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How to start a software ETABS 2015

1. Double click on the software icon on the desktop

2. Wait
3. File > New Model or Short cut is (Ctrl + N).
4. Use built-in setting
5. Now click ok again in the Grid customizing (or we can customize the grid patterns and
numbers and number of stories) window
6. Now a first start up window should show
7. Units setting up method

Click on the units tab from right bottom corner > then click on the consistent units & setup the suitable units and click ok,

Modeling Generation, Material Properties and basics

Yield Stress of steel: Stress (that is, load per unit cross-sectional area) at which elongation first occurs in the test specimen (Steel
Rod) without increasing the load during the tensile test.

Material Property: Material property of any structural member refers to the engineering properties, such as cube compressive
strength of concrete which decides the grade of concrete and tensile strength or yield stress of the steel, based on which the steel
rebar grade is identified. Eg: (i) For concrete M-20, M-30, M-40 etc., (ii) For Steel Fe 415, Fe 500 etc.,

How to start a new Model in ETABS

Before starting any new model in ETABS it is important to define material type based on which the structural behavior, analysis,
design and results output depends on, the following are the systematic procedure and methodology to define material property in
ETABS 2015.
1. Open ETABS software set up the initial settings like units and code books.
2. Create the required pattern of grid (from the new model quick template) based on the given architectural plan or import the centre
line plan from the AutoCAD in DXF format.
3. Once the grids are ready now we have to define materials, separately for concrete (M-20) and steel (Fe-415).
(a). For Concrete: - Define ---> Material Properties
(b). A new dialog box (Define Materials) will open And click on “Add New Material”
(c). When the new dialog box (Add New Material Property) appears set the required standards
(d) in this dialog box check and set the required material parameters of concrete.
(e). similarly click on add new material and set the parameters for steel
Once the grid is ready and all the material parameters are defined, next proceed on to make a model by creating a frame sections as
depicted below:-

1.) Section Properties ---> Frame sections
2.) Next Frame properties window will appear, Choose Type: concrete rectangular
3.) Next we will get two different beam creating templates, we have to delete the pre programmed one or we can also edit the same
by selecting a particular template (Bea m / Column) and we can change the properties and parameters. It’s better to create a new on
e by clicking on “Add new property”
4.) Once we click on the add new property tab, we will see a window (From that window we can choose our de sired structural
5.) Choose the required shape (Rectangular) and hit ok. Then it will guide you to the next window where we set the cross sectional
dimensions and rebar diameter, clear c over etc.,
6.) By clicking on to Modify/Show Rebar we can change the beam reinforcement and cross sectional configuration,

The same way we have to set the parameters and rebar configuration for column as well and click ok and now our two new
customized beams and columns are ready and are ready to be draw a model (Portal frame). Make a note that we can create any
number of cross sectional property f or beams and columns of varying dimensions and will listed in the Find this property column
which lets you choose the particular type of property while generating the model.
(f). Now we have create the sectional property for slabs and wall, the sa me way like how we
created it for beams and columns.
Define-----> Section Properties -------> Slab Sections
(Next it will display the window) Now the slab definitions and parameters are ready to be used as listed in the table
(G). Tow Define the parameters for wall section, First create the property for wall section by going to
Define ----> material property----> Masonry
Next go to Define ----> section properties ------> Wall Sections
Now the Grid is ready as per the centre line of the architectural given plan and all the parameters and definitions are ready for
creating portal frames and slabs , now we are ready to draw or generate the portal frame by following the procedure as mentioned
Draw -----> Draw Beams/ Columns/ Brace Objects or click on this icon from the left side Tool bar.
After selecting Draw Beam/Column/Brace Objects:
Choose the type of PROPER TY with which you want to generate the portal frame, from the properties table in the left bottom
corner After choosing the particular frame sectional property like beam or column then start drawing
the beam section from nod e to node for beams and on the nodes for columns, use the following
icons Or To draw beams or quick beams in case of multiple beams in a single shot. To draw Columns. (Either single or multiple)

