2 Basic Thermal Engg.

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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore


Course Code:
Scheme (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Total Contact Hours: 52
Type of Course: Lectures, Core/ Elective:
Credit :04
Self Study & Quiz Core
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 100 Marks
Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic mathematics and Applied Science

Course Objectives:

1. It is a science of energy transfer and its effect on physical properties of substances. It is

based upon observations of common experiences of energy (mainly heat) transfer.
2. This course will provide an understanding of the basic principles of thermodynamics
which is must for understanding of major fields of mechanical engineering system

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain CO:
CL Linked Teaching Hrs
Course Outcome PO

Apply basic concepts, laws and

principles of thermodynamics to use
and select R/U/A 10
equipments/devices/machines working
CO1 on these basics
Outline various Thermodynamic R/U/A/ 1,2,3,4,6,
process and analyze them with respect 10
to various parameters An 10
Understand the Limitations,
applications and Comparison of
R/U/A 1,2,3,4,10 11
Thermodynamic cycles based on
CO3 different parameters.
CO4 Analyze performance of ICEs by R/U/A/ 1,2,3,4,6, 12
operating them and observing changes An 10
in thermodynamic properties during
each stroke of ICEs (and by using

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

thermodynamic diagrams.)
CO5 Calculate heat transfer for given heat U/A 1,2,3,4,10 05
transfer system
CO6 Identify the elements of gas turbines R/U 1,2,3,4,10 04
and processes of Jet propulsion system

Total sessions 52
Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application


Course Programme Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
THERMAL 3 3 3 3 - 3 - - - 3
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.


Unit Hour Questions to be Marks weightage
No Unit Name set for weightage (%)



1 LAWS OF 10
THERMODYNAMIC 10 5 5 20 30 21
THERMODYNAMIC 11 5 5 20 30 21
IC ENGINES- 5 10 20 35 24
5 HEAT TRANSFER 05 - 5 10 15 10
GAS TURBINE AND JET 04 5 5 - 10 07
Total 52 25 35 85 145 100

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application


Basic concepts-Definitions :system - boundary, surrounding, working fluid and state of a

system.-thermodynamic systems – closed, open and isolated systems with examples-Properties

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

of system- Intensive and Extensive properties with examples.-Definitions for properties like
Enthalpy (H), Entropy(s) Internal energy (U)- Specific heat at constant pressure(C p), specific
heat at constant volume(Cv) for a gas-Relation between Cp &Cv , characteristic gas equation,
Universal gas constant, Definitions for quasi-static work flow-Law of thermodynamics-Zeroth,
first & second laws of thermodynamics- simple problems on conversion of Heat into Work and
vice versa., Problems on gas equations-Steady flow energy equation (without proof)


Thermodynamic processes,- Explain with P-V and T-S diagram the Constant pressure, Constant
volume, Isothermal, Isentropic, Polytrophic, Free expansion and throttling processes &
equations representing the processes- Derivation for work done for the above processes-
Calculation of change in internal energy, heat supplied or rejected, change in Entropy for the
above processes. Simple problems on the above processes .


Thermodynamic cycle – reversible and irreversible cycles conditions for reversibility of a

cycle-Explanation of Carnot cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard Efficiency -
Problems on Carnot cycle-Explanation of Otto cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard
Efficiency - Simple problems on Otto cycle-Explanation of Diesel cycle with P.V. and T-S
diagrams, Air standard Efficiency - Simple problems on Diesel cycle.-Explanation of Dual
cycle with P.V. and T-S diagrams, Air standard Efficiency - Simple problems on dual cycle.



IC engine -definition-classification- Terminology of IC engine - Working principle of Two

Stroke petrol & Diesel engine - Working principle of Four Stroke petrol & Diesel engine.
Testing of IC engines-Rope brake Dynamometer-Formulae for Brake power, Indicated power
Mechanical efficiency, Indicated thermal efficiency, Brake thermal efficiency, Air standard
efficiency, Relative efficiency, Volumetric efficiency-Concept of Heat balance sheet for an
engine-Simple problems on testing of I.C. engines and heat balance sheet


Introduction -Methods of heat transfer-- Conduction, convection and radiation -Fourier’s law of
heat conduction-Newton law of cooling- Stefan-Boltzmann law -Heat transfer by conduction
through slab and composite wall- Heat transfer by Radiation: -Thermal Radiation, Absorptivity,
Transmissivity, Reflectivity, Emissivity, black and gray bodies, Radial heat transfer by
conduction through thick cylinder-Simple problems on above (conduction only)


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

Gas turbines- classification of gas turbines-Closed cycle gas turbine-Schematic diagram-
explanation-Open cycle gas turbine-schematic diagram-explanation-Comparison of open cycle
and closed cycle gas turbines.-Jet propulsion-Ram–jet engine ,turbojet engines and Rocket
engine- principle of working & application.


