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Fans | Energy Recovery Ventilators | Air Distribution Products | Fire Safety | Air Curtains and Heating Products | Tunnel


Fans and Air Distribution Products

Edition II

2| Introduction

“To simplify” was our principal objective when Systemair

entered the market in 1974 with the circular duct fan, a
product that considerably simplified installation and design.
“The straight way” soon became a concept for work in
the Group and the basis of our values. Since then, it has
© Systemair 2016 developed into a business philosophy. The driving force is to
Systemair reserves the right to make technical changes. constantly discover new ways of making Systemair products
For updated documentation, please refer to
better for our customers and the environment.
Introduction |3

Introduction 4

Fans 20
Air Movement Controllers 50
Air Distribution Products 88
Accessories 112

Theory 120

Our product range has expanded at a rapid pace since More than 4,600 employees in more than 60 subsidiaries
the time when the circular duct fan first saw the light of in over 47 countries ensure the necessary proximity to the
day. Today, 40 years later, Systemair is one of the biggest customer.
names in the ventilation industry. We focus on developing
energy efficient fans and energy recovery ventilators, We invite you to discover our product offering.
products for air distribution and fire safety, air conditioning,
air curtains and heating products.
4| Introduction


9 12

8 7
6 5
15 18




Product groups NORTH AMERICA


Residential ventilation
C Swimming pool ventilation
D Air handling units AFRICA
E Air conditioning
F Air curtains and heating products
G Air distribution products
H Fire safety
I Garage and tunnel ventilation
Introduction |5





D 21




6| Introduction

Application overview

Systemair offers a range of fans, controllers for Constant (CAV) and Variable (VAV) Air
Volume and ventilation accessories for use in various applications from small office
premises to industrial applications. All items in the range have something in common:
their components have been developed to satisfy stringent demands for low energy
consumption. Extensive testing has been performed on the fans in laboratories and in
the field to ensure a long service life of performance and low energy consumption.
All products are manufactured to comply with environmental requirements.

Areas of application

Page Healthcare facilities Municipality and Dine, restaurant and Industrial buildings
government buildings kitchen facilities

Circular duct fans 22 • • • •

Square duct fans 36 • • • •
Exhaust roof fans 46 • • • •

CAV controllers 52 • • •
VAV controllers 58 • • •

Jet nozzles 88 •
Diffusers 90 • • • •
Introduction |7

Areas of application

Transportation Retail and entertainment Lodging Recreational and sport Education and institutional
buildings buildings buildings buidlings

• • • • •
• • • • •
• • • • •

• • •
• • •

• • • • •
• • • • •
8| Introduction

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Today’s demands require buildings are designed to be sustainable, adaptable,

and energy efficient. Systemair is committed to helping design and construction
professionals achieve these goals. We offer solutions for indoor air quality and
unsurpassed project support.

We can assist you with designing your project, ensuring that the indoor
environmental quality complements your unique vision. Our ECM-fans and VAV
controllers allow you to meet the specific requirements of the latest environmental
design criteria, including the LEED® Green Building Rating Systems.
Introduction |9

The key to your savings

Total cost for the ventilator’s duty cycle

The energy consumption of a ventilation system usually
represents the majority of the fan duty cycle cost. More
efficient ventilation and air movement will have a significant
impact towards preserving not only the environment but
also improving the bottom line.

Energy efficient ventilation

Energy efficient ventilation is about designing the system
in a smart way, using fans that have high efficiency and
adjusting the ventilation rate to the actual need while
keeping a good indoor air quality.

Systemair’s range of ECM fans and air movement controllers

greatly simplifies demand-controlled ventilation. Together
they provide an intelligent system that is effective and very
efficient. By controlling high efficiency, ECM-driven exhaust
and/or supply fans, new levels of comfort and energy
savings can be realized in a wide variety of applications.

Efficient working point

Unusually high operating costs of ventilation systems are
often caused by inefficient fan operation that, in turn, can
be the result of improper fan selection, poor system design,
or wasteful airflow control practices. Improper fan selection
often means the fan is oversized for the application, resulting
in high airflow noise affecting space and maintenance issues.







Maintaince Investments Energy
10 | Introduction

ECM-fans from Systemair

The heart of our fan is an EC (Electronically Commutated) precisely the right time for accurate motor control. ECM motors
Motor. It is a permanent magnet motor where the mechanical have longer service life due to lower winding temperatures
commutation has been replaced by electronic circuitry, which resulting in lower wear and tear.
supplies the correct amount of current in the right direction at


Stator Electronics

Since these motors have integrated electronic control they can ECM fans have high energy-saving potential not only at full load,
easily be varied in speed to match the required air flow without but especially at part load, where the loss of efficiency is very
creating extra noise, often related to speed controlling of AC much lower than with an asynchronous motor with the same
(alternating current) motors. They do this without creating output. This is one reason why our ECM fans are your first choice
additional heat rise in the winding that would cause a shortening when it comes to economical use of energy and simple demand
of the life time of the motor. For the same air volume, they controlled ventilation.
consume distinctly less energy than standard motors.
Introduction | 11

Advantages of ECM fans

Energy savings using HVAC technology

Even for variable speeds an ECM fan retains its very high 1800 AC with phase-angle control
AC with transformer
efficiency. With AC motors, on the other hand, the already AC with frequency inverter
1600 Systemair EC fan
lower efficiency drops significantly. Thus energy savings of over
10% are attained even at nominal speed. In the continuously 1400

controlled range, the relative and absolute savings are +650 W

1200 +118 %
substantially greater. Compared to ECM technology, conventional
phase-angle control can use twice as much energy, if not more, 1000

depending on the operating point.

800 +200 W
+36 %

600 550 W



2,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 11,000

Q [cfm]

Noise reduction at all speeds



With ECM technology you hear no motor noise across the entire
speed range. When demand for ventilation is low, very low
operating speeds can be selected. The resonance levels typical
for frequency inverter operation or “phase noise” does not exist A
in our products, as a different operating principle is involved. 60

Furthermore, combining standard motors with frequency inverter

without an all-pole sinusoidal filter can cause winding and
bearing damage.

AC with phase-angle control
AC with transformer
AC with frequency inverter
30 Systemair EC fan

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000

Q [cfm]

• Up to 90% higher efficiency than conventional systems • Less energy use means lower CO2 emissions
• Higher efficiency and low sound level throughout the entire • Easy electrical connection and long service life
fan performance diagram • Integrated electronics to control by 0-10V signal
• Less energy use, resulting in lower energy costs
12 | Introduction

What is this
fan’s full load
SFP at part load?

Let’s talk SFP.

A lot of people like to talk about full load efficiency. But here’s the thing. Many air
movement applications only need to operate at full load a small percentage of the
time. That’s why we calculate the efficiency of our ECM fans at all duty points by using
Specific Fan Power, or SFP. This value represents a fan’s true efficiency during part-
load periods. In other words, SFP tells the whole story. Like the other 364 days.
Introduction | 13

It’s time to
change the
14 | Introduction

Specific Fan Power (SFP)

The “Specific Fan Power” the early design stage For individual air handling units or fans, to enable the designers
(SFP) value indicates of the building of building projects to quickly determine whether a given air
the demand on concept. It will handling unit will positively or negatively meet the overall
power efficiency help to choose demands on power efficiency, a SFPE for the individual fan or
of all supply air the proper AHU has been defined.
and exhaust air equipment
fans in a building. to satisfy the The specific fan power – for supply and exhaust air units
The SFP should be SFP required energy (normally also equipped with heat/energy recovery), is the total
amount of electric power, in W, supplied to the fans in the AHU,
determined during consumption.
divided by the largest of supply air or extract air flow rates (i.e.
not the outdoor air or the exhaust air flow rates) expressed in
What is the Specific Fan Power? cfm under design load conditions.
Ptf + Pff (W/cfm)
SFP is a measurement of the electric power that is needed to SFPE =
drive a fan, relative to the air volume that is circulated through
the fan. This value is not constant for a given fan, but changes where
with both airflow rate and fan pressure rise. The definition of the Ptf - total power for supply air fans, W
SFP is different for heat recovery air handling units with supply Pff - total power for exhaust air fans, W
air and exhaust air, and for separate supply air or exhaust air
qf - is the largest supply air or extract air flow through the air
handling units and individual fans.
handling unit, cfm
The SFP value for the whole building is defined as follows:
Air handling units with liquid-coupled coil heat exchangers and
the combined amount of electric power consumed by all the separate supply air and extract air sections also belong to this
fans in the air distribution system divided by the total airflow category of air handling units.
rate through the building under design load conditions:
For separate supply air or exhaust air handling units and
individual fans, the specific fan power, SFPE is the electric power,
Psf + Pef
SFP = in W, supplied to a fan divided by the air flow expressed in cfm
under design load conditions.

where Ptf + Pff (W/cfm)

Psf - the total fan power of the supply air fans at the design air qf
flow rate, W
The lower the value, the more efficient the system is at
Pef - the total fan power of the extract air fans at the design transferring the air.
air flow rate, W
qmax - the design airflow rate through the building, generally
the extract air flow, cfm
Principle to select appropriate equipment
In terms of SFP for the whole building, any fan powered termi-
The SFP principle in fan selection is to choose a fan to deliver the
nals shall be included when they are connected to the main air
flow and pressure at all required duty points for an application at
supply system.
the best integrated efficiency rate practical.
Introduction | 15

Figure 1 illustrates the operating points of both high and low at the required working point.
resistance systems, which might be chosen by either keeping a
system efficient at the SFP equal 0.71 W/cfm or non-efficient at So what are the advantages of using SFP instead of watts at a
the SFP equal 2.06 W/cfm. It is best to select a fan that will give certain duty point? If you have two or several fans and you use
an operating point in the higher range. The low static pressure the actual watts at the same duty point to decide which one is
end of the performance curve is to maintain the fan rationally most energy efficient there is really no need for SFP since SFP
and to avoid it from stalling. is an equation between watts and airflow. But if you are talking
5.0 in more general terms it is difficult to know if the fan is working
Ps [in.wg]

Shut-off High resistance system in an efficient way by only talking about watts because the
Low resistance system
watts number by its self doesn’t tell you if an efficient fan has
been picked i.e. “At the requested duty point the fan consumes
1.2kW”, while the SFP does just that i.e. “At the requested duty
SFP 2.06 point the fan has an SFP of below 0.8”.

So what are the advantages of SFP vs efficiency?

2.0 Fans with a high static pressure value frequently have a greater
maximum efficiency value than fans that are designed to
SFP 0.71
operate at lower pressure. But these higher levels of efficiency
are only achievable within a limited area where the system
line represents a weaker air flow with a high pressure. The blue
Free delivery
0 curve in Figure 2 illustrates such a case, whereas the green line
0 1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000
shows the performance line for a fan designed to operate at the
Q [cfm] lower pressure range. So while the fan that is represented by
Figure 1. Fan/system interaction
the green line has a lower maximum efficiency the actual power
Each particular system should be analyzed for possible reduction
consumption at 1.0”Ps is lower. Therefore a fan with the lower
in the overall resistance to airflow. Other considerations, such
SFP factor should be selected.
as available space and power, noise, reliability, and operating
Ps [in.wg]

environment should also be brought to bear on fan choice.

High resistance system
Low resistance system

Efficiency as an advantage 4.0

ηmax.high = 40%
First, it’s important to realize that SFP is a wire to air metric that
takes in consideration the complete fan, drive and motor while 3.0

other metrics like FEG only consider part of the system. SFP also
uses the actual power consumption at the required duty point
2.0 ηmax.low = 20%
instead of talking BHP or max watts of the motor.
ηmax.low = 15%

Second, the above equation shows that SFP doesn’t take into 1.0
consideration the pressure so therefore the SFP target should
always be follow by a pressure e.g. while designing the system,
calculations show that for a specific fan the working point will be 0
0 1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000
3500cfm at 1.”Ps. So to select the most energy efficient solution
Q [cfm]
for this specific fan one should pick the fan with the lowest SFP Figure 2. Efficiency at various working points
16 | Introduction

Traditional types of ventilation systems

Picking the right type of ventilation system requires important When choosing a technical solution, one should always strive
planning. The choice of system should be made after considering to attain simplicity, intelligibility and the ability to cope with
the following main factors: fluctuating operating factors. Avoid technical solutions that do
not allow the layout of the premises to be changed, windows to
• Practicality: the ability of the technical solution to meet the be opened or which are in any other way sensitive to external
required quality demands. disturbances.
• Reliability – the ability of the technical solution to function
satisfactorily over time. There are different ventilation solutions which can be
• Efficiency – the efficiency of the technical solution regarding implemented to fulfil the demands for correct air flows to all
power and cost-effectiveness. parts of a system.

CAV systems (Constant Air Volume) VAV systems (Variable Air Volume)
Systems with constant air flow Systems with variable air flow
CAV systems are used where both heat/cooling and pollutant VAV systems are used for variable occupancy rates and as a rule
production is low and reasonably constant. The flow of supply regulated by thermostats in each room. The fan is fitted with
air is mainly determined by the quality demands on the air. CAV some form of pressure regulation device. VAV systems differ
systems are often designed according to the branching principle from CAV systems in a number of ways, one of which is that
with an adjustment damper in each branch. The pressure drops pressure is regulated in the main ducts for supply and exhaust
across the terminals is chosen so that these, together with air. This is necessary from both a power and a noise perspective.
the pressure drops across the dampers, give the correct flow
distribution. Another difference is that in the immediate vicinity of the supply
air terminal there are dampers regulating the air flow through
The disadvantage of this principle is that the system can easily the terminals.
become unbalanced because of the effects of thermal lift,
changes in damper settings etc. Another disadvantage is the
relatively high pressure drop across dampers and terminals that
is required to ensure that the flow variations are not too large.
In turn, this means that noise problems can be difficult to deal
with and power consumption is unnecessarily high. Lowering the
fan speed, to lower power consumption during certain periods
means that the flow distribution cannot be maintained because
the pressure drops across terminals and dampers is reduced.
Introduction | 17

Modulating airflows to save energy

DCV systems (Demand Controlled Ventilation) Tougher energy performance requirements for buildings are
VAV systems controlled by demand driving innovation in products and systems. This is especially
true of ventilation systems, given that the losses from air
With demand controlled ventilation the airflow is adjusted to change account for a big share of a building’s total energy
the actual demand usually via an air quality or presence sensor. consumption. Many tests and studies and extensive monitoring
Therefore, only the energy needed to create the right level of have shown that demand controlled ventilation systems can
comfort is used. The fan automatically slows down reducing make an effective contribution both to energy savings and to
the airflow when there is less demand. Demand controlled health and comfort. Automatically decreasing the airflow when
ventilation gives a more energy effective solution with lower demand is low not only decreases the energy used by the fan
running costs, reduced wear and less negative environmental but even more important it lessens the amount of conditioned
effects. air exhausted and further reduces the total operating costs
associated with air conditioning and heating in multi-storied
buildings such as: hotels, multifamily complexes, institutional
facilities, and high rise commercial buildings.
It also provides lower noise levels and longer service life.
In other words, you get much better comfort for less money!
Whenever we talk about demand controlled ventilation we have
to realize that ventilation equipment that uses ECM motors is the
only solution. Not only because ECM motors are more energy
efficient but more importantly because of the controllability.
In true Demand controlled ventilation the fans rpm’s changes
all the time to provide the airflow that is needed to achieve a
good indoor air quality. ECM motors can generate all these rpm
changes and still keep a high efficiency without creating noise or
shortening the lifetime of the motor because of additional heat
created in the windings of the motor.
18 | Introduction

Traditional types of ventilation systems

DCV - Demand Controlled Ventilation

There are several ways of achieving DCV, one is by connecting The third way, which is very useful when it comes to one
the sensor (presence, CO2, humidity, temperature etc) directly to fan controlling several zones without having a BMS system
the fan with the result that one single fan is controlled by one or having to wire the sensor to the fan, is to use a constant
sensor and more or less only supplies the ventilations needs for pressure system. The fan is controlled with a pressure regulator
one zone. that makes sure that the fan’s rpm changes so that the same
negative pressure is maintained in the duct. Each zone or
Another way is to connect the sensors and the fan to the room is equipped with a damper that modulates according to
building management system (BMS), and let the BMS control the temperature, presence, CO2 etc. and when the sensors detects a
fans according to the input that it gets from the sensors. bigger ventilation need it opens the damper.

This causes a change of pressure in the common exhaust duct

which causes the fan to change its speed to be able to maintain
the same negative pressure. More dampers open because of
higher ventilation needs, which causes the fan to work at a
higher RPM to be able to maintain the desired negative pressure
in the duct.
Introduction | 19

The three big advantages with constant pressure applications


1. Automatically decreasing the airflow when demand is low

decreases the energy used by the fan and more important it
lessens the amount of conditioned air exhausted

2. One exhaust fan can be used for several zones

3. No wiring between the sensors and the fan is needed, the

pressure in the common duct works as the communication
channel between the sensors and the fan
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]

Pset Pset

Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

Figure 3. Exhaust fan ramp up Figure 4. Exhaust fan ramp down

A Fan operating point on the curve with some dampers open C Fan operating point from figure 3 with multiple dampers open
B Pressure drops as more dampers open in response to D Pressure increase as dampers close in response to less
greater ventilation need ventilation need
C Fan increases speed (RPM) to maintain Pmax A Fan decreases speed (RPM) to maintain Pmax
Pmax Set point operating pressure for the system Pmax Set point operating pressure for the system

All system solutions can, of course, be designed for either

mixing or displacement-regulated ventilation.

Both CAV and VAV systems can be combined with different

heating and cooling units for regulating the indoor temperature.
20 | Fans

Inline duct fans with ECM motors

Inline duct fans

With its revolutionary impeller and optimized

air flow technology, this fan moves enormous
volumes of air with very low energy input.
Airflow up to 1,235 cfm.

p. 22
Fans | 21

Leading the way

In many ways the story of the first inline duct fan in the market
embodies the values that make Systemair what it is.

It was a novel idea and a great duct fan, and with that, the
story could have stopped there. But our engineers listened to
our customer’s needs and took responsibility for meeting those
needs. They challenged their thinking, used their resources in
a smart way, and made a great product even better. Today, the
concept of the inline duct fan is used for various applications.

Inline duct fans Multi directional square duct fans Direct drive roof mount fan

The original inline duct fans are known for These supply/exhaust fans are specifically Direct upblast ventilators are designed for
their economical use of energy and excellent designed for large ventilation needs and roof mounted exhaust on commercial and
ease of control. where space is at a premium. industrial buildings.
Airflow up to 6,000 cfm. Airflow up to 6,300 cfm. Airflow up to 6,900 cfm.

p. 26 p. 36 p. 46
22 | Fans

prioAir EC Circular inline duct ECM fans

The prioAir EC Series is designed for installation in ducts.
Extremely efficient, prioAir fans are perfect for a wide
assortment of powerful, quiet air-moving applications.

Compact size, low noise, very high efficiency and air tight casing.
Aerodynamically optimized impellers and guide vanes with
integrated external rotor motors. Includes a mounting bracket.
Special composite material is corrosion-proof and light weight.

The prioAir EC fan motor's speed is controlled via a 0-10Vdc
signal. The motor provides a +10V reference that can be used
by a remotely-mounted potentiometer (such as MTP 10). The
motor can also be controlled by an externally-provided 0-10Vdc
signal that can come from any device or a Building Management
• High level of efficiency System (BMS). The fan's motor also provides operational
• Integrated motor protection speed (tachometer pulse) output that can be used to verify
• Pre-wired speed control potentiometer fan operation. These control features allow the prioAir EC to be
integrated into and play an active role in smart HVAC systems in
for air flow adjustments and balancing buildings.
• Speed control via 0-10 Vdc from BMS or
other source If constant (reduced) speed operation is desired, the fan's speed
can be manually adjusted and set via the integral potentiometer
located in the electrical enclosure. The potentiometer permits the
system balancer to dial in the necessary air flow rate.
Thermal overload protection with automatic reset.

Mounting clamps Duct silencer Iris damper

p. 114 p. 114 p. 55


Potentiometer Constant pressure control 5-step switch

p. 119 p. 119 p. 119
Fans | 23


prio 150EC



prio 200EC, prio 250EC



Model A øB C D E

prio 150EC 16 3/16 5 7/8 8 1/4 7 3/8 1 5/8

prio 200EC 9 11/16 7 7/8 9 3/4 9 1

prio 250EC 11 11/16 9 13/16 11 15/16 11 1/16 1 3/16

Dimensional information is in inches

prio 150EC prio 200EC prio 250EC 2016

Voltage/Frequency 50/60Hz 120 120 120

Nominal voltage range V 100...130 100...130 100...130

Phase ~ 1 1 1

Maximum airflow cfm 443 790 1,237

Rpm min-1 4,085 3,619 2,629

Power rating, motors W 64 123 164

Current A 0.88 1.58 2.11

Operational temperature °F -13...131 -13...131 -13...131

Weight lbs 3 3 7

Insulation / Enclosure class - B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP44

24 | Fans
1.6 1.6

Ps [in.wg]
Ps [in.wg]

16795, 16799
15530, 15056
prio 150EC prio 250EC
10V 10V
1.2 7V
1.1 ) 76 3V





SF 5) 5) 77

0. 78 .

SF 73 P (0
SF 77
0.8 70 0.8
4) 4) 77
(0. 72 (0.
P 68 FP
67 70 P(
71 3)
68 68 78
0.4 66 0.4 78

61 73

70 59


56 72


65 60

61 70 76 78
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 500 1000 1500
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]


[W ]
60 10V
8V 150
40 8V
20 6V
4V 50
0 100 200 300 400 500 0
0 500 1000 1500
Q [cfm]
Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 81 51 60 81 68 64 63 60 53 LwA Inlet 74 50 63 67 62 69 68 63 53

LwA Outlet 78 48 62 78 65 63 64 61 55

Ps [in.wg]

15171, 15518

prio 200EC








77 73


0.5 64
65 P(
3) 76
56 72
66 73 77
58 67
0 200 400 600 800

Q [cfm]

80 8V

40 6V
0 200 400 600 800

Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 84 63 72 81 77 73 70 65 57

LwA Outlet 82 65 74 73 79 72 69 64 57
Fans | 25

The most important advantages at a glance:

• Revolutionary
Your advantage: Fully optimized for discharge flow characteristics result in
the ideal air stream

• Extremely efficient EC-motor

Your advantage: Highest operation efficiency, especially when speed is
reduced to match air flow rate demand

• Electronics
Your advantage: Manual or automated speed control

• Guide vanes
Your advantage: Aerodynamically optimized guide
vane geometry organizes the air
discharged from the impeller.
The result is a highly efficient,
powerful and laminar airflow

• M
 ounting bracket
Your advantage: Included mounting bracket
simplifies installation. The fan can
be mounted in any position.
26 | Fans

K EC Circular inline duct ECM fans

The K EC Series is designed for installation in ducts.These fans
are known for their economical use of energy and ease of
control. They can be varied in speed to match an application's
demand, and operate at high efficiency levels. For the same air
volume, they consume considerably less energy than a standard
fan with an AC (alternating current) motor.

