Granules Emkay Research Report

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Granules India

Initiating Coverage
Your success is our success Treading the right path

July 9, 2014 n Granules offers three components of the pharma value-chain

manufacturing APIs, PFIs and FDs and is seeing strong
Rating transformation to high profitable business mix
n Recent Auctus acquisition and Omnichem JV providing the
CMP Target Price much-needed product diversification and a fillip to create a
Rs566 Rs773 high-end regulated markets exporter with stronger margins
Improving return ratios, cashflows and profitability to re-rate
EPS Chg FY15E/FY16E (%) NA
stock valuations. The stock not pricing in improvement in
Target Price change (%) NA

business quality and growth

Nifty 7,623
Sensex 25,582
n Inexpensive and compelling valuations; the stock trades at
Price Performance PER of 8.8x FY16E. We initiate coverage with a Buy and a
(%) 1M 3M 6M 12M
target price of Rs773 at 12x FY16E EPS of Rs64.4
Absolute 38 111 185 336
Rel. to Nifty 37 85 131 229
Upgrading business quality…
Till day, Granules India has been recognized the world over as a low-end paracetamol
Source: Bloomberg
API player. But, in our view, the company has metamorphosed from merely being an API
Relative price chart manufacturer into a high-end intermediates and formulations supplier. The company’s key
600 Rs % 220
products include paracetamol, ibuprofen, and metformin. Its strong presence across the
500 174
value-chain makes Granules a preferred integrated player for global customers. Recently,
400 128 it has acquired Auctus Pharma, which has a USFDA-approved manufacturing facility and
300 82 several products. This acquisition would help the company to diversify its product basket.
Its recent entry into the CRAMS business through the Ajinomoto OmniChem JV bodes
200 36
well for its long-term profitability, besides helping to upgrade the business quality a notch
100 -10
Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 May-14 Jul-14
above peer pure play API manufacturers.
Granuals India (LHS) Rel to Nifty (RHS)

Source: Bloomberg …and moving onto the next orbit

We believe Auctus Pharma and Ajinomoto OmniChem, along with an improvement in the
Stock Details base business product mix, will help catapult Granules into better profitability and return
Sector Pharmaceuticals
metrics. We believe the contribution of the low-margin API business would come down
Bloomberg GRAN IB
from the current 32% to less than 25% over the next 2 years despite the Auctus
Equity Capital (Rs mn) 204 acquisition. The business mix would change more towards PFIs and finished dosages
Face Value(Rs) 10 (FD), besides sales increasing more towards regulated markets, implying better margins
No of shares o/s (mn) 20 ahead. During FY14, Granules expanded its FD capacity from 6bn to 18bn tablets per
annum, and PFI capacity from 9,840tpa to 14,400tpa at a total capital cost of Rs1.07bn.
52 Week H/L 614/ 120
We are building in strong growth over FY14-16E for FD and PFI sales.
Market Cap (Rs bn/USD mn) 12/ 192
Daily Avg Volume (No of sh) 398,341 Sharp improvement in return ratios to continue
Daily Avg Turnover (US$mn) 2.6 ROEs have improved from 10% in FY11 to 24% in FY14, while ROCEs have improved
from 12% to 19% during the same period. We believe the increased capacity utilization of
Shareholding Pattern (%)
the recently added capacity and improvement in EBITDA margins in the coming years
Jun'14 Mar'14 Jun'14
would help improve ROEs and ROCEs to 27% and 26%, respectively, by FY16E.
Promoters 48.9 48.9 48.9
FII/NRI 1.8 1.6 1.8 Valuations cheap; Initiate with a Buy at a target price of Rs773
Institutions 0.2 0.1 0.2 We believe the current P/E of 8.8x FY16E EPS is unjustified, given the fact that the
growth rate, going forward, would be very strong, which is supported by a healthy change
Private Corp 5.6 3.1 5.6
in the business quality. We initiate coverage with a BUY and a TP of Rs773.
Public 43.6 46.3 43.6
Source: Bloomberg
Financial Snapshot (Consolidated) (Rsmn)

