Loq and Lod

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Review Article

Methods for the determination of limit of detection and

limit of quantitation of the analytical methods

The quality of an analytical method developed is always appraised in terms of suitability for its intended
purpose, recovery, requirement for standardization, sensitivity, analyte stability, ease of analysis, skill subset
required, time and cost in that order. It is highly imperative to establish through a systematic process that
the analytical method under question is acceptable for its intended purpose. Limit of detection (LOD) and
limit of quantification (LOQ) are two important performance characteristics in method validation. LOD and
LOQ are terms used to describe the smallest concentration of an analyte that can be reliably measured by an
analytical procedure. There has often been a lack of agreement within the clinical laboratory field as to the
terminology best suited to describe this parameter. Likewise, there have been various methods for estimating
it. The presented review provides information relating to the calculation of the limit of detection and limit of
quantitation. Brief information about differences in various regulatory agencies about these parameters is
also presented here.

Key words:
Detection limit, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, quantitation limit, methods for
determination of LOD and LOQ

from one laboratory to another and/or to include it in
Analytical method development and validation official compendia. Such exercises include the use of a
procedures are vital in the discovery and development of method by large numbers of people, in various laboratories
drugs and pharmaceuticals. Analytical methods are used across the globe and on instruments manufactured
to aid in the process of drug synthesis, screen potential by different manufacturers, thereby causing a greater
drug candidates, support formulation studies, monitor probability of decreased reproducibility and reliability.
the stability of bulk pharmaceuticals and formulated These problems can be foreseen and avoided by thorough
products, and test final products for release. The quality validation of the analytical method.[1]
of analytical data is a key factor in the success of a drug
and formulation development program. During the post Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ)
approval commercial production stage of bulk drugs and parameters are related but have distinct definitions and
pharmaceutical products, the official or in-house test should not be confused. The intent is to define the smallest
methods that have resulted from the analytical method concentration of analyte that can be detected with no
development and validation process cycle become guarantee about the bias or imprecision of the result by an
indispensable for reliable monitoring of the integrity, assay, the concentration at which quantitation as defined
purity, quality, strength and potency of the manufactured by bias and precision goals is feasible, and finally the
products. There is often a need to transfer methodology
Alankar Shrivastava, Vipin B. Gupta
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Website: Pharmacy, Mhow Neemuch Road, Mandsaur,
http://www.cysonline.org Madhya Pradesh - 458 001, India
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Alankar Shrivastava
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, BR Nahata College of Pharmacy,
10.4103/2229-5186.79345 Mhow-Neemuch Road, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh 458 001, India.
E-mail: alankarshrivastava@gmail.com

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Shrivastava and Gupta: Methods for LOD and LOQ determination

Table 1: Comparison of different guidelines for ‘‘detection limit’’ parameter of analytical method validation[1]
Definition Lowest amount of analyte in the sample, which can be Explicitly Lowest content Lowest amount of Smallest
detected but not necessarily quantitated under stated not that can be analyte in the sample, amount of conc.
experimental conditions described measured with which can be detected of analyte in
reasonable but not necessarily the sample that
statistical quantitated under can be reliably
certainty stated experimental distinguished
conditions. from zero.
Method 1. By visual evaluation Not Based on more For non-instrumental: Not specified
2. Based on S/N ratio described than 20 blank Analysis of sample
Applicable to procedure, which exhibits base line noise readings with known
Low conc. of analyte is compared with blank concentration of
3. Based on S.D. of analyte and by
response and slope establishing minimum
LOQ=3.3σ/s concentration at
s – Slope of calibration curve which analyte can be
σ – S.D. of response; reliably detected. For
can be obtained by instrumental: Process
Standard deviation of blank response for non-instrumental
Residual standard deviation of the regression line can be adopted.
Standard deviation of the y-intercept of the regression line Detection limit
Sy/x, i.e. standard error of estimate should be sufficiently
low for analysis of
samples with known
concentration of
analyte above and
below the required
detection limit
Expression/ If based on visual examination or S/N ratio - relevant Not The mean value Not specified Not specified
calculation chromatogram is to be presented specified of the matrix
If by calculation/extrapolation estimate is validated by blank readings
analysis of suitable no. of samples known to be near or (n≥20) plus
prepared at detection limit three standard
deviations of the
mean, expressed
in analyte
Acceptance S/N ratio>2–3; not Not Not specified Not specified Not specified
criteria specified in other cases specified
ICH – International Conference on Harmonisation, US FDA – United states food and drug administration; AOAC – Association of Analytical
Communities; USP – United States Pharmacopoeia; IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