The casing is manufactured from galvanized sheet metal with
the seams folded to give the fan an air tight casing. All fans have
Systemair Inc. certifies that the models shown are
licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings are based on a minimum 1" long connection collar. The fans have backward-
the tests and procedures performed in accordance with
AMCA Publication 211 and comply with the requirements curved blades and external rotor EC-motors.
of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. Performance
certified is for installation type D – Ducted inlet, Ducted
outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of
appurtenances (accessories).
The K EC fan motor's speed is controlled via a 0-10Vdc signal.
• High level of efficiency The motor provides a +10V reference that can be used by a
remotely-mounted potentiometer (such as MTP 10). The motor
• Integrated motor protection
can also be controlled by an externally-provided 0-10Vdc signal
• Pre-wired speed control potentiometer that can come from any device or a Building Management
for air flow adjustments and balancing System (BMS). The fan's motor also provides operational
speed (tachometer pulse) output that can be used to verify fan
• Speed control via 0-10 Vdc from BMS or
operation. These control features allow the K EC to be integrated
other source into and play an active role in smart HVAC systems in buildings.

If constant (reduced) speed operation is desired, the fan's speed

can be manually adjusted and set via the integral potentiometer
ACCESSORIES located in the electrical enclosure. The potentiometer permits
the system balancer to dial in the necessary air flow rate.

Mounting clamps Duct silencer Iris damper Motor protection is integrated in the electronics of the motor.
p. 114 p. 114 p. 55


Potentiometer Constant pressure control 5-step switch

p. 119 p. 119 p. 119
Fans | 27



3 3/4”



øA øC D E F

K 100 EC 4 13 1/2 6 1/2 1 1

K 150M EC 6 13 1/8 7 1 1

K 200 EC 8 13 1/4 6 1 1

K 250 EC 10 13 1/4 4 3/4 1 1/8 1

K 300 EC 12 16 6 11/16 1 1/4 1

K 300L EC 12 16 6 11/16 1 1/2 1

Dimensional information is in inches

K 100 EC K 150M EC K 200 EC K 250 EC K 300 EC K 300L EC

Voltage/Frequency 50/60Hz 120 120 120 120 120 120

Nominal voltage range V 100...130 100...130 100...130 100...130 100...130 100...130

Phase ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1

Maximum airflow cfm 180 364 428 511 638 807

Rpm min-1 4,038 2,491 2,515 2,311 2,654 2,510

Power rating, motors W 33 74 71 94 136 166

Current A 0.48 1.00 0.5 0.65 0.95 1.16

Operational temperature °F -13...140 -13...140 -13...140 -13...140 -13...140 -13...140

Weight lbs 6 11 11 11 16 16

Insulation / Enclosure class - B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP44

Performance certified is for installation type D – Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal.
Performance based on actual speed of test. Performance ratings do not include the effect of appurtenance (accessories).
The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not apply to SFP performance data.
28 | Fans

2 2
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]

K 100 EC K 150M EC
10V 10V
7V 7V
1.5 1.5

5V 5V



.2 )
3V 3V



.9 (1

0 P
SF )
1 (0.7 1


0.5 0.5

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200 300 400 500
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

40 100
P [W]

P [W]
30 75 10V

20 50
10 5V
3V 5V
0 3V
0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200 300 400 500
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

2 3
Ps [in.wg]
Ps [in.wg]


K 200 EC K 250 EC



3V 2


1.0 3V

(0 .8)
P( 4)

SF P(1.

SFP(0.6) 1.

SF )


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

100 100
P [W]
P [W]

75 75
50 50
25 7V 25
5V 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

Performance certified is for installation type D – Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal.
Performance based on actual speed of test. Performance ratings do not include the effect of appurtenance (accessories).
The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not apply to SFP performance data.
Fans | 29


Ps [in.wg]

K 300 EC
2 4) 3V
(1 )
P 1.2
S .0)


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Q [cfm]

P [W]

50 7V

3V 5V
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Q [cfm]

Ps [in.wg]


K 350 EC





0 )





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Q [cfm]

P [W]

0 200 400 600 800 1000
Q [cfm]

Performance certified is for installation type D – Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal.
Performance based on actual speed of test. Performance ratings do not include the effect of appurtenance (accessories).
The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not apply to SFP performance data.
30 | Fans

KD EC Circular inline duct ECM fans

These fans are known for their economical use of energy and
excellent ease of control. They can be varied in speed to match
the airflow demand, and operate at high efficiency levels.
Perfect for commercial and institutional structures such as
offices, hospitals, veterinary clinics, etc. The compactness and
adaptability of the KD Series fans permit easy installation. The
fans are shipped fully assembled and can be mounted in any
orientation. For various methods of mounting, see installation
manuals at

Systemair Inc. certifies that the models shown are licensed to

bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings are based on the tests and DESIGN
procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication
211 and Publication 311 comply with the requirements of the The casing is manufactured from galvanized sheet metal. The
AMCA Certified Ratings Program. Performance certified is for
installation type D – Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance
ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances.
KD EC Series have an external rotor EC-motor with a mixed flow
impeller, which reduces the external dimensions of the fans.
These fans have a high air flow capacity in relation to their
compact design. Brackets are supplied with the fans to make
• Mixed flow impeller
installation easier.
• Integrated motor protection
• Lowest SFP values SPEED CONTROL
• Pre-wired speed control potentiometer The KD EC fan motor's speed is controlled via a 0-10Vdc signal.
The motor provides a +10V reference that can be used by a
• Speed control via 0-10 Vdc from BMS or
remotely-mounted potentiometer (such as MTP 10). The motor
other source can also be controlled by an externally-provided 0-10Vdc signal
that can come from any device or a Building Management
System (BMS). The fan's motor also provides operational
speed (tachometer pulse) output that can be used to verify
ACCESSORIES fan operation. These control features allow the KD EC to be
integrated into and play an active role in smart HVAC systems in

Mounting clamps Duct silencer Iris damper If constant (reduced) speed operation is desired, the fan's speed
p. 114 p. 114 p. 55 can be manually adjusted and set via the integral potentiometer
located in the electrical enclosure. The potentiometer permits
the system balancer to dial in the necessary air flow rate.


Motor protection is integrated in the electronics of the motor.

Potentiometer Constant pressure control 5-step switch

p. 119 p. 119 p. 119
Fans | 31



A2 A1 Airflow


A A1 A2 B C D E F G H

KD 300F EC 12 12 14 20 1/4 17 7/8 18 7/8 7/8 4 8 3/4 3/8

KD 355F EC 14 14 16 22 1/8 19 3/4 20 1/4 1 1/2 4 8 3/4 3/8

KD 400E EC 16 14 16 22 1/8 19 3/4 18 3/4 1 1/2 4 7 1/8 3/8

KD 400D EC 16 16 18 24 3/8 22 1/8 23 3/4 1 1/4 7 7/8 8 1/2 1/2

KD 450D EC 18 18 20 28 3/8 26 1/8 27 1/5 1 1/4 7 7/8 7 1/2

KD 500D EC 20 18 20 28 3/8 26 1/8 27 1/5 2 7 7/8 12 1/2 1/2

Dimensional information is in inches


KD 300F EC KD 355F EC KD 400E EC KD 400D EC KD 450D EC KD 500D EC

Voltage/Frequency 50/60Hz 120 120 230 460 460 460

Nominal voltage range V 110...130 110..130 208...277 440...480 440...480 440...480

Phase ~ 1 1 1 3 3 3

Maximum airflow cfm 1,936 2,443 4,250 5,136 5,992 6,064

Rpm min-1 1,698 1,424 1,982 1,910 1,612 1,598

Power rating, motors W 366 406 1,082 1,965 1,979 2,002

Current A 3.04 3.38 5.2 4.3 2.48 3.2

Operational temperature °F -13...104 -13...104 -13...104 -13...104 -13...104 -13...104

Weight lbs 46 56 75 75 98 99

Insulation / Enclosure class - F / IP54 F / IP54 F / IP54 F / IP54 F / IP54 F / IP54

Performance Certified is for Installation Type D: ducted inlet, ducted outlet. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound
power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. The A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per
AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for LWiA sound power levels for Installation Type D: ducted inlet, ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction.
All values shown are calculated at 0.5” (static pressure in inches W.G.). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not apply to SFP performance data.
32 | Fans

2 1.6

Ps [in.wg]
Ps [in.wg]

15091, 15322

15323, 15092
KD 300F EC KD 355F EC
10V 10V

8V 8V
1.5 1.2

6V 6V
4V 4V




SFP SFP(0.6)

1 0.8 85
(0.6) 82
81 SF 84
83 P(0
83 87
0.5 0.4 76 80
77 SF
82 P( 75
77 0.4 84
) 86 73 80
77 82 62 SF
63 62 72 P(
64 76 63 0.
65 62 3)
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

400 500


10V 400
200 8V 200
100 6V 100
4V 4V 6V
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 87 81 83 81 74 73 67 62 54 LwA Inlet 86 80 83 81 73 70 64 59 53

LwA Outlet 85 81 78 80 72 73 69 62 55 LwA Outlet 85 80 78 80 75 73 68 61 56

Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]

13038, 13725
13037, 13724

KD 400E EC KD 400D EC
3 10V
2 10V

1.5 1,
2 100

P 1,4

SF ,0 92 SFP
SFP 1,2 95
SFP 0,8 90

89 93
86 0,6 88 1
84 P
0.5 0,8
83 87 SF
79 81 P 92
88 0,6
79 83
77 81 86
63 68 68 78
65 76
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

[W ]

400 8V 8V

6V 6V
0 4V 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 92 90 84 83 79 74 70 66 60 LwA Inlet 100 97 88 94 86 81 77 72 67

Performance Certified is for Installation Type D: ducted inlet, ducted outlet. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound
power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. The A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per
AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for LWiA sound power levels for Installation Type D: ducted inlet, ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction.
All values shown are calculated at 0.5” (static pressure in inches W.G.). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not apply to SFP performance data.
Fans | 33


Ps [in.wg]
Ps [in.wg]

13039, 13726

13040, 13727
3 3
KD 450D EC KD 500D EC
10V 10V
8V 8V
95 96
6V 6V
4 4
1, 1,
P 4V P 4V
SF 1,2 SF ,2
2 SFP 95 2 SFP

1,0 1,0

SFP 94
SFP 93 0,8
88 88
1 1
P0 P0
,6 ,6
86 93 86
81 82
82 83
78 84 79 86
68 68 68 68 79
67 77 69
71 94
0 0
0 1600 3200 4800 6400 0 1600 3200 4800 6400
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

2000 2000
10V 10V

1000 1000
8V 8V

4V 6V 4V 6V
0 0
0 1600 3200 4800 6400 0 1600 3200 4800 6400
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 95 90 90 89 85 82 76 71 66 LwA Inlet 96 90 91 89 85 80 76 71 65

Performance Certified is for Installation Type D: ducted inlet, ducted outlet. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound
power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. The A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per
AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for LWiA sound power levels for Installation Type D: ducted inlet, ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction.
All values shown are calculated at 0.5” (static pressure in inches W.G.). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not apply to SFP performance data.
34 | Fans

How much energy

will this fan

Let’s talk SFP.

A lot of people like to talk about full load efficiency. But here’s the thing. Many air
movement applications only need to operate at full load a small percentage of the
time. That’s why we calculate the efficiency of our ECM fans at all duty points by using
Specific Fan Power, or SFP. This value represents a fan’s true efficiency during part-
load periods. In other words, SFP tells the whole story. Like the other 364 days.
Fans | 35

It’s time to
change the
36 | Fans

MUB Square inline duct ECM fans

The MUB commercial inline fan is designed to be a part of an
efficient, flexible and versatile supply or exhaust ventilation
system. With its EC motor, the MUB fan is suitable for
applications where energy can be saved via demand-based air
movement control.

All models are equipped with impellers with backward curved
aluminum blades with reduced noise emissions. The casing
consists of an aluminum frame with fiberglass reinforced nylon
corners; highly shock-resistant. The double skin panels are
manufactured from galvanized steel with 25/32” polyolefin
insulation for excellent sound reduction and thermal properties.
The insulated space between the panels prevents condensation
on the screws.The flexibility offered by the removable panels
• High airflow fan: up to 6,300 cfm allowing the MUB’s airflow direction to be selected on site:
straight through or 900 airflow paths are possible. Any outlet side
• Interchangable panels to choose the
can be chosen.
airflow direction
• Pre-wired speed control potentiometer SPEED CONTROL
for air flow adjustments and balancing The MUB fan motor's speed is controlled via a 0-10Vdc signal.
The motor provides a +10V reference that can be used by a
• Speed control via 0-10 Vdc from BMS or
remotely-mounted potentiometer (such as MTP 10). The motor
other source can also be controlled by an externally-provided 0-10Vdc signal
that can come from any device or a Building Management
System (BMS). The fan's motor also provides operational
speed (tachometer pulse) output that can be used to verify fan
operation. These control features allow the MUB to be integrated
into and play an active role in smart HVAC systems in buildings.

If constant (reduced) speed operation is desired, the fan's speed

Mounting clamps Duct silencer Iris damper can be manually adjusted and set via the integral potentiometer
p. 114 p. 114 p. 55 located in the electrical enclosure. The potentiometer permits
the system balancer to dial in the necessary air flow rate.

The motor is integrated with electronic protection to ensure safe

Potentiometer Constant pressure control 5-step switch

p. 119 p. 119 p. 119
Fans | 37



MUB 16 19 5/8 16 1/2 2 3/8

MUB 20 23 5/8 20 1/2 2 3/8

MUB 24 / 24H 27 5/8 24 1/2 2 3/8

Dimensional information is in inches


MUB 16-120-1 MUB 16-240-1 MUB 20-120-1 MUB 20-240-1 MUB 20-230-3

Voltage/Frequency 50/60Hz 120 240 120 240 230

Nominal voltage range V 100...130 200...270 100...130 200...277 200...240

Phase ~ 1 1 1 1 3

Maximum airflow cfm 1,451 / 1,462 1,572 / 1,576 2,044 / 2,240 2,570 / 2,822 2,627 / 2,873

Rpm min -1
2,193 / 2,207 2,446 / 2,456 1,300 / 1,307 1,691 / 1,701 1,764 / 1,762

Power rating, motor W 378 / 395 501 / 508 364 / 373 747 / 753 826 / 821

Current A 4.2 2.9 4.5 3.5 2.6

MCA A 5.3 3.7 5.7 4.4 3.3

MOP A 15 15 15 15 15

Operational temperature °F -13...140 -13...104 -13...104 -13...104 -13...104

Weight lbs 60 60 95 95 95

Insulation / Enclosure class - B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP54 B / IP54 B / IP54

MUB 20-460-3 MUB 24-230-3 MUB 24-460-3 MUB 24H-230-3 MUB 24H-460-3

Voltage/Frequency 50/60Hz 460 230 460 230 460

Nominal voltage range V 380...480 200...240 380...480 200...240 380...480

Phase ~ 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum airflow cfm 2,652 / 2,888 3,779 / 4,134 3,252 / 4,032 5,740 / 6,325 5,564 / 6,204

Rpm min-1 1,760 / 1,759 1,560 / 1,560 1,563 / 1,562 1,715 / 1,713 1,714 / 1,714

Power rating, motor W 551 / 502 1,074 / 1,098 696 / 706 2,468 / 2,772 1,422 / 1,665

Current A 0.9 3.3 1.1 8.5 1.9

MCA A 2.0 3.7 2.4 10.7 5.4

MOP A 15 15 15 20 15

Operational temperature °F -13...104 -25...122 -25...140 -13...122 -13...140

Weight lbs 95 128 128 150 150

Insulation / Enclosure class - B / IP44 B / IP54 B / IP54 B / IP54 B / IP54

38 | Fans

3 3

13021, 13853
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]

13030, 13854
MUB 16-120-1 MUB 16-120-1
10V 10V
4) 7V 7V



5V (1.

. P
P(1 SF
2 SF 3V 2 3V
(1 .0) (1.0)
78 80

8) SFP(0.8)

78 79
72 SFP(0.6 74
1 1 SF
72 73

64 82 66 82
64 76 66
54 67 54 68
55 58
56 60
0 0
0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

400 400
P [W]

P [W]
300 300
200 200
7V 7V
100 100
5V 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 80 70 73 76 71 69 68 66 60

LwA Outlet 83 70 78 80 69 70 71 67 59

LwA Radiated 67 62 53 64 57 47 43 40 31

4 4
Ps [in.wg]

13022, 13859

Ps [in.wg]

13031, 13860
MUB 16-240-1 MUB 16-240-1
10V 10V
7V 7V
3 3
5V 5V
3V 3V
) .4)
(1.4 P(1
SFP (1.2) SFP (1.2)
2 2
SFP(1.0) 85 SFP(1.0)

SFP(0.8) SFP
83 (0.8 84
80 )

1 1
77 79
P(0 SF
74 .6) 73 P(0
85 .6)
70 85
78 80
60 71 62 74
58 58
58 60
0 0
0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

600 600
P [W]

P [W]

400 400 10V

200 7V
5V 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 85 69 78 80 79 76 72 70 63

LwA Outlet 86 71 83 79 78 75 76 69 63

LwA Radiated 74 68 59 71 67 53 51 45 36
Fans | 39

3 3
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]
13023, 13855

13032, 13856
MUB 20-120-1 MUB 20-120-1
10V 10V
7V 7V
5V 5V
2 3V 2 3V

SF (1.4)





1. 79 P( 79

P( SF )

SF 0.8
8) P(
(0. SF 78
SF 76 SFP(0.6)
1 74 1 74 79
72 72

66 79 67 81
65 66
74 76
65 67
55 55 66 57 57 68
54 55 57 57
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

400 400

P [W]
P [W]

300 10V
200 200
7V 7V
100 100
5V 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 79 72 76 71 68 63 62 59 53

LwA Outlet 83 75 82 69 67 67 63 59 50

LwA Radiated 66 62 60 61 55 40 36 34 27

4 4
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]
13024, 13873

13033, 13874
MUB 20-240-1 MUB 20-240-1
10V 10V
7V 7V
3 3
5V 5V
3V 3V
4 )
.4) 1.
(1 P( 2)
.2) SF P(
SF 85
P(1 SF
SF 84
2 .0) 2 SFP(1
SFP(1 85
SFP(0.8) 83
81 86
85 80
1 87
1 80
.6) 86 SF
74 76 P(0
81 .6)
74 80 74
73 74
73 75
62 62
63 64 63 64
64 64
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

800 800
P [W]

P [W]

10V 10V
600 600
400 400
7V 7V
200 200
5V 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 85 76 81 76 74 72 74 76 72

LwA Outlet 89 78 88 77 75 75 73 73 68

LwA Radiated 72 67 65 68 62 50 48 48 41
40 | Fans

4 4
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]
13025, 13871

13034, 13872
MUB 20-230-3 MUB 20-230-3
10V 10V
7V 7V
3 3
5V 5V
3V )
) 4
1.4 P (1.
P( SF )
SF (1.2) 85 (1.2 85

2 85 2 82 SFP(1.0) 85
82 SFP(1.0)
82 86 SFP(0 86
SFP(0 .8)
87 76
1 76
1 84
76 76 P(
SF 0.6
76 P( 76 )
) 77
64 64
66 66 66 66
66 66

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

1000 1000

P [W]
P [W]

800 800
10V 10V
600 600
7V 7V
400 400
200 5V 200 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 86 75 82 78 75 72 73 76 76

LwA Outlet 88 77 86 78 75 75 73 73 71

LwA Radiated 73 67 65 69 63 51 46 49 44

4 4
Ps [in.wg]

15411, 15456

15412, 15457
Ps [in.wg]

MUB 20-460-3 MUB 20-460-3

10V 10V
7V 7V
3 3
5V 5V
3V 3V
1 .4
1.4) P( )
P( ) SF (1.2
SF P(1
.2 SF
2 ) 2 SFP(1.0

84 SFP(0
SFP(0 .8) 85

80 85 80 87
SF 1 (0.6
81 P(
0.6 82
72 86 73
73 82 75 84
61 75 62 77
63 64
65 65
65 76 83 87 66 78 85 88
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

800 800
P [W]

P [W]

600 10V
400 400
7V 7V
200 5V 200 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 85 73 81 78 76 72 72 71 75

LwA Outlet 88 75 86 80 78 76 73 71 71

LwA Radiated 73 61 65 70 66 55 53 54 48
Fans | 41

3 3

13035, 13861
13026, 13861
Ps [in.wg]

Ps [in.wg]
MUB 24-230-3 MUB 24-230-3
10V 10V
7V 7V


P( 1

1 .2

5V ) 5V



2 83 2 P(

3V 3V

) 81
1.0 SF

SF 81 SFP(0
SFP(0 83
.8) 83

(0.6 74 ) 85
1 74 ) 85 1 82
74 74

75 86 75
84 84 86
63 63
66 76 66 76
65 65
69 69
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

1200 1200
P [W]

P [W]
900 900
10V 10V
600 7V 600 7V

300 5V
300 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 84 74 80 76 73 71 70 65 61

LwA Outlet 87 77 85 77 75 77 72 64 60

LwA Radiated 72 57 65 70 62 52 45 41 34

3 3
15378, 15397
Ps [in.wg]

15382, 15398
Ps [in.wg]

MUB 24-460-3 MUB 24-460-3

10V 10V



7V 7V







) P
2 (1.0 3V 2 SF

83 83


79 SF 79
.6) 85
1 85
81 81

74 74
86 86
75 83 75
62 76 62 76
66 66
67 67
67 77 84 88 67 77 84 88
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

1200 1200
P [W]

P [W]

900 900
600 600 10V
300 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 83 73 80 77 74 68 68 68 59

LwA Outlet 76 76 82 77 76 74 70 69 59

LwA Radiated 73 59 66 71 64 55 45 41 28
42 | Fans

4 4

13036, 13863
Ps [in.wg]
13027, 13862
Ps [in.wg]

MUB 24H-230-3 MUB 24H-230-3

10V 10V
90 7V 90 7V
3 89 5V
3 89 5V
(1 .4)
SFP (1.2)
91 2
2 89 SFP
(1.0 93
) 91
) 81 SFP

82 P( 92 84 94
1 SF
) 91 1 SF
P( 0.6
0.6 )
) 95
68 93 70 94
84 86
68 72
70 74 86
71 86 76
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

3000 3000

P [W]
P [W]

2500 2500
10V 10V
2000 7V
2000 7V
1500 1500
1000 1000
5V 5V
500 500
3V 3V
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 90 82 82 87 81 77 76 73 68

LwA Outlet 93 83 87 89 83 82 78 73 69

LwA Radiated 82 72 66 80 70 56 50 49 40

4 4
15386, 15454
Ps [in.wg]

15387, 15455
Ps [in.wg]

MUB 24H-460-3 MUB 24H-460-3

10V 10V
7V 7V
3 5V 3 5V
3V 3V
2 2
SFP (1.0
(1.0 92
) SFP(0 93
SFP(0 .8)
SFP 93 SFP 89 95
1 (0.6
) 1 (0.6
88 92
78 80
94 94
79 90 81 90
66 82 68 82
66 67 70
73 82 90 96 70
73 83 91 95
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

3000 3000
P [W]

P [W]

2500 2500
2000 10V 2000 10V
1500 1500
7V 7V
1000 1000
500 5V 500 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 93 82 85 88 86 79 80 82 70

LwA Outlet 96 84 89 91 89 85 82 81 70

LwA Radiated 84 71 70 83 75 64 55 56 42
Fans | 43

Reference: Evergreen Heights Elementary School, Auburn, WA

44 | Fans

How much
does an ECM
fan cost?

