The Black Crusades: Khorne
The Black Crusades: Khorne
The Black Crusades: Khorne
Heres y. Sev eral Spa c e Marine Legion s rebelled ag ain s t the "Fals e Em peror" und er the pers u a si v e-yet-
corrupt lea d ership of Warm a ster Horus, a former lieutenant of the Emperor who fell und er Chao s' s w a y.
S pa c e Marine foug ht brother Spa c e Marine, culminating in a final battle at the Im perial Palace on Holy
Thoug h the forces of the Im periu m were victoriou s, the Emperor of Man kind wa s mortally woun d ed and
en c a s ed in the Golden Throne to su stain his life. Meanw h ile, the survi ving rebel Spa c e Marines fled for
the Eye of Terror, a ma s si v e Warp storm on the northea stern ed g e of the galaxy. Here, warps pac e mixed
with real s pac e and the Daemon s of Chaos could m anifest them s el v es.
The traitor Spa c e Marines took refug e in the Eye of Terror, launc hing raid s and Blac k Cru s a d es from
their ma elstrom ba s e. Thes e Chao s Spa c e Marines bec a m e an endles s pla g ue upon the Im perium,
wr ea king ha voc in the na m e of their Chao s God s.
Chao s Spa c e Marines ha v e mo st of the ca pabilities of reg ular Spa c e Marines, thoug h they al so ha v e
Chao s abilities and gear that ma k e them uniqu e. Each of the four Chaos Gods ha v e Chao s Spa c e Marines
d evoted to their cult, be they Nois e Marines in service of Slaan es h to Plagu e Marines in service of Nurgle.
They can unlea s h untold horrors on their opponents, from Daemon Pac k s to Chaos Defilers. They can be
organi zed in an infinite number of wa y s, which is appropriate bec a u s e Chaos embodies di sorder itself.
I n the end, Chao s Spa c e Marine armies are feared opponents that are seen a s hig hly unpredictable by
thos e who fight them.
Long ago Abaddon was a great hero, a mighty warrior who battled in humanity's wars of expansion and retribution.
He was captain of the Luna Wolves' 1st Company during the Great Crusade, and followed Horus from ancient Terra to
conquer the distant stars. The Luna Wolves battled across uncounted worlds to free them from alien tyranny or the
taint of Chaos, and Abaddon was ever at the fore. He worshipped the Warmaster like a god and Horus treated him as
his most favoured son, indeed some whispered that he was in truth the clone-son of the Primarch himself, product of
the earliest Primogenitor experimentation. None were prouder than he when the Emperor renamed the Legion the
Sons of Horus in honour of the Warmaster's accomplishments in the Ullanor Crusade.
Abaddon has led thirteen Black Crusades against the Imperium. Some have been great invasions of whole Legions of
the lost and the damned, others have been vicious raids with only a few companies of the the most deadly Chaos
Space Marines at his command. Each attack has sent the Imperium reeling and ravaged worlds close to the Eye of
Terror. The High Lords of Terra live in fear of the day that Abaddon unites all of the Traitor Legions into an
unstoppable horde and returns to play out the last acts of treachery begun by Horus ten thousand years ago. _ _
BL1.1.1 Initiative & Strategy Rating
All Chao s Marine, Daemon, Chao s Titan Legion and Chao s Na v y formation s ha v e an initiativ e rating of
2+. Chaos Blac k Legion armies ha v e a strateg y rating of 4.
The Chaos Powers are quick to punish or reward their champions. In the strategy phase if the Chaos player rolls a 6
they are rewarded for their tactical acumen with an additional 1D3 daemons to add to the Daemon Pool (see BL1.1.3).
If the Chaos player rolls 1 their patron Powers withdraw their support and the Chaos player must remove 1D3
daemons from the Daemon Pool. If the Chaos player has no remaining daemons in their Daemon Pool then there is
no further effect.
