Summary Internship Report: Deportment of Business Administration

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Submitted by
Dasari Niharika
H. No: 182E1E0015
Under the Guidance of

Deportment of Business Administration


(Affiliated to JNTUH)

Bata India is the largest retailer and leading manufacturer of footwear in India and is a
part of the Bata Shoe Organization.

Incorporated as Bata Shoe Company Private Limited in 1931, the company was set up
initially as a small operation in Konnagar (near Calcutta) in 1932. In January 1934, the
foundation stone for the first building of Bata’s operation - now called the Bata. In the
years that followed, the overall site was doubled in area. This township is popularly
known as Batanagar. It was also the first manufacturing facility in the Indian shoe
industry to receive the ISO: 9001 certification.

The Company went public in 1973 when it changed its name to Bata India Limited.
Today, Bata India has established itself as India’s largest footwear retailer. Its retail
network of over 1375 stores gives it a reach / coverage that no other footwear
company can match. The stores are present in good locations and can be found in all
the metros, mini-metros and towns

Bata’s smart looking new stores supported by a range of better quality products are
aimed at offering a superior shopping experience to its customers.

The Company also operates a large non retail distribution network through its urban
wholesale division and caters to millions of customers through over 30,000 dealers.

We follow the values of our Parent Company, Bata Shoe Organization, which are:


We are passionate about delighting our customers. Serving their individual needs
defines everything we do. It is this passion for what we do that sets us apart from our
competitors. We are proud and energized by being part of a family company with
deeply held values. We have all invested something of ourselves in the company and
act as if the company was our own. We like to win but not at all costs. We take
responsibility for how we impact the many and diverse communities in which we


We are pioneers. We value individuals with the courage to change, and to be prepared
to fail sometimes. We have a healthy dissatisfaction for the status quo. We encourage
creativity. We recognize curiosity and original thought. Innovation is the foundation
stone of our company. We embrace the future but take time to learn from the past. We
do what we say we will do and do not rest on our laurels. We celebrate success and
value everyone’s unique contribution towards achieving the goal.

We lead by example and follow when called. We value those who take accountability
for their successes and failures. We take responsibility for our own performance and
the performance of those around us. We encourage and support others to do their best.
We place great importance on developing ourselves and those around us and we
believe that feedback is the breakfast of champions. We share openly with others and
we act with integrity in all that we do.


Whether it is products, processes, or people, we are uncompromising when it comes to

quality. We strive to create products that are easy to buy, exciting to wear, and
exceptional value. We strive to be the most responsible and efficient in all that we do it
order to deliver the best value to our customers. We operate where design, comfort and
value meet. Delighting the diverse needs and preferences of our customers is our
lifelong mission.


Making people’s lives better has been at the core of the company’s philosophy for over
120 years. We do this by displaying respect for our customers, suppliers, employees
and the communities we touch. We believe that we can make a difference in the lives
of everyone we touch through openness and tolerance to race, religion or cultural
differences. We offer an inclusive and supportive work environment to our employees
where individuality is valued, where people can ‘be themselves’, and where everyone
is encouraged to grow.

The Company’s 85th Annual Report covering the operational and financial
performance of your Company along with the Audited Financial Statements for the
financial year ended March 31 2018.

Financial Year
Financial Year ended on
ended on March 31
PARTICULARS March 312018 2017

(Audited) (Audited)


OTHER INCOME 508.44 466.46

TOTAL 26871.62 25438.87


AND TAXATION 3400.14 2552.44




NET PROFIT 2235.78 1587.48


(NET OF TAX) (160.03) (14.10)


The Financial Statements for the financial year ended March 31 2018 under Sections
129 133 and Schedule II to the Companies Act2013 read with the Companies (Indian
Accounting Standards) Rules 2015 as amended.
During the financial year ended March 31 2018 your Company recorded aturnover of
Rs. 26363.18 Million as compared to the turnover of Rs. 24972.41 Million recorded
during the previous financial year ended March 31 2017. Revenue from operation f or
the year ended March 31 2018 has increased by 6% over the corresponding period last
year. The numbers are however not comparable consequent to implementation of
Goods and Services Tax (GST). The Net Profit of your Company for the financial year
ended March312018 stood at Rs. 2235.78 Million as against the Net Profit of
Rs.1587.48 Million for the financial year ended March 31 2017. Accordingly the
Profit before Exceptional Items and Tax for the financial year ended March 312018
reflects a growth of 33% over the corresponding Profit for the financial year ended
March 31 2017. On a consolidated basis your Company recorded a turnover of
Rs.26412.16 Million during the financial year ended March 312018 and achieved
consolidated Net Profit of Rs. 2205.13 Million for the said financial year.

