Deformations and Cracking of R.C. Structures
Deformations and Cracking of R.C. Structures
Deformations and Cracking of R.C. Structures
Lecture no. 5:
-aesthetical reasons
-psychological reasons
-safety of joining constructions (partition walls, windows, tiles of
the pavement)
-functionality (canalization of rainwater)
-modification of force distribution in arches, danger of loss of
wmax< l /250
K tabulated in DA
here l is the span, l/K is the distance between M=0 points
pqp = g k + ψ 2q k
1 M ε + εs
Curvature: y '' = ≅ = tgα = c
R EI d
2 2
Ml 1l 1 10w max
Deflection: w max ≅ = → =
10EI R 10 R l2
Approximate curvature of an rc beam under service conditions:
εc + εs ≅ 0,85 ⋅ (2,0%o + 2,17%o ) = 3,54%o
1 0,00354 10w max l2 l l
= = 2
→ wmax= ≤ → ≤ 11,3
R d l 2825 d 250 d
Reinforced Concrete 2011 lecture 5/7
Consequently: if l/d=12 then – by considering deformations
characteristic for the service state – the deflection will approximately be
equal to l/250
For slightly reinforced members (for example slabs): ξc = c ≅ 0,08
εc,max≈ 0,08x1,85=0,15 %o
εc + εs = 2,00%o
0,002 10 w max
d l2
l2 l l
εs≈ 0,85x2,17%o=1,85%o wmax= ≤ → ≤ 20
5000d 250 d
Deflection problems of slabs amerge above slenderness ratios f 20
( ) allowable ratios on basis of more exact calculations see in DA tables!
Reinforced Concrete 2011 lecture 5/8
6. The favourable effect of uncracked concrete between cracks
1 M Ecm ε c , pl
= Effect of creep: Ec , eff = ϕcr =
RiM Ec, eff I i 1 + ϕcr ε c ,el
Effect of shrinkage:
Ri , sh
1 1 1
The total curvature: = +
Ri Ri , M Ri , sh
Reinforced Concrete 2011 lecture 5/10
Reinforced Concrete 2011 lecture 5/11
The most effective tool to reduce creep deformation is to inrease
the quantity of compression steel (φcr decreases and Ii increases)
≤ α (l / d)allowable
Ways of restoration:
wcr>1 mm: injection of cement milk
wcr <1 mm: injection of epoxy resin
sealing with fibrous foil, cladding
wk = sr ,max (ε sm − ε cm ),
x = xII,
2,5(h − d )
hc,ef = min (h − x) / 3
-steel stress:
-steel ratio
p qp As ,requ
σ s ≈ f yd ⋅ ⋅
p Ed As , prov
ρ= (%)
and find find the greatest allowable tension steel diameter for the given
limit of the crack width in the table below
When using different bar diameters:
φequ = .
Steel stress
σs (N/mm2)
To satisfy the crack with limitation condition wk≤ wk,allow , if c min,dur ≤ 20 mm .
wk,allow = 0,4 mm wk,allow = 0,3 mm wk,allow = 0,2 mm
Steel ratio (ρ=As/bd, %) Steel ratio (ρ=As/bd, %) Steel ratio (ρ=As/bd, %)
0,15 0,2 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 0,15 0,2 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 0,15 0,2 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0
160 16 21 40 40 40 40 12 16 34 40 40 40 7 10 23 30 35 38
200 13 17 34 40 40 40 9 12 26 34 39 40 5 7 16 21 26 30
240 10 14 26 36 40 40 7 10 19 27 33 37 - 6 10 14 18 21
280 9 11 21 31 37 40 6 8 14 21 27 31 - 4 7 10 12 14
320 7 10 17 25 32 36 - 7 11 16 21 26 - - 4 6 8 9
360 6 8 14 21 28 32 - 6 8 13 17 20 - - - - 4 4