Lecture Notes 4: Fourier Series and PDE's: Divergent
Lecture Notes 4: Fourier Series and PDE's: Divergent
Lecture Notes 4: Fourier Series and PDE's: Divergent
1. Periodic Functions
A function f (x) defined on R is called a periodic function if there exists
a number T > 0 such that
f (x + T ) = f (x), ∀x ∈ R. (1.1)
The smallest number T for which the relation (1.1) holds is called the pe-
riod of f or fundamental period of f .
2. Functional Series
f1 (x), f2 (x), ..., fn (x), ... (2.1)
be a sequence of functions defined on some interval I ⊂ R. We say that the
sequence (3.1) is convergent (or pointwise convergent) to a function f (x)
on I if for each fixed point x ∈ I the number sequence {fn (x)} converges
to the number f (x). If at least for one point x0 the sequence f (x0 ) is
divergent, then we say that the sequence of functions {fn (x)} is divergent
on I. .
and due to uniform convergence of the series we can integrate (3.1) over
(−π, π) and get:
Z π
f (x)dx = a0 π,
Let us multiply (3.1) by cos(mx) and integrate over (−π, π). Taking into
account Z π Z π
cos (mx)dx = π, sin2 (mx)dx = π
−π −π
we obtain Z π
an = f (x) cos(nx)dx, n = 0, 1, 2... (3.6)
π −π
Z π
bn = f (x) sin(nx)dx, n = 1, 2... (3.7)
π −π
Here we have used the fact
P∞ that for each m the series cos(mx) n=1 (an cos(nx)+
bn sin(nx)) and sin(mx) n=1 (an cos(nx) + bn sin(nx)) are uniformly con-
The series (3.1) where an and bn are defined by (3.6) and (3.7) is called the
Fourier series of the function f , the numbers an , bn are called the Fourier
coefficients of f .
Piecewise continuous function. A function f (x) is called piecewise
continuous on [a, b], if limx→b− f (x), limx→a+ f (x) exist f is continuous on
(a, b) except at finitely many of points in (a, b), where f has one-sided
Theorem 3.2. If 2π-periodic function f (x) and its derivative f 0 (x) are
piecewise continuous functions, then
f (x+) + f (x−) a0 X
= + (an cos(nx) + bn sin(nx)) (3.8)
2 2 n=1
2 π
Z π
2 π
an = (π − x) cos(nx)dx == 2 cos(nx)dx − x cos(nx)dx
π 0 0 π 0
Z π 0 Z π
2 1 2 π 2
=− x sin(nx) dx = − [x sin(nx)]0 + sin(nx)dx
π 0 n nπ nπ 0
2 1 2 1 1 2 1
= − cos(nx) = − cos(nπ) = −
nπ n 0 nπ n n nπ n2 n2
Thus an = 0 if n is and even number, and an = n2 , if n is and odd number.
π 4X 1
φ(x) = + cos(2k − 1)x
2 π (2k − 1)2
1 l
1 nπ nπ
an = f (x) cos x dx, bn = f (x) sin x dx. (3.10)
l 0 l l 0 l
3.2. Even and Odd Functions. If a function f (x) is an even function ,
Z l
2 nπ
bn = f (x) sin x dx = 0
l 0 l
Z 1
a0 = 2 (1 − x2 )dx = ,
0 3
Z 1 Z 1
an = 2 (1 − x2 ) cos(nπx)dx = −2 cos(nπx)dx+
0 0
Z 0 Z 1
2 1 2
2 x sin(nπx dx = − 2x sin(nπx)dx =
nπ nπ 0
Z 1 0
4 1 4 1 4
x − cos(nπx dx = − 2
x cos(nπx)| 0 = − 2 2
(−1)n .
nπ 0 nπ (nπ) nπ
Thus we have
2 4 X (−1)n+1
f (x) = + 2 cos(nπx).
3 π n=1 n2
Hence we have
Z π Z π
In + In = 2 f (x) cos(nx)dx = [f (x) − f (x − )] cos(nx)dx
−π −π n
Z π Z π
= 2 f (x) cos(nx)dx ≤ |f (x) − f (x − )|dx.
