Cap 2 Edif
Cap 2 Edif
Cap 2 Edif
Schematic Translator
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To other
EDA system
Overview 1
2 Requirements
Key Concepts
Translation of Open design or Library in OrCAD Capture and launch the Export dia-
designs and logue to translate it to the EDIF 2 0 0 file.
libraries With the default configuration file translator will convert only root
Schematic View and all its contents if the design is translated or it will
convert all Library contents if Library is translated.
The translator will not create Occurrence data in the EDIF 2 0 0 file if
default configuration file is used. Please, use OutputBackAnnotation =
1 in the [OrCAD Reader Section] of the configuration file if you want
to translate occurrence data to the EDIF 2 0 0 file.
Substituting CAP2EDIF provides a configuration file command that lets you substi-
names tute characters between the OrCAD Capture and EDIF 200 systems.
For example, to substitute the pin name "ACIA CLK" from OrCAD
Capture design for name "SPECIAL_PIN" enter the following com-
mand in the [Mapper Section] of your configuration file:
setup name substitution "SPECIAL_PIN" "ACIA CLK" -PIN
4 Key Concepts
Substituting CAP2EDIF provides a configuration file command that lets you substi-
special tute characters between the OrCAD Capture and EDIF 200 systems.
The Setup command lets you specify the OrCAD Capture characters
and the substitution set which should replace them in the EDIF 200 file.
For example, to substitute the slash (/) character found in the names of
OrCAD Capture design with the underscore (_) character in an EDIF
200 file, enter the following command in the [Mapper Section] of your
configuration file:
setup character substitution "_" "/" -Names
The EDIF 200 file that is output will contain a property called
"PKG_TYPE" in place of every occurrence of the OrCAD Capture
"PCB Footprint" property.
Full name: Capture INI-file Path
Syntax: IniFilePath = "<path to capture INI-file>"
Default: IniFilePath = ""
Full name: Use full path names for libraries
Syntax: FullLibraryNamePath = 0 or FullLibraryNamePath = 1
Default: FullLibraryNamePath = 0
Specifies how the translator will output Library name to an EDIF file.
If FullLibraryNamePath is enabled (equal to 1) full path names for
Note: Full path name for library will be generated if the design is
using libraries with the same file names, but with different full paths
(even if FullLibraryNamePath is 0).
Full name: Convert All Views
Syntax: ConvertAll = 0 or ConvertAll = 1
Default: ConvertAll = 0
Full name: Generate Multiple Libraries
Syntax: MultipleLibs = 0 or MultipleLibs = 1
Default: MultipleLibs = 1
Full name: Unique pin names
Syntax: UniquePins = 0 or UniquePins = 1
Default: UniquePins = 0
OrCAD Capture allows to have multiple pins with the same name on
one Library Part.
Set UniquePins to 1 to disable same port names in one symbol in the
EDIF file.
To keep original duplicated OrCAD Capture pin names use default
Full name: Package Pin Numbers in Symbol Pin
Syntax: PackagePinNumbersToDesignator = 0 or PackagePinNum-
bersToDesignator = 1
Default: PackagePinNumbersToDesignator = 0
Full name: Output Back Annotation
Syntax: Output Back Annotation = 0 or Output Back Annotation = 1
Default: Output Back Annotation = 0
Full name: Path Style in Library Name
Syntax: UnixPaths = 0 or UnixPaths = 1
Default: UnixPaths = 1
property propertyName_edif propertyName_capture owner property-
This command enables mapping property name in the object.
<propertyName_edif>: The property you want to map to (you want to
see in EDIF)
<propertyName_capture>: The property you want to map from (from
the OrCAD Capture design)
<Owner>: The object in which you want to map the Property.
<PropertyType>: Type of Property: INTEGER, REAL, BOOLEAN,
property "PART_NAME" "Source Package" INST STRING
setup name substitution "edif_name" "capture_name" owner
setup string substitution "edif_name" "capture_name" owner
setup character substitution "edif_string" "capture_string" mode
The "setup name substitution" command lets you replace names of
pins, nets, symbols, and instances.
