Civic Issue Blogs

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Blog #1 – Our Nation’s Drug Crisis

It is at this time that the United States finds itself in the grasp of a crisis of grand
proportions. Our nation’s people are suffering at the hands of addictive drugs, with a death toll
that keeps rising each day. It is unacceptable that our country is subject to such a catastrophic
series of tragedies that can be avoided by using smart, common-sense solutions.
In our great nation, it is estimated that over one hundred and thirty people die each day at
the hands of opioid use (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). This number is
sickening and heartbreaking to the families of those who choose to inject themselves with a drug
that can kill in an instant. Imagine the face of a mother who comes home to find her son
unresponsive on the ground, needle still in his arm and a blue hue to his face. He is not breathing
and the life fades from his body. Why is it that our country’s mothers must endure this
unnecessary distress and deep sorrow?
However, as terrible as the situation is, it does not seem to be resolving any time soon. In
2016 and 2017 alone, 42,249 people died from opioid overdose (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services). Some may wonder if these people who overdosed and died were those who
were long-time opioid users. Unfortunately, the statistics sadly disprove that wishful thinking. In
2016 and 2017, 81,000 people used heroin for the first time in their lives (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services). This is a sad number that ultimately confirms a bleak future for the
ongoing drug, and more specifically, opioid crisis.
How did we get to the position in which we find ourselves now? The answer lies in the
actions of the pharmaceutical companies of the 1990s. During this time, these companies
reassured the medical community that their opioid pain relievers would not create addiction in
patients. Accordingly, physicians began to prescribe these medications at increasingly high rates.
Unfortunately, by the time medical professionals realized the dangerous effects of these
addictive pills, opioid overdose rates skyrocketed, and the drug crisis had begun to take form
(National Institute of Drug Abuse).
Fast-forwarding to today, the statistics on prescription opioid abuse are not promising.
Between twenty-one and twenty-nine percent of all patients who are prescribed opioids for
chronic pain abuse the drugs (National Institute of Drug Abuse). This situation presents quite a
challenge for those physicians who choose to prescribe opioid pain killers. To combat this
rampant addiction in patients being treated for pain, doctors have developed new methods for
weaning their patients off of these addictive substances.
Although not chronic in nature, the pain experienced in post-operation recovery is often
intense and overwhelming. Naturally, patients are prescribed pain-killing drugs to help ease them
through the recovery process. By the time the patients are preparing to leave the hospital for
home, physicians are very uncomfortable sending them home with a supply of addictive pills.
Instead of shipping the patient off with a large batch of pills, doctors choose to create a cocktail
of less harmful medications to simulate the effects of addictive pills while reducing and
eliminating the dosage of them (Mayo Clinic).
On a more human level, it is extremely understandable how a person may become
addicted to opioids and other addictive drugs after being under the influence of medical
prescription. This is an unfortunate circumstance that commands the careful consideration of
society. After all, patients are given these drugs and advised to take them for their pains and
However, for those who consciously choose to inject themselves or ingest harmful, life-
threating drugs, it is harder to have sympathy. It is incredibly reckless and irresponsible for
people to look around them, see the mass death caused by overdose, and then choose to shoot up
for the high they desire. Do these people think that death will not become of them?
No matter the circumstance in which people become addicted, our country’s people are
dying at the hands of opioids and other drugs. In future blog posts, I will explore the different
factors that influence the problem and the steps that can be taken to prevent increased tragedy.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Opioid Overdose Crisis.” NIDA, 6 Mar. 2018,
Public Affairs. “What Is the U.S. Opioid Epidemic?”, US Department of Health and
Human Services,
“What to Do When It's Time to Stop Opioids.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research, 10 Jan. 2018,

Blog #2 – The Drug Crisis and our Nation’s Southern Border

If we could stop the flow of drugs coming into our country, why would we not sever the

supply chain? We have the opportunity to substantially disrupt the strong flow of drugs across

our nation’s southern border with Mexico. In 2015 alone, border patrol agents on our border with

Mexico seized a total of 1,555,552 pounds of drugs ( This grand total is

comprised of all types of drugs, including hard drugs such as cocaine. Interestingly, this statistic
tells a story that could easily be overlooked. This massive amount of drugs is only the total of

drugs seized, not the total amount of drugs crossing the border. The true number of pounds of

drugs flowing into our country each year must be truly incalculable.

The need for stronger borders has never been so pressing. Our nation’s people are dying

each day as the drug crisis wages on. Drug cartels continue to smuggle drugs over the border and

into our country. Cartels from Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries mass import

their harmful substances into the United States each and every day. This unfortunate and

unacceptable flow of drugs directly affects every citizen of the United States, whether it be

personally or economically.

