Chapter 2 (CP) PDF
Chapter 2 (CP) PDF
Chapter 2 (CP) PDF
Presented in this chapter are the study design, anatomy and physiologic
review and the pathophysiology of the disease.
● Horizontal Segment: This segment “burrows into” the brain tissue via
branches called the lateral lenticulostriate arteries. These arteries are
responsible for supplying blood to the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia are
vas clusters of nerve cells, called neurons that are responsible for
involuntary movements.
● Sylvian Segment: Supplies blood to the temporal lobe and insular cortex.
The temporal lobe is involved in the processing of sound. The insular
cortex, also called the insula, regulates some motor function and helps
pair emotions with experiences. The branches of the Sylvian segment may
bifurcate (split in two) or trifurcate (split in three) into trunks. This area of
the brain also contains the operculum, a covering of the brain, which
extends from insula in the direction of the cortex, the outer layer of the
brain. The Sylvian segment is sometimes separated into the opercular
segments and the insular segment.
● Cortical Segments: Provides blood to the cortex
A. Etiology
B. Symptomatology