Chapter 1-5

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Mutual respect in the classroom encompasses more than the interaction between

students and the teacher. An atmosphere of mutual respect means that students also treat

each other properly. The result is a classroom where more learning takes place as students

feel safe, motivated and, of course, respected. Achieving this atmosphere takes

considerable effort on the part of the teacher as well as the students. Once established,

however, students will usually work to maintain the positive classroom environment.

Positive and healthy relationships between teachers and students can be

beneficial at all levels of an educational establishment, within the classroom and across

the school environment. From improved self-esteem to increased engagement, there are

several benefits of establishing positive student-teacher relationships between educators

and pupils of all ages. Educators and students can experience these benefits with the use

of methods that include communicating positive expectations, demonstrating caring, and

developing classroom pride. As positive student-teacher relationships continue to

develop, the long-lasting effects benefit not only students and teachers but parents and

administrators as well.

Teacher-student relationships are crucial for the success of both teachers and

students. As part of classroom management, such relationships are the most significant

factor in determining a teacher's work as successful. A teacher should display exceptional

empathy, persistence, diligence, sincerity, research orientation, honesty and flexibility as

a person. Teachers also need to be thoughtful in the way in which they react to students’

comments. Generally, teachers react by using praise, acceptance, remediation, or criticism

in responding to students. There is no doubt that teachers play a major role in what

happens in their classrooms. They provide a leadership or guiding role in the teaching and

learning context and therefore are extremely influential.

Teachers and students can't survive without one another since there would be no

teacher without any student. Based on this special relationship, a certain expectation has

been developed in the classroom environment. Gradually, some spoken or unspoken rules

and systems have been established between these two individuals which exist till now. On

the surface, the main aspect of this relationship has been founded, typically on

responsibility and obligation that these individuals feel about each other, yet, in depth

there are other elements into teacher and student's relationship which work more than


Respecting students is essential for boosting teacher's effectiveness. It seems

today that the media jumps at every opportunity to showcase an educator who has made a

poor decision in judgment. One of the most prevalent issues highlighted is that of a

teacher continuously berating or disrespecting a student or group of students. This type of

behavior is unacceptable. Your students will never respect you if you do not respect them.

Teachers should never yell, use sarcasm, single a student out, or attempt to embarrass

them. Those things will lead to a loss of respect from the entire class. Teachers should

handle situations professionally. They should deal with problems individually, in a

respectful, yet direct and authoritative manner. Teachers must treat each student the same.

They cannot play favourites. The same set of rules must apply to all students. It is also

vital that a teacher is fair and consistent when dealing with students.

All educators expect their students to be respectful to them, but some fail to

realize that this is a two-way street. All educators should show their students respect

always including tense moments of conflict.

On the other hand, disrespecting teachers is also highly unacceptable as the values

of respect and obedience are imbibed in the education of the students. Disrespecting

teachers include a lot of activities like refusing to follow the instructions, behaving in the

other way around, not listening to the teachers, rude answers, confronting teachers etc.

Sometimes, the students even start disputing with their teachers. They start throwing

books or knock the table to show their disgust which is utter disregard to their teachers.

The students misbehaving with their teachers affects the effectiveness of teaching and

prevents the learning of the whole class. Additionally, such behaviour ultimately result in

poor academic performance and instigates delinquent behaviour among the students. To

eliminate such catastrophic consequences, there is a need to find out the reasons for such


A collaborative effort by the teachers, parents and the students will make the

bonds between the students and teachers long lasting.

Both must make their relationship a priority all the time. For the teacher and the

student to have a good connection they need to respect each other. That is the basis for

any real relationship. Then wonderful and amazing things can happen based on that


Statement of the problem

1. What are the factors that affect the existing relationship between teachers and


2. What could be the effects of an existing student-teacher relationship in a school


3. Why does a positive student-teacher relationship should be considered?

4. Based on the findings, what ways can be suggested by this research to achieve a strong

and positive student-teacher relationship?

Theoretical framework

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (1979) informs the following

discussion of children’s relationship at home and at school, emphasizing the primacy of

human relationships and interactions in all aspects of a child’s development. Children’s

interactions and relationship with adults are bi-directional and co-constructed and are

integral in the development of their well-being. Relationships are mediated by conscious

and unconscious processes. Children may either be aware of these processes, via

interpersonal relationships (Hattie, 2009), or unaware of these processes, via the effect of

relationships on their developing brain (Siegel, 1999), but they are inextricably linked.