The job endured by border patrol agents is both taxing and vital for the safety of our

country. However hard their jobs may be, there is one provision that could be made to make their

duties easier. This provision would also reduce the flow of drugs, reduce the number of illegal

border crossings, and improve certain facets of the economy. This provision is the inclusion of a

border wall.

It is well-known that this border wall has created the Washington gridlock we see

presently. However, the standstill we have come to today – with a partial government shutdown

to top things off – could be easily eliminated if party biases could be thrown to the side. Both

conservatives and liberals agree that the southern border must be secured to protect our country

from the drug crisis, but each party has its own personal desires. Republicans favor a physical

barrier that would stretch along the US-Mexico border, whereas democrats wish to simply

improve border security through the use of technology. Thus, we have the need for compromise.
The border wall will cost approximately $5.6 billion (NBC News). This number may

seem extremely large at first. However, when considering that the federal annual budget for 2019

is estimated to be $4.407 trillion, the border wall does not seem to be such a huge expense (The

Balance). The wall would only be 0.13% of the federal budget. So why is this wall causing such

commotion on the other side of the isle? The answer lies in identity politics. It is understandable

that the left would immediately oppose any sort of solution set out by President Trump.

Therefore, the need for compromise is felt. In exchange for the border wall, Trump has offered

three years of immunity to DACA Dreamers (Fox News). This seems to be a fair compromise

that would allow wins for both parties. However, Nancy Pelosi has merely scoffed at the idea

and continues to oppose Trump in any fashion necessary.

From the perspective of the drug crisis, the question becomes whether or not the suffering

of our people at the hand of drugs is worth resolving. For the vast majority of people, 0.13% of

the federal budget would be well worth it for decreased suffering. Unfortunately, identity politics

has gotten in the way of true progress as we continue to battle the crisis now facing our country.

Although this post was not intended to directly address the Washington gridlock, it has

surely become apparent that there can be no discussion of major policy changes without mention

of political party fighting. It is a true shame that, due to party bias and identity politics, the drug

crisis cannot be combatted more efficiently. In future posts, the Washington gridlock will be

further explored and the disgusting nature of refusal to compromise will be revealed. Our

country is suffering, and the lack of a border wall is only making matters worse.

Amadeo, Kimberly. “Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed.” The Balance Small Business, The
“Drug Trafficking Across Borders.”,

“Have Losses from the Government Shutdown Equaled the Cost of Trump's Border Wall
Demand?”, NBCUniversal News Group,

“It's Time to End DACA – It's Unconstitutional Unless Approved by Congress.” Fox News, FOX
News Network,

Blog #3 – Contemporary Liberal Policy surrounding the Drug Crisis

In today’s day and age, American citizens are dying from drug overdose at an

overwhelming rate. As I have discussed in previous posts, the drug crisis has reached the point at

which extreme consequences of drug addiction are seen each and every day in our country.

Ignoring the issue is no longer an option and politicians have begun to formulate further plans to

combat this growing crisis.

Part of this plan to combat the evils of hard drugs – especially opioids – is integrally

related to the unsecure nature of the United States’ southern border. It has taken many years, and

ultimately many drug overdose deaths, for politicians to take steps to prevent drugs from flowing

across our border with Mexico.

Perhaps the first major steps to preventing illegal border crossings came during the

Obama administration. This is surprising to most Americans, considering the rhetoric President

Obama used to form his seemingly lenient attitude towards illegal aliens. However, during

Obama’s eight years in office, the number of border seizures increased dramatically.

Additionally, during the last five years of Obama’s tenure, border patrol agents used tear gas an

average of 1.3 times per month ( This figure seems to serve as a stark contrast

between the image Obama portrayed to the country and the actions he commanded behind the

scenes. Although President Obama is a liberal politician, he understands that our country needs a

secure southern border in order to protect American citizens from dangers, including drugs.

President Obama’s support of a strong border policy is not limited to only his last five

years in office. In 2006 in front of the entire Senate, then Senator Obama supported a bill

supporting the implementation of a physical barrier on the southern border. Senator Obama

stated that, “better fences and better security along our borders” would “help stem some of the

tide of illegal immigration in this country” (Boston Globe). These measures would undoubtedly

help reduce the influx of drugs that has so greatly impacted our country.

So what has changed since 2006? The answer lies in party policy and the far-left image

that has taken hold of our political world. Both Senator Obama and President Obama understood

the common-sense precautions needed to secure our borders and maintain the sovereignty of our

nation. It is extremely unfortunate that public image is now interfering with policy decisions that

would tremendously benefit the American people.