concentration at which the analyte can be quantitated with analyte in a sample that can be determined with acceptable
a linear response.[2] Comparison of regulatory authorities precision and accuracy under the stated conditions of test.[9]
such as United States Pharmacopoeia (USP),[3] Foods and
Drugs Administration (FDA),[4] International Union of Although reagent package inserts may state that an assay
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC),[5] International has a dynamic range that extends from zero concentration to
Conference on Harmonisation (ICH)[6] and Association of some upper limit, typically an assay is simply not capable of
Analytical Communities (AOAC)[7,8] for limit of detection accurately measuring analyte concentrations down to zero.
and limit of quantitation are produced in Tables 1 and 2, Sufficient analyte concentration must be present to produce
respectively. an analytical signal that can reliably be distinguished from
“analytical noise,” the signal produced in the absence of
Detection and Quantitation Limits (LOD and analyte.[10]
However, some common methods[11] for the estimation of
There are several terms that have been used to define detection and quantitation limit are
LOD and LOQ. In general, the LOD is taken as the lowest • Visual definition
concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be detected, • Calculation from the signal-to-noise ratio (DL and
but not necessarily quantified, under the stated conditions QL correspond to 3 or 2 and 10 times the noise level,
of the test. The LOQ is the lowest concentration of an respectively)

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Shrivastava and Gupta: Methods for LOD and LOQ determination

Table 2: Comparison of different guidelines for ‘quantitation limit’ parameter of analytical method validation[1]
Definition Lowest amount of analyte in a sample, The lowest amount The limit of Lowest amount of analyte Not defined
which can be quantitatively determined of analyte that can quantitation in a sample, which can be
with suitable precision and accuracy. be quantitatively is the lowest quantitatively determined with
determined with amount of suitable precision and accuracy
suitable precision and analyte in
accuracy also called a sample,
LLOQ (Lower limit of which can be
quantification). quantitatively
with precision
and accuracy
to analyte
and matrix
Method 1. By visual evaluation Preparation of standard Not specified 1. By visual evaluation Not
2. Based on S/N ratio curve and lowest conc. 2. Based on S/N ratio recommended;
Applicable to procedure, which on the calibration curve Applicable to procedure, which only
exhibits base line noise. should be accepted exhibits base line noise. recommends
Low conc. of analyte is compared as LLOQ if it satisfies Low concentration of analyte is expressing
with blank following condition. compared with blank uncertainty
3. Based on S.D. of response and slope Response at 3. Based on S.D. of response of
LOQ=10σ/s LLOQ=5×Response by and slope measurement
s – Slope of calibration curve blank LOQ=10σ/s as function of
σ – S.D. of response; Analyte peak should s – Slope of calibration curve concentration
can be obtained by be identifiable discrete σ – S.D. of response;
Standard deviation of blank and reproducible with can be obtained by
response precision of 20% and Standard deviation of blank
Residual standard deviation of the accuracy of 80%– response
regression line 120% Residual standard deviation of
Standard deviation of the y-intercept the regression line
of the regression line Standard deviation of the
Sy/x, i.e. standard error of estimate y-intercept of the regression line
Sy/x, i.e. standard error of
Recomm- Limit should be validated by analysis Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
endation of suitable no. of samples known to be
near or prepared at quantitation limit.
Expression/ Limits of quantitation and method used Not specified Mean value Expressed as analyte concentration Not specified
calculation for determining should be presented. of the matrix (% or ppb)
Expressed as analyte concentration blank reading
plus 10
of the mean,
in analyte
Acceptance Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
ICH – International Conference on Harmonisation, US FDA – United states food and drug administration; AOAC – Association of Analytical
Communities; USP – United States Pharmacopoeia; IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

• Calculation from the standard deviation of the blank SD: Standard deviation of the blank, standard deviation of
• Calculation from the calibration line at low the ordinate intercept, or residual standard deviation
concentrations of the linear regression
F×SD b: Slope of the regression line
b The estimated limits should be verified by analyzing a
Where suitable number of samples containing the analyte at
F: Factor of 3.3 and 10 for DL and QL, respectively the corresponding concentrations. The DL or QL and the

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Shrivastava and Gupta: Methods for LOD and LOQ determination

procedure used for determination, as well as relevant

chromatograms, should be reported.

