Communication: Dual-Band 4G Eyewear Antenna and SAR Implications
Communication: Dual-Band 4G Eyewear Antenna and SAR Implications
Communication: Dual-Band 4G Eyewear Antenna and SAR Implications
Dual-Band 4G Eyewear Antenna and SAR Implications
Aykut Cihangir, Chinthana J. Panagamuwa, Will G. Whittow, Gilles Jacquemod,
Frédéric Gianesello, Romain Pilard, and Cyril Luxey
Abstract— This communication presents low-cost and easy-to- The antenna is generally placed behind the user’s ear like in a
manufacture dual-band antenna solution to achieve cellular 4G wireless headset configuration. The specific absorption rate (SAR)
(LTE-Advanced) coverage in smart eyewear devices. Coupling element
is not a concern due to the low output power levels of WLAN and
type antenna has been evaluated with appropriate matching networks to
cover the target bands of 700–960 MHz and 1.7–2.7GHz. To emulate a Bluetooth standards. It is foreseen that these eyewear devices might
realistic device, an ABS plastic dielectric frame has been designed and partially act as smartphones in the future which creates the necessity
manufactured using 3-D printing technology. Simulations for the antenna to make them suitable to communicate with 4G cellular networks.
are carried out in three typical use-case scenarios which are “with Such devices would offer significantly higher data rates compared to
user’s head,” “with head and hand,” and “free space.” The simulations
are validated through S-parameters, efficiency and radiation pattern Bluetooth and pave the way for a new wave of functionality. From
measurements using fabricated frame and antenna prototype in the the antenna design perspective, this requires some dual-band antennas
presence of head and hand phantoms. The specific absorption rate (SAR) to cover 700–960 MHz for the low-band (LB) and 1.7–2.7 GHz for
behavior of the antenna designs is also investigated through simulations the high-band (HB). This is extremely challenging considering the
and measurements. It is demonstrated that SAR values are found to be
above the limitations which might be problematic in practical use if the
very small area that can be allocated to the antenna. As a conse-
transmit power of the eyewear is not reduced. quence, an electrically-small antenna is required especially in the LB.
Index Terms— 4G, antenna, cellular network, coupling element (CE), To maximize the bandwidth potential (BP) from an electrically small
LTE, matching network (MN), specific absorption rate (SAR), smart antenna in a mobile terminal, capacitive coupling elements (CE) have
eyewear. been proposed in the literature. The CEs are nonresonant structures
which are used to excite the proper wave modes on the system
I. I NTRODUCTION ground plane of the device [6], [7]. By exploiting the low quality
The wireless cellular communication standards have undergone factor of the system ground plane, a high BP can be obtained. The
several improvements since the launch of the first analog sys- antenna is then tuned to the desired bands using a proper matching
tems. Recently, with the introduction of smartphones, a continuous network (MN) at the antenna feed. Such antenna solutions with their
necessity to provide higher data rates to the users has arisen. For corresponding MN can be found in [8]–[11]. Previously, the authors
this reason, LTE-Advanced standard was introduced as the fourth have conducted a feasibility study to demonstrate that it was possible
generation of wireless cellular communications. to use CE antennas to cover 4G frequencies in eyewear devices [12].
A parallel avenue of research that has seen an explosion of activity It was shown that the target frequency bands could be covered with
in recent years is body-centric communications that involve trans- a reflection coefficient below −6 dB, with CEs placed in three
mission between on-body and off-body antennas. As an interesting different regions of the printed circuit board (PCB). The feasibility
and hot recent topic, there are a number of smart eyewear devices study included only simulation results of the antennas, without any
already available in the market or being prepared for imminent fabrication or measurement. Taking [12] as the starting point, both
release [1]–[5]. The common properties of all these eyewear systems the CE and the MN are redesigned in this communication, in order
are: a lens-reflector screen in front of the user’s eye, a touchpad on to obtain a real manufactured prototype as realistic as possible.
the side of the eyewear to adjust the settings or use the applications, A realistic ABS plastic eyewear frame was designed and fabricated
a speaker/microphone pair and a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth transceiver. The using 3-D printing technology. Suitable realistic CE type antenna
devices have a wide variety of application areas including navigation, structure with the corresponding MN was optimized and integrated
video capture and streams, accept/reject calls from a paired mobile into this eyewear frame to operate in the 700–960 MHz LB and the
phone. 1.7–2.7 GHz HB. It should be noted that in the 4G operating mode
However, the wireless connectivity of these devices is currently the output power level from the front-end module can be significantly
limited to Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth where the eyewear higher than Bluetooth devices. So considering an eyewear antenna
connects either to a hotspot, a set-top box or a peripheral smartphone. to operate in 4G cellular networks, SAR becomes an essential
parameter to investigate in order to meet international regulations.
Manuscript received January 1, 2015; revised December 24, 2016; accepted
Section II presents the design and optimization of the manufactured
January 6, 2017. Date of publication February 16, 2017; date of current version
April 5, 2017. antenna design. A comparison of simulations and measurements of
A. Cihangir and G. Jacquemod are with EpOC, Université Nice Sophia the reflection coefficient, total efficiency and radiation patterns taking
Antipolis, Valbonne, France. into account the user’s head is also presented in this section. The
C. Panagamuwa and W. Whittow are with the Wireless Communications effect of the user’s hand and the antenna performance in free space
Research Group, School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering,
Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, U.K. (e-mail: is discussed in Section III. SAR simulations and measurements are; given in Section IV. Finally, conclusions are discussed in Section V.
F. Gianesello and R. Pilard are with STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France.
C. Luxey is with EpOC, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne,
France, and also with the Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France II. A NTENNA D ESIGN
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are
To validate one of the antenna concept presented in [12], a CE
available online at with a realistic dielectric frame was designed and manufactured. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2017.2670562 simulation setup presented in Fig. 1 was prepared for the antenna
0018-926X © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Fig. 2. Top view of the eyewear frame (left) and placement of the PCB Fig. 3. Model of Antenna Design and its matching network.
inside the frame. Position of user’s hand and fingers (right).
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [13] EMPIRE XCcel, accessed on Mar. 5, 2017. [Online]. Available:
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the CIM-PACA design platform. They would also like to thank [14] IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-
Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head From
F. Devillers from Orange Labs, for his valuable help in the mechan-
Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques, IEEE
ical adjustments of the eyewear, and phantom head and hand for Standard 1528-2003, Sep. 2013.
measurements. [15] Optenni Lab, accessed on Mar. 5, 2017. [Online]. Available:
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