least
one M4 screw. The cross-sectional area of the ground wire must be equal to the cross-sectional area of
any other control conductor connected to the device. The cross-section of the ground wire must be at
least 2.5 mm2.
• Connections are realized via the plug or screw terminals on the rear side of the device according to the
circuit diagram. When using forked lugs for screw terminals or in case of direct connections, the screws
must be screwed in so far that the screw heads align with the terminal block before inserting the lugs
and wires. A ring lug must be centered in the connection chamber in such a way that the screw thread
fits in the hole of the lug. The SIPROTEC System Description provides information regarding maximum
wire size, torque, bending radius and cable relief and must be observed.
• Remove the 4 covers at the corners of the front cover. Thus the 4 respectively elongated holes in the
mounting flange are revealed and can be accessed.
• Tighten the mounting brackets to the rack or cubicle using eight screws.
• Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the panel. Using at least
one M4 screw. The cross-section of the cable used must correspond to the maximum connected cross-
section but must be at least 2.5 mm2 / 0.098 in2.
• Connections are realized via the plug or screw terminals on the rear side of the device according to the
circuit diagram. When using forked lugs for screw terminals or in case of direct connections, the screws
must be screwed in so far that the screw heads align with the terminal block before inserting the lugs
and wires. A ring lug must be centered in the connection chamber in such a way that the screw thread
fits in the hole of the lug. The SIPROTEC 4 System Description provides information regarding maximum
wire size, torque, bending radius and cable relief and must be observed.
Pin Assignments
The following tables illustrate the pin assignments of the communication interface and the time synchroniza-
tion interface. The position of the connections can be seen in the following figure.
In case of GPS Synchronization (RS485 or TTL) connection, the pins 7 and 8 of the RJ45 connector are used.
Pin 7 connects to plus, pin 8 connects to minus. The high level signal voltage value of the GPS TTL interface is
5 volt.
Warning of dangerous voltages
Non-observance of the following measures can result in death, personal injury or substantial prop-
erty damage.
² Therefore, only qualified people who are familiar with and adhere to the safety procedures and
precautionary measures should perform the inspection steps.
Take care when operating the device without a battery on a battery charger.
Non-observance of the following measures can lead to unusually high voltages and consequently,
the destruction of the device.
² Do not operate the device on a battery charger without a connected battery.
If undervoltage protection is configured and enabled in the device and if, at the same time, the current crite-
rion is disabled, the device picks up right after auxiliary voltage has been connected, since no measuring
voltage is available. To make the device configurable, pickup is to be stopped, i.e. the measuring voltage is
connected or voltage protection is blocked. This can be performed by operation.
Before the device is energized for the first time, it should be in the final operating environment for at least 2
hours to equalize the temperature, to minimize humidity and to avoid condensation. Connections are checked
with the device at its final location. The plant must first be switched off and grounded.
Proceed as follows in order to check the system connections:
• Protective switches for the power supply and the measured voltages must be opened.
• Check the continuity of all current and voltage transformer connections against the system and connec-
tion diagrams:
– Are the current transformers grounded properly?
– Are the polarities of the current transformer the same?
– Is the phase relationship of the current transformers correct?
– Are the voltage transformers grounded properly?
– Are the polarities of the voltage transformers correct?
– Is the phase relationship of the voltage transformer correct?
– Is the polarity for current input Ι4 correct (if used)?
– Is the polarity for voltage input V4 correct (for example, for broken-delta winding or busbar voltage)?
• Check the functions of all test switches that are installed for the purposes of secondary testing and isola-
tion of the device. Of particular importance are “test switches” in current transformer circuits. Be sure
these switches short-circuit the current transformers when they are in the test mode.
• The short-circuit feature of the current circuits of the device are to be checked. This may be performed
with secondary test equipment or other test equipment for checking continuity. Make sure that terminal
continuity is not wrongly simulated in reverse direction via current transformers or their short-circuiters.
– Remove the front panel of the device
– Remove the ribbon cable connected to the I/O board with the measured current inputs (on the front
side it is the right printed circuit board). Furthermore, remove the printed circuit board so that there
is no more contact with the plug-in terminal of the housing.
– At the terminals of the device, check continuity for each pair of terminals that receives current from
the CTs
– Firmly re-insert the I/O board. Carefully connect the ribbon cable. Do not bend any connector pins !
Do not use force !
– At the terminals of the device, again check continuity for each pair of terminals that receives current
from the CTs.
– Attach the front panel and tighten the screws.
• Connect an ammeter in the supply circuit of the power supply. A range of about 2.5 A to 5 A for the
meter is appropriate.
• Switch on m.c.b. for auxiliary voltage (supply protection), check the voltage level and, if applicable, the
polarity of the voltage at the device terminals or at the connection modules.
• The current input should correspond to the power input in neutral position of the device. The measured
steady state current should be insignificant. Transient movement of the ammeter merely indicates the
charging current of capacitors.
• Remove the voltage from the power supply by opening the protective switches.
• Disconnect the measuring test equipment; restore the normal power supply connections.
• Verify that the voltage phase rotation at the device terminals is correct.
• Open the protective switches for the voltage transformers and the power supply.
• Check the trip and close circuits to the power system circuit breakers.
• Verify that the control wiring to and from other devices is correct.
3.3 Commissioning
Warning of dangerous voltages when operating an electrical device
Non-observance of the following measures can result in death, personal injury or substantial prop-
erty damage.
² Only qualified people shall work on and around this device. They must be thoroughly familiar with all
warnings and safety notices in this instruction manual as well as with the applicable safety steps,
safety regulations, and precautionary measures.
² Before making any connections, the device must be grounded at the protective conductor terminal.
² Hazardous voltages can exist in the power supply and at the connections to current transformers,
voltage transformers, and test circuits.
² Hazardous voltages can be present in the device even after the power supply voltage has been
removed (capacitors can still be charged).
² After removing voltage from the power supply, wait a minimum of 10 seconds before re-energizing
the power supply. This wait allows the initial conditions to be firmly established before the device is
² The limit values given in Technical Data (Chapter 4) must not be exceeded, neither during testing nor
during commissioning.
When testing the device with secondary test equipment, make sure that no other measurement quantities are
connected and that the trip and close circuits to the circuit breakers and other primary switches are discon-
nected from the device.
Hazardous voltages during interruptions in secondary circuits of current transformers
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial
property damage.
² Short-circuit the current transformer secondary circuits before current connections to the device are
Switching operations have to be carried out during commissioning. A prerequisite for the prescribed tests is
that these switching operations can be executed without danger. They are accordingly not intended for opera-
tional checks.
Warning of dangers evolving from improper primary tests
Non-observance of the following measures can result in death, personal injury or substantial prop-
erty damage.
² Primary tests are only allowed to be carried out by qualified personnel, who are familiar with the
commissioning of protection systems, the operation of the plant and the safety rules and regulations
(switching, grounding, etc.).
Prefacing Remarks
If the device features a system interface and uses it to communicate with the control center, the DIGSI device
operation can be used to test if messages are transmitted correctly. This test option should however definitely
not be used while the device is in service on a live system.
Danger evolving from operating the equipment (e.g. circuit breakers, disconnectors) by means of the
test function
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial
property damage.
² Equipment used to allow switching such as circuit breakers or disconnectors is to be checked only
during commissioning. Do not under any circumstances check them by means of the test function
during “real” operation by transmitting or receiving messages via the system interface.
i After termination of the test mode the device will reboot. Thereby, all annunciation buffers are erased. If
re- quired, these buffers should be extracted with DIGSI prior to the test.
The interface test is carried out using DIGSI in the Online operating mode:
• Open the Online directory by double-clicking; the operating functions for the device appear.
• Click on Test; the function selection appears in the right half of the screen.
• Double click Generate Annunciations shown in the list view. The dialog box Generate Annunciations
opens (refer to the following figure).
[sc_schnittstelle-testen, 1, en_US]
Figure 3-17 System interface test with the Dialog Box: Generation Annunciations - Example
• Click on Send in the function to be tested and check whether the transmitted information reaches the
central station and shows the desired reaction. Data which are normally linked via binary inputs (first
character “>”) are likewise indicated to the central power system with this procedure. The function of the
binary inputs itself is tested separately.
Prefacing Remarks
The binary inputs, outputs, and LEDs of a SIPROTEC 4 device can be individually and precisely controlled in
DIGSI. During commissioning this feature is used to verify control wiring from the device to plant equipment
(operational checks). This test option should however definitely not be used while the device is in service on a
live system.
Danger evolving from operating the equipment (e.g. circuit breakers, disconnectors) by means of the
test function
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial
property damage.
² Equipment used to allow switching such as circuit breakers or disconnectors is to be checked only
during commissioning. Do not under any circumstances check them by means of the test function
during real operation by transmitting or receiving messages via the system interface.
i After finishing the hardware test, the device will make an initial startup. Thereby, all annunciation buffers
are erased. If required, these buffers should be extracted with DIGSI prior to the test.
The hardware test can be carried out using DIGSI in the Online operating mode:
• Open the Online directory by double-clicking; the operating functions for the device appear.
• Click on Test; the function selection appears in the right half of the screen.
• Double-click in the list view on Hardware Test. The dialog box of the same name opens (see the
following figure).
[ein-ausgabe-testen-110402-wlk, 1, en_US]
• Each output relay must be tested via the corresponding Scheduled-cell in the dialog box.
• Finish the testing (see margin title below “Exiting the Test Mode”), so that during further testings no
unwanted switchings are initiated.
• Activate each of function in the system which causes a binary input to pick up.
• Check the reaction in the Status column of the dialog box. To do this, the dialog box must be updated.
The options may be found below under the margin heading “Updating the Display”.
• Finish the testing (see margin heading below “Exiting the Test Mode”).
If ,however, the effect of a binary input must be checked without carrying out any switching in the plant, it is
possible to trigger individual binary inputs with the hardware test function. As soon as the first state change of
any binary input is triggered and the password No. 6 has been entered, all binary inputs are separated from
the plant and can only be activated via the hardware test function.
• for all hardware components with cyclical updating (cycle time is 20 seconds) if the Automatic Update
(20sec) field is marked.
If the device provides a breaker failure protection and if this is used, the integration of this protection function
in the system must be tested under practical conditions.
Due to the variety of application options and the available system configurations, it is not possible to make a
detailed description of the necessary tests. It is important to observe local conditions and protection and
system drawings.
Before starting the circuit breaker tests it is recommended to isolate the circuit breaker of the tested feeder at
both ends, i.e. line isolators and busbar isolators should be open so that the breaker can be operated without
Also for tests on the local circuit breaker of the feeder a trip command to the surrounding circuit breakers
can be issued for the busbar.
Non–observance of the following measure can result in minor personal injury or property damage.
² Therefore, primarily it is recommended to interrupt the tripping commands to the adjacent (busbar)
breakers, e.g. by interrupting the corresponding pickup voltages.
Before the breaker is finally closed for normal operation, the trip command of the feeder protection routed to
the circuit breaker must be disconnected so that the trip command can only be initiated by the breaker failure
Although the following lists do not claim to be complete, they may also contain points which are to be ignored
in the current application.
• After every start, the message 50BF ext Pickup (FNo 1457) must appear in the spontaneous or fault
• After time expiration TRIP-Timer (address 7005) tripping command of the breaker failure protection.
Switch off test current.
If start is possible without current flow:
• Closing the circuit breaker to be monitored to both sides with the disconnector switches open.
• Start by trip command of the external protection: Binary input functions >50BF ext SRC (FNo 1431) (in
spontaneous or fault annunciations).
• After every start, the message 50BF ext Pickup (FNo 1457) must appear in the spontaneous or fault
• After time expiration TRIP-Timer (address 7005) tripping command of the breaker failure protection.
Open the circuit breaker again.
Busbar Tripping
For testing the distribution of the trip commands in the substation in the case of breaker failures it is impor-
tant to check that the trip commands to the adjacent circuit breakers are correct.