During the year under review of Company carefully re-engineered key touch points in
the consumer journey thereby stepping up the focus on Visual Merchandising via
breath taking store windows curating a shopping conducive playlist for instore music
refreshing the store decor to highlight different brands / features and employing
trained stylists to better serve our discerning customer in our top stores in Metro's and
to be gradually extended across all stores.

With a view to bring back the swagger to Bata Company launched its internationally
developed 'Red Angela Store Concept' in Kolkata and Delhi. This concept is
aesthetically designed and offers clutter-free shopping experience through
merchandise focal points (in red & white) and exudes a premium look that adds up to
a 'wow' feels.

The online marketing initiative social media presence blogs and advertisements along
with two youthful brand ambassadors Smriti Mandhana and Kriti Sanon have helped
strengthen your Company's connect among the younger consumers. With the
introduction of new collections in Power a fashion forward collection under Bata Red
Label and a contemporary range of casuals for both men& women we have seen more
and younger Indians come back to our stores.

Brand popularity and consumer initiatives were recognized as 'Bata' was conferred the
IMAGES - Most Admired Footwear Brand of the Year2017 at the 18th Annual
IMAGES Fashion Awards. The brand was also featured amongst India's buzziest
brands at AFAQ'S 2017 (online portal for the marketing advertising and media news).


The Authorized Share Capital of your Company as on March 312018 stands at Rs.
700000000/- divided into 140000000 equity shares of Rs. 5/- each. The Issued Share
Capital of your Company is Rs. 642850000/- divided into 128570000 equity shares of
Rs. 5/- each and the Subscribed and Paid-up Share Capital is Rs. 642637700/- divided
into 128527540 equity shares of Rs. 5/- each fully paid-up.


Board recommends a dividend of Rs. 4/- per Equity Share of Rs. 5/-each (i.e. 80%) for
the financial year ended March 312018. The dividend if declared by the Members at
the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be paid to the eligible
Members of the Company from Thursday August 2 2018 onwards. The total payout of
aforesaid dividend would be approximately Rs. 514.11 Million excluding the
corporate dividend distribution tax as applicable.

The recommendation of aforesaid dividend is in line with the Dividend Distribution

Policy of the Company approved by your Board. The said Dividend Distribution
Policy has been uploaded on the website of the Company at www.bata.inand is
available at the link


The Company has not transferred any amount to the General Reserve during the
financial year ended March 31 2018.



Subsequent to the end of the financial year on March 31 2018 till date there has been
no material change and / or commitment which may affect the financial position of the


During the year under review ICRA Limited (ICRA) has reaffirmed the Credit Rating
of ‘[ICRA] AA+' (pronounced as ICRA double A plus) for the Non-Fund Based
Facilities of your Company. The outlook on the Long Term Rating is ‘Stable'.


Company has no unclaimed / unpaid matured deposit or interest due there on since
December 31 2013. Your Company has not accepted any deposits covered under'
Acceptance of Deposits by Companies' under the Companies Act 2013duringthe
financial year ended March 31 2018.


In terms of Section 186 of the Companies Act 2013 and Rules framed thereunder
details of the Loans given and Investments made by your Company have been
disclosed in Note No. 5 of the Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended March
312018 which forms part of this Annual Report. Your Company has not given any
guarantee or provided any security during the year under review.


During the financial year ended March 312018 all transactions with the Related
Parties as defined under the Companies Act 2013 read with Rules framed thereunder
were in the 'ordinary course of business' and 'at arm's length' basis. Company does not
have a ‘Material Subsidiary' as defined under Regulation16 (1)(c) of the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015['Listing Regulations'].
Your Board shall formulate a Policy to determine Material Subsidiary as and when
considered appropriate in the future.