As for today, it is unbelievable and unacceptable that the career politicians of Washington

cannot open their eyes to the suffering felt by mothers, brothers, sisters, fathers, children,

cousins, and friends. It is unfortunate and sickening that the far left has chosen to care more
about illegal immigrants than legal American citizens. These illegal aliens have knowingly

violated the laws of the United States of America – a country in which our politicians have

vowed to care for and protect – and are subsequently rewarded for breaking the law. Has the

concept of common sense completely deteriorated? Are politicians really protecting the

wellbeing of illegal immigrants over the wellbeing of legal, lawful Americans? It sadly appears

to be the case. The left wing has refused to inhibit illegal border crossing, while allowing for the

mass suffering of our people at the hands of the drug cartels of Mexico, Central America, and

South America.

The United States of America should not sit idly as drugs flow across an unprotected

border. It is now the time for politicians to throw party biases to the side and focus on the welfare

of the country they have sworn to serve. As much as the mainstream left despises the idea of

allowing President Trump the opportunity to build the border wall, they must do what is best for

the country. Drugs are ruining the lived of citizens of this country. We must not purely focus on

party appearances and victories; we must focus on what is best for the American people.

It may have become apparent that there has been not much discussion of President

Trump’s policy in this post. His policy will be discussed in my next post, as it deserves a post

dedicated solely to itself. The country is suffering from a drug crisis of mass proportions, and the

lack of a strong southern border is only making matters worse.

MacGuill, Dan, and Dan MacGuill. “FACT CHECK: Did the Obama Administration Use Tear

Gas Once a Month at the Border?”,

Torres, Christian. “In 2006, Democrats Supported Legislation to Build Border Fence - The

Boston Globe.”, The Boston Globe, 27 Jan. 2017,


Civic Issues Blog #5 – Washington Gridlock

The Washington gridlock, as experienced by Americans each day, can ultimately be attributed to

a few root causes. First and foremost, our political landscape has become polluted by the evils of

extreme party politics. Politicians no longer make policy decisions based upon what they deem

to be the right choice. Instead, they go to their party handbooks, whether it be the color blue or

red, to make sure they conform with the mainstream views of their party. What has happened to

politicians like Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and President Bill Clinton? Have we lost all

hope of compromise in this country?

During the 1990s, the United States experienced a relatively high level of prosperity. For the first

time in many years, the United States was actually in a state of surplus. President Clinton, though

he was of course a democrat, chose to come to the center in order to work with Congress.

Likewise, Speaker Gingrich came to the middle to work alongside Clinton in order to create
common-sense policy decisions. Although Gingrich was a republican, he chose to migrate to a

more centrist position. Ultimately, the partnership between Gingrich and Clinton led to the

success for not only the presidency, but for the Congress as a whole.

If it is the case that compromise truly does result in the best policy, then why is it so hard for

politicians to put their differences aside in the modern day? The answer is that politicians are far

too focused on identity politics. While the right is of course guilty of this charge, it is has become

ever more apparent that the left has indulged in this facet of politics to far greater depths. The

2020 presidential race serves as a perfect example of where party politics has continued to take

control of the Democrat party. It is only the first part of 2019 and candidates have already begun

to lay claim to their individual identities. Kamala Harris has taken a strong hold of the black and

Indian persona, Bernie Sander has sided with the socialists, Julián Castro has made strides to

secure the Latino vote, and male candidates have already vowed to choose female running mates.

Most unbelievable of all is Elizabeth Warren; she has self-proclaimed herself to be of Native

American heritage despite the mounting evidence against this claim. Why can we not focus on

the candidate with the best policy ideas? Why must we focus on candidates’ identities?

Why must the left continue to drive towards identity? Why can they not let their policy dictate

their candidacy? The answer seems to be that their policy decisions are not strong enough to

stand by themselves. Afterall, why would black voters vote President Trump out of office after

four years of the lowest level of black unemployment experienced in the twenty-first century?

They obviously would not. Thus, the leftists must play to the senses of racial identity to secure

the black vote. It is truly immoral of politicians to treat a group of people as a mere pawn in their

political game of chess.

Of course, liberals are not the only politicians responsible for the Washington gridlock.

Republicans do not have a stellar reputation for being able to pass legislation. Even when

republicans controlled the presidency, the House, and the Senate from 2016 to 2018, they were

still unable to pass Obamacare reform, border funding, and other key legislation (National

Constitution Center). This was a failure on the behalf of all republicans. Political infighting

destroyed the prognosis of so many republican aspirations (The Hill). Unfortunately, the

republicans had squandered the opportunity to pass the legislation they had been developing for


No matter which side of the isle a person comes from, they should be able to recognize the

shortcomings of their party and the implications they have on the Washington gridlock. Without

compromise in this country, we are left without the policy that our people need. It is high time

for politicians to make compromise in order to ensure a brighter future for the United States.

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