−π −π n
The function f is continuous on [−π, π] thus it is uniformly continuous on [−π, π]. Therefore the
integral in the right hand side of (R) tends to zero as n → ∞. So In → 0 as n → ∞. Similarly
we can show that Jn → 0 as n → ∞.
1 π 0
Z Z π
1 x=π
αn = f (x) cos(nx)dx = cos(nx)f (x) +n f (x) sin(nx)dx = nbn ,
π −π π x=−π −π
1 π 0
βn = f (x) sin(nx)dx
π −π
Z π
1 x=π
= sin(nx)f (x) −n f (x) cos(nx)dx = nan .
π x=−π −π
So we have
αn = nbn , n = 0, 1, 2, ..., βn = nan , n = 1, 2, ..., (5.6)
Employing the inequality
|ab| ≤ a2 + b2
we obtain from (5.6) the following inequlity
1 1 1
|an | + |bn | = |βn | + |αn | ≤ 2 + αn2 + βn2 .
n n 2n
Due to the Bessel inequality the series
(αn2 + βn2 )
Example 5.3. Assume that the Fourier series of f (x) on [−π, π] converges
to f (x) and can be integrated term by term. Multiply
a0 X nπ nπ
+ an cos x + bn sin x
2 n=1
l l
by f (x) and integrate the obtained relation from −π to π to derive the
π ∞
a2 X 2
f (x)dx = 0 +
(an + b2n ). (5.7)
π −π 2 n=1
This identity is called the Parseval identity.
6. Heat Equation. Method of Separation of Variables
We consider the problem
ut = a2 uxx , x ∈ (0, l), t > 0, (6.1)
u(x, 0) = f (x), x ∈ [0, l], (6.2)
u(0, t) = u(l, t) = 0, t ≥ 0, (6.3)
We assume that the solution of the problem has the form
u(x, t) = X(x)T (t),
where X(x) and T (t) are nonzero functions. Substituting into (6.1) we get
X(x)T 0 (t) = a2 X 00 (x)T (t).
Dividing both sides of the last equality by a2 X(x)T (t) we obtain
T 0 (t) X 00 (x)
= (6.4)
a2 T (t) X(x)
Since the left hand side of (6.4) depends only on t and the right hand
side depend only on x each side of this equality can only be equal to some
constant. Thus
T 0 (t) X 00 (x)
= = −λ, λ = constant
a2 T (t) X(x)
T 0 (t) = λa2 T (t) (6.5)
X 00 (x) + λX(x) = 0. (6.6)
where the sequence of positive numbers {an } is so that the series an is convergent. Then the
series vn (x, t) is absolutely and uniformly convergent on QT . Moreover the function
v(x, t) = vn (x, t)
is continuous on QT .
If 2
∂vn ∂ vn
∂t (x, t) ≤ bn , ∂x2 (x, t) ≤ dn , ∀(x, t) ∈ QT , n = 1, 2, ...
X ∞
bn < ∞, dn < ∞,
n=1 n=1
then the series
∞ ∞
X ∂vn X ∂ 2 vn
(x, t) and (x, t)
∂t ∂x2
n=1 n=1
uniformly converge to vt (x, t) and vxx (x, t) in QT . Moreover these functions are continuous in
QT .
Proof of Theorem 6.1. Since f is piecewise smooth the series
|fn |
is convergent. Thus the Proposition 6.2 implies that the function u(x, t) is continuous on [0, l] ×
[0, ∞). Let us show that the series
∞ ∞
X ∂un X ∂ 2 un
(a) (x, t) and (b) (x, t) (6.12)
∂t ∂x2
n=1 n=1
are convergent uniformly for t ≥ t0 , x ∈ [0, l], where t0 is an arbitrary positive number. Con-
tinuity of f on [0, l] implies boundedness of the sequence {fn }. So there exists M > 0 so
|fn | ≤ M, n = 1, 2, ...
Thus for each t ≥ t0 and x ∈ [0, l] we have
2 2
∂un a2 n2 π 2 a2 n2 π 2
= −fn a2 n π e− l2 t sin nπ x ≤ M1 n2 e− l2 t0 ,
(x, t) (6.13)
∂t l2 l
where M1 = M a2 πl2 .
n2 π 2 − a2 n22 π2 t
∂ un a2 n2 π 2
≤ n2 M1 e− l2 t0 ,
∂x2 (x, t) = −fn e l sin x (6.14)
l2 l a2
It is easy to see that the series
M1 a2 n2 π2
n2 2 e− l2 t0
is convergent. Therefore due to the Proposition 6.2 the function u(x, t) defined by (7.10) is a
solution of the problem (6.1)-(6.3).