During the year under review Company did not enter into any Related Party
Transactions which require prior approval of the Members. All Related Party
Transactions of your Company had prior approval of the Audit Committee and the
Board of Directors as required under the Listing Regulations. Subsequently the Audit
Committee and the Board have reviewed the Related Party Transactions on a quarterly
basis. It has an internal mechanism for the purpose of identification and monitoring of
Related Party Transactions.

During the year under review there has been no materially significant Related Party
Transactions having potential conflict with the interest of the Company.

Since all Related Party Transactions entered into by your Company were in the
ordinary course of business and also on an arm's length basis therefore details required
to be provided in the prescribed Form AOC - 2 is not applicable to the Company.
Necessary disclosures required under the IND AS 24 have been made in Note No. 37
of the Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended March 31 2018.

Bata India’s Financial Summary

 Balance Sheet
 Profit & Loss
 Cash Flow
 Ratios
 Quarterly
 Half-Yearly
 Yearly

Parameter MAR'18 MAR'17

Operational & Financial Ratios:

Earnings Per Share (Rs) 17.40 12.35

DPS(Rs) 4.00 3.50

Book NAV/Share(Rs) 115.05 103.11

Margin Ratios:

Yield on Advances 0.00 0.00

Yield on Investments 0.00 0.00

Cost of Liabilities 0.00 0.00

NIM 0.00 0.00

Interest Spread 0.00 0.00

Performance Ratios:

ROA(%) 11.58 9.17

ROE(%) 15.95 12.46

ROCE(%) 25.31 19.52

Efficiency Ratios:

Cost Income Ratio 0.00 0.00

Core Cost Income Ratio 0.00 0.00

Operating Costs to Assets 0.00 0.00

Capitalisation Ratios:

Tier 1 ratio 0.00 0.00

Tier 2 ratio 0.00 0.00

CAR 0.00 0.00

Valuation Parameters:

PER(x) 41.97 45.94

PCE(x) 33.04 32.60

Price / Book(x) 6.35 5.50

Yield(%) 0.55 0.62

EV / Net Sales(x) 3.34 2.75

EV / Core EBITDA(x) 21.18 20.20

EV / EBIT(x) 24.78 27.25

EV / CE(x) 4.31 3.72

M Cap / Sales 3.57 2.96

Growth Ratio:

Core Operating Income Growth -1.12 -5.09

Operating Profit Growth 23.87 5.91

Net Profit Growth 40.84 -27.04

BVPS Growth 11.58 8.44

Advances Growth 0.00 0.00

EPS Growth(%) 40.84 -27.04

Liquidity Ratios:

Loans / Deposits(x) 0.00 0.00

Total Debt / Equity(x) 0.00 0.00

Current Ratio(x) 0.00 0.00

Quick Ratio(x) 0.00 0.00

Total Debt / Mcap(x) 0.00 0.00

Net NPA in Rs. Million 0.00 0.00

The Annual Reports of these Subsidiaries will be made available forinspection by the
Members of the Company at the Registered Office of your Company at 27BCamac
Street 1st Floor Kolkata - 700016 West Bengal between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
onany working day upto the date of AGM. Annual Reports along with the Audited
FinancialStatements of each of the Subsidiaries of your Company are also available on
the websiteof the Company at The Annual Reports of the aforesaid
Subsidiaries for the financial year ended March 312018 shall be provided to the
Members of the Company upon receipt of written request from them.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 129(3) of the Companies Act 2013read with Rule
5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 a statement containing salient features of
Financial Statements of the aforesaid Subsidiaries has been provided in Form No.
AOC-1 and included in this Annual Report.

The Audited Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) of your Company for the
financial year ended March 31 2018 prepared in compliance with the provisions of Ind
AS 27 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and notified by
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) Government of India also forms part of this
Annual Report.

Schools - Bata Children's Programme (BCP)

During the year the Company worked with around 3000 children in 6schools across
the country near its area of business operations. With the focus on promotion of girl
child education programmes were formulated and implemented towards development
of the girl child.

