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MBA (2009-2011)
I dedicate this page to all those who have silently or actively left indelible
mark on my project report, so that they may give credits which richly
Talent & capabilities are of course necessary but opportunities & right
guidance is two very important backups without which any person cannot
climb the ladder for success. Proper guidance and direction is required in
order to achieve the goal & making optimum of each & every opportunity.
Mundane words are not enough to express our insufficient to express our
MBA – IV sem
online shopping. If
E-marketers know the factors affecting online Indian behavior, and the
relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, and
classify these factors which buyers keep in mind while shopping online.
Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buys goods and
companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting
marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services
the product, to take feed back and also to conduct satisfaction surveys
with customers.
Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to
compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will
receive if they purchase the product from a particular store. Many experts
have posited new emergent factors or assumptions that are based on the
The birth and growth of Internet has been the biggest event of the
century. E-commerce in India has come a long way from a timid beginning
in the 1999-2000 to a period where one can sell and find all sorts of stuff
from a high end product to a meager peanut online. Most corporations are
accessible to the global market and to reach out to a larger range of their
Computers and the Internet have completely changed the way one
the people. In the comfort of one's home, office or cyber cafe or anywhere
across the globe, one can log on and buy just about anything from
phones, MP3 players, video games, movie tickets, rail and air tickets.
Ease, simplicity, convenience and security are the key factors turning the
are spent online but the business in India is growing exponentially every
year, albeit from a smaller base, the total revenues have reached a
respectful size.
bounds. The number of Indians who are online is expected to touch to 100
comfort with the use of Internet for shopping. Accompanying this growth,
there is an increasing maturity in the way people use the Internet. It's a
registered a huge jump and what was a concept five years ago is now
population more than 627 million people have shopped online at least
shopping, and there is a higher acceptability for the concept. India has 25
million Internet users and more is now turning to online shopping. There
has been an influx of online shopping sites in India with many companies
hitching onto the Internet bandwagon. The revenues from online shopping
lakh in 2003-04 to 4.4 lakh in 2004-05 and has doubled to 7.95 lakh
transactions per month in the year 2005-06. The online sales during the
festival season had increased rapidly especially during Diwali and Ramzan
which recorded a sales of Rs115 crore, a 117 per cent increase from the
Rs53 crore in the year 2004-05(source IAMAI). These figures clearly show
that online shopping has truly come of age and consumers are keen to
reduced shipping costs and timely delivery has helped online marketers to
Online shopping has become the latest trend among shoppers. Indians are
positive over the years. The attitudes that drive people to shop online,
tremendously in India.
Though a miniscule amount in the global context, the Indian online
shoppers’ population would make its presence felt quite remarkably. The
potential of the Indian e-market can be gauged from the fact that 16
percent of Indian consumers want to buy online in the next six months,
making it the third most online-potential country after Korea (28 percent)
breed of Indian consumers who are not only better equipped but also more
mature enough to move up the IT curve and they are considering Business has witnessed a growth of more than ten times in just two
years in its online gifts domain. In the online travel domain, the company
year 2005-06 Samsung India recorded a 120 percent jump in online buying
from its site over the year 2004-05 (Source: Samsung). Nirula’s witnessed
more than double growth in its B2C e-commerce revenues in the year
2005-06 and is positive for the next one to two years (Source: Nirula’s).
Companies like eBay India have seen a large increase in the number of
sellers and buyers from B and C cities and in a year the eBay community
(buyers and sellers) base has increased to 1.7 million users, which shows
that more Indians are shopping online (Source: eBay). Online sales are
retailers like Pantaloon, Shoppers’ Stop and Globus have already made
brand Zodiac has already started online stores. The main motive of these
retailers through online sales is to reach the global markets and the small
towns where they do not have the outlets. Thus the India's Internet
The Internet has entered the mainstream consciousness over the past
decade. This has happened primarily because the web has got a graphical
hands. The activities which are happening on the Internet are email and
Communication i.e. email, chat or instant message is the basic activity for
which Internet is used. It is the single most important reason for people to
with a much broader circle of people than one can reach by telephone or
In India the top five online activities are e-mail, surfing, chatting, search
and job search. Some of the sites, which are commonly used for these
Yahoo -Most preferred communication portal, tops for email and chat
classifieds and social networking are a few spheres ripe for investment.