Signal- to-noise
By using the signal-to-noise method, the peak-to-peak
noise around the analyte retention time is measured, and
subsequently, the concentration of the analyte that would
yield a signal equal to certain value of noise to signal ratio
is estimated. The noise magnitude can be measured either
manually on the chromatogram printout or by auto-
integrator of the instrument. A signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)
of three is generally accepted for estimating LOD and
signal-to-noise ratio of ten is used for estimating LOQ. This
method is commonly applied to analytical methods that
exhibit baseline noise.[11]
Figure 1: Signal-to-noise examples of 10:1 (top) and 3:1 (bottom),
For chromatography a test sample with the analyte at using the method of the EP
the level at which detection is required or determined is
chromatographed over a period of time equivalent to 20 expressed as the analyte concentration corresponding to the
times the peak width at half-height [Figure 1]. The signal- sample blank value plus three standard deviation and LOQ
to-noise ratio is calculated from Equation (1). is the analyte concentration corresponding to the sample
2H blank value plus ten standard deviations as shown in the
S/D = (1) following equations:
LOD=Xb1 +3Sb1,
where H is the height of the peak, corresponding to the
component concerned, in the chromatogram obtained with
the prescribed reference solution, and measured from the
where Xb1 is the mean concentration of the blank and Sb1
maximum of the peak to the extrapolated baseline of the
is the standard deviation of the blank. This is a simple and
signal observed over a distance equal to 20 times the width
quick method. The weakness is that there is no objective
at half-height h is the peak-to-peak background noise in a
evidence to prove that a low concentration of analyte will
chromatogram obtained after injection or application of a
indeed produce a signal distinguishable from a blank (zero
blank, observed over a distance equal to 20 times the width
concentration) sample.[9]
at half-height of the peak in the chromatogram obtained.
Linear regression
This approach is specified in the European Pharmacopoeia.[5]
For a linear calibration curve, it is assumed that the
It is important that the system is free from significant
instrument response y is linearly related to the standard
baseline drift and/or shifts during this determination.
concentration x for a limited range of concentration.[9] It can
be expressed in a model such as
Figure 1 shows examples of S/N ratios of 10:1 and 3:1
which approximate the requirements for the QL and DL,
respectively. This approach works only for peak height
measurements. This model is used to compute the sensitivity b and the
LOD and LOQ. Therefore, the LOD and LOQ can be
Blank determination expressed as
It is assumed that they both have the same variance and LOD=3Sa/b,
are normally distributed. As the curves overlap there is a LOQ=10Sa/b,
probability that we could conclude that we have detected
the analyte when this is in fact due to the blank signal where Sa is the standard deviation of the response and b is
(false positive, α error or type 1 error). Alternatively, we the slope of the calibration curve. The standard deviation of
can conclude that the analyte is not detected when it is in the response can be estimated by the standard deviation of
fact present (false negative, β error or type 2 error). When either y-residuals, or y-intercepts, of regression lines. This
addressing the issue about when an analyte has been method can be applied in all cases, and it is most applicable
detected it is always a matter of risk.[11] when the analysis method does not involve background
noise. It uses a range of low values close to zero for calibration
The blank determination is applied when the blank analysis curve, and with a more homogeneous distribution will result
gives results with a nonzero standard deviation. LOD is in a more relevant assessment.

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Shrivastava and Gupta: Methods for LOD and LOQ determination

Limit of blank determination of the precision, usually at 95% level of

LoB as the highest apparent analyte concentration statistical confidence.
expected to be found when replicates of a sample
containing no analyte are tested. Note that although Conclusion
the samples tested to define LoB are devoid of analyte, a
blank (zero) sample can produce an analytical signal that In this review, the authors have tried to give information
might otherwise be consistent with a low concentration of to the researchers engaged in establishing analytical profiles
analyte. LoB is estimated by measuring replicates of a blank of the drug substances or products. Data are adequate and
sample and calculating the mean result and the standard sufficient to meet the laboratory’s method requirements.
deviation (SD).[2] The laboratory must be able to match the performance
LoB=meanblank+1.645(SDblank) data as described in the standard and to establish these
parameters a manufacturer would test a large number
After calculating this value LOD can be calculated according of sample replicates to increase the robustness and the
to LOD=LOB+1.645(SDlow concentration sample). statistical confidence of the estimate. Comparison of all of
the validation parameters in different regulatory agencies is
Precision-based approaches summarized by Chandran and Singh[1] and is a better option
The quantitation limit can also be obtained from precision for curious readers.
studies.[10,11] For this approach, decreasing analyte
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How to cite this article: Shrivastava A, Gupta VB. Methods for the determination
result, i.e., is compared with the acceptance limits. of limit of detection and limit of quantitation of the analytical methods. Chron
If each individual determination is defined as the Young Sci 2011;2:21-5.
reportable result, n=1 has to be used.
tdf Student t-factor for the degrees of freedom during Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared

Vol. 2 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2011  25  Chronicles of Young Scientists

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