Guitar Notes Explained

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Guitar Notes Explained: A Guide

For Beginners
Guitar notes are at the heart of everything a guitarist
does. They are the building blocks we use to play all
chords, riffs & solos.

In this GuitarFire guide you will learn:

• The guitar string notes
• The difference between guitar notes and guitar chords.
• The musical alphabet
• The difference between sharps and flats
• 3 useful theory tips to help you navigate the fretboard
Let’s dive straight in!
Guitar String Notes (Standard Tuning)
In standard tuning these are the open string guitar notes:

This is the way most guitars are tuned. There are other
ways to a tune a guitar that change the guitar notes, but
it’s best to avoid alternate tunings while you’re a
Stick with standard tuning for at least the first 6
months of your guitar journey. If you switch to an
exotic alternate guitar tuning, the chord shapes
all change. That’s not much fun for a beginner. Let’s
keep things nice and simple!
There are six strings on a guitar. Each string
has a name AND a number.
• The thickest string is called the 6th string. In standard
guitar tuning, this is tuned to E. We often refer to this as
the ‘low E string‘. This is the deepest/lowest guitar note
you can play.
• The 5th string is tuned to A, so it’s usually referred to
as the A string.
• The 4th string is tuned to D, so it’s usually referred to
as the D string.
• The 3rd string is tuned to G, so it’s usually referred to
as the G string.
• The 2nd string is tuned to B, so it’s usually referred to
as the B string.
• The 1st string is tuned to E. This is the thinnest of all
the strings. We often refer to this as the ‘high E string’.
How to remember the guitar string notes
The easiest way to remember the guitar string notes is
to use a mnemonic:

• Elephants
• And
• Donkeys
• Grow
• Big
• Ears
Or my personal favourite…

• Eddie
• Ate
• Dynamite
• Good
• Bye
• Eddie

Try and make a mnemonic yourself. (The sillier it is the
better; that will make it more memorable.)
These notes are exactly the same on acoustic, electric,
classical and semi-acoustic guitars.
What’s the difference between guitar notes
and guitar chords?
• Notes are the smallest unit of musical language.
• We group notes together to form chords.
Some of our students find this analogy helpful:

• Notes are like letters.

• Chords are like words.
To form a chord, we need to group some notes together.
Let’s look at some examples:

Guitar notes are individual pitches.

A chord is made when we stack guitar notes together
and play them all at the same time.
The chord has a larger and fuller sound because we
hear several guitar notes played at the same time.
Don’t make this common beginner mistake!
One of the worst mistakes you can make as a beginner
guitarist is to try and learn all the guitar notes on the
In my experience (20,000+ hours teaching guitar
beginners) it’s totally overwhelming for guitar learners
who take this approach.

All your energy as a new guitarist should be

focussed on chords.
Objectively, this is a more successful approach.
I think this is because it’s easier and more fun to learn
some static chord shapes and immediately begin making
So learn a few simple chords and get strumming; You
can master your fretboard’s DNA at a later point.
Eventually everyone ‘graduates’ to focussing more on
guitar notes, scales and theory, but you should
NOT start there.
(If you do you will make slower progress and your guitar
journey will be more difficult than it needs to be. You will
also become a very lop-sided guitarist.)
Quick Tip
Focus exclusively on chords and strumming during the
first 3-5 months of your guitar journey.
Guitar Notes: Exploring The Fretboard
We’re going to move on now and explore the
fretboard in greater depth. This is NOT essential
knowledge for an absolute guitar beginner, but it
will deepen your understanding of the instrument if
you want to learn more.
Read on only if you want to learn more about the
musical alphabet and how guitar notes lay across the
There’s useful stuff here, but I don’t want to overload you
if you’re new to the instrument.

Understanding guitar notes & the musical

Guitar notes are the same as violin notes and piano
notes. (The musical alphabet is the same across
all instruments.)
I’ve always found it a bit odd how many musicians don’t
know their musical alphabet. After all, the normal
alphabet has 26 letters and the musical alphabet only
has 12 notes.

• The normal alphabet goes from A to Z.

• The musical alphabet goes from A to G.
However, we have to remember our sharps and flats
which appear between most (though not all) of the
The musical alphabet (and hence, order of guitar notes)
looks like this:
A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A.
Quick Tip
The # symbol means ‘sharp’. So you pronounce “A#” as
“A sharp”.

