This document summarizes sensory disorder cases from April 2018 at the Leces community health center. It lists the number of new and existing cases of visual and hearing disorders by age group. There were 76 new cases of visual disorders including cataracts, refractive errors, conjunctivitis, and foreign bodies in the eyes. There were also 12 new cases of hearing disorders such as otitis externa, otitis media, and congenital deafness. The document was acknowledged by the head of the Leces community health center.
This document summarizes sensory disorder cases from April 2018 at the Leces community health center. It lists the number of new and existing cases of visual and hearing disorders by age group. There were 76 new cases of visual disorders including cataracts, refractive errors, conjunctivitis, and foreign bodies in the eyes. There were also 12 new cases of hearing disorders such as otitis externa, otitis media, and congenital deafness. The document was acknowledged by the head of the Leces community health center.
This document summarizes sensory disorder cases from April 2018 at the Leces community health center. It lists the number of new and existing cases of visual and hearing disorders by age group. There were 76 new cases of visual disorders including cataracts, refractive errors, conjunctivitis, and foreign bodies in the eyes. There were also 12 new cases of hearing disorders such as otitis externa, otitis media, and congenital deafness. The document was acknowledged by the head of the Leces community health center.
This document summarizes sensory disorder cases from April 2018 at the Leces community health center. It lists the number of new and existing cases of visual and hearing disorders by age group. There were 76 new cases of visual disorders including cataracts, refractive errors, conjunctivitis, and foreign bodies in the eyes. There were also 12 new cases of hearing disorders such as otitis externa, otitis media, and congenital deafness. The document was acknowledged by the head of the Leces community health center.
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Puskesmas : Leces Bulan/Tahun : April 2018
NO KEGIATAN Jumlah Kasus Baru Menurut Golongan Umur Jumlah Jumlah
0-7 hr 8-28 hr 1-11 bn 1-4 th 5-9 th 10-14 th 15-19 tn 20-44 th 45-59 th >59 th kasus baru Kasus KET. 1 2 L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P Total Dirujuk
I Jenis Gangguan Penglihatan dan Kebutaan (H00-H59)
Follow up pasca operasi katarak 0 0 0 l. Tajam penglihatan: 6/12 - 6/18 0 0 0 < 6/18 - 6/60 0 0 0 < 6/60 0 0 0 0 0 0 II Jenis Gangguan Pendengaran dan Ketulian (H60-H95) a. Otitis Eksterna 1 1 3 1 1 5 6 b. Otitis media akut 1 1 0 1 c. Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik (OMSK/Congek) 0 0 0 d. Serumen 0 0 0 e. Presbikusis 0 0 0 f . Tuli akibat Bising (NIHL) 0 0 0 e. Tuli Konginital (tuli sejak lahir) 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 f. Gangguan Pendengaran lain 1 1 2 0 2 1
Mengetahui, Leces, 1 Mei 2018
Kepala Puskesmas Leces Pengelola Program
NIP. 19840804 201001 2 019 LAPORAN KEGIATAN PROGRAM GANGGUAN INDERA Puskesmas : Leces Bulan : April 2018
NO KEGIATAN Jumlah Kasus Baru Menurut Golongan Umur Jumlah Jumlah
0-7 hr 8-28 hr 1-11 bn 1-4 th 5-9 th 10-14 th 15-19 tn 20-44 th 45-59 th >59 th kasus lama Kasus KET. 1 2 L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P L P Total Dirujuk
I Jenis Gangguan Penglihatan dan Kebutaan (H00-H59)
a. Katarak: > 3/60 2 1 2 1 3 3 ≤3/60 0 0 0 b. Kelainan Refraksi 0 0 0 - Miopi 0 0 0 - Hipermetropia 0 0 0 - Presbiopia 0 0 0 - Astigmatisme 0 0 0 c. Glaukoma 0 0 0 d. Xeroftalmia 0 0 0 f. Buta 0 0 0 g. Low vision 0 0 0 h. Benda asing dimata 0 0 0 i. Konjungtivitis 1 0 1 1 1 j. Hordeulum 0 0 0 j. Pterygium 0 0 0
k. Jumlah operasi katarak
Follow up pasca operasi katarak 0 0 0 l. Tajam penglihatan: 6/12 - 6/18 0 0 0 < 6/18 - 6/60 0 0 0 < 6/60 0 0 0 0 0 0 II Jenis Gangguan Pendengaran dan Ketulian (H60-H95) a. Otitis Eksterna 0 0 0 b. media Supuratif c. Otitis Media akut Kronik 2 2 0 2 (OMSK/Congek) 0 0 0 d. Serumen 0 0 0 e. Presbikusis 0 0 0 f . Tuli akibat Bising (NIHL) 0 0 0 e. Tuli Konginital (tuli sejak lahir) 0 0 0 f. Gangguan Pendengaran lain 0 0 0