Sl.No. Title of Books Author Publication
1. Heat Engines Pandya and Shah Charotar Publishing
2. Thermodynamics and Heat Mathur and Mehta Tata Mcgraw- Hill
power Engg.
3 A Text book of Thermal R S Khurmi& J K Gupta S Chand
4. Thermal Engineering P.L.Ballaney Khanna.Publishers
5 Thermal Engineering A. S. Sarao SatyaPrakashan
6 Thermal Engineering R K Rajput Laxmi.Publications
7 Practical Thermodynamics G D Rai Khanna Publisher


a. http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=112105123 (IIT-B Video lectures)

b. http://www.thermofluids.net/
c. http://www.learnerstv.com/Free-Engineering-Video-lectures-ltv301-Page1.htm
d. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/thermo.html
e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb05CaG7TsQ
f. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAfBSJObd6Y
g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHUwFuHuCdw
h. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJlmRT4E6R0
i. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKqG6n6nAmg


Note: the following activities or similar activities for assessing CIE (IA) for 5 marks (Any one)
 Each student should do any one of the following type activity or similar activity related
to the course and before take up, get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
 Each student should conduct different activity and no repeating should occur

1 Identify and list real situations which works on:

a: Zeroth law.
b: First law of thermodynamics.
c: Second law of thermodynamics.
2 Identify different Thermodynamic process in real situations.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

3 Prepare charts of diesel, duel and gasoline cycles. Tabulate main points of differences
between them.
4 Write the specifications of I.C.Engine of any two wheelers. Also Construct & explain cycle
on which that I.C.Engine works.
5 Arrange visit to any gas turbine power plant/Diesel engine power plant, study the
operational features of Gas turbines/Diesel engines

Course Delivery:
 The course will be delivered through lectures and Power point presentations/ Video




Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Student

1 2 3 4 5
Collects very Collect much Collects Collects a Ex:
Does not collect
limited information; some basic great deal of
Collection any information
information; but very information; information; 4
of data relating to the
some relate to limited relate most refer to all refer to
the topic to the topic the topic the topic
Does not perform Performs all
Fulfill Performs very Performs
any duties Performs very duties of
team’s roles little duties but nearly all 5
assigned to the little duties assigned
& duties unreliable. duties
team role team roles

Rarely does Usually does Always does

Shares Always relies on the assigned the assigned the assigned 3
does the
work others to do the work; often work; rarely work without
equally work needs needs having to be
reminding reminding reminded.

Usually does Talks good;

Is always talking; Listens, but
Listen to most of the but never Listens and 2
never allows sometimes
other Team talking; rarely show interest speaks a fair
anyone else to talk too
mates allows others in listening amount
speak much
to speak others
Average / Total marks=(4+5+3+2)/4=14/4=3.5=4
Note: This is only an example. Appropriate rubrics/criteria may be devised by the
concerned faculty (Course Coordinator) for assessing the given activity.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:

What To When/Where Max Evidence Course outcomes

who (Frequency in the Marks collected
m course)
Direct CIE IA Three IA tests
Assessment (Average of three
20 Blue books
tests will be

Student activities Activities
SEE End End of the course Answer scripts
100 1,2,3,4,5,6
Exam at BTE
Indirect Student Middle of the
Feedback 1 & 2,3 Delivery
Assessment Feedback on course
forms of course

End of End of the course 1,2,3,4,5,6

Course Effectiveness of
Survey Delivery of
instructions &
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks


Ex: I test/6 th weak of I/II SEM
sem 10-11 Am Course code:15ME42T
Name of Course coordinator : Units:__ CO’s:____


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

Note: Internal choice may be given in each CO at the same cognitive level (CL).