Let’s talk SFP.

A lot of people like to talk about full load efficiency. But here’s the thing. Many air
movement applications only need to operate at full load a small percentage of the
time. That’s why we calculate the efficiency of our ECM fans at all duty points by using
Specific Fan Power, or SFP. This value represents a fan’s true efficiency during part-
load periods. In other words, SFP tells the whole story. Like the other 364 days.
Fans | 45

It’s time to
change the
46 | Fans

DVC Exhaust roof ECM fans

With its EC motor, the DVC fan is suitable for roof-mounted
exhaust applications where high operating efficiency and/or
demand-based exhaust rates are desired.

The DVC P/S roof fans are driven by external rotor EC-motors
with high efficiency. The input voltage for single phase units can
vary between 200 and 277V, for three phase units between 380
and 480V. All motors are suitable for 60Hz and are suspended on
Systemair Inc. certifies that the Series shown are
effective vibration dampers.
licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown
are based on tests and procedures performed in Casing is manufacturd from seawater-resistant aluminum, base
accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and Publication
311 and certified and comply with the requirements of frame is made from galvanised steel. Backward curved impellers
the AMCA Certified Ratings Program.
manufactured from seawater resistant aluminium.

• Airflow up to 6,900 cfm
The DVC fan motor's speed is controlled via a 0-10Vdc signal.
• 100% controllable fan The motor provides a +10V reference that can be used by a
• Low noise emissions and safe operation remotely-mounted potentiometer (such as MTP 10). The motor
can also be controlled by an externally-provided 0-10Vdc signal
• Integrated pressure sensors
that can come from any device or a Building Management
• Constant pressure operation System (BMS). The fan's motor also provides operational
• Speed control via 0-10 Vdc from BMS or speed (tachometer pulse) output that can be used to verify fan
other source operation. These control features allow the DVC to be integrated
into and play an active role in smart HVAC systems in buildings.

If constant (reduced) speed operation is desired, the DVC-S

ACCESSORIES model's speed can be manually adjusted and set via the
integral potentiometer located in the electrical enclosure.
The potentiometer permits the system balancer to dial in the
necessary air flow rate.

Flat curb Roof mount damper

p. 118 p. 118
The motor is integrated with electronic protection to ensure safe


Potentiometer Constant pressure control Motor diconnect

p. 119 p. 119 p. 119

5-step switch
p. 119
Fans | 47


A  F



ø I(4x)

A B C øD E F G H øI J

DVC 10-P/S-230-1 14 1/2 1 3/16 6 11/16 8 3/8 13 3/16 9 5/8 4 1/8 M6 (6x) 10 (4x) M20x1.5

DVC 14-P/S-230-1 22 1 3/16 13 11 1/4 17 1/8 13 5 3/4 M6 (6x) 10 (4x) M20x1.5

DVC 18-P/S-230-1 28 5/16 1 3/16 15 3/8 17 1/4 23 7/16 17 11/16 7 7/8 M6 (6x) 12 (4x) M20x1.5

DVC 22-P/S-460-3 35 7/16 1 3/16 18 5/16 17 1/4 26 3/16 21 1/16 9 5/16 M6 (6x) 12 (4x) M20x1.5

DVC 30-P/S-460-3 45 1/4 1 3/16 22 23 13/16 37 29 1/2 11 17/32 M6 (6x) 12 (4x) M20x1.5

DVC 30H-P/S-460-3 45 1/4 1 3/16 22 23 13/16 37 29 1/2 11 17/32 M6 (6x) 12 (4x) M20x1.5

Dimensional information is in inches.


DVC 10-P/S -230-1 DVC 14-P/S -230-1 DVC 18-P/S-230-1 DVC 22-P/S-460-3 DVC 30-P/S-460-3 DVC 30H-P/S-460-3

Voltage/Frequency 50/60Hz 230 230 230 460 460 460

Nominal voltage range V 200.. 277 200.. 277 200.. 277 380.. 480 380.. 480 380.. 480

Phase ~ 1 1 1 3 3 3

Maximum airflow cfm 542 1,161 2,265 4,236 5,829 6,963

Rpm min -1
3,427 1,675 1,404 1,339 1,360 1,209

Power rating, motor W 173 178 312 1,119 1,863 2,502

Current A 1.3 1.3 2.5 1.7 2.5 3.1

MCA A 1.38 1.56 3.1 2.13 4.25 5.13

MOP A 15 15 15 15 15 15

Operational temperature °F -13...140 -13...140 -13...140 -13...140 -13...140 -13...140

Weight lbs 20 29 46 108 159 179

Insulation / Enclosure class - B / IP44 B / IP44 B / IP54 B / IP54 F / IP54 F / IP54

Performance Certified is for Installation Type A: free inlet, free outlet. Performance ratings include the effects of an outlet bird screen. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal.
Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. The
A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for LWiA sound power levels for Installation Type A: free inlet, free outlet.
Ratings do not include the effects of duct end correction. All values shown are calculated at 0.25” (static pressure in inches W.G.). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal does not
apply to SFP performance data.
48 | Fans

4 3

12583, 12589
Ps [in.wg]
12588, 12582
Ps [in.wg]

DVC-S/P 10-230-1 DVC-S/P 14-230-1

10V 10V
7V 7V
5V 5V
3V 2 3V

2 .4)

P( 4)

SF (1.
SF )

2) P(

SFP(1. .8)
SFP(1.0) SF
1 SFP(0.6
SF 81
.6) 79
86 72
83 65
70 78
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

200 200

P [W]
P [W]

10V 10V
150 150
100 7V
50 5V
50 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 86 75 75 79 82 78 75 73 70 LwA Inlet 81 69 74 79 73 64 65 59 61

3 3

12585, 12591
Ps [in.wg]
12584, 13767
Ps [in.wg]

DVC-S/P 18-230-1 DVC-S/P 22-460-3

10V 3V 7V
7V 5V 10V


1 .0
2 2 P(


SF (1.4)
P( 2)
SF P(1.




SF .6)
1 1

70 81
87 89 93
71 81 84
71 76
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

400 1200
P [W]
P [W]

300 10V 900 10V

200 600
100 300
3V 5V 3V
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 84 75 78 82 71 61 58 68 56 LwA Inlet 93 76 90 88 81 71 71 76 76

Performance Certified is for Installation Type A: free inlet, free outlet. Performance ratings include the effects of an outlet bird screen. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal.
Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. The
A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for LWiA sound power levels for Installation Type A: free inlet, free
outlet. Ratings do not include the effects of duct end correction. All values shown are calculated at 0.25” (static pressure in inches W.G.). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal
does not apply to SFP performance data.
Fans | 49

4 4

12586, 12592
Ps [in.wg]

12587, 12593
Ps [in.wg]
DVC-S/P 30-460-3 DVC-S/P 30H-460-3
3V 7V 3V 7V
5V 10V 5V 10V
3 3
) 4)
1 (1.
P( FP (1.2
SF (1.2

2 2
.8) SF

1 .6) 1 SF

94 97
90 92
85 86
79 79
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

2000 3000
P [W]

P [W]
1500 10V
1000 7V
1000 7V
500 5V 5V
3V 3V
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Q [cfm] Q [cfm]

dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz] dB(A) Tot Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

LwA Inlet 94 85 91 89 81 78 77 79 79 LwA Inlet 97 84 94 94 78 77 75 77 78

Performance Certified is for Installation Type A: free inlet, free outlet. Performance ratings include the effects of an outlet bird screen. Speed (RPM) shown is nominal.
Performance is based on actual speed of test. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. The
A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for LWiA sound power levels for Installation Type A: free inlet, free
outlet. Ratings do not include the effects of duct end correction. All values shown are calculated at 0.25” (static pressure in inches W.G.). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal
does not apply to SFP performance data.
50 | Air movement controllers

Air movement controllers

Wall-mount regulators

Exhaust grille/damper with presence and

humidity sensors for automatic operation.

p. 52
Air movement controllers | 51

Products with confidence

We test all of our products for air, sound and efficiency. It is

important that the products perform at the levels we promise.
To us, trust is very Systemair. Without giving our customers
confidence, we wouldn’t be where we are.

Duct-mount CAV regulators Duct-mount CAV regulators Duct-mount VAV regulators

Designed to measure and adjust airflow in Function to ensure the desired amount of air Single and double wall insulation control-
circular ducts. Low noise level, centrically movement is maintained during variations in actuated dampers modulate air flow rate
formed air stream and fixed test points. duct and space pressure. based on demand from the served space.

! !

p. 55 p. 56 p. 58
52 | Air movement controllers

BXC Exhaust air self-regulating motorized damper

with a motion and humidity sensor
Automatic exhaust damper opens when presence or humidity is
sensed. Damper may be part of a common-ducted, multi-port
exhaust system.

BXC is a damper with integrated motion (PIR) and humidity sen-
sor for bathroom installations. It may be installed either on the
wall (in a vertical or horizontal position), or the ceiling. The BXC
extract unit offers a range of possible airflow settings to meet
specific needs, or regulatory requirements. The fixed shutter can
be set at one of six positions, with an average step between
each setting of + 17 cfm (maximum = + 85 cfm). This can be
very useful to compensate for a lack of pressure.

• Integral presence and humidity sensors The humidity and the motion sensors work independently of
each other. The damper opens whenever motion is indicated
• Silent operation
and closes 25 min after the last indication. The humidity sensor
• Direct mounting on a wall controls the fully modulating damper from RH 30% to 75%. The
• Easy to install; automatic operation movement sensor is dependent on a power supply and the BXC
uses 12V AC. The humidity sensors will open the damper regard-
less of a power supply.


Airflow in cfm at 0.4 in.wg

Duct adapter Power rectifier 82

p. 119 p. 119

BXC 214EX 6 7/8 1 5/16 6 5/8

Dimensions are in inches 24

B A 12


Data given on 4 inches

Air movement controllers | 53

BXC Exhaust air self-regulating motorized damper

with a motion and humidity sensor

Precise and reliable mechanical

humidity control
The humidity sensor incorporated in the BXC comprises an array
of strips of polyamide; their natural hygroscopic properties are
used to control one of the two dampers in the airflow.

Inherently reliable because of its simplicity (it operates without

electricity), the array expands or contracts according to the
relative humidity to which it is exposed. This movement is
transmitted to the damper, thereby determining the flow area
of the exhaust grille. This very responsive sensor (it reacts in
less than two minutes following a sudden change of humidity)
not only detects humidity but also controls the dampers with no
additional energy input, using the natural motive force of the
fabric subjected to a variation of humidity. Located outside of
the airflow, the sensor is not at risk of clogging and retains its
properties: its operation is guaranteed for 30 years. Each product
undergoes no fewer than seven inspections and tests to make
sure of its performance. A further advantage is the device’s
operating mode: it is proportional to the level of humidity, unlike
most electronic sensors (hygrostats) incorporated in the fans on
the market, which control on/off switches rather than adapt to
the ventilation needed. Image courtesy of Aereco S.A.

Smart presence detection for additional energy savings

The presence detection function in the minutes after the last detection to limit So when the door of the bathroom is left
BXC utilizes a very sensitive infrared useless heat losses. Its action is delayed open and someone walks past outside,
detector that activates the peak airflow slightly for 60 seconds to avoid opening the unit is not opened, but remains at the
when it detects radiant movements the unit unnecessarily. baseline airflow, thereby saving energy.
within 6 ft in a 100° sector. Ideal for
optimizing air quality in bathrooms these
versions maximize energy savings:
A timer closes the exhaust grilles 20

Presence (visible)
Air flow

60 min 120 min 60 min 20 min Time

Chart courtesy of Aereco S.A.
54 | Air movement controllers

BXC damper designed to be

a part of a complete system
The BXC can be used in both multi-family and single family dwellings. In multi-family
dwellings, the exhaust can be collective (generally one or two fans on the roof) or
else individual (one fan for each dwelling).

Collective exhaust from multi-family dwellings Exhaust air optimization

The air in the dwellings is grilles in this way make it An exhaust grille that balanced principle, they in fact
changed by the fan, most possible to distribute the optimizes the performance optimize its functioning, since
often located in the roof (in an available airflow generated of balanced systems with they serve to distribute the
attic or on the roof). The air by the fan according to the heat recovery. Modulation of extracted airflow according
is extracted by exhaust grilles needs of the service rooms the airflows at the terminals, to the needs of the service
in the service rooms (kitchen, and dwellings. This means that which Systemair provides on rooms. This helps improve
bathroom, etc), imposing an rooms or dwellings with large its mechanical and natural indoor air quality by delivering,
air change throughout the fresh air needs receive larger ventilation systems, must not for example, a larger airflow to
dwelling. flows than empty rooms or be regarded as opposed to a bathroom when someone is
dwellings. the balanced technique. Quite taking a shower (the humidity
The humidity-controlled air the contrary, BXC demand increases, and the airflow
inlets then distribute the fresh controlled exhaust grilles are extracted follows), all fully
air according to the needs of not only compatible with the automatically.
each main room. BXC exhaust

Individual exhaust from dwellings E-mail us at
A fan is in this case installed exhaust grilles located in
in each dwelling. Locating the the service rooms (kitchen,
fan inside the dwelling has bathrooms, etc). The airflows
the advantage of making it are therefore distributed
directly accessible, facilitating according to the needs of each
maintenance. As in the case of these rooms. The fresh air
of the collective treatment is distributed by humidity-
of dwellings, air is extracted controlled air inlets located in
by humidity-controlled the main rooms.
and/or presence detection
Air movement controllers | 55
SPI NEW Iris damper for measuring and
adjusting airflow
SPI dampers are designed for measuring and adjusting airflow
in ducts. Low noise level, centrically formed air stream and fixed
test points for precise measurements are advantages of using
these dampers. The minimum and maximum airflow settings
are adjusted by means of a measuring nipple, and are fixed
mechanically with damper stops.

The damper is equipped with an adjustment aperture that can be

fully opened or partially closed. Max temperature is 158°F.

The dampers are manufactured from galvanized sheet steel and
fitted with a rubber gasket on both collars.

The dampers must be installed in accordance with the distanc-
• For measuring and adjusting airflow es required to minimize air flow deviation. The SPI enables the
taking of precise air flow measurements at all points including
• Galvanized sheet steel housing points close to duct deviations such as T junctions and bends,
• Rubber gaskets and points in front of other supply-air devices (see below).
• Duct sizes 4" thru 20" (100 thru 500 mm)
Minimum distance required
before bends 1 X ØD
afterbends 1 X ØD
before Tee’s 3 X ØD
after Tee’s 1 X ØD
before supply-air devices 3 X ØD

4" (100 mm), 5" (125 mm), 8" (150 mm), 10" (200 mm),
12" (250 mm), 14" (300 mm), 16" (400 mm) and 18" (500 mm).


ød C øD Weight, lbs

SPI 100 3 15/16 1 7/8 6 13/32 2

SPI 125 4 7/8 1 31/32 8 9/32 3

SPI 150 5 7/8 1 31/32 9 1/16 4

SPI 200 7 13/16 2 9/32 11 7/32 5

SPI 250 9 13/16 3 9/16 13 1/8 7

SPI 300 11 23/32 2 7/32 15 15/16 8

SPI 400 15 23/32 3 17/32 22 1/16 12

SPI 500 19 21/32 3 17/32 25 3/8 19

56 | Air movement controllers

RDR-UL Round constant air volume (CAV)

The air flow regulator RDR-UL is a valve placed into the duct in
order to obtain a constant flow within a pressure range from 0.2
and 1 in.wg. It is used in ventilation or air conditioning systems
for supply or return air. For installation in horizontal and vertical

The valve has a plastic material class M1 housing and galvanized
steel sleeves. Available for various duct sizes from 4” to 10”.
Operating temperature is from 40°F to 140°F.

The air is forced to pass through predetermined space, in which
a flap can change the position according to the specified airflow.
The requested airflow can be fixed by a manual screwdriver torx
• Constant airflow
• Silent operation ORDERING EXAMPLE
RDR-UL-100/15 - 50
• Easy to install and operate
RDR-UL Regulator
Size of the duct in mm
Airflow in m3/h (min-max)


D1 D2 L

inch mm inch mm inch mm

RDR-UL-100/15-50 3 3/4 96 3 5/8 93 2 3/4 70

RDR-UL-100/50-100 3 3/4 96 3 5/8 93 2 3/4 70

RDR-UL-125/15-50 4 3/4 120 4 5/8 117 3 3/8 86

RDR-UL-125/50-100 4 3/4 120 4 5/8 117 3 3/8 86

RDR-UL-125/100-180 4 3/4 120 4 5/8 117 3 3/8 86

RDR-UL-150/50-100 5 3/4 146 5 7/8 148 3 5/8 91 Ø 3-4

RDR-UL-150/100-180 5 3/4 146 5 7/8 148 3 5/8 91

RDR-UL-150/180-300 5 3/4 146 5 7/8 148 3 5/8 91

RDR-UL-200/100-180 7 1/2 190 7 5/8 195 3 5/8 91

RDR-UL-200/180-300 7 1/2 190 7 5/8 195 3 5/8 91

RDR-UL-200/300-500 7 1/2 190 7 5/8 195 3 5/8 91

RDR-UL-250/120-180 9 5/8 245 9 1/4 236 5 127

RDR-UL-250/180-300 9 5/8 245 9 1/4 236 5 127

RDR-UL-250/300-500 9 5/8 245 9 1/4 236 5 127

RDR-UL-250/500-700 9 5/8 245 9 1/4 236 5 127

Ø 5-10
Air movement controllers | 57

RDR-UL Round constant air volume (CAV)



Airflow Sound power Lw dB (A) @ Airflow Sound power Lw dB (A) @

cfm m3/h 0.2 in.wg 0.4 in.wg 0.6 in.wg 0.8 in.wg cfm m3/h 0.2 in.wg 0.4 in.wg 0.6 in.wg 0.8 in.wg

8 15 25 29 32 35 106 180 34 40 44 47

16 30 26 31 35 38 124 210 34 40 42 44

26 45 27 33 36 39 141 240 35 41 44 47

29 50 32 37 39 42 159 270 37 43 45 49

35 60 32 37 39 42 177 300 33 37 42 45

44 75 32 37 40 42 206 350 35 40 44 47

53 90 32 38 41 44 235 400 37 42 45 50

71 120 30 34 39 42 265 450 38 44 46 51

88 150 33 37 41 45 294 500 39 46 48 53

58 | Air movement controllers

Optima-S NEW Single wall rectangular VAV regulator

Optima-S VAV terminal units are ideal for multi-zone control
with supply and return air applications at low or medium system
pressures such as offices, hotel rooms or meeting rooms where
the required cooling and heating load will vary on demand.

Optima-S units are constructed from sheet steel frame and
aluminium profile blades. The frame construction contains a
robust flanged mounting frame to ensure the sturdiness of the
unit and to facilitate the mounting to upstream and downstream

The aerofoil blades are opposed action and are constructed

from extruded aluminium throughout the blade to add rigidity
and reduce the pressure loss and sound levels, which may be
contributed to airflow stream passing over the blades. The blades
are equipped with rubber gaskets to eliminate leakage in the
• Single skin VAV terminal device closed position. The blade shafts sit in self-lubricating bearings,
which are connected together by a gear wheel - rod combination
• Airflow range from 85 to 33,696 cfm
to ensure a smooth ratio and transition from blade to blade.
• Pressure operating range up to 4 in.wg.
• Slave or Master control mode AVAILABLE SIZES
W x H: 8" × 4" (200 x 100 mm) to 48" × 24" (1,200 x 600 mm)

• BLC1 - Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller WITH MP-Bus
CONTROLABILITY • BLC4 - Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller WITHOUT MPBus
The Optima-S terminal units are standard equipped with BLC communication
(Belimo compact) controllers without any bus- communication
capability. The compact controllers are available with MPBus, • BLC1-MOD - Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller WITH
ModBus and LON communication capability. On demand, gateway MODBUS communication
communication units can be provided and can be connected
later in time to building management systems to create a zone ORDERING EXAMPLE
control by creating bus-rings solutions (only possible if MP-Bus or
Optima - Type - Size - Controller - Vmin - Vmax
Modbus communication is installed).
S (Square)
On duct installations after elbow, reduction, T-branch etc. L to be Nominal size
minimum 3 times Duct equivalent effective diameter (Deff ). If L W x H : 8”x4” to 48”x24”
can not be respected, then minimum of 2 × Deff with perforated (200x100 to 1,200x600 mm)
equalizing grid should be installed.
Controller type

Deff = Lmin = 3 × Deff Airflow (m3/h)
If the Vmin and Vmax are not listed on your specification or order,
Factory standard settings will be applied in accordance with the
tables on the pages 60-61.
Air movement controllers | 59

Optima-S Single wall rectangular VAV regulator



Fig. 1: Measuring track length after T-branch Fig. 2: Measuring track length after Elbow

On a horizontal T-branch installation L has to be 5-10 times duct On a vertical T-branch or end dust installation L has to be 5-10
cross-section. If L can not be respected, then minimum of 2.5 x times duct cross-section. If L can not be respected, then minimum
cross section with perforated equalizing grid should be installed. of 2.5 x cross section with perforated equalizing grid should be

Air flow direction Front view

6” (150mm)

Lmin = 3 × deff
3” (80mm)

Fig. 3: Optima-S-I positioning and definition of measuring track length

60 | Air movement controllers


W + 5 1/2” (140 mm) 15 3/4” (400 mm) 15 3/4” (400 mm)

H + 2 3/8”

H + 2 3/8”
H + 2 3/8” (60 mm)
7” (180 mm)

(If H = 6, 10 or 14 inches or 150, 250, 350 mm)

W + 2 3/8” (60 mm)


Size Airflow Vmin Airflow Vmax Control Option

cfm m3/h cfm m3/h BLC1 BLC4 BLC1-MOD
inch mm inch mm lbs

4 100 5 85 144 551 936   

8 200 6 150 9 127 216 826 1,404   
8 200 13 170 288 1,102 1,872   
4 100 5 106 180 689 1,170   
6 150 11 159 270 1,033 1,755   
10 250
8 200 15 212 360 1,377 2,340   
10 250 15 265 450 1,722 2,925   
4 100 7 127 216 826 1,404   
6 150 11 191 324 1,240 2,106   
12 300 8 200 15 254 432 1,653 2,808   
10 250 15 318 540 2,066 3,510   
12 300 18 381 648 2,479 4,212   
4 100 9 170 288 1,102 1,872   
6 150 13 254 432 1,653 2,808   
8 200 17 339 576 2,204 3,744   
16 400
10 250 20 424 720 2,755 4,680   
12 300 22 509 864 3,305 5,616   
16 400 26 678 1152 4,407 7,488   
6 150 15 318 540 2,066 3,510   
8 200 20 424 720 2,755 4,680   
10 250 20 530 900 3,443 5,850   
20 500
12 300 20 636 1,080 4,132 7,020   
16 400 24 848 1,440 5,509 9,360   
20 500 33 1,059 1,800 6,886 11,700   
Air movement controllers | 61


Size Airflow Vmin Airflow Vmax Controller Type

cfm m3/h cfm m3/h BLC1 BLC4 BLC1-MOD
inch mm inch mm lbs

6 150 17 381 648 2,479 4,212   

8 200 26 509 864 3,305 5,616   
10 250 22 636 1,080 4,132 7,020   
24 600 12 300 31 763 1,296 4,958 8,424   
16 400 31 1,017 1,728 6,611 11,232   
20 500 40 1,271 2,160 8,264 14,040   
24 600 42 1,526 2,592 9,916 16,848   
8 200 33 678 1,152 4,407 7,488   
10 250 26 848 1,440 5,509 9,360   
12 300 37 1,017 1,728 6,611 11,232   
32 800 16 400 44 1,356 2,304 8,815 14,976   
20 500 48 1,695 2,880 11,018 18,720   
24 600 55 2,034 3,456 13,222 22,464   
32 800 66 2,712 4,608 17,629 29,952   
12 300 46 1,271 2,160 8,264 14,040   
16 400 55 1,695 2,880 11,018 18,720   
40 1000
20 500 62 2,119 3,600 13,773 23,400   
24 600 66 2,543 4,320 16,527 28,080   
16 400 64 2,034 3,456 13,222 22,464   
48 1200 20 500 70 2,543 4,320 16,527 28,080   
24 600 79 3,051 5,184 19,833 33,696   

 Standard option

 Non-standard option
62 | Air movement controllers

Optima-S-I NEW Double wall rectangular VAV regulator

Optima-S-I VAV terminal devices are ideal for multi-zone control
with supply and return air applications at low or medium system
pressures such as offices, hotel rooms or meeting rooms where
the required cooling and heating load will vary on demand.