The Company upgraded infrastructure in schools through classroom renovation

providing classroom furniture and promoting STEM (Science Technology Engineering
and Math) education by setting up computer and science labs. The Company also
partnered with an organization on the project 'I Love Science' which conducts creative
science workshops with the children to remove the fear of science and make it
interesting for them using custom Science Kits. In schools as part of the preventive
health care programme and promotion of life skills the Company conducted
workshops for the children like menstrual hygiene and good touch bad touch for girl
child personal hygiene substance abuse nutrition etc. The Company also sponsored
health checkup camps in various schools as part of the preventive healthcare

Your Company believes that education should be holistic and integral touching upon
physical emotional and aesthetic development in addition to academics. Thus while
working on improving academics the Company also focuses on the overall
development of the child by providing opportunities to get involved in extra-curricular
activities like sports arts and crafts competitions educational tours etc. Children were
also involved in self-defense classes.

Empowering the girl child through specially designed Ballerinas

Continuing its commitment towards the betterment of the society the Company
launched its unique CSR campaign the 'Ballerina Project' at the Bata Store inSouth
City Mall Kolkata in March 2018. Focused on girl child empowerment the Ballerina
Project by Bata aims to create a substantial positive effect for social and economic
fabric. The project will be initiated first in India in association with Project Nanhi Kali
an initiative which is jointly managed by the K.C. Mahindra Education Trust and
Naandi Foundation.

Employability Training

Bata India's vocational skills project is in line with Hon'ble Prime Minister’s 'Skill
India Campaign' and is based on the belief of empowering youth from the
underprivileged community. Through this project the Company aims to develop
employability skills of the underprivileged youth to enable them to find good jobs
which would lead to better living standards and economic growth. The Company is in
the process to train 200youths in retail sales at Bengaluru Coimbatore and Hyderabad.

Bata Happy Steps Programme

We worry about our teeth eyes and other parts of the body. We learn washing brushing
and grooming. But we ignore our developing feet which have to carry the entire
weight of the body throughout the lifetime. Just like adults foot care for children is
vital to their health and well-being. But caring for kids' feet isn't exactly the same as
caring for our own feet. Their delicate toes and soles are still growing and therefore
require special attention and proper shoes.

In our endeavor to deliver the best outcomes we partnered with specialist

organizations who are experts in their field.

















Company's internal financial control ensures that all assets of the Company are
safeguarded and protected proper prevention and detection of frauds and errors and all
transactions are authorized recorded and reported appropriately. Company operates
through definitive Chart of Authorities (COAs) and Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) in respect of its operations including financial transactions. Such COA sand
SOPs are regularly monitored and if required modified from time to time depending
on business requirements.

Company has an adequate system of internal financial controls commensurate with its
size and scale of operations procedures and policies ensuring orderly and efficient
conduct of its business including adherence to the Company's policies safeguarding of
its assets prevention and detection of frauds and errors accuracy and completeness of
accounting records and timely preparation of reliable financial information.

Such practice provides reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as

necessary to permit preparation of Financial Statements in accordance with the
applicable legislations and that the same are well within the COAs and SOPs without
exception. Your Company also monitors through its Internal Audit Team the
requirements of processes in order to prevent or timely detect unauthorized acquisition
use or disposition of the Company's Assets which could have a material effect on the
Financial Statements of the Company. The Internal Audit function is responsible to
assist the Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee on an independent basis
with a complete review of the risk assessments and associated management action

Risk Management is embedded in the Company's operating framework. Company

believes that risk resilience is key to achieving higher growth. To this effect there is a
robust process in place to identify key risks across the Company and prioritize relevant
action plans to mitigate these risks. Risk Management framework is reviewed
periodically by the Board and the Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee
which includes discussing the management submissions on risks prioritizing key risks
and approving action plan to mitigate such risks.

The Internal Audit Report and Risk Inventory Report are reviewed periodically by the
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. The Chief Internal Auditors a permanent
invitee to the Audit Committee Meetings. The Audit Committee advises on various
risk mitigation exercises on a regular basis. Your Company has been maintaining
separate Internal Audit Team headed by the Chief Internal Auditor appointed by the
Audit Committee of your Board.