Sharps vs flats
Sharps and flats are the same thing, just looked at
from a different angle.
We can describe all sharps as flats. If we do, the musical
alphabet looks like this:
A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A.
We use the “b” sign to denote “flat”.
So A sharp (A#) can also be called “B flat” (written as
Bb). A# and Bb are the same note.
If it were 9.30 in the morning you could say it was “half
past nine” or your could say it was “30 minutes to ten”.
Both descriptions would be accurate and both describe
the same thing.
Once again: A# and Bb are the same note.
The same goes for the other sharps.

• C# (AKA “C sharp”) is the same note as Db (AKA “D

• D# is the same note as Eb.
• F# is the same note as Gb.
• G# is the same note as Ab.
So we can write all the guitar notes like this
(with sharps):
A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A.

Or like this (with flats):

A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A.

In reality, you will often see a blend of both.

Like this:
A, Bb, B, C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, G#, A.

Do all guitar notes have a sharp or flat?

No. Let’s use this pattern to explain. (We’re going to
stick with all sharps to make this easier to understand.)
A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A.
You may notice that not all the letters have a sharp
between them.

• We go straight from B to C. There is no ‘B#’ or ‘Cb’

• We go straight from E to F. There is no ‘E#’ or ‘Fb’
In music, there is no B#/Cb or E#/Fb. They don’t exist.
How to memorise the musical alphabet
Each fret has a number and it goes up one by one as we
ascend the fret board:

If we pluck a string without fretting any notes we say that

we’re playing an “open string”.
We think of this as zero. An open string = 0
From 0, when we go ‘up’ the fretboard, we’re heading
towards the body of the guitar, like this:
We say we’re travelling ‘up’ because the pitch of the
notes goes higher.

How to practice the notes of the musical

The best way to practice the musical alphabet on a
guitar is to start on the open A string (5th string) and
count up one fret at a time, naming the notes as you go
until you get to the 12th fret (the one with two dots on it):

• Start by plucking the open 5th string and you will hear an
A note.
• Then press on the first fret on the 5th string and pluck.
You will hear an A# note. Keep going.
• This is the full order you will hear from the open string all
the way to the 12th fret:
A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A.
Congratulations, you just moved through a
full octave!
• By the time you’re on the 12th fret, you will be back at A
again. (But you’ve now moved into a higher octave.)
• If you’re not at A when you reach the 12th fret, chances
are you’ve missed out a sharp or added one where there
shouldn’t be one. Go back and check.
• Once you get used to counting up the string using
sharps, why not try counting back down it, this time
using flats?
If we want to go ‘down’ the fret board we go the opposite
way, towards the neck and tuning keys.

From the 12th fret down the open string, the guitar notes
will flow like this:
A, Ab, G, Gb, F, E, Eb, D, Db, C, B, Bb, A.
This is harder to do, as most people don’t know their
alphabet going in reverse!
Take your time and get it right.
NINJA TIP: Saying the notes aloud as you play them
helps embed the guitar notes in your mind. This is
an example of neuro-linguistic programming and
you can use this to learn faster.

Use Fret Markers To Quickly Get Your

If you look on the neck of most guitars you will see fret
markers (little white dots).

These show you which frets are which. The dots are
usually on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9thand 12th frets.

Natural notes vs sharps and flats

Natural notes are the notes that aren’t sharps or flats:
There is no ‘H’. After G the next note is A, but it’s a
higher A than the previous one. (We have now entered a
higher octave.)
Don’t worry too much about what this means (octaves
are just how we split all the notes into manageable
The notes we’ve covered so far are called natural
notes, because they have no sharps or flats.

Let’s have a look at finding these natural

notes on the fret board.
There are couple of rules we can use here to help us
find these notes.

Rule #1
• Between every natural note, there is a two fret gap.
• This is what’s known as a whole step.

Rule #2
• However some notes don’t follow the two fret rule!
• The gap between these notes is just one fret.
• As we learnt earlier, this is between B and C, and E and
• This is known as a half step.
Now let’s look at how we can find these notes on each
Let’s start with the low E string (the thickest
We know that the open note is tuned to E, which is a
natural note.
Let’s try and find the natural notes on the E string.
Play along with this exercise.
This means we start from E and that the notes we want
to find are:
So if we take a look back at our rules, we can easily find
the 2 fret gaps in between the notes, as well as the one
fret gaps.

