Canon Ir5055

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iR5055 / iR5065

All you need for professional results

Built to meet the demands
of every environment

Speed, power and reliability is just the start

The imageRUNNER iR5055 and iR5065 feature the latest Canon technology to meet the needs of
today’s high-volume departments and light production environments.

Utilising Canon’s next-generation imageCHIP system architecture for exceptional multifunction

performance, these imageRUNNER devices provide powerful capabilities to streamline workflows and
speed up job completion while keeping information securely in the hands of authorised users.

With a full range of document handling capabilities, powerful print controller options, Canon’s MEAP
technology for customising device functionality, and options such as Canon Universal Send for efficient
document distribution, the versatile imageRUNNER iR5055 and iR5065 devices enable every employee
to produce professional-quality documents with ease.
Powerful and reliable Advanced collation and Multifunction features:
performance finishing options
• Print at up to 55ppm
The imageRUNNER iR5055 and iR5065 The imageRUNNER iR5055 and iR5065 (iR5055) or 65ppm (iR5065)
are powered by Canon’s next-generation
can be easily configured with a wide • 1,200 x 1,200 print
imageCHIP system architecture for fast
range of finishing accessories to help to resolution
multifunction processing and true job
bring professional document publishing • Generous 7,650 sheet
concurrency. The dual CPU design rips paper capacity
capabilities in-house.
through image data at fast speeds, and the
• Standard 100 sheet Single
vast 1GB RAM memory capacity and 40GB Two advanced finishers include support Pass Duplex Document/
hard disk drive provide the virtual space to
for high-volume stacking and can be
support multiple users and workflows.
configured with a choice of options. This

Canon’s On-Demand fusing technology includes a Document Insertion Unit which

also helps busy workgroups stay provides the capability to insert pre-
productive by keeping power consumption printed cover sheets into job streams and
to a minimum while providing near-instant a Document Insertion/Folding Unit that
warm up times. Each model is also built automates C and Z folding tasks.
upon a sturdy yet lightweight frame to limit
vibrations and help deliver consistent image Efficient hardcopy
quality page after page scanning imageCHIP System

Enhanced image quality High volume environments will increase

scanning productivity with the new
The imageRUNNER devices offer a
(Single Pass Duplex Document/Feeder,)
complete range of image and document
standard on every imageRUNNER
manipulation features including support for
iR5055/iR5065 device. Equipped with
(1200 x 1200) dpi output for outstanding
image quality on every page. Plus, both
dual scan readers, one positioned on

models employ Canon’s Fine Character & each side of the original paper path, it
Large paper capacity
Edge Technology (FCET) for clear, crisp text provides efficient two-sided scanning

and images.. at up to 100ipm, for robust document

management and flexible paper handling.
Superior paper handling
Every imageRUNNER iR5055 and iR5065
includes dual frontloading 1,500-sheet paper
drawers plus dual frontloading 550-sheet
cassettes and a (50-)sheet Stack Bypass for
a standard 5-way 4,150-sheet paper supply.
A choice of two optional paper decks boosts
the paper capacity to a generous (7,650)
sheets for virtually uninterrupted operation.
Standard Automatic Trayless Duplexing
technology keeps the devices running at full

speed during duplex print and copy jobs.

iR5065 configured with A3 side paper deck,

document insertion unit and saddle finisher
Work faster and smarter

All the tools you need for professional results

Even with all the advanced features that the iR5055 and iR5065 possess, the first thing you’ll notice is
just how simple these devices are to use. Even the most novice user will find that operating the device
is second nature, either from the desktop using the easy-to-follow print driver interface or from the
device’s large, colour, touch-screen display.