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks


Ex: I test/6 th weak of IVSEM
sem 10-11 Am Year: 2016-17 Course code:15ME42T

Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 Co: 1,2

Note: Answer all questions


1 Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties of a 04 U 1 1,2,

system. Give three examples for each. 3,6,

2 A volume of 0.5 m3 of gas at a pressure of 10 bar and 200 oC is 06 A 1 1,2,

expanded in a cylinder to 1.2 m3 at constant pressure. 6,10
Determine the amount of work done by the gas and the
increase in internal energy. Assume Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and
Cv = 0.712 kJ/kg K.
A closed system undergoes a change in process in which 5 kJ
of heat energy is supplied to the system. Determine the change
in internal energy under the following conditions.
i) 1 kJ of work is done on the system.
ii) 1.25 kJ of work is done by the system.
3 Derive an expression for work done during polytrophic 04 U 2 1,2,
process. 3,4,

4 One kg of gas expands reversibly and adiabatically. Its 06 A 2 1,2,

temperature during the process falls from 515K to 390K, while 3,4,
the volume is doubled. The gas does 92 kJ of work in this 6,10
process Calculate: The value Cp and Cv

A gas has a molecular mass of 26.7. The gas is compressed

through a ratio of 12 according to the law PV1.25 = C, from
initial conditions of 0.9 bar and 333 K. Assuming specific heat

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

at constant volume Cv = 0.79 kJ/kg K. Calculate per kg of
mass, work done and heat flow across the cylinder walls. Gas
constant and ratio of specific heat.


IV- Semester Diploma Examination

Time: 3 Hours] [Max Marks: 100

Note: Answer any SIX from PartA and any SEVEN from Part B

PART-A 6x5=30 marks

1. Define the terms: (i) system (ii) boundary and (iii) surroundings.
2. A closed system received a heat transfer of 120 kJ and delivers a work transfer of
150 kJ. Determine the change of internal energy.
3. Derive expression for work done in constant temperature process with PV diagram.
4. A volume of 0.5 m3 of gas at a pressure of 10 bar and 200 oC is expanded in a cylinder
to 1.2 m3 at constant pressure. Determine the amount of work done by the gas and the
increase in internal energy. Assume Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.712 kJ/kg K.
5. List the assumptions made in thermodynamic air standard cycle.
6 Define IC engine and give the classification of IC engines.
7. Explain following terms:
a) Volumetric efficiency b) Mechanical efficiency
8. State and derive Fourier’s law of heat conduction.
9. State the applications and limitations of gas turbine.
1. a. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties of a system. Give three
examples for each. 04
b. A cold storage is to be maintained at -5 o while surroundings are at 35oC. The leakage from
the surroundings into the cold storage is estimated to be 29 kW. The actual C.O.P. of the
refrigeration plant is one - third of an ideal plant working between the same temperatures.
Determine the power required to drive the plant. 06
2. a) Prove that Cp-Cv=R 04
b) A piston - cylinder containing air expands at a constant pressure of 150 KPa from a
temperature of 285 K to a temperature of 550 K. The mass of air is 0.05 kg. Determine
the heat transfer, work transfer and change in internal energy during the process Cp =
1.01 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.72 kJ/kg K. 06

3. a) List the thermodynamic processes on gases. 04

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

b)A piston cylinder containing air expands at a constant pressure of 150 kpa from a
temperature of 285 K to a temperature of 550 K. The mass of air is 0.05 kg. Determine
the heat transfer, work transfer and the change in internal energy during the process.
Take Cp = 1 kJ/kg K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg K. 06
4. a. Derive an expression for work done during polytrophic process. 04
b. A gas of mass 0.56 kg is expanded adiabatically from a pressure at 8 bar to 1 bar
adiabatically. Initial temperature of the gas is 200oC. Determine the work done and
change in internal energy. Take Cp = 1 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.714 kJ/kg K. 06
5. Explain with the help of P-V and T-S diagrams working of Otto cycle and derive an
expression for the air standard efficiency of it. 10
6. A certain quantity of air at a pressure of 1 bar and temperature 70 C is compressed
reversibly and adiabatically until the pressure is 7 bar in an Otto cycle engine. 460 kJ
of heat per kg of air is now added at constant volume.
i)Compression ratio of the engine. ii)Temperature at the end of compression.
iii)Temperature at the end of heat addition.Take for air, CP = 1 kJ/kg K and
Cv = 0.707 kJ/kg . 10
7. a) Compare petrol and diesel engines. 04
b) A heat engine has a piston diameter of 150 mm, length of stroke 400 mm and mean
effective pressure 5.5 bar. The engine makes 120 explosions per minute. Determine
the mechanical efficiency of the engine, if the engine BP is 5 kW. 06
8. The following data refers to a four stroke diesel engine, speed 300 rpm cylinder diameter
200 mm, stroke 300 mm, effective brake load 500 kg, circumference of the brake
drum 400 mm, mean effective pressure 6 bar. Diesel oil consumption 0.1 litres/min,
specific gravity of diesel 0.78, calorific value of oil = 43900 kJ/kg.
Determine : i) Brake power ii) Indicated power iii) Frictional power 10
9. a) Define : (i) Conduction (ii) Radiation. 03
b) Heat is conducted through a wall of room made of composite plate with a
conduction of 134 W/mK and 60 W/mK and thickness 36 mm and 42 mm
respectively. The temperature at the outer face is 96 0C and 8 0C. Determine the
temperature at the interface of the two materials. 07

