PSTET Paper I Set A
PSTET Paper I Set A
PSTET Paper I Set A
Marks: 150 Time: 90 minutes
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1 The best method to study growth and development of the child is:
(1) Psychoanalytic Method (2) Comparative Method
(3) Developmental Method (4) Statistical Method
1 pZu/ dh ftqXh ns/ ftek; dk nfXn?B eoB dh ;G s'A tXhnk ftXh WL
(1) wB'Fftôb/ôDkswe ftXh (2) s[bBkswe ftXh
(3) ftek;kswe ftXh (4) ;Kfynkeh ftXh
2 Socialization is a process by which children & adults learn from:
(1) Family (2) School (3) Peers (4) All of these
2 ;wkiheoB fJe gqfeqnk W fi; okjhA pZu/ ns/ pkbr fe; s'A f;yd/ jBL
(1) gfotko (2) ;e{b (3) jwFo[spk ;kEh (4) T[go'es ;ko/ jh
3 Which one of the following is the true statement corresponding to Cephalocaudal Principle of
Child’s Development:
(1) Development is from head to foot (2) Development is from foot to head
(3) Development is from middle to periphery (4) None of these
3 pZu/ d/ ftek; d/ f;oFgkdw[yh f;XKs d/ nB[e{b fejVk eEB ;jh WL
(1) ftek; f;o s'A g?o se j[zdk W (2) ftek; g?o s'A f;o se j[zdk W
(3) ftek; wZX s'A T[Zgo se j[zdk W (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
4 Determinants of Individual differences in human beings relate to:
(1) Differences in Environment
(2) Differences in Heredity
(3) Interaction between Heredity & Environment
(4) Both Heredity & Environment interacting separately
4 wB[ZyK ftu fBih wsG/dK d/ fBoXkoe fe; Bkb ;zpzfXs jBL
(1) gfonktoB ftu nzso
(2) ftok;s ftu nzso
(3) ftok;s ns/ gfonktoB ftu nzsofeqnk
(4) tZy tZy soQK Bkb nzsofeqnk eo oj/ d't/A ftok;s ns/ gfonktoB
5 Term PSRN in development implies:
(1) Problem solving, reasoning & numeracy (2) Problem solving relationship & numeracy
(3) Perceptual skill, reasoning & numeracy (4) Perceptual skill, relationship & numbers
5 ftek; ftu PSRN gd dk wsbp wsbp WL
(1) Problem Solving, Reasoning & Numeracy (2) Problem Solving Relationship & Numeracy
(3) Perceptual Skill, Reasoning & Numeracy (4) Perceptual Skill, Relationship & Numbers
6 Vygotsky proposed that Child Development is:
(1) Due to genetic components of a culture (2) A product of social interaction
(3) A product of formal education (4) A product of assimilation & accommodation
6 ftr's;eh dk ;[Mkn ;h fe pkb ftek; WL
(1) ;z;feqsh d/ iDfBe sZsK ekoB (2) ;wkie nzsofeqnk dh T[gi
(3) T[gukoe f;fynk dh T[gi (4) ;wheoB ns/ nB[e{bD dh T[gi
22 f;fynkoEh
f;fynkoEh Bkb ;zpzfXs fejV/ ekoe jB fijV/ f;ZyD T[go n;o gkT[Ad/ jBL
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(1) f;fynkoEh dk ;ohoe ns/ wkBf;e ;tk;E
(2) neKfynk ns/ T[gbpXh nfGgq/oe dh gZXo
(3) ssgosk ns/ fJZSkFôesh
(4) T[go'es ;ko/ jh
23 Cognitive Development means:
(1) Development of intelligence (2) Development of child
(3) Development of Physical Skills (4) Development of individual
23 ;zfrnkBkswe ftek; dk wsbp WL
(1) p[ZXh dk ftek; (2) pZu/ dk ftek;