The adjacent circuit breakers are those of all feeders which must be tripped in order to ensure interruption of
the fault current should the local breaker fail. These are therefore the circuit breakers of all feeders which feed
the busbar or busbar section to which the feeder with the fault is connected.
A general detailed test guide cannot be specified because the layout of the adjacent circuit breakers largely
depends on the system topology.
In particular with multiple busbars, the trip distribution logic for the adjacent circuit breakers must be checked.
Here it should be checked for every busbar section that all circuit breakers which are connected to the same
busbar section as the feeder circuit breaker under observation are tripped, and no other breakers.
All temporary measures taken for testing must be undone, e.g. especially switching states, interrupted trip
commands, changes to setting values or individually switched off protection functions.
CFC Logic
The device has a vast capability for allowing functions to be defined by the user, especially with the CFC logic.
Any special function or logic added to the device must be checked.
Of course, general test procedures cannot be given. Configuration of these functions and the target conditions
must be actually known beforehand and tested. Possible interlocking conditions of switching devices (circuit
breakers, disconnectors, earth switch) are of particular importance. They must be considered and tested.
≥ 10 % of Load Current
The connections of the current and voltage transformers are tested using primary quantities. Secondary load
current of at least 10 % of the nominal current of the device is necessary. The line is energized and will remain
in this state during the measurements.
With proper connections of the measuring circuits, none of the measured-values supervision elements in the
device should pick up. If an element detects a problem, the causes which provoked it may be viewed in the
Event Log. If current or voltage summation errors occur, then check the matching factors.
Messages from the symmetry monitoring could occur because there actually are asymmetrical conditions in
the network. If these asymmetrical conditions are normal service conditions, the corresponding monitoring
functions should be made less sensitive.
Phase Rotation
The phase rotation must correspond to the configured phase rotation, in general a clockwise phase rotation. If
the system has an anti-clockwise phase rotation, this must have been considered when the power system data
was set (address 209 PHASE SEQ.). If the phase rotation is incorrect, the alarm Fail Ph. Seq. (FNo 171)
is generated. The measured value phase allocation must be checked and corrected, if required, after the line
has been isolated and current transformers have been short-circuited. The measurement must then be
If the VT mcb is open the annunciation >FAIL: BUS VT “ON” appears, if it is closed the annunciation
>FAIL: BUS VT “OFF” is displayed.
Switch off the protected power line.
Polarity of Transformers
When the device is used for high-impedance protection, the current at ΙN or ΙNs is equivalent to the fault
current in the protected object. It is essential in this case that all current transformers feeding the resistor
whose current is measured at ΙN(S) have the same polarity. The test currents used for this are through currents.
Each CT must be included in a measurement. The current at ΙN(S) may never exceed half the pickup value of the
single-phase time overcurrent protection.
(only if used)
Testing reverse interlocking is available if at least one of the binary inputs available is configured for this
purpose (e.g. presetting of binary input BI1 >BLOCK 50-2 and >BLOCK 50N-2 to open circuit system). Tests
can be performed with phase currents or ground current. For ground current the corresponding ground
current setting values are provided.
Please note that the blocking function can either be configured for the pickup current connected (open circuit
system) or the pickup current missing (closed circuit system). For open circuit system the following tests are to
be proceeded:
The feeder protection relays of all associated feeders must be in operation. At the beginning no auxiliary
voltage is fed to the reverse interlocking system.
A test current higher than the pickup values of 50-2 PICKUP and 50-1 PICKUP or 51 PICKUP is set. As a
result of the missing blocking signal, the protection function trips after (short) time delay 50-2 DELAY.
Tests with currents that exceed more than 4 times the nominal device current
cause an overload of the input circuits.
² Perform test only for a short time (see Technical Data, Section 4.1 General Device Data). Afterwards
the device has to cool off !
The auxiliary voltage for reverse interlocking is now switched to the line. The precedent test is repeated, the
result will be the same.
Subsequently, at each of the protection devices of the feeders, a pickup is simulated. Meanwhile, another fault
is simulated for the protection function of the infeed, as described before. Tripping is performed within time
50-1 DELAY (longer time period) (with definite time overcurrent protection) or according to characteristic
(with inverse time overcurrent protection).
These tests also check the proper functioning of the wiring for reverse interlocking.
≥ 10 % of Load Current
The correct connection of the current and voltage transformers is tested via the protected line using the load
current. For this purpose, connect the line. The load current the line carries must be at least 0.1 · ΙNom. The
load current should be in-phase or lagging the voltage (resistive or resistive-inductive load). The direction of
the load current must be known. If there is any doubt, network or ring loops should be opened. The line
remains energized during the test.
The direction can be derived directly from the operational measured values. Initially the correlation of the
measured load direction with the actual direction of load flow is checked. In this case the normal situation is
assumed whereby the forward direction (measuring direction) extends from the busbar towards the line
P positive, if active power flows into the line,
P negative, if active power flows towards the busbar,
Q positive, if reactive power flows into the line,
Q negative, if reactive power flows toward the busbar.
[dw_lastscheinleistung, 1, en_US]
All signs of powers may be inverted deliberately. Check whether polarity is inverted in address 1108 P,Q
sign in the P.System Data 2. In that case the signs for active and reactive power are inverse as well.
The power measurement provides an initial indication as to whether the measured values have the correct
polarity. If both the active power and the reactive power have the wrong sign and 1108 P,Q sign is set to
not reversed, the polarity according to address 201 CT Starpoint must be checked and corrected.
However, power measurement itself is not able to detect all connection errors. For this reason, directional
messages should be generated by means of the directional overcurrent protection. Therefore, pickup thresh-
olds must be reduced so that the available load current causes a continuous pickup of the element. The direc-
tion reported in the messages, such as Phase A forward or Phase A reverse must correspond to the
actual power flow. Be careful that the “Forward” direction of the protective element is in the direction of the
line (or object to be protected). This is not necessarily identical with the direction of the normal the power
flow. For all three phases, the directional messages to the power flow must be reported properly.
If all directions differ from each other, individual phases in current or voltage transformer connections are
interchanged, not connected properly or phase assignment is incorrect. After isolation of the line and short-
circuiting of the current transformers the connections must be checked and corrected. The measurements
must then be repeated.
Finally, switch off the protected power line.
i Important! Make sure that pickup values that have been changed for testing are set back to the valid
Depending on the application of the voltage measuring input V4, a polarity check may be necessary. If no
measuring voltage is connected to this input, this subsection is irrelevant.
If input V4 is used for the measurement of the displacement voltage Ven (Power System Data 1 Address 213
VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc, VGnd or Van,Vbn,Vcn,VGn), the polarity is checked together with the
current measurement Ι4 (see further down).
If the input V4 is used for measuring a voltage for synchronism check (Power System Data 1, Address 213 VT
Connect. 3ph = Van,Vbn,Vcn,VSy), the following is to be observed:
• The single-phase voltage V2 needed for synchronization is to be connected to input V4.
• The polarity must be checked as follows using the synchronism check function:
The device must be equipped with the synchronism and voltage check which is to be configured in address
161 SYNC Function.
Voltage V2 needed for synchronization is to be set correctly in address 6123 CONNECTIONof V2.
If a transformer is located between the measuring points of reference voltage V1 and the voltage to be
synchronized V2, its phase rotation must be taken into consideration. For this purpose an angle corresponding
to the transformer vector group is entered in address 6122 ANGLE ADJUSTM.. The angle is set in direction
busbar viewed from the feeder. An example is shown in Subsection 2.22.1 SYNC Function group 1.
If necessary different transformation ratios of the transformers on the busbar and the feeder may have to be
considered under address Balancing V1/V2.
The synchronism and voltage check must be switched under address 6101 Synchronizingx = ON.
A further aid for checking in the connection are the messages 170.2090 25 V2>V1, 170.2091 25 V2<V1,
170.2094 25 α2>α1 and 170.2095 25 α2<α1 in the spontaneous messages.
• Circuit breaker is open. The feeder is isolated (zero voltage). The VTmcb's of both voltage transformer
circuits must be closed.
• For the synchrocheck the program Direct CO is set to YES (address 6110); the other programs
(addresses 6107 to 6109) are set to NO.
• Via binary input (170.0043 >25 Sync req.) initiate the measuring request. The synchronization check
must release closing (message 170.0049 25 CloseRelease). If not, check all relevant parameters
again (synchrocheck configured and enabled correctly, see Sections 2.1.1 Functional Scope and
2.22.1 SYNC Function group 1).
• Then the circuit breaker is closed while the line isolator is open (see Figure 3-20). Both voltage trans-
formers therefore measure the same voltage.
• For the synchrocheck the program SYNC-Function Group 1 is set to SYNCHROCHECK (address 0161).
• Via binary input (170.0043 >25 Sync req.) initiate the measuring request. The synchronism check
must release closing (message 25 CloseRelease 170.0049).
• If not, first check whether one of the aforesaid messages 170.2090 25 V2>V1 or 170.2091 25 V2<V1
or 170.2094 25 α2>α1 or 170.2095 25 α2<α1 is available in the spontaneous messages.
Messages 25 V2>V1 or 25 V2<V1 indicate that the magnitude matching is incorrect. Check address
6121 Balancing V1/V2 and recalculate the adaptation factor.
The messages 25 α2>α1 or 25 α2<α1 indicate that the phase relation of the busbar voltage does not
match the setting under address CONNECTIONof V2 (see Section 2.22.1 SYNC Function group 1). When
measuring via a transformer, address 6122 ANGLE ADJUSTM. must also be checked. This must adapt
the vector group. If these are correct, there is probably a reverse polarity of the voltage transformer
terminals V1.
• For the synchrocheck the program SYNC V1>V2< is set to YES (address 6108) and SYNC Function
Group 1 is set to SYNCHROCHECK (address 161).
• Via binary input (170.0043 >25 Sync req.) initiate the measuring request. There is no close release. If
there is, the VT mcb for the busbar voltage is not allocated. Check whether this is the required state,
alternatively check the binary input >FAIL: BUS VT (6510).
• For the synchrocheck the program SYNC V1<V2> is set to YES (address 6107) and SYNC V1>V2< is set
to NO (address 6108).
• Via binary input (170.0043 >25 Sync req.) initiate the measuring request. The synchronism check
must release closing (message 25 CloseRelease 170.0049). Otherwise check all voltage connections
and the corresponding parameters again carefully as described in Section 2.22.1 SYNC Function group 1.
• Via binary input (170.0043 >25 Sync req.) initiate the measuring request. No close release is given.
[messspannungenzursynchronkontrolle-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Ungrounded Systems
The ground fault check is only necessary if the device is connected to an isolated or resonant-grounded system
and the ground fault detection is applied. The device must thus have been preset during configuration of the
device functions to Sens. Gnd Fault (address 131) not equal to Disabled. Furthermore, the direction
characteristic (S.Gnd.F.Dir.Ch, address 130) must be set to cos φ / sin φ.
If none of this is the case, this section is not relevant.
The primary check serves to find out the correct polarity of the transformer connections for the determination
of the ground fault direction.
Energized equipment of the power system ! Capacitive coupled voltages at disconnected equipment of the
power system !
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial
property damage.
² Primary measurements must only be carried out on disconnected and grounded equipment of the
power system !
Using the primary ground fault method a most reliable test result is guaranteed. Therefore please proceed as
• Isolate the line and ground it on both ends. During the whole testing procedure the line must be open at
the remote end.
• Make a test connection between a single phase and ground. On overhead lines it can be connected
anywhere, however, it must be located behind the current transformers (looking from the busbar of the
feeder to be checked). Cables are grounded on the remote end (sealing end).
• The faulty phase (FNo 1272 for A or 1273 for B or 1274 for C) and the direction of the line, i.e. SensGnd
Forward (FNo 1276) must be indicated in the ground fault protocol.
• The active and reactive components of the ground current are also indicated (INs Reac, FNo. 702). The
reactive current INs Real, FNo. 701) is the most relevant for isolated systems. If the display shows the
message SensGnd Reverse (FNo. 1277), either the current or voltage transformer terminals are
swapped in the neutral path. If message SensGnd undef. (FNo 1278) appears, the ground current may
be too low.