Both models support a host of standard and optional productivity-enhancing capabilities that help
simplify operation, streamline complex tasks and facilitate information sharing to ensure every user in
your office completes the job the first time.
Highly accessible and Enhanced document Professional printing with
simple to operate storage confidence
Ease of use starts with the To streamline document storage, the The optional UFR II/PCL Printer Kit offers
imageRUNNER’s easy-to-read, full-colour enhanced Mail Box feature allows each support for PCL 5e and PCL6 emulations,
touch panel and interactive on-board help and includes Canon’s UFR II (Ultra Fast
Mail Box to be personalised with a user
menus. Back at the desktop, users can Rendering) print driver language for
name, password and document deletion
learn about the device’s functions using efficient processing between printer
period. Another improvement is the
the new Canon tutorial CD that features and driver. Users who prefer Postscript
a step-by-step training guide complete Copy & Store and Store & Print features workflows can use the Postscript 3 driver.
with audio instructions. The device user that streamline workflows by enabling
manuals are now also provided on CD- the user to simultaneously copy and Streamline your production
ROM instead of in hardcopy format, for store and store and print a document in workflow
easier sharing and faster topic searching.
one scanning operation. With optional
Environments with higher bandwidth
Using the Remote Operator’s Software Universal Send installed, documents can 3
needs can add an imagePASS S2 network
Kit, users can have full access to be retrieved and distributed in file formats
print controller to their imageRUNNER
imageRUNNER functions, right from such as TIFF and PDF.
configuration. With a 2.8GHz Intel Celeron
their laptop or desktop PC screen. Users
with visual or motor impairments can Maximise the power processor, 80GB hard drive and 256MB

also operate the device using spoken of the web of DDR SDRAM, this powerful tool makes

commands or receive audible confirmation light work of printing even the most
Support for the Web-based Distributed
of selected functions with the optional complex pieces. It also gives users access
Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
Voice Operation Kit to advanced options such as Hot Folders
protocol facilitates employee collaboration
and Virtual Printers, and EFI Impose
Sophisticated copying over the Internet. Users can communicate
software to manage complex workflows
made simple from remote locations by scanning and
securely sending documents from an with automated queuing.
Support for advanced copy features like iR5055 or iR5065 device to a shared
Job Block Combination, enables the storage service . Canon’s Web Access
production of complex documents by Software option allows documents on
scanning multiple batches of originals internet or intranet sites to be viewed
saved with different settings and printing directly from the device’s full-colour touch-
them as one document. Copy features panel display, and then printed with the
such as Express Copy help speed up job desired settings
programming and complete document

Express Copy Menu

Large colour touch screens make operation simple Requires the optional Universal
Send Kit
imagePASS S2 Network Print 2
Requires the optional printer kit
3 Available second half 2007
Comprehensive control and security

Easy to monitor, manage and protect

Device administration can be a time consuming and costly activity, but with the powerful, yet easy-
to-use management tools available for the iR5055 and iR5065, managing your imageRUNNER device
is a breeze. Whether you are running a large imageRUNNER fleet spread over multiple locations or
managing a single device in a small office, these tools will make device management easy and efficient
so you can focus on more important tasks.

Security is another major concern, especially for organisations that deal with sensitive information. With
the iR5055 and iR5065, you can choose from a variety of document, device and data security features
to help maintain security and meet your organisation’s compliance obligations. Your business can rest
assured knowing only authorised personnel will have access to your imageRUNNER device and the
data stored inside it.
Centralised device Robust device security Advanced document and
management data security
Secured Print: Use this feature to
Canon’s imageWARE Management set a password for highly sensitive or
Secure Watermark: This optional
Console is a Web-based utility that confidential files to ensure the job does
feature embeds text and background
facilitates centralised management not start printing until a password is
patterns on printed documents. These
of networked devices. Versatile and entered at the device.
become visible if the page is reproduced,
scalable, imageWARE Management
deterring users from copying sensitive
Console enables remote management Department ID Management:
of imageRUNNER device settings, By registering a Department ID and

discovery of new devices using password for each department, this

HDD Encryption Kit: This optional kit
automated tasks, and device error feature allows you to control costs by
is Common Criteria certified and applies
notification via e-mail. setting volume limits on copy, scan, and
a powerful 128-bit data encryption
With the Device Information Delivery print jobs for up to 1,000 departments.
algorithm to the data as it is written to
function you can specify which users the internal hard drive.
Single Sign On: This feature helps
have access to the device and its
you control access to imageRUNNER
functions, replicate device settings and HDD Erase Kit: This optional kit
functions by prompting users for the
copy Address Books to multiple devices uses three levels of disk overwriting to
same username and password they use
for easy management of devices across permanently remove data from the hard
to access other network devices like
the network. disk once printed, making it impossible to
their PC.
For even greater control, the preinstalled recover this data after completion of the

Remote UI utility provides the ability to print job.

track the progress of jobs in queues,
monitor paper and supply levels, access
Mail Boxes and edit Address Books.