School experience has a powerful influence on a child’s life and their sense of

well-being and pupils level of satisfaction with their relationships with teachers is the

most important contributory factor to their overall happiness at school (Rees et al.,2013).

Positive relationships with adults in schools enable children to function effectively

(Martin and Dowson, 2009). Teacher-students’ relationship become more influential for

students as they get older, and are particularly important for children deemed

academically at risk. The reasons students were reluctant to approach teachers for

emotional support included that they lacked trust in the teachers, were unsure how

teachers would respond or teachers were too busy to give them attention.

Currently in schools, relationship is predominantly addressed through non-

statutory frameworks, curriculum support, and interventions. However, schools have

found it challenging to translate and adapt individual social and emotional learning

programs into whole school approaches.

Conceptual framework

This chapter has outlined existing knowledge about the importance of positive

teacher-student relationships for student motivation and learning achievement, in contrast

to poor relationships which place an extra burden on students who are already struggling.

This framework adds to a greater understanding of student characteristics influencing

relation with teachers. This outline includes the research gap on teacher relational

strategies; answering the overall research question of this study.




The above diagram presented the conceptual model of the study. It shows that

students characteristics should complement to the teacher’s characteristics to create good

teacher-student relationship. The other box consists teacher relational strategies which is

connected to the directional arrow that contains good teacher-student relationship. It

means that teacher’s strategies are essential in establishing healthy and mutually

respectful relationships with their students.


This study is guided by a hypothesis that the relationship between teachers and

students is essential in creating productive and cooperative learning environment.

Scope and limitations

This research aims to determine the actual practices in achieving strong positive

teacher-student relationship.

To determine this factor, the researchers conducted interviews to the respondents

together with a guided questionnaire for them to get some relevant information that can

be used in analyzing the findings of this study.

This study is limited to 20 students who respectively came from Senior High

School and 10 High School teachers from Academia De Lipa.

This study was conducted at Academia De Lipa during the School Year 2018-


Significance of the study

It is a great hope of the researcher that the result of this study will be

contributing to the improvement of the sector mentioned. The researcher believes beyond

doubt that the research paper will be beneficial to the following:

The students. This encourage and motivate them in recognizing the importance

of establishing a high-quality school environment through mutual respect teachers and

student. It will give tips and strategies on how to learn and overcome the unnecessary

behaviour in dealing with teacher-student relationship.

The teachers. The result of this effort may help them build healthy relationship

with their students. Through this research, they can create an atmosphere of mutual


The school heads. The findings of this research may enlighten their minds and

heart to help and give a full support on establishing a high-quality school environment

through mutual respect between teachers and students.

The parents. This will inform them the existing relationship between the teacher

and their child in school. This will help them to guide their child’s behavior and learning

success. This research will remind them about their responsibility to their children as a

learner with good attitude towards their teachers.

The future researchers. The findings of this study will serve as reference

material and guide for future researchers who wish to conduct the same study or any

study related to the teacher-student relationship.

The researchers. They will be able to obtain the information that they need.

This research will inform them on how teacher-student relationship affects a student’s


Definition of terms

Berate- to yell; to criticize; to scold (someone)

Bronfenbrenner- Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) developed the Ecological Systems

Theory to explain how everything in a child and the child’s environment affects how a

child grows and develops.

Catastrophic- involving sudden great damage; extremely unsuccessful.

Criticism- the activity of making careful judgments about the good and bad.

Curriculum Support- provide students with special education; ensuring that all students

fulfil their potential; supporting them academically and personally and facilitating

independent learning.

Delinquent- young person who regularly does illegal or immoral things.

Ecological Systems Theory- also called Development In Context or Human Ecology

Theory, identifies five environmental systems with which an individual interacts. The

theory offers a framework through which community psychologists examine individual

relationships within communities and the wider society.

Inextricable- impossible to separate; closely joined or related.

Non-Statutory Framework- sets out standards for learning and attainment. This

framework is designed to benefit all pupils by improving the quality of teaching and


Remediation- the action of remedying something, of reversing.



This part of study deals mainly on the related literature taken as reading from
books and other literature, previous researcher conducted from the researchers believe to
have significant to the study.

Local Literature

According to “Classroom Management and Discipline” by Carmencita L.

Castolo, managing the classroom and establishing effective discipline have always been
areas of concern for teachers. Despite years of concentrated study concerning the
relationship of classroom control by the teachers and academic achievement by the
student, there is no single set of guidelines established for the classroom teacher to
address the afore mentioned concerns. Classroom management is a situational
phenomenon; there are no universal prescriptions for student control under all
circumstances. This article lists secrets of success from teachers with very good
classroom management and excellent classroom discipline. The mission, objectives, core
values, rules and policies for inside and outside the classroom are examples for
establishing sophisticated management techniques to ensure satisfactory classroom
discipline. According to “Dominance and Cooperation towards Positive Teacher –
Student Relationship” by Avelina M. Aquino, a plethora of literature provides that
strong and supportive relationship between teachers and students are fun dentals to the
healthy development of students. It indicates that academic achievement and student’s
behaviour are influenced by the quality of the teacher – student relationships. This paper
explores the role of dominance and cooperation toward positive student – teacher
relationships. Establishing rules and procedures is the most powerful aspect of teacher
dominance. Rules and procedures govern how teachers and students conduct themselves
so that learning objectives are achieved. According to “Classroom Management
Practice of Teachers” by Marvie C. Millapre, effective classroom management is a
requirement to attain effective education. This article determined the classroom
management practices of teachers along rules and procedures, disciplinary inventions,

student – teacher relationships and mental set. Most teachers have institutionalized
practices in directing their students guided using various sets of rules and procedures,
disciplinary interventions, teacher – student relationships inside the classroom. Teachers
practices and see the importance of laying down clear classroom rules and discipline and
they practice being friendly, optimistic and open-minded to ease the burden of classroom
management. There are classroom management problems such as inattentiveness,
disobeyed rules and procedures and uncontrolled behaviour of student’s despite of the
clear consequences. This paper recommend that the Department of Education should
conduct trainings or seminar-workshop along classroom management to enhance the
expertise or capabilities of the teachers in utilizing the various strategies and teachers
must utilize appropriate strategies and design activities that will engage students in a task
so that disruptive behaviour will be minimized.

Local Studies

“Effective Classroom Management: The Critical Role of the Teachers as

Classroom Manager” by Maria Teresa F. Calderon, Ph.D. stated that the classroom
management is one of the most important roles played by teachers because it determines
teaching success. This research explains how teachers appear to be effective with students
of all achievement levels regardless of the levels of heterogeneity in their classes. Even if
the school they work in is highly ineffective, individual teachers can produce powerful
gains in student learning. It is also stated here that student in classes where effective
management techniques are employed have achievements higher than the students in
classes where effective management techniques are not employed. The most effective
classroom involves the design and implementation of classroom rules and procedures.
“How Teacher – Students Relationship Influenced Student Attitude towards
Teachers and School” by Quek, Choon Lang. This study examines the influence of both
student and teacher perception of the student – teacher relationship on students’ attitude
towards teachers and school. It also seeks to explore any gender differences in the
perception of student – teacher relationship between male and female adolescents. It is
indicated here that gender differences were observed for certain dimensions in the student
– teacher relationship predicting their attitude towards teacher and school. This study

showed that teacher’s perception of their relationship with their students exerted
significant influence on students’ academic performances, engagements in school, task
compliance and respect for teachers. “The Effect of Teachers Teaching Style on
Students Motivation” by Maria Theresa Barberos, Arnold Gozalo and Euberta
Padayogdog stated that the teachers, being the focal figure in education, must be
competent and knowledgeable to impact the knowledge they could give to their students.
Teachers must recognize the diversity and complexity in the classroom, be it the ethnicity,
gender, culture, language, abilities and interests. It also stated that learning will easily
take place, when students are motivated. However, motivating students to learn, requires
a very challenging role on the part of the teacher. It requires a variety of techniques just to
capture Students’ interests. It has been said that what happens in the classroom depends
the teachers’ ability to maintain students’ interests. Thus, teachers play a vital role in
effecting classroom changes.

Foreign Literature

According to the book “British Journal of Sociology of Education 20” by Eva

Pomeroy, this study of the excluded students’ perception of their educational experience.
It is based on the accounts of 33 young people, all permanently excluded from school
through in-depth, semi – structured interviews several students’ features are the students’
relationship with teachers. This paper considers excluded students’ perceptions of
teachers’ qualities that either foster or hinder the development of positive relations,
disciplinary practice as a significant set of interactions that affect relationship, and the
social structure in which these relationships are formed and operate. The result is an ideal
model of the student – teacher relationship based on the excluded students’ accounts. This
model reconsiders power relations to create a set of interactions that recognizes the
students’ non – child status while, at the same time, highlighting teacher’s specific
responsibilities such as duty of care. According to the article “Positive Student –
Teacher Understanding and Relationships”, the Authors voices the teachers’
perceptions of their interpersonal experiences with students in both positive and
problematic relationships. Result indicates that teachers defined the quality of the
relationship mostly by the level of communion (Friend vs. Hostile), instead of by the

level of agency (to powerless). Analyses of mentioned teachers and students’ behaviour
show a friendly interactional pattern for positive relationships and a hostile pattern for
problematic ones. In teachers’ perceptions, positive and problematic relationships also
differed in context where encounters take place and topic of talk. Contrary of interactions
in problematic, relationships, encounters in positive relationship were mostly situated
outside the classroom context and conversation during these encounters covered a wide
range of topics implications for teacher education program are discussed. According to
the book “Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences” by Melor MD Yunis, the
teacher need to understand that in many schools, students come from different cultures
and background and each student deserves to be respected as an individual and their
needs vary from one another. Thus, teachers must establish a positive relationship with
their students to provide the learning opportunity as well as motivation they needed to be
successful in both academic and life lessons. Therefore, it is necessary for future teacher
to be exposed with such awareness as preparations before they went out into the real
world. Research overseas has shown that better contact and more closeness between
teachers and student result in higher student motivation. However, not many studies have
been conducted locally, in Malaysia. This study investigates the pre-service teachers’
perceptions regarding student – teacher relationship factor affecting students’ motivation
and academic performances in classroom.

Foreign Studies

“The Effect of Teachers – Students Relationship on the Academic

Engagements of Students” by Meagan Varga. This research explores relationship ins
schools, specifically interactions between teachers and student. Initially, the research
examined an overview of student – teacher relationships and factors that contribute to
these interactions. This overview included both teacher and students’ perception and
personal characteristics and then examined the effects of student – teacher relationships
on education and how teacher and student behaviours affect educational outcomes.
Teacher expectations, attitude, familiarity, and communication all play a role in
cultivating relationship in the classroom environment. The study “The Relationship
between Teachers and Students in the Classroom: Communicative Language

Teaching Approach and Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning” by Fredson
Soaresdos and Reis da Luz. This research investigates how a supportive relationship
between teachers and student in the classroom can improve the learning process. It states
that through having a good relationship with students, teachers can offer students chances
to be motivated and feel engaged in the learning process. Students will be engaged
actively in the learning instead of being passive learners. This sense of caring and
supporting from teacher motivates students to become a more interested learner. And, the
methods and strategies teachers uses, makes students feel engaged and stimulated to
participate in the learning process. A case study titled “Student and Teacher
Relationships and the Effect on Student Learning” by Patricia Brady Gablinske. This
research study explored the affective domain of student – teacher relationships. This is to
provide more specific examples of and empirical findings for how student – teacher
relationships are created. This research states that the specific factor associated with
student – teacher interactions could provide valuable information to an educational
learning community. It describes purposeful affective strategies and interactions with
students that a teacher uses to effectively engage students in the learning process.


These local and foreign studies and literature provide an information that guides a
classroom teachers in the development and maintenance of their relationships with their
students. The resulting analysis and interpretation provided a description of major themes
that developed regarding strong student – teacher relationship, as well as specific
components to the interactions considered essential for the student’s learning
environment. To summarize, the best way to accomplish the positive relationship is by
having constructive interactions and building and maintaining relationships. Positive
relationship result in better experiences for the child, a more productive learning
environment and higher academic achievement.


This segment of the study shows and discusses the research methods and

procedures utilized by the researchers. In the conduct of the study, the locale and

selection of the respondents, construction of the questionnaires and its validation and

administration and statistical devices employed in the analysis and interpretation of the

gathered data which served as basis for the result thereof.

Methods of Study Used

The research utilized the descriptive method of research. Since the study aims to

find factual information from values where the actual practices used by the teachers and

its effect on students learning ability is determined. It involved several analysis of data to

describe and summarize the results in a meaningful way, offering a window through

which raw data can be glimpsed and comprehended clearly by different researcher.

According to Calderon (2008), as cited by Alberto et al (2011), descriptive

method is also known as statistical research, it describes data and characteristics about the

population or phenomenon being studied. This research method is used for frequencies,

averages and other statistical calculations.

According Manuel and Medel, descriptive method describes what is. It involves

the description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition

or processes of phenomena. The focus is on prevailing conditions, or how a person,

group, or thing behaves or functions in the present. It often involves some type of

comparison or contrast.