1.1.2 Employment
IAMAI the number of online job seekers had reached 6.5 million in 2005-06
and is expected to across 9.2 million in the year 2006-07. The market size
of the Indian online recruitment industry in 2005-06 was 145 crore and it
mainly because of the increase in the internet penetration which has lead
to an increase in the users for whom net has become a convenient way to
meet their needs. Every year thousands of graduates pass out and look for
and look for jobs. Internet is advantageous to both the job seekers (saves
time and cost) and to the recruiters (easy access to the best talent pool)
The net banking is increasing and it is estimated that 4.6 million Internet
users are using Internet for banking purposes and it is expected to grow to
a fast booming activity amongst the Indians. The traders feel that trading
through Internet is not that cheap but the convenience provided by online
trading is worth the costs involved. Traders can keep a regular check on
various stocks and it is easier to compare them. They can not only buy
and sell stocks but can also find the track record of various stocks, do
technical analysis, can access live news from international news agencies
such as Reuters, CNBC and can find opinions from other leading brokers
which help them do decide whether to buy or sell. More and more traders
today are making the immense use of these services, which shows that
1.1.4 Matrimonial
As the popular adage goes, "Marriages are made in heaven" but today
with so many matrimonial portals in the market they help one find the
best match for themselves. Some of the popular marriage portals are
resulted in less time for socializing. These youngsters are becoming more
independent and are now making their own decision in respect of choosing
their life partners. The marriage portals provide them the medium to
interact with the people who match their required profiles. These portals
not only help in finding a better match but also provide with services of
whole lot of services in one basket. More Indians are registering to these
The growth in the online travel business today is phenomenal. The Indian
per cent year by year, as the online population of the country is estimated
online ticket booking in India with a double-digit growth, which has also
lead to an increase in Indian tourism. This growth in the travel industry has
definitely leaded to the increase in the travel portals. The scope for growth
cent month-on-month, for the last four months, selling 1,400 tickets a day
was mainly stared because of the low cost carriers like Air Deccan which
sells most of it tickets online. The revenue of the Indian Railway Catering
both for providers and for consumers as the providers benefit from
Thus Internet has become an indispensable part of life and has reduced
the world to a global village. Many corporates are getting into this
years. Airline, cinema, hotel bookings, etc are all increasingly going online.
Wimax is also getting tested in Bangalore and other cities in India. This will
Indians are proving every time that they can beat the world when it comes
to figures of online shopping. More and more Indians are going to online
shopping and the frequency of India’s online buying is crossing the overall
global averages.
• Access to Information
These people have very little time to spend for shopping. Many of
The figures from IAMAI show that the internet users in India will grow to
200 million by 2010. Around 25% of regular shoppers in India are in the
• In line with global trends finally India has also started shopping
online these days. As per the study by IAMAI online shopping in India
disposable income.
In India
- Over $50 Billion and growing rapidly - Most popular online shopping
(16%), home appliances (16%), toys (16%), jewelry (17%), movie ticket
(15%), beauty products (12%), health and fitness products (12%), apparel
There are over 120 million people online in India and this is expected to
These models are very important to marketers as they have the ability to
five-step model. Given the model, the consumer progresses firstly from a
This classic five stage model comprises the essence of consumer behavior
the starting point of the consumer, the relevant market structures and the
NO.2, 2005)
the shopping experience, the quality of service offered by the website and
online shopping were extracted. Among those factors the risk perception
Other discriminating factors were; control over, and convenience of, the
affect consumer trust of the retailer. The level of trust was positively
related to the attitude toward the store, and inversely related to the
perception of the risks involved in buying from that store. Jarvenpaa et al.