(H). after choosing a particular type of property, try to draw a basic frame
(I). How to Generate Slabs
(i). Slabs: For slabs also we have to define property similar to beams and columns
Define----> section property -----> slab section----> Add New Property-->
Set all the parameter and properties as shown in the figure above, and the slab is all ready for generating portal frame module.
If the space frame is ready with beams and columns it is very simple to draw slab s, basically there are three methods by which you
can draw slabs:
1. : - To draw irregular slabs or curved slabs.
2. : - To draw rectangular slabs, though the slab has got 4 corner points only 2 diagonal s
Points are enough to draw a clean rectangular slab.
3. : - To quickly draw a slab just by window dragging method, (But make sure you have a g closed beam envelope to create a clean
slab boundary) This method is fast and Suggested one for experienced ETABS user.
(j). How to Generate Walls
To draw walls also first we need to define and create properties for wall, t he following are the two methods by which we ca n create
(i). : - To draw walls between two points.
(ii). : - To quickly draw w alls by window dragging method. (Very well suited for walls With common cross section and for
common walls.
(K). How to Draw a circular slab
Select the particular beam in front of which we need to create circular be am, and use thereplicate ( ctrl + R ) tool
Next click ok and click on the object snap icon ( ) to highlight the mid-points and end points, after replicating the beam
Now using the irregular shape slab drawing tool ( ) and choose the s lab drawing type as 3- Points
Next start drawing the semicircular slab (in two steps, drawing quarter slab span each)

(L). How to Draw Circular Wall:-

Drawing circular wall is also similar to that of drawing a circular slab, we have to replicate the beam in front of which we need to
create the circular wall and follow the order Before drawing this circular w all make sure to set the property and the type of wall as
3-point type
Model Modifying Tools ( EDIT - Tab )

(a) Merge Joints: In case of any complex modeling in the final step while checking your model by mistake if any of the nodes or
joints is not joined properly @ one point, by using merge joints we can join that particular joints or nodes.
The procedure for using the merge joints option First select the particular joint as shown below
Then click the EDIT tab and click on Merge joints Finally click ok.

(b) Align Joints/Frames/ Edges (Short cut: - shift + Ctrl + M) :- A lign tool helps you to make a smart and aesthetically pleasing
models, like inclined strut or a column member etc., The procedure to us e Align tool and the completed model
1. Select the line of joints which you want to move, using window selection
2. Next activate the align command using the shortcut (Shift + Ctrl + M) or from the edit tab. And enter the distance dimension in
the direction you want to move
3. After editing all the stories joints one by one the final edited model would be seen like the model
(C). Move Joints/Frames/Edges (Shortcut:- Ctrl + M) Move joints are al so works the same way as the align tool
Step 1:- select the particular joint which you want to move
Step 2:- Activate move joint command using the short cut (Ctrl + M) or by clicking on to the edit tab from the top menu bar and
enter the distance by which you want to move your joints
Step 3:- After clicking ok the final model should be seen
(D). EDIT FRAMES:- Edit Frames option helps us to make a divisional change or reciprocative changes in the particular frame
member (either beam or Column). Using Edit frame option we can do following modification s in the model.
(i). Divide Frames:- Divide frames allow you to divide the single frame section into number of segments, using this options we can
divide a particular beam/ frame sections into any number of divisions.
Select the member > Edit > Edit Frames > Divide Frames
Next select the member and click on the edit > edit frames > Divide frames and now you should see the following dialog box
Finally after division the divided frames
(ii). Joint Frames:- After dividing the frames into several number of p arts or after finishing drawing any beam member of any
framed sections then by using Joint Frames we can easily join those two members again to make it look like a monolithic structure
Select the member:
Go to edit > edit frames > Join frames
Now the member will be a single joined member again,
(iii). Reverse Frame Connectivity:- This particular editing tool is used specially to rotate the beam between two different type of
supports or to reverse the local coordinate axes
(E). EDIT Shells:- Edit shells helps us to deform the shape of the shells/ membrane or slab element, to the desired shape or
dimension, the following are the options we get in the Edit Shell option:-
(i). Divide Shells: Divide shells allows us to divide the slab or a shell member in to various number of divided objects as shown in
the figure below. In order to use t his divide shells option first we have to select the slab member and then divide the slab into
required number of divisions.
Step 1: select the slab member
Step 2: go to EDIT---> Edit Shells ----> Divide Shells
Step 3: When the window appears, Enter the number of divisions t o make in both X and Y direction & click ok.
Step 4: Finally division of slab\