Mar Sales (Core) (%) APAT (Rs) % chg (%) P/E EBITDA P/BV
FY13A 7,644 861 11.3 337 16.7 15.4 12.9 33.8 16.0 4.1
Ashish Rathi
FY14A 10,959 1,584 14.5 753 37.4 123.9 23.9 15.1 9.6 3.2
FY15E 13,721 2,195 16.0 898 44.6 19.2 23.1 12.7 7.0 2.7
FY16E 17,006 2,843 16.7 1,296 64.4 44.4 27.0 8.8 5.3 2.1

Emkay Global Financial Services Ltd. 1

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Investment Rationale

Strong positioning as an API supplier

Granules has invariably enjoyed a stronghold in the API market for the drugs it supplies.
The key APIs in the company’s kitty, wherein it has a good market share, include
paracetamol, guaifenesin, ibuprofen and metformin. We believe Granules’ positioning in
these products has been advantageous vis-à-vis competition, both in terms of quality and
Granules management indicates that the company only produces those products for which
it feels it has a sustainable competitive advantage, whether it be a competitive cost position
or the ability to offer multiple products across the value-chain, including APIs, PFIs and FDs
to its customers.

Exhibit 1: Global market space for key products indicating strong presence for Granules
Market (tpa) Demand Supply Supply Gap
Regulated markets 46,500 44,200 2,300
ROW markets 53,500 97,000 -43,500
Paracetamol regulated Market suppliers (tpa) Mkt. Share
Mallinckrodt 25,000 56%
Granules 13,200 30%
Novocel 6,000 14%
Ibuprofen suppliers (tpa)
Shasun 6,000 20%
IOL Chemicals 6,000 20%
Albemarle 5,200 17%
BASF 5,000 17%
Granules Biocause 4,800 16%
Metformin suppliers (tpa)
Granules 1,800 5%
USV Ltd. 10,100 28%
Wanbury 9,000 25%
Harman 6,000 17%
Methocarbamol suppliers (tpa)
Granules 200 20%
Synthochem 250 25%
Guaifenesin Suppliers (TPA)
Granules 1,200 26%
Synthochem 800 17%
Market Demand Growth (%)
Paracetamol 2.7
Ibuprofen 4
Metformin 12
Source: Company, Emkay Research

Although one generally looks at API players as commodity, and investors fear if someone
undercuts these players on price or if a new supplier comes in, existing players would lose
their market share. The Granules management has indicated ways to overcome this
challenge: it has inherently focused on customers that value quality and service more than
pricing. The company is also able to charge a premium to such customers who appreciate
the quality and service, thus implying that it hasn’t got an entirely commoditized business.
Generally, Granules enters into 3-5 year contracts with major customers, including the
ability to pass along certain raw materials costs. This makes the relationship more

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 2

Granules India Initiating Coverage

In addition, since most customers register their products in a couple of dozen markets, the
switching cost is obviously high. Hence, even if someone offers a lower price, they are not
inclined to change sources. Also, since Granules offers API/PFI/FD, customers enjoy
flexibility. The company tends to begin with a single product and later offers more from its
basket. The examples that have been cited by the company include a particular customer,
with whom it forged a relationship by offering paracetamol API, but now it also sells
paracetamol PFI. With another customer, Granules started with guaifenesin API, but it also
supplies ibuprofen FD today. This value proposition demonstrates the fact that the
company is not truly in the commodity part of the business. We believe this provides
stability to Granules’ profitability margins, besides helping to build stronger long-term
relationships with customers.
The underlying philosophy is to consolidate the market share by targeting producers who
have structural disadvantages that are not easy to overcome. Granules seeks to garner a
significant market share, and if possible build a leadership position in such molecules, so
that besides enjoying the economies of scale, coupled with process savings, it could create
sustainable competitive advantage, though the market growth may prove to be slow. The
company has built supply relationships with brand owners who are growing faster than the
overall market. For example, according to company sources, GSK’s paracetamol demand
(sold under the brand-name, Panadol) is growing at 6-7% per annum, while the overall
paracetamol market has clocked a mere 2% growth annually. Granules has garnered a
healthy share of the incremental demand from GSK, and now intends to replicate this
model with other key customers.
Another good example of the same is its recent contract with Reckitt Benckiser’s Mucinex
brand, which is incidentally the largest brand for guainfenesin.
Although the company’s overall contribution of API is found to be declining, the same is
being replaced by captive consumption for PFIs and FDs.