Optima-S-I units are constructed from sheet steel frame and
aluminium profile blades. The frame construction contains a
robust flanged mounting frame to ensure the sturdiness of the
unit and to facilitate the mounting to upstream and downstream

The aerofoil blades are opposed action and are constructed from
extruded aluminium throughout the blade to add rigidity and re-
duce the pressure loss and sound levels, which may be contrib-
uted to airflow stream passing over the blades. The blade shafts
sit in self-lubricating bearings, which are connected together by
• Double skin VAV terminal device a gear wheel to ensure a smooth ratio and transition from blade
• Airflow range from 85 to 33,696 cfm to blade.
• Pressure operating range up to 4 in.wg.
• Slave or Master control mode W x H: 8" × 4" (200 x 100 mm) to 48" × 24" (1,200 x 600 mm)

• BLC1 - Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller WITH MP-Bus
• BLC4 - Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller WITHOUT MPBus
CONTROLABILITY communication
The Optima-S-I terminal units are standard equipped with BLC • BLC1-MOD - Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller WITH
(Belimo compact) controllers without any bus- communication
MODBUS communication
capability. The compact controllers are available with MPBus,
ModBus and LON communication capability. On demand,
gateway communication units can be provided and can be
connected later in time to building management systems to Optima - Type - Size - Controller - Vmin - Vmax
create a zone control by creating bus-rings solutions (only
possible if MP-Bus or Modbus communication is installed). S-I (Square-Insulated)

MOUNTING Nominal size

On duct installations after elbow, reduction, T-branch etc. L to be W x H : 8”x4” to 48”x24”
(200x100 to 1,200x600 mm)
minimum 3 times Duct equivalent effective diameter (Deff ). If L
can not be respected, then minimum of 2 × Deff with perforated
Controller type
equalizing grid should be installed.

2×W×H Airflow (m3/h)

Deff = Lmin = 3 × Deff
If the Vmin and Vmax are not listed on your specification or order,
Factory standard settings will be applied in accordance with the
tables on the pages 64-65.
Air movement controllers | 63

Optima-S-I Double wall rectangular VAV regulator



Fig. 4: Measuring track length after T-branch Fig. 5: Measuring track length after Elbow

On a horizontal T-branch installation L has to be 5-10 times duct On a vertical T-branch or end dust installation L has to be 5-10
cross-section. If L can not be respected, then minimum of 2.5 x times duct cross-section. If L can not be respected, then minimum
cross section with perforated equalizing grid should be installed. of 2.5 x cross section with perforated equalizing grid should be

Air flow direction Front view

6” (150mm)

Lmin = 3 × deff
3” (80mm)

Fig. 6: Optima-S-I positioning and definition of measuring track length

64 | Air movement controllers

15 3/4” (400 mm) 15 3/4” (400 mm)

W + 6 3/8” (162 mm) 1 1/8” (30 mm) 1 1/8” (30 mm) 1 1/8” (30 mm) 1 1/8” (30 mm)

H + 2 3/8”

H + 4”
H + 2 3/8” (60 mm)

H + 4” (103 mm)


7” (180 mm)

(If H = 6, 10 or 14 inches or 150, 250, 350 mm)


W + 2 3/8” (60 mm)

W + 4” (103 mm)


Size Airflow Vmin Airflow Vmax Control Option

cfm m3/h cfm m3/h BLC1 BLC4 BLC1-MOD
inch mm inch mm lbs

4 100 5 85 144 551 936   

8 200 6 150 9 127 216 826 1,404   
8 200 13 170 288 1,102 1,872   
4 100 5 106 180 689 1,170   
6 150 11 159 270 1,033 1,755   
10 250
8 200 15 212 360 1,377 2,340   
10 250 15 265 450 1,722 2,925   
4 100 7 127 216 826 1,404   
6 150 11 191 324 1,240 2,106   
12 300 8 200 15 254 432 1,653 2,808   
10 250 15 318 540 2,066 3,510   
12 300 18 381 648 2,479 4,212   
4 100 9 170 288 1,102 1,872   
6 150 13 254 432 1,653 2,808   
8 200 17 339 576 2,204 3,744   
16 400
10 250 20 424 720 2,755 4,680   
12 300 22 509 864 3,305 5,616   
16 400 26 678 1152 4,407 7,488   
6 150 15 318 540 2,066 3,510   
8 200 20 424 720 2,755 4,680   
10 250 20 530 900 3,443 5,850   
20 500
12 300 20 636 1,080 4,132 7,020   
16 400 24 848 1,440 5,509 9,360   
20 500 33 1,059 1,800 6,886 11,700   
Air movement controllers | 65


Size Airflow Vmin Airflow Vmax Controller Type

cfm m3/h cfm m3/h BLC1 BLC4 BLC1-MOD
inch mm inch mm lbs

6 150 17 381 648 2,479 4,212   

8 200 26 509 864 3,305 5,616   
10 250 22 636 1,080 4,132 7,020   
24 600 12 300 31 763 1,296 4,958 8,424   
16 400 31 1,017 1,728 6,611 11,232   
20 500 40 1,271 2,160 8,264 14,040   
24 600 42 1,526 2,592 9,916 16,848   
8 200 33 678 1,152 4,407 7,488   
10 250 26 848 1,440 5,509 9,360   
12 300 37 1,017 1,728 6,611 11,232   
32 800 16 400 44 1,356 2,304 8,815 14,976   
20 500 48 1,695 2,880 11,018 18,720   
24 600 55 2,034 3,456 13,222 22,464   
32 800 66 2,712 4,608 17,629 29,952   
12 300 46 1,271 2,160 8,264 14,040   
16 400 55 1,695 2,880 11,018 18,720   
40 1000
20 500 62 2,119 3,600 13,773 23,400   
24 600 66 2,543 4,320 16,527 28,080   
16 400 64 2,034 3,456 13,222 22,464   
48 1200 20 500 70 2,543 4,320 16,527 28,080   
24 600 79 3,051 5,184 19,833 33,696   

 Standard option

 Non-standard option
66 | Air movement controllers

Increased convenience
a better working atmosphere, optimum energy efficiency

VAV-Compact for convenient solutions

Individual room comfort
• Wide range of potential applications M

• Adjustable to each application

• Demand-based single-room application
• Operation with fan optimizer

VAV-Universal with VRP-M controller and fast-running VAV

actuators for sensitive working areas VAV

• Instant pure air

• Extraction of polluted air
• Ready-to-connect control system for
maximum safety
• Integration in MP-Bus® network
• Volumetric flow or pressure control

VAV-Compact with bus connection Fieldbus

Intelligent simplicity
• System connection to DDC controller with
• MP interface via MP-Bus®
• Integration in higher-level systems such as LonWorks®,
Konnex, Ethernet TCP/IP, Profibus DP, etc. via MP gateway MP gateway

• Convenient, cost-efficient wiring

• Maximum flexibility in new, retrofitted, Ethernet

converted or renovated buildings

VAV-Compact with Belimo Fan Optimizer for reduced

energy consumption CAV
• Up to 50% fan energy savings
• Optimized consumption and operating costs FU

• Reduced flow noise due to lower supply pressure in the air Room
duct system
• Reduced wiring expenses thanks to MP-Bus® network VAV
– Cooling
– Volumetric flow
– Damper



Air movement controllers | 67

Function VAV-Compact VAV-Universal

MODBUS types LON types MP types VRP-M system solutions Universal program






Actuators LMV-D3 MOD LMV-D3LON


LMQ24A-SRV-ST LF24-V with

LHV-D3-MP emergency
NM24A-V-ST control function
SF24A-V-ST with SF24A-V with
emergency control emergency
function control function

Bus integration

Into field bus systems via MP-Gateway

LonWorks®: Gateway UK24LON
Konnex: Gateway UK24EIB
Modbus RTU: Gateway UK24MOD
BACnet MS/TP: Gateway UK24BAC

Ventilator optimization
via MP bus
Fan Optimiser

Service tool

Parameterization and
Service software PC-Tool MFT-P

Room controller

CRP24.. SG..

Documents to VAV-Compact LON version, VRP-M system solution, VAV-Universal, single room controllers CR24, CRA24, CRP24,
Fan Optimizer COU24-A-MP and Tools and Interfaces are available as separate documents under
68 | Air movement controllers

VAV-Compact Room pressure ratio

Functions In a master / slave connection, any changes in the air system
of the master (supply pressure too low, e.g. due to a pressure
control fault) are detected and reported to the slave. This
Master / slave connection guarantees an equal percentage ratio of supply air to exhaust air.
EXHAUST In a master / slave configuration, only one controller can act
Room as master. However, one master controller can control several
parallel slave controllers.

When are master / slave connections used?

• In systems with air volume controllers in the supply and
M 1 S
exhaust air that are required to work sequentially
2 • When an equal percentage ratio of supply air to exhaust air
is specified.
1. A reference signal, e.g. from a room temperature controller, Operating volumetric flow settings
is connected to the master input. min and max are set on the The max and min values used for the required volumetric flow
master controller. are set on the master and transferred to the slave by means of a
reference signal.
2. The volumetric flow actual value signal from the master acts
as a reference signal for the slave controller. The master is CAV application
installed on the supply or exhaust air side, depending on the In constant air volume applications, operating mode control
application. See “Determination of the master controller“. (CLOSED / min etc.) is only set on the master controller.
Reference signal Y The ratio is set with themax Slave setting if the room pressure ratio is balanced.
Example with parameter on the slave
mode: 0 … 10 V The min setting on the slave is always 0%. If the room pres-
sure ratio is 1:1 and all controllers are the same size, the slave
[V] max max controller is set to max 100% / min 0%.
10 nom
Slave setting if the room pressure ratio is unbalanced.
Equal percentage The min setting on the slave is always 0%. Setting with %
scale on the ZTH-GEN hand-operated device. The ratio of slave
volume to master volume is set as follows with the max value
on the slave controller:

S• M
max nom

2 S% = •100
M• S
min Volumetric flow
max nom
0 [% nom]
S% = max value that must be set on the controller in %
0 20 40 60 80 100 max
The slave min setting «0%» forms the pivot and intersection point M = Nominal volume of the master unit in cfm

M = Maximum volume of the master unit in cfm

Determination of the master controller S = Nominal volume of the slave unit in cfm
If both units have:
Maximum volume of the slave unit in cfm
• Non-identical nom settings, the controller with the lowernom. max
S =

• Identical nom settings, the controller with the higher air

volume setting acts as master
Setting with PC-Tool / ZTH-GEN
These two setting tools can be used to enter the volumetric flow ratio
Positive pressure in the room directly in cfm, i.e. there is no need to calculate the setting ratio.
Master: Supply air unit Slave: Exhaust air unit
Negative pressure in the room Required: Positive pressure in the room with 20% excess air
Master: Supply air unit Slave: Exhaust air unit – Supply air unit: 950 cfm / 900 cfm
nom max
– Exhaust air unit: 1500 cfm/ 700 cfm
nom max

Find: setting of the slave controller 700 • 950

49% = •100
900 • 1500
Air movement controllers | 69


Parallel connection Room pressure ratio

SUPPLY EXHAUST In a parallel connection, the two VAV units are operated
independently of one another with a common reference signal.
The operating volumetric flows of the supply and exhaust air
T units must be set according to the required room pressure ratio.

SUP. EXH. The supply and exhaust air controllers work independently of
one another, i.e. if a fault occurs in the supply or exhaust air
system, the room pressure ratio is impaired for technical reasons.
Principle: In the worst case, the unit tolerances may be accumulated. This
The reference signal of the temperature controller is connected circumstance must be taken into account by the project planning
in a parallel circuit with the reference value inputs of the supply engineer.
and exhaust air controllers. The operating volumetric flows max
and min are set on both controllers. When are parallel connections used?
• If air volume controllers operate with parallel supply and
exhaust air (controlled by a common reference variable)
• If the supply and exhaust air devices have different sizes and
different minimum and maximum volumetric flow settings
Volumetric flow 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
actual value signal U5 • If constant differential control is active between the supply
Example with mode: M̂max
0 … 10 V and exhaust air
• In systems with several supply and exhaust air devices
M̂max • In circulating air systems for airtight rooms.

Operating volumetric flow settings
The max and min values used for the required volumetric flow
must be set on each VAV controller.

5 Constant

supply / CAV application
difference In constant air volume applications, operating mode control
2 (CLOSED / min etc.) is set on both controllers.

0 Setting if the room pressure ratio is balanced

M̂min Owing to the proportional assignment of the reference signal to
Volumetric flow
[% nom] the value ranges for max and min, it is possible to operate VAV
units with different nominal widths and differentiated ranges
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 parallel to one another.

Setting if the room pressure ratio is unbalanced
The operating volumetric flows of the supply and exhaust air
units must be set according to the difference:
• Positive pressure ratio in the room Supply air volume >
exhaust air volume
• Negative pressure ratio in the room Exhaust air volume >
supply air volume
70 | Air movement controllers

Conventional application

Single-duct systems IRC-VAV CAV room solution with motion detector

Function diagram

occupied Volumetric
flow max

unoccupied min CAV single-duct system, occupancy-controlled

Description Wiring diagram

Control solution for CAV single-room application CAV single-
duct system, occupancy-controlled Stand-alone operation or AC 24 V
integrated in a building automation system (I/O integration)

The CAV controller is controlled by means of the motion detector
in two modes on the basis of room occupancy min … max: min max
Motion detector
Room unoccupied: constant air volume min
Act. value sig.

Act. value sig.

Room occupied: constant air volume max

Motion detector
With switching output for low switching capacity (load 0.24 mA)

VAV-Compact control device ..MV-D3-MP

1 2 3 5
~ y U5 CAV 1
VAV-Compact control device for supply air, exhaust air or mixing
2) 1)
1) Master-Slave
2 3 5
units, comprising a sensor, VAV controller and actuator for
~ y U5 CAV 2 or
2) parallel
pressure-independent air volume controls.

• Damper position feedback controlled via the MP-Bus for

demand based fan optimisation. Notes
• Connection and terminal designations of the motion
detector in accordance with the manufacturer‘s

• Mode setting on the CAV controller: 0 … 10V or 2 … 10V

Air movement controllers | 71

Conventional application

Single-duct systems IRC-VAV CAV room solution with 0....10V control

Volumetric flow


Control solution for VAV single-room application Stand-alone Wiring diagram
operation or integrated in a building automation system (I/O
AC 24 V
integration) ~


Actual value signal 0 … 10 V *

Reference signal 0 … 10 V
The 0 ... 10V single-room or DDC controller controls the VAV
controller with vaiable air volume in the range from min … max,
depending on the room cooling needs.

Single-room or DDC controller

With The 0 ... 10V output single (cooling sequence). Room / DDC controller

Controller functions in accordance with the manufacturer‘s

1 2 3 5
VAV-Compact control device ..MV-D3-MP VAV 1
~ y U5
2) 1)

VAV-Compact control device for supply air, exhaust air or mixing 1 2 3 5

~ y U5 VAV 2
units, comprising a sensor, VAV controller and actuator for
pressure-independent air volume controls.

• Damper position feedback controlled via the MP-Bus for Notes

demand based fan optimisation. • Connection and terminal designations in accordance with
the controller manufacturer’s specification

• Mode setting on the VAV controller: 0 … 10V

72 | Air movement controllers

Conventional application

Single-duct systems IRC-VAV VAV room solution with CR 24 room controller

10 max

tR VAV single duct system, room tempreture-controlled

Control solution for VAV single-room application, VAV single-duct Wiring diagram
system, room temperature-controlled, Stand-alone operation or
AC 24 V External

integrated in a building automation system (I/O integration). ~ shift _
The CR24-B1 single-room controller controls the connected VAV
controllers with a variable air volume in the range from min …
, depending on the room cooling needs. Other functions can EHO St-By

be optionally connected (e.g. with a motion detector): energy

hold off, standby, etc. 3 4 5
U5 1 U5 2
ai1/di1 di2 ai2
1 2 6 7 8
Room temperature controller CR24-B1 (automatic) CR24-A1 CR24-B1

Room temperature controller (59... 97°F) with an integrated or

external temperature sensor
• Mode selection with a pushbutton and three LEDs: AUTO, 1 2 3 5
ECO (reduced room temperature for standby or night VAV 1
~ y U5
2) 1)
1) Master-Slave
operation) and MAX (flushing operation with 15’ timer) 1 2 3 5 or
• Room protection function (frost/excess temperature) ~ y U5 VAV 2 2) parallel

• Inputs for energy hold off, standby operation, external

temperature sensor, summer/winter compensation VAV
system output
• Self-resetting start-up and service function Notes
• Tool connection for diagnostics, settings and trend recordings • Further VAV applications such as boost (fast heat up),
night cool down (air heated with water or electrically),
VAV-Compact control device ..MV-D3-MP night cooling, combination available with chilled ceiling.
VAV-Compact control device for supply air, exhaust air or mixing
• Mode setting for VAV controller for this application: 2…10V
units, comprising a sensor, VAV control & actuator for pressure-
• Terminal designation in accordance with the Belimo final
independent air volume controls. controlling element
• Damper position controlled via the MP-Bus for demand
based fan optimisation.
Input and output assignment
Functions Description Assignment

VAV VAV system output (0) 2...10 V Output ao1 Configuration, settings
Operational Description Assignment DIP switches
functions 1 2 1 P-Band normal wide
EHO Energy hold off (window) Input di1
2 di2 Stand by Change over
Sensor External temperature sensor NTC 5K Input ai1

Shift External shift 0...10 V (Summer/Winter Input ai2 Setpoint WH range: 59… 97°F
Air movement controllers | 73

Conventional application

Dual-duct systems IRC-VAV VAV dual-duct solution with CR 24 room controller

Mixing Range
Heading Cooling
Supply air
temperature max
ht cl

Hot air

Cold air

min VAV dual-duct system, room tempreture-controlled

P-band cooling
tR [°C]

Description Wiring diagram

VAV dual-duct system, room temperature-controlled Stand-alone AC 24 V

External temperature Shift
operation or integrated in a building automation system (I/O integra- ~
sensor _

The two air volume controllers mix the hot and cold air supplied by
Cold air St-By
the dual-duct air conditioning system to obtain the condition re-
quested by the CR24-B1 room temperature controller. The constant
air volume (CAV) controller for the hot air adjusts to the set max ao1 U5 1 U5 2
3 4 5
volume for heating. The variable air volume (VAV) controller for the 1 2 6 7 8
ai1/di1 di2 ai2
cold air adds the variable amount of cold air requested by the room
temperature controller. If cooling needs exceed the hot air volume,
the hot-air part is shut off and only cold air is supplied.
Optional: The cold-air part can be shut off by means of a switching 1 2
VAV contr. for adding cold air

contact at input d1.

1 2
U5 CAV controller for hot air
Room temperature controller CR24-B1 (automatic) CR24-A1
Room temperature controller (59... 97°F) with an integrated or
external temperature sensor
• Mode selection with a pushbutton and three LEDs: AUTO, ECO
(reduced room temperature for standby or night operation) and Notes
MAX (flushing operation with 15’ timer) • Terminal descriptions correspond to the Belimo
• Room protection function (frost/excess temperature) actuator connection.
• Inputs for energy hold off, standby operation, external • Mode setting for VAV controller for this application:
temperature sensor, summer/winter compensation VAV system 2..10V
output • Terminal designation in accordance with the Belimo
• Self-resetting start-up and service function final controlling element
• Tool connection for diagnostics, settings and trend recordings

VAV-Compact control device ..MV-D3-MP Input and output assignment

VAV-Compact control device for supply air, exhaust air or mixing Functions Description Assignment
units, comprising a sensor, VAV control & actuator for pressure-
VAV VAV system output (0) 2...10 V Output ao1
independent air volume controls.
Operational Description Assignment
Configuration, settings functions
DIP switches Shut-off Cold air shut-off Input di1
1 2 1 P-Band normal wide Sensor External temperature sensor NTC 5K Input ai1
2 di2 Stand by Change over Shift External shift 0...10 V (Summer/Winter Input ai2

Setpoint WH range: 59… 97°F

74 | Air movement controllers

BLC4 VAV Compact Controller

VAV-Compact controller with integrated pressure sensor, VAV
controller and damper actuator for pressure-independent VAV
and CAV applications in the comfort zone.

• Control DC (0) 2.. 10V
• Diagnostic socket for Service and PC-Tool

Application The digital VAV-Compact has PI control characteristics and is used for pressure-independent control of
VAV units in the comfort zone.
Pressure measurement The integrated maintenance-free Belimo D3 differential pressure sensor is also suitable for very small
volumetric flows. It is for this reason that it covers versatile applications in the comfort zone, e.g. in
residential construction, offices, hospitals, hotels, cruise ships, etc.
Actuator Two versions available, depending on the size of the VAV unit: 5 / 10 Nm.
– Rotary actuator, depending on the size
Control function VAV-CAV or Open-Loop operation for integration in an external VAV control loop.
Feedback Current volumetric flow, damper position or differential pressure value.
VAV – variable volumetric flow For variable volumetric flow applications with a modulating reference variable, e.g. room temperature
controller or direct digital control, it enables demand-related, energy-saving ventilation of individual
rooms or zones. The operating range min …max can be connected via selectable mode.
The following are available: DC 2 … 10 V / 0 … 10 V / adjustable range.
CAV – constant volumetric flow For constant volumetric flow applications, e.g. in step mode, controlled by means of a switch. The
following operating modes can be selected from: CLOSED / min / (mid) / max / OPEN
Operating and service devices Belimo PC-Tool or service tool ZTH-GEN, can be plugged into the VAV-Compact (PP connection) or
connection U5.
Assembly and connection The VAV-Compact, which is assembled on the unit by the OEM, is connected using the prefabricated
connecting cable.
Test function / test display The VAV-Compact features two LEDs with a functional readiness display for commissioning and
functional checking. Extended information with ZTH-GEN.
OEM factory settings The VAV-Compact is mounted on the VAV unit by the unit manufacturer, who adjusts and tests it
according to the application. The VAV-Compact is sold exclusively via the OEM channel for this reason.