(ii). Merge Shells: If we want to rejoin the divided slab/shell member or if we need to join the semicircular slab to square edge, then
with the help of merge shells we ca n merge these shell slab sections to make it a sing le member.
(Process:- Select any two slabs and go to EDIT---> Edit Shells-----> Merge shells)
Step 1:- Select two divided shell member
Step 2:- Edit > Edit Shells > Merge shells
Step 3:- Finally after merging process the slab

(iii). Expand or Shrink Shells: This option will help us to increase the size of the slab member allround its edges, by the specified
offset distances.
Step 1:- Select the particular Slab
Step 2:- Edit > Edit Shells > Expand or Shrink shells
Step 3:- A window will appear in that entre the amount of offset distance, to expand (+) value and to Shrink use ( - ) value.
Step 4:- After clicking ok the s lab would expand l

(iV). Chamfer Slab Corner: U sing this tool we can give the chamfer edge or a fillet edge to a particular corner node of a slab.
Process: Select the slab and the corner and click the Edit > Edit Shells > Chamfer slab corner
Step 1:- select the slab and the particular corner joint
Step 2:- Click the edit > Edit Shells > Chamfer the slab corner
Step 3: Mention the amount of chamfer distance in the dialog box that appears now.
Step 4: Finally the chamfer/filleted edged slab

(V). Reverse Wall Local Axes 3: Using this tool we can reverse the local coordinates of the wall (Shell Element) as shown in t he
figure below.
Step 1:- Select the wall by activating local axes coordinates from set display options (Ctrl +W)
Step 2: Go to Edit > Edit Shell s > Reverse Wall Local axes 3
Step 3: After Clicking on the “Reverse Wall Local Axes” it will change the local axes 3 of the wall element

How to make typical Stories

(i) If we want to work out the same cross section throughout the entire floor in a single step, just activate the command “All Stories”
From the right bottom corner tab as shown in the figure below and start modeling in any one story.
(ii) Typical Stories & Similar Stories: Most of the time in case o f either apartments or commercial buildings, there are certain
number of stories which will have a uniform frame sections and load patterns, In ETABS 2015 we have an option to customize
those stories and t o make it a typical one.
Step 1: Go to Edit ----> Edit Stories and grid system ----> in the story data ----> Click on modify/show storey data.
For example if we want to make storey 2 and storey 3 as a typical stories in the dialog box that appears when you click the “modify
Show Storey data”, change the parameters. But make sure that you activate it to similar stories After clicking it to all stories, in this
example we have made storey 2 and storey 3 as a typical storey, So if we assign any type of loading or frame sections to a Master
Storey, T he same effect will be replicated to the adjacent stories due to the activation of similar stories . A typical example of the
working of the similar stories

Concept of releasing the moments

In the situations like where it demands a secondary beam or a tertiary beam in any project it becomes imperative and economical to
release moments so that it acts as a simply supported member instead of including extra torsional moments.
The procedure to release moments is as given below, Select the secondary or a tertiary beam, go to assign -----> Frame -----> Re
leases/ Partial fixity, a dialog box appears in that click to release m33 moments since m33 moment being the worst
case. After the releasing moments the beam should be seen like the figure shown in the figure below with the two dots at either