[2000] concluded that the attitude and the risk perception affected the
not much information available to the buyer regarding the seller, prior to
convince buyers that they genuinely want to do good things for buyers,
online shopping, benefits perceived by them and what factors attract them
internet marketing/ shopping. This will help to know the attitude and
perception of consumers towards online shopping and what are the factors
what are key concerns from the point of view of consumer while online
• What are the key concern areas for consumers while online
The data was collected only through Questionnaires. The sample size was
100. And random sampling was done among the internet users.
Perceived Usefulness
that using a particular system would increase his or her job performance.
because the ultimate aim of any person is the superior job performance.
by the user.
Perceived Enjoyment
Amount of Information
the product which a person wants to buy through online shopping. This
factor eases the decision of the user to actually buy the product or not, or
which product to buy. This factor becomes even more important in case of
Security and privacy are the main factors which hinder the growth of
online shopping. The user is concerned about his ID and Password which
can be stolen by persons with wrong intentions and then misuse it. At the
same time they are concerned that their personal information may be sold
Not only is the presence of internet connection necessary but also its
determines whether the user would shop online or not because presence
needs. They then evaluate the subset in greater depth, performing relative
Online purchasing
This is the most substantial step in online shopping activities, with most
Consumer satisfaction
It is original primary data, for specific purpose of research project. For this
way that it will be able to collect all relevant information regarding the
The questionnaire was used mainly to test the model proposed for
It will be collected to add the value to the primary data. This may be used
online shopper who shopped more than once because they would be the
survey the respondents where asked the following questions which helped
The research showed that 65% of the Internet users had shopped online
while 35% had not bought anything. This is mainly because of the
changing lifestyle and taste patterns. As the life is getting more and more
fast paced more people are moving on to shop online mainly because of
shopping medium and there is a huge potential in this sector but one
that only a small section of the online shoppers are shopping or only a
particular category of good had brought about this huge number. As a
result the entire analysis was done in case of a regular online shopper to
shopper among the 65% who had indulged into online shopping.
80% 74%
20% 12%
10% 5%
Only Once 2-4 times 5-6 times More than 6
It was seen that 14% of the online shoppers had shopped more than five
times and 74% had shopped 2-4 times. The frequency shows the
amount of the online shoppers had purchased more than 6 times but still
there is a huge opportunity in the Internet arena. The 65% of the online
shoppers who had shopped more than once were considered as regular
shopper and the entire analysis was based on these regular shoppers.
on the world wide web because this would give us clear picture as to
understand whether usage and time spent by the regular online shoppers
20% 14%
10% 6%
Less 1–3years 3–5years More than
than1year 5years
The diagram shows that shopping has increased with the usage of Internet
over the years. Regular shoppers who have been using Internet for more
than one year had shopped to 98% and regular shoppers who have been
using Internet for more than five years have shopped to 78%. Internet is
not a new concept for these regular online shoppers and they have been
using it for more than 5 years now. The increased usage over the years
has lead to an increase in shopping, as these regular shoppers are able to
40% 36%
15% 12%
0-5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 More
hours a hours a hours a hours a than 20
week week week week hours a
The research shows that 36% of the online shopping had been done who
use Internet for more than 20 hours a week and 96% of the shopping has
been done by regular shoppers who have been using Internet for more
than 5 hours a week. As more the regular online shopper are using the
Internet it is seen that they end up buying more also. This shows that
online shopper. The regular online shoppers who have been using Internet
for more than 20 hours are more comfortable and confident as a result
they purchase more online as compared to who use Internet for less
number of hours.
The study shows that the growing usage of Internet has lead to increase in
of Internet over the years and the more time spent has lead to an increase
The following classifications are done to study the online activities in case
20% Communication
Inf ormation
with peer group or core group (email) or with new groups of people (chat),
shopping. The research shows 32% of the regular online shoppers use
Internet for communication while only 10% uses it for shopping which
shows that communication still forms the major activity among the regular
online shoppers.
Fig. 6 Online Activities by Age
regular online shoppers who lie between the age group 18-30 years. It
regular online shoppers between the age group18-30 years, which is 18%
while above 50 years it is used just to 2%. The increase in usage among
the 18-30 years is basically due to high awareness. The marketers should
focus mainly on the age group between 18-30, as they are the main
drivers for growth. Thus the research shows that though the regular
shoppers are using the Internet for quiet some time now but shopping still
40% Entertainment
30% Finance
20% Shopping
0-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-15 16-20 more than
hours hours 20 hours
It is evident that regular online shoppers also spend a major part of their
email, and chat as the major activity with shopping which does not seem
out ways to surf the Internet and access the information they require. It is
true that more regular online shoppers use Internet shopping sites to
falls and other activity picks up like entertainment and finance. One could
see from the graph that between 16-20 hours a week communication falls
further but information search also falls as the regular online shoppers
becomes more focused in their information search rather than wandering
aimlessly in the Internet space. They continuously use search engines for
marginally to 18%. As the people spend more time it has been seen that
activities like shopping and finance related needs increases. The regular
online shoppers who use the Internet for more than 20 hours a week has
shown that they have indulged into more shopping i.e.10%. It is true that
as the regular online shoppers spends more time on the Internet there is a
possibility that they would end up buying more as they are ease with the
online shopping as 78% of the online shopping has been done by the
regular online shopper who have been using internet for more than five
years and 36% of the online shopping have been done among the regular
shopper who uses the Internet for more than 20 hours a week. Thus
But shopping still constitute a small amount of the major activity on the
5.3.1 Hypotesis
1. More male Internet users are frequent online buyers than female
Internet users.
online buyer.
Among the 65% of the online shopping, males (72%)had purchased more
as compared to women (28%). This shows that it is true that more males
women still like to feel, see and touch the product before buying. It was
noticed that some of them felt shopping as a reason to go out with the
family and spend time together, which was not possible in case of online
shopping. As more and more Indian women are flocking to Internet there
the spending power in the hands of the women might lead to an increase
in the online shopping. The research showed that 28% of the women who
shopped online fall mostly in the service and executive class with an
income above Rs10,000. The marketers should make sure that they
produce the item keeping in mind the needs of the women population as
the family.
54% 35%
Postgraduate Graduate
that regular shoppers who were better educated made more purchases
online. 89% of the shopping has been done by the regular shopper whose
40 38
25 less5000
14 15
15 above25000
10 8
5 5
5 3 2 3
1 1 1 1 1
Student Service/Executive Business Others
Income and buying behavior are positively related. It was seen that a
regular online shopper with a higher income had purchased more online as
compared to lower income online shopper. This trend was seen in all
segment of the population. It is true that more the income in the hands of
the population they would indulge in shopping. The service class had done
the major purchase in all the various levels of income. It can be seen that
hardly any purchase is done among the regular online shopper whose
demographics like gender, education and income levels. Among the 65%
online shoppers. 89% of the online shopping was done among the regular
shoppers who were educated with a graduate or postgraduate degree
60% of the shopping was done by the regular shopper who had income
more than Rs 25,000 than 40% who had income less than Rs.25,000.
To identify the factors which Internet users choose to buy or not buy
online and how frequently they make such purchases. Analyzing the
5.4.1 Hypothesis
Product 32%
Comparison Convenience
Saves Time
shoppers value price to convenience but the study contrast this popular
belief. The study showed that 32% of the shopping had been done by the
regular shopper who think convenience is the main driving force while
23% of the shopping had been done for whom price was the main
orientation for shopping online. Other motivating forces, which had lead to
online shopping, were saves time (26%), product availability and superior
These factors motivate the regular online shopper to buy over the Internet
and regular online shoppers who value convenience are more likely to buy
and retain its regular online shoppers, as the Internet is a tangled jungle of
7% 33%
9% Others Privacy &
Hassle of
Lack of
Inability to
touch & feel
The main areas for concern in respect of the regular online shoppers while
shopping were privacy and security (33%). Most of them still preferred the
conventional method of shopping like the touch and the feel factor (21%).
They felt that it is possible to see, feel, touch and try the products before
reasons that concern the regular online shoppers were inability to reach
person and delivery costs. The marketers should formulate such strategies
so that the privacy and security concern can be taken care off.
50% 48%
30% convenience
20% 20%
10% 12%
5% 5%
Only once 2-4 times More than More than
5 times 6 times
It has been seen that there is a positive correlation between the frequency
of purchase and the convenience factor for buying in the Internet arena.
The regular online shopper who had purchased more than 6 times (9%) for
purchase, home delivery and ability to shop 24x7. The online shopper
believes that large amount of information about the product and the
keep the convenience factor in mind while providing the goods and
Neither 55%
Satified nor Satisfied
A 55% of the regular online shoppers were satisfied with 12% dissatisfied.
shoppers were highly satisfied while 31% of the regular online shoppers
were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. This shows satisfaction level plays
under the category of satisfied. This shows that they were overall satisfied
measures so that the dissatisfied and the neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
category of regular online shoppers could be moved to satisfied or highly
shoppers are highly satisfied which shows that there are still concerns,
which poise the regular shoppers from using the Internet frequently as a
shopping medium.
Satisfaction level can also be measured by the frequency with which the
shopper has purchased 2-4 times and 9% had purchased more than 6
times indicating that an increase in the confidence level and accepting the
was mainly because they were overall satisfied by the entire shopping
Analysis-It is seen that the main orientation for buying among the regular
online shoppers were convenience (32%), saves time (26%), price (23%),
the regular shopper was true as 75% of the regular online shoppers who
were privacy and security (33%), inability to touch and feel the product
problems (7%).
regular online shoppers that are satisfied tend to purchase more. It can
also be seen that 74% have shopped more 2-4 times and 11% had
Books Railway Airline Electronic Gifts Movies
tickets tickets Gadgets tickets
Present Future
It is seen that railway tickets 70% and airline tickets 93% are the most
other categories of goods also. The entire shopping culture among the
electronic gadgets. The graph shows that online shopping is tend to grow
Books 43%
Gifts 33%
Jewellery 23%
Toys 13%
Food / Groceries 7%
Accessories apparel 3%
CD/Videos 3%
Magazines 3%
Sporting goods 3%
The table I shows that shows that there is a future growth in the electronic
gadget and book categories also apart from railway and airline tickets,
consumers are not bothered much about the touch and feel factors, which
generally drive the shopping in India unlike categories like apparels and
goods but still companies should keep innovating and find means and
especially seen in the travel arena with railway 83% and airlines 80%,
growth in the coming years. Thus the marketers should mainly focus on
these growing categories of goods, which would drive the online shopping
in the future.
The findings show that Internet usage has increased over the years and it
forms the major activity among the large number of online shoppers as
more males are shopping online as compared women online shoppers and
while buying and were less price sensitive. But the online marketers
that the consumers can do more online shopping while taking the full
One of the main concerns among the online shoppers was privacy and
security. Another reason that hindered online shopping was the touch
factor. Consumers still preferred the experience they get from traditional
and seeking sensory stimulation. This might hinder the use of certain
goods like grocery and apparel, as the touch factor is the main factor,
which drives the shopping for these goods. The future of online shopping
and gifts.
By Devin Comiskey
more Indian Internet users are opening their wallets online. While such
report finds there are currently more than 10 million shoppers online in
the online marketplace in the country of more than 1 billion people is still
relatively small.
Juxtconsult's survey found that 40 percent of all urban Internet users buy
online, while 42 percent of the sales originate through just five percent of
"This section of buyers spends 5,000 rupees or more per month on the
net," states the report. "It is interesting to note that two out of every three
heavy spenders are also 'netholics,' those who are on the net for more
than three hours per day...Of all those who buy online, only 25 percent are
spending more than 1,000 rupees per month while the (remaining) 75
percent bill less than 1,000 rupees per month." (1,000 Indian rupees is
female users are consumers as well. Women tend to search more. Defying
their more common attitude towards shopping, women are more guarded
information," it says.
Juxtconsult says the motivation for Indian users to make purchases online
varies, but users fear compromised personal information is still a great risk
"The single biggest motivation for buying online for net users is saving
time. Thirty-two percent of them look to shop online with this purpose.
advantage are among one of the least bought products online, with only
"In sum, the online market in India is blossoming but is yet to take off in a
considerable way. The Internet is still being used more for searching than
are also net consumers, essentially, at present only a small tribe among
• A new trend in this space is that of Meta search engines. Ixigo and
Ezeego are two players in this space. A Meta search engine searches
all the online travel sites (including the airlines sites as well) and
• Travel websites, such as Make My Trip India Pvt. Ltd and Yatra
Online Pvt. Ltd, are battling to win over India’s Rs16,000 crore ($400
1000 crore for the financial year ending March 2008, as per a
The e-commerce is one of the biggest things that have taken the business
convenient way.
motivating factor seen during the research was the convenience and
today they are buying airline and railway tickets, books, home appliances,
the changing lifestyles and shopping habits but the majority of the users
are males. It was seen that despite the immense possibilities available on
the Internet it is mainly used for mailing, chatting and surfing. E-mail
high levels of Net savviness see more and more Indians shopping online.
Consumers often display a bias for brands that they know well and have
favorable bias will score over the products of less popular brands. A few
The customer is not sure of the quality of the product unless it is delivered
To attract customers, the competing online players are adopting all means
to provide products and services at the lowest prices. This has resulted in
spot the lowest price for the product. Thus, although the number of
transactions is increasing, the value of the products sold is continuously
8.1.4 Seasonality
player, “August to February is the peak seasons for sale, while March to
July is the dry seasons for sale”. During the peak season, occasions that
drive the sales are Diwali, Rakhi, Valentines Day, New Year, Christmas,
Online frauds and breach are the biggest barriers to online sales. As a
result, prospective buyers prefer staying away from revealing their credit
It might take a few minutes to search, book and pay for products and
services online, but the delivery of the product may take unreasonable
Every study will have its problems and limitations at some point during the
the research was a major limitation because there was no way to make
sure that the sample taken represented the total population of the Internet
insight about the online shoppers but there could be a possibility that a
respondent may have done online shopping but is not a regular Internet
user. It was seen that some respondents were biased towards some
time limitation, only a few number of journals were searched. This may
providers are integrating the Internet into their sales model. But there are
revenues and the key to it lies in the hands of the marketers. To make
on delivery (COD) where the end user pays cash after the product is
delivered and debit cards where the bank accounts are directly
The consumers should be made aware that one of the safety aspect
prove that the transaction actually took place, as online users don't
More companies should adopt click and mortar model with the real
Merchants should provide goods and services that offer the right
enjoyable experience.
Consumers today demand a better, more efficient and less
customers, etc.
spoof mails and informing them about the new online crimes which
happen regularly.
In India still the penetration of Internet has not happened the way it
Most of the Indians still like to see the product before buying; efforts
To make online shopping big the shopping web sites should give the
places. The site should not only provide information content but also
Convenience and time saving are the main reason to shop online.
might turn the consumers to other sites which have faster download
amount of information available over the Internet. Sites that are able
booming sector.
Some of the things, which the consumers should take into considerations
set up a shop online under any name. If they are not familiar with a
better idea about the merchandise and services and should find
One should find out how the company secures the financial and
Navigator, 2008.
research report
NO.2, 2005
12.1 Annexure 1
This chart shows how consumer attitude toward online shopping can lead
12.1 Annexure 2
Yes No
3. On the average, how much time (per week) do you spend in surfing
the Web?
0 – 5 hours 16 – 20 hours
11 – 15 hours
Yes No
5. Which category (ies) of goods have you bought through Internet?
Gifts Magazines
Last 6 months
6 months- 1year
1-3 year
3-5 year
More than 5 year
Only once
2-4 times
Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Home Cyber-cafes
employment, etc.)
Classifieds, etc.)
11. Which category (ies) of goods are you planning to buy through
24x7) Price
Saves time
Superior selection/Availability
Product comparison
through Internet
14. Age:
Below 18 yrs
18 - 30 yrs
31 - 40 yrs
41 – 50 yrs
Above 50 yrs
2. Educational Background:
3. Occupation:
Business/Self Employed
Any other, specify………………
4. Gender:
Name: _____________________________
City: ______________________________