Exhibit 2: Sales break-up indicates improving diversification

50% 45% 42%
40% 32%
22% 24% 25%
30% 22%
25% 21% 16% 28%
20% 17% 15% 16%
5% 6% 6%
10% 9% 6%
0% 0% 5%
4% 1%
FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
PARA GGF IBU MF Others CRAMs. Auctus
Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 3

Granules India Initiating Coverage

PFIs and finished dose contribution to increase over the years

Realizing the need to move into higher value and higher profitability business segments,
Granules, over the years, has deliberately stepped up its contribution of finished dose
products to total sales. Also, PFI sales contributions have increased from 22% to around
29% in FY14.
Incidentally, Granules is among the very few Indian players to have scaled up
pharmaceutical formulation intermediates (PFI) to a meaningful level.
PFIs is a novel concept for large-volume blockbuster drug molecules within the
pharmaceutical production, and offer significant savings for the dosage form
manufacturers, besides presenting fewer handling issues, fewer regulatory hurdles and
better overall efficiency. As an alternative to active pharmaceutical ingredients, the PFI
concept is expected to transform the conventional pharmaceutical manufacturing model,
since an increasing number of companies are switching over to compounding of PFIs.
Granules has a 6-ton batch-size technology, which provides advantage over peers, who
generally have much a lower batch-size. Besides, the same is not easily replicable. The 6-
ton batch-size helps Granules manufacture tablets more efficiently. Moreover, since PFI
customers have to register their products in the market, it would be difficult to switch from a
supplier to another. Thus, PFI offers a substantial advantage and provides Granules an
edge over other API competitors.

Exhibit 3: Segmental mix improving towards FDs

50% 45%
45% 40% 41%
39% 40%
40% 37%
33% 32%
35% 31%
29% 29% 31%
30% 29% 27%
25% 22% 22%

FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14 FY15 FY16
Source: Company, Emkay Research

Granules has one of the largest single-site facilities for FDs. The company’s sharp ramp-up
in contribution to the total sales is indicative of customers’ growing confidence in its long-
term potential.
A higher contribution of late in value-chain products indicates not only improving business
quality and profitability, but also growing confidence of customers in Granules’
manufacturing abilities. We believe, going forward, the mix would further improve in favour
of FDs and PFIs.

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 4

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Creating long-term value addition through JVs/acquisitions

In recent times, Granules has scaled up its top-line. It now intends to improve profitability
through some of the JVs and acquisitions it has made. The company also seeks to mitigate
concentration risks on select products. These initiatives are expected to help the company
achieve its objectives.

Granules Biocause (50-50 JV with Hubei Biocause)

About Hubei Biocause
Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is based in Jingmen, Hubei, China. The company
focuses on manufacturing chemicals and pharmaceuticals, including APIs and FDs.
Biocause has 1,678 employees, with total assets of RMB2.10bn and annual revenue of
RMB1bn. It is the largest producer of ibuprofen API and tablets in China. The company has
a market capitalization of RMB3.61bn/USD579mn as on March 24, 2014. It is listed in the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

JV rationale
Biocause’s primary facility is located in Jingmen, China, which is spread over 140 acres.
On this site, the company had a 4,800tpa ibuprofen facility that was built in 1993. Granules
used to buy ibuprofen API from Biocause, and for several years both companies had a
healthy supplier-buyer relationship. When the Granules management decided to make
ibuprofen a key product, it decided that it needed to be integrated. In 2006 Granules formed
a joint venture with Biocause called Granules-Biocause. The JV was formed, because
Granules required secure API supply in order to support PFI and FD growth. While there
are other ibuprofen suppliers, none are able to fulfil Granules’ requirements. The JV gives
Granules access to high-quality material and is instrumental in Granules’ FD focus on
The JV’s total sales are estimated at Rs985mn (granules’ share) in FY14. It has grown at a
CAGR of 25% over FY11-14. We expect the growth to be maintained at a CAGR of 3%
over FY14-16E. Historically, the JV had an EBITDA margin in the vicinity of 8%. We are
building in a similar margin going forward. The lower growth ahead is on account of
increased captive usage of Ibuprofen and also because of already improved capacity
utilization levels.