Embedded remote
monitoring software
Canon’s optional eMaintenance service
is a remote device management solution
designed to optimise the productivity
of your imageRUNNER device and help
save your business time and money.
Using Remote Diagnostic System (RDS)
software embedded in the iR5055 and
iR5065 devices, eMaintenance allows Management Console
a dedicated Canon server to collect
automatic device meter readings and
monitor maintenance requirements and
device performance remotely.

Secure Watermark
Fast, secure and inexpensive
Universal Send

Scan, save and send in one step

Canon Universal Send is an optional feature that provides a fast, secure and inexpensive way to
distribute documents in electronic form direct from an imageRUNNER's touch-screen display.

This unique technology enables you to scan, save and send documents in common electronic formats
including PDF and TIFF automatically. In one step you can scan a document and:

• Email it to an individual or group

• Save it on your network

• Store it in an imageRUNNER mailbox

• Send it as an iFAX over the internet

• Send it to a folder on your desktop

Canon’s Universal Send offers the widest range of file

formats of any MFD device, giving you total flexibility.
Device Signature PDF Find information fast Handy built-in mailboxes

When you create a PDF with Universal The Searchable PDF option makes imageRUNNER mailboxes are a

Send, this optional feature embeds a it easy to find information later using convenient place to store things like

digital signature within the PDF that Adobe Acrobat. Select searchable frequently used forms for printing on

allows the user to verify the originating PDF to save a document as full-text demand. Set up to 100 mailboxes and

device. searchable automatically. store 6,000 pages of information.

Share information Advanced mailbox

User Signature PDF securely features
Password protect documents Use the advanced features to edit
Another Universal send option, this
before sending with the optional and merge documents on the device
feature allows users to embed their
PDF-encryption feature, preventing before sending or printing. Use URL
own digital signature in a scanned
unauthorised printing or editing. Send to reduce network congestion
PDF so that recipients can verify the
Tag and track documents with by sending a URL link rather than
source and easily determine if the
the Send ID feature. the document itself.
document has been tampered with.

Flexible electronic document distribution with Universal Send

Simplify business with an electronic
document workflow

Technology that adapts to the way you work

MEAP or Multifunctional Embedded Application Platform is a unique software platform

that enables applications to be installed and run on an imageRUNNER.

This breakthrough Java-based open-platform technology makes business more efficient

by transforming the behaviour of an imageRUNNER to suit your organisation's processes.

Put simply, MEAP is like an operating system for imageRUNNER devices. With it both
customised and off-the-shelf MEAP applications can be installed on a device and accessed
from its touch-screen display or built-in web browser.
Customise functions Secure Login for MEAP. With this
application you can control access to
With MEAP, you can customise the
the copy, scan, email and fax functions
functions of an imageRUNNER and
of an imageRUNNER. Detailed
add-on devices like proximity card
information about device usage is
readers. As an example, you can use
stored in a log for direct upload to
it to customise a device to deal with
a cost accounting system.
different documents in different
ways automatically. Secure Fax for MEAP. This
application uses existing building
Automate processes access cards to control access to
MEAP applications can be
Depending on the application, MEAP the fax function of an imageRUNNER.
operated directly from the
can simplify complex document Connecting directly to your existing LCD touch-screen panel
processing chores, automate tasks fax server, it also saves money as no

like document management and fax card is required to send faxes

facilitate advanced functionality. from the device.

The potential for adaptation is

Canon Document
virtually limitless.
Solutions software
Ready-made or Teamed with an imageRUNNER, these
custom applications software applications simplify the way

The versatility of the MEAP platform your organisation stores, accesses

enables you or your choice of and distributes documents.

developer to create custom software

Each of Canon's seven software
applications specifically for your
categories includes a selection of
organisation. Alternatively, choose
applications to meet the requirements
from a growing range of packaged
of any organisation. Most can be
MEAP applications from Canon.
implemented straight from the box
These include:
or customised to suit.

Secure Print for MEAP. This

unique application protects sensitive
information and reduces waste by
requiring staff members to swipe
their building access cards at an
imageRUNNER to release their
print jobs.

