Cousre Title: Ethics and Social Responsibilty Cousre Instructor: Mehrin Farhan Sheikh Project Title: Poverty and Street Children Group Memebers
Cousre Title: Ethics and Social Responsibilty Cousre Instructor: Mehrin Farhan Sheikh Project Title: Poverty and Street Children Group Memebers
Cousre Title: Ethics and Social Responsibilty Cousre Instructor: Mehrin Farhan Sheikh Project Title: Poverty and Street Children Group Memebers
KANWAL ALI (40521)
Project Summary:
The concept of the street children in our communities had received slight
attention from our society the most common description of street child is
“any girl or boy who has reached to his/her adulthood, for whom the
‘street’ has become her or his abode and/or a source of livelihood and
who inadequately protected, supervised or directed by responsible
adult.” According to UN sources there are up to 150 million street
children in the world today who, for one reason or another, spend most
of their lives on the streets. Some live there with their families in
temporary or insecure environments, others spend their days begging,
hawking or selling to make money and go back to family homes at night,
while for some the street is their only home where they spend day and
This research aims to investigate the live experiences of the street
children in Karachi, although street children can be found in all over
Pakistan approximately rate of street child is 1.2 million, and the
perspectives may vary regionally. The main purpose or agenda of this
study was to describe and get the diversified responses of the street
children’s experiences directly from their point of view. No matter what
their individual circumstance, street children are extremely vulnerable
and refused many of their basic rights. On the streets, children face
stigmatization and discrimination and are at increased risk of corruption
and abuse. Denied access to education, basic health services and social
protection, with no chance to go to school or learn skills needed for their
futures, they are confined to a life of even deeper poverty and
Our goal or objective to make life easy for needy people in our society,
because they are also a part of social circle. We could not ignore them or
judge them on the status in society and physical representation or their
very own perceptive of life and their norms and culture tradition. Our
objective is to make street children realize that they can also dream and
live a prefect life like others, and to provide them education and skills so
they can earn for better living and upraise their statuses in society and
help other (street children) to survive in this harsh world.
The main factor of campaign is dismantle the poverty from our society,
because more street children will increase the ratio of inflation and crime
rate and afterward it will directly affect our country economy by all
means, the main key factor is increase rate of Berger and mafia that our
dismantle our economy and creating chaos in our society.
Behind this perfectly frame project, there are vital educational institution
that help us to build-up a convenient path for the street children. DHA
College and school is first and foremost a golden opportunity for our
team to spread awareness in youth (future generation) and main help us
by donating old book and stationary for street children. After that NGO
or some kind of street school Citizen Educational Development
Federation Mobile School they help our team by arranging street
children at their venue. For us to provide them food, clothes and spend
quality time and educate them.
It is our responsibility that we aren’t fulfilling it properly that we should
help our fellow men in any situation in their life.
Project Activities:
If we will divide the work into parts so the each member of the group
will get equal work to do. Dividing the work equally will be more
convenient for each member of the group.
The discipline in a team work is very important thing to do. No one can
be succeeding without discipline
Skills we learnt:
The skills we learned during a project are how to do a team work, how
to lead and motivate others. We’ve learned that how to convince the
people. For example: We convince the Principle in the DHA School to
give awareness to their children. And secondly we convince the street
children that they can studied. We have learned how to motivate others,
e.g. we’ve motivated street children. We get to know in the project that
how to interact with others, how to work with a people that we don’t
know. We have learned many others skills that can help in our lives.
Social Responsibility: