Stress Management HRM 2
Stress Management HRM 2
Stress Management HRM 2
This project gives us a detailed idea of what is stress and also thedefinition of
stress is been defined. For more detailed study the types of thestress is also
defined. By looking at the starting of the project you will find:
o Introduction to Human resource
o Introduction and Definition of stress
o Stress in biological terms
o What is stress?
o Coping with stress at work place.
o Stress management
o Workplace stress
o Reducing of stress.After the theoretical part I have included the research part.
Myresearch work includes two questionnaires.
o Burn out test
o Stress analysis QuestionnaireMy research includes the research methodology
which contains theinformation as follows:
o Research objectives
o Sampling (types and methods of sampling)
o Research instrument
o Data analysis and interpretation
o Employee’s opinion to reduce stress.
oResearch flowchart
o Time consideration
o Limitation of survey
o Advantages and disadvantages of writtenquestionnaire
o Finding
1. C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K
Human Resource Management is an art of managing people at work in such
a manner that they give their best to the organization. In s i m pl e w o r d
h u m a n r es o ur c e m a na g e m en t r ef e r s t o t he q ua nt i t a ti v e aspects of
employees working in an organization.
Human Resource Management is also a management
with hiring, motivating, and maintains people in an organization. It
focuses on people in organization. Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar,
machineries or inventories. They are people. It is the who staff and manage
organizations. HRM involves the application of management functions and
principles. The functions
and principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintain, and
remunerating employees in
organizations.D e c i s i o n s r e l a t i n g t o e m p l o y e e s m u s t b e i n t e g r a t
e d . D e c i s i o n o n d i f f er en t a s p e ct o f em pl o y e es mus t b e
c o ns i s te n t w i t h o th er h um a n
r es o ur ce decisions.D e c i s i o n m a d e m u s t i n f l u e n c e t h e e f f e c t i v e n
ess of organization.Effectiveness of an organization must r
e s u l t i n b e t t e r m e n t o f s e r v i c e s t o customers in the form of high-
quality product supplied at reasonable costs.HRM function s is not confined
to business establishment only. Theyare applicable to non-business
organizations, too such as education, health care,recreation etc.The scope of
HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working lifeo f hi s o r he r e nt r y
i n to a n o r g a n i z a ti o n u nti l h e o r s h e l ea v es - co m e u n d er
thep r e v i e w s o f H R M . s p e c i f i c a l l y , t h e a c t i v i t i e s i n c l u d e d a r e
H R p l a n n i n g , j o b a na l y s i s a n d be s i g n , r e cr ui t men t a n d s el ec ti o
n , o r i e n ta ti o n a nd p l a c em e nt , training and development,
performance appraisal and job evaluation, employeeand executive
remuneration, motivation and communication, welfare, safety andhealth,
industrial relations and the like.
HRM is a broad concept Personnel management and human
resourcedevelopment is a part of HRM.Before we define “Human Resource
Management”, it seems goodto first define heterogeneous in the sense
that they differ in personality,perception, emotions, values, attitudes, motive
s, and modes of thoughts.Human resource management plays an important
role in thedevelopment process of modern economy. In fact it is said
that all thedevelopment comes from the human
mind.“ H u ma n R e s o ur ce M a na g e men t i s a pr o ces s o f p r o du c i n g dev
elopment, maintaining and controlling human resources for effectiveachi
evement of organization goals.”
A lot of research has been conducted into stress over the last hundredyears.
Some of the theories behind it are now settled and accepted; others arestill being
researched and debated. During this time, there seems to have beensomething
approaching open warfare between competing theories anddefinitions: Views
have been passionately held and aggressively defended.
What complicates this is that intuitively we all feel that we know whatstress is, as
it is something we have all experienced. A definition should thereforebe
obvious…except that it is not.
Hans Selye was one of the founding fathers of stress research. Hisview in 1956
was that “stress is not necessarily something bad – it all dependson how you take
it. The stress of exhilarating, creative successful work isbeneficial, while that of
failure, humiliation or infection is detrimental.” Selyebelieved that the
biochemical effects of stress would be experienced irrespectiveof whether the
situation was positive or negative.Since then, a great deal of further research has
been conducted, andideas have moved on. Stress is now viewed as a "bad thing",
with a range of harmful biochemical and long-term effects. These effects have
rarely beenobserved in positive situations.The most commonly accepted
definition of stress (mainly attributed toRichard S Lazarus) is that
stress is a condition or feeling experienced whena person perceives that “demands exceed
the personal and socialresources the individual is able to mobilize.”
In short, it's what we feel whenwe think we've lost control of events.This is the
main definition used by this section of Mind Tools, althoughwe also recognize that
there is an intertwined instinctive stress response tounexpected events. The
stress response inside us is therefore part instinct andpart to do with the way we
think.The types of stress are as follows.
is a measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit area. Itis a measure
of the intensity of the total internal forces acting within a bodyacross imaginary
internal surfaces, as a reaction to external applied forces
and body forces. It was introduced into the theory of elasticity by Cauchyaround
1822. Stress is a concept that is based on the concept of continuum.In general,
stress is expressed asWhereIs the average stress, also called
Chronic Stress:
Chronic stress
is stress that lasts a long time or occurs frequently. Chronicstress is potentially
damaging.Symptoms of chronic stress can be:
•upset stomach
•anger In the most severe cases it can lead to panic attacks or a
panic disorder.There are a variety of methods to control chronic stress, including
exercise,healthy diet, stress management, relaxation techniques, adequate rest,
andrelaxing hobbies.
away is the smartest way to ward off its effects.A sense of humor also allows us to
perceive and appreciate the incongruities of life and provides moments of delight.
The emotions we experience directly affectour immune system. The positive
emotions can create neurochemical changesthat buffer the immunosuppressive
effects of stress.During stress, the adrenal gland releases corticosteroids, which
are converted tocortical in the blood stream. These have an immunosuppressive
effect. Dr. LeeBerk and fellow researcher Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University
School of Medicine have produced carefully controlled studies showing that the
experienceof laughter lowers serum cortical levels, increases the amount and
activity of Tlymphocytes—the natural killer cells. Laughter also increases the
number of Tcells that have suppresser receptors.
What Laughter Can Do Against Stress And Its Effects.
By now, you should already be feeling more positive. The final step is to
preparerational, positive thoughts and affirmations to counter any remaining
negativity. Itcan also be useful to look at the situation and see if there are any
usefulopportunities that are offered by it.By basing your affirmations on the clear,
rational assessments of facts that youmade using Rational Thinking, you can use
them to undo the damage thatnegative thinking may have done to your self-
Your affirmations will be strongest if they are specific, are expressed in thepresent
tense and have strong emotional content.Continuing the examples above,
positive affirmations might be:
•Problems during practice:
"I have learned from my rehearsals. This hasput me in a position where I can
deliver a great performance. I am going toperform well and enjoy the event."
•World about performance:
"I have prepared well and rehearsed thoroughly. I am well positioned to give an
excellent performance."
•Problems issues outside your control:
"I have thought througheverything that might reasonably happen and have
planned how I canhandle all likely contingencies. I am very well placed to react
flexibly toevents."
•Worry about other people's reaction:
"Fair people will react well to agood performance. I will rise above any unfair
criticism in a mature andprofessional way."If appropriate, write these affirmations
down on your worksheet so that you canuse them when you need them.As well
as allowing you to structure useful affirmations, part of Positive Thinkingis to look
at opportunities that the situation might offer to you. In the examplesabove,
successfully overcoming the situations causing the original negativethinking will
open up opportunities. You will acquire new skills, you will be seenas someone
who can handle difficult challenges, and you may open up newcareer
opportunities.Make sure that identifying these opportunities and focusing on
them is part of your positive thinking.
It is analyzed from the questionnaire filled by the employees that theemployees
who have scored more than 20 marks in the burnout test are notsatisfied with the
performance which they give in the organization. Thus it isproved that the
employees who are desired to give better performance than their original
performance are found more stressful than the others. While at the sametime the
employ that have scored less than 20 marks in the burnout test aresatisfied with
the performance. From the sample of 35 bank employees who havebeen
surveyed, one is found to be a heart patient. This can be because of highlevel of
stress.Very rare of the employee are to be found suffering from depression.It is
proved from the survey that the employees who have scored more than 25marks
in the burnout test are concern about the opinion of their colleagues. Andthe
employees who got less than 25 marks do not mind about their
colleague’sopinion. Thus it is proved that the colleagues opinion also play a lead
role in theincrease and decrease of the stress level. Those who mind about
their colleague’s opinion are found to be more stressful.The employees who have
scored 28-29 marks in the burnout testdon’t believe in sharing their problems
with their spouse or friend or any closedone. Thus we can say that sharing your
problems with your spouse or closefriends is a better idea to reduce stress.In the
second questionnaire one of the question was “You have animportant function at
your home and your boss asks to give a 4 hour over timewhat will be your
response ‘Yes or No’?” the employees have given their opinionas per their
mood.While considering the point of view of entertainment it depends uponthe
mood of the employees. The entertainment is considered one of the most
ultimate solutions to reduce stress. Most of the employees do not spend
regular time in entertainment. This may be because they may not be getting time
for entertainment or they may not be interested in the same. One of the
questions was asked that were their social life balanced? It is observed that the
employees who have scored above 20 marks in the burnout test did not have
their social life balanced. Thus we can conclude that the employees who are
above 20 don’t have their social life balanced. Thus it isproved that stress may
affect our social life also. The employees were asked weather they plan their work
or not,moderate answers were given. The employees scoring more than 25 marks
werenot found their work planned. Thus the employees who plan their work
havescored below 25 marks in the burnout test except some cases as there
arealways some drawbacks in making plan. Failure of a plan may also lead a
to stress. Thus we can conclude that planning of the work may help to reduce
stress level. Most of the employees who have scored more than 20 marks
fear about their quality of work they give. This aspect is not dependent of the
burnout level. This aspect depends upon the dedication of work. So it is
meaningless to compare this question with the burnout test. A question was
asked that weather you get stressed at the non-achievement of their target? All
the employees have responded positively. But this is not concern with the
burnout score. From this we can conclude that all the employees are given
achievable target and naturally by the non-achievement of the target all the
employees may get stressed. One of the other possibilities is that the employees
have responded positively to show themselves to be good. The employees having
more than 10 marks in the burnout test sayS that they are under stress. Out of 35
employees of the sample 20 of the employees accepted that the reason for their
stress is workload. 10 employees are not stressed because of the workload but
because of their family problem. 5of the employees are not suffering from stress.
14 employees out of 30employees who are stressed feel stressful when their boss
scolds them while 16employees refused that they are not stressed because their
boss scolds them. Allthe 30 employees have accepted that they try to find the
solution of their stress.10 employees out of 30 employees practice yoga to reduce
their stress and theother 20 employees don’t practice yoga. The burnout scores of
the employeeswho practice yoga are either more than 25 or less than 20. Thus we
canconclude that the employees have reduced their stress by yoga therapy
andother employees have just started the yoga because of high level of burnout
The above analysis is done by the data received from the questionnaire. So the
accuracy of data depends upon the response of the employees.
The questionnaires were filled be 35 employees working in the three major
Banks of Bhavnagar i.e. Axis Bank, HDFC Bank and SBS Bank. So the scope of
sample findings was less.
The questionnaire was filled by 35 employees of different designations. So
the point of view of employees differs as per their designations.
The employees from whom the questionnaires are filled are in a heavy
workload so some of the questionnaires filled by the employees who are in
stress cannot be called reasonable.
The responses of the employees cannot be accurate as the problem of
language and understanding arises. (These problems are not in all cases.)
One of the other problems of questionnaire is the cost. Some times it may
be possible that even by spending so much the result may not be
Many a times the employees may not be really conscious or may not be
bothered about the questionnaire. This may create a problem in the
o Organizational Behavior “
Stephen P. Robbins
o Burn Out tool – Questionnaire
o Self analysis of questionnaire