Granules OmniChem (50-50 JV with Ajinomoto OmniChem)

About Ajinomoto OmniChem

Ajinomoto OmniChem is a Belgian company that has a workforce of around 750 people on
three of its facilities in the country, including Louvain-La-Neuve, Wetteren and Balen. The
company specializes in contract manufacturing of intermediates and APIs for innovator
companies. OmniChem focuses on manufacturing products for innovators from Phase-2
through commercialization, with an emphasis on Phase-3 and commercialization.
OmniChem was absorbed by a Japanese-based company, Ajinomoto, in 1989. But it
continues to operate as an independent unit. The parent company has revenue of
JPY1172bn (USD11.4bn) and a net income of JPY55bn (USD 535mn), with a market
capitalization of JPY955bn (USD 9.28bn).

JV rationale
OmniChem’s customers ceded a large market share when their products went off-patent,
as generics companies, primarily in India, introduced cheaper alternatives. Due to
increasing margin pressures, OmniChem’s customers no longer wished to concede a large
market share, but wanted to retain the market share even when a product went off-patent.
Due to the high operating costs in Belgium, OmniChem did not want to set up a new facility
in the country. Since Granules had demonstrated low-cost/high-quality manufacturing
capabilities, in 2011 Omnichem decided to partner with the company to set up a greenfield
facility in Vizag SEZ. Initially, OmniChem will shift production of 6-7 products to the JV. The
JV will also work on second-generation manufacturing processes in order to boost
manufacturing efficiency. The JV will allow Granules to enter the CRAMS market without
making a significant outlay in R&D. In addition, Granules will be working with an
established CRAMS company, which has over 40 years of experience in the segment, with
an established customer base.

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 5

Granules India Initiating Coverage

We are building in a strong growth trajectory from Rs150mn sales in FY15E to Rs1,000mn
in FY18E. We believe this business would be a healthy contributor for EBITDA margins, as
the projects scale up over the years.

Auctus Pharma (100% acquisition)

Acquisition rationale
Granules was looking to expand its product portfolio and identified several molecules that it
wanted to produce. While identifying manufacturing options, the company found an
opportunity to acquire Auctus Pharma. Since Auctus already had an approved facility for
regulated markets, this acquisition allowed Granules to reduce the time-to-market by
around 4 years compared to a greenfield project. The acquisition gives the company
access to the manufacturing know-how for 14 low-volume, high-value API across various
therapeutic areas.
Given Granules’ operations and marketing strengths, the company hopes to turn around
Auctus’ operations by addressing manufacturing efficiencies in the next fiscal year. In
addition, Granules will work on changing the revenue mix by focusing on regulated
markets. In addition, the company will also file ANDAs for various products from the Auctus
portfolio and launch new formulations in the future.
Auctus has not been very well managed so far, and going by the Granules management’s
ability to scale up good market shares in its products, clubbed with a strong customer base,
we believe this could turn out to be a very strong and profitable acquisition by the company
2 years down the line.
We are building in a CAGR 20% on this business over the next few years. But, we believe,
the improvement in margins and the scale-up in Granules’ customer base will bring in
healthy benefits in the long run.

Exhibit 4: Sales from JVs and acquisitions increasing going ahead (Rs mn)

1,600 1,380
1,400 1,150
1,200 986 1,049
1,000 803 799
800 630
400 300
200 73
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
Biocause JV Auctus Pharma Omnichem JV
Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 6

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Risks and Concerns

Regulatory risk
Granules supplies to export markets, and hence being a pharma player it is mandatory that
it secures approvals from several regulatory bodies across the globe. Granules has
approved facilities from several regulatory bodies across the globe like USFDA, UK-MHRA,
EDQM, KFDA, WHO GMP, Health Canada, TGA etc. The recent increase in scrutiny and
adverse outcome for several players in the industry continues to be the biggest risk in the
pharma sector and implies to Granules too.

Foreign exchange risk

Most of Granules’ revenue accrues from exports (roughly 87% FY14), but at the same time
a large component (around 60%) of its raw material requirements is imported. Hence, it
enjoys a natural hedge. The company also has most of its debt in foreign currency.
Granules also has clauses in most of its contracts, wherein it adjusts the selling price based
on the Forex rate.
The company does not have a hedging policy in accordance with the natural hedges and
cost transfer clauses in the contracts. We see a limited impact of foreign currency
fluctuations on the company’s reported numbers.