• Between E and F, there is only one fret. We covered this

• We know E is the note of our open 6th string, therefore F
must be found on the very next fret. The first fret.
• F and G have a 2 fret gap between them, so if we go up
two frets from the 1stfret we land at fret 3. So fret 3 on
our E string is a G note.
• G to A has a 2 fret gap too, if we go up two frets from the
3rd fret where our G was, we end up at the 5th Fret. So
fret 5 on the E string is a A note.
• A to B also has a two fret gap, so if we go up two frets
we end up at fret number 7, therefore the 7th fret on the
E string is a B note.
I hope you can see that it’s pretty easy stuff, but watch
out for the B to C. This is that sneaky half step, where
we have to go up only 1 fret, instead of 2.
Ready to keep going? Let’s walk together all the
way up to the top.

• So if B to C has a 1 fret gap, we end up at the 8th fret on

the E string.Therefore fret number 8 is a C note.
• C to D has a 2 fret gap, therefore if we go up two frets
from 8th fret, we end up at the 10th fret. So the 10th fret
is the note D.
• D-E has a 2 fret gap, therefore if we go up two frets from
the 10th fret, we end up at fret number 12. So the
12th fret on the E string is an E.
So we’ve now done the full cycle and ended up at the E
note in the higher octave.
You should be able to hear that the open E string, and
the note at the 12th fret sound the same. The note on the
12th fret is higher in pitch, but can you hear that they’re
the same? Try it now.
All together, the notes you’ve played should sound
something like this:
Try this exercise to develop your
understanding of guitar notes
• Find all the natural notes on the low E string.
• Find all the natural notes on the A string.
• Find all the natural notes on the D string.
• Find all the natural notes on the G string.
• Find all the natural notes on the B string.
• Find all the natural notes on the high E string.
Once you’ve done this, you may realise that some notes
overlap from one string to the next. Well done! You are
discovering the fretboard.
Unlike the piano, where notes are played in a continuous
line, the guitar notes overlap from string to string.

Making sharps and flats clear

We covered this earlier, but I’d like to look at it again,
from a slightly different perspective that helps it ‘click’ in
some people’s minds.
This is very confusing for most people, so it probably is
for you too. Don’t worry, it’s normal!
Now you know about natural notes, you will see this from
a different angle.
Sharps and flats are the notes that are in-between
the natural notes.
Sharps and flats live in the ‘spaces’ between these

Guitar Notes Explained: Sharpening Notes To

Make Sharps
To create a ‘sharp’ we have to sharpen a natural note.
We do this by increasing the pitch of the note by one
fret. This is a half step.
So for example, if we have the natural note of “A” and
we sharpen it, it will become “A sharp”.
Once again: We write ‘sharp’ by using a hashtag
symbol. “A sharp” is written as “A#”.
Here are the A and A# notes on the fret board. Can you
see that the A# notes are always one fret higher than the
A notes?

Here’s what it would look like on musical notation. See

the ‘hashtag’ symbol?
When we look at sharps on a musical page, it
never says the word ‘sharp’. It will have a ‘#’

Guitar Notes Explained: Flattening Notes To

Make Flats
A flat is like the ‘opposite’ of a sharp. When we flatten a
note we go the opposite way, so we decrease the note
by one fret. This is a half step.
So if we have the natural note of A and want to flatten it,
we go down a half step/one fret. This becomes “A
flat” which we write as “Ab”. The lowercase B symbol is
how we write ‘flat’.

• Ab is how we write “A flat”

• Bb is how we write “B flat”
• Cb is how we write “C flat”
• Db is how we write “D flat”
• Etc!
Here’s a picture of the fret board showing you all the A’s
and the Ab’s.
Can you see the Ab notes are always 1 fret lower than
the A notes?
Here’s a picture of what it would look like in musical

Quick Tip
When we see flats on a musical page, it will never say
the word ‘flat’. It will always have a lowercase “b” after it.
A quick sharps and flats test!
When we sharpen or flatten notes, there are a few rules
to remember.