(3) ;ohoe e[ôbsk dk ftek; (4) ftnesh dk ftek;
24 Creative writing should be an activity planned for:
(1) Only those children reading on grade level
(2) Only those children spell & write cohesive sentences
(3) Only those children who want to write for newspaper
(4) All children
24 ouBkswe b/yD fJe rshftXh j'Dh ukjhdh W fi; dh :'iBk feBQK bJh j't/L
(1) e/tb T[j pZu/ fijV/ rq/v b?tb s/ gVQ oj/ jB
(2) e/tb T[j pZu/ fijV/ ôpdFi'V ns/ ;z:[es tke fby ;ed/ jB
(3) e/tb T[j pZu/ nõpkoK bJh fbyDk ukj[zd/ jB
(4) ;ko/ pZu/
25 Which of the following are the External Factors affecting the interest of students in classroom:
(1) Emotions & Sentiments (2) Culture & Training
(3) Attitudes of students (4) Goals & motives
25 ebk;o{
ebk;o{w ftu ftfdnkoEhnK dh fdbu;gh ù gqGkfts eoB tkb/ pkjob/ ekoe fejV/ jBL
(1) Gkt ns/ T[drko (2) ;z;feqsh ns/ f;ybkJh
(3) ftfdnkoEhnK dhnK gqftoshnK (4) beô ns/ T[d/ô
26 An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the best course of the action for the teacher:
(1) Wait till he performs better (2) Find out reason for his under achievement
(3) Give him grace marks in the examination (4) Ask his parents to withdraw from school
26 p[ZXhwkB ftnesh gVQkJh mhe soQK BjhA eo fojk. nfXnkge tk;s/tk;s/ ekotkJh dh ;G s'A p/jso ftXh eh WL
(1) fizBk fuo T[; dk gqoôB p/jso BjhA j' iKdk, UBK fuo fJzs÷ko eo'
(2) T[; dh xZN T[gbpXh dk ekoB wkb{w eo'
(3) gohfynk ftu T[; ù fonkfJsh nze fdU
(4) T[; d/ wkfgnK ù ej' fe T[; ù ;e{b ftu'A jNk b?D
27 The term Identical Elements is closely associated with:
(1) Similar test questions (2) Jealousy between peers
(3) Transfer of learning (4) Group Instructions
27 Ò;wkB sZsÓ gd dk fBeNsw ;zpzX fe; Bkb WL
(1) ;wkB gohfynk gqôB (2) jwFo[sp ftueko Jhoyk
(3) f;ZyD dk j;sKsoB (4) ;w{je f;fynk
28 Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning:
(1) Skinner (2) Pavlov (3) Watson (4) Thorndike
28 ebk;heh nB[e{bD dk gotose e"D ;hL
(1) ;feBo (2) g?tb't (3) t?N;B (4) E"oBvkJhe
31 Why are experts, according to the passage, looking at the sun as an energy source?
(1) due to depletion of other sources of energy
(2) as other energy forms pollute the environment
(3) increasing costs of other sources
(4) all of the above
32 Experts are impressed with the solar energy technologies because...
(1) of them being good for the environment (2) they require less investment
(3) they can be employed in quick time (4) all of these
33 Why is sun such an important source of alternative energy?
(1) it is available free of cost
(2) it is available everywhere in the world
(3) it can satisfy human energy requirements alone if tapped properly
(4) all of these
34 What is the major difficulty in employing solar energy?
(1) fluctuations in weather (2) by nature sunlight is diffuse
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(3) sunlight varies from time to time (4) all of these