Type overview
Type Torque Power consumption Dimensioning Weight
LMV-D3-MF 5 Nm 2W 4 VA (max. 8 A @ 5 ms) Approx. 1 lb
NMV-D3-MF 10 Nm 3W 5 VA (max. 8 A @ 5 ms) Approx. 1.5 lbs
Air movement controllers | 75

Technical data
Nominal voltage AC 24 V, 50/60 Hz
DC 24 V
Operating range AC 19.2 … 28.8 V
DC 21.6 … 28.8 V
Differential pressure sensor
Type, principle of operation Belimo D3 sensor, dynamic response
Operating range 0 … 600 Pa
Overload capability ±3000 Pa
Installation position Any, no reset necessary
Materials in contact with medium Glass, epoxy resin, PA, TPE
Control function – VAV-CAV
– Open-loop operation
Adjustment values
nom OEM-specific nominal volumetric flow setting, suitable for the VAV unit
∆p @ nom 38 ... 450 Pa
max 20 … 100% of nom
min 0 … 100% of nom
mid 50% of min to max
Classic control
VAV mode for reference value input Y – DC 2 … 10 V / (4 … 20 mA with 500 Ω resistance)
(Connection 3) – DC 0 … 10 V / (0 … 20 mA with 500 Ω resistance) Input impedance min. 100 kOhm
– Adjustable DC 0 … 10 V
Mode for actual value signal U5 – DC 2 … 10 V
(Connection 5) – DC 0 … 10 V max. 0.5 mA
– Adjustable: volumetric flow, damper position or differential pressure
CAV operating modes (constant volumetric flow) CLOSED / min / (mid *) / max / OPEN * (* only with AC 24 V supply)
Operating and service Pluggable / PC-Tool (V3.6 or higher) / service tool ZTH-GEN
Push-button Adaption
LED display – 24 V supply
– Status
Actuator Brushless, non-blocking actuator with power-save mode
Direction of rotation ccw / cw
Adaption Capture of setting range and resolution to control range
Gear disengagement Push-button self-resetting without functional impairment
Sound power level Max. 35 dB (A)
Angle of rotation 95° , adjustable mechanical or electronic limiting
Spindle driver – Clamp, spindle round 10 ... 20 mm / spindle square 8 ... 16 mm
– Form fit in various versions, e.g. 8 x 8 mm
Connection Cable, 4 x 0.75 mm2
Protection class III Safety extra-low voltage
Degree of protection IP54
Electromagnetic compatibility CE according to 89/336/EEC
Mode of operation Type 1 (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Rated impulse voltage 0.5 kV (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Control pollution degree 2 (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Ambient temperature 0 … +50°C
Non-operating temperature –20 … +80°C
Ambient humidity 5 ... 95% r.h., non-condensing (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Maintenance Maintenance-free

Bus function MP no MP Bus communication possible
Fan Optimiser (Fan control) no communication to BELIMO Fan Optimiser COU24-A-MP
Sensor integration no Sensor integration possible
76 | Air movement controllers

BLC1 VAV Compact Controller

VAV-Compact controller with integrated pressure sensor, VAV
controller and damper actuator for pressure-independent VAV
and CAV applications in the comfort zone.

• Control: DC 0/2 … 10V / MP-Bus
• Integration in bus systems
• DDC controller with MP interface
• LONWORKS® systems
• Fan optimiser systems
• With additional switch-on option for sensors and switches
• Diagnostic socket for Service and PC-Tool

Application The digital VAV-Compact has PI control characteristics and is used for pressure-independent control of
VAV units in the comfort zone.
Pressure measurement The integrated maintenance-free Belimo D3 differential pressure sensor is also suitable for very small
volumetric flows. It is for this reason that it covers versatile applications in the comfort zone, e.g. in
residential construction, offices, hospitals, hotels, cruise ships, etc.
Actuator Three versions available, depending on the size of the VAV unit: 5 / 10 / 20 Nm.
– Rotary actuator, depending on the size
– Linear actuator 150 N with 100, 200 or 300 mm linear movement
Control function VAV-CAV or Open-Loop operation for integration in an external VAV control loop.
Feedback Damper position for fan optimiser systems, current volumetric flow or pressure value.
VAV – variable volumetric flow For variable volumetric flow applications with a modulating reference variable, e.g. room temperature
controller, direct digital control or bus system, it enables demand-related, energy-saving ventilation of
individual rooms or zones. The operating range min …max can be connected via selectable mode.
The following are available: DC 2 … 10V / 0 … 10V / adjustable range / bus operation
CAV – constant volumetric flow For constant volumetric flow applications, e.g. in step mode, controlled by means of a switch. The
following operating modes can be selected from: CLOSED / min / (mid) / max / OPEN
Bus function Up to eight Belimo MP devices (VAV / damper actuator / valve actuator) can be connected together
over the MP-Bus and integrated into the following systems:
– LONWORKS® applications with Belimo UK24LON interface
– EIB Konnex applications with Belimo UK24EIB interface
– MODBUS RTU applications with Belimo UK24MOD interface
– BACnet applications with Belimo UK24BAC interface
– DDC controller with integrated MP-Bus protocol
– Fan optimiser applications with optimiser COU24-A-MP
A sensor (0...10V or passive), e.g. a temperature sensor or a switch, can optionally be integrated into the
higher-level DDC or bus system via the MP-Bus.
Operating and service devices Belimo PC-Tool or service tool ZTH-GEN, can be plugged into the VAV-Compact (PP connection) or via
Assembly and connection The VAV-Compact, which is assembled on the unit by the OEM, is connected using the prefabricated
connecting cable.
Test function / test display The VAV-Compact features two LEDs with a functional readiness display for commissioning and
functional checking. Extended information with ZTH-GEN.
OEM factory settings The VAV-Compact is mounted on the VAV unit by the unit manufacturer, who adjusts and tests it
according to the application. The VAV-Compact is sold exclusively via the OEM channel for this reason.

Type overview
Type Torque Power consumption Dimensioning Weight
LMV-D3-MP 5 Nm 2W 4 VA (max. 8 A @ 5 ms) Approx. 1 lb
NMV-D3-MP 10 Nm 3W 5 VA (max. 8 A @ 5 ms) Approx. 1.5 lbs
Air movement controllers | 77

Technical data
Nominal voltage AC 24V, 50/60 Hz, DC 24 V
Operating range AC 19.2 … 28.8V, DC 21.6 … 28.8V
Differential pressure sensor
Type, principle of operation Belimo D3 sensor, dynamic response
Operating range 0 … 600 Pa
Overload capability ±3000 Pa
Installation position Any, no reset necessary
Materials in contact with medium Glass, epoxy resin, PA, TPE
Control function – VAV-CAV
– Open-loop operation
Adjustment values
nom OEM-specific nominal volumetric flow setting, suitable for the VAV unit
∆p @ nom 50 ... 450 Pa
max 20 … 100% of nom
min 0 … 100% of nom
mid 50% of min to max
Classic control
VAV mode for reference value input Y – DC 2 … 10V / (4 … 20 mA with 500 Ω resistance)
(Connection 3) – DC 0 … 10V / (0 … 20 mA with 500 Ω resistance) Input impedance min. 100 kOhm
– Adjustable DC 0 … 10V
Mode for actual value signal U5 – DC 2 … 10V
(Connection 5) – DC 0 … 10V max. 0.5 mA
– Adjustable: volumetric flow, damper position or differential pressure
CAV operating modes (constant volumetric flow) CLOSED / min / (mid *) / max / OPEN * (* only with AC 24V supply)
MP-Bus function
Address in bus operation MP1 … 8 (classic operation: PP)
LONWORKS® / EIB-Konnex / Modbus RTU / BACnet With BELIMO Interface UK24LON / UK24EIB / UK24MOD / UK24BAC
1 … 8 BELIMO MP devices (VAV / damper actuator / valve)
DDC controller DDC controllers/programmable controller with an integrated MP interface from various manufacturers
Fan optimiser (fan control) With BELIMO Fan Optimiser COU24-A-MP
Sensor integration Passive (Pt1000, Ni1000, etc.) and active sensors (0…10V), e.g. temperature, humidity
2-point signal (switching capacity 16 mA @ 24V), e.g. switches, occupancy switches
Operating and service Pluggable / PC-Tool (V3.6 or higher) / service tool ZTH-GEN
Communication PP/MP-Bus, max. DC 15V, 1200 baud
Push-button Adaption / addressing
LED display – 24V supply
– Status / bus function
Actuator Brushless, non-blocking actuator with power-save mode
Direction of rotation ccw / cw or ↑ / ↓
Adaption Capture of setting range and resolution to control range
Gear disengagement Push-button self-resetting without functional impairment
Sound power level Max. 35 dB (A), SMV-D3-MP max. 45 dB (A)
Actuator - rotating
Angle of rotation 95° , adjustable mechanical or electronic limiting
Position indication Mechanical with pointer
Spindle driver – Clamp, spindle round 10 ... 20 mm / spindle square 8 ... 16 mm
– Form fit in various versions, e.g. 8 x 8 mm
Actuator – linear
Stroke 100, 200 or 300 mm, adjustable mechanical or electronic limiting
Connection Cable, 4 x 0.75 mm2
Protection class III Safety extra-low voltage
Degree of protection IP54
Electromagnetic compatibility CE according to 89/336/EEC
78 | Air movement controllers

Technical data (continued)

Mode of operation Type 1 (in acc. with EN 60730-1)
Rated impulse voltage 0.5 kV (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Control pollution degree 2 (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Ambient temperature 0 … +50°C
Non-operating temperature –20 … +80°C
Ambient humidity 5 ... 95% r.h., non-condensing (in accordance with EN 60730-1)
Maintenance Maintenance-free


Connecting cable The connection is made using the connecting cable mounted to the VAV-Compact device.
Note No. Designation Wire colour Function
– Supply via safety isolating transformer!
T– –T
1 black AC/DC 24V
– Connections 1 and 2 (AC/DC 24V) and 2 +~ red ~+ supply
5 (MP signal) must be routed to accessible
terminals (room temperature controller, 3 Y white Reference signal VAV/CAV
floor distributor, control cabinet, etc.) in – Actual value signal
5 U orange
order to enable access with the tool for – MP-Bus connection
diagnostic and service work.

VAV – Variable operation min…max

Wiring diagrams Example 1: Example 2:
VAV with analogue reference signal VAV with shut-off (CLOSE), 2 ... 10V mode
T ~ T ~
AC 24 V AC 24 V
_ _
+ DC 24 V + DC 24 V
VAV reference signal VAV reference signal
0 … 10V / 2 … 10V CLOSED 2 … 10V

Switching CLOSED / VAV mode

MP / Actual value signal MP / Actual value signal

0 … 10V / 2 … 10V 0 … 10V / 2 … 10V

1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5

~ ~
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool

Example 3: Example 4:
VAV with analogue reference signal VAV with analogue reference signal,
supply/exhaust air in parallel operation in Master/Slave operation
T ~ T ~
AC 24 V AC 24 V
_ _
+ DC 24 V + DC 24 V
VAV reference signal VAV reference signal
0 … 10V / 2 … 10V 0 … 10V / 2 … 10V

MP / Actual value signal MP / Actual value signal

0...10V / 2...10V 0...10V / 2...10V

1 2 3 5 Supply air 1 2 3 5 Master

~ ~
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool

Reference signal Slave

MP / Actual value signal MP / Actual value signal

0 … 10V / 2 … 10V 0 … 10V / 2 … 10V

1 2 3 5 Exhaust air 1 2 3 5 Slave

~ ~
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
Air movement controllers | 79

CAV – Step mode CLOSED / min / mid / max / OPEN

CAV control Three options are available for the CAV control:
– Standard 0.1 V shut-off: CLOSED –min – max – OPEN (default setting)
– Standard 0.5 V shut-off: CLOSED – min – max – OPEN
– Old Generation (NMV-D2M): CLOSED – min – mid – max – OPEN

Wiring diagrams
T ~
AC 24 V
+ DC 24 V *
VAV reference signal

a b c d e

MP / Actual value signal

0 … 10V / 2 … 10V

1 2 3 5

_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
* Not available with DC 24 V supply.

CAV function: Standard Example:

– CAV application CLOSED – min – max
Mode 0 … 10 V 0 … 10 V 0 … 10 V 0 … 10 V
(mode 2 … 10 V)
2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V T ~
T AC 24 V
Signal 0 … 10 V ~ ~ ~ _
+ DC 24 V
– 2 … 10 V +


CAV step max

CAV step min
Function 3 3 3 3 3
a d
MP / Actual value signal
min ... max b) VAV

CAV – min All open – min active ** Setting CAV function:

Standard (Default)
Damper 1 2 3 5
e) OPEN *
CAV – max d) max
T ~
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
Contact closed, function active
Contact closed, function active, only in 2 ... 10 V mode
Contact open
* Not available with DC 24 V supply
** The damper is closed when the 0.5 V shut-off level is used.

Note CAV function: Old Generation (NMV-D2M) Example:

CAV application min – mid – max
In order to use the CAV step mid, the Old Mode

0 … 10 V 0 … 10 V 0 … 10 V 0 … 10 V
Generation (NMV-D2M) CAV function must setting
(Mode 0 … 10 or 2 … 10 V)
2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V 2 … 10 V
be selected.
T ~
0 … 10 V ~ ~ ~ AC 24 V
– 2 … 10 V +
CAV step max
CAV step mid
CAV step min

Function 3 3 3 3 3 c d
CLOSED MP / Actual value signal
min ... max b) VAV
Setting CAV function:
CAV – min All open – min active Old Generation (NMV-D2M)
1 2 3 5
Damper e) OPEN *
CAV – max d) max _ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
CAV – mid c) mid *

Contact closed, function active
Contact closed, function active, only in 2 ... 10 V mode
Contact open
* Not available with DC 24 V supply
80 | Air movement controllers

MP-Bus operation – VAV / CAV operation

Connecting cable The connection to the MP-Bus is made using the connecting cable mounted to the VAC-Compact
No. Designation Wire colour Function
T– –T
1 black
Note AC/DC 24V supply
2 +~ red ~+
– Supply via safety isolating transformer! !
– Connections 1 and 2 (AC/DC 24V) and Input for
5 (MP signal) must be routed to accessible 3 Y white – Sensor interface
terminals (room temperature controller, floor – Override control
distributor, control cabinet, etc.) in order to enable
access with the tools for diagnostic and service 5 U orange MP-Bus connection

Wiring diagrams Control via MP-Bus MP-Bus control with integrated switch
For detailed information, For detailed information on sensor integration,
see section «MP-Bus integration» see section «MP-Bus integration»
T ~ T ~
AC 24 V AC 24 V
– + DC 24 V MP – + DC 24 V MP

– For further information about the connection,
override controls, MP-Bus cables, etc., see *)
section «MP-Bus integration»
– This is a connection description. Depending on MP address: MP address:
1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5
the application, the terminal allocation may vary. 1…8 1…8
The connection and commissioning must be T T
carried out by trained personnel.
~ ~
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool
_ + ..MV-D3-MP PC-Tool

*) e.g. window contact

Dimensioning of supply and connecting cable

General In addition to the actual wire sizing, attention must also be paid to the surrounding area and the
cable routing.Signal cables must not be laid in the vicinity of load cables, objects liable to cause
EMC interference etc. if possible. Paired or layer stranded cables improve immunity to interference.
24 V supply, dimensioning and cabling The dimensioning and installation of the AC 24V supply, the fuse protection and the cables
are dependent on the total operated load and local regulations. Account must be taken of the
following performance data, including the starting currents of the actuators:
– Dimensioning values VAV-Compact controller, see Technical data
– Dimensioning values of further controlling elements etc. can be found in the current data sheets
and product information
– Other devices which are intended to be connected to the same 24 V supply
– Reserve capacity for subsequent expansion, if planned.
MP-Bus integration – supply, See S4-VAV-Compact D3, MP-Bus integration
dimensioning and cabling
Air movement controllers | 81

BLC1-MOD VAV Compact Controller

A pressure sensor, digital VAV controller and damper actuator all
in one, providing a VAV-Compact solution with a communications
capability for pressure-independent VAV systems in the comfort

• Control function: VAV
• Communication via Modbus RTU (RS-485)
• Conversion of sensor signals
• Diagnostic socket for operating devices

Application The digital VAV-Compact has PI control characteristics and is used for pressure-independent control of
VAV units in the comfort zone.

Mode of operation The actuator is fitted with an integrated interface for Modbus RTU, receives its digital positioning signal
from the superordinate Modbus-Master and returns the current status.

Converter for sensors Connection option for a sensor (passive or active sensor or switching contact). In this way, the analogue
sensor signal can be easily digitised and passed along to Modbus.

Parameterisable actuators The factory settings cover the most common applications. As desired, individual parameters can be
adapted for specific systems or servicing with a service tool (e.g. ZTH-GEN).
The Modbus communication parameters (address, baud rate, …) are set with the ZTH-GEN. Pressing
push-button 3 while connecting the supply voltage resets the communication parameters to the factory
Quick addressing: The Modbus address can alternatively be set using push-buttons from 1 to 16.
The value selected is added to the «Basic address» parameter and results in the effective Modbus
address. For example, with a basic address of 140, Modbus addresses between 141 and 156 can be
parameterised using quick addressing.

Pressure measurement Maintenance-free, dynamic, differential pressure sensor, proven in a wide range of applications,
suitable for use in offices, hospital wards, alpine hotels or cruise liners.

Actuator Two versions are available, depending on the size of the VAV unit: 5 or 10 Nm.

VAV – variable volumetric flow The VAV-Compact is supplied with its modulating setpoint by a room temperature controller via
Modbus. This facilitates demand-related, power-saving ventilation in individual rooms or zones of air
conditioning systems. The operating range (min and max) can be set either locally with PC-Tool or
ZTH-GEN or via Modbus.

Operating and service devices Belimo PC-Tool or Service-Tool ZTH-GEN, pluggable on the VAV-Compact.

Assembly and connection The VAV-Compact device, which is assembled on the unit by the OEM, is connected using the
prefabricated connecting cable.

OEM factory settings The VAV-Compact is mounted on the VAV unit by the unit manufacturer, who adjusts and tests it
according to the application. The VAV-Compact is sold exclusively via the OEM channel for this reason.

Type overview
Type Torque Power consumption For wire sizing Weight
LMV-D3-MOD 5 Nm 2W 4 VA (max. 5 A @ 5 ms) Approx. 1 lb
NMV-D3-MOD 10 Nm 3W 5 VA (max. 5 A @ 5 ms) Approx. 1.5 lbs
82 | Air movement controllers

Safety notes
• The actuator must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or
in any other airborne means of transport.
• It may only be installed by suitably trained personnel. Any legal regulations or regulations issued
by authorities must be observed during installation.
• The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can
be replaced or repaired by the user.
• The cable must not be removed from the device.
• When calculating the required torque, the specifications supplied by the damper manufac­turers
(cross-section, design, installation site), and the air flow conditions must be observed.
• The device contains electrical and electronic components and is not permitted to be disposed of
as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.

Modbus overview
Register No. Adr Register
1 0 Setpoint [%]
2 1 Override control
3 2 Command
4 3 Actuator type
In operation

5 4 Relative position [%]

6 5 Absolute position [°] [mm]
7 6 Relative volumetric flow [%]
(only for VAV/EPIV)
8 7 Absolute volumetric flow (pressure) [m3/h] [l/min] [Pa]
(only for VAV/EPIV)
9 8 Sensor value [mv] [Ω] [–]
101 100 Series number 1st part
102 101 Series number 2nd part
103 102 Series number 4th part
104 103 Firmware version (Modbus module)

105 104 Malfunction and service information

106 105 Min [%]
107 106 Max [%]
108 107 Sensor type
109 108 Bus fail position

• Registers in Bold can be written

• Registers <100 (In operation) which can be written are volatile and should therefore
be updated periodically
• Registers >100 which can be written are non-volatile

Commands All data is arranged in a table and addressed by 1..n (register) or 0..n-1 (address). No
distinction is made between data types (Discrete Inputs, Coils, Input Registers, Holding
Registers). As a consequence, all data can be accessed with the two commands for
Holding Register. The commands for Discrete Inputs and Input Registers can be used as
an alternative.
Standard commands:
Read Holding Registers [3]
Write Single Register [6]
Note regarding Read Discrete Inputs Optional commands:
The command reads one or more Read Discrete Inputs [2]
Read Input Registers [4]
bits and can alternatively be used for
Write Multiple Registers [16]
register 105 (Malfunction and service
information). The start address to be
used is 1664.
Air movement controllers | 83

Modbus register description

Register 1: Setpoint Setpoint for actuator setting or volumetric flow in hundredths of one percent,
i.e. 0…10 000 corresponds to 0…100%
Override control
0 None
1 Open
2 Close
3 Min
5 Max
Register 2: Override control Overriding the setpoint with defined values
0 None
1 Adaption
2 Test run
3 Synchronisation
4 Reset actuator malfunctions
Register 3: Command Initiation of actuator functions for service and test; the register is reset automatically.
Actuator type
0 Actuator not connected / not known
1 Air/water actuators with/without safety function
2 Volumetric flow controller VAV / EPIV
3 Fire damper actuator
Register 4: Actuator type Actuator type; the allocation may deviate from the basic category with some actuators.

Register 5: Relative position Relative position in hundredths of one percent,

i.e. 0 … 10 000 correspond to 0 … 100%

Register 6: Absolute position Absolute position

0 … 10 000 (65535 if not supported by the actuator)
The unit depends on the device:
[°] for actuators with rotary movement
[mm] for actuators with linear movement

Register 7: Relative volumetric flow Relative volumetric flow in hundredths of one percent of Vnom,
i.e. 0 … 10 000 correspond to 0 … 100%
This value is available only for VAV controllers and EPIV devices (actuator type: 2).
For all other types, 65535 will be entered.

Register 8: Absolute volumetric flow Absolute volumetric flow

This value is available only for VAV controllers and EPIV devices (actuator type: 2).
For all other types, 65535 will be entered.
The unit depends on the device:
[m3/h] for VAV controllers (or [Pa] for pressure applications)
[l/min] for EPIV devices

Register 9: Sensor value Current sensor value; dependent on the setting in Register 108
The unit depends on the sensor type: [mv] [Ω] [-]

Register 101, 103: Series number Each MP node has an unambiguous series number which is either impressed on or glued to the
node. The series number consists of 4 segments, although only parts 1, 2 and 4 are displayed on
Modbus. Example: 00839-31324-064-008

Register 9 Register 10 Register 11

1st part 2nd part 4th part

00839 31234 008

Register 104: Firmware Version Firmware version of Modbus module (VX.XX)

e.g. 101 V1.01
84 | Air movement controllers

Modbus register description (continued)

Register 105: The status information is split into messages about the actuator (malfunctions) and other
Malfunction and service information service information.