Respondents of the Study

The locale of the study is Academia De Lipa. This is located at San Sebastian,

Lipa City, Batangas. Respondents are 30 Senior High School students and 10 High

School teachers. They were chosen based on their ability in the school.

Table 1: Respondents of the Study

Respondents No. of Respondents

High School Teachers 10

Grade 11-STEM 10
Grade 12-ICT 5
Grade 12-ABM 5
Grade 12-HE 5
Grade 12-STEM 5

Data Gathering Instrument

The primary instrument used by the researchers are questionnaire. To determine

the actual practices used by the teachers and its effects on student’s learning ability. It is a

ten item that can identify the factors that affects the relationship between teachers and


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers selected the students and teachers who will be given

questionnaires. They decided to request 30 students and 10 teachers as their respondents.

Before the researchers could distribute the copies of their questionnaires they first asked

for the approval of the principal of the Academia De Lipa for them to conduct a survey to

Senior High School students and High School teachers as their respondents. Then they

distributed the questionnaires to the respondents, after a day, then retrieval of the

questionnaires followed.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will employ the following

statistical treatment. The researchers used the Weighted Mean.

= Computed Mean

X= Scale

w= total number of respondents

W= number of respondents answered the scale



This chapter presents the result of our investigation together with analyzed

interpretation. The data gathered are presented in graphical form, analyzed and carefully

interpreted to answer the specific problems of the study.

The participants for this study include Senior High School students and High

School teachers.

These participants were asked to answer a questionnaire. The survey was given

out to 30 Senior High School at Academia de Lipa who were selected from different


Table 1. Students’ Survey Result

Questions Computed Verbal Rank

Weighted Mean Interpretation

1. How often do you have a 4.03 Sometimes 8.5

conversation with your

2. Does your teacher hold a 4.17 Sometimes 6

supportive relationship with

students in the classroom?

3. Do you feel motivated by 4.5 Always 3

having a teacher who cares

about their students?
4. Do you feel your teacher is 4.33 Sometimes 5

a cooperative teacher?
5. From your point of view, 4.4 Always 4

do the strategies that the

teacher uses have an impact

in student’s learning?
6. Are your teachers 3.6 Sometimes 10

emotionally aware and

sensitive to the needs of

7. Are you able to interact 4.13 Always 7

with your teacher in a calm

8. Do you believe that having 4.63 Always 2

a supportive teacher can

enhance student’s ability to

9. Does your teacher uses 4.03 Sometimes 8.5

various strategies to promote,

unity, order, satisfaction and

less conflict in the


10. Is it important to maintain 4.8 Always 1

a stable relationship with

your teachers?

Based on the students’ survey, the relationship they maintain with their teachers is

very important to classroom interaction. Students consider that the relationship they

maintain with their teachers makes them feel comfortable. It also transmits trust and

interact not only with the teachers but with the entire class. According to them “having a

strong relationship is the key to success, maintaining a strong relationship with your

teachers make it easier to communicate and interact”. On the other hand, teachers being

emotionally aware and sensitive to the needs of students attained the lowest weighted

mean of 3.6 or sometimes.

Table 2. Teachers’ Survey Result

Questions Computed Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
1. Do you hold a 4.7 Always 2.5

supportive relationship

with your students?
2. Are you emotionally 4.7 Always 2.5

aware and sensitive to

the students?
3. Are you able to 4.4 Always 7

interact with students in a

calm manner and let

students feel engaged in

the learning process?

4. Do you believe that 4.4 Always 7

having a supportive

teacher can increase

student’s ability to

5. How often do you 4.4 Always 7

have a conversation with

your students?
6. Does student’s 4.6 Always 4.5

participation on the

group, or lack, have an

effect on their learning?

7. Do you feel well 4.6 Always 4.5

acknowledge when your

students care about you?

8. Do you use various 4.2 Sometimes 9

strategies to promote

unity, order, satisfaction

and less conflict in the

9. Does your students ask 4.1 Sometimes 10

for assistance without

fear of rejection or

10. Is it important to 4.8 Always 1

maintain a stable

relationship with your


Based on the teachers’ survey, maintaining a stable relationship with their students

is very important to them. Teachers believe that the stable relationship with their students

plays a large role in the trajectory of a child’s academic success and social development.