If the standard current wiring connection of the device is used with current input IN connected in the neutral
point of the set of current transformers (refer also to the connection circuit diagram in the Appendix
C Connection Examples), then the correct polarity of the ground current path usually occurs automatically.
If, however, current ΙN is derived from a separate summation CT (see e.g. a connection circuit diagram in the
Appendix C Connection Examples), an additional direction check with this current is necessary.
If the device is provided with the sensitive current input for IN and it is connected to in an isolated or resonant-
grounded system, the polarity check for ΙN was already carried out with the ground fault check according to
the previous section. Then this section can be ignored.
Otherwise the test is done with a disconnected trip circuit and primary load current. It must be noted that
during all simulations that do not exactly correspond with situations that may occur in practice, the non-
symmetry of measured values may cause the measured value monitoring to pick up. This must therefore be
ignored during such tests.
Hazardous voltages during interruptions in secondary circuits of current transformers
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial
property damage.
² Short-circuit the current transformer secondary circuits before current connections to the device are
[polaritaetspruefung-ie-mituen-gemessen, 1, en_US]
Figure 3-21 Polarity testing for IN, example with current transformers configured in a Holmgreen-connec-
tion (VTs with broken delta connection -- e-n winding)
[polaritaetspruefung-ie-mituen-berechnet-211002-kn, 1, en_US]
Figure 3-22 Polarity testing for IN, example with current transformers configured in a Holmgreen-connec-
tion (VTs Wye-connected)
After the termination of the RS485 port and the setting of the bus address have been verified according to
Section 3.2 Checking Connections, the measured temperature values and thresholds can be checked.
If temperature sensors are used with 2-phase connection you must first determine the line resistance for the
temperature detector being short-circuited. Select mode 2-conductor connection at the RTD-Box and enter the
resistance value you have determined for the corresponding sensor.
When using the preset 3-phase connection for the temperature detectors no further entry must be made.
For checking the measured temperature values, the temperature detectors are replaced by adjustable resistors
(e.g. precision resistance decade) and the correct assignment of the resistance value and the displayed
temperature for 2 or 3 temperature values from the following table are verified.
Table 3-16 Assignment of the resistance value and the temperature of the sensors
Temperature in °C Temperature in °F Ni 100 DIN 43760 Ni 120 DIN 34760 Pt 100 IEC 60751
–50 –58 74,255 89,106 80,3062819
–40 –40 79,1311726 94,9574071 84,270652
–30 –22 84,1457706 100,974925 88,2216568
–20 –4 89,2964487 107,155738 92,1598984
–10 14 94,581528 113,497834 96,085879
0 32 100 120 100
10 50 105,551528 126,661834 103,902525
20 68 111,236449 133,483738 107,7935
30 86 117,055771 140,466925 111,672925
40 104 123,011173 147,613407 115,5408
50 122 129,105 154,926 119,397125
60 140 135,340259 162,408311 123,2419
70 158 141,720613 170,064735 127,075125
80 176 148,250369 177,900442 130,8968
90 194 154,934473 185,921368 134,706925
100 212 161,7785 194,1342 138,5055
110 230 168,788637 202,546364 142,292525
120 248 175,971673 211,166007 146,068
130 266 183,334982 220,001979 149,831925
140 284 190,88651 229,063812 153,5843
150 302 198,63475 238,3617 157,325125
160 320 206,58873 247,906476 161,0544
170 338 214,757989 257,709587 164,772125
180 356 223,152552 267,783063 168,4783
190 374 231,782912 278,139495 172,172925
200 392 240,66 288,792 175,856
210 410 249,79516 299,754192 179,527525
220 428 259,200121 311,040145 183,1875
230 446 268,886968 322,664362 186,835925
240 464 278,868111 334,641733 190,4728
250 482 289,15625 346,9875 194,098125
Temperature thresholds that are configured in the protection device can be checked by slowly approaching
the resistance value.
A test cycle successfully started by the automatic reclosure function can lead to the closing of the
circuit breaker !
Non-observance of the following statement will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial
property damage.
² Be fully aware that OPEN-commands sent to the circuit breaker can result in a trip-close-trip event of
the circuit breaker by an external reclosing device.
In order to be able to test the stability of the protection during switchon procedures also, switchon trials can
also be carried out at the end. Oscillographic records obtain the maximum information about the behaviour of
the protection.
To be able to generate oscillographic recordings, parameter Osc Fault Rec. must be configured to
Enabled in the Functional Scope. Apart from the capability of storing fault recordings via pickup of the protec-
tion function, the 7SJ66 also has the capability of initiating a measured value recording via the operator
program DIGSI, the serial interface or binary input. For the latter, the information >Trig.Wave.Cap. must
be allocated to a binary input. Triggering for the oscillographic recording then occurs, for instance, via the
binary input when the protection object is energized.
Those that are externally triggered (that is, without a protective element pickup) are processed by the device
as a normal oscillographic record. For each oscillographic record a fault record is created which is given its
individual number to ensure that assignment can be made properly. However, these recordings are not
displayed in the fault indication buffer, as they are not fault events.
[digsi-fenster-testmessschrieb-starten-260602-kn, 1, en_US]
Oscillographic recording is started immediately. During recording, a report is given in the left part of the status
bar. Bar segments additionally indicate the progress of the procedure.
The SIGRA or the Comtrade Viewer program is required to view and analyse the oscillographic data.
Inadmissable Tightening Torques
Non–observance of the following measure can result in minor personal injury or property damage.
² The tightening torques must not be exceeded as the threads and terminal chambers may otherwise be
The settings values should be checked again, if they were changed during the tests. Check if protection,
control and auxiliary functions to be found with the configuration parameters are set correctly (Section
2.1.1 Functional Scope, Functional Scope). All desired elements and functions must be set ON. Keep a copy of
all settings on a PC.
Check the internal clock of the device. If necessary, set or synchronize the clock if the element is not automati-
cally synchronized. For assistance, refer to the SIPROTEC 4 System Description.
The annunciation buffers are deleted under MAIN MENU → Annunciations → Set/Reset, so that future infor-
mation will only apply for actual events and states (see also SIPROTEC 4 System Description). The counters in
the switching statistics should be reset to the values that were existing prior to the testing (see also SIPROTEC
4 System Description).
Reset the counters of the operational measured values (e.g. operation counter, if available) under MAIN
MENU → Measured Value → Reset (see also SIPROTEC 4 System Description).
Press the ESC key (several times if necessary) to return to the default display. The default display appears in
the display box (e.g. the display of operational measured values).
Clear the LEDs on the front panel of the device by pressing the LED key, so that they show only real events and
states in the future. In this context, also output relays probably memorized are reset. Pressing the LED key also
serves as a test for the LEDs on the front panel because they should all light when the button is pushed. Any
LEDs that are lit after the clearing attempt are displaying actual conditions.
The green “RUN” LED must light up, whereas the red “ERROR” must not light up.
Close the protective switches. If test switches are available, then these must be in the operating position.
The device is now ready for operation.
This chapter provides the technical data of the device SIPROTEC 7SJ66 and its individual functions, including
the limit values that may not be exceeded under any circumstances. The electrical and functional data for the
maximum functional scope are followed by the mechanical specifications with dimensioned drawings.
4.1 General Device Data 430
4.2 Definite-time Overcurrent Protection 437
4.3 Inverse-time Overcurrent Protection 439
4.4 Directional Overcurrent Protection 450
4.5 Inrush Restraint 452
4.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup 453
4.7 Single-phase Overcurrent Protection 454
4.8 Voltage Protection 455
4.9 Negative Sequence Protection (definite-time characteristic) 457
4.10 Negative Sequence Protection (inverse-time characteristics) 458
4.11 Motor Starting Time Supervision 464
4.12 Motor Restart Inhibit 465
4.13 Load Jam Protection 466
4.14 Frequency Protection 467
4.15 Undervoltage-controlled reactive power protection (27/Q) 468
4.16 Thermal Overload Protection 470
4.17 Ground Fault Detection (Sensitive/Insensitive) 472
4.18 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection 481
4.19 Directional intermittent ground fault protection 482
4.20 Automatic Reclosing 483
4.21 Fault Locator 484
4.22 Breaker Failure Protection 485
4.23 Flexible Protection Functions 486
4.24 Synchronization Function 489
4.25 RTD Box for Temperature Detection 491
4.26 User-defined Functions (CFC) 492
4.27 Additional Functions 498
4.28 Switching Device Control 503
4.29 Dimensions 504
Current Inputs
Voltage Inputs
Direct Voltage
16 only in models with input for sensitive ground fault detection (see ordering data in Appendix)
Alternating Voltage
Binary Inputs
Variant Number
7SJ661 16 (configurable)
7SJ662 22 (configurable)
7SJ663 36 (configurable)
Current consumption, picked up approx. 1.4 mA
(independent of the operating voltage)
Pickup time approx. 1 ms
Secured switching threshold adjustable with jumpers
for nominal voltages DC 110 V / DC 220 V
Maximum permissible voltage DC 300 V
Output Relays
User Interface
Service/Modem Interface
System Interface
IEC 60870-5-103 RS485 Isolated interface for data transmission to a master terminal
Connection for flush-mounted Rear panel, mounting location "B"
casing RJ45 connector
Test voltage 500 VAC
Transmission speed Min. 1200 Bd, max. 57 600 Bd;
Factory setting 9600 Bd
Maximum distance of transmission max. 0.62 miles (1 km)
Modbus RS485 Connection for flush-mounted Rear panel, mounting location "B"
casing RJ45 connector
Test voltage 500 VAC
Transmission speed Up to 19 200 Bd
Maximum distance of transmission Max. 0.62 miles (1 km)
Ethernet electrical for DIGSI IEC Connection for flush-mounted Rear panel, mounting location "B"
61850 casing 2 x RJ45 socket contact
100 BaseT acc. to IEEE 802.3
Test voltage (reg. socket) 500 V; 50 Hz
Transmission speed 100 Mbit/s
Bridgeable distance 65.62 feet (20 m)
Ethernet optical for DIGSI IEC Connection for flush-mounted Rear panel, mounting location "B"
61850 casing LC-interface
100 BaseT acc. to IEEE 802.3
Transmission speed 100 Mbit/s
Optical wavelength 1300 nm
Bridgeable distance Max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
Insulation Test
Irradiation with HF field, pulse modulated 10 V/m; 900 MHz; repetition frequency 200
IEC 61000-4-3/ENV 50204, Class III Hz; duty cycle of 50 %
Fast transient disturbance variables / burst 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz; burst length = 15 ms;
IEC 60255-22-4 and IEC 61000-4-4, Class IV repetition rate 300 ms; both polarities; Ri =
50 Ω; test duration 1 min
High energy surge voltages (SURGE), Impulse: 1.2/50 μ
IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 3
Auxiliary voltage Common mode: 2 kV; 12 Ω; 9 μF
Diff. mode:1 kV; 2 Ω; 18 μF
Measuring inputs, binary inputs and Common mode: 2 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
relay outputs Diff. mode: 1 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
HF on lines, amplitude-modulated 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; 80 % AM; 1 kHz
IEC 61000-4-6, Class III
Power system frequency magnetic field 30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s; 50 Hz;
IEC 61000-4-8, Class IV; 0.5 mT; 50 Hz
IEC 60255-6
Oscillatory surge withstand capability 2.5 to 3 kV (peak value); 1 to 1.5 MHz;
ANSI/IEEE Std C37.90.1 damped oscillation; 50 surges per s; Test
Duration 2 s; Ri = 150 Ω to 200 Ω
Fast Transient Surge Withstand Cap. 4 kV to 5 kV; 10/150 ns; 50 pulses per s;
ANSI/IEEE C37.900.1 both polarities; Test Duration 2 s; Ri = 80 Ω
Radiated Electromagnetic Interference 35 V/m; 25 MHz to 1000 MHz
ANSI/IEEE Std C37.90.2
Damped oscillations 2.5 kV (Peak Value), polarity alternating
IEC 60694, IEC 61000-4-12 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz and 50 MHz, Ri =
200 Ω
Shock Semi-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, Class 1; 5 g acceleration, duration 11 ms, each 3 shocks in both
IEC 60068-2-27 directions of the 3 axes
Seismic Vibration Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-3, Class 1; 1 Hz bis 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude (horizontal axis)
IEC 60068-3-3 1 Hz bis 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude (vertical axis)
8 Hz bis 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration (horizontal axis)
8 Hz bis 35 Hz: 0,5 g acceleration (vertical axis)
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min,
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
Siemens recommends that all devices be installed such that they are not exposed to direct sunlight, nor
subject to large fluctuations in temperature that may cause condensation to occur.