Limited disclosure risk

Agreements between Granules and its partners/customers are confidential in nature. We
have limited visibility on the product-level/client-level information. Our assumptions are
based on our analysis of publicly available information and a few citations by the Granules
management (highlighted above). We however, continue to believe that limited disclosure
in Contract Manufacturing business is a part and parcel of the business model and
indicates healthy client confidentiality maintenance.

Concentration risk
In the generics and API business, the companies have high dependency on select
products. Hence, they face the risk of low diversity in products. Incidentally, Granules
derives around 90% of its revenue from top-4 products.

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 7

Granules India Initiating Coverage


Healthy past sales growth and solid future growth prospects

Granules has delivered a healthy CAGR of 32% over FY11-14. Based on our assumptions,
we believe, the growth going forward would remain strong at a CAGR of 25% over FY14-
16E. The business, being contractual in nature, calls for a ramp-up in capacity over time.
We are building in Rs1,900mn for the same over the next 2 years.

Exhibit 5: Net sales to grow at a CAGR of 25% (FY14-16E)

18,000.00 44% 50%

16,000.00 37%
14,000.00 40%
12,000.00 25% 30%
10,000.00 24%
18% 17%
13,721.2 17,006.3 20%
6,000.00 11,007.5
4,000.00 6,509.2 7,638.1 10%
2,000.00 4,752.0
- 0%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
Total sales (Rs mn) Y-o-Y growth

Source: Company, Emkay Research

EBITDA CAGR of 34% on improving product mix

With the product mix improving towards higher profitable PFIs and FDs, we expect EBITDA
margins for the company to see an improvement over the previous years. Also, we believe,
the recently concluded acquisition of Auctus would break even in FY15E and generate
incremental profits in FY16E. The OmniChem CRAMs business will see higher EBITDA
over the next 3 years, with EBITDA margins at around 25% by FY18. Our EBITDA margins
for FY15E are expanding by 150bps over FY14. We expect Granules to clock an EBITDA
growth of 34% (CAGR) over FY14-16E, with EBITDA of Rs2.84bn in FY16E.

Exhibit 6: EBITDA to grow around 34% CAGR during FY14-16E Exhibit 7: EBITDA margins to expand

18.0% 16.0% 16.7% 18.0% 16.7%

16.0% 14.5% 16.0%
14.0% 12.0% 12.1% 16.0%
11.3% 14.5%
10.0% 14.0%
8.0% 7.6% 12.0% 12.1%
6.9% 6.5%
6.0% 11.3%
4.4% 4.4% 4.4% 12.0%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E 8.0%
EBITDA % PAT % FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16

Source: Company, Emkay Research Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 8

Granules India Initiating Coverage

EPS to grow at a CAGR of 31%

As mentioned earlier, improved business mix, higher contribution and turn around in JVs
and improved capacity utilization will lead to overall profitability improvement for the
company. This, coupled with a CAGR of 31% in operating profit, is expected to further
boost the earnings growth trajectory for the company, with its EPS expected to grow by
around 31% (CAGR) over FY14-16E and EPS of Rs64.4 in FY16E.

Exhibit 8: PAT to grow ~31% CAGR during FY14-16E

1,400.00 124% 140%

1,200.00 120%
1,000.00 100%
800.00 80%
600.00 1,296.9 60%
400.00 16% 896.3 45% 40%
200.00 5% 20%
207.1 290.7 336.5 19%
- 0%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E

PAT (Rs mn) Y-o-Y growth (%)

Source: Company, Emkay Research

Return ratios to improve substantially; RoCEs to reach 27%

With improving capacity utilization and a margin rebound, we expect Granules to witness a
sharp improvement in return ratios, with RoE expected to improve by 1403bps to 27.0% in
FY16E from 13.0% in FY13, while ROCE is likely to move upwards by around 1400bps to
about 27% in FY16E from around 13.0% in FY13.