According to the teachers that we interviewed, they always hold a supportive relationship

with their students and they are emotionally aware and sensitive to the students. In able to

maintain a positive relationship, teachers are considering their interaction or approach to

their students. From the result of our survey, the instance that got the lowest weighted

mean of 4.1 is that students are afraid of rejection or embarrassment whenever they ask

for assistance to their teachers.

Proposed Enhancement Activities

The end purpose of the study is to come up with the proposed enhancement


Table 1. Proposed Enhancement Activities


Team Building To bind the relationship of Students and teachers will be

students and teachers. able to get to know each
other and begin having a
To improve both students’ closure and positive
and teachers’ behavior and relationship.
to have a better
communication between

Open Forum To discuss the opinions of Students and teachers can

students and teachers open their problem or issue
toward each other. to each other and they can
build an understanding
between them.

Survey for Students


This chapter presents the summary, conclusion, and findings that were drawn from

the gathered data of the researchers. The recommendations were also provided in this



The study aimed to determine the existing relationship between teachers and

students and the factors in establishing a conducive school environment here at Academia

de Lipa.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions

1. What are the factors that affect the existing relationship between teachers and students?

2. What could be the effects of an existing student-teacher relationship in a school


3. Why does a positive student-teacher relationship should be considered?

4. Based on the findings, what ways can be suggested by this research to achieve a strong

and positive student-teacher relationship?

There were 40 questionnaires distributed to the respondents. 30 questionnaires for

Senior High School students which is from different sections: 10 students from G11-

STEM, 5 students from G12-ICT, 5 students from G12-HE, 5 students from G12-STEM

and 5 students from G12-ABM, and 10 High School teachers.

Based on the analyzed and interpreted data the researcher present the following findings.

1. Based on the respondent (students), teachers being emotionally aware and sensitive to

the needs of the students attained the lowest weighted mean. Most of the students can

interact with their teacher in a calm manner and teachers hold a supportive relationship

with their students. These factors affect the existing relationship between teachers and

students. Based on the respondents (teachers), students asking for assistance without fear

of rejection or embarrassment attained the lowest weighted mean. Teachers hold a

supportive relationship with their students and being emotionally aware and sensitive to

the students.

2. Students feel motivated when they have a teacher who cares about them. With a

weighted mean of 4.4 or Always, it says that the strategies that the teacher used have an

impact on students learning ability. Based on the respondents (teachers) they feel well

acknowledge when their students care about them. Students asking for assistance without

fear of rejection or embarrassment attained the lowest weighted mean.

3. Based on the respondents (students) this relationship should be considered to enhance

students’ ability to succeed, this is the second to the highest weighted mean. Based on the

respondents (teachers), it is important to consider a positive student-teacher relationship.

Creating a safe environment where students feel free to interact. Teachers supporting

students is a good strategy for helping them to be engaged, and create a relationship of

trust and confidence. It helps to create a positive learning.

4. Based on the respondents (students and teachers), teachers rarely use various strategy

to promote unity, order, satisfaction and less conflict in the classroom. The both sides

have the same question that attained the highest weighted mean which is the importance

of maintaining a stable relationship with each other.


There is potential to provide strategies for maintaining a good relationship between

teachers and student. Findings from the survey shows that the majority of teachers and

students value a supportive and caring relationship between them and that interaction is

essential to the teacher-student relationship. The sense of caring and supporting from the

teachers motivates students to become a more interested learner and it can help students

to overcome struggles. Caring facilities is a sense of connection from which spring

countless opportunities for learning. The sense of trust and security in relation to

teachers’ good will to assist, and support their students contributes to students’ academic



Based on the findings and conclusion made in the study, the following

recommendations are hereby presented.

1. Since the findings showed that teachers being emotionally aware and sensitive to the

needs of the students attained the lowest weighted mean, teachers may provide another

tool to make powerful connection with their students. This will also result to students

being more focused. Talking to the about their interest and encouraging them to use these

interests to their advantage. Teachers need to keep in mind that students come from

different background and they bring different issues to the class.

2. Teachers should show some students that he or she is calm and have patient to help

them reach their objectives that will result to creating a relationship of trust and

confidence. It is important to show students that they can see teachers as someone they

can trust that the environment created is safe. Students feel free to interact and ask


3. Teachers must show confidence in their students’ ability and support them to construct

their own knowledge and feel confident to study.

4. Teachers should be responsible to offer to students the best methods and activities to

better help them feel engaged in classroom. Methods and strategies encourage students to

share their thoughts or insights about certain issue. Students should also cooperate.


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