The protective device is designed for use in an industrial environment and an electrical utility environment.
Proper installation procedures should be followed to ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
In addition, the following is recommended:
• All contacts and relays that operate in the same cubicle, cabinet, or relay panel as the numerical protec-
tive device should, as a rule, be equipped with suitable surge suppression components.
• For substations with operating voltages of 100 kV and above, all external cables should be shielded with
a conductive shield grounded at both ends. For substations with lower operating voltages, no special
measures are normally required.
• Do not withdraw or insert individual modules or boards while the protective device is energized. In with-
drawn condition, some components are electrostatically endangered; during handling the ESD stand-
ards (for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices) must be observed. They are not endangered when inserted into
the case.
Case 7XP20
Dimensions see dimensional drawings, Section 4.29 Dimensions
Three-phase Standard
Two-phase Phases A and C
Measuring Method
Dropout Ratio
Three-phase Standard
Two-phase Phases A and C
Measuring Technique
Acc. to IEC 60255-3 or BS 142, Section 3.5.2 (see also Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2)
The tripping times for Ι/Ιp ≥ 20 are identical with those for Ι/Ιp = 20
For zero sequence current, read 3Ι0p instead of Ιp and T3Ι0p instead of Tp
for ground fault, read ΙEp instead of Ιp and TΙEp instead of Tp
Pickup threshold approx. 1.10 · Ιp
Acc. to IEC 60255-3 or BS 142, Section 3.5.2 (see also Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2)
tReset Reset Time
Tp Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I Fault Current
Ip Setting Value of the Pickup Current
Dropout Setting
IEC without Disk Emulation approx. 1.05 · setting value Ιp for Ιp/ΙN ≥ 0.3, this corresponds to
approx. 0.95 · pickup value
IEC with Disk Emulation approx. 0.90 · setting value Ιp
[ausloese-rueckfall-kennli-amz-iec-norm-stark-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-1 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to IEC
[ausl-rueckfall-kennl-amz-iec-extrem-langzeit-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-2 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to IEC
t Trip time
D Setting value of the time multiplier
I Fault current
Ip Setting value of the pickup current
The tripping times for Ι/Ιp ≥ 20 are identical with those for Ι/Ιp = 20
For zero sequence current read 3Ι0p instead of Ιp and T3Ι0p instead of Tp;
for ground fault read ΙEp instead of Ιp and TΙEp instead of Tp
Pickup threshold approx. 1.10 · Ιp
tReset Reset time
D Setting value of the multiplier
I Fault current
Ip Setting value of the pickup currrent
Dropout Setting
ANSI without Disk Emulation approx. 1.05 · setting value Ιp for Ιp/ΙN ≥ 0.3; corresponds to approx.
0.95 · pickup value
ANSI with Disk Emulation approx. 0.90 · setting value Ιp
Pickup/dropout thresholds Ιp, ΙEp 2% of setting value or 10 mA for ΙNom = 1 A or 50 mA for ΙNom = 5 A
Trip time for 2 ≤ Ι/Ιp ≤ 20 5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 % current tolerance, or 30 ms
Dropout time forΙ/Ιp ≤ 0.90 5 % of reference value + 2 %, or 30 ms
[ausl-rueckfallkennl-amz-ansi-inv-short-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-3 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to ANSI/IEEE
[ausl-rueckfallkennl-amz-ansi-lang-maessig-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-4 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to ANSI/IEEE
[ausloese-rueckfallkennl-ansi-amz-stark-extrem-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-5 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to ANSI/IEEE
[ausloese-rueckfall-amz-ansi-gleichmaessig-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-6 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to ANSI/IEEE
The same specifications and characteristics apply as for non-directional time overcurrent protection (see
previous Sections).
Determination of Direction
Dropout Times
50-1, 50-2, 50-3, 50N-1, 50N-2, 50N-3 approx. 40 ms
Influencing Variables
Frequency Influence
– With no memory voltage approx 1° in range 25 Hz to 50 Hz
Functional Limits
Lower Function Limit Phases for ΙNom = 1 A at least one phase current (50 Hz and 100 Hz) ≥ 25 mA
for ΙNom = 5 A at least one phase current (50 Hz and 100 Hz) ≥ 125 mA
Lower Function Limit ground for ΙNom = 1 A Ground current (50 Hz and 100 Hz) ≥ 25 mA
for ΙNom = 5 A Ground current (50 Hz and 100 Hz) ≥ 125 mA
Upper Function Limit, for ΙNom = 1 A 0.30 A to 25.00 A (increments 0.01 A)
configurable for ΙNom = 5 A 1.50 A to 125.00 A (increments 0.01 A)
Operating Times
Pickup/Dropout Times
Frequency Pickup Time 50 Hz 60 Hz
minimum 14 ms 13 ms
maximum ≤ 35 ms ≤ 35 ms
Dropout time approx. 25 ms 22 ms
Dropout Ratios
1) r = Vdropout/Vpickup
Pickup Times
- Undervoltage 27-1, 27-2, 27-1 V1, 27-2 V1 approx. 50 ms
- Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2 approx. 50 ms
- Overvoltage 59-1 V1, 59-2 V1, 59-1 V2 , 59-2 V2 approx. 60 ms
Dropout Times
- Undervoltage 27-1, 27-2, 27-1 V1, 27-2 V1 approx. 50 ms
- Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2 approx. 50 ms
- Overvoltage 59-1 V1, 59-2 V1, 59-1 V2 , 59-2 V2 approx. 60 ms
Influencing Variables
Unbalanced load tripping element for ΙN = 1 A 0.05 A to 3.00 A or ∞ (disabled) Increments 0.01 A
for ΙN = 5 A 0.25 A to 15.00 A or ∞ (disabled)
Delay Times 46-1, 46-2 0.00 s to 60.00 s or ∞ (disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Dropout Delay Times 46 T DROP-OUT 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Functional Limit
Dropout Ratio
Pickup value 46-TOC (Ι2p) for ΙNom = 1 A 0.05 A to 2.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for ΙNom = 5 A 0.25 A to 10.00 A
Time Multiplier TI2p (IEC) 0.05 s to 3.20 s or ∞ (disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Time Multiplier DI2p (ANSI) 0.50 s to 15.00 s or ∞ (disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Functional Limit
tTRIP Trip Time
TI2p Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I2 Negative Sequence Currents
Setting Value of the Pickup Current
The trip times for Ι2/Ι2p ≥ 20 are identical to those for Ι2/Ι2p = 20
Pickup Threshold approx. 1.10· Ι2p
It can be selected one of the represented trip time characteristic curves in Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9 each on
the right side of the figure.
tTRIP Trip Time
DI2p Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I2 Negative Sequence Currents
Setting Value of the Pickup Current
The trip times for Ι2/Ι2p ≥ 20 are identical to those for Ι2/Ι2p = 20
Pickup Threshold approx. 1.10· Ι2p
Representation of the possible dropout time curves, see Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9 each on the left side of the
tReset Reset Time
DI2p Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I2 Negative Sequence Currents
Setting Value of the Pickup Current
Dropout Value
IEC and ANSI (without Disk Emulation) approx. 1.05 Ι2p, setting value, which is approx. 0.95 · pickup
threshold Ι2
ANSI with Disk Emulation approx. 0.90 Ι2p setting value
[ausloese-iec-schieflast-inv-stark-extr-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-7 Trip time characteristics of the inverse time negative sequence element 46-TOC, acc. to IEC
[ausloese-rueckfall-ansi-schieflast-inv-mod-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-8 Dropout time and trip time characteristics of the inverse time unbalanced load stage, acc. to
[ausl-rueckfall-schieflast-ansi-stark-extrem-170502-wlk, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-9 Dropout time and trip time characteristics of the inverse time unbalanced load stage, acc. to
Startup current of the motor for ΙNom = 1 A 0.50 A to 16.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for ΙNom = 5 A 2.50 A to 80.00 A
Pickup threshold ΙMOTOR START for ΙNom = 1 A 0.40 A to 10.0 A Increments 0.01 A
for ΙNom = 5 A 2.00 A to 50.00 A
Permissible startup time TMax.STARTUP 1.0 s to 180.0 s Increments 0.1 s
Permissible locked rotor time TLOCKED ROTOR 0.5 s to 180.0 s or ∞ (disabled) Increments 0.1 s
Maximum startup time with warm motor 0.5 s to 180.0 s or ∞ (disabled) Increments 0.1 s
Maximum startup time with cold motor 0 % to 80 % or ∞ (disabled) Increments 1 %
Trip Curve
[fo_anlaufzeit, 1, en_US]
ISTARTUP Motor starting current setting
I Actual current flowing
IMOTOR START Pickup threshold setting, used to detect
tTRIP Trip time in seconds
TMax. STARTUP Tripping time for nominal startup current
Dropout Ratio
Influencing Variables
Motor starting current relative to nominal motor current 1.1 to 10.0 Increments 0.1
ΙStart/ΙMotor Nom
Nominal motor current for ΙNom = 1 A 0.20 A to 1.20 A Increments 0.01 A
ΙMotor Nom for ΙNom = 5 A 1.00 A to 6.00 A
Max. permissible starting time TSTART Max. 1 s to 320 s Increments 1 s
Equilibrium time TEqual 0.0 min to 320.0 min Increments 0.1 min
Minimum inhibit time TMIN. INHIBIT TIME 0.2 min to 120.0 min Increments 0.1 min
Maximum permissible number of warm startups nWARM 1 to 4 Increments 1
Difference between cold and warm startups nCOLD - nWARM 1 to 2 Increments 1
Extension of Time Constant at stop kτ at STOP 0.2 to 100.0 Increments 0.1
Extension of Time constant at running kτ at RUNNING 0.2 to 100.0 Increments 0.1
Restart Threshold
Influencing Variables
Dropout ratio
Influencing Variables
Dropout Ratio
Influencing Variables
3-phase Ι1, V, Q,
Measuring method for Ι, V Fundamental wave
Pickup when Exceeding threshold value or
falling below threshold value
Pickup thresholds:
Current Ι1 for ΙNom = 1 A 0.01 to 0.20 A Increments 0.01 A
for ΙNom = 5 A 0.05 to 1.00 A
Voltage V 10.0 to 210.00 V Increments 0.1 V
Power Q for ΙNom = 1 A 1.0 to 100 VAR Increments 0.01 VAR
for ΙNom = 5 A 5.0 to 500 VAR
Pickup delay (standard) 0.00 to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Command delay time 0.00 to 3600.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Function Limits
Power measurement 3-phase for ΙNom = 1 A Positive sequence system current > 0.03 A
for ΙNom = 5 A Positive sequence system current > 0.15 A
Pickup times:
QU protection
typical approx. 120 ms
maximum (small signals and thresholds) approx. 350 ms
Binary input approx. 20 ms
Dropout times:
QU protection
typical < 50 ms
maximum < 350 ms
Binary input < 10 ms
Pickup thresholds:
Current for ΙNom = 1 A 1% of set value or 10 mA at ΙNom ≥ 0.03 A
2% of set value or 20 mA bei ΙNom < 0.03 A
for ΙNom = 5 A 1% of set value or 50 mA at ΙNom ≥ 0.25 A
2% of set value or 100 mA at ΙNom <0.25 A