How to Activate and Check out the Local Axis for a particular frame sections
In order to see the local axis o f a particular member, in the 3D view window click somewhere go to set display option ( ) (Ctrl W)
and click on object assignments ----> Frame assignments------> Local Axes. After this local axis will be seen for all the structural

Smart Selection Process

In any complex structures there are various number of the structural members which are called as the frame section in the language
of ETABS, when we have a complex model and if we want to select a particular frame section in a single click, SELECT tab from
menu bar comes in handy. The procedure is as given below. Let us consider we have 3 types of beams of varying dimensions say
1. Beam 200 X 500
2. Beam 200 X 600
3. Beam 200 X 750
With the help of Select tab we can select a particular frame section of a particular dimension

How to create a spring support

In case of designing a Steel Structures especially truss members and sp ace frame trusses we might require a type of spring support
where in we just need to customize it using joint supports and restraints option and finally we can assign it to any nodes, Basically
spring supports allows displacements only in vertical direction. The procedure to create a spring support is as given
First select a joint (point) where you want to assign a spring support, and go to assign---> Joints -------> Restraints ------> a window
appears in which we need to customize the type of supports with the help of null support option.
Loading and Analysis

1. Loadings and loading pattern: By default ETABS will create two types of load cases i.e. Live Load and Dead load. For any other
type of load cases like for either wind load case or seismic load case w e can add it here, the procedure for adding load patterns and
load cases are as given below.
Go to Define----> Load Pattern ----> A Window will appear. Using this window we can add or delete any type of load cases based
on the requirement and type of analysis to be performed.
2. Load assigning patter n: Once we are done with the modeling of the whole structure, next step is to assign loads like as a dead
load we have to assign wall loads on all the beams and as a Live Load we have to assign a shell uniform load sets (Uniform loads on
3. Uniform loading on s hell: In order to assign loads (Live loads) on slabs, select the slabs -----> Assign -----> shell Loads ------>
Uniform. A load assigning window will appear Care should be taken because sometimes we might have to assign uniform loads on
slabs to serve the purpose of floor finish at that time the Load pattern name should be set to “Dead”. After assigning the slab loads,
ETABS will analyse the loads and it will distribute the loads to the adjoining beams automatically which we can make out while
checking the post processing results like SFD and BMD for beams. For example, in a network of beam carrying a square shaped
slab the SFD for the adjacent beam will have a second degree parabola; this is due to the distribution of tri angular (1 part of load
from square slab) load from slabs.
4. Load Combinations: to take care of the partial safety factor it is important to consider load combinations, t o avoid this problem
though ETABS will consider its own load combination “UDCON2” it’s always preferred to customize your own Load combination
so that you have a full hold on your designs. The procedure to create load combinations is as given below
Define----> Load Combinations-----> In that window that appears click on add new combo After clicking on Add new combo
another window appears as shown below/next page, here we can enter the safety factor (1 for DL and 1.5 for LL). After all the load
assignments and load combinations are define d next the model is ready to be analysed to see the post processing

ETABS will help us design almost any concrete structures, Using Limit State method according to
the specified codes of practice.

The following are the basic methodology to carry out any concrete frame designs:
1. Open a new file
2. Set the units (m KN)
3. Set up grid lines
4. Define storey levels
5. Define member Properties
6. Draw structural Objects (Beam, Columns & slabs)
7. Assign Properties
8. Define Load Cases
9. Assign loads
10. Do the load combination
11. View the model (Extruded View)
12. Check your model for any unwanted eccentricities
13. Analyze the model (Post processing results)
14. Display results for checking
15. Design the model
16. Generate output
17. Save the model

View/Revise Preferences
In the view/Revise Preferences tab we have a option to set or check the code of standards according to which the sections will be
designed. In order to access this option, follow the path When the View/Revise Preferences option is activated the following
window appears where we can check the code of standards (IS 456 2000)