Produce professional-looking
booklets with the saddle
finisher option
imageRUNNER iR5055 / iR5065 Insertion / Folding
Unit -F1

Specifications Shift


Paper Paper
Punch Units - Deck AD1 Deck AE1
Saddle Finisher-AD2 Finisher-AD1 AS1/ AT1 / AU1 Insertion Unit -E1

Type: Digital, Multifunction Imaging Type: Embedded PrintController Number of Trays: 1 tray
CPU: Use main unit CPU’s – Canon Dual Capacity 100 sheets (80gsm)
Imaging System: Laser Dry Electrostatic Transfer Custom Processors
Paper Sizes: A4R, A3
Developing System: Dry Mono Component Toner Storage: Use main unit HDD (40 GB)
Paper Weights: 64 - 256gsm
Image Server Memory: Standard 1GB RAM + 40GB HDD Supported PDL: PCL 5e, PCL 6, PS 3 emulation, UFRII
C-Fold A4R, 65 - 105gsm
(Max. Capacity: Approximately
Supported Resolution: UFRII / PS 3 emulation: 1200 x 1200 dpi
20,000 Originals) Z-Fold A4R/A3, 64 - 105gsm
Interfaces Standard: 10 Base-T/100 Base-Tx (RJ-45), USB
First-copy Time: 3.3 seconds from platen glass Dimensions (H x W x D) 1,242 mm x 662 mm x 679 mm
High Speed (2.0)
5.1 seconds from ADF Weight Approximately 76 kg
Network OS Novell Netware v 3.2, 4.1, 4.11,
Warm-up Time: 30 seconds or Less
4.2,5,5.1,6,6.5 (IPX/SPX)
Acceptable Originals: Sheets, Books, 3 Dimensional Windows 98/Me (TCP/IP) DOCUMENT INSERTION UNIT-E1
Items (Up to 2kg) Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Number of Trays: 1 tray
Vista (TCP/IP) Solaris 1.1x, 2.5x or later
Max. Original Size: A3 Capacity 100 sheets (80gsm)
(TCP/IP), Apple Mac OS 8.0 or higher
Max. Copy Size: A3 Paper Sizes: A4R, A3
Min. Copy Size: A5R SENDING FUNCTIONS Paper Weights: 64 - 256gsm
Max. Mailboxes Supported: 100 Sending Methods: Email, iFAX, database (Salutation), Dimensions (H x W x D) 1,242 mm x 662 mm x 679 mm
Max. Copy Reservation: 5 Jobs File Server (IPX, FTP, SMB)
Weight Approximately 40 kg
Copy/Scanning Resolution: 600 dpi x 600 dpi Address Book Capacity: Maximum 1,800