10. a) Explain closed cycle gas turbine with schematic diagram. 06

b) State the applications and limitations of gas turbine 04

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
IV Semester




1.Define the terms: (i) system (ii) boundary and (iii) surroundings.
2.Define the terms: i) Cycle (iv) Enthalpy (v) Entropy.
3.State the comparison between closed system and open system.
4.Define intensive and extensive property.
5.Define specific heat at constant pressure and specific heat at constant volume.
6.State the zeroth law and first law of thermodynamics.
7.State first law and second law of thermodynamics.
8.Define heat and work. Are these quantities a path function or point function? Explain.
9.Define the following :
i) Quasi-static process
ii) Internal energy
10.Define steady flow process & write steady flow energy equation with notations.


1. Explain open system with example.

2. Explain the closed system with example.
3. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties of a system. Give three
examples for each.
4. Derive the characteristic gas equation.
5. Establish that Cp-Cv=R.


1.A closed system received a heat transfer of 120 kJ and delivers a work transfer of 150 kJ.
Determine the change of internal energy.
2. During the compression stroke of an engine, the work done on the working substance in
the engine cylinder is 80 kJ/kg and the heat rejected to the surrounding is 40 kJ/kg.
Determine the change of internal energy.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

3. A closed system undergoes a change in process in which 5 kJ of heat energy is supplied
to the system. Determine the change in internal energy under the following conditions.
a. i) 1 kJ of work is done on the system. ii)1.25 kJ of work is done by the
4.A piston - cylinder containing air expands at a constant pressure of 150 KPa from a
temperature of 285 K to a temperature of 550 K. The mass of air is 0.05 kg. Determine
the heat transfer, work transfer and change in internal energy during the process Cp =
1.01 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.72 kJ/kg K.
5. A cold storage is to be maintained at -5o while surroundings are at 35oC. The leakage
from the surroundings into the cold storage is estimated to be 29 kW. The actual C.O.P.
of the refrigeration plant is one - third of an ideal plant working between the same
temperatures. Determine the power required to drive the plant.

6. In a compressor, the air has an internal energy at beginning of the expansion is 200 kJ/kg
and after expansion the internal energy becomes 510 kJ/kg. The work done by the air
during expansion is 150 kJ/kg. Determine the heat flow.
7.Determine the coefficient of performance and heat transfer rate in a condenser of a
refrigerator in kJ/hr whose refrigeration capacity is 11000 kJ/hr if the power input is 1.5
8.The net work output of a cyclic process is 45 kN-m. If the heat input is 125 kJ, determine
the efficiency of the cycle.
9. One litre of hydrogen at 0oC is suddenly compressed to one-half its volume. Determine
the change in temperature of the gas if the ratio of two specific heats for hydrogen is




1.List out the different thermodynamic processes on gases.

2.State characteristics of throttling process


1. Explain reversible and irreversible process.

2. Explain free expansion process with sketch.
3. Explain throttling process
4. Construct the PV and TS diagram for i) Constant pressure process ii) Constant
volume process iii) Constant temperature process.
5. Derive expression for work done in constant temperature process with PV diagram.
6. Derive expression for work done in constant entropy (Isentropic) process with PV
7. Derive an expression for work done during polytrophic process.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH


1.A quantity of gas occupies a space of 0.3m 3 at a pressure of 2 bar and a temperature of
77oC which is heated at a constant volume, until the pressure is 7 bar. Determine (i)
Temperature at the end of the process (ii) mass of the gas (iii) change in internal energy
and (iv) change in enthalpy during the process.
Assume: Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K, Cv = 0.714 kJ/kg K, R = 287 J/kg K.