Board has also constituted a Risk Management Committee comprising of the Directors
and Senior Executives of the Company under the Chairmanship of the Managing
Director of the Company. The Terms of Reference of the Risk Management
Committee and a Risk Management Policy of the Company have also been approved
and adopted.

Board is of the opinion that the Internal Financial Controls affecting the Financial
Statements of Company are adequate and are operating effectively.
Advertisement is a costly affair, but very seldom serious attempts are made to judge
how far it is effective, how many benefits the costs of advertisement yield, how the
benefits, if any, are related to advertisement and so as. Till recently, the effectiveness
of advertisement has been measured in relation to sales. This is what is known as
quantitative way of measurement.

This measurement emphasizes whether an advertisement was acceptable to consumers

and whether they digested it and remembered it. This is known as “stimulus response
function”. There is no dispute about the fact that the most objective way of measuring
an advertisement is through sales. Sales in turn are influenced by complexity of forces
which fall into qualitative type of advertisements.


Therefore, the measurement of quality is an indicator of the index of the quantitative

type of measurements. The advertisement should first appeal, that is, it should
stimulate the demand for a particular type of the product. Only then can some results
be expected from it. The success of an advertisement can be analyzed only with the
help of some survey data relating to consumer response and sales.

Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness:

Good planning and control of advertising depend critically on measures of advertising

From the standpoint of evaluation, methods may be broadly divided into two
(i) The reach and reception of the communication, and


(ii) The results of the communication.

Again on the basis of its training, a test can be classified as:

(1) Pre-testing, and

(2) Post-testing.

Digital Multi-Channel Business

Company's online business has recorded a remarkable growth during the year under
review. Your Company sold more than 8.9 lac pairs of footwear through online
channels and achieved a turnover of Rs. 879 Million. Your Company's e-commerce
presence has penetrated in 1000+ cities and towns across India.

During the financial year your Company's e-commerce division worked on

opportunities to diversify brand reach in the existing online business models. Your
Company further continued to strengthen its online customer database by reaching out
to the leading telecom airline and banking players in association with affiliated
partners. There were continuous efforts to retain the loyalty database by reaching out
to them through SMS on a week-on-week basis. Your Company's online business with
partners like Amazon Flipkart etc. has grown across all portals - with a steep increase
in secondary sales through competitive product offerings creation of interactive brand
stores and rigorous marketing campaigns which in turn resulted better secondary sales
on these platforms. Various market expansion strategies were put in place like increase
of brand presence through marketplace model by listing products on high-traffic
generating websites including Tata Cliq Shop Clues GoFynd and Limeroad.

Hush Puppies

The financial year 2017-18 saw various new initiatives for Hush Puppies- your
Company's international brand known for comfort quality and style. Launching of new
'Signature Collection' across its exclusive stores marking a new tradition of
contemporary and fashionable shoes for the new younger generation etc. were the
major highlights for the brand. Apart from this an increased focus on women’s
footwear as a premium comfort category has been introduced in the new and
refreshing lines of 'The Body Shoe' for women and the new successful sporty casual
collection. In addition to being available through the retail stores wholesale network
and e-commerce channel of the Company the brand has now expanded its presence
through 90 exclusive stores and 60shop-in-shops in premium departmental stores.
During the year under review Hush Puppies continues to strongly reposition itself as a
Premium Lifestyle Casual Footwear brand. Company shall continue to focus on
offering new and unique products under this brand with increased focus on comfort
contemporary fashion and style making 'Hush Puppies' the most desired lifestyle
footwear brand in India.

Children's Footwear

In order to cater to the children's ever changing footwear demand Company has been
introducing many new designs and innovative footwear. Through 'Bubble gummers'
brand of footwear your Company has always been striving to make quality shoes with
uncompromising comfort and features that safeguard their little feet. Bubble gummers
is retailed through all Bata stores across the Country and has been the first point of
contact to start our consumers' journey to establish long term association with Bata.
With 18% of the Country's population below the age of 10 years potential to grow in
the children category of footwear is huge which makes this category as one of the key
focus areas for your Company.