BL1.1.2 Factions
Each formation in an army of the Black Legion belongs to a faction that owes allegiance to one of the gods of Chaos
(Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch), or to Chaos Undivided. You must decide which faction each formation in
your army belongs to before the battle and note it down on your army list. With the exception of those formations that
worship Chaos Undivided, the different factions do not get along well, and some factions hold a millennia-old hatred
of each other. Although the factions will often unite under a powerful Warlord to fight a common enemy, their enmity
can cause problems during a battle. This is represented by the following rules:
Formations belonging to Khorne hate those belonging to Slaanesh, and vice-versa. Formations belonging to Tzeentch
hate those belonging to Nurgle, and vice-versa.
A formation that has no units from a hated formation within 30cm of any of its units receives a +1 modifier to its
Initiative test. If even one hated unit is within 30cm then this bonus is lost. This modifier only ever applies to units
that are on the battlefield; aircraft, spacecraft and any other formations that are not in play never receive the modifier.
BL1.1.3 Summoned Units
Formations that purchase the Daemonic Pact upgrade (see the army list below) are able to summon daemons to the
battlefield. In order to summon daemons a players must first purchase a single Daemon Pool from which all formations with
the Daemonic Pact upgrade will summon. Daemons in the Daemon Pool are purchased and noted only as being lesser or
greater daemons, not by their faction. The summoning formation’s faction dictates what types of daemons may be summoned
(see below). Players should either write down the contents of their Daemon Pool or use tokens to indicate the number of each
lesser and greater daemon they have available to summon during a game. The Chaos player’s opponent is always able to view
the number of lesser and greater daemons remaining in the Da emon Pool. The Daemon Pool is kept off the board and
daemons are removed from it as formations summon daemons onto the board.
At the start of that formation’s action, before the action test dice roll is made, the formation may summon daemonic units from
the Daemon Pool. Summoning allows you to call 2D3 summoning points worth of daemonic units to the battlefield (the
number of summoning points it costs to summon a unit will be listed on its data sheet, but as a general rule greater daemons
cost 8 summoning points and all other units cost 1 summoning point each). Summoning points must be used to summon
daemonic units from the Daemon Pool and summoned units are brought into play immediately. If for any reason any
summoning points generated are not used, they are lost and may not be carried over into subsequent turns. You may only
summon as many daemons as you have left in your Daemon Pool. Left over daemonic units may be summoned during a later
turn. Daemonic units that are destroyed are removed from play and are not put back into the Daemon Pool. Broken
formations or formations that have not bought a Daemonic Pact may not summon daemons.
Players may only have one greater daemon of a given faction in the army on the board at one time. For example, if you already
have a summoned Bloodthirster on the board you are not allowed to summon another Bloodthirster until that first greater
daemon has been removed from play.
Summoned units must be set up with their base within 5cm of any non-daemonic unit from their formation, (i.e. you cannot
place a ‘chain’ of summoned units). They may not be set up in the Zone of Control of an enemy unit or in impassable terrain.
The type of unit that can be summoned depends on the summoning formation’s faction, as follows:
Summoned units remain on the battlefield until the end phase of the turn in which they are summoned. In the end of the rally
phase, after formations have attempted to rally, all summoned units in the formation are removed from the board and placed
back into the Daemon Pool unless the formation has a unit with Daemonic Focu s (see LD 1.1.5 below). Greater Daemons
that are returned to the Daemon Pool keep the same DC they had when they left the battlefield. They do not heal back to full
DC, so when summoned again they will have that same DC. Summoned units that are destroyed are not put back into the
Daemon Pool. Note that this may lead to the formation breaking if the number of Blast Markers on the formation is greater
than the number of units left in play after the summoned units have been removed. When a formation breaks any summoned
units in the formation are lost in the warp and considered destroyed. They do not go back into the Daemon Pool.