2. A quantity of gas has a volume of 0.14 m 3, pressure 1.5 bar and temperature 100 oC. If
the gas is compressed at a constant pressure, until its volume becomes 0.112 m 3,
determine :
a. i)Temperature at the end of the compression ii)Work done in compressing the
b. iii) Decrease in internal energy iv)Heat given out by the gas.
3. If the values of Cp = 0.984 kJ/kg K and C v = 0.728 kJ/kg K for an ideal gas. Determine
the characteristic gas constant and ratio of specific heats for the gas. If one kg of this
gas is heated at constant pressure from 25 oC to 200oC. Estimate the heat added, ideal
work done and change in internal energy. Also Determine the pressure and final volume
if the initial volume was 2 m3.

4. A volume of 0.5 m3 of gas at a pressure of 10 bar and 200 oC is expanded in a cylinder to

1.2 m3 at constant pressure. Determine the amount of work done by the gas and the
increase in internal energy. Assume Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.712 kJ/kg K.

5. A quantity of air has a volume of 0.4 m 3 at a pressure of 5 bar and a temperature of

80oC. It is expanded in a cylinder at a constant temperature to a pressure of 1 bar.
Determine the amount of work done by the air.
6. 0.1 m3 of air at a pressure of 1.5 bar is expanded isothermally to 0.5 m 3 Determine the
final pressure of the gas and heat supplied during the process.
7. 0.5 kg of gas is compressed isentropically in such a manner that the ratio of final
pressure to initial pressure is 5.25. If the initial temperature is 100 oC Determine; (i)
work done (ii) change in internal energy. Assume: γ= 1.4 and R = 287 J/kg K.
8.One kg of gas expands reversibly and adiabatically. Its temperature during the process
falls from 515K to 390K, while the volume is doubled. The gas does 92 kJ of work in
this process Calculate: The value Cp and Cv
9. A gas of 0.15 m3 at NTP is expanded adiabatically in a cylinder to a volume of 0.3 m 3,
Determine the pressure at the end of expansion and the work during expansion. Take
Cp=1.4 KJ/Kg K
10. A certain quantity of air has a volume of 0.028 m3 at a pressure of 1.25 bar and 25oC. It
is compressed to a volume of 0.0042 m3 according to the law PV1.3= C. Determine the

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

final temperature and work done during compression. Also determine the reduction in
pressure at a constant volume required to bring the air back to its original temperature.

11. A gas has a molecular mass of 26.7. The gas is compressed through a ratio of 12
according to the law PV1.25 = C, from initial conditions of 0.9 bar and 333 K.
Assuming specific heat at constant volume Cv = 0.79 kJ/kg K. Determine per kg of
mass, work done and heat flow across the cylinder walls. Gas constant and ratio of
specific heat.




1.Define: Air standard cycle, Reversible cycle.

2.List the assumptions made in thermodynamic air standard cycle.


1. Give the comparison between Otto, diesel and dual combustion cycles.
2. Derive efficiency of Carnot cycle with PV diagram.
3. Derive the efficiency of Otto cycle with PV diagram.
4. With the help of P-V and T-S diagrams, derive an expression for the air standard
efficiency of a diesel cycle.
5. Derive an equation for the air standard efficiency of dual cycle.
6. Explain with the help of P-V and T-S diagrams working of Carnot cycle .
7. Explain with the help of P-V and T-S diagrams working of Otto cycle.
8. Explain with the help of P-V and T-S diagrams working of Diesel cycle.
9. Explain with the help of P-V and T-S diagrams working of Dual cycle .