View/Revise Overwrites
Using this option we can set the priority or type of design to be carried out i.e., by default 3 types of designs are available as
mentioned below:-
1. Ductile: For the consideration of tall structure and seismic designs
2. Ordinary: For norm al residential and low range commercial building design projects
3. Non Sway: For rigid frame designs (includes both steel and concrete)
The window that helps you choose these options is as displayed below, In order to activate view/revise overwrites go to, Design-->
Concrete Frame Design--> View/Revise overwrites,

How to Choose and customize Load Combinations

After assigning the Dead Loa d and Live load for any frame sections designs we have to factor it with a minimum factor of safety
(1.5) and this could be done by a process called Load Combination. By Default ETABS 2015 will consider a Load Combination
with the factor of 1.5 and the default name for this load combination is “UDCon2” but we need to activate it by clicking on “Add
Default Design Combos” In order to access this load combination window in ETABS go to;
Define---> Load Combination s---> the following load combinations window appears
It is always advised to click “Add Default Design Combos” so that ETA BS will Never make a mistake by not considering it, It’s a
default program path way. Furthermore we can even customize these options by clicking on “Modify of show Combos”.
Meshing of Slabs After the modeling is complete and all the loads and load combinations are defined just prior to the analysis (F5)
Select all the slabs and click on, Analyze---> Automatic rectangular mesh settings for floor---> this will display the mesh
customizing window as shown below. By default the size of the meshing will be 1.25, But for better results it’s always advised to
set it to 0.6.

Concrete Design
After all the modeling, assigning loads and load combinations are properly assigned next we have to analyse the structure to check
the post processing results (SFD & BMD) later the model can be set to Concrete designing by clicking on
Design---> Concrete Frame Design---> Start Design/ Check (Shortcut sft + F6) Finally after analyzing and design of the whole
structures the completed design model looks like the sample model Design of Shear Wall Shear Wall are specially designed walls
incorporated in the buildings to resist lateral forces that are produced in the plane o f the wall due to wind, earthquake and other
forces. They are mainly flexural members and usually provided in tall buildings to avoid the total collapse of the tall
buildings under seismic forces. The following are the steps t o design shear wall in ETABS
1. Complete the model of building with the locations of shear wall and lift cores.
2. Now select only shear wall and click on show selected object only
3. Define Pier Labels Like P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6, define the pier labels equal to the number of shear walls and select one by one
shear wall and assign that pier label to all shear wall
4. Again select the previous selection tab and then go to assign---> Shells ---> wall Auto mesh options, the wall auto mesh window
Carefully ensure that t he meshing should be done 1 X 1 (number should be more than 1) And click on Add Restraints on edge if
corners have restraints.
5. Next step is to design the Shear wall But Before that “Do the LOPD” check.
L:- Live load reduction
O:- Overwrites
P:- Preferences
D:- Diaphragms (If we have in our model)
6. Now go to Design----> Shear wall----> Start design/check (Shft+F10) Now after the ETAB program runs the analysis and design
it displays the longitudinal Ast In order to check the shear Reinforcement in the shear wall go to Design---> Shear wall Design-- -
> Display design info (Sft+Ctrl+F10).

Wind Load Analysis

According IS codes a structures exceeding its height more than 10 meters is considered as tall structures and often if the n umber of
stories is more than six stories it’s better to analyze the building for Lateral wind load, due to which the moments in the structural
members increases and there by designs the suit able area of steel for that moment. Once the structure is safe design wise next step
is to break the model and add two new load cases in the “Define load patterns tab”
Next click on one of the wind load cases and click on “Modify Lateral Loa d” the following window will be displayed
The entries for this box will be done with the help of IS 875 Part 3 Page numbers 8, 11 and 14 for the details of terrain category and
structure class and co-efficient of wind pressure Cpe. The wind speed is also given for different cities in m/sec in Appendix – A. IS
875 Part-3 page – 53.
For example average wind speed for Bangalore is 33 m/sec and for Mumbai is 44 m/sec. After feeding these details for both the load
cases that is wind-x and wind-y next step is to analyze the building and check the maximum joint displacement (Predominantly
check for maximum beam column joint junction) maximum joint displacement in the whole structure should be less than (H/500),
where H= total height of the building in m. This (H/500) limitation is as per the Lateral Sway Clause mentioned in IS 456 – 2000
page 33 Clause 20.5.
Seismic analysis in ETAB S-2015

