A Spatial Augmented Reality Rehab System For Post-Stroke Hand Rehabilitation
A Spatial Augmented Reality Rehab System For Post-Stroke Hand Rehabilitation
A Spatial Augmented Reality Rehab System For Post-Stroke Hand Rehabilitation
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hossein Mousavi Hondori on 30 May 2014.
Stroke represents a major health concern for the American public, ranking as a leading
cause of disability. Approximately 7,000,000 Americans have suffered a stroke, and
approximately 795,000 new strokes occur each year in the U.S. [1]. Similar figures
reported from other countries. About 80% of acute stroke survivors lose arm and hand
movement skills [2]. Stroke rehabilitation is a challenging process. Movement
impairments after stroke typically require intensive treatments, hands-on physical, and
occupational therapy for several weeks after the initial injury. Unfortunately, due to
economic pressures on health care providers, stroke patients are receiving less therapy
and going home earlier [2]. Therefore, an important goal for Rehabilitation Engineering
(RE) is to develop technology that allows individuals with stroke to practice intensive
movement training without the expense of an always-present therapist [3]. We have
developed a low-cost, Spatial Augmented Reality system that allows individuals with
stroke to practice hand and arm movement exercises at home or at clinic with minimal
interventions of a therapist.
Different from Virtual Reality (VR) in which the real world is fully replaced with a
virtual environment, Augmented Reality (AR) does not replace the real world but
augments a user’s view of the real world with virtual objects. Applying AR technology
in RE is a new paradigm for the research in Assistive Technology (AT) [4]. AR-based
RE devices provide the patient with better control over augmented environment in such
a way that he feels more realism and interact in a more intuitive way.
We designed intuitive and natural interactions that can help a patient practice the
foundation of manual activities that are central to activities of daily living, such as
reaching, wrist-tilting, pointing, and grasping. Involving the patient in such simulations
of daily activities is expected to have the additional advantage of fostering a more
positive psychological approach to the rehabilitation experience. Moreover, the
proposed system can be adapted to a portable low-cost home-based device that includes
communications for remote interaction with a therapist and medical team. Thus the
patient can work independently, without a constant need for therapist interaction.
1. Related Work
3. Rehab Exercises
In the following, we will discuss the AR rehab exercises that we designed as part of our
system. Note that our suggested primary tasks have the potential to be used in variety
of interactive and engaging games that can keep patients engaged and motivated
despite the fact that they are performing continuous repetitive movements.
Task 1, Reaching: in this task (Figure 2(a)), three melody boxes are projected on
the subject’s desk, in different orders. The subject is expected to reach out for the
projected box. As soon as the hand enters the area of active box, a drum note is played.
This is the basis of an engaging game to help subject reach out for different targets in a
certain period of time, using active-box hints that correspond to different notes of a
melody. At the end of the game, the subject can see his score on the screen which has
been calculated based on how fast and correct he could reach out the active box and
eventually make a pleasant music. In this game, we are using occlusion-based
interaction (subject’s hand entering the area) as well as dynamic feedback (sound).
Task 2, Pronation/supination (tilting) of wrist: in this task (Figure 2(b)), the subject
is asked to hold a cup and tilt it as if he is pouring its content on the table. As the task
starts, the subject should empty the cup’s content in 5 or more tilt-and-hold-still
postures. To give him more natural feel of pouring water on the table, as the subject
tilts the glass, virtual water (blue circle) is displayed beneath the cup, which simulates
the amount of water that has been already poured out. The more the subject repeats
tilting the cup the larger the blue circle becomes. We monitor the changes in area of
blue circle to get a sense of how well the subject is able to do the task smoothly and in
control. By employing the daily life tasks as mentioned above, we believe patients get
more confidence in their real life activities as they already practiced doing them in
therapies’ sessions. In this task, we leverage dynamic feedback (growing blue circle) to
let subject know whether he is controlling the task at a normal, healthy pace.
Figure 2. Task 1: Reaching melody boxes to play drum sounds; (b) Task 2: Holding and tilting a mug to
gradually pour virtual water; (c) Task 3: Pointing to melody boxes to play drum sounds; and (d) Task 4:
Grasping random size-position circles
Task 3, Pointing: for this task (Figure 2(c)), we ask the subject to wear two small
color markers: one on his wrist and the other on his index finger. Then we ask him to
point to different melody boxes that are projected on the table and make various sounds
out of them. The pointing action is repeated in two postures: one involves
adduction/abduction (Figure 2(c) top) and the other one involves flexion/extension of
wrist (Figure 2(c) bottom). Here, again, playing sound as dynamic feedback help the
subject know that he has successfully targeted each box throughout the task.