1. A Carnot engine working between 655 K and 320 K, produces 150 kJ of work.
Determine thermal efficiency and heat added during the process.
2. A Carnot engine operates with a thermal efficiency of 70%. The minimum
temperature of the cycle is 30oC. Determine the maximum temperature of the cycle.
3. An engineer claims his engine to develop 3.75 kW. On testing, the engine consumes
0.44 kg of fuel per hour having a calorific value of 42000 kJ/kg. The maximum
temperature recorded in the cycle is 1400oC and minimum is 350oC. Determine
whether the engineer is justified in his claim.
4. A Carnot cycle receives heat at 900 oC and rejects at 50oC. Determine the efficiency
of the cycle. If the cycle receives 4600 kJ of heat per minute, Determine the power
developed by the engine.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

5. A Carnot cycle works with isentropic compression ratio of 5 and isothermal
expansion ratio of 2. The volume of air at the beginning of the isothermal expansion
is 0.3 m3. If the maximum temperature and pressure is limited to 550 K and 21 bar.
Determine; Minimum temperature in the cycle, Thermal efficiency of the
cycle. Pressure at all salient points. Take ratio of specific heats as 1.4
6. In an Otto cycle, the beginning and end temperatures of a isentropic compression
are 316 K and 596 K respectively. Determine the air standard efficiency and the
compression ratio. Take γ= 1.4.
7. A certain quantity of air at a pressure of 1 bar and temperature 70 oC is compressed
reversibly and adiabatically until the pressure is 7 bar in an Otto cycle engine. 460
kJ of heat per kg of air is now added at constant volume. Determine:
Compression ratio of the engine. Temperature at the end of compression.
Temperature at the end of heat addition. Take for air, CP = 1 kJ/kg K and Cv =
0.707 kJ/kg K.
8. An Otto cycle has a cylinder diameter of 150 mm and a stroke of 225 mm. The
clearance volume is 1.25X10-3 m3. Calculate the air standard efficiency of the
cycle. Take γ= 1.4.
9. In an air standard Otto cycle, the compression ratio is 6.5 and the compression
begins at 1 bar and 313 K. The heat added is 2520 kJ/kg. Determine: The maximum
temperature and pressure of the cycle. Work done per kg of air. Cycle efficiency.
Take for air Cv = 0.713 kJ/kg K, R = 287 J/kg K = 0.287 kJ/kg K.
10. In an Otto cycle, air at 1 bar and 290 K is compressed isentropically until the
pressure is 15 bar. The heat is added at constant volume until the pressure rises to 40
bar. Determine the air standard efficiency and work done during the cycle. Take C v
= 0.717 kJ/kg K and Ru = 8.314 kJ/kg mol K.
11. A diesel engine with a compression ratio is 13:1 and fuel cut off ratio is at 8% of the
stroke. Determine the air standard efficiency of an engine. Take, for air γ= 1.4.

12. A diesel cycle operating with the temperatures at the beginning and end of
compression are 57oC and 603oC respectively. The temperatures at the beginning
and end of expansion are 1950oC and 870oC respectively. Determine the ideal
efficiency of the cycle. Take γ = 1.4. If the compression ratio is 14 and the pressure
at the beginning of compression is 1 bar. Determine the maximum pressure of the
13. An ideal diesel engine has a diameter 150 mm and stroke 200 mm. The clearance
volume is 10 percent of the swept volume. Determine the compression ratio and the
air standard efficiency of the engine if the cut-off takes place at 6 percent of the
14. A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 15. Heat addition at constant pressure
takes place at 10% of the stroke. Determine the air standard efficiency of the engine.
Take γ = 1.4 for air.

15. The compression ratio of an ideal air standard diesel cycle is 15. The heat transfer is
1465 kJ/kg of air. Determine the pressure and temperature at the end of each process

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

and determine the cycle efficiency, if the inlet conditions are 300 K and 1 bar. Take
γ= 1.4 and Cv = 0.712 kJ/kg K, Cp = 1 kJ/kg K for air.
16. An engine working on dual combustion cycle, has a compression ratio 10 and cut
off takes place at of the stroke. If the pressure at the beginning of compression is 1
bar and maximum pressure 40 bar, determine the air standard efficiency of the
cycle. Take γ= 1.4.
17. An engine working on dual combustion cycle with cylinder diameter of 30 cm and a
stroke of 42 cm. The clearance volume is 1800 cm 3 and cut off takes place at 6% of
the stroke. The explosion pressure ratio is 1.4. Determine the air standard efficiency
of the engine. Assume γ= 1.4 for air.




1.Define IC engine and give the classification of IC engines.