Bit Description
0 Excessive utilisation

Malfunctions (low byte)

1 Mechanical travel increased
2 Mechanical overload
3 –
4 Safety-relevant faults (fire protection only)
5 Damper test error (fire protection only)
6 Duct temperature too high (fire protection only)
7 Smoke detector tripped (fire protection only)
8 Internal activity (test run, adaption, …)
9 Gear disengagement active
Service (high byte)

10 Bus watchdog triggered

11 –
12 –
13 –
14 –
15 –

The malfunction bits can be reset with Register 3 (command 4) or with the Belimo PC-Tool.
Malfunctions 0 and 4 cannot be reset.

Register 106: Min / Vmin setting Minimum limit (position or volumetric flow) in hundredths of one percent,
i.e. 0…10 000 correspond to 0…100%
Caution: Changing the setting may result in malfunctions.

Register 107: Max / Vmax setting Minimum limit (position or volumetric flow) in hundredths of one percent,
i.e. 2000…10 000 correspond to 20…100%
Caution: Changing the setting may result in malfunctions.

Register 108: Sensor type Sensor type connected to the actuator; in the absence of sensor specification, the switching
at the Y input will have the effect of a local compulsion.

Sensor type
0 None
1 Active sensor (mV)
2 Passive sensor 1 k (Ω)
3 Passive sensor 1 … 20 k (Ω)
4 Switching contact (0 / 1)

Register 109: Bus fail position Modbus communication is not monitored as standard. In the event of a breakdown in
communication, the actuator retains the current setpoint.
The bus monitoring controls the Modbus communication. If neither the setpoint (Register 1)
nor the override control (Register 2) is renewed within 120 seconds, the actuator controls to
the bus fail position (closed / open).
Triggered bus monitoring is indicated in Register 105.

Bus fail position

0 Last setpoint (no bus monitoring)
Note 1 Fast close if time is exceeded
After changing the sensor type, the 2 Fast open if time is exceeded
actuator must always be restarted in
order for correct sensor values to be
read out.
Air movement controllers | 85

Electrical installation
Connection diagram for cable layout Connection without sensor
T ~
– + Modbus (RS-485)
Connection via safety isolating

Modbus signal assignment:
1 2 3 5 6 7
C1 = D– = A
C2 = D+ = B T ~

– +
Power supply and communication
are not galvanically isolated.
Connection with passive sensor, e.g. Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC
T ~
Interconnect ground signal of the – + Modbus (RS-485)

Sensor Temperature Resistance Resolution

1 2 3 5 6 7 range range
Ni1000 –28 ... +98°C 850 ... 1600 � 1�
T ~ PT1000 –35 ... +155°C 850 ... 1600 � 1�

– + NTC –10 ... +160°C 200 ... 50 k� 1�

(depending on type)

Connection with switching contact, e.g. ∆p-monitor

T ~
– + Modbus (RS-485)

Requirements for switching contact:
The switching contact must be able to accurately
switch a current of 16 mA at 24 V.

1 2 3 5 6 7

T ~

– +

Connection with active sensor, e.g. 0 ... 10 V @ 0 ... 50°C

T ~
– + Modbus (RS-485)

Possible input voltage range:

0 ... 32 V (resolution 30 mV)

1 2 3 5 6 7

T ~

– +
86 | Air movement controllers

Tool connection
Setting and diagnostics Setting and the diagnostics of the connected VAV-Compact controller can be checked and set
quickly and easily with the Belimo PC-Tool or the Service-Tool ZTH-GEN.

On-board service connection The service connection integrated in the VAV-Compact allows the console used to be
connected quickly.

Belimo VAV operating and service devices

– Belimo PC-Tool, with level converter ZIP-USB-MP
– Service-Tool ZTH-GEN ZTH-GEN

ZTH-GEN ▲ ▼ – + OK
24 V



MP connection (5) The VAV-Compact can also communicate (connection wire 5) with the Service-Tools via
the MP connection. The connection can be established during operation on site, i.e. in the
connection socket, at the tool socket of the Belimo room temperature controller CR24 or on
the floor or control cabinet terminals.

~ T
RJ12 AC 24 V
_ +
DC 24 V
PC-Tool MP


▲ ▼ – + OK

1 2 5
~ T
..-D3-MP _ + 24 V


Y 3
U 5
Air movement controllers | 87

Operating controls and indicators

1 Push-button and LED display green

Off: No power supply or fault
Illuminated: In operation
Flashing: Address mode: pulses according to set address (1 ... 16) when starting: reset to
1 factory setting (communication)
Press button: in standard mode: switches on angle of rotation adaptation
in address mode: confirmation of set address (1 ... 16)
2 Push-button and LED display yellow
Off: The actuator is ready
Illuminated: Adaption or synchronising process active
or actuator in address mode (green LED indicator flashing)
Flickering: Modbus communication active
Press button: in operation (>3 s): switch address mode on and off
in address mode: address setting by pressing several times
when starting (>5 s): reset to factory setting (communication)
3 Gear disengagement button
Press button: Gear disengaged, motor stops, manual override possible
Release button: Gear engaged, synchronisation starts, followed by standard operation
4 Service plug
For connecting parameterising and service tools
88 | Air distribution products

AJD NEW Jet Nozzle Diffuser

The AJD nozzles provide long throws with a low noise level,
releasing a long air jet with exceptional precision to a length up
to 100 feet.

They can be used for spot cooling and are especially appropriate
for large rooms requiring a decorative look, for instance, large
vestibules, entertainment areas, airport halls, department stores,
hotels, etc. The configuration allows the nozzle to swivel in all
directions up to a maximum of ± 30° in the horizontal or vertical

The AJD jet nozzle diffuser and the decorative ring are
manufactured from aluminium, with a standard powder paint
finish in white RAL 9010. The connection part is manufactured
from galvanized steel sheet. The AJD nozzle has an extraordinary
• Adjustable nozzle good aesthetic design and can be painted by special order to fit
any decorative need.
• Jet throw up to 100 ft
• For heating and cooling AVAILABLE SIZES
• Powder coated RAL 9010 Models are available with duct connection sizes 100, 125, 160,
200, 250, 315 and 400 mm.

AJD - Size

Nominal size (mm)

Jet nozzle diffuser AJD, 400 mm duct connection.
Air distribution products | 89

AJD Jet Nozzle Diffuser


ØD1 ØD2 ØD3 H1 H2 Weight, lbs

AJD 100 3 7/8 5 7/16 1 9/16 4 1/8 1 1/4 2

AJD 125 4 7/8 6 11/16 2 3/16 4 11/16 1 1/4 2

AJD 160 6 3/16 8 1/16 3 1/8 5 3/8 1 1/4 3

AJD 200 7 13/16 10 9/16 4 5/16 5 13/16 1 1/4 3

Ø D3

Ø D2
Ø D1

AJD 250 9 3/4 12 13/16 5 3/8 6 5/8 1 5/16 4

AJD 315 12 5/16 16 1/8 6 7/8 7 3/16 1 5/16 5

AJD 400 15 5/8 20 1/16 8 5/8 7 13/16 1 5/16 8

Dimensional information is in inches

H1 H2


Air flow range, cfm and throw I0,2 ft ∆Pt - Pressure drop, in.wg

AJD 100 108 0.23 0.42 0.62

AJD 125 78 131 0.27 0.46 0.69

AJD 160 82 154 0.18 0.28 0.57

AJD 200 121 157 184 0.23 0.38 0.59

AJD 250 121 194 246 0.15 0.35 0.53

AJD 315 138 167 256 0.15 0.21 0.46

AJD 400 200 253 312 0.14 0.22 0.34

cfm 74 121 180 238 297 371 459 680 871 1062 20-25 30 35-40

dB (A)

To find out more about AJD jet nozzles, visit our online catalog at and find a perfect match for your application.
90 | Air distribution products

BURE NEW Circular ceiling high capacity diffuser with
dual adjustable vents for high installations
The BURE is suited for comfort high capacity ventilation of big
halls and industrial buildings. Suitable for heating and cooling.
Installation height is between 13 and 40 ft. The air stream
pattern (horizontal or vertical) can be adjusted manually.

The BURE consists of an inlet spigot and an inner and outer cage
with openings for supply air in the peripheral surface and the
underside. Depending on the operation method, the openings
in the peripheral surface (cooling, horizontal air stream) or the
underside (heating, vertical air stream) are opened. The control
mechanism adjusts the flow pattern in any selected position
on the adjustment scale (at the connection side of the product)
between position 1 (fully horizontal) and 5 (fully vertical).

The BURE is made of powder coated steel (RAL 9010) and is
available in the duct connection sizes 250, 400 and 500 mm. At
• Suitable for heating and cooling underside the double segment blinds allow the free area of more
• Adjustable air pattern than 50%.
• Tight rubber gasket duct connection
• Powder coated RAL 9010 The BURE is mounted directly in a spiral duct by a tight rubber
gasket connection.

Vertical flow pattern AVAILABLE SIZES

Models are available with duct connection sizes 250, 400 and
500 mm.

BURE - Size - Control - Color

Nominal size (mm)

10”, 16” or 20”
(250, 400 or 500 mm)

Type of control
HC (manual control)

Horizontal flow pattern Surface treatment

RAL9010 white, gloss 30%

BURE - 400 - HC - RAL9010
High capacity diffuser BURE, duct connection 400 mm,
with manual control. White color coating RAL9010, gloss 30%.

Note: If the ordering code does not contain surface treatment,

so RAL9010, gloss 30 % will be delivered as standard.
Air distribution products | 91

BURE Circular ceiling high capacity diffuser with

dual adjustable vents for high installations

A ØD H H1 Weight, lbs

BURE-250-HC 13 3/4 9 13/16 6 5/16 3 15/16 6

BURE-400-HC 19 11/16 15 3/4 8 1/16 5 11/16 13

BURE-500-HC 23 5/8 19 11/16 8 3/4 6 7/16 18

Dimensional information is in inches



To find out more about BURE high capacity diffusers, visit our
online catalog at and find a perfect match for your
92 | Air distribution products

BOR-R NEW Supply air diffuser with a circular
shape front plate
The BOR-R has been specifically developed for providing a
draught-free and low acoustic noise air supply to offices, hotel
and residential rooms etc. The flow pattern prevents the air
stream from falling into the occupied zone before it has reached
an acceptable temperature. Maximum temperature difference ΔT

BOR-R is also suitable for VAV systems, as the distribution

pattern is maintained across the entire flow area. The product
is equipped for air flow adjustment and commissioning

The BOR-R is manufactured from galvanized steel with a convex,
circular shaped front plate with perforation. The front plate is
finished in the standard white powder coating (RAL 9010, Gloss
• Draught-free and low acoustic supply air
• Suitable for VAV systems The diffuser is equipped with an adjustable blind that changes
the effective air flow aperture and fine tunes the air flow
• Effective airflow aperture
volume. The mechanism is movable from outside by a miniature
• Powder coated RAL 9010, 30% gloss knob sliding in groove on the sidewall of the product. The
movement has 9 fixed positions along the path defined by the
notches in the groove. For adjustment only these positions
provide desired noise parameters. The intermediate positions
shall be avoided. The tables 1 and 2 show the k-factors of
the product in each of these 9 fixed positions. Using the
corresponding K-factor for the chosen adjustment along with
1 the ΔP measured on the measurement pin (sidewall) of the
product provides data for an easy actual flow calculation at
commissioning. After commissioning the measurement pin
shall be closed. For aesthetic reasons it can be replaced by the
smooth plug which is packed in the product box.

Models are available with duct connection sizes 100 and
125 mm.
BOR-R - Size - Color

Nominal size (mm)

4” or 5” (100 or 125 mm)
1. ΔP measurement pin
2. Adjustment knob parked in position 1. Surface treatment
To move the knob pull it radially out of the body and RAL9010 white, gloss 30%

slide pulled into other position, then release to park it.

3. Adjustment position 9 Example
BOR-R - 125 - RAL9010
Supply air diffeser BOR-R, duct connection 125 mm, white
color coating RAL9010, gloss 30%.
Air distribution products | 93

BOR-R Supply air diffuser with a circular

shape front plate


A B C ØD Weight, lbs

BOR-R-100 8 1/8 3 1/8 1 9/16 4 1

BOR-R-125 8 1/8 3 1/8 1 9/16 5 1

Dimensional information is in inches

To find out more about BOR-R diffusers, visit our online catalog at and find a perfect match for your application.
94 | Air distribution products

BOR-R Supply air diffuser with a circular

shape front plate

BOR-R-100 qV Sound power levels LW (dB)

Position cfm 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz

21 11 8 8 8 8 7 7 9

25 20 14 14 14 12 10 12 16
30 27 18 19 18 16 13 15 21

34 33 22 22 21 18 15 18 26

21 10 8 9 8 8 7 7 9

25 19 15 15 14 13 11 12 16
30 26 20 20 19 17 14 15 21

34 32 25 24 23 20 16 18 26

21 15 11 11 11 10 9 10 13

25 25 17 17 17 15 12 14 20
30 32 22 22 21 18 15 17 25

34 38 26 26 24 21 17 20 30

21 23 16 16 16 14 12 13 18

25 32 22 22 21 18 15 17 25
30 39 26 27 25 21 17 21 30

34 45 30 30 28 24 20 23 35

Tab. 1: Linear (non-weighted) sound power levels LW at octave-band frequencies (dB)

NOTE: The position 9 is the most left adjustment position seen from the front side of the diffuser. Smallest free area.
The position 1 is the most right adjustment position seen from the front side of the diffuser. Largest free area.

Octave band 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz

Correction values for A-weighted filter (dB) -26.2 -16.1 -8.6 -3.2 0.0 1.2 1.0 -1.1

Tab. 2: Correction table for calculation of A-weighted filter octave band sound values from non-weighted values

NOTE: Adding the correction value to unweighted values for certain frequency band results in A-weighted sound power level.
Air distribution products | 95

BOR-R Supply air diffuser with a circular

shape front plate

BOR-R-125 qV Sound power levels LW (dB)

Position cfm 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz

25 14 11 11 12 11 10 9 10

30 19 15 15 15 14 13 11 13

1 34 23 17 18 18 16 15 12 15

38 27 20 20 21 19 17 14 17

42 30 22 23 23 21 19 15 19

25 15 12 12 12 11 11 9 10

30 20 15 16 16 15 14 11 13

3 34 25 19 19 19 17 16 13 16

38 29 21 22 22 20 18 15 18

42 32 24 24 25 22 20 16 20

25 17 13 14 14 13 12 10 12

30 24 18 18 18 17 15 13 15

6 34 29 21 22 22 20 19 15 18

38 34 25 25 26 23 21 17 21

42 38 28 28 28 26 24 18 23

25 20 15 16 16 14 13 11 13

30 28 20 21 21 19 18 14 17

9 34 34 25 25 26 23 21 17 21

38 39 29 29 30 27 25 19 24

42 44 32 33 33 30 27 21 27

Tab. 3: Linear (non-weighted) sound power levels LW at octave-band frequencies (dB)

NOTES: The position 9 is the most left adjustment position seen from the front side of the diffuser. Smallest free area.
The position 1 is the most right adjustment position seen from the front side of the diffuser. Largest free area.
96 | Air distribution products

BOR-R Supply air diffuser with a circular

shape front plate
The diffuser is installed directly at the end of the spiral duct The installation position is defined by the horizontal orientation
sliding in the connection spigot with gasket. The unit can be of the adjustment mechanism bridge. The upside orientation
fixed on the wall by screws through holes in the bottom of adjustment knob is recommended - so it is better hidden behind
the body. For this, the diffuser front plate must be removed by the diffuser plate if installed in higher position of the wall in the
pulling it away from the diffuser body. room. 1

After diffuser body installation the plate can be attached by

fitting the two fixing pins into the fixing springs in the plate and
pushing the plate towards the body they touch and remain
fixed together.

Parts of the product:

1. Adjustment knob (upside orientation recommended)
2. Adjustment mechanism bridge (horizontal
orientation obligatory)
3. Front plate fixing pin on the bridge.
4. Fixing springs in the front plate.
Air distribution products | 97
BOR-S NEW Supply air diffuser with a square
shape front plate
The BOR-S has been specially developed for providing a draught-
free and low acoustic noise air supply to offices, hotel and
residential rooms etc. The flow pattern prevents the air stream
from falling into the occupied zone before it has reached an
acceptable temperature. Maximum temperature difference ΔT
10K is permissible.

BOR-S is also suitable for VAV systems, as the distribution

pattern is maintained across the entire flow area. The product
is equipped for air flow adjustment and commissioning

The BOR-S is manufactured from galvanized steel with a convex,
square shaped front plate with perforation. The front plate is
finished in the standard white powder coating (RAL 9010, Gloss
• Draught-free and low acoustic supply air
• Suitable for VAV systems The diffuser is equipped with an adjustable blind that changes
the effective air flow aperture and fine tunes the air flow
• Effective airflow aperture
volume. The mechanism is movable from outside by a miniature
• Powder coated RAL 9010, 30% gloss knob sliding in groove on the sidewall of the product. The
movement has 8 fixed positions along the path defined by the
notches in the groove. For adjustment only these positions
provide desired noise parameters. The intermediate positions
shall be avoided. The tables 1 and 2 show the k-factors of
the product in each of these 8 fixed positions. Using the
corresponding K-factor for the chosen adjustment along with
the ΔP measured on the measurement pin (sidewall) of the
1 product provides data for an easy actual flow calculation at
commissioning. After commissioning the measurement pin
c shall be closed. For aesthetic reasons it can be replaced by the
smooth plug which is packed in the product box.
Models are available with duct connection sizes 100 and
125 mm.

3 BOR-S - Size - Color

Nominal size (mm)

4” or 5” (100 or 125 mm)
1. ΔP measurement pin
2. Adjustment knob parked in position 1. Surface treatment
To move the knob pull it radially out of the body and RAL9010 white, gloss 30%

slide pulled into other position, then release to park it.

3. Adjustment position 9 Example
BOR-S - 100 - RAL9010
Supply air diffeser BOR-S, duct connection 100 mm, white
color coating RAL9010, gloss 30%.
98 | Air distribution products

BOR-S Supply air diffuser with a square shape front plate



A1 A2 B C ØD Weight, lbs

BOR-S-100 8 1/16 8 1/8 2 15/16 1 7/16 4 1

BOR-S-125 8 1/16 8 1/8 2 15/16 1 7/16 5 1

Dimensional information is in inches

To find out more about BOR-S diffusers, visit our online catalog at and find a perfect match for your application.
Air distribution products | 99

BOR-S Supply air diffuser with a square shape front plate

BOR-S-100 qV sound power levels LW (dB)

Position cfm 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz

17 31 18 9 8 8 9 14 20

21 37 23 15 14 13 14 16 22

1 25 43 27 20 18 17 19 18 23

30 47 30 23 22 20 21 18 23

34 50 33 26 24 22 24 18 22

17 34 21 10 7 8 8 14 20

21 41 24 16 14 14 14 17 22

3 25 46 26 21 20 19 20 18 23

30 50 28 25 25 23 23 19 23

34 53 29 29 28 25 26 19 23

17 35 21 12 15 15 14 15 21

21 36 22 16 19 20 20 19 22

6 25 37 23 19 22 24 24 22 23

30 37 24 22 25 27 28 25 23

34 38 24 24 27 30 31 27 24

17 39 21 13 14 16 16 15 21

21 40 23 18 19 21 22 20 23

8 25 41 24 21 23 25 26 23 25

30 42 26 24 25 28 30 26 26

34 43 27 26 28 30 33 28 27

Tab. 4: Linear (non-weighted) sound power levels LW at octave-band frequencies (dB)

NOTE: The position 9 is the most left adjustment position seen from the front side of the diffuser. Smallest free area.
The position 1 is the most right adjustment position seen from the front side of the diffuser. Largest free area.

Octave band 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz

Correction values for A-weighted filter (dB) -26.2 -16.1 -8.6 -3.2 0.0 1.2 1.0 -1.1

Tab. 5: Correction table for calculation of A-weighted filter octave band sound values from non-weighted values

NOTE: Adding the correction value to unweighted values for certain frequency band results in A-weighted sound power level.
100 | Air distribution products

BOR-S Supply air diffuser with a square shape front plate

BOR-S-125 qV sound power levels LW (dB)

Position cfm 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz

25 36 19 8 7 8 9 14 20

30 42 22 12 12 11 12 16 22

1 34 47 24 16 15 14 13 16 22

38 51 26 20 18 15 14 16 22

42 53 27 22 20 16 15 16 21

25 34 18 10 8 8 8 13 20

30 39 22 16 14 13 14 16 22

3 34 43 25 20 19 17 17 17 22

38 47 28 25 24 21 22 19 23

42 50 30 28 28 24 24 19 22

25 31 19 15 14 13 12 14 20

30 35 21 19 19 19 19 18 22

6 34 38 23 22 23 23 25 21 22

38 40 25 25 26 26 29 23 22

42 42 26 27 28 28 32 24 22

25 31 20 16 15 15 16 15 20

30 32 23 21 21 20 22 20 22

8 34 33 25 24 25 24 26 23 23

38 34 27 27 28 27 30 26 24

42 35 28 30 31 30 33 29 24

Tab. 6: Linear (non-weighted) sound power levels LW at octave-band frequencies (dB)

NOTES: The position 8 is the adjustment position farthest from the middle of the diffuser body. Smallest free area.
The position 1 is the adjustment position nearest to the middle of the diffuser body. Largest free area.
Air distribution products | 101

BOR-S Supply air diffuser with a square shape front plate

The diffuser is installed directly at the end of the spiral duct PRESS DOWN (5 mm)
sliding in the connection spigot with gasket. The unit can be Diffuser body
fixed on the wall by screws through holes in the edges of the Edge with 2 rivets
body. For this the diffuser front plate must be removed by RELEASE PRESSED
pressing the upper edge of the plate down approx. 1/4“ and
pulling the upper part of the plate away from the diffuser body ATTACH PRESSED
(see Fig. 7). Attaching the diffuser plate back to the body: There Railing with 2 notches
are two railings on the plate inside, one with a notch, another Connection
one with two notches. These define the orientation of the plate
on the body, where one respectively two rivets are fixed. at the
contact site for the plate railings. The notches fit to the rivets,
so the orientation of the plate is correct. Put the railing at the
lower end on the body edge, press the upper edge of the plate
down by approx. 1/4“ attaching the upper side of the plate to
the body (see Fig. 7).
Railing with 1 notch
Dismounting of the unit: Turn the unit and pull straight out.
Edge with 1 rivet
Diffuser plate

Fig. 7: Mounting and dismounting of BOR

102 | Air distribution products
CAP-G NEW Square multi nozzle ceiling diffuser

CAP-G is a ceiling diffuser with directionally adjustable nozzles.
This enables functionality in a vast range of operation modes like
horizontal, vertical, diagonal, single- or multi-directional and swirl
for both cooling and heating. Typical installation sites are offices,
hospitals, public and business buildings etc. The installation
height is up to 13 ft. It is possible to remove the diffuser face
to access the duct system and for easy cleaning and service.
Pull the front plate one step out from the main body to create
an air gap around the diffuser increasing the flow capacity. Max
temperature difference for cooled air ΔT=12 K.

The diffuser is made of powder paint coated galvanized steel
sheet. The nozzles are made of ABS Plastics. The diffuser plate is
adjustably attached to the base with circular tight connection.