Current (symmetrical compo- for ΙNom = 1 A 2% of set value or 20 mA
for ΙNom = 5 A 2% of set value or 100 mA
Voltage 1% of set value or 0.1 V
Trip Characteristic
t Trip time in minutes
τth Heating-up time constant
Ιn Actual load current
Ιpre Preload current
k Setting factor per IEC 60255-8
ΙNom Nominal current for the protected object
Dropout Ratios
[ausloesekennlinie-ueberlast-1111203-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-10 Trip time curves for the thermal overload protection (49)
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Definite Time Characteristic)
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Inverse Time Characteristic)
User-defined Curve (defined by a maximum of 20 value pairs of current and time delay)
Pickup Current 51Ns
for sensitive transformer 0.001 A to 1.400 A Increments
for normal 1-A transformer 0.05 A to 4.00 A 0.001 A
for normal 5-A transformer 0.25 A to 20.00 A Increments
0.01 A
0.05 A
Time multiplier T51Ns 0.10 s to 4.00 s or ∞ (disabled) Increments
0.01 s
Pickup Threshold approx. 1.10 · Ι51Ns
Dropout ratio approx. 1.05 · Ι51Ns for Ι51Ns > 50 mA
Measurement Tolerance 2 % setting value or 1 mA
Operating Time Tolerance in Linear Range 7 % of reference value for 2 ≤ Ι/Ι51Ns ≤ 20 + 2 % current
tolerance, or 70 ms
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Inverse Time Characteristic Logarithmic inverse)
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Inverse Time Characteristic Logarithmic Inverse with Knee
Acc. to IEC 60255-3 or BS 142, Section 3.5.2 (see also Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2)
t Trip time in seconds
Tp Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I Fault Current
IEEp Setting value of the Pickup Current
The tripping times for Ι/Ι51Ns ≥ 20 are identical with those for Ι/ΙEEp = 20
Pickup threshold approx. 1.10 · ΙEEp
Acc. to IEC 60255-3 or BS 142, Section 3.5.2 (see also Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2)
tReset Reset Time
Tp Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I Fault Current
IEEp Setting Value of the Pickup Current
IEC without disk emulation approx. 1.05 · setting value ΙEEp for ΙEEp/ΙN ≥ 0.3; this corresponds to
approx. 0.95 · pickup value
IEC with disk emulation approx. 0.90 · setting value ΙEEp
IEC Tolerances
t Trip time
D Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I Fault Current
IEEp Setting value of the Pickup Current
The tripping times for Ι/ΙEEp ≥ 20 are identical with those for Ι/ΙEEp = 20
Pickup threshold approx. 1.10 · ΙEEp
tReset Reset Time
D Setting Value of the Time Multiplier
I Fault Current
IEEp Setting Value of the Pickup Current
ANSI without disk emulation approx. 1.05 · setting value ΙEEp for ΙEEp/ΙN ≥ 0.3; this corresponds to
approx. 0.95 · pickup value
ANSI with disk emulation approx. 0.90 · ΙEEp setting value
ANSI tolerances
Influencing Variables
Direction Determination for all Types of Ground Fault with cos φ / sin φ Measurement
Angle Correction
Angle correction for cable converter in two operating points F1/I1 and F2/I2:
Angle correction F1, F2 (for grounded system) 0.0° to 5.0° Increments 0.1°
Current value Ι1, Ι2 for the angle correction
for sensitive transformer 0.001 A to 1.600 A Increments 0.001 A
for normal 1-A transformer 0.05 A to 35.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for normal 5-A transformer 0.25 A to 175.00 A Increments 0.05 A
Note: Due to the high sensitivity the linear range of the measuring input ΙN with integrated sensitive input
transformer is from 0.001A to 1.6 A. For currents greater than 1.6 A, correct directionality can no longer be
[kennlinie-amz-log-invers-050803, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-11 Trip time characteristics of inverse time ground fault protection with logarithmic inverse time
[7sj6x_portugal_kennlinie-010704-he, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-12 Trip-time characteristics of the inverse-time ground fault protection with logarithmic inverse
time characteristic with knee point (example for 51Ns= 0.004 A)
Pickup Threshold
with ΙN for ΙNom = 1 A 0.05 A to 35.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for Ι
Nom = 5 A 0.25 A to 175.00 A Increments 0.01 A
Pickup Times
– Current = 1.25 x Pickup Value approx. 30 ms
– for ≥ 2 · Pickup Value approx. 22 ms
Dropout Time (without extension time) approx. 22 ms
Influencing Variables
Dropout ratio
Influencing Variables
1) Homogeneous lines or correctly configured line sections are assumed when the fault distance is given in km,
miles or %.
Pickup Times
– On Internal Start included in time delay
– For external Start included in time delay
Three-phase Ι, ΙN, ΙNs, 3Ι0, Ι1, Ι2, Ι2/Ι1, V, VN, 3V0, V1, V2,
dV/dt, P, Q, cosφ
Single-phase Ι, ΙN, ΙNs, V, VN, Vx, P, Q, cosφ
Without fixed phase reference f, df/dt, binary input
Measuring procedure for Ι, V Fundamental wave<
True RMS value,
Positive sequence system,
Negative sequence system
Pickup on Exceeding threshold or
falling below threshold
Pickup tresholds:
Current Ι, Ι1, Ι2, 3Ι0, ΙN for ΙNom = 1 A 0.03 to 40.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for ΙNom = 5 A 0.15 to 200.00 A
Ratio Ι2/Ι1 15% to 100% Increments 1%
Sensitive ground current ΙNN 0.001 to 1.600 A Increments 0.001 A
Voltage V, V1, V2, 3V0 2.0 to 260.0 V Increments 0.1 V
Displacement voltage VN or 2.0 to 200.0 V Increments 0.1 V
any voltage
Power P, Q for ΙNom = 1 A 0.5 to 10000 W Increments 0.1 W
for ΙNom = 5 A 2.5 to 50000 W
Power factor cosϕ -0.99 to +0.99 Increments 0.01
Frequency for fNom = 50 Hz 40.0 to 60.0 Hz Increments 0.01 Hz
for fNom = 60 Hz 50.0 to 70.0 Hz Increments 0.01 Hz
Functional Limits
Power measurement 3-phase for ΙNom = 1 A With current system > 0.03 A
for ΙNom = 5 A With current system > 0.15 A
Power measurement 1-phase for ΙNom = 1 A Phase current > 0.03 A
for ΙNom = 5 A Phase current > 0.15 A
Pickup times:
Current, voltage (phase quantities)
2 times pickup value approx. 30 ms
10 times pickup value approx. 20 ms
Current, voltage (symmetrical components)
2 times pickup value approx. 40 ms
10 times pickup value approx. 30 ms
typical approx. 120 ms
maximum ((small signals and thresholds) approx. 350 ms
Power factor 300 to 600 ms
Frequency approx. 100 ms
Frequency change df/dt for 1.25 times pickup value approx. 220 ms
Voltage change dV/dt for 2 times pickup value approx. 220 ms
Binary input approx. 20 ms
Dropout times:
Current, voltage (phase quantities) < 20 ms
Current, voltage (symmetrical components) < 30 ms
typical < 50 ms
maximum < 350 ms
Power factor < 300 ms
Frequency < 100 ms
Frequency change < 200 ms
Voltage change < 220 ms
Binary input < 10 ms
Pickup thresholds:
Current for ΙNom = 1 A 0.5 % of setting value or 10 mA
for ΙNom = 5 A 0.5 % of setting value or 50 mA
Current (symmetrical components) for ΙNom = 1 A 1 % of setting value or 20 mA
for ΙNom = 5 A 1 % of setting value or 100 mA
Current (Ι2/Ι1) 1 % of setting value
Voltage 0.5 % of setting value or 0.1 V
Voltage (symmetrical components) 1 % of setting value or 0.2 V
Voltage change dV/dt 5 % of setting value or 1.5 V/s
Power 1 % of setting value or 0.3 W
(for nominal values)
Power factor 2°
Frequency 5 mHz (bei V = VNom, f = fNom)
10 mHz (bei V = VNom)
Frequency change df/dt 5% of setting value or 0.05 Hz/s
Times 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
- Synchrocheck
- Asynchronous / Synchronous (only 7SJ64)
Permissible Difference
Circuit breaker
Indication Thresholds
Table 4-1 BOSTATE – The block reads the state of an output relay and outputs it as a Boolean value.
Table 4-2 ASWITCH – This block is used to switch between two REAL inputs (RMS values).
Task levels: Recommendation: Into task levels PLC1_BEARB and PLC_BEARB, because
these levels are directly triggered.
Note: If you use thi block in the task levels MW_BEARB and SFS_BEARB, a
change of the SWITCH signal is only recognized if the signal lasts longer
than the processing cycle of the task level.
Behavior of inputs and outputs:
Table 4-3 COUNTACTIVE – This block calculates the number of active inputs. It is a generic block in which
you can specify a number of summands between 2 and 120.
Info: The COUNTACTIVE block is used to convert two Boolean inputs X1 and
X2 to INTEGER (FALSE=0, TRUE=1), and add them. The addition result is
available at output Y.
In the context menu of the block you can increase the number of inputs
to a maximum of 120:
General Limits
Device-Specific Limits
Additional Limits
Routable in Matrix
In addition to the defined preassignments, indications and measured values can be freely routed to buffers,
preconfigurations can be removed.
Range 0 % to 400 %
Tolerance 1) 5 % class accuracy acc. to IEC 60255-8
Temperature restart inhibit in %
ΘL /ΘL Trip
Range 0 % to 400 %
Tolerance 1) 5 % class accuracy acc. to IEC 60255-8
Restart threshold in %
ΘRestart/ΘR Trip
Inhibit time TReclose in min
Currents of sensitive ground fault detection in A (kA) primary and in mA secondary
(total, real, and reactive current)
ΙNs, ΙNsreal; ΙNsreactive
Range 0 mA to 1600 mA
Tolerance 1) 2 % of measured value or 1 mA
Phase angle between zero sequence voltage in °
and sensitive ground current φ (3V0, ΙNs)
Range - 180° to + 180°
Tolerance 1) ± 1°
RTD-box See section (Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes)
Synchronization Function 25 See section (Synchronization Function 25)
1) at nominal frequency
Min./Max. Memory
suited for single-, two- or three-pole broken-wire detection of voltage transformer circuits;
only for connection of phase-ground voltages
Fault Logging
Time Allocation
Fault Recording
max. 8 fault records saved by buffer battery also in the event of auxiliary voltage failure
Recording Time Total 20 s
Pre-event and post-event recording and memory time adjust-
Probing 16 samples (instantaneous values) per cycle
Energy Counter
Meter Values for Energy in kWh (MWh or GWh) and in kVARh (MVARh or GVARh)
Wp, Wq (real and reactive energy)
Range 28 Bit or 0 to 2 68 435 455 decimal for IEC 60870-5-103 (VDEW
31 Bit or 0 to 2 147 483 647 decimal for other protocols (other
than VDEW)
≤ 2 % for Ι > 0.1 ΙN, V > 0.1 VN and
Tolerance 1) | cos φ | ≥ 0.707
1) at nominal frequency
Switching Statistics
Motor Statistics
Commissioning Aids
The GOOSE communication service of IEC 61850 is qualified for switchgear interlocking The runtime of
GOOSE messages with the protection relay picked up depends on the number of connected IEC 61850
As from version V4.6 of the devices, applications with protective functions have to be checked with regard
to their required runtime. In individual cases, the manufacturer has to be consulted with regard to the
requirements to ensure that the application functions safely.