Exhibit 9: RoCE to improve to 27% by FY16E; RoE expected at 27%

30% 26%
25% 21%
20% 27%
20% 24% 23%
15% 11%
10% 13%
5% 10%

FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 9

Granules India Initiating Coverage


Valuations attractive vis-à-vis strong growth forecast and improving ROEs

Currently, Granules trades at 8.8x FY16E, which, we believe, is attractive in the light of the
strong EPS growth that we are forecasting. Over FY14-16E, we believe, PAT would grow at
a CAGR of 32%, and over FY16E-18E, the company would grow its PAT by another 25%.
Along with the strong bottom-line, Granules would also see a healthy return ratios
improvement as highlighted earlier.
At the CMP of Rs565, Granules is trading at PER of 8.8x its FY16E EPS, which, we
believe, is at a significant discount to its fundamental value, considering the growth
capabilities and quality of business improvement. As highlighted below, we believe,
Granules has the best return ratios and growth potential compared to peers like Shasun
Pharma and Dishman. We believe the strong earnings trajectory, improving return ratios,
and improving FCF will drive the re-rating for the Granules stock.
At 12x FY16E P/E the PEG ratio for the stock comes to 0.48x (FY16-18E EPS growth of
25%.) Hence, we believe, there is still further scope for re-rating, provided the company
delivers on our estimated numbers and sees the kind of return ratios improvement we have
projected. We firmly believe that there is very limited downside risk to the stock at the
present levels (assuming no adverse regulatory action on the company).
We initiate coverage on the stock with a BUY rating and a target price of Rs773, valuing the
stock at 12x FY16E EPS of Rs64.4.

Exhibit 10: Peer comparison table

M Cap Price EPS P/E BPS P/B RoE Div Yield

Company Reco. CMP Rs. Mn. Target FY14A FY15E FY16E FY14A FY15E FY16E FY14A FY15E FY14A FY15E FY16E FY14A FY15E
Granules Buy 565 11,382 773 37.4 44.5 64.4 15.1 12.7 8.8 177 2.7 24% 23% 27% 1% 1%
Shasun NR 173 9,683 NA 5.3 12.6 15.3 32.0 13.6 12.6 53 2.8 11% 22% 20% 1% 1%
Dishman NR 133 1,098 NA 13.5 17.3 21.3 10.0 7.9 6.4 146 0.9 9% 10% 10% 1% 2%
Source: Emkay Research, Industry

Exhibit 11: One-year forward P/E band Exhibit 12: One-year forward EV/EBITDA band

600 -P/E band 700 - Ev/Ebitda Band

500 600
8x 500
6x 400 5x
300 4x
200 4x
100 3x
2x 100
0 0



























Source: Company, Emkay Research Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 10

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Company Background

Granules is an integrated pharmaceutical manufacturing company that offers all the three
components of the value-chain: APIs, PFIs and FDs. The company boasts of being fully
integrated for all products.
Granules’ segment-wise sales have increased over the years from high-value FDs and
PFIs, and reduced from low-value APIs

Exhibit 13: Segment-wise sales

50% 45% 44%

40% 39%
40% 33% 31% 29% 32%
29% 29%
30% 27%


FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14


Source: Company, Emkay Research

With five core products, Granules is among the top suppliers of these products globally.
The company has a strong presence in the analgesics space. It is among the largest
manufacturer of paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition, it competes in the diabetic
business through metformin, which is the first-line of defense product for type-2 diabetes.
Granules is also a market leader in guaifenesin and methocarbamol, which are used for
mucus thinning, nasal decongestion and muscle relaxation, respectively.

Exhibit 14: Molecule-wise percentage contribution

60% 51%
48% 48%
50% 41%
30% 23% 25%
24% 22%
20% 17% 20% 22%
10% 9% 8% 5% 6%
4% 5% 5% 5%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14

Source: Company, Emkay Research

Granules has seven manufacturing facilities, six are located in Andhra Pradesh, including
one that is under construction through its CRAMS JV. Besides, it has another facility in
China, which is an ibuprofen API JV.
Exhibit 15: Plant locations and capacities
Product Category Facility Location Approvals
Jingmen, China
Jeedimetla HHA (Germany)
API (CRAMs) Vizag Construction is in progress (US FDA Compliant)
API (Auctus) Vizag & Hyderabad USFDA, EDQM, KFDA, WHO GMP, Health Canada
Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 11

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Granules’ major source of income over the years has been trending more from regulated
and semi-regulated markets. Contributions from India sales have fallen 18% in FY11 to
around 13% in FY14.