Printing Resolution: 1200 dpi x 1200 dpi File Format: Single-page TIFF, Single-page PDF, SUPER G3 FAX BOARD-Z1*(OPTION)
Multipage TIFF, PDF
2400 dpi x 600 dpi maximised Applicable Line Public Switched Telephone Network
Sending Sizes: A5 to A3 (PSTN)
Halftone: 256 gradations of grey
Scanline Density: 200x200dpi, 300x300dpi, 200x400dpi, Number of Lines Single line
Copy Speed: 55 pages per minute: A4 / B5 600x600dpi
Transmission Speed Super G3*: 33.6 kbps, G3: 14.4 kbps
46 pages per minute: B5R
40 pages per minute: A4R
Number of Trays: 3 Tray Transmission Type Super G3, G3
39 pages per minute: B4
Paper Sizes: A5R - A3 Sending Original Sizes A5R - A3 (from DADF)
35 pages per minute: A5R
Paper Weights: 64 - 200g/m2 Receiving Paper Sizes A5R - A3
32 pages per minute: A3
Tray Capacity Auto Dial Function Address Book: 1,800 destinations
Duplexing: Standard Automatic Trayless Duplexing
Tray A: 250 (A4), 125 (A3) Sheets Image Memory Approximately 8,000 pages
Magnification Reduction/ Tray B: 1,300 (A4), 650 (A3) Sheets
Enlargement: 25% to 400% (Platen) Tray C: 2,450 (A4), 650 (A3) Confidential Fax Inboxes 100
25% to 200% (Feeder)
Max. Stapling Capacity
Power Source: 230V: 10A, 50/60Hz (common) Corner/Double 50 (A4), 30 (A3) Sheets SHIFT TRAY (OPTION)
Dimensions (mm): 1207(H) x 643(W) x 743(D) Saddle-stitching Capacity: 500 sheets (up to 60mm)
Weight: 215kg (Saddle Finisher only) Up to 15 sheets (60 page booklet) Offset Sizes: A3/B4/A4/B5
PAPER SUPPLY Staple Capacity: 50 (A4), 30 (A3) Sheets Dimensions (H x W x D) 256 mm x 366 mm x 466 mm
Standard: Dual Front-loading Decks Folding: V-fold ( only AD2) Weight: 4.2kg
(1,500 Sheets Each) Attachable accessories: 2, 3 or 4 hole puncher units
Dual Front-loading Cassettes Staple Finisher AD1 OTHER OPTIONS
(550 Sheets Each) Dimensions (H x W x D) 1121 mm x 646 mm x 656 mm Card Reader Card Reader Attachment
50-sheet Stack Bypass Weight: 48 Kg
Card Sets Copy Tray
Optional: 3,500-sheet Paper Deck Saddle Finisher AD2
Dimensions (H x W x D) 1121mm x 649 mm x 656 mm Document Tray eCopy Suite
(Total: 7,650 Sheets)
Weight: 70.5 Kg Encryption PDF Kit Expansion Bus Board
Multiple Copies: 1 to 9,999
Remote Operator Kit imageWARE Suite
Paper Weights: 64 to 200g/m2 (550-sheet Cassettes) PUNCHER UNIT (2, 3 OR 4 HOLE) OPTIONS FOR FINISHER
64g to 200g/m2 (Manual Bypass, AND SADDLE-STITCH FINISHER Searchable PDF Kit Tab Feeding Attachment Kit
1,500-Sheet Drawers and 3,500 Voice Guidance Kit USB Application Interface Board
sheet optional Paper Deck) Max. Paper Weight: 200g/m2
Punch Types: 2-hole (A3 - B5R) Web Access Software Secure Watermark Kit
3-hole (A3 - B5R) Secure PDF Kit Encrypted Printing Kit
Acceptable Originals: A3 to A5R 4-hole (A3 - B5R)
HDD EraseKit Searchable PDF Kit
Capacity: 100 Sheets (A4/80g/m2) Punch Dust Stock: Approximately 3,000 Sheets
HDD Encryption Kit Barcode Printing Kit
Max. Paper Weight: 128g/m2 (A4)
PAPER DECKS AD1 & AE1 (OPTIONS) Universal Send Kit ImagePASS-S2 controller**
Dimensions (H x W x D) 166.2 mm x 615.3 mm x 560.3 mm
Weight: 20.2Kg Paper Capacity: 3,500 Sheets
Paper Size: A4 (AD1), A3 (AE1)
Paper Weight: 64g/m2 - 200g/m2
Dimensions (H x W x D) (AD1) 574 mm x 323 mm x 583 mm
Dimensions (H x W x D) (AE1) 574 mm x 598 mm x 621 mm
Weight: 29.8kg(AD1), 45.1kg (AE1)

* Approximately 3 seconds per page fax transmission time based on CCITT/ITU No.
1 Chart, (JBIG, Standard Mode) at 33.6 Kbps modem speed. The Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) currently supports 28.8 Kbps modem speeds or slower,
depending on telephone line conditions.
** Available 2nd Half 2007
™ All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks
of their respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries. Canon reserves
the right to change specifications without notice.


Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide Perth Canberra Auckland

1 Thomas Holt Drive 33 Lakeside Drive Southgate Corporate Park 1 South Road 68 Hasler Road 98 Barrier Street Akoranga Business
North Ryde NSW 2113 Burwood East VIC 3151 18 Southgate Avenue Thebarton SA 5031 Osborne Park WA 6017 Fyshwick ACT 2609 Park Akoranga Drive
Ph (02) 9805 2600 Ph (03) 9881 0000 Cannon Hill QLD 4170 Ph (08) 8201 9193 Ph (08) 9347 2258 Ph (02) 6206 5999 Northcote
Fax (02) 9887 3137 Fax (03) 9881 0316 Ph: (07) 3909 5000 Fax (08) 8352 2810 Fax (08) 9242 4120 Fax (02) 6206 5933 Ph (09) 489 0300
Fax: (07) 3909 5068 Fax (09) 489 0399


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