4.29 Dimensions
4.29.1 Panel Flush Mounting and Cabinet Flush Mounting (Housing Size 1/3)
Figure 4-13 Dimensional drawing of a 7SJ66 for panel flush and cubicle mounting (housing size 1/3)
4.29.2 Panel Flush Mounting and Cabinet Flush Mounting (Housing Size 1/2)
Figure 4-14 Dimensional drawing of a 7SJ66 for panel flush and cubicle mounting (housing size 1/2)
4.29.3 Varistor
[dw_varistor, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-15 Dimensional drawing of the varistor for voltage limiting in high-impedance differential protec-
This appendix is primarily a reference for the experienced user. This section provides ordering information for
the models of this device. Connection diagrams indicating the terminal connections of the models of this
device are included. Following the general diagrams are diagrams that show the proper connections of the
devices to primary equipment in many typical power system configurations. Tables with all settings and all
information available in this device equipped with all options are provided. Default settings are also given.
A.1 Ordering Information 508
A.2 Accessories 513
Construction Pos. 9
Flush-mounting case, screw-type terminals, 8-line text display D
Flush-mounting case, spring-type terminals (direct connection), screw-type terminals for CT E
connection (direct connection/ring-type cable lugs), 8-line text display
Flush-mounting case, screw-type terminals, graphical display J
Flush-mounting case, spring-type terminals (direct connection),screw-type terminals for CT K
connection (direct connection/ring-type cable lugs), graphical display
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Designation ANSI No. Description FA
Basic Elements (included — Control
in all versions) 50/51 Time-overcurrent protection: I>, I>>, I>>>, Ip
50N/51N Earth-fault protection: IE>, IE>>, IE>>>, IEp
50N/51N Earth-fault protection via insensitive IEE-function:
IEE>, IEE>>, IEEp19
50/50N Flexible protection functions (index quantities derived
from current):additional time-overcurrent protection
stanges I(E)>>>>, I2>
51V Voltage controlled overcurrent protection
49 Overload protection (with 2 time constants)
46 Phase unbalance current protection (negative-
sequence protection)
37 Undercurrent monitoring
47 Phase sequence monitoring
59N/64 Displacement voltage
50BF Circuit-breaker failure protection
74TC Trip circuit supervision
— 4 setting groups, cold-load pickup
— Inrush blocking
86 Lock out
V, P, f 27/59 Under/Overvoltage FE
81U/O Under/Overfrequency
27/47/59(N)/ QU protection
32/55/81R Flexible protection functions (parameters from
current and voltage): Voltage/power/power factor/
frequency change/voltage change protection
IEF — Intermittent earth-fault PE
V, P, f 27/59 Under-/Overvoltage
81U/O Under-/Overfrequency
27/47/59(N)/ QU protection
32/55/81R Flexible protection functions (parameters from
current and voltage): Voltage/power/power factor/
frequency change/voltage change protection
Dir 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and FC
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Dir 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and F G
V, P, f 27/59 ground
81U/O Under-/Overvoltage
27/47/59(N)/ Under-/Overfrequency
32/55/81R QU protection
Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
current & voltages): Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
Dir 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and P G
IEF 27/59 ground
V, P, f 81U/O Under-/Overvoltage
27/47/59(N)/ Under-/Overfrequency
32/55/81R QU protection
Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
current & voltages):Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
Intermittent earth-fault
Dir 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and PC
IEF — ground
Intermittent earth-fault
DGFD 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and F D20
Dir 67Ns ground
67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection
87N Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
High-impedance restricted earth fault
Intermittent earth-fault
DGFD 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and P D20
Dir 67Ns ground
IEF 67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection
87N Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
— High-impedance restricted earth fault
Intermittent earth-fault
DGFD 67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection F F20
Dir 67Ns Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
V, P, f 87N High-impedance restricted earth fault
27/59 Under-/overvoltage
81U/O Under-/overfrequency
27/47/59(N)/ Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
32/55/81R current & voltages):Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
DGFD 67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection F B20
67Ns Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
87N High-impedance restricted earth fault
20 For isolated/compensated networks, only with position 7=2,6 (sensitive ground current input)
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
DGFD 67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection H F20
Motor 67Ns Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
V, P, f 87N High-impedance restricted earth fault
48/14 Starting time supervision, locked rotor
66/86 Restart inhibit
51M Motor load jam protection
27/59 Motor statistics
81U/O Under-/overvoltage
27/47/59(N)/ Under-/overfrequency
32/55/81R QU protection
Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
current & voltages):Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
DGFD 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and H H20
Motor 67Ns ground
Dir 67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection
V, P, f 87N Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
Motor statistics 48/14 High-impedance restricted earth fault
QU protection 66/86 Starting time supervision, locked rotor
51M Restart inhibit
27/59 Motor load jam protection
81U/O Under-/overvoltage
27/47/59(N)/ Under-/overfrequency
32/55/81R Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
current & voltages): Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
DGFD 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and R H20
Motor 67Ns ground
Dir 67Ns Directional sensitive earth-fault detection
IEF 87N Directional detection of intermittent ground faults
V, P, f 48/14 High-impedance restricted earth fault Intermittent
66/86 earthfault
51M Starting time supervision, locked rotor
27/59 Restart inhibit
Motor load jam protection
Motor statistics
81U/O Under-/overfrequency
27/47/59(N)/ QU protection
32/55/81R Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
current & voltages):Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Motor 67/67N Direction determination for overcurrent, phases and H G
Dir 48/14 ground
V, P, f 66/86 Starting time supervision, locked rotor
51M Restart inhibit
27/59 Motor load jam protection
81U/O Motor statistics
27/47/59(N)/ Under-/overvoltage
32/55/81R Under-/overfrequency
QU protection
Flexible protection functions (quantities derived from
current & voltages):Voltage-/power-/p.f.-/frequency
change/voltage change protection
Motor 48/14 Starting time supervision, locked rotor HA
66/86 Restart inhibit
51M Motor load jam protection
Motor statistics
IEF: Intermittent earth fault
V,P,f: Voltage-, Power-, frequency protection
Dir: Directional OC-Prot.
Motor: Motor protection
A.2 Accessories
Table A-1 RTD-Box (Resistance Temperature Detector)
Figure B-1 General Diagram for 7SJ661 (Panel Flush Mounted or Cubicle Mounted)
Figure B-2 General Diagram 7SJ662 (Panel Flush Mounted or Cubicle Mounted)
Figure B-3 General Diagram 7SJ663 (Panel Flush Mounted or Cubicle Mounted)
Synchronization Port
[3 CTs, 1, en_US]
Figure C-1 Current transformer connections to three current transformers and neutral point current
(ground current), standard connection, suitable for all electrical power systems
[2 CTs, 1, en_US]
Figure C-2 Current connections to two current transformers - only for ungrounded or compensated
Figure C-3 Current connections to three current transformers, ground current from additional summation
CT, normal circuit layout
Important! Grounding of the cable shield must be effected at the cable's side
For busbar-side grounding of the current transformer, the current polarity of the device is changed via
address 0201. This also reverses the polarity of current input IN/INs. When using a cable-type current trans-
former, the connection of k and l at Q8 and Q7 must be changed.
Figure C-4 Current connections to two current transformers, ground current of additional toroidal trans-
former for sensitive ground fault detection.
Important! Grounding of the cable shield must be effected at the cable's side
For busbar-side grounding of the current transformer, the current polarity of the device is changed via
address 0201. This also reverses the polarity of current input IN/INs. When using a cable-type current trans-
former, the connection of k and l at Q8 and Q7 must be changed.
Figure C-5 Current transformer connections to two phase-current transformers and a ground-current
transformer; the ground current is taken via the highly sensitive and sensitive ground input.
Important! Grounding of the cable shield must be effected at the cable's side
For busbar-side grounding of the current transformer, the current polarity of the device is changed via
address 0201. This also reverses the polarity of current input IN/INs. When using a cable-type current trans-
former, the connection of k and l at Q8 and Q7 must be changed.
Figure C-6 Current transformer connections to two phase currents and two ground currents; IN/INs –
ground current of the line, IG2 – ground current of the transformer neutral point
Important! Grounding of the cable shield must be effected at the cable's side
For busbar-side grounding of the current transformer, the current polarity of the device is changed via
address 0201. This also reverses the polarity of current input IN/INs. When using a cable-type current trans-
former, the connection of k and l at Q8 and Q7 must be changed.
Figure C-7 Voltage connections to three Wye-connected voltage transformers, normal connection
Figure C-8 Voltage connections to three wye-connected voltage transformers with additional open delta
windings (da-dn)
Figure C-9 Voltage connections to three wye-connected voltage transformers with additional open delta
windings (da-dn) of the busbar
Figure C-10 Voltage connections to three wye-connected voltage transformers and additionally to any
phase-to-phase voltage (for synchronism check for example)
Figure C-11 Voltage transformer connections of two phase-to-phase voltages in open delta voltageconnec-
tion. In this connection, determination of zero-sequence voltage V0 is not possible. Functions
using zero-sequence voltage must be disabled.
Figure C-12 Voltage connections to two voltage transformers and additionally to any phase-to-phase
voltage (for synchronism check for example) In this connection, determination of zerose-
quence voltage V0 is not possible. Functions using zero-sequence voltage must be disabled.
Figure C-13 Connection circuit for single-phase voltage transformers with phase-to-phase voltages
[High-impedence, 1, en_US]
Figure C-14 High-impedance differential protection for a grounded transformer winding (showing the
partial connection for the high-impedance differential protection)
Figure C-15 Simplex operation with one RTD-box, design with RS 485, operation Ethernet via Port C
The requirements for phase current transformers are usually determined by the overcurrent time protection,
particularly by the high-current element settings. Besides, there is a minimum requirement based on experi-
The recommendations are given according to the standard IEC 60044-1.
The standards IEC 60044-6, BS 3938 and ANSI/IEEE C 57.13 are referred to for converting the requirement into
the knee-point voltage and other transformer classes.
D.1 Accuracy limiting factors 534
D.2 Class conversion 535
D.3 Cable Core Balance Current Transformer 536
but at least 20
KALF' Minimum effective accuracy limiting factor
50-2PU Primary pickup value of the high-current
ΙpNom Primary nominal transformer current
Resulting rated accuracy limiting factor
KALF Rated accuracy limiting factor
RBC Connected burden resistance (device and
RBN Nominal burden resistance
RCt Transformer internal burden resistance
ΙsNom = 1 A
KALF' = 20
RBC = 0.6 Ω (device and cables) KALF set to 10,
RBN = 5 Ω (5 VA)
ΙsNom = secondary transformer nominal current
Class Accuracy
Table D-2 Minimum Required Class Accuracy Depending on Neutral Grounding and Function Operating
For extremely small ground fault currents it may become necessary to correct the angle at the device (see
function description of "sensitive ground fault detection").
When the device leaves the factory, a large number of LED indications, binary inputs and outputs as well as
function keys are already preset. They are summarized in the following table.
E.1 LEDs 538
E.2 Binary Input 539
E.3 Binary Output 540
E.4 Function Keys 541
E.5 Default Display 542
E.6 Pre-defined CFC Charts 545
E.7 Protocol-dependent Functions 547
E.1 LEDs
Table E-1 Preset LED displays
[sc_E-5_default_display_1, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_2, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_3, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_4, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_5, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_6, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_7, 1, en_US]
[sc_E-5_default_display_8, 1, en_US]
Default display 8 can only be used if one of the two special connection types (A,G2,C,G; G->B or A,G2,C,G; G2-
>B) was selected for the current connection (parameter 251 CT Connect). Please refer to the description of
Power System Data 1.
[sc_E-5_default_display, 1, en_US]
[anzeige-spontanmeld-im-display-20070326, 1, en_US]
[cfc-verbindungen-eingang-ausgang-020902-kn, 1, en_US]
Setpoints MV
Using modules on the running sequence ”measured value processing", a low current monitor for the three
phase currents is implemented. The output message is set high as soon as one of the three phase currents falls
below the set threshold:
[cfc-unterstromueberwachung-020313-kn, 1, en_US]
Blocks of the task level "MW_BEARB" (measured value processing) are used to implement the overcurrent
monitoring and the power monitoring.
[cfc-ueberstromueberwachung-020313-kn, 1, en_US]
[cfc-leistungsueberwachung-020313-kn, 1, en_US]
F.2 Settings
Addresses which have an appended “A” can only be changed with DIGSI, under “Additional Settings”.