The "setup character substitution" command lets you specify the char-
acter (in most cases illegal for EDIF format character set) and substitu-
tion set, which should replace them in the EDIF being created. This
command supports the substitution of (as example) illegal characters in
name strings. Two argument strings (capture_string and edif_string)
specify character mapping. Characters in these strings will be mapped
by position. So the first character in the capture_string will be replaced
by the first character in the edif_string, second by second etc. If the
capture_string has a length greater than the edif_string the characters in
the tail of the capture_string string will be removed from the names in
the generated design. If the edif_string is longer the tail of the
edif_string will be ignored.
The "setup string substitution" command allows you to change the
value of the properties attached to pins, nets, instances and symbols.
<edif_name>: Object name you want to replace with (in the EDIF file)
<capture_name>: The name of the object you want to find and replace
in the source capture OrCAD design
<owner>: specifies the type of object that owns the name or string:
-PIN allows you to change the name or property of a pin.
-NET allows you to change the name or property of a net.
-INST allows you to change the name or property of an instance.
-SYM allows you to change the name or property of a symbol (this cor-
responds to the EDIF cell).
<capture_string>: The string of characters that must be replaced with
characters specified in the edif_string string
<edif_string>: The string of characters that must replace characters
specified in the capture_string
-Names: The mode switch specifies the type of objects for which the
substitution applies.
1) When writing an EDIF file, if you want to replace Capture's
Instance name "I789" with the EDIF Instance name "MyInstance", use
the following command:
setup name substitution "MyInstance" "I789"
2) This command replaces all '[' and ']' characters with '<' and '>'. As
example Bus name A[1..3] will be replaced by A<1..3>.
setup character substitution "<> " "[]"
forgetproperty <prop>
A general mechanism to remove properties from parts, instances, nets,
pins and other objects.
<prop>: The Name of the property to remove
This command removes property Value from objects in the EDIF file.
forgetproperty "Value"
author <author_string>
A general mechanism to change the author in the EDIF file.
< author_string >: Name of author
This command sets the author in the EDIF 200 to be "electronic tools
author "electronic tools company"
OrCAD Capture EDIF identifiers are restricted to only alphanumeric characters and the
to EDIF underscore (_) symbol. OrCAD Capture names, on the other hand, are
not. So, as not to violate EDIF conventions, while at the same time pre-
serving the name used by the original application, EDIF V 2 0 0 pro-
Renaming vides the "rename" construct. When an illegal identifier (in this case, a
OrCAD Library pathname), such as c:\capture| is brought into
EDIF, EDIF stores the old name and gives it a new, acceptable name
using the proper construct.
The CAP2EDIF application reads the OrCAD Capture name and sub-
stitutes illegal characters with an acceptable EDIF identifier. Also,
names that do not begin with a letter have an ampersand (&) added as
the first character.
Libraries Libraries, in both EDIF and OrCAD Capture environments, are group-
ings of parts and designs based on a set of common characteristics. A
single EDIF file may contain descriptions of many libraries. A single
design can reference parts in several different libraries.
Cells, Parts, The EDIF 2 0 0 cell represents OrCAD Capture cell. An EDIF 2 0 0
Schematics and view represents OrCAD Capture Library Part, contents of the EDIF 2 0
0 view represent OrCAD Capture Schematic. EDIF 2 0 0 cell can have
multiple views that can be used for different purposes. Sometimes the
views of the cell are used to represent alternative symbols (e.g. DeMor-
gan equivalents).
In OrCAD Capture only 2 Views of the Library Part are allowed. They
are called "Normal" and "Convert". The "Normal" and "Convert" views
of OrCAD Capture Library part will be translated to the corresponding
views of an EDIF 2 0 0 cell. OrCAD Capture instance will be translated
to EDIF 2 0 0 instance.
Attributes and Both EDIF and OrCAD Capture systems use objects called properties,
Properties which give more information about an object than just basic connectiv-
ity or graphics. Properties have two parts: a name and a value.
Because of the many types of properties design objects can have, only
certain types of properties have EDIF attributes. For example, the
OrCAD Capture instance property Part Reference has an equivalent
EDIF attribute, named designator, whose owner is an instance.
Ports and Pins The EDIF term port encapsulates the OrCAD Capture term pin and
term Hierarchical Port. Ports are connection points to cells.
Nets In both OrCAD Capture and EDIF terminologies, a net is used to con-
nect instances in a design. In EDIF V 2 0 0, the "net" construct
together with the "joined" construct, describes how a net is connected
to ports of instances in a design.
Net Buses OrCAD Capture buses map to EDIF V 2 0 0 "net array" constructs.