Granules Emkay Research Report
Granules Emkay Research Report
Granules Emkay Research Report
Granules India
Initiating Coverage
Your success is our success Treading the right path
Mar Sales (Core) (%) APAT (Rs) % chg (%) P/E EBITDA P/BV
FY13A 7,644 861 11.3 337 16.7 15.4 12.9 33.8 16.0 4.1
Ashish Rathi
FY14A 10,959 1,584 14.5 753 37.4 123.9 23.9 15.1 9.6 3.2
FY15E 13,721 2,195 16.0 898 44.6 19.2 23.1 12.7 7.0 2.7
FY16E 17,006 2,843 16.7 1,296 64.4 44.4 27.0 8.8 5.3 2.1
Investment Rationale
Exhibit 1: Global market space for key products indicating strong presence for Granules
Market (tpa) Demand Supply Supply Gap
Regulated markets 46,500 44,200 2,300
ROW markets 53,500 97,000 -43,500
Paracetamol regulated Market suppliers (tpa) Mkt. Share
Mallinckrodt 25,000 56%
Granules 13,200 30%
Novocel 6,000 14%
Ibuprofen suppliers (tpa)
Shasun 6,000 20%
IOL Chemicals 6,000 20%
Albemarle 5,200 17%
BASF 5,000 17%
Granules Biocause 4,800 16%
Metformin suppliers (tpa)
Granules 1,800 5%
USV Ltd. 10,100 28%
Wanbury 9,000 25%
Harman 6,000 17%
Methocarbamol suppliers (tpa)
Granules 200 20%
Synthochem 250 25%
Guaifenesin Suppliers (TPA)
Granules 1,200 26%
Synthochem 800 17%
Market Demand Growth (%)
Paracetamol 2.7
Ibuprofen 4
Metformin 12
Source: Company, Emkay Research
Although one generally looks at API players as commodity, and investors fear if someone
undercuts these players on price or if a new supplier comes in, existing players would lose
their market share. The Granules management has indicated ways to overcome this
challenge: it has inherently focused on customers that value quality and service more than
pricing. The company is also able to charge a premium to such customers who appreciate
the quality and service, thus implying that it hasn’t got an entirely commoditized business.
Generally, Granules enters into 3-5 year contracts with major customers, including the
ability to pass along certain raw materials costs. This makes the relationship more
In addition, since most customers register their products in a couple of dozen markets, the
switching cost is obviously high. Hence, even if someone offers a lower price, they are not
inclined to change sources. Also, since Granules offers API/PFI/FD, customers enjoy
flexibility. The company tends to begin with a single product and later offers more from its
basket. The examples that have been cited by the company include a particular customer,
with whom it forged a relationship by offering paracetamol API, but now it also sells
paracetamol PFI. With another customer, Granules started with guaifenesin API, but it also
supplies ibuprofen FD today. This value proposition demonstrates the fact that the
company is not truly in the commodity part of the business. We believe this provides
stability to Granules’ profitability margins, besides helping to build stronger long-term
relationships with customers.
The underlying philosophy is to consolidate the market share by targeting producers who
have structural disadvantages that are not easy to overcome. Granules seeks to garner a
significant market share, and if possible build a leadership position in such molecules, so
that besides enjoying the economies of scale, coupled with process savings, it could create
sustainable competitive advantage, though the market growth may prove to be slow. The
company has built supply relationships with brand owners who are growing faster than the
overall market. For example, according to company sources, GSK’s paracetamol demand
(sold under the brand-name, Panadol) is growing at 6-7% per annum, while the overall
paracetamol market has clocked a mere 2% growth annually. Granules has garnered a
healthy share of the incremental demand from GSK, and now intends to replicate this
model with other key customers.
Another good example of the same is its recent contract with Reckitt Benckiser’s Mucinex
brand, which is incidentally the largest brand for guainfenesin.
Although the company’s overall contribution of API is found to be declining, the same is
being replaced by captive consumption for PFIs and FDs.
50% 45% 42%
40% 32%
22% 24% 25%
30% 22%
25% 21% 16% 28%
20% 17% 15% 16%
5% 6% 6%
10% 9% 6%
0% 0% 5%
4% 1%
FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
PARA GGF IBU MF Others CRAMs. Auctus
Source: Company, Emkay Research
50% 45%
45% 40% 41%
39% 40%
40% 37%
33% 32%
35% 31%
29% 29% 31%
30% 29% 27%
25% 22% 22%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14 FY15 FY16
Source: Company, Emkay Research
Granules has one of the largest single-site facilities for FDs. The company’s sharp ramp-up
in contribution to the total sales is indicative of customers’ growing confidence in its long-
term potential.
A higher contribution of late in value-chain products indicates not only improving business
quality and profitability, but also growing confidence of customers in Granules’
manufacturing abilities. We believe, going forward, the mix would further improve in favour
of FDs and PFIs.
JV rationale
Biocause’s primary facility is located in Jingmen, China, which is spread over 140 acres.