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding
secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
0 FLEXIBLE FUNC. Flx OFF OFF Flexible Function
Alarm Only
0 OPERRAT. MODE Flx 3-phase 3-phase Mode of Operation
no reference
0 BLK f out of r Flx YES YES Block while Freq. is out of
NO range
0 MEAS. QUANTITY Flx Please select Please select Selection of Measured
Current Quantity
P forward
P reverse
Q forward
Q reverse
Power factor
dV/dt rising
dV/dt falling
df/dt rising
df/dt falling
Binary Input
0 MEAS. METHOD Flx Fundamental Fundamental Selection of Measure-
True RMS ment Method
Positive seq.
Negative seq.
Zero sequence
Ratio I2/I1
0 PICKUP WITH Flx Exceeding Exceeding Pickup with
Dropping below
0 CURRENT Flx Ia Ia Current
In sensitive
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
information number
Data Unit
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
information number
Data Unit
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
No. Description Function Typ Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
e of
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
information number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
information number
Control Display
Default Display
Data Unit
– I A dmd> (I Admd>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– I B dmd> (I Bdmd>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– I C dmd> (I Cdmd>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– I1dmd> (I1dmd>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– |Pdmd|> (|Pdmd|>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– |Qdmd|> (|Qdmd|>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– |Sdmd|> (|Sdmd|>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– Pressure< (Press<) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– Temp> (Temp>) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– 37-1 under current (37-1) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– |Power Factor|< (|PF|<) Set Points(MV) – – – – – CFC CD DD
– Number of TRIPs= (#of TRIPs=) Statistics – – – – – CFC CD DD
– Operating hours greater than SetPoint(Stat) – – – – – CFC CD DD
170.20 V1 = (V1 =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
50 1
170.20 f1 = (f1 =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
51 1
170.20 V2 = (V2 =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
52 1
170.20 f2 = (f2 =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
53 1
170.20 dV = (dV =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
54 1
170.20 df = (df =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
55 1
170.20 dalpha = (dα =) SYNC function – – – – – CFC CD DD
56 1
601 Ia (Ia =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
602 Ib (Ib =) Measurement 160 145 Yes 3 1 CFC CD DD
134 137 No 9 2
603 Ic (Ic =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
604 In (In =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
605 I1 (positive sequence) (I1 =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
606 I2 (negative sequence) (I2 =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
621 Va (Va =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
622 Vb (Vb =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
623 Vc (Vc =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
624 Va-b (Va-b=) Measurement 160 145 Yes 3 2 CFC CD DD
information number
Control Display
Default Display
Data Unit
134 137 No 9 8
625 Vb-c (Vb-c=) Measurement 134 137 No 9 9 CFC CD DD
626 Vc-a (Vc-a=) Measurement 134 137 No 9 10 CFC CD DD
627 VN (VN =) Measurement 134 118 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
629 V1 (positive sequence) (V1 =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
630 V2 (negative sequence) (V2 =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
632 Vsync (synchronism) (Vsync =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
641 P (active power) (P =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 11 CFC CD DD
642 Q (reactive power) (Q =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 12 CFC CD DD
644 Frequency (Freq=) Measurement 134 137 No 9 13 CFC CD DD
645 S (apparent power) (S =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
661 Threshold of Restart Inhibit (Θ Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
REST. =)
701 Resistive ground current in isol Measurement 134 137 No 9 15 CFC CD DD
systems (INs Real)
702 Reactive ground current in isol Measurement 134 137 No 9 16 CFC CD DD
systems (INs Reac)
805 Temperature of Rotor (Θ Rotor) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
807 Thermal Overload (Θ/Θtrip) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
809 Time untill release of reclose- Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
blocking (T reclose=)
830 INs Senstive Ground Fault Current Measurement 134 118 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
(INs =)
831 3Io (zero sequence) (3Io =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
832 Vo (zero sequence) (Vo =) Measurement 134 118 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
833 I1 (positive sequence) Demand (I1 Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
834 Active Power Demand (P dmd =) Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
835 Reactive Power Demand (Q dmd Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
836 Apparent Power Demand (S dmd Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
837 I A Demand Minimum (IAdmdMin) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
838 I A Demand Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
839 I B Demand Minimum (IBdmdMin) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
840 I B Demand Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
841 I C Demand Minimum (ICdmdMin) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
842 I C Demand Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
information number
Control Display
Default Display
Data Unit
843 I1 (positive sequence) Demand Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Minimum (I1dmdMin)
844 I1 (positive sequence) Demand Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Maximum (I1dmdMax)
845 Active Power Demand Minimum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
846 Active Power Demand Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
847 Reactive Power Demand Minimum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
848 Reactive Power Demand Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Maximum (QdMax=)
849 Apparent Power Demand Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Minimum (SdMin=)
850 Apparent Power Demand Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Maximum (SdMax=)
851 Ia Min (Ia Min=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
852 Ia Max (Ia Max=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
853 Ib Min (Ib Min=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
854 Ib Max (Ib Max=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
855 Ic Min (Ic Min=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
856 Ic Max (Ic Max=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
857 I1 (positive sequence) Minimum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
(I1 Min=)
858 I1 (positive sequence) Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
(I1 Max=)
859 Va-n Min (Va-nMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
860 Va-n Max (Va-nMax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
861 Vb-n Min (Vb-nMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
862 Vb-n Max (Vb-nMax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
863 Vc-n Min (Vc-nMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
864 Vc-n Max (Vc-nMax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
865 Va-b Min (Va-bMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
867 Va-b Max (Va-bMax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
868 Vb-c Min (Vb-cMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
869 Vb-c Max (Vb-cMax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
870 Vc-a Min (Vc-aMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
871 Vc-a Max (Vc-aMax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
872 V neutral Min (Vn Min =) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
873 V neutral Max (Vn Max =) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
874 V1 (positive sequence) Voltage Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Minimum (V1 Min =)
information number
Control Display
Default Display
Data Unit
875 V1 (positive sequence) Voltage Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
Maximum (V1 Max =)
876 Active Power Minimum (Pmin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
877 Active Power Maximum (Pmax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
878 Reactive Power Minimum (Qmin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
879 Reactive Power Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
880 Apparent Power Minimum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
881 Apparent Power Maximum Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
882 Frequency Minimum (fmin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
883 Frequency Maximum (fmax=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
884 Power Factor Maximum (PF Max=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
885 Power Factor Minimum (PF Min=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
888 Pulsed Energy Wp (active) Energy 133 55 No 205 – CFC CD DD
889 Pulsed Energy Wq (reactive) Energy 133 56 No 205 – CFC CD DD
901 Power Factor (PF =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 14 CFC CD DD
924 Wp Forward (WpForward) Energy 133 51 No 205 – CFC CD DD
925 Wq Forward (WqForward) Energy 133 52 No 205 – CFC CD DD
928 Wp Reverse (WpReverse) Energy 133 53 No 205 – CFC CD DD
929 Wq Reverse (WqReverse) Energy 133 54 No 205 – CFC CD DD
963 I A demand (Ia dmd=) Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
964 I B demand (Ib dmd=) Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
965 I C demand (Ic dmd=) Demand meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
991 Pressure (Press =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
992 Temperature (Temp =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
996 Transducer 1 (Td1=) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
997 Transducer 2 (Td2=) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
1058 Overload Meter Max (Θ/ Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
1059 Overload Meter Min (Θ/ΘTrpMin=) Min/Max meter – – – – – CFC CD DD
1068 Temperature of RTD 1 (Θ RTD 1 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
1069 Temperature of RTD 2 (Θ RTD 2 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
1070 Temperature of RTD 3 (Θ RTD 3 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
1071 Temperature of RTD 4 (Θ RTD 4 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
1072 Temperature of RTD 5 (Θ RTD 5 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
1073 Temperature of RTD 6 (Θ RTD 6 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
1074 Temperature of RTD 7 (Θ RTD 7 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
information number
Control Display
Default Display
Data Unit
1075 Temperature of RTD 8 (Θ RTD 8 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 8 CFC CD DD
1076 Temperature of RTD 9 (Θ RTD 9 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 9 CFC CD DD
1077 Temperature of RTD10 (Θ RTD10 Measurement 134 146 No 9 10 CFC CD DD
1078 Temperature of RTD11 (Θ RTD11 Measurement 134 146 No 9 11 CFC CD DD
1079 Temperature of RTD12 (Θ RTD12 Measurement 134 146 No 9 12 CFC CD DD
16004 Threshold Sum Current Exponen- SetPoint(Stat) – – – – – CFC CD DD
tiation (ΣI^x>)
16009 Lower Threshold of CB Residual SetPoint(Stat) – – – – – CFC CD DD
Endurance (Resid.Endu. <)
16017 Threshold Sum Squared Current SetPoint(Stat) – – – – – CFC CD DD
Integral (ΣI^2t>)
16031 Angle between 3Vo and INsens. Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
(φ(3Vo,INs) =)
16032 In2 (In2 =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30701 Pa (active power, phase A) (Pa =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30702 Pb (active power, phase B) (Pb =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30703 Pc (active power, phase C) (Pc =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30704 Qa (reactive power, phase A) (Qa Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30705 Qb (reactive power, phase B) (Qb Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30706 Qc (reactive power, phase C) (Qc Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30707 Power Factor, phase A (PFa =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30708 Power Factor, phase B (PFb =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30709 Power Factor, phase C (PFc =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
30800 Voltage VX (VX =) Measurement – – – – – CFC CD DD
Bay controllers
Bay controllers are devices with control and monitoring functions without protective functions.
→ Bit pattern indication (Bitstring Of x Bit), x designates the length in bits (8, 16, 24 or 32 bits).
Buffer battery
The buffer battery ensures that specified data areas, flags, timers and counters are retained retentively.
Command without feedback
Command with feedback
Continuous Function Chart. CFC is a graphical editor with which a program can be created and configured by
using ready-made blocks.
CFC blocks
Blocks are parts of the user program delimited by their function, their structure or their purpose.
Chatter ON
A rapidly intermittent input (for example, due to a relay contact fault) is switched off after a configurable
monitoring time and can thus not generate any further signal changes. The function prevents overloading of
the system when a fault arises.
Combination devices
Combination devices are bay devices with protection functions and a control display.
Combination matrix
From DIGSI V4.6 onward, up to 32 compatible SIPROTEC 4 devices can communicate with one another in an
Inter Relay Communication combination (IRC combination). Which device exchanges which information is
defined with the help of the combination matrix.
Communication branch
A communications branch corresponds to the configuration of 1 to n users that communicate by means of a
common bus.
Communication reference CR
The communication reference describes the type and version of a station in communication by PROFIBUS.
Component view
In addition to a topological view, SIMATIC Manager offers you a component view. The component view does
not offer any overview of the hierarchy of a project. It does, however, provide an overview of all the SIPROTEC
4 devices within a project.
Common Format for Transient Data Exchange, format for fault records.
If an object can contain other objects, it is called a container. The object Folder is an example of such a
Control Display
The display which is displayed on devices with a large (graphic) display after you have pressed the control key
is called the control display. It contains the switchgear that can be controlled in the feeder with status display.
It is used to perform switching operations. Defining this display is part of the configuration.
Data pane
The right-hand area of the project window displays the contents of the area selected in the → navigation
window, for example indications, measured values, etc. of the information lists or the function selection for
the device configuration.
The extremely precise official time is determined in Germany by the "Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt
PTB" in Braunschweig. The atomic clock station of the PTB transmits this time via the long-wave time-signal
transmitter in Mainflingen near Frankfurt/Main. The emitted time signal can be received within a radius of
approx. 1,500 km from Frankfurt/Main.
Device container
In the Component View, all SIPROTEC 4 devices are assigned to an object of type Device container. This object
is a special object of DIGSI Manager. However, since there is no component view in DIGSI Manager, this object
only becomes visible in conjunction with STEP 7.