35 Why are power generating companies looking at mix energy options?
(1) the sources of energy are getting scarce but demand is increasing
(2) government is controlling prices of electricity
(3) alternative sources of energy are available free and without regulations
(4) all of these
36 Identify the word closest in meaning to the word: "VERSATILE"
(1) limited (2) resourceful (3) permanent (4) invariable
37 Identify the word opposite in meaning to the word: "FORMIDABLE"
(1) alarming (2) frightening (3) terrible (4) insignificant
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (Q. 38-45) that follow by choosing the best
The political system always dominates the entire social scene; and hence those who wield political power
are generally able to control all the different social sub-systems and manipulate them to their own
advantage. The social groups in power therefore have always manipulated the education systems,
especially when these happen to depend upon the state for their very existence to strengthen and
perpetuate their own privileged position. But herein lies a contradiction. For the very realization of their
selfish ends, the social groups in power are compelled to extend the benefits of these educational
systems to the under-privileged groups also. The inevitable task is generally performed with three
precautions abundantly taken care of: One, the privileged groups continue to be the principal
beneficiaries of the educational system, dominate the higher stages of education or the hard core of
prestigious and quality institutions or the most useful of courses, so as to safeguard their dominant
position of leadership in all walks of life; Second, the system is so operated that under-privileged groups
can utilize it only marginally in real terms and the bulk of them become either dropouts or pushouts and
get reconciled to their to their own interior status in society; Third, the few from the weaker section that
survive and succeed in spite of all the handicaps are generally co-opted within the system to prevent
38 Who, according to the passage, can manipulate the systems to their advantage?
(1) social activists (2) popular people (3) political powerful people (4) all of the above
39 How do socially powerful people try to maintain their privileged position?
(1) by maintaining control over political systems (2) by maintaining control over social systems
(3) by maintaining control over education systems (4) all of these
40 Why underprivileged sections have to reconcile to their inferior status?
(1) they are unable to effectively utilize the education system
(2) they have no interest in the system
(3) they are illiterate
(4) all of these
41 Which is the best explanation as to why the few from the weaker section that survive and succeed
in spite of all the handicaps are generally co-opted within the system?
(1) to prevent the revolt in the society (2) to satisfy their instinct
(3) to augument the position of the privileged class (4) all of these
42 Which system, according to the passage, dominates the social system?
(1) political system (2) education system (3) caste system (4) monetary system
43 Identify the word closest in meaning to the word: "PERPETUATE".
(1) abort (2) ruin (3) continue (4) omit
44 Identify the word opposite in meaning to the word: "PRESTIGIOUS".
(1) obscure (2) influential (3) esteemed (4) impressive
45 What is the major idea reflected in the passage?
(1) powerful people are unable to fully control the system
(2) major benefits have been snatched by the underprivileged
(3) both of these
(4) none of these
46 While writing a notice, the writer should prefer...
(1) active voice (2) passive voice (3) any voice (4) none of these
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47 Where will you add disclosures in a letter?
(1) below the signature and the right side margin (2) below the signature and the left side margin
(3) above the signature and the right side margin (4) any of these
48 'Phonetics' is basically associated with...
(1) sounds (2) sentences (3) grammar (4) all of these
49 Remedial teaching...
(1) fills the gap that creeps into a pupil's learning
(2) rectifies the concepts which have been misunderstood
(3) helps in retaining homogeneity in the class
(4) all of these
50 Learning a language is a...
(1) gradual process (2) fast process (3) instant process (4) all inclusive process
51 Study of meaning in a language is known as...
(1) syntax (2) semantics (3) morphology (4) linguistics
52 ''REGISTER" is...
(1) variety of language according to region in a particular country
(2) variety of language according to countries
(3) any of these
(4) none of these
53 /m/ sound in the word 'make' is....