Exhibit 16: Geographical spread of revenue

40% 34%
30% 29% 29%
30% 24%
23% 19%
14% 15% 18% 15%
20% 14%
10%10% 7% 12% 11% 13%

AMEA N. America Europe LATAM India

FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14

Source: Company, Emkay Research

Exhibit 17: Corporate structure

Group Structure and Manufacturing Capabilities

Incorporated in 1984, this is the only listed entity in the group, with 3
Granules India plants located in Hyderabad (Jeedimetla, Bonthapally and Gagillapur)

Granules recently acquired a 100% stake in this company from its

Auctus Pharma erstwhile promoters. It has an API plant located in Vizag Pharma City
(100% subsidiary) and an intermediate factory in Hyderabad. A merger proposal is in
place with the parent company.

An equal joint venture with China-based Hubei Biocause. The JV has

Granules been operational since 2006, and manufactures ibuprofen API at a
Biocause plant located in central China.

An equal joint venture with Ajinomoto OmniChem, to focus on high-

value, low-volume APIs and intermediates for the latter’s existing
customers, with a manufacturing facility at the Vizag SEZ expected to
commence operations by June 2014.

Source: Company, Emkay Research

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 12

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Management Team

Mr. C. Krishna Prasad – Managing Director

Mr. C. Krishna Prasad, the founder of Granules, has three decades of experience in the
pharmaceutical industry. In 1984, he set up a paracetamol manufacturing facility, which has
since become one of the world’s reputed manufacturers of paracetamol in regulated
markets. Mr. Prasad pioneered and popularized the concept of pharmaceutical formulations
intermediates (PFI) as a cost-efficient product for global formulations manufacturers.

Mr. Harsha Chigurupati – Executive Director

Mr. Harsha Chigurupati has been with Granules since 2005, and served as CMO from
2006-10. As CMO, Mr. Chigurupati was instrumental in commercializing the company’s
Finished Dosage Division, and also changed the company’s focus to marquee customers in
regulated markets. As Executive Director, Mr. Chigurupati is responsible for the standalone
operations of Granules India, including the P&L.

Mr. Madhusudan Rao – Chief Operating Officer

Mr Madhusudan has over two decades of experience with global pharmaceutical
companies. He previously served as COO of Global Generics at Orchid Pharmaceuticals,
where he was responsible for entire operations of Global generics and CRAMS businesses.
Prior to it, Mr. Rao worked at Dr. Reddy’s, where he held various positions in Global
Generics Portfolio Management, Global Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, API - New
Product Development and Corporate Quality Assurance.

Mr. V.V.S. Murthy – Chief Financial Officer

Mr. V.V.S. Murthy has three decades of finance experience across various industries,
including nearly two decades in pharmaceuticals. Mr. Murthy previously was Group Chief
Financial Officer at Dishman Pharmaceuticals which encompassed Indian operations and
nine international operations. Prior to it, Mr. Murthy was VP – Finance at Dr. Reddy’s,
where he had extensive roles, including several international M&A transactions.

Mr. Stefan Lohle – Chief Marketing Officer

Mr. Stefan Lohle has over two decades of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Mr.
Lohle has been associated with Granules since 2001, and previously was Head of Latin
American Operations, where he primarily focused on the PFI Business. Mr. Lohle
previously served at Kimberly Clark Corporation for New Project Development.

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 13

Granules India Initiating Coverage

Key Financials (Consolidated)