• Adjustable nozzles for horizonal, vertical,
The diffuser is spefically designed for flush mounting in false
diagonal, single, multi-directional and ceiling. By opening a square hole in the ceiling slab the diffuser
swirl air distribution back box can be completely recessed into the opening onto the
metal flange. The flange, which is part of the back box, is used
• Powder coated RAL 9010, 30% gloss to cover the edges of the opening. The diffuser is fastened to the
duct from the inside of the spigot by screws or pop rivets. The
front plate with the nozzles is easily detached from the back box
by gently inserting a screwdriver in openings on the side after
which the two parts are bent apart. In the same fashion a small
extra air gap can be created around the diffuser.

Models are available with duct connection sizes 125, 160, 200,
250 and 315 mm.

CAP-G - Size - Nr or nozzles

Nominal size (mm)

Number of nozzles
Prefixed: 16, 25 and 49

CAP-G - 125 - 16
Supply multi nozzle air diffuser CAP-G, duct connection 125
mm, 16 nozzles.
Air distribution products | 103

CAP-G Square multi nozzle ceiling diffuser



A B C ØD E Weight, lbs

CAP-G-125-16 12 13/16 13 15/16 5/16 4 7/8 5/16 5

CAP-G-160-16 12 13/16 13 15/16 5/16 6 1/4 5/16 5

CAP-G-200-26 18 5/8 17 15/16 5/16 7 13/16 5/16 8

CAP-G-250-49 22 1/16 23 7/16 5/16 9 13/16 5/16 11

CAP-G-315-49 22 1/16 23 7/16 5/16 12 3/8 5/16 11

Dimensional information is in inches

To find out more about CAP-G nozzle diffusers, visit our online
catalog at and find a perfect match for your
104 | Air distribution products
CAP-C NEW Circular nozzle ceiling diffuser complete with
side entry plenum box for visible installation
The CAP-C ceiling diffuser is suitable for visible connection and
can be connected directly to the duct using the connection
sleeve fitted with a rubber seal tested for air tightness. It is
equipped with directionally adjustable nozzles. This enables
functionality in a vast range of operation modes like horizontal,
vertical, diagonal, single- or multi-directional and swirl for both,
cooling and heating. The side gap is adjustable between 0 and
25/32" to enable increased air supply. The CAP-C consists of
a front plate with nozzles and a sound insulated plenum box
and damper. Installation height is up to 13 ft. Max. temperature
difference is ΔT 12 K.

The diffuser is made of powder paint coated galvanized steel
sheet. The nozzles are made of ABS Plastics. The diffuser plate is
adjustably attached to the base with circular tight horizontal
connection with flow adjustment damper.
• Adjustable nozzles for horizonal, vertical,
diagonal, single, multi-directional and MOUNTING
The diffuser is fixed securely by screwing it up into the ceiling
swirl air distribution
from the inside of the unit. The front plate can be removed by
• Powder coated RAL 9010, 30% gloss pulling it straight out. The sound absorbing material is cut out of
the diffuser’s center to make room for the screws.

Models are available with duct connection sizes 100, 125, 200
and 250 mm.

CAP-C - Size

Nominal size (mm)

CAP-C - 125
Supply multi nozzle air diffuser with entry plenum box CAP-C,
duct connection 125 mm.
Air distribution products | 105

CAP-C Circular nozzle ceiling diffuser complete with

side entry plenum box for visible installation



A B C ØD E Weight, lbs

CAP-C-100 12 3/8 6 11/16 1 3/8 3 7/8 0 .. 3/4 6

CAP-C-125 15 15/16 7 7/8 1 7/16 4 7/8 0 .. 3/4 9

CAP-C-200 23 9/16 11 3/16 1 11/16 7 7/8 0 .. 3/4 18

CAP-C-250 23 9/16 13 1 9/16 9 13/16 0 .. 3/4 22

Dimensional information is in inches


Gap height, inch Airflow, cfm

0 29
3/4 35

0 42
3/4 62

0 99
3/4 148

0 100
3/4 203

Tab. 2: Quick selection for CAP-C diffuser

To find out more about CAP-C nozzle diffusers, visit our online
catalog at and find a perfect match for your
106 | Air distribution products
CAP-F NEW Square multi nozzle ceiling diffuser

CAP-F is a ceiling diffuser with directionally adjustable nozzles.
This enables functionality in a vast range of operation modes like
horizontal, vertical, diagonal, single- or multi-directional and swirl
for both, cooling and heating.

Typical installation application are offices, hospitals, public and

business buildings etc. Exterior dimension 23 5/8" x 23 5/8"
(600 mm × 600 mm). The installation height is up to 13 ft It is
possible to remove the diffuser face to access the duct system
and for easy cleaning and service. Pull the front plate one step
out from the main body to create an air gap around the diffuser
increasing the flow capacity. Max temperature difference for
cooled air ΔT=12 K.

The diffuser is made of powder paint coated galvanized steel
sheet. The nozzles are made of ABS Plastics. The diffuser plate is
• Adjustable nozzles for horizonal, vertical, adjustably attached to the base with circular tight connection.
diagonal, single, multi-directional and
swirl air distribution MOUNTING
The diffuser is specially designed for flush mounting in false
• Powder coated RAL 9010, 30% gloss ceiling and directly suspended in the T-bar framework carrying
structure, and then fixed with the help of the connecting duct.

Models are available with duct connection sizes 125, 160, 200,
250 and 315 mm.

CAP-F - Size - Dim. - Nr or nozzles

Nominal size (mm)

Front panel dimensions (mm)

Number of nozzles
Pre-fixed: 16, 25, 36, 49 or 81

CAP-F - 100 - 600 - 16
Supply multi nozzle air diffuser CAP-F, duct connection 100
mm, 600 mm x 600 mm front plate, 16 nozzles.
Air distribution products | 107

CAP-F Square multi nozzle ceiling diffuser



A B C Weight, lbs

CAP-F-125-600-16 23 7/16 4 7/8 1 9/16 11

CAP-F-160-600-25 23 7/16 6 1/4 1 9/16 11

CAP-F-200-600-36 23 7/16 7 13/16 1 9/16 11

CAP-F-250-600-49 23 7/16 9 13/16 1 9/16 11

CAP-F-315-600-81 23 7/16 12 3/8 1 9/16 11

Dimensional information is in inches

To find out more about CAP-F nozzle diffusers, visit our online
catalog at and find a perfect match for your
108 | Air distribution products
Sinus DC/DR NEW Circular / Rectangular duct nozzle
supply diffuser
Sinus-DC/DR is a nozzle diffuser for duct mounting. A Sinus-DC
(for circular duct) and DR (for rectangular duct) diffuser consists
of a frontplate with several nozzles and a check rail. The design
of the nozzles enables the diffuser to achieve very high induction
of room air.

The Sinus-DC/DR can be used for both cooled and heated air.
Max. temperature difference is ΔT=10K. The nozzles can be
individually set at any angle within 360°. This means that an
unlimited number of distribution patterns can be set without
affecting noise levels, air volume or pressure drop. The nozzles
rounded edges prevent dust from settling and facilitate easy

Sinus-DC/DR nozzle diffuser consists of a supply-air element
(the front plate) and a check rail manufactured from galvanized
• Adjustable nozzles for horizonal, vertical, sheet steel. The entire unit has a white powdercoated finish
diagonal, single, multi-directional and (RAL 9010-30). Around the edges of the front plate there is a
seal tested for air-tightness made from polyten. The nozzles
swirl air distribution
are made from recyclable ABS with a diameter of 2", and are
• Powder coated RAL 9010, 30% gloss finished in standard white which matches RAL 9010, 30% gloss.

The diffuser is fixed securely by screwing it up into the ceiling
Make a hole in the duct according to the dimension table. The
diffuser is fitted in the hole and fixed securely by screwing it to
the duct.

Models are available to fit duct sizes between 100 and 630 mm.

Sinus DC - Size

Nominal size (mm)

Sinus DC-1504
Circular duct mounted Sinus C diffuser, 1500 mm long, 4 rows of
Air distribution products | 109

Sinus DC/DR Circular / Rectangular duct nozzle

supply diffuser

Sinus-DC Sinus-DR


A C D E Fits, duct A B C D E Fits, duct

Sinus DC-1001 41 2 3/4 38 2 3/4 4-10 Sinus DR-1001 41 4 5/16 2 3/8 38 2 3/4 4-10

Sinus DC-1501 60 11/16 2 3/4 57 11/16 2 3/4 4-10 Sinus DR-1501 60 11/16 4 5/16 2 3/8 57 11/16 2 3/4 4-10

Sinus DC-1002 41 5 38 5 5/16 6-12 Sinus DR-1002 41 7 1/16 3 9/16 38 5 1/2 6-12

Sinus DC-1502 60 11/16 5 57 11/16 5 5/16 6-12 Sinus DR-1502 60 11/16 7 1/16 3 9/16 57 11/16 5 1/2 6-12

Sinus DC-1003 41 7 5/16 38 7 7/8 12-25 Sinus DR-1003 41 9 7/8 4 15/16 38 8 1/4 12-25

Sinus DC-1503 60 11/16 7 5/16 57 11/16 7 7/8 12-25 Sinus DR-1503 60 11/16 9 7/8 4 15/16 57 11/16 8 1/4 12-25

Sinus DC-1004 41 7 7/8 38 9 7/8 12-25 Sinus DR-1004 41 12 5/8 4 15/16 38 11 1/16 12-25

Sinus DC-1504 60 11/16 7 7/8 57 11/16 9 7/8 12-25 Sinus DR-1504 60 11/16 12 5/8 4 15/16 57 11/16 11 1/16 12-25

Dimensional information is in inches


Sound attenuation, ΔL (dB)

Mid-frequency band, Hz

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

Sinus DC/DR 1001 11 6 6 5 6 5 4 5

Sinus DC/DR 1002 11 6 5 5 6 5 4 5

Sinus DC/DR 1003 10 7 5 4 4 4 4 5

Sinus DC/DR 1004 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 6

Sinus DC/DR 1501 10 5 4 4 5 4 3 4

Sinus DC/DR 1502 10 5 3 4 5 4 3 4

Sinus DC/DR 1503 6 2 4 3 4 3 3 4

Sinus DC/DR 1504 6 5 4 3 3 2 3 5

110 | Air distribution products

Sinus DC/DR Circular / Rectangular duct nozzle

supply diffuser

Air flow range, cfm and throw, ft @ 40 fpm ∆Pt - Pressure drop, in.wg.

Sinus DC-1001 6 10 15 0.03 0.06 0.10

Sinus DC-1501 13 20 29 0.01 0.07 0.14

Sinus DC-1002 20 36 43 0.01 0.10 0.14

Sinus DC-1502 23 36 46 0.02 0.08 0.13

Sinus DC-1003 10 13 20 0.01 0.04 0.09

Sinus DC-1503 15 23 33 0.02 0.07 0.10

Sinus DC-1004 20 33 43 0.02 0.07 0.11

Sinus DC-1504 26 36 49 0.03 0.06 0.12

cfm 35 53 71 106 124 182 235 294 383 544 20-25 30 35-40

dB (A)


Air flow range, cfm and throw, ft @ 40 fpm ∆Pt - Pressure drop, in.wg.

Sinus DR-1001 6 10 15 0.03 0.06 0.10

Sinus DR-1501 13 20 29 0.01 0.07 0.14

Sinus DR-1002 20 36 43 0.01 0.10 0.14

Sinus DR-1502 23 36 46 0.02 0.08 0.13

Sinus DR-1003 10 13 20 0.01 0.04 0.09

Sinus DR-1503 15 23 33 0.02 0.07 0.10

Sinus DR-1004 20 33 43 0.02 0.07 0.11

Sinus DR-1504 26 36 49 0.03 0.06 0.12

cfm 35 53 71 106 124 182 235 294 383 544 20-25 30 35-40

dB (A)

To find out more about Sinus DC/DR nozzle diffusers, visit our
online catalog at and find a perfect match for your
Air distribution products | 111
SFD NEW Swirl floor diffuser

SFD is a circular swirl supply air floor diffuser suitable for false
floor installations. The diffuser may be used in rooms with a
variable or constant air volume.

Diffuser slots are designed to ensure a swirl air supply with
high levels of induction, achieving reduced air velocities and
a moderate temperature gradient in the occupied zone. The
diffuser is manufactured from aluminum.

6" (150 mm) and 8" (200 mm)

• For false floor installations

• Aluminum housing
• Duct size connection 6" and 8"


Airflow range, cfm and throw, ft @ 40 fpm ∆Pt - Pressure drop, in.wg (Pa)

SFD 150 2 4 5 7 1/2 0.04 0.06 0.12

SFD 200 2 2 1/2 4 6 5 6 0.03 0.04 0.09

cfm 18 29 41 59 77 88 100 20-25 30 35-40

dB (A)


øA øB C Weight, lbs

SFD 150 7 1/2 5 7/8 8 7/8 1

SFD 200 9 1/2 7 7/8 10 7/8 2

Dimensions are in inches.

112 | Accessories


Duct silencers

Silencers effectively reduce unwanted

fan airflow and mechanical noise when
installed in HVAC ductwork

p. 114
Accessories | 113

Multiple quality checks

Quality is very important to us and it’s what sets us apart from

everyone else. That’s why we do multiple quality checks during
our production process to ensure that every product is up to
our standards.

Mounting clamps Pressure controllers

Mounting clamps facilitate the installation The sensor reads the static pressure and
and removal of fans for service and regulates the fans RPMs to maintain a
cleaning. preset desired static pressure.

p. 114 p. 119
114 | Accessories

Silencer for a circular duct

dB(A) Frequency bands [Hz]

63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8k

LDC 100-600 4 3 11 24 36 49 34 17

LDC 125-600 3 3 9 23 30 40 22 14

LDC 150-600 - 3 7 20 27 31 16 11

LDC 200-600 2 3 7 16 21 23 9 8

• Insulation thickness 2 inches LDC 250-900 3 4 8 20 26 23 10 8

• Fits a standard spiral duct LDC 315-900 1 3 7 16 22 12 6 7

LDC 355-900 - 3 6 13 18 10 6 7

LDC 400-900 1 3 5 10 13 7 5 6

LDC 500-900 4 8 13 18 24 28 17 16
Easily-fitted silencer for circular ducts, fitted with a connection,
which is compatible with a standard spiral duct. The LDC
effectively reduces noise in the duct. Two silencers can be used TECHNICAL DATA
together in installations where noise reduction is critical.
Model Dia., I, Shipping
inch inch weight, lbs

l LDC 100-600 4 23 5/8 13

LDC 125-600 5 23 5/8 16

LDC 150-600 6 23 5/8 17


LDC 200-600 8 23 5/8 20

LDC 250-900 10 35 1/2 26

LDC 315-900 12 (315) 35 1/2 35

LDC 355-900 14 35 1/2 44

LDC 400-900 16 35 1/2 56

LDC 500-900 20 35 1/2 66

Mounting clamp for a circular duct TECHNICAL DATA

Model Diameter, Width, Shipping

inch inch weight, lbs

FK 100 4 2 3/8 1

FK 125 5 2 3/8 1

FK 150 6 2 3/8 1

FK 160 8 2 3/8 1

Mounting clamps facilitate easy installation and removal of fans FK 200 10 2 3/8 1
for service and cleaning. Made from galvanized sheet metal and FK 300 12 2 3/8 1
fitted with an 1/3” neoprene lining which suppresses vibration
and ensures a tight fit. The mounting clips are clamped together FK 315 315 mm 2 3/8 1

by two screws, which allow for connecting ducts with a marginal FK 355 14 2 3/8 2
difference in diameter.
FK 400 16 2 3/8 2

FK 450 18 2 3/8 2

FK 500 20 2 3/8 2
Accessories | 115

Silencer for a square duct


dB(A) Frequency bands [Hz]

125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 8k

LDK 45 5 8 13 12 8 7 7 17

LDK 50 7 8 13 12 9 8 7 14
• Insulation thickness 2 inches
LDK 55 9 9 13 12 10 9 8 11
• Fits a standard spiral duct
LDK 65 6 7 14 13 9 8 7 8

LDK 70 5 7 19 24 23 15 10 8

The LDK Series of square duct silencers is used to reduces noise The silencer should be used together with an insulated fan where
in ducts. Two silencers can be used together in installations there is a requirement for noise reduction both in the duct and in
where noise reduction is a particularly strong requirement. the surroundings as a whole.


Model A, inch b, inch B, inch C, inch D, inch E, inch F, inch G, inch Shipping
weight, lbs

LDK 45 47 1/4 17 11/16 19 5/16 2 3 15/16 - - 9 7/8 57

LDK 50 47 1/4 19 3/4 21 1/2 2 5 7/8 - - 9 7/8 67

LDK 55 47 1/4 21 5/8 23 11/16 2 7 7/8 - - 9 7/8 70

LDK 65 47 1/4 26 27 11/16 2 3 15/16 3 5/8 6 7/8 9 7/8 86

LDK 70 47 1/4 27 3/8 29 1/8 2 3 15/16 4 3/8 6 7/8 9 7/8 106

116 | Accessories
Silencer for a rectangular duct

• Effectively suppresses noise in the duct

• Supplied with a flange

Easily-fitted silencer immediately before or after the duct fans. is a requirement for noise suppression both in the duct and in
Effectively suppresses noise transmitted to the duct. The silencer the surroundings as a whole. All silencers are supplied with a
should be used in conjunction with an insulated fan where there universal flange.


dB(A) Frequency bands [Hz] Model A, inch B, inch H, inch Shipping

weight, lbs
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 8k

LDR 30-15 7 15 18 25 25 19 19 17 LDR 30-15 37 7/16 11 13/16 5 7/8 20

LDR 40-20 5 9 15 23 16 12 10 14 LDR 40-20 37 7/16 15 3/4 7 7/8 27

LDR 50-25 10 15 25 25 20 15 12 11 LDR 50-25 37 7/16 19 11/16 9 7/8 36

LDR 50-30 8 15 20 31 17 14 11 8 LDR 50-30 37 7/16 19 11/16 11 13/16 40

LDR 60-30 8 15 20 31 17 14 11 8 LDR 60-30 37 7/16 23 11/16 11 13/16 40

LDR 60-35 7 13 17 18 13 10 8 7 LDR 60-35 37 7/16 23 11/16 13 13/16 47

LDR 70-40 7 11 14 14 10 8 6 7 LDR 70-40 37 7/16 27 9/16 15 3/4 55

LDR 80-50 6 8 10 11 8 6 3 6 LDR 80-50 37 7/16 31 1/2 19 11/16 73

LDR 100-50 6 8 10 11 8 6 3 16 LDR 100-50 37 7/16 39 3/8 19 11/16 86

Accessories | 117

Silencer for a rectangular duct

LDR-B is fitted with built-in baffles and side baffles located
outside the fitting dimensions. LDR-B has an external shell of
trapezoidal corrugated sheet for stability and reduced risk of
• Effectively suppresses noise in the duct natural oscillation.

• Designed for low air resistance LDR-B is designed for low air resistance with baffle combinations
that dampen particularly low-frequency noise well. Insulation
material provides good noise reduction, low weight and to be
cleaned if needed.


dB(A) Frequency bands [Hz] Model A, inch B, inch C, inch D, inch l, inch Shipping
weight, lbs
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 8k

LDR-B 40-20 4 12 21 38 46 34 25 19 LDR-B 40-20 15 3/4 7 7/8 23 5/8 2 49 1/4 48

LDR-B 50-25 4 12 20 34 36 27 19 14 LDR-B 50-25 19 11/16 9 3/4 27 9/16 2 49 1/4 56

LDR-B 50-30 4 12 20 34 36 27 19 14 LDR-B 50-30 19 11/16 11 13/16 27 9/16 2 49 1/4 48

LDR-B 60-30 4 12 20 30 29 22 16 12 LDR-B 60-30 23 5/8 11 13/16 31 1/2 2 49 1/4 67

LDR-B 60-40 4 12 20 30 29 22 16 12 LDR-B 60-40 23 5/8 15 3/4 31 1/2 2 49 1/4 76

LDR-B 70-30 5 12 19 27 25 18 13 10 LDR-B 70-30 27 9/16 11 13/16 35 7/16 2 49 1/4 56

LDR-B 70-40 5 12 19 27 25 18 13 10 LDR-B 70-40 27 9/16 15 3/4 35 7/16 2 49 1/4 82

LDR-B 80-35 4 11 16 22 19 14 10 8 LDR-B 80-35 31 1/2 13 3/4 39 3/8 2 49 1/4 64

LDR-B 80-40 4 11 16 22 19 14 10 8 LDR-B 80-40 31 1/2 15 3/4 39 3/8 2 49 1/4 84

LDR-B 90-50 3 9 16 26 27 20 14 11 LDR-B 90-50 35 7/16 19 11/16 43 5/16 2 49 1/4 99

LDR-B 100-35 4 11 18 27 27 20 14 11 LDR-B 100-35 39 3/8 13 3/4 47 1/4 2 49 1/4 92

LDR-B 110-60 5 12 19 28 27 20 14 11 LDR-B 110-60 43 5/16 23 5/8 51 3/16 2 49 1/4 143

LDR-B 120-60 4 11 17 24 22 16 12 9 LDR-B 120-60 47 1/4 23 5/8 55 1/8 2 49 1/4 127


118 | Accessories

Flat roof curb


• Galvanized sheet metal
• Mounts directly to the roof deck B

Manufactured from heavy gauge galvanized steel. Corners are C

welded construction. The curb features fiberglass insulation that
deadens sound and minimizes heat loss. The curb is equipped
with shutter flange.


Model Used with fan Curb height, Shipping weight, Model A, B, C, Dia.,
model inch lbs inch inch inch inch

5ACC 10FS DVC 10 8 16 5ACC 10FS 19 11/16 11 11/16 8 1/16 25/64

5ACC 14FS DVC 14 8 20 5ACC 14FS 24 5/8 16 5/8 8 1/16 25/64

5ACC 18FS DVC 18 8 22 5ACC 18FS 29 15/16 21 15/16 8 1/16 25/64

5ACC 22FS DVC 22 8 29 5ACC 22FS 32 11/16 24 11/16 8 1/16 25/64

5ACC 30FS DVC 30 & 30H 8 48 5ACC 30FS 43 1/2 35 1/2 8 1/16 25/64

Roof mount damper

• Galvanized sheet metal
Model Used with curb Recommended Outside Shipping
• Aluminum blades model Roof Opening Flange weight, lbs

5ACC 10RD DVC 10 10 1/2”x10 1/2” 10” x 10” 3

5ACC 15RD DVC 12, DVC18 15 1/2”x15 1/2” 15” x 15” 4

Manufactured from 19-gauge galvanized steel frame 2” deep
with 1” flange. For quiet operation aluminum blades have felted 5ACC 18RD DVC 22 18 1/2”x18 1/2” 18” x 18” 6

edges. Pre-punched conduit hole knock-out. Used with DVC roof 5ACC 29RD DVC 30, DVC 30H 29 1/2”x29 1/2” 29” x 29” 11
Accessories | 119

MTP 10 DPC 200

Potentiometer for manual speed control Constant pressure control

Surface or recessed wall mounted This low pressure sensor with analog
controller for manual speed control of all input and PI controlling mode is used
EC-motor fan models. with ECM fans for constant pressure
applications. The sensor reads the static
pressure and regulates the fans RPMs to
Input is 10Vdc / Output is 0-10Vdc. maintain a preset desired static pressure.