(1) labio-dental (2) dental (3) bilabial (4) alveolar
54 Which of the following organs of speech is also known as 'VELUM'?
(1) hard palate (2) voice box (3) alveolar ridge (4) soft palate
55 The major difference between an 'ARTICLE' and 'SPEECH' is....
(1) speech is more formal (2) speech is more informal
(3) speech is more descriptive (4) all of these
56 Communicative Language Teaching replaced basically...
(1) Natural Language Processing (2) Structural Teaching
(3) Situational Language Teaching (4) Motivational Teaching
57 Find the word nearest in meaning to : REMORSE
(1) obdurate (2) hard (3) penitent (4) none of these
58 Find the word opposite in meaning to : INSIPID
(1) impalatable (2) bland (3) tame (4) savoury
59 Identify the correct passive voice of the sentence: Obey me.
(1) I should be obeyed (2) Let I be obeyed
(3) both, a and b (4) none of these
60 Find the appropriate preposition to fill in the sentence: She lives ....... Mumbai.
(1) at (2) in (3) into (4) on
69 fJ; ekftFpzd dhnK gfjbhnK d' s[eK ù ;kXkoB tkose ftu fby'L
91 The graph of the equation is a line
(1) parallel to x-axis (2) parallel to y-axis
(3) passing through origin (4) none of these
91 ;wheoB dk rqkc fJe o/yk WL
(1) x - neô d/ ;wkBKso (2) y- neô d/ ;wkBKso
(3) w{bFfpzd{ e'b'A r[÷odh (4) T[go'es ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
92 The angle of elevation of the sun when the length of a shadow of a vertical pole is equal to its
length is
(1) 600 (2) 450 (3) 900 (4) 1800
92 ;{oi dh T[ukJh dk e'D, id'A ôhoô Xo[t dh goSkJhA dh bzpkJh fJ; dh bzpkJh d/ pokpo j't/, WL
(1) 600 (2) 450 (3) 900 (4) 1800
93 Sum of a number of two digits and the number obtained by reversing the digits of the first number
is 110. If the difference of the digits is 4, then the number is
(1) 62 (2) 73 (3) 84 (4) 51
93 d' nzeK dh ;zfynk dk i'V ns/ gfjbh ;zfynk d/ nzeK ù T[bNk e/ gqkgs ;zfynk 110 W. i/ nzeK dk nzso 4 W
sK ;zfynk WL
(1) 62 (2) 73 (3) 84 (4) 51
94 A and B can do a piece of work in 4 days and A alone can do it in 12 days. In how many days B
alone can do this work?
(1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (4) 8
94 A ns/ B fJe ezw ù 4 fdBK ftu eo ;ed/ jB ns/ A fJeZbk fJ; ù 12 fdBK ftu eo ;edk W. B fJeZbk
fJ; ezw ù fezB/ fdBK ftu eo/rkL
(1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (4) 8
95 A man travels some distance at a speed of 12 km/hr and returns at 9 km/hr. If the total time taken
by him is 2 hrs 20 minutes, then the distance is
(1) 18 km (2) 14 km (3) 13 km (4) 12 km
95 fJe nkdwh 12 km/hr dh oøsko Bkb e[M d{oh s? eodk W ns/ 9 Km/hr dh oøsko Bkb tkg; nkT[Adk W.
i/ T[; ù fJ; ftu e[M ;wK 2 xN/ 20 fwzN bZfrnk j't/, sK d{oh fezBh WL
(1) 18 km (2) 14 km (3) 13 km (4) 12 km
96 In a two digit number the digit in ten’s place exceeds the digit in unit’s place by 4. The sum of the
digits is 1/7 of the number, then the digit at the unit’s place is
(1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 1
96 d' nzeK tkbh ;zfynk ftu, d;thA EK s/ fgnk nze gfjb/ nze s/ gJ/ nze Bkb'A 4 tZX W. nzeK
eK dk i'V ;zfynk
dk 1/7 W, sK gfjbh EK s/ fgnk nze WL
(1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 1
97 The area of a square is 64 cm2. Then its perimeter is
(1) 64 cm (2) 32 cm (3) 46 cm (4) 48 cm
97 fJe tor dk y/socb 64 cm2 W. fJ; dk gfowkg WL
(1) 64 cm (2) 32 cm (3) 46 cm (4) 48 cm
98 The HCF of two numbers is 11 and their LCM is 693. If one of the numbers is 77, then the other
number is
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(1) 88 (2) 33 (3) 99 (4) None of these
98 d' ;zfynktK dk HCF 11 ns/ LCM 693 W. i/ fJe ;zfynk 77 W, sK d{ih ;zfynk WL
(1) 88 (2) 33 (3) 99 (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th Bjh