Double command
Double commands are process outputs which indicate 4 process states at 2 outputs: 2 defined (for example
ON/OFF) and 2 undefined states (for example intermediate positions)
Double-point indication
Double-point indications are items of process information which indicate 4 process states at 2 inputs: 2
defined (for example ON/OFF) and 2 undefined states (for example intermediate positions).
→ Double-point indication
→ Double point indication, intermediate position 00
The conductive earth whose electric potential can be set equal to zero at every point. In the area of earth elec-
trodes the earth can have a potential deviating from zero. The term "Earth reference plane" is often used for
this state.
Earth (verb)
This term means that a conductive part is connected via an earthing system to the → earth.
Earthing is the total of all means and measures used for earthing.
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of an electrical apparatus to function fault-free in a specified
environment without influencing the environment unduly.
→ Electromagnetic compatibility
ESD protection
ESD protection is the total of all the means and measures used to protect electrostatic sensitive devices.
Limiting value, user-defined
External bit pattern indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific → Bit pattern indication
External command without feedback via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
Command with feedback via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
External double point indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific → Double point indication
External double point indication via an ETHERNET connection, intermediate position 00, device-specific →
Double point indication
External metered value via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
External single point indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific → Single point indication
External single point indication via an ETHERNET connection, Spontaneous event, device-specific → Fleeting
indication, → Single point indication
Field devices
Generic term for all devices assigned to the field level: Protection devices, combination devices, bay control-
Fleeting Indication
Fleeting indications are single-point indications present for a very short time, in which only the coming of the
process signal is logged and further processed time-correctly.
This object type is used to create the hierarchical structure of a project.
GOOSE message
GOOSE messages (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) according to IEC 61850 are data packets which
are transferred event-controlled via the Ethernet communication system. They serve for direct information
exchange among the relays. This mechanism implements cross-communication between bay units.
Global Positioning System. Satellites with atomic clocks on board orbit the earth twice a day on different paths
in approx. 20,000 km. They transmit signals which also contain the GPS universal time. The GPS receiver
determines its own position from the signals received. From its position it can derive the delay time of a satel-
lite signal and thus correct the transmitted GPS universal time.
Hierarchy level
Within a structure with higher-level and lower-level objects a hierarchy level is a container of equivalent
HV field description
The HV project description file contains details of fields which exist in a ModPara-project. The actual field infor-
mation of each field is stored in a HV field description file. Within the HV project description file, each field is
allocated such a HV field description file by a reference to the file name.
HV project description
All the data is exported once the configuration and parameterization of PCUs and sub-modules using ModPara
has been completed. This data is split up into several files. One file contains details about the fundamental
project structure. This also includes, for example, information detailing which fields exist in this project. This
file is called a HV project description file.
Internal double point indication → Double point indication
Internal double point indication, intermediate position 00 → Double point indication
International Electrotechnical Commission, international standardization body
International communication standard for communication in substations. The objective of this standard is the
interoperability of devices from different manufacturers on the station bus. An Ethernet network is used for
data transfer.
IEC address
Within an IEC bus a unique IEC address has to be assigned to each SIPROTEC 4 device. A total of 254 IEC
addresses are available for each IEC bus.
Initialization string
An initialization string comprises a range of modem-specific commands. These are transmitted to the modem
within the framework of modem initialization. The commands can, for example, force specific settings for the
Internal single point indication → Single point indication
Internal indication Spontaneous event → Fleeting indication, → Single point indication
IRC combination
Inter Relay Communication, IRC, is used for directly exchanging process information between SIPROTEC 4
devices. You require an object of type IRC combination to configure an inter relay communication. Each user
of the combination and all the necessary communication parameters are defined in this object. The type and
scope of the information exchanged between the users is also stored in this object.
Time signal code of the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group
ISO 9001
The ISO 9000 ff range of standards defines measures used to assure the quality of a product from the develop-
ment stage to the manufacturing stage.
(Low-Frequency-Oscillation) Filter for low frequency oscillations
Link address
The link address gives the address of a V3/V2 device.
List view
The right window section of the project window displays the names and icons of objects which represent the
contents of a container selected in the tree view. Because they are displayed in the form of a list, this area is
called the list view.
Line Post Sensor
Limiting value
Masters may send data to other users and request data from other users. DIGSI operates as a master.
Metered value
Metered values are a processing function with which the total number of discrete similar events (counting
pulses) is determined for a period, usually as an integrated value. In power supply companies the electrical
work is usually recorded as a metered value (energy purchase/supply, energy transportation).
MLFB is the abbreviation for "MaschinenLesbare FabrikateBezeichnung" (machine-readable product designa-
tion). This is the equivalent of an order number. The type and version of a SIPROTEC 4 device is coded in the
order number.
Modem connection
This object type contains information on both partners of a modem connection, the local modem and the
remote modem.
Modem profile
A modem profile consists of the name of the profile, a modem driver and may also comprise several initializa-
tion commands and a user address. You can create several modem profiles for one physical modem. To do so
you need to link various initialization commands or user addresses to a modem driver and its properties and
save them under different names.
Modem profiles for a modem connection are stored in this object type.
Measured value
Metered value which is formed from the measured value
Measured value with time
Measured value, user-defined
Navigation pane
The left pane of the project window displays the names and symbols of all containers of a project in the form
of a folder tree.
Each element of a project structure is called an object in DIGSI.
Object properties
Each object has properties. These might be general properties that are common to several objects. An object
can also have specific properties.
In offline mode a connection to a SIPROTEC 4 device is not required. You work with data which are stored in
When working in online mode, there is a physical connection to a SIPROTEC 4 device. This connection can be
implemented as a direct connection, as a modem connection or as a PROFIBUS FMS connection.
Output Indication
Output indication Spontaneous event→ Fleeting indication
Comprehensive term for all setting work on the device. The parameterization is done with DIGSI or sometimes
also directly on the device.
Parameter set
The parameter set is the set of all parameters that can be set for a SIPROTEC 4 device.
Phone book
User addresses for a modem connection are saved in this object type.
Pulse metered value
Process bus
Devices with a process bus interface allow direct communication with SICAM HV modules. The process bus
interface is equipped with an Ethernet module.
PROcess FIeld BUS, the German process and field bus standard, as specified in the standard EN 50170, Volume
2, PROFIBUS. It defines the functional, electrical, and mechanical properties for a bit-serial field bus.
PROFIBUS address
Within a PROFIBUS network a unique PROFIBUS address has to be assigned to each SIPROTEC 4 device. A total
of 254 PROFIBUS addresses are available for each PROFIBUS network.
Content-wise, a project is the image of a real power supply system. Graphically, a project is represented as a
number of objects which are integrated in a hierarchical structure. Physically, a project consists of a number of
directories and files containing project data.
Protection devices
All devices with a protective function and no control display.
Frequent addition and deletion of objects results in memory areas that can no longer be used. By reorganizing
projects, you can release these memory areas again. However, a cleanup also reassigns the VD addresses. The
consequence is that all SIPROTEC 4 devices have to be reinitialized.
RIO file
Relay data Interchange format by Omicron.
Serial interfaces RS232, RS422/485
Service interface
Rear serial interface on the devices for connecting DIGSI (for example, via modem).
The SICAM WinCC operator control and monitoring system displays the state of your network graphically, visu-
alizes alarms, interrupts and indications, archives the network data, offers the possibility of intervening
manually in the process and manages the system rights of the individual employee.
Single command
Single commands are process outputs which indicate 2 process states (for example, ON/OFF) at one output.
The registered trademark SIPROTEC is used for devices implemented on system base V4.
SIPROTEC 4 device
This object type represents a real SIPROTEC 4 device with all the setting values and process data it contains.
SIPROTEC 4 Variant
This object type represents a variant of an object of type SIPROTEC 4 device. The device data of this variant
may well differ from the device data of the original object. However, all variants derived from the original
object have the same VD address as the original object. For this reason they always correspond to the same
real SIPROTEC 4 device as the original object. Objects of type SIPROTEC 4 variant have a variety of uses, such
as documenting different operating states when entering parameter settings of a SIPROTEC 4 device.
A slave may only exchange data with a master after being prompted to do so by the master. SIPROTEC 4
devices operate as slaves.
→ Single point indication
→ Single point indication Spontaneous event → Fleeting indication, → Single point indication
System interface
Rear serial interface on the devices for connecting to a substation controller via IEC or PROFIBUS.
Transformer Tap Indication
Time stamp
Time stamp is the assignment of the real time to a process event.
Topological view
DIGSI Manager always displays a project in the topological view. This shows the hierarchical structure of a
project with all available objects.
Tree view
The left pane of the project window displays the names and symbols of all containers of a project in the form
of a folder tree. This area is called the tree view.
Without any electrical connection to → ground.
User address
A user address comprises the name of the user, the national code, the area code and the user-specific phone
From DIGSI V4.6 onward , up to 32 compatible SIPROTEC 4 devices can communicate with one another in an
Inter Relay Communication combination. The individual participating devices are called users.
A VD (Virtual Device) includes all communication objects and their properties and states that are used by a
communication user through services. A VD can be a physical device, a module of a device or a software
VD address
The VD address is assigned automatically by DIGSI Manager. It exists only once in the entire project and thus
serves to identify unambiguously a real SIPROTEC 4 device. The VD address assigned by DIGSI Manager must
be transferred to the SIPROTEC 4 device in order to allow communication with DIGSI Device Editor.
A VFD (Virtual Field Device) includes all communication objects and their properties and states that are used
by a communication user through services.
VI stands for Value Indication.
Frequency 454 T
Overcurrent Protection Single-phase
Current Elements 454 Tank leakage protection 119
Frequency 454 Tank Leakage Protection 124
Overfrequency 162 sensitivity 124
Overload Protection 171 time delay 124
Overvoltage Protection 59 127 Temperature Detection 314, 491
Temperature Detectors 491
Temperatures 435
Terminating the Trip Signal 323
Termination of Bus-capable Interfaces 391
Test fault record 426
Panel Flush Mounting 504, 505
Testing: System Interface 411
Phase Rotation 322
Thermal Overload Protection 470
Phase Sequence Monitoring 185
Thermal Replica 171
Pickup Logic 323
Thermobox for Temperature Detection 314
Polarity Check for Current Input I 422
Time Allocation 500
Time Synchronization 502
Time Synchronization Interface 432
R Total Time T 150
Rack Mounting 404 Saturation voltage 118
Reclosing Programs 250 Triggering Oscillographic Recording 427
Regulations 433 Trip Circuit Supervision 193, 388, 502
Reset of Stored LED / Relays 36 Trip tests with circuit breaker 426
Restart Threshold 149 Trip/Close Tests for the Configured Operating
Restart Time 149 Devices 426
Reverse Interlocking 71 Tripping Logic 323
Rotor Overload Detection 149 Two-phase Overcurrent Protection 70
RTD Box for Temperature Detection 491
Rush stabilisation 92
S Überstromzeitschutz einphasig
Dropout Ratios 454
Saved Number of Trips 501 Underfrequency 162
Sensitive ground-fault detection Undervoltage Consideration 65
Directional overcurrent-protection stage with G0 or Undervoltage Protection 27 128
B0 measurement 226 Undervoltage-controlled reactive power protection (27/
Sensitive ground current with Y0 225 Q) 468
Service Conditions 436 User Interface 431
Service/Modem Interface 432 User-defined Functions 492
Setting Group Change 387
Setting Group Change Option of the Functional
Settings 502
Setting Groups Changing 50
Software Monitoring 183
Vibration and Shock Stress during Steady-State Opera-
Spontaneous Fault Indications 36
tion 434
Standard Interlocking 364
Vibration and Shock Stress during Transport 435
Static Blocking 251
voltage controlled 65
Switchgear controll 360
Voltage Inputs 430
Switching Authority 367
Voltage limit 119
Switching Device Control 503
Voltage protection 126
Switching Mode 368
Voltage Protection 455
Synchrocheck 304
voltage restraint 65
Synchronization Function 301, 489
Voltage supply 430
System Interface 432
Watchdog 183
Web-Monitor 349