Model Voltage, IP Class Shipping Model Measuring Output, Shipping
V dc weight, lb range, w.g. Vdc weight, lb

MTP 10 0 - 10 IP 54 1 DPC 200 0 - 2.0” PS 0 - 10 1

Motor disconnect switch (NEMA) 5-step switch (10V/0-10V) with
on/off function for surface mounting

Provides manual “On-Off” control of For direct control of EC fans or frequency

single or three phase AC motors where converters via a 0-10V control input (DC).
overload protection is not required or is Including LED for status indication and
provided separately. an additional potentiometer for offset
5ACC 01MS: 120/230/460V, 30A
5ACC 02MS: 208/230/460V, 30A


Model Output, Max ambient Shipping
Model Poles Max HP Shipping
Vdc temperature, OF weight, lb
weight, lbs
S-5EC/FRQ 0 - 10 158 1
5ACC 001MS 2 3 1

5ACC 002MS 3 10 1

Power rectifier 12VAC/3VDC Duct adapter 125/100

Power Inverter 12V AC / 3V DC for exhaust air elements with 4” to 5” adapter for BXC exhaust unit.
intensive ventilation (only in combination with an appropriate Shipping weight 0.1 lb.
transformer). Replaces 2x 1.5V batteries. Shipping weight 0.1 lb.
120 | Theory


The intention of this Theory Section is to explain the basic principles of acoustics and

The theory section concludes with a description of the parts which are integral to a
ventilation unit or an air-handling unit, i.e. fans, heaters, heat exchangers and filters.

Explanatory texts and further information are provided in the margin. Some diagrams and
formulas also feature in the margins, together with examples of their application.

Fans ................................................................................................................................... page 121

Acoustics ................................................................................................................................ page 127
Theory | 121


Fans are used in ventilating units to transport the air from various air intakes through the Blade profiles for radial fans
duct system to the room which is to be ventilated. Every fan must overcome the resistance The arrow indicated the impeller’s
created by having to force the air through ducts, bends and other ventilation equipment. direction of rotation
This resistance causes a fall in pressure, and the size of this fall is a decisive factor when
choosing the dimensions of each individual fan.
Fans can be divided into a number of main groups determined by the impeller’s shape and
its operating principle: radial fans, axial fans, semi-axial fans and cross-flow fans.

Radial fan
Radial fans are used when a high total pressure is required. The particular characteristics of
a radial fan are essentially determined by the shape of the impeller and blades.

Backward curved

Figure #1: The air stream through a radial fan with forward-curved blades
Backward-curved blades (B impeller): The air volume which can be delivered by backward-
curved blades varies considerably according to the pressure conditions. The blade form
makes it less suitable for contaminated air. This type of fan is most efficient in a narrow
range to the far left of the fan diagram. Up to 80% efficiency is achievable while keeping
the fan’s sound levels low.
Backward-angled straight blades (P impeller): Fans with this blade shape are well suited
for contaminated air. Up to 70% efficiency can be achieved.
Straight radial blades (R impeller): The blade shape prevents contaminants from sticking to
the impeller even more effectively than with the P impeller. No more than 55% efficiency
can be achieved with this type of fan.
Forward-curved blades (F impeller): The air volume delivered by radial fans with forward-
curved blades is affected very little by changes in air pressure. The impeller is smaller than
the B impeller, for example, and the fan unit consequently requires less space. Compared
with the B impeller, this type of fan’s optimal efficiency is further to the right on the Straight radial
diagram. This means that one can select a fan with smaller dimensions by choosing a radial
fan with an F impeller rather than a B impeller. An efficiency of approximately 60% can be

Axial fan
The simplest type of axial fan is a propeller fan. A freely-rotating axial fan of this type has a
very poor efficiency rating, so most axial fans are built into a cylindrical housing. Efficiency
can also be increased by fitting directional vanes immediately behind the impeller to direct
the air more accurately. The efficiency rating in a cylindrical housing can be 75% without
directional vanes and up to 85% with them.

Forward curved

Figure #2: The air flow through an axial fan

122 | Theory

Mixed flow fan

Radial impellers produce a static pressure increase because of the centrifugal force acting in
a radial direction. There is no equivalent pressure increase with axial impellers because the
air flow is normally axial. The mixed flow fan is a mixture between radial and axial fans. The
air flows in an axial direction but then is deflected 45° in the impeller. The radial velocity
factor which is gained by this deflection causes a certain increase in pressure by means of
the centrifugal force. Efficiency of up to 80% can be achieved.

Figure #3: The air flow through a mixed flow fan

Cross-flow fan
In a cross-flow fan the air flows straight across the impeller, and both the in and out flow
are in the periphery of the impeller. In spite of its small diameter, the impeller can supply
large volumes of air and is therefore suitable for building into small ventilation units, such as
air curtains for example. Efficiency of up to 65% can be achieved.

Figure #4: The air flow through a cross-flow fan

Theory | 123

Fan curves
The fan diagram indicates the fan’s capacity at different pressures. Each pressure corre-
sponds to a certain air flow, which is illustrated by a fan curve. Theoretical calculation of the system line
Pressure ΔP = k · q

P - the fan’s total pressure, in.wg

qv - air flow, cfm

k - constant

Working point
A certain fan produces an air flow of
3,000 cfm at a pressure of 1 in.wg.
A. How does one produce a system line in
Flow the diagram?
a) Mark the point on the fan curve (1)
Figure #5: Curves in a typical fan diagram where the pressure is 1 in.wg and the
air flow is 3,000 cfm.
System lines
Enter the same value in the formula
The duct system’s pressure requirement for various air flows is represented by the system above to obtain a value for the constant
line. The fan’s working point is indicated by the intersection between the system line and k.
the fan curve. This shows the air flow which the duct system will produce.
k = ΔP/qv2 = 1/3,0002 = 0.0000001
Each change of pressure in the ventilation system gives rise to a new system line. If the
pressure increases, the system line will be the same as line B. If the pressure reduces, the b) Select an arbitrary pressure reduction,
system line will be the same as line C instead. (This only applies if the rotational speed of for example 0,4 in.wg., calculate the air
the impeller, i.e. the revolution count, remains constant). flow and mark point (2) in the diagram.

Pressure q = 0.4/(0,00000011) = 1,907 cfm

c) Do the same thing for 1.4 in.wg. and


mark point (3) in the diagram.


q = 1.4/(0,00000011) = 3,550 cfm



d) Now draw a curve that indicates the


system line.


Flow 1.0

Figure #6: Changes in pressure give rise to new system lines 0.5

If the ventilation system’s actual pressure requirement is the same as system line B, the
working point will move from 1 to 2. This will also entail a weaker air flow. In the same way, 0
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 cfm

the air flow will increase if the system’s pressure requirement corresponds instead to line C.
124 | Theory


B. What will happen if the pressure in

the system increases by 0.4 in.wg.
(for example because of a clogged

Fa aste

cu r ro
a) Calculate the constant

rv t a
e ti
for the new system line:
k = 1.4/3,0002 = 0.00000015

(s n c
lo u

w rv

er e

b) Select two other pressure reductions, ro

C ta
for example 0.6 in.wg. and 1.0 in.wg., tio


and calculate the air flow for them. tem
q = 0.6/(0.00000015) = 1,964 cfm

q = 1/(0.00000015) = 2,540 cfm Figure #7: Increase or reduction of the fan speed

To obtain the same air flow as calculated, one can in the first case (where the system line
corresponds to B) quite simply increase the fan speed. The working point (4) will then be at
the intersection of system line B and the fan curve for a higher rotational speed. In the same
way, the fan speed can be reduced if the actual system line corresponds to line C.



500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 cfm

c) Plot in the two new points (2 and 3)

and draw in the new system line.

The new working point (4) is located at

the intersection between the fan curve
and the new system line.
This diagram also indicates that the
pressure increase causes a reduction of
the air flow to approximately 2,300 cfm.

Figure #8: Pressure differences at different rotational speeds

In both cases, there will be a certain difference in pressure from that of the system for
which the dimensioning has been calculated, and this is shown as DP1 and DP2 respectively
in the figure. This means that if the working point for the calculated system has been cho-
sen so as to give the maximum degree of efficiency, any such increase or decrease of the
fan’s rotational speed will reduce the fan’s efficiency.
Theory | 125

Efficiency and system lines

To facilitate the selection of a fan, one can plot in a number of considered system lines in a
fan diagram and then see between which lines a particular type of fan should operate. If the Definition of the system line
lines are numbered 0 to 10, the fan will be completely free-blowing (maximum air flow) at
line 10 and will be completely choked (no air flow at all) at line 0. This then means that the L = 10 · ΔP
fan at system line 4 produces 40% of its free-blowing air flow.
Pressure L - the fan’s system line
Pd - dynamic pressure, in.wg.
Pt - total pressure, in.wg.


Figure #9: System lines (0-10) in a fan diagram

Each fan’s efficiency remains constant along one and the same system line. Fans with
backward-curved blades frequently have a greater efficiency than fans with forward-curved
blades. But these higher levels of efficiency are only achievable within a limited area where
the system line represents a weaker air flow at a given pressure than is the case with fans
with forward-curved blades.

To achieve the same air flow as for a fan with forward-curved blades, while at the same
time maintaining a high level of efficiency, a fan with backward-curving blades in a larger
size would have to be selected.
Efficiency (η)

η max (backward-curved)

η max (forward-curved)

System line

Figure #10: Efficiency values for the same size of radial fan with backward-curved and
forward-curved blades respectively
126 | Theory

Fan application
It is assumed in the fan diagram that the fan’s connections to the inlet and outlet are
Efficiency of a fan designed in a specific way. There must be at least 1 x the duct diameter on the suction side
ΔPt · q (inlet) and 3 x the duct diameter on the pressure side (outlet).

Pt = total pressure, in.wg.
q = airflow, cfm
P = power, W

Specific Fan Power

The Specific fan power for an entire

Ptf + Pff (W/cfm)

Ptf - total power for air supply fans, W Figure #11: Correctly installed duct fan
Pff - total power for air extract fans, W
qf - dimensioned air flow, cfm
If the connections are different from this, there could be a greater pressure reduction. This
extra pressure drop is called the system effect or system dissipation, and can cause the fan
Theoretical calculations of a fan’s power to produce a smaller volume of air than indicated in the fan diagram. The following factors
must be considered in order to avoid system dissipation:
p ·q
P = η · ηt · η
fan belt motor At the inlet
• The distance to the nearest wall must be more than 0.75 x the inlet’s diameter
where • The inlet duct’s cross-section must not be greater than 112% or less than 92% of the
P - the fan’s consumption of fan inlet
electric power from the network, W • The inlet duct’s length must be at least 1 x the duct diameter
Pt - the fan’s total pressure, Pa • The inlet duct must not have any obstacles to the air flow (dampers, branching or similar)
q - air flow, cfm
hfan - the fan’s efficiency
hbelt - efficiency of the transmittion At the outlet
hmotor - efficiency of the fan’s motor • The angle at the reduction of the duct cross-section must be less than 15°
• The angle at the enlargement of the duct cross-section must be less than 7°
• A straight length of at least 3 x the duct diameter is required after a duct fan
• Avoid 90° bends (use 45°)
• Bends must be shaped so that they follow the air stream after the fan

Specific Fan Power

In Europe, there are now stringent requirements to ensure that power consumption
in a building is as efficient as possible so as to minimize energy costs. The Svenska
Inneklimatinstitutet [Swedish Inner Climate Institute] has introduced a special concept
known as the Specific Fan Power (SFPE) as a measurement of a ventilation system’s energy

The Specific Fan Power for an entire building can be defined as the total energy efficiency of
all the fans in the ventilation system divided by the total air flow through the building. The
lower the value, the more efficient the system is at transferring the air.

The recommendations for public sector purchasing and similar are that the maximum SFPE
should be 2.0 when maintaining and repairing ventilating units, and 1.5 for new installations.
Theory | 127


Basic principles of sound Calculation of equivalent absorption area

Before we discuss the connection between the sound power level and the sound pressure Aeqv = α1 · S1 · α2 · S2 + ... + αn + Sn
level, we must define certain basic concepts such as sound pressure, sound power and
frequency. where
Sn - a size of surface, sq.ft.
Sound pressure a - an absorption factor,
depending on the material
Sound pressure is the pressure waves with which the sound moves in a medium, for
n - a number of surfaces
instance air. The ear interprets these pressure waves as sound. They are measured in in.wg.
Calculations of sound pressure level
The weakest sound pressure that the ear can interpret is 0.00002 Pa, which is the threshold Estimate based on figures 1, 2 and 3
of hearing. The strongest sound pressure which the ear can tolerate without damage is together with table 1.
20 Pa, referred to as the upper threshold of hearing. The large difference in pressure, as
A normally damped room in a nursing
measured in Pa, between the threshold of hearing and the upper threshold of hearing, home, measuring 1060 cb.ft. is to be
makes the figures difficult to handle. So a logarithmic scale is used instead, which is based ventilated. According to the information
on the difference between the actual sound pressure level and the sound pressure at the in the catalogue, the directional supply-air
threshold of hearing. This scale uses the decibel (dB) unit of measurement, where the terminal device fitted in the ceiling has
a sound pressure level (LpA) of 33 dB(A).
threshold of hearing is equal to 0 dB and the upper threshold of hearing is 120 dB.
This applies to a room with a space
damping equivalent to 107 sq.ft. Sabine,
The sound pressure reduces as the distance from the sound source increases, and is or 4 dB(A).
affected by the room’s characteristics and the location of the sound source.
A) What will the sound pressure level be
in this room, 3,28 ft from the diffuser?
Sound power
Sound power is the energy per time unit (Watt) which the sound source emits. The sound The sound pressure level depends on the
power is not measured, but it is calculated from the sound pressure. There is a logarithmic room’s acoustic properties, so first of all
scale for sound power similar to the scale for sound pressure. it is necessary to convert the value in the
The sound power is not dependent on the position of the sound source or the room’s sound catalogue to a sound power level (LWA).
properties, and it is therefore easier to compare between different objects.
Figure #14 shows that
ΔL (space damping) = LpA - LWA
Frequency LWA = LpA + ΔL
Frequency is a measurement of the sound source’s periodic oscillations. Frequency is LWA = 33 + 4 = 37 dB(A)
measured as the number of oscillations per second, where one oscillation per second equals
1 Hertz (Hz). More oscillations per second, i.e. a higher frequency, produces a higher tone.
Frequencies are often divided into 8 groups, known as octave bands: 63 Hz, 125 Hz, 250
Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz and 8000 Hz.

Sound power level and sound pressure level

There is a link between a sound source’s sound power level and the sound pressure level. If
a sound source emits a certain sound power level, the following factors will affect the sound
pressure level:
The position of the sound source in the room, including the direction factor (1), the distance
from the sound source (2) and the room’s sound-absorbing properties, referred to as the
room’s equivalent absorption area (3).
1) Direction factor, Q
The direction factor indicates the sound’s distribution around the sound source. A distribution
in all directions, spherical, is measured as Q = 1. Distribution from a diffuser positioned in the
middle of a wall is hespherical, measured as Q = 2.

Q = 1 In center of room
Q = 2 On wall or ceiling
Q = 4 Between wall or ceiling
Q = 8 In a corner

Figure #12: The distribution of sound around the sound source

128 | Theory
2) Distance from sound source, r
where r indicates the distance from the sound source in metres.
With the following values
r=1 3) The room’s equivalent absorption area, Aeqv
Q = 2 (Figure 12) A material’s ability to absorb sound is indicated as absorption factor a. The absorption factor
and information about the room’s dimen- can have a value between ‘0’ and ‘1’, where the value ‘1’ corresponds to a fully absorbent
sions, you can calculate the equivalent surface and the value ‘0’ to a fully reflective surface. The absorption factor depends on
absorption area with the help of Figure the qualities of the material, and tables are available which indicate the value for different
#13. materials.
Equivalent absorption area (m2)

A room’s equivalent absorption area is measured in ft2 (m2) and is obtained by adding
together all the different surfaces of the room multiplied by their respective absorption

In many instances it can be simpler to use the mean value for sound absorption in different
types of rooms, together with an estimate of the equivalent absorption area (see figure 13).

Room volume (m3)

room with high attenuation factor
4) Equivalent absorption area based on estimates
If values are not available for the absorption factors of all the surfaces, and a more ap-
room with damping

The equivalent absorption area is normal room

less hard room

therefore 4 m2. hard room proximate value of the room’s total absorption factor is quite adequate, an estimate can be
calculated in accordance with the diagram below. The diagram is valid for rooms with normal
It is now possible to use Figure 3 to
establish the difference between the proportions, for example 1:1 or 5:2.
sound pressure and the sound power.
Use the diagram as follows to estimate the equivalent absorption area: calculate the room’s
volume and read off the equivalent absorption area with the correct mean absorption factor,
determined by the type of room, see also table 1.
Equivalent absorption area (m2)

LpA - LWA = 0
LpA = 0 + LWA
Enter the LWA value which has already
been calculated.
LpA = 0 + 37 = 37 dB(A)
A) The sound pressure level (LpA) one
meter from the diffuser in this particular
nursing home room is therefore 37
This calculation has to be made for
all rooms not corresponding to the Room volume (m3)
information in the catalogue which room with high attenuation factor
assumes a standard 10 m2 Sabine. room with damping
normal room
The less damped (harder) the room is, the
less hard room
higher the actual sound pressure level will
hard room
be in comparison with the value indicated
in the catalog. Figure #13: Estimate of equivalent absorption area

Type of room Mean absorption factor

Radio studios, music rooms 0.30 - 0.45
TV studios, department stores, reading rooms 0.15 - 0.25
Domestic housing, offices, hotel & conference rooms, theatres 0.10 - 0.15
School halls, nursing homes, small churches 0.05 - 0.10
Industrial premises, swimming pools, large churches 0.03 - 0.05

Table #1: Mean absorption factors for different types of rooms

Theory | 129
Calculation of sound pressure level
With the help of the factors previously described, it is now possible to calculate the sound
pressure level if the sound power level is known. The sound pressure level can be calculated Calculation of sound level

[ ]
by means of a formula incorporating these factors, but this equation can also be reproduced
Q 4
in the form of a diagram. +
LpA = LwA + 10 · log 4πr2 Aeqv

When the diagram is used for calculating the sound pressure level, you must start with the where
distance in metres from the sound source (r), apply the appropriate directional factor (Q), LpA - sound pressure level, dB
and then read off the difference between the sound power level and the sound pressure LwA - sound power level, dB
Q - direction factor
level next to the relevant equivalent absorption area (Aeqv). This result is then added to the r - distance from sound source, ft
previously calculated sound power (see also the example on page 108). Aeqv - equivalent absorption area, sq.ft
The room’s equivalent absorption area
ΔL = LpA - LWA

Calculations of reverberation time

If a room is not too effectively damped

(i.e. with a mean absorption factor of less
than 0.25), the room’s reverberation time
can be calculated with the help of Sabine’s

T = 0,163 ·

Distance from sound source, r T - reverberation time (s). Time for a 60
dB reduction of the sound pressure value
V - room volume, cb.ft
Figure #14: Diagram for estimating the sound pressure level Aeqv - the room’s equivalent absorption area,
Near field and reverberation field
Near field is the term used for the area where the sound from the sound source dominates
the sound level. The reverberation field is the area where the reflected sound is dominant,
and it is no longer possible to determine where the original sound comes from. The direct
sound diminishes as the distance from the sound source increases, while the reflected
sound has approximately the same value in all parts of the room.

Figure #15: Direct and reflected sound

The reverberation time indicates the time it takes for the sound level to reduce by 60 dB
from the initial value. This is the echo effect one hears in a quiet room when a powerful
sound source is switched off. If the reverberation time is measured precisely enough, the
equivalent absorption area can be calculated.
130 | Theory
Several sound sources
To establish the total sound level in a room, all the sound sources must be added together
Example of addition logarithmically. It is, however, often more practicable to use a diagram to calculate the
There are two sound sources, 40 dB and addition or subtraction of two dB values.
38 dB respectively.
1) What is the value of the total sound Addition
level? The input value for the diagram is the difference in dB between the two sound levels which
are to be added. The dB value to be added to the highest sound level can then be read off
To add to the higher level, (dB)
the scale.
To add to the higher level, (dB)

Difference between the levels to be added, (dB)

The difference between the sound levels

is 2 dB and, according to the diagram, 2
dB must be added to the highest level.
Difference between the levels to be added, (dB)
1) The total sound level is therefore 42 dB.
Example of subtraction Figure #16: Logarithmic addition
The total sound level is 34 dB in a room
fitted with both supply and exhaust venti- Subtraction
lation systems. It is known that the supply The input value for the diagram is the difference in dB between the total sound level
system produces 32 dB, but the value for and the known sound source. The y scale then shows the number of dB that have to be
the exhaust system is not known.
deducted from the total sound level to obtain the value for the unknown sound source.
2) What is the sound level produced by the
exhaust system? To deduct from the total level (dB)

To deduct from the total level (dB)

Difference between the total level and sound source

Difference between the total level and sound source

The difference between the total sound
level and the sound level of the supply
system is 2 dB. The diagram indicates that Figure #17: Logarithmic subtraction
4 dB must be deducted from the total
3) Therefore the exhaust system produces
30 dB.
Theory | 131
Adjustment to the ear
Because of the ear’s varying sensitivity at different frequencies, the same sound level in
both low and high frequencies can be perceived as two different sound levels. As a rule, we NR Curves
perceive sounds at higher frequencies more easily than at lower frequencies.
El nivel de presion sonora

The sensitivity of the ear also varies in response to the sound’s strength. A number of so
called weighting filters have been introduced to compensate for the ear’s variable sensitivity
across the octave band. A weighting filter “A” is used for sound pressure levels below 55 dB.
Filter “B” is used for levels between 55 and 85 dB, and filter “C” is used for levels above 85

Attenuation (dB)

Frecuencia media (Hz)

Medium frequency for octave band (Hz)

Figure #18: Damping with different filters

The filter “A”, which is commonly used in connection with ventilation systems, has a damping
effect on each octave band as shown in table 2. The resultant value is measured in dB(A)

Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

dB -26,.2 -16.1 -8.6 -3.2 0 +1.2 +1.2 -1.1
Table 2: Damping with the A filter

There are also other ways of compensating for the ear’s sensitivity to different sound levels,
apart from these filters. A diagram with NR curves (Noise Rating) shows sound pressure
and frequency (per octave band). Points on the same NR curve are perceived as having the
same sound levels, meaning that 43 dB at 4000 Hz is perceived as being as loud as 65 dB
at 125 Hz.

Sound attenuation

Sound attenuation is principally achieved in two ways: either by absorption or by reflection

of the sound. Attenuation by absorption is achieved by internal insulation in ducts, by special
silencers or by means of the room’s own sound absorption. Attenuation by reflection is
achieved by forking or bending, or when the sound bounces back from a supply-air device
into the duct, which is referred to as end reflection. The degree of sound attenuation can
be calculated by using tables and diagrams presented in the relevant supplier’s technical
Systemair Inc. • August 2016 • E1606

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