Your Company has opened its first Bubble gummers Store in Bengaluru which provide
a unique shopping experience to shoppers with great collection of shoes and

Your Company has further established an association with The Walt Disney Company
India Pvt. Ltd. and working with a set of designers from Disney to create a complete
collection covering all types of footwear ranging from casual shoes canvas shoes and
Ballerinas to everyday-wear sandals and chappals. Your
Company has created exclusive 'Disney Corners' in some of its key retail stores across
major cities in India to highlight the collection and add value to the children category
of footwear range.

Non-Retail Business

Company's non-retail business division comprises of urban wholesale industrial and

institutional business divisions. The urban wholesale business of your Company has
been endeavoring to penetrate the markets through a wide network of approximately
350 distributors across India. During the year under review the wholesale trade across
India witnessed a slowdown as the business has been impacted by some external
factors like GST implementation. Your Company is strengthening its urban wholesale
business monitoring team and efforts are being made to increase its market share in
the wholesale footwear business.

Customer Care Initiatives

Company has a dedicated customer service team to ensure customers don’t face any
inconvenience and their queries and concerns get addressed in an amicable way. A toll
free customer support number is there in place so that customer can reach directly to
the Company along with other channels like e-mail Facebook Twitter etc. Company
provides the best in class services to the customers all the concerns are being resolved
within minimum timelines ensuring complete transparency. Your Company's loyalty
programme "Bata Club" has increased its reach by registering over 19 Million
members. The programme ensures continuous engagement with members and rewards
them special benefits upon purchase. These customer engagement programmes are
conducted throughout the year to drive increased footfalls and improved conversion in
both retail stores and on digital multi-channel platforms. Your Company has also
started collecting customer feedback about their shopping experience and measuring it
as per the global standard tool "NPS" (Net Promoter Score) since January 2018.


The continual development of people – is – and always has been part of Bata's DNA...
If we use Aristotle's quote as a guiding principal; we must continue to learn and
develop if we wish to achieve excellence! To help us achieve excellence, the Bata
Brands HR Team has created the Bata Training Academy – a global initiative that is
designed to encourage and foster a culture of continual learning and development
among Bata companies and their employees.
The Bata Training Academy has been setup with the aim to provide the local Bata
companies with a variety of instructor led and virtual training courses that can be
delivered at nominated training centers or over the internet.

 Developing of best-of-breed learning programs that are accessible to employees
 Standardizing training initiatives and learning outcomes

 Supporting a change culture within the organization

 Attract, retain and develop a world-class workforce
 Exceed business objectives and increase shareholder value

Managing & Developing Self

Core value of this area: the managing and development area incorporates many
aspects of people's professional lives, and aims to make them better. The courses are
designed to develop key skills, techniques needed to increase their self-awareness and
build personal impact, influence and effectiveness in dealings with themselves, their
workloads and with others.

Managing Others
Core value of this area: since managers have many complex, interrelated
responsibilities, this area is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and
skills required to be an effective leader. They organize how an organization’s work
gets done and by whom. They coach employees, motivate them, and hold them
accountable. They often budget for and allocate resources. They organize work
processes and plan for how a group will reach its goals. Performing these core
managerial activities successfully is critical to being an effective manager.

Managing Business
Core value of this area: this area consists of a series of specific courses that will equip
the participants with the know-how and skills to increase their every day job
effectiveness and performances in their business area. This section covers topics such
as negotiation, sales improvement, merchandising and entrepreneurship.

Enrolment Bata Training Academy

All Bata employees have access to view available courses at the Bata Training
Academy. The course list together with details on the course can be found here.
All Bata employees are entitled to attend courses organized by the Bata Training
Academy. Simply select the course that is of most interest for your professional
development, download and complete the Bata Training Academy Request Form
found here. Submit the request form to your HR Manager so that they can evaluate
your request in conjunction with the Company Manager and Managing Director.
Ultimately, the Company Manager and Managing Director, taking in consideration the
needs and resources of the region, will give the final approval for your enrolment
in the course.
Remember... Each of us can achieve excellence through continual learning and

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