2.Define the following terms i) cylinder bore ii) swept volume iii) compression ratio.
3.Define brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency.
4.Define: Indicated thermal efficiency, Brake mean effective pressure, Brake thermal
5. Define : Air standard efficiency, Volumetric efficiency, Relative efficiency


1.Explain with diagram internal combustion engine indicating the component parts.
2.Explain with neat diagram the working of two stroke petrol engine.
3.Explain with neat diagram the working of four stroke petrol engine.
4.Explain with neat diagram the working of two stroke Diesel engine.
5.Explain with neat diagram the working of four stroke diesel engine.
6.Explain with diagram Rope brake dynamometer
7.Explain the concept of heat balance sheet.


1.A heat engine has a piston diameter of 150 mm, length of stroke 400 mm and mean
effective pressure 5.5 bar. The engine makes 120 explosions per minute.
Determine the mechanical efficiency of the engine, if the engine BP is 5 kW.
2.A diesel engine uses 6.5 kg of oil per hour of calorific value 30000 kJ/kg. If the BP of
the engine is 22 kW and mechanical efficiency 85%. Determine : 1) Indicated thermal
efficiency, 2) Brake thermal efficiency 3) Specific fuel consumption in kg/BP/hr.
3.During the test on single cylinder diesel engine, working on the four stroke cycle and
fitted with a rope brake, the following readings are taken:

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

Effective diameter of brake wheel = 360 mm; Dead load on brake = 200 N;
Spring balance reading = 30 N; Speed = 450 rpm; Area of indicator
diagram = 420 m2; Length of indicator diagram = 60 mm; Spring scale = 1.1
bar per mm; Diameter of cylinder = 100 mm; Stroke = 150 mm; Quality of oil
used = 0.815 kg/hr; Calorific value of oil = 42000 kJ/kg.Determine brake power,
indicated power, mechanical efficiency, brake thermal efficiency and brake
specific fuel consumption.

4. A test is carried out on a single cylinder four stroke petrol engine gave the following
results :

Cylinder diameter = 0.3 m; piston movement = 0.52 m; clearance

volume = 0.0092 m3; explosions per minute = 110, indicated mean
effective pressure = 7 bar; mass of the fuel = 28 kg/hr; calorific value of
fuel = 19228 kJ/kg and take γ = 1.4 for air. Determine :i) Indicated
thermal efficiency ii) Air standard efficiency iii) Relative efficiency.

5. The following observations were made during a test on a single cylinder 4 stroke cycle
diesel engine.

Speed - 150 rpm

Circumference of brake drum - 920 rpm
Load on brake drum - 150 mm
Spring balance reading - 25 N
Area of indicated diagram- 950 mm2
Length of indicated diagram - 60 mm
Spring constant - 0.035 N/mm2/mm
Cylinder diameter - 80 mm
Length of stroke - 110 mm
C.V. of fuel - 45430 kJ/kg
Fuel consumed - 0.85 kg/hr
6. Determine : i) Mechanical efficiency ii) Indicated thermal efficiency iii)
7. A four stroke diesel engine has a cylinder bore of 150 mm and a stroke of 250 mm. The
crank shaft speed is 300 rpm and fuel consumption is 1.2 kg/hr, having a calorific value
of 39900 kJ/kg. The indicated mean effective pressure is 5.5 bar. If the compression
ratio is 15 and cut off ratio is 1.8. Determine the relative efficiency. Assuming = 1.4 for
the air.
8. A four stroke four cylinder petrol engine gave the following details:

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

i. Stroke = 95 mm; Bore = 65 mm; Speed = 3000 rpm; Clearance volume
= 65 cm3; Relative efficiency on brake thermal efficiency is 45%; CV of
petrol is 46300 kJ/kg. Torque developed is 70 N-m. Determine i)
Specific fuel consumption, ii) Brake power, iii) BMEP. Take = 1.4 and
= 80%.

9. A petrol engine consumes 0.28 kg of fuel per BP-hr, calorific value of fuel is 44000
kJ/kg, mechanical efficiency is 80% and compression ratio is 5.8. Determine (a) Brake
thermal efficiency, (b) Indicated thermal efficiency, (c) air standard efficiency, (d)
Relative efficiency, take = 1.4 for air.

10. An I.C. engine uses 6 kg of fuel having calorific value 44000 kJ/kg in one hour. The I.P
developed is 18 kW. The temperature of 11.5 kg of cooling water was found to rise
through 25 0C per minute. The temperature of 4.2 kg of exhaust gas with specific heat 1
kJ/kgK was found to rise through 220 0C. Construct heat balance sheet for the engine.