Task 4, Grasping: in this task (Figure 2(d)), we target those patients who have a
problem opening their hand for grasping. We ask the subject to wear the same color
markers as previous task but this time one on the thumb and the other on their index
finger of the impaired hand. The subject then has to grasp a random size circle that
appears on a random position on the desk. Due to the circle’s different sizes and
positions, the subject had to adjust finger position to generate the correct size grasp in
order to get the circle. A sound (dynamic feedback) is played to let the subject know
when he has succeeded and shall proceed to the next grasp.
The purpose of this pilot study was to prove the system is functional, anticipating
potential problems and gaining experience using the technology in a laboratory setting.
Figure 3(a) illustrates the position of the subject's hand while each was reaching
out the melody box. As can be seen, the subject’s hand traverses back and forth
between a common point (start of movement) and the three melody boxes that were
projected on the table. Figure 3(b) shows tilting angle of the mug while the subjects
were gradually pouring water on the table. Figure 3(c) illustrates wrist and index finger
positions of the subjects to examine whether they were able to perform the pointing
task. Figure 3(d) demonstrates thumb and index finger positions while the subjects
were trying to match their grip’s size to the size of the projected circle.
Augmented Reality technology has the potential to impact traditional rehabilitation
techniques. This approach has the potential to address a number of needs in stroke
rehabilitation. Chief among these is the use of a high ecology environment that is
maximally relevant to functional goals. Performing tasks in an Augmented Reality
environment might generalize to real life settings to a greater extent than with other
computer-based approaches. As an extension of this, object affordance can be directly
adjusted by the therapist, with real objects incorporated into tasks as desired. This
system can control for extraneous distractions that sometimes exist in real life therapy
environments, and furthermore the therapist can choose how many extraneous objects
to include in each trial. The system insures safety and comfort, for example, no water
is spilled on the subject or wires when the tilting task is performed by a patient with
post-stroke hemiparesis.
A key advantage of the current approach is the tasks practiced in therapy can be
modified by a therapist based on a patient's specific needs. For example, the size,
texture, or friction characteristics of an object can be varied in relation to motor or
sensory deficits. The language requirement for task performance can be adjusted from
zero to high; in this way, patients with aphasia are eligible to use the system, in contrast
with some rehabilitation approaches. An object's location, orientation, or attentional
valence can be easily adjusted, a feature of particular value to patient's with neglect
after non-dominant hemisphere stroke. The cognitive demands of a task can be
adjusted in numerous ways using this approach, a feature useful for the treatment of
patients with cognitive impairments, a common finding after stroke. Attentional
valence can also be adjusted, for example, the same grip might be to hold an ice cube in
a cafe or a gold nugget in a mine. This is particularly relevant to maximizing patient
motivation, a perennial concern across the weeks of stroke rehabilitation, and also has
implications for vocational rehabilitation.
pronation (deg) 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
time (sec)
pronation (deg)
0 10 20 30 40 50
time (sec)
Figure 3. User study results with the first subject (upper plots) and the second subject (lower plots)
performing tasks1-4: (a) Reaching; (b) Tilting; (c) Pointing; and (d) Grasping
The current report describes development of a Spatial Augmented Reality system
for rehabilitating upper extremity function after stroke. A novel performance-driven
exercise program was outlined, in which a patient practices primary hand gestures
mostly used in daily activates. These gestures include reach, tilt, point, and grasp,
examining parameters such as range, speed, and smoothness of hand, arm, and wrist
movements. The AR rehabilitation system was evaluated with two healthy subjects as a
proof of concept.
Further studies are planned to elucidate the clinical efficacy of our AR therapy for
stroke patients. As future work, we also plan to add haptic feedback [9] to our system.
This is especially important for those patients who need to recover their muscle
strength. With haptic feedback [11], [12], we can even improve the effectiveness of the
rehabilitation systems and make interaction process more realistic. To reach this target,
instead of using bulky equipment, we generally use personal and daily-life objects such
as cup, book, pen, etc [10][13]. These have the added advantage of high task ecology
with respect to activities of daily living. In addition, future work will include more
engaging games to increase the variety of therapy solutions and adaptability to patient
abilities, so that a therapist or patient can match the amount of challenge necessary to
keep the rehabilitation advancing. In these games, we take advantage of skin detection
methods and Microsoft Kinect [14] for more accurate and natural 3-dimensional