Income Statement Balance Sheet
Y/E Mar (Rsmn) FY13A FY14A FY15E FY16E Y/E Mar (Rsmn) FY13A FY14A FY15E FY16E
Net Sales 7,644 10,959 13,721 17,006 Equity share capital 201 201 201 201
Growth (%) 16.9 43.4 25.2 23.9 Reserves & surplus 2,547 3,358 4,019 5,198
Expenditure 6,783 9,374 11,526 14,163 Net worth 2,748 3,559 4,220 5,399
Raw Materials 4,669 6,453 7,958 9,864 Minority Interest 0 0 0 0
Employee Cost 639 879 1,098 1,361 Long Term Debt 2,000 3,395 3,192 3,192
Other Exp 1,475 2,043 2,470 2,939 Short Term Debt 855 1,009 1,009 1,009
EBITDA 861 1,584 2,195 2,843 Loan Funds 2,854 4,404 4,201 4,201
Growth (%) 8.8 84.0 38.6 29.5 Other Liabilities 0 0 0 0
EBITDA margin (%) 11.3 14.5 16.0 16.7 Total Liabilities 5,603 7,964 8,422 9,600
Depreciation 231 298 472 531 Gross Block 3,874 6,268 7,268 8,168
EBIT 630 1,286 1,723 2,313 Less: Depreciation 1,240 1,538 2,010 2,541
EBIT margin (%) 8.2 11.7 12.6 13.6 Net block 2,635 4,730 5,258 5,627
Other Income 21 43 38 43 Capital work in progress 1,088 1,246 1,246 1,246
Interest expenses 177 204 420 420 Other Assets 146 132 132 132
PBT 474 1,124 1,340 1,935 Current Assets 2,958 3,812 3,870 5,187
Tax 138 371 442 639 Inventories 1,365 1,742 1,963 2,476
Effective tax rate (%) 29.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 Sundry debtors 710 1,109 1,266 1,598
Adjusted PAT 337 753 898 1,296 Cash & Cash Equivalents 328 418 46 410
Growth (%) 15.8 123.9 19.2 44.4 Loans & advances 203 162 174 220
Net Margin (%) 4.4 6.9 6.5 7.6 Other current assets 352 382 420 483
(Profit)/loss from JVs/Ass/MI 0 0 0 0 Current liabilities 1,225 1,956 2,083 2,591
Adj. PAT After JVs/Ass/MI 337 753 898 1,296 Accounts Payable 918 1,355 1,679 2,081
E/O items -11 0 0 0 Other Current Liabilities 306 600 404 510
Reported PAT 326 753 898 1,296 Net current assets 1,734 1,857 1,786 2,596
PAT after MI 337 753 898 1,296 Misc. exp 0 0 0 0
Growth (%) 15.8 123.9 19.2 44.4 Total Assets 5,603 7,964 8,422 9,600

Cash Flow Key Ratios

Y/E Mar (Rsmn) FY13A FY14A FY15E FY16E Y/E Mar FY13A FY14A FY15E FY16E
PBT (Ex-Other income) 454 1,082 1,303 1,892 Profitability (%)
Depreciation 231 298 472 531 EBITDA Margin 11.3 14.5 16.0 16.7
Interest Provided 177 204 420 420 Net Margin 4.4 6.9 6.5 7.6
Other Non-Cash items 0 0 0 0 ROCE 12.6 19.6 21.5 26.1
Chg in working cap 160 -34 -301 -446 ROE 12.9 23.9 23.1 27.0
Tax paid -138 -371 -442 -639 RoIC 15.5 25.2 26.2 31.2
Operating Cashflow 844 1,237 1,391 1,759 Per Share Data (Rs)
Capital expenditure -1,156 -2,551 -1,000 -900 EPS 16.7 37.4 44.6 64.4
Free Cash Flow -312 -1,314 391 859 CEPS 28.2 52.2 68.1 90.8
Other income 21 43 38 43 BVPS 136.6 176.9 209.7 268.3
Investments -38 15 0 0 DPS 2.3 4.1 4.7 5.8
Investing Cashflow -1,174 -2,494 -962 -857 Valuations (x)
Equity Capital Raised 1 0 0 0 PER 33.8 15.1 12.7 8.8
Loans Taken / (Repaid) 608 1,550 -203 0 P/CEPS 20.1 10.8 8.3 6.2
Interest Paid -177 -204 -420 -420 P/BV 4.1 3.2 2.7 2.1
Dividend paid (incl tax) -47 -82 -94 -118 EV / Sales 1.8 1.4 1.1 0.9
Income from investments 0 0 0 0 EV / EBITDA 16.0 9.6 7.0 5.3
Others 0 0 0 0 Dividend Yield (%) 0.4 0.7 0.8 1.0
Financing Cashflow 384 1,263 -717 -538 Gearing Ratio (x)
Net chg in cash 55 7 -289 364 Net Debt/ Equity 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.7
Opening cash position 227 328 418 46 Net Debt/EBIDTA 2.8 2.5 1.8 1.3
Closing cash position 281 335 129 410 Working Cap Cycle (days) 67.1 47.9 46.3 46.9

Emkay Research July 9, 2014 14

Granules India Initiating Coverage

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Emkay Research July 9, 2014


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