8. A gas engine working on four stroke constant volume cycle, gave the following results
when loaded by friction brake during a test of an hour’s duration :

Cylinder diameter 240 mm; Stroke length 480 mm; Clearance volume
445010--6 m3; Effective circumference of the brake wheel 3.86 m; Net load on
brake 1260 N at overall speed of 226.7 rpm; Average explosions/min 77; mep of
indicator card 7.5 bar; Gas used 13 m3/hr at 15 0C and 771 mm of Hg; Lower
calorific value of gas 49350 kJ/m3 at NTP; Cooling jacket water 660 kg raised
to 34.2 0C; Heat lost to exhaust gases 8%. Determine: i) IP ii) PB, iii) Indicated
thermal efficiency iv) Efficiency ratio. Also Construct a heat balance
sheet for the engine.

9. 31. A test on a single cylinder 4 stroke oil engine having bore 18 cm and stroke 36 cm
yielded the following results : Brake torque 0.44 kN-m, MEP 7.2 bar, fuel consumption
3.5 kg/min, cooling water flow 4.5 kg/min, water temperature rise 36 0C, A/F ratio 25,
exhaust gas temperature 4150C, Room temperature 210C, Specific heat of exhaust gases
1.05 kJ/kgK, calorific value 45200 kJ/kg, speed = 286 rpm. Construct up a heat
balance sheet on kJ/min basis.



1.Derive an expression for heat transfer through a slab.

2.Derive an expression heat transfer through a composite wall.
3.Derive an expression for the quantity of heat flow through boiler tubes.
4.Explain with line diagram thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of a material.
5.Explain with line diagram radial heat transfer by conduction through thick cylinder.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

6.A boiler is made of iron plates 12 mm thick, if the temperature of the outside surface be
120 0C and that of the inner is 100 0C, Determine (i) heat transfer per hr and (ii) mass of
water evaporated per hour. Assume that the area of heating surface is 5 m2. Take K for
iron as 84 W/mK and latent heat of water at 100 0C is hfg = 2260 kJ/kg.
7.Heat is conducted through a wall of room made of composite plate with a conduction of
134 W/mK and 60 W/mK and thickness 36 mm and 42 mm respectively. The
temperature at the outer face is 96 0C and 8 0C. Determine the temperature at the
interface of the two materials.
8.A furnace wall is made up of bricks of 200 mm thick. The inner and outer surfaces of the
wall have temperature of 800 0C and 200 0C. Determine the heat loss. If the outside
temperature becomes 25 0C, after the furnace wall is covered with insulator of 100 mm
thick, Determine the reduction in heat loss.
a. Take Kbrick = 4.5 W/mK, Kinsulator = 0.5 W/mK.

9. Glass windows of a room have a total area of 10 m2 and the glass is 4 mm thick.
Determine the quantity of heat that escapes from the room by conduction per second
when the inside surfaces of windows are at 25 0 and the outside surfaces at 100 The
value of K is 0.84 W/mK.

10. The walls of a room having the parallel layers in contact of cement, brick and wood of
thickness 20 mm, 300 mm and 10 mm respectively. Determine the quantity of heat that
passes through each m2 of wall per minute. If the temperature of air in contact with the
wall is 5 0C and 300 C inside. The values of K for cement, brick and wood are 0.294,
0.252 and 0.168 W/mK respectively.

11. Determine the rate of heat flow per square metre through the furnace wall made of 3 cm
thick iron metal and covered with an insulating material of 0.4 cm thick. Take K
iron = 51 W/mK and K insulator = 0.15 W/mK. The temperatures of the outside and
inside surfaces of the wall are 400 0 and 64 0C respectively.




1.List the classification of gas turbine.

2.State the applications and limitations of gas turbine.
3.State the application of gas turbine and fuel used in gas turbine.
4. Identify the difference between the closed cycle gas turbine and a open cycle gas


1. Explain closed cycle gas turbine with schematic diagram.

2. Explain open cycle gas turbine with schematic diagram.
3. Explain with neat diagram closed cycle gas turbine with intercooling and reheating
4. Explain with neat diagram the turbo-jet engine.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

5. Explain with neat diagram the working of Ram-jet engine.
6. Explain the working principle of rocket engine with line diagram.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15ME42T MECH

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