On this site, the company had a 4,800tpa ibuprofen facility that was built in 1993. Granules
used to buy ibuprofen API from Biocause, and for several years both companies had a
healthy supplier-buyer relationship. When the Granules management decided to make
ibuprofen a key product, it decided that it needed to be integrated. In 2006 Granules formed
a joint venture with Biocause called Granules-Biocause. The JV was formed, because
Granules required secure API supply in order to support PFI and FD growth. While there
are other ibuprofen suppliers, none are able to fulfil Granules’ requirements. The JV gives
Granules access to high-quality material and is instrumental in Granules’ FD focus on
The JV’s total sales are estimated at Rs985mn (granules’ share) in FY14. It has grown at a
CAGR of 25% over FY11-14. We expect the growth to be maintained at a CAGR of 3%
over FY14-16E. Historically, the JV had an EBITDA margin in the vicinity of 8%. We are
building in a similar margin going forward. The lower growth ahead is on account of
increased captive usage of Ibuprofen and also because of already improved capacity
utilization levels.
JV rationale
OmniChem’s customers ceded a large market share when their products went off-patent,
as generics companies, primarily in India, introduced cheaper alternatives. Due to
increasing margin pressures, OmniChem’s customers no longer wished to concede a large
market share, but wanted to retain the market share even when a product went off-patent.
Due to the high operating costs in Belgium, OmniChem did not want to set up a new facility
in the country. Since Granules had demonstrated low-cost/high-quality manufacturing
capabilities, in 2011 Omnichem decided to partner with the company to set up a greenfield
facility in Vizag SEZ. Initially, OmniChem will shift production of 6-7 products to the JV. The
JV will also work on second-generation manufacturing processes in order to boost
manufacturing efficiency. The JV will allow Granules to enter the CRAMS market without
making a significant outlay in R&D. In addition, Granules will be working with an
established CRAMS company, which has over 40 years of experience in the segment, with
an established customer base.
We are building in a strong growth trajectory from Rs150mn sales in FY15E to Rs1,000mn
in FY18E. We believe this business would be a healthy contributor for EBITDA margins, as
the projects scale up over the years.
Exhibit 4: Sales from JVs and acquisitions increasing going ahead (Rs mn)
1,600 1,380
1,400 1,150
1,200 986 1,049
1,000 803 799
800 630
400 300
200 73
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
Biocause JV Auctus Pharma Omnichem JV
Source: Company, Emkay Research
Regulatory risk
Granules supplies to export markets, and hence being a pharma player it is mandatory that
it secures approvals from several regulatory bodies across the globe. Granules has
approved facilities from several regulatory bodies across the globe like USFDA, UK-MHRA,
EDQM, KFDA, WHO GMP, Health Canada, TGA etc. The recent increase in scrutiny and
adverse outcome for several players in the industry continues to be the biggest risk in the
pharma sector and implies to Granules too.
Concentration risk
In the generics and API business, the companies have high dependency on select
products. Hence, they face the risk of low diversity in products. Incidentally, Granules
derives around 90% of its revenue from top-4 products.
Exhibit 6: EBITDA to grow around 34% CAGR during FY14-16E Exhibit 7: EBITDA margins to expand
30% 26%
25% 21%
20% 27%
20% 24% 23%
15% 11%
10% 13%
5% 10%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15E FY 16E
Source: Company, Emkay Research
Exhibit 11: One-year forward P/E band Exhibit 12: One-year forward EV/EBITDA band
Company Background
Granules is an integrated pharmaceutical manufacturing company that offers all the three
components of the value-chain: APIs, PFIs and FDs. The company boasts of being fully
integrated for all products.
Granules’ segment-wise sales have increased over the years from high-value FDs and
PFIs, and reduced from low-value APIs
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14
With five core products, Granules is among the top suppliers of these products globally.
The company has a strong presence in the analgesics space. It is among the largest
manufacturer of paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition, it competes in the diabetic
business through metformin, which is the first-line of defense product for type-2 diabetes.
Granules is also a market leader in guaifenesin and methocarbamol, which are used for
mucus thinning, nasal decongestion and muscle relaxation, respectively.
60% 51%
48% 48%
50% 41%
30% 23% 25%
24% 22%
20% 17% 20% 22%
10% 9% 8% 5% 6%
4% 5% 5% 5%
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14
Granules has seven manufacturing facilities, six are located in Andhra Pradesh, including
one that is under construction through its CRAMS JV. Besides, it has another facility in
China, which is an ibuprofen API JV.
Exhibit 15: Plant locations and capacities
Product Category Facility Location Approvals
Jingmen, China
Jeedimetla HHA (Germany)
API (CRAMs) Vizag Construction is in progress (US FDA Compliant)
API (Auctus) Vizag & Hyderabad USFDA, EDQM, KFDA, WHO GMP, Health Canada
Source: Company, Emkay Research
Granules’ major source of income over the years has been trending more from regulated
and semi-regulated markets. Contributions from India sales have fallen 18% in FY11 to
around 13% in FY14.
40% 34%
30% 29% 29%
30% 24%
23% 19%
14% 15% 18% 15%
20% 14%
10%10% 7% 12% 11% 13%
AMEA N. America Europe LATAM India
FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14
Incorporated in 1984, this is the only listed entity in the group, with 3
Granules India plants located in Hyderabad (Jeedimetla, Bonthapally and Gagillapur)
Management Team
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