Example: A Chaos pla y er begin s her army creation proces s by purch a sing a Daemon Pool to be used by her
s u m moning formation s. She purch a s es 18 Les s er Daemon s and 2 Greater Daemon s. Thes e Daemon s aren’t
affiliated with any particular faction until they are su m moned. When purch a sin g her formation s s h e choos es
the Daemonic Pact upgrad e for two of those formation s ; a Khorne and a Nurgle formation. During her first turn
s h e indic ates that the Nurgle formation will be su m moning da emon s. She rolls 2D3 and gets 5 su m moning
points. She decides to su m mon five Plag u ebearers whi c h ea c h cost a single s u m moning point. She remo v es 5
Les s er Daemon s from the Daemon Pool, lea ving 13, and places 5 Plagu ebearers on the table.
I n her second turn sh e decid es to su m mon da emon s using the Khornate formation s. She al so purch a s ed
a Chao s Cha m pion for this formation so sh e rolls 2D3, th e ba s e amount sh e gets to su m mon, and then
rolls an ad ditional 2D3 bec a u s e of the Cha m pion’s Aug m ent Su m moning ability. She rec ei v es 12
s u m moning points. Sh e u s es eight points to su m mon a Bloodthirster, two points to su m mon Daemonic
Bea sts and the la st t wo points to su m mon t wo Bloodletters. Thi s lea v e s her with 9 Les s er Daemon s and a
single Greater Daemon in her Dea mon pool.
Warp Bolt (15cm) Small Arms Macro Weapon, Extra Attack (+1)
Notes: Chaos Space Marine Lords can be one of three types: Chaos Warlord, Sorcerer Lord or Chaos Lord. All are
Characters, have the Leader, Invulnerable Save and Commander abilities. Chaos Warlords also have the Supreme
Commander ability. Sorcerer Lords have the Warp Bolt weapon (listed in the weapon section above) instead of the
Daemon Weapon.
Daemon Prince
Icon Bearer
Champion of Chaos
Daemonic Bolt (15cm) Small Arms Extra Attack (+1), First Strike
Notes: Character, Invulnerable Save, Augment Summoning (+2D3). A Champion of Chaos is outfitted depending on
the faction of the formation they are attached to: Khornate, Nurgle and Undivided Champions wield the Daemon
Artifact. Slaanesh and Tzeentch Champions are equipped with the Daemonic Bolt.
Noise Marines
Plague Marines
Thousand Sons
Chaos Rhino
Chaos Predator
Chaos Land Raider
Chaos Dreadnought
Death Wheel
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine 30cm 4+ 5+ 3+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
2 x Reaper Autocannon 30cm AP4+/AT6+ Left Side
2 x Reaper Autocannon 30cm AP4+/AT6+ Right Side
Battle Cannon 75cm AP4+/AT4+ Left Side
Battle Cannon 75cm AP4+/AT4+ Right Side
Notes: 2 Void Shields. Damage Capacity 4. Reinforced Armour. Fearless.
Critical Hit Effect: The Death Wheel’s gyroscopic stabiliser is damaged. The Death Wheel rolls 3D6cms in a
random direction (stopping if it contacts impassable terrain or another war engine) inflicting a hit on any unit run
over or into, and then tips over and is destroyed.
The Deci m ator is a corrupted v ariant of an older, and no w obsolete, prec ursor to the Sh a do w s word
Critical Hit Effect: The Decimator’s boiler explodes. The Decimator is destroyed, and any units within 5cm of the
model suffer a hit on a D6 roll of 6 .
Banelord Titan
The Banelord is perha ps the most horrific of Chaos Titan s, its living cre w h a v e long since died or becom e
m eld ed with their wea pon s, lea ving the Titan a living, raging ma c hine with an unq u en c h able thirst for
c arna g e. Typic ally aligned to the blood god Khorne it ha s been warped into a da emonic sla u g hterer,
lea ding the blood thirsty legion s of Khorne into battle. Wa s h ed in the blood of thou s an d s of sa crifices and
m utated to bear the fac e of a Bloodletter, the Banelord carries wea pon s from Khorne’s great wea pon
forges, deep in the heart of the Eye of Terror. A once prou d war ma c hine ha s becom e the living
incarnation of war. The other Ruinou s Po wers are also k no wn to create t wi sted v ersion s of the Banelord
a s well. The Nurgle Plag u elord, Slaan es h Painlord and Tzeentch Warplord Titan s are malevolent
cou sin s to the Banelord, all built for the sa m e dark purpo se.