1. Equivalent static Analysis

First create the model and d o the analysis and design as usual (RCC design) and then once the complete model is checked. Next
break the model and s tart defining the load patterns for seismic loads Next click on one of the load cases, say EQ-X and click on
Modify Later al Load to specify the Seismic load details as per IS 1893 – 2002. In a similar way define seismic loads for both the
direction EQ-X and EQ-Y and later, create the load combination and Envelope and finally run the model. After the structure is
analyzed, go to show tables and make a note of following values:
1. Maximum value of Storey Drift: - should be less than 0.004 or 0 .004 times the storey height.
2. Maximum Base reaction FZ (Later this value should be compared with Response spectrum Base reaction) Now the Equivalent
Static method of seismic analysis is over, next perform the Response spectrum analysis.
2. Response Spectrum Analysis
In response spectrum analysis, first break the model delete the two load patterns and load combinations. And follow the following
Step-1:- Delete the load patterns defined for linear static analysis
Step-2:- Go to Define ---> Function ---> Response spectrum -> Choose Indian Seismic code IS 1893 – 2002,
Step-3:- Once the function is defined, cases for Spectrum-X and Spectrum-Y next go to Define---> Load Cases ---> Define two new
Step 4:- Create load combinations and Envelope ---> Save the model ---> Run analysis
Step 5:- Check the following results
1. Maximum storey Drift should be either 0.004 or 0.004 times the storey height.
2. Maximum Base reaction FZ should be greater than or equal to the Equivalent static/ linearstatic method.
3. Modal mass participation factor Sum x and Sum y 0.9 0.9 i.e., at least 90 percent of the lateral loads should be considered.
4. Check the deformed shapes or mode shapes, First 3 modes should be transition that is either in x direction or in Y direction. The
Response spectrum analysis is satisfying all the above criteria’s then the model is said to be safe and no corrections to be done
Additional Points and Notes :-
1. Storey drift details and limitations given in IS 1893-2002 (Part-1) Clause: - 7.11.1
2. For defining the load pattern in equivalent static analysis time period should be calculated manually the formula for calculating
the time period for different type of building is as given in. IS 1893-2002 (Part-1), Clause: - 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 in page number – 24.
3. Base reaction comparison details in IS 1893-2002 (Part -1) page – 25 Clause 7.8.2 and
4. For soft storey consideration refer IS 1893 – 2002 Page – 27, Clause – 7.10.1.

Steel Frame Design

The design/ check of steel frames is seamlessly integrated within the program. Automated designs are the Object level is available
for any one of a number of users-selected design codes, as long as the structures have first been modeled and by the program. Model
and analysis data such as material properties and member forces, are recovered directly from the model database, and no additional
u ser input is required, if the design defaults are acceptable. The design is based on a set of user-specified loading combinations.
However, the program provides default load combinations for each support design code. If the default load combinations are
acceptable, no definition of additional load combination s is Steel required. Steel frame design or check consists of calculating the
flexural, axial , and shear forces or stresses at several locations along the length of a member, and then comparing those calculated
values with acceptable limits, that comparison produces a demand/Capacity ratio, which typically should not exceed a value of one,
As per IS 800-2007 clause, Page no, 71.

