Last Class We Visited The: Karen Leticia Intriago Macías
Last Class We Visited The: Karen Leticia Intriago Macías
Last Class We Visited The: Karen Leticia Intriago Macías
During our visit there the administrator of this place told us that this museum opened
on January 31, 1985 with the help of the professor Nemecio Cedeño Mieles and a
team of students and teachers of history and geography degree which collected and
gave archaeological objects to the museum.
In this place we could see many archeological objects that belonged to Valdivia,
Machalilla, Chorrera, Jama Coaque and Manteña cultures.
We learnt that Valdivia was the ancient culture of all these mentioned before that
appeared since 1.500 B. C. until 1.800 B. C and we observed the different objects that
these cultures made, for example some dishes, jewelries and representations of
people from their villages.
We also learnt the ways as these people were buried in big vessels and the
administrator said that some of the objects which are in that place were originals but
other ones were just imitations from the originals