• A couple of notes can’t be sharpened. What notes are

these? (Yes, B and E!)
• As we know, flats are the opposite of sharps. So the
above fact means what notes can’t be flattened? (Yes, C
and F!)
I teach my students this by telling them to remember the
word “BE”. I actually shout “To BE or not to BE” at them
to drum it in. (It’s a bit weird, I know, but it works.)
If all else fails, remember this:
All notes can be sharpened except B and E.
(Remember: “To BE or not to BE”!)
Because sharps and flats are essentially the same thing
there is lots of confusion caused by the duplicate
This infuriates me as a guitar teacher because it just
makes everything harder for beginners to learn. I wish it
were easier for wannabe musicians, but we’re stuck with
this clumsy naming structure. (Sorry guys!)
Check out my article “What’s The Difference Between
Sharps and Flats? Which should I use?” to make this
concept a lot easier.

Quick Tip
Let’s try and make something really clear. Let’s take two
notes: A and B.
• We can sharpen the A. Which would give us A#.
• We can flatten the B. Which would give us Bb.
• These two notes are EXACTLY the same, they just
have different names.
(Usually the key of the song determines what note
names we use. But don’t worry about understanding key
theory right now! For now I just want you to know that A#
and Bb are the same note.)
As well as notes, the chords A# and Bb are exactly the

Exercise: Finding the notes

Now we understand about sharps and flats, we can use
this information to help us find these notes on the fret
Let’s take the low E string.

We already know where all the natural notes are.

These notes are:
Let’s look at how we move from one to the next:
Moving between guitar notes E & F
To find the notes in-between we can simply break it

• We already know that there are no sharps or flats

between E and F.
• So the open string to fret 1 is easy! Nothing to worry
about there. The next note after E is F.

Moving between guitar notes F & G

• We know F and G are frets 1 and 3.
• So what we need to find out is what note fret number 2
• We know we can sharpen F, which would make fret
2 F#.

• We could flatten G, which would make it Gb.

• Therefore we can say the guitar note on fret 2 is
either F#/Gb, because they are exactly the same
Moving between guitar notes G & A
• We already know G to A is frets 3 to 5. So the fret we
are looking for is fret number 4.
• To do this we can sharpen G, which would make fret
4 G#.

• We need to flatten A, which would make fret 4 Ab.

• Therefore fret 3 is either G# or Ab. They are the
same note.

Moving between guitar notes A & B

• We already know A to B is frets 5 to 7.
• So the fret we are looking for is fret number 6.
• To do this we could sharpen the A, which would
make fret 6 A#.

• We could flatten the B, which would make fret 6 Bb.

• Therefore fret 6 is A# or Bb. They are the same note.

Moving between guitar notes B & C

• We know that B to C is a half step and that we can’t
sharpen or flatten either note. So that one is easy!
• The next note after B is always C.
Moving between guitar notes C & D
• We know that C to D is frets 8 and 10.
• So the fret we’re looking for is fret 9.
• Here we could sharpen C, which would make fret 9 C#.

• We could flatten D, which would make fret 9. Db.

• Therefore fret 9 is C# or Db. They are the same note.

Moving between guitar notes D & E

• We know that D to E is frets 10 and 12.
• The fret we’re looking for is fret 11.
• We could sharpen D to make fret 11 D#.

• We can flatten E to make fret 11 Eb.

• Therefore fret 11 is either D# or Eb. They are the
same note.
Here are some diagrams of the natural and sharpened
Here’s the same diagram, but instead of sharpened
notes we now have flattened notes!

Hopefully you can see that the natural notes are the
same and the sharpened and flattened notes line up in
exactly the same place.

Ok, now try this by yourself…

Now you understand how to sharpen or flatten notes on
the fret board. Try these exercises:
• Find all the sharp and flat notes on the E string.
• Find all the sharp and flat notes on the A string.
• Find all the sharp and flat notes on the D string.
• Find all the sharp and flat notes on the G string.
• Find all the sharp and flat notes on the B string.
• Find all the sharp and flat notes on the high E string.

When you feel you have a good grasp of this,

you can review it with this diagram of the full
fretboard of guitar notes:

Your guitar note knowledge will help with

chords (& vice versa)
Let’s look at a G chord.
Can you see that the first note in the chord, which is the
3rd fret on the E string, is a G? (This is the root note.)
If we have a look at our C Chord, the first note which we
play in a C chord is a C note.
The first note in a chord can help us know
what the chord is (& vice versa).
Understanding the flow of guitar notes on the
fretboard can help us develop our chord knowledge
Guitar chords and guitar notes blend together through
rhythm and lead guitar. Knowledge of one helps you
gain knowledge of the other.
It’s a virtuous circle!

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