∞ ∞
a2n b2n be convergent. Show that
Problem 6.3. Let the series and
n=1 n=1
∞ ∞
!1/2 ∞
|an bn | ≤ a2n b2n
n=1 n=1 n=1
Problem 6.4. Show that the problem (6.1)-(6.3) has a unique solution.
Hint. Assume that v(x, t) is another solution of this problem, i.e.
vt = a2 vxx , x ∈ (0, l), t > 0,
v(x, 0) = f (x), x ∈ [0, l],
v(0, t) = v(l, t) = 0, t ≥ 0,
Then show that the function
w(x, t) = u(x, t) − v(x, t)
which is a solution of the problem
wt = a2 wxx , x ∈ (0, l), t > 0,
w(x, 0) = 0, x ∈ [0, l],
w(0, t) = w(l, t) = 0, t ≥ 0
satisfies Z l Z l
1d 2 2
[w(x, t)] dx + a [wx (x, t)]2 dx = 0.
2 dt 0 0
It is clear that
W (x) = A + (B − A)x
is a solution of the problem (6.25) Hence the solution of the proble (6.27)-
(6.29) is the function
∞ nπ
−n2 a2 t 1
u(x, t) = qn e sin x + A + (B − A)x,
l l
Z l
2 1 nπ
qn = f (x) − A − (B − A)x sin x .
l 0 l l
Next we consider the following problem
For ut we have
X p
ut (x, t) = u0n (t) sin λn x (6.31)
X p
uxx (x, t) = gn (t) sin λn x , (6.32)
Z l
2 p
gn (t) = uxx (x, t) sin λn x dx.
l 0
7. Wave Equation
In this section we study the wave equation. The first problem is the initial
boundary value problem:
utt = c2 uxx , x ∈ (0, l), t > 0, (7.1)
u(x, 0) = f (x), ut (x, 0) = g(x), x ∈ [0, l], (7.2)
u(0, t) = u(l, t) = 0, t ≥ 0, (7.3)
We assume that the solution of the problem has the form
u(x, t) = X(x)T (t),
where X(x) and T (t) are nonzero functions. Substituting into (7.1) we get
X(x)T 00 (t) = a2 X 00 (x)T (t).
Dividing both sides of the last equality by c2 X(x)T (t) we obtain
T 00 (t) X 00 (x)
= (7.4)
c2 T (t) X(x)
Since the left hand side of (7.4) depends only on t and the right hand
side depend only on x each side of this equality can only be equal to some
constant. Thus
T 00 (t) X 00 (x)
= = −λ, λ = constant
c2 T (t) X(x)
T 00 (t) = λc2 T (t) (7.5)
X 00 (x) + λX(x) = 0. (7.6)
It follows from (7.3) that
X(0) = X(l) = 0. (7.7)
So we have to solve the eigenvalue problem (7.6),(7.7). We have seen that
the numbers
n2 π 2
λn = 2 , n = 1, 2, ...
are eigenvalues of the problem (7.6),(7.7), and the functions
Xn (x) = sin x , n = 1, 2, ...
are the corresponding eigenfunctions. It is easy to see that the general
solution of (7.5) for l = λn has the form
p p
Tn (t) = An cos(c λn t) + Bn sin(c λn t), n = 1, 2, ...
It is easy to see that for each N the function
N h
X p p i nπ
uN (x, t) = An cos(c λn t) + Bn sin(c λn t) sin x , (7.8)
where An , Bn , n = 1, ..., N are arbitrary constants satisfies (7.1),(7.3). But
this function may satisfy the initial condition (7.2) only when f is a linear
is a solution of (7.1)-(7.3).
We expand h(x, t)
X nπ
h(x, t) = hn (t) sin x
By using (7.14) we obtain from (7.11)
X p
un (t) + λn a2 un (t) − hn (t) sin( λn x) = 0.
Problem 7.2. Show that the problem (7.1)-(7.3) has a unique solution.