Procedure for steel Design

1. Example 1
Step 1:- Open ETABS as usual, define properties for material and start modeling a steel frame to the required architectural de signs
(make sure all the dimensions) are in m m and N. Use the following section property to model a basic frame building
For Columns (I section) Using all the properties above try to make a framed structure
Step 2:- Once the model is complete the frames are have to be assigned with loads to all those members based on requirement and
type of building to be designed. After assigning loads the model should be seen
Step 3:- Perform LOPD (pre analysis settings and check)
L- Live Load reduction
O- Design Overwrites
P- Design Preferences (ensure that the code is set to IS 800-2007)
D- Assigning Diaphragms (If w e have any slabs in our model)
Step 4:- Run Analysis and Design Short cuts:-
Run Analysis: - F5
Start Design/Check: - Sft + F5 Once the model is analyzed w e can check the forces (SFD and BMD) if w e want to and later we can
proceed to design. Design ---> Steel Frame Design---> Start Design/Check.
Step 5:- Finally check the result in all the steel sections that the PMM ratio or Design Capacity ratio should be less the 1. As per IS
800-2007 Clause, Page No 71Step 6:- Create load combinations and Envelope ---> Save the model ---> Run analysis
Step 6:- Check the following results
1. Maximum storey Drift should be either 0.004 or 0.004 times the storey height.
2. Maximum Base reaction FZ should be greater than or equal to the Equivalent static/ linearstatic method.
3. Modal mass participation factor Sum x and Sum y 0.9 0.9 i.e., at least 90 percent of the lateral loads should be considered.
4. Check the deformed shapes or mode shapes, First 3 modes should be transition that is either in x direction or in Y direction.
The Response spectrum analysis is satisfying all the above criteria’s then the model is said to be safe and no corrections to be done
Additional Points and Notes :-
1. Storey drift details and limitations given in IS 1893-2002 (Part-1) Clause: - 7.11.1
2. For defining the load pattern in equivalent static analysis time period should be calculated manually the formula for calculating
the time period for different type of building is as given in. IS 1893-2002 (Part-1), Clause: - 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 in page number – 24.
3. Base reaction comparison details in IS 1893-2002 (Part -1) page – 25 Clause 7.8.2 and
4. For soft storey consideration refer IS 1893 – 2002 Page – 27, Clause – 7.10.1.

Steel Frame Design

The design/ check of steel frames is seamlessly integrated within the program. Automated designs are the Object level is available
for any one of a number of users-selected design codes, as long as the structures have first been modeled and by the program. Model
and analysis data such as material properties and member forces, are recovered directly from the model database, and no additional
u ser input is required, if the design defaults are acceptable. The design is based on a set of user-specified loading combinations.
However, the program provides default load combinations for each support design code. If the default load combinations are
acceptable, no definition of additional load combination s is Steel required. Steel frame design or check consists of calculating the
flexural, axial , and shear forces or stresses at several locations along the length of a member, and then comparing those calculated
values with acceptable limits, that comparison produces a demand/Capacity ratio, which typically should not exceed a value of one,
As per IS 800-2007 clause, Page no, 71. Procedure for steel Design
1. Example 1
Step 1:- Open ETABS as usual, define properties for material and start modeling a steel frame to the required architectural de signs
(make sure all the dimensions) are in m m and N. Use the following section property to model a basic frame building For Columns
(I section) Using all the properties above try to make a framed structure
Step 2:- Once the model is complete the frames are have to be assigned with loads to all those members based on requirement and
type of building to be designed. After assigning loads the model should be seen
Step 3:- Perform LOPD (pre analysis settings and check)
L- Live Load reduction
O- Design Overwrites
P- Design Preferences (ensure that the code is set to IS 800-2007)
D- Assigning Diaphragms (If w e have any slabs in our model)
Step 4:- Run Analysis and Design
Short cuts:-
Run Analysis: - F5
Start Design/Check: - Sft + F5
Once the model is analyzed w e can check the forces (SFD and BMD) if w e want to and later we can proceed to design. Design --->
Steel Frame Design---> Start Design/Check.
Step 5:- Finally check the result in all the steel sections that the PMM ratio or Design Capacity ratio should be less the 1. As per IS
800-2007 Clause, Page No 71

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