99 Find the smallest number of five digits exactly divisible by 16, 24, 36 and 54.
(1) 10368 (2) 10432 (3) 10560 (4) None of these
99 gzi nzeK tkbh S'Nh s'A S'Nh ;zfynk wkb{w eo' fi; ù 16, 24, 36 ns/ 54 Bkb g{oh soQK tzfvnk ik ;e/L
(1) 10368 (2) 10432 (3) 10560 (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
100 The average of seven consecutive numbers is 20. The largest of these numbers is
(1) 20 (2) 22 (3) 23 (4) 24
100 ;Zs eqfwe ;zfynktK dh n";s 20 W. fJBQK ftu'A ;G s'A tZvh ;zfynk WL
(1) 20 (2) 22 (3) 23 (4) 24
101 The volume of the greatest sphere cut off from a cylindrical wood of base radius 1cm and height
5cm is
(1) cm3 (2) cm3 (3) cm3 (4) none of these
101 1 Cm ftnk;koX ns/ 5 Cm T[ukJh d/ nkXko tkbh r'b bZeV s'A eZN/ tZv/ r'b/ dk nkfdsB WL
(1) cm3 (2) cm3 (3) cm3 (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
102 Rational expression in the lowest form is
540 Golf
104 If the total amount spent on sports during the year was Rs. 2 crores, the amount spent on cricket
and hockey together was
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(1) Rs. 8,00,000 (2) Rs. 80,00,000 (3) Rs. 1,20,00,000 (4) Rs. 1,60,00,000
104 i/ ;kb d/ d"okB y/vK T[Zgo õou ehsh e[b oew 2 eo'V W, sK feqeN ns/ jkeh T[Zgo fwbk e/ õou ehsh
oew ;hL
(1) 8,00,000 o[gJ/ (2) 80,00,000 o[gJ/ (3) 1,20,00,000 o[gJ/ (4) 1,60,00,000 o[gJ/
105 If the total amount spent on sports during the year be Rs. 180,00,000, the amount spent on
basketball exceeds that of tennis approximately by
(1) Rs. 2,50,000 (2) Rs. 3,60,000 (3) Rs. 3,75,000 (4) Rs. 4,10,000
105 i/ ;kb ftu y/vK T[go õou
õou ehsh e[b oew 1,80,00,000 o[gJ/ j't/ sK pk;eNpkZb T[Zgo ehsk õouk N?fB;
T[go ehs/ õou/ Bkb'A brGr fezBk tZX WL
(1) 2,50,000 o[gJ/ (2) 3,60,000 o[gJ/ (3) 3,75,000 o[gJ/ (4) 4,10,000 o[gJ/
106 The radius of a sphere whose volume and surface area have same value, is
(1) 1 unit (2) 2 units (3) 3 units (4) 4 units
106 fJe r'b/ dk ftnk;koX, fi; d/ nkfdsB ns/ ;sj y/so dk ;wkB w[Zb W
(1) 1 :{fBN (2) 2 :{fBN (3) 3 :{fBN (4) 4 :{fBN
107 In the number 3.4625, the place value of the digit 2 is
(1) 1000 (2) 100 (3) 1/1000 (4) 1/100
107 3.4625 ;zfynk ftu, 2 nze dk ;EkB w[Zb WL
(1) 1000 (2) 100 (3) 1/1000 (4) 1/100
108 Divide 50 by half and add 20. From the same, subtract 35. What do you get?
(1) 10 (2) 85 (3) 15 (4) None of these
108 50 ù nZX/ Bkb tzv' ns/ fJ; ftu 20 i'V'. T[; ftu'A 35 xNk fdU. s[;hA eh gqkgs eod/ j'L
(1) 10 (2) 85 (3) 15 (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
109 What number should be put in the blank box?
7 5 9 18
6 3 7 21
4 3 9
7 4 8 24
(1) 9 (2) 27 (3) 36 (4) none of these
109 õkbh pe;/ ftu fej
Vh ;zfynk oZyDh ukjhdh WL
7 5 9 18
6 3 7 21
4 3 9
7 4 8 24
(1) 9 (2) 27 (3) 36 (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
110 What is the next number after the following? 4, 9, 25, 49, ?
(1) 64 (2) 81 (3) 100 (4) 121
110 j/m fbfynK pknd nrbh ;zfynk eh WL 4, 9, 25, 49, ?