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine 15cm 4+ 2+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Havoc Missile Rack 60cm 6 x 2BP Indirect Fire, Single Shot, Forward
Hellstrike Cannon 60cm 3BP Macro Weapon, Ignore Cover, Forward
Doomfist 30cm 4 x AP4+/AT4+ Forward
or (base) Assault Weapon Extra Attacks(+2), Macro Weapon, Titan Killer (D3)
Battlehead (15cm) Small Arms Extra Attacks(+2), Fixed Forward
Tail 75cm AP4+/AT4+, 360/All Around
or (base) Assault Weapon Extra Attacks(+1),
Notes: 6 Void Shields. Damage Capacity 8. Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is
lower than the Titan’s knees and up to 2cm wide. Reinforced armour. Thick rear armour. Fearless.
Critical Hit Effect: The Banelord is driven into a daemonic rage and immediately moves 3D6cm in a random
direction. If this move takes the Banelord into impassable terrain or another unit it can’t move over then it stops when
it contacts the obstruction and suffers an extra point of damage. If the Titan rampages into or over any units then they
will take a hit on a D6 roll of 4+ (make saving throws for the units normally).
Ravager Titan
The Chao s Ra v a g er Titan is a foul parody of the Im perial Rea v er Titan. The Legion s they were part of
thre w in their lot with the corrupted Warma ster in the Horus Heres y. No w, lik e the Chaos Warlord s they
are cre wed by insidiou s thing melded to their mac hines and ha v e long since cea s ed to be hu m an.
Critical Hit Effect: The Ravager’s plasma reactor has been damaged. Roll a D6 for the Ravager in the end phase of
every turn: on a roll of 1 the reactor explodes destroying the Ravager, on a roll of 2-3 the Ravager suffers one more
point of damage, and on a roll of 4-6 the reactor is repaired and will cause no further trouble. If the reactor explodes,
any units within 5cms of the Ravager will be hit on a roll of 5+.
Feral Titan
Chao s Warhound
Critical Hit Effect: The Feral is caught off-balance and staggers. Move it D6cm in a random direction. If this move
takes the Feral into impassable terrain or another unit it can’t move over then it stops when it contacts the
obstruction and suffers an extra point of damage. If it staggers into or over any units then they will take a hit on a D6
roll of 6+ (make saving throws for the units normally).
Swiftdeath Fighter
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Aircraft Fighter 6+ - -
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Stormbolters 15cm AP5+/AA5+ Fixed Forward
Heavy Bolter 30cm Ap5+/AA6+ Fixed Forward
Notes: None
Helltalon Fighter-bomber
Daemonic Beasts
Critical Hit Effect: The Daemon is hurled back into the warp. It will drag any other units within 5cms back with on
a roll of 6
Critical Hit Effect: The Daemon is hurled back into the warp. It will drag any other units within 5cms back with on
a roll of 6
Critical Hit Effect: The Daemon is hurled back into the warp. It will drag any other units within 5cms back with on
a roll of 6
Keeper of Secrets: Great Daemon of Slaanesh
Critical Hit Effect: The Daemon is hurled back into the warp. It will drag any other units within 5cms back with on
a roll of 6
_These units either do not have models or are old models of units that are not in the tournament list. These stats can
be used in friendly games if your opponent agrees.
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 30cm 5+ 3+ -
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Claws and Fangs (base) Assault Weapons
Notes: Jump Packs. Invulnerable Save. Costs one point to summon.
Flesh Hounds
Chaos Spawn