(1) 64 (2) 81 (3) 100 (4) 121
111 When the numerator of a fraction is increased by 4, the fraction increases by 2/3. What is the
denominator of the fraction?
(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) None of these
111 i/ fJe fGzB d/ nzô ftu 4 tXk fdZsk iKdk W, sK fGzB 2/3 Bkb tX iKdh W. fGzB dk jo (fvBkfwB/No) eh
(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) fJBQK ftu'A e'Jh th BjhA
112 The HCF of and is
(1) (2) (3) (4)
112 ns/ dk HCF WL
(1) (2) (3) (4)
136 eD god{ôD ù o'eD bJh j/m fby/ ftu'A fejV/ T[geoD dh tos'A ehsh iKdh j? <
(1) ro/ftNh ;?Nfbzr u?wpo (r[o{skeoôD BhgNkD eeô) (2) ;kJheb""D eb?eNo
(3) c?pfoe fcbNo (4) T[go fbZy/ ;ko/
137 Noise pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules 2001 deals with?
(1) Noise pollution due to fire crackers (2) Noise pollution due to loudspeakers
(3) Noise pollution due to public address system (4) Both (2) & (3)
137 o"bk god{ôD (tfBfwnB ns/ ekp{) fB:w 2001 fed/ Bkb ;zpfXs j? <
(1) gNkfynK s'A o"bk god{ôD (2) bkT{v ;gheo s'A o"bk god{ôD
(3) ;kotifBe ;zp'XzB goBkbh s'A o"bk god{ôD (4) d'At/A (2) ns/ (3)
138 Which book has been prepared by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) concerning endangered species of plants and animals?
(1) White Data Book (2) Red Data Book (3) Blue Data Book (4) None of these
138 e[dos ns/ e[dosh ;z;kXBK (IUCN) d/ fjck÷s bJh nzsookôNoh ;zx B/ b[gs j' ojhnK g'fXnK ns/
ikBtoK d/ ;zpX ftu fejVh feskp fsnko ehsh j? <
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(1) tkJhN vkNk p[e (;c/d vkNk feskp) (2) o?v vkNk p[e (bkb vkNk feskp)
(3) pb{ vkNk p[e (Bhbh vkNk feskp) (4) fJjBK ftu'A e'Jh BjhA
139 The BISHNOI Sect was founded by
(1) B. R. Ambedkar (2) Bhajan Lal
(3) Guru Jambheshwar (4) King of Jodhpur
139 fpôB'Jh ;zg[odkJ/ fejB/ ;Ekfgs dhsk ;h <
(1) phH nkoH nzp/deo (2) GiB bkb (3) r[o{ izwp/ôto (4) i'X g[o dk okik
140 High concentration of which of the following causes leaf curling, leaf drop and reduced leaf size in
(1) SO2 (2) CO (3) NO2 (4) None of these
140 fBwB ftZu'A fe; dh T[u fJekrosk, gZsk eofbzr, gZsh ns/ p{NhnK ftZu xN gZsh ;o{g ns/ gZsk vokg
vokg dk
ekoD pDdk j? <
(1) SO2 (2) CO (3) NO2 (4) fJjBK ftu'A e'Jh BjhA
141 Traces of radioactive waste present in water can cause?
(1) Cancer (2) Eye cataract (3) DNA breakage (4) All of these
141 gkDh ftZu gkJ/ ikD tkb/ o/vhT[Xowh e{V/ d/ fBôkB (traces
( of radioactive waste) fe; dk ekoD pD ;ed/
jB <
(1) e?A;o (2) nZyK dk w"shnk fpzd (3) DNA dh N[N c[N (4) T[go fby/ ;ko/
142 How much area is covered under forest in India?
(1) 33.47 % (2) 29.47 % (3) 22.47 % (4) 19.47 %
142 Gkos ftZu izrbks dk y/so fezB/ gqshôs j? <
(1) 33.47% (2) 29.47% (3) 22.47% (4) 19.47%
143 The Greenhouse effect was first recognized by?
(1) Jean-Baptiste Greenwood (2) Jean-Baptiste Fourier
(3) Jean-Baptiste Greenhouse (4) None of the above
143 rohB jkT[; d/ gqGkt dh gSkD ;ZG s'A gfjbK fezB/ ehsh <
(1) ihB-p?gfN;N rohBt[v (2) ihB-p?gfN;N c'fono
(3) ihB-p?gfN;N rohB jkT[; (4) fJjBK ftu'A e'Jh BjhA
144 Which of the following is responsible for global warming?
(1) Chloro-flouro carbons (2) Methane
(3) Carbon dioxide (4) All of these
144 j/m fbfynK ftu'A rb'pb tkofwzr tk;s/ e"D fizw/tko j? <
(1) eb'o'-cb'o' ekopD (2) fwE/B (3) ekopB vkJhnke;kJhv (4) T[go fby/ ;ko/
145 Which of the following acid is present in Acid rain?
(1) HNO3 (2) H2SO4 (3) CH3COOH (4) Both (1) & (2)
145 j/m fbfynK ftu'A nwbh: toyk ftu' fejVk s/ikp gkfJnk iKdk j? <
(1) HNO3 (2) H2SO4 (3) CH3COOH (4) d't/A (1) ns/ (2)
146 The situation of depletion of Ozone layer is referred as OZONE HOLE, if the ozone level decreases
(1) 800 DU (2) 400 DU (3) 200 DU (4) None of these
146 i/eo n'i'B ;sj (Ozone layer) fJ; s'A th j/mK xNdh rJh sK fejV/ jbksK ftZu n'i'B dh xNdh gos
n'i'B j'b nkyh ikJ/rh <
(1) 800 DU (2) 400 DU (3) 200 DU (4) fJjBK ftu'A e'Jh BjhA
147 Which of the following is a non-governmental organization dedicated to wildlife conservation?
(1) World Wildlife Fund for Nature, INDIA (2) Indian Board for Wildlife
(3) National Wildlife Action Plan (4) All of these
147 j/m fbfynK ftu'A fejVk
fejVk r?o;oekoh ndkok izrbh iht ofynk bJh tuBpZX j? <
(1) Gkos ftu ;z;ko d/ e[dosh izrbh ihtK bJh czv (2) iht ofynk bJh Gkosh p'ov
P-I Test Booklet code- A Page 18 of 20
(3) okôNoh izrbh iht ekfonkekoDh :'iBk (4) T[go fby/ ;ko/
148 Everyone has the right to a Nationality is covered in .............. of Universal Declaration of Human
Rights ?
(1) Article 10 (2) Article 15 (3) Article 20 (4) Article 25
148 jo fe;/ ù okôNohnsk dk jZe j? .................. fJj x'ôDk wB[Zyh jZdK Bkb fbgNh j'Jh j? (universal
declaration of human rights)
(1) nkoNheb 10 (2) nkoNheb 15 (3) nkoNheb 20 (4) nkoNheb 25
149 Ten percent law is given by
(1) Lindmann (2) Goldmann (3) Beckmann (4) None of these
149 d; gqshôs ekùB (Ten
( percent law) fe; B/ fdZsk <
(1) fbzvw?B (2) r'bvw?B (3) p/e w?B (4) fJjBK ftu'A e'Jh BjhA
150 Environment Impact Assessment(EIA) was formally established in USA in year
(1) 1967 (2) 1969 (3) 1971 (4) 1973
150 tksktoB gqGkfts ;koDh (Environment impact assessment) nw?ohek ftZu fejV/ ;kb ;Ekfgs ehsh
rJh <
(1) 1967 (2